
 *	io.c - low level I/O processing portion of nroff word processor
 *	adapted for atariST/TOS by Bill Rosenkranz 11/89
 *	net:
 *	CIS:	71460,17
 *	original author:
 *	Stephen L. Browning
 *	5723 North Parker Avenue
 *	Indianapolis, Indiana 46220
 *	history:
 *	- Originally written in BDS C;
 *	- Adapted for standard C by W. N. Paul
 *	- Heavily hacked up to conform to "real" nroff by Bill Rosenkranz

#undef NRO_MAIN					/* extern globals */

#include <stdio.h>
#include "nroff.h"

/*	getlin			*/
getlin (p, in_buf)
char   *p;
FILE   *in_buf;

 *	retrieve one line of input text

	register char  *q;
	register int	i;
	int		c;
	int		nreg;

	q = p;
	for (i = 0; i < MAXLINE - 1; ++i)
		c = ngetc (in_buf);
		if (c == EOF)
			*q = EOS;
			c  = strlen (p);
			return (c == 0 ? EOF : c);
		*q++ = c;
		if (c == '\n')
	*q = EOS;

	nreg = findreg (".c");
	if (nreg > 0)
		set_ireg (".c", rg[nreg].rval + 1, 0);

	return (strlen (p));

/*	ngetc			*/
ngetc (infp)
FILE   *infp;

 *	get character from input file or push back buffer

	register int	c;

	if (mac.ppb >= &mac.pbb[0])
		c = *mac.ppb--;
		c = getc (infp);

	return (c);

/*	pbstr			*/
pbstr (p)
char   *p;

 *	Push back string into input stream

	register int	i;

	 *   if string is null, we do nothing
	if (p == NULL_CPTR)
	if (p[0] == EOS)
	for (i = strlen (p) - 1; i >= 0; --i)
		putbak (p[i]);

/*	putbak			*/
putbak (c)
char    c;

 *	Push character back into input stream. we use the push-back buffer
 *	stored with macros.

	if (mac.ppb < &(mac.pbb[0]))
		mac.ppb = &(mac.pbb[0]);
		*mac.ppb = c;
		if (mac.ppb >= &mac.pbb[MAXLINE - 1])
			fprintf (err_stream,
				"***%s: push back buffer overflow\n", myname);
			err_exit (-1);
		*++(mac.ppb) = c;

/*	prchar			*/
prchar (c, fp)
char    c;
FILE   *fp;

 *	print character with test for printer

	if (fp == stdout)
		putc (c, fp);
		putc_lpr (c, fp);

/*	put			*/
put (p)
char   *p;

 *	put out line with proper spacing and indenting

	register int	j;
	char		os[MAXLINE];

	if (pg.lineno == 0 || pg.lineno > pg.bottom)
		phead ();
	if (dc.prflg == TRUE)
		if (!dc.bsflg)
			if (strkovr (p, os) == TRUE)
				for (j = 0; j < pg.offset; ++j)
					prchar (' ', out_stream);
				for (j = 0; j < dc.tival; ++j)
					prchar (' ', out_stream);
				putlin (os, out_stream);
		for (j = 0; j < pg.offset; ++j)
			prchar (' ', out_stream);
		for (j = 0; j < dc.tival; ++j)
			prchar (' ', out_stream);
		putlin (p, out_stream);
	dc.tival = dc.inval;
	skip (min (dc.lsval - 1, pg.bottom - pg.lineno));
	pg.lineno = pg.lineno + dc.lsval;
	set_ireg ("ln", pg.lineno, 0);
	if (pg.lineno > pg.bottom)
		pfoot ();
		if (stepping)
			wait_for_char ();

/*	putlin			*/
putlin (p, pbuf)
register char  *p;
FILE	       *pbuf;

 *	output a null terminated string to the file
 *	specified by pbuf.

	while (*p != EOS)
		prchar (*p++, pbuf);

/*	putc_lpr		*/
#ifdef GEMDOS
#include <osbind.h>

putc_lpr (c, fp)
char	c;
FILE   *fp;

 *	write char to printer

#ifdef GEMDOS
	Bconout (0, (int) c & 0x00FF);
	putc (c, fp);