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/* paste - laminate files		Author: David Ihnat */

/* Paste - a recreation of the Unix(Tm) paste(1) command.
 * syntax:	paste file1 file2 ...
 *		paste -dLIST file1 file2 ...
 *		paste -s [-dLIST] file1 file2 ...
 *	Copyright (C) 1984 by David M. Ihnat
 * This program is a total rewrite of the Bell Laboratories Unix(Tm)
 * command of the same name, as of System V.  It contains no proprietary
 * code, and therefore may be used without violation of any proprietary
 * agreements whatsoever.  However, you will notice that the program is
 * copyrighted by me.  This is to assure the program does *not* fall
 * into the public domain.  Thus, I may specify just what I am now:
 * This program may be freely copied and distributed, provided this notice
 * remains; it may not be sold for profit without express written consent of
 * the author.
 * Please note that I recreated the behavior of the Unix(Tm) 'paste' command
 * as faithfully as possible, with minor exceptions (noted below); however,
 * I haven't run a full set of regression * tests.  Thus, the user of
 * this program accepts full responsibility for any effects or loss;
 * in particular, the author is not responsible for any losses,
 * explicit or incidental, that may be incurred through use of this program.
 * The changes to the program, with one exception, are transparent to
 * a user familiar with the Unix command of the same name.  These changes
 * are:
 * 1) The '-s' option had a bug in the Unix version when used with multiple
 *    files.  (It would repeat each file in a list, i.e., for
 *    'paste -s file1 file2 file3', it would list
 *    <file1\n><file1\n><file2\n><file1\n><file2\n><file3\n>
 *    I fixed this, and reported the bug to the providers of the command in
 *    Unix.
 * 2) The list of valid escape sequences has been expanded to include
 *    \b,\f, and \r.  (Just because *I* can't imagine why you'd want
 *    to use them doesn't mean I should keep them from you.)
 * 3) There is no longer any restriction on line length.
 * I ask that any bugs (and, if possible, fixes) be reported to me when
 * possible.  -David Ihnat (312) 784-4544 ihuxx!ignatz

/* Modified to run under MINIX 1.1
 * by David O. Tinker  (416) 978-3636 (utgpu!dtinker)
 * Sept. 19, 1987

#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>

extern int errno;

/* I'd love to use enums, but not everyone has them.  Portability, y'know. */
#define NODELIM		1
#define USAGE		2
#define BADFILE		3
#define TOOMANY		4

#define	TAB		'\t'
#define	NL		'\n'
#define	BS		'\b'
#define	FF		'\f'
#define	CR		'\r'
#define DEL             '\177'

#define	_MAXSZ		512
#define _MAXFILES	12
#define	CLOSED		((FILE *)-1)
#define ENDLIST		((FILE *)-2)

char *cmdnam, ToUpper();

short int dflag, sflag;
char delims[] = {TAB};

main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
  char *strcpy();

  dflag = sflag = 0;

  cmdnam = *argv;

  if (argc >= 2) {

	/* Skip invocation name */

	/* First, parse input options */

	while (argv[0][0] == '-' && argv[0][1] != '\0') {
		switch (ToUpper(argv[0][1])) {
		    case 'D':
			/* Delimiter character(s) */
			strcpy(delims, &argv[0][2]);
			if (*delims == '\0')
				prerr(NODELIM, "");


		    case 'S':	sflag++;	break;

		    default:	prerr(USAGE, "");
  } else
	prerr(USAGE, "");

  /* If no files specified, simply exit.  Otherwise, if not the old
   * '-s' option, process all files. If '-s', then process files
   * one-at-a-time. */
  if (!sflag)
	docol(argc, argv);	/* Column paste */
	doserial(argc, argv);	/* Serial paste */


docol(nfiles, fnamptr)
int nfiles;
char **fnamptr;
  char iobuff[_MAXSZ];		/* i/o buffer for the fgets */
  short int somedone;		/* flag for blank field handling */

  /* There is a strange case where all files are just ready to be
   * closed, or will on this round.  In that case, the string of
   * delimiters must be preserved.  delbuf[1] ->delbuf[MAXFILES+1]
   * provides intermediate storage for closed files, if needed;
   * delbuf[0] is the current index. */
  char delbuf[_MAXFILES + 2];

  FILE *fileptr[_MAXFILES + 1];
  FILE *fopen();

  char *fgets();

  int filecnt;			/* Set to number of files to process */
  register char *delimptr;	/* Cycling delimiter pointer */
  int index;			/* Working variable */
  int strend;			/* End of string in buffer */

  /* Perform column paste.  First, attempt to open all files. (This
   * could be expanded to an infinite number of files, but at the
   * (considerable) expense of remembering the file and its current
   * offset, then opening/reading/closing.  The commands' utility
   * doesn't warrant the effort; at least, to me...) */

  for (filecnt = 0; (nfiles > 0) && (filecnt < _MAXFILES); filecnt++, nfiles--, fnamptr++) {
	if (fnamptr[0][0] == '-')
		fileptr[filecnt] = stdin;
	else {
		fileptr[filecnt] = fopen(*fnamptr, "r");
		if (fileptr[filecnt] == NULL) prerr(BADFILE, *fnamptr);

  fileptr[filecnt] = ENDLIST;	/* End of list. */

  if (nfiles) prerr(TOOMANY, "");

  /* Have all files.  Now, read a line from each file, and output to
   * stdout.  Notice that the old 511 character limitation on the line
   * length no longer applies, since this program doesn't do the
   * buffering.  Do this until you go through the loop and don't
   * successfully read from any of the files. */
  for (; filecnt;) {
	somedone = 0;		/* Blank field handling flag */
	delimptr = delims;	/* Start at beginning of delim list */
	delbuf[0] = 0;		/* No squirreled delims */

	for (index = 0; (fileptr[index] != ENDLIST) && filecnt; index++) {
		/* Read a line and immediately output. If it's too
		 * big for the buffer, then dump what was read and go
		 * back for more.
		 * Otherwise, if it is from the last file, then leave
		 * the carriage return in place; if not, replace with
		 * a delimiter (if any) */

		strend = 0;	/* Set so can easily detect EOF */

		if (fileptr[index] != CLOSED)
			while (fgets(iobuff, (_MAXSZ - 1), fileptr[index]) != (char *) NULL) {
				strend = strlen(iobuff);	/* Did the buffer fill? */

				if (strend == (_MAXSZ - 1)) {
					/* Gosh, what a long line. */
					fputs(iobuff, stdout);
					strend = 0;

				/* Ok got whole line in buffer. */
				break;	/* Out of loop for this file */

		/* Ended either on an EOF (well, actually NULL
		 * return-- it *could* be some sort of file error,
		 * but but if the file was opened successfully, this
		 * is unlikely. Besides, error checking on streams
		 * doesn't allow us to decide exactly what went
		 * wrong, so I'm going to be very Unix-like and
		 * ignore it!), or a closed file, or a received line.
		 * If an EOF, close the file and mark it in the list.
		 * In any case, output the delimiter of choice. */

		if (!strend) {
			if (fileptr[index] != CLOSED) {
				fileptr[index] = CLOSED;

			/* Is this the end of the whole thing? */
			if ((fileptr[index + 1] == ENDLIST) && !somedone)
				continue;	/* EXITS */

			/* Ok, some files not closed this line. Last file? */
			if (fileptr[index + 1] == ENDLIST) {
				if (delbuf[0]) {
					fputs(&delbuf[1], stdout);
					delbuf[0] = 0;
				putc((int) NL, stdout);
				continue;	/* Next read of files */
			} else {
				/* Closed file; setup delim */
				if (*delimptr != DEL) {
					delbuf[delbuf[0]] = *delimptr++;
					delbuf[delbuf[0] + 1] = '\0';
				} else

			/* Reset end of delimiter string if necessary */
			if (*delimptr == '\0') delimptr = delims;
		} else {
			/* Some data read. */

			/* Any saved delims? */
			if (delbuf[0]) {
				fputs(&delbuf[1], stdout);
				delbuf[0] = 0;

			/* If last file, last char will be NL. */
			if (fileptr[index + 1] != ENDLIST) {
				if (*delimptr == DEL) {
					iobuff[strend - 1] = '\0';	/* No delim */
				} else
					iobuff[strend - 1] = *delimptr++;
			if (*delimptr == '\0') delimptr = delims;

			/* Now dump the buffer */
			fputs(iobuff, stdout);

doserial(nfiles, fnamptr)
int nfiles;
char **fnamptr;
  /* Do serial paste.  Simply scarf characters, performing
   * one-character buffering to facilitate delim processing. */

  register int charnew, charold;
  register char *delimptr;

  register FILE *fileptr;
  FILE *fopen();

  for (; nfiles; nfiles--, fnamptr++) {
	if (fnamptr[0][0] == '-')
		fileptr = stdin;
	else {
		fileptr = fopen(*fnamptr, "r");

		if (fileptr == NULL) prerr(BADFILE, *fnamptr);

	/* The file is open; just keep taking characters, stashing
	 * them in charnew; output charold, converting to the
	 * appropriate delimiter character if needful.  After the
	 * EOF, simply output 'charold' if it's a newline; otherwise,
	 * output it and then a newline. */

	delimptr = delims;	/* Set up for delimiter string */

	if ((charold = getc(fileptr)) == EOF) {
		/* Empty file! */
		putc(NL, stdout);
		continue;	/* Go on to the next file */

	/* Ok, 'charold' is set up.  Hit it! */

	while ((charnew = getc(fileptr)) != EOF) {
		/* Ok, process the old character */
		if (charold == NL) {
			if (*delimptr != DEL) putc(*delimptr++, stdout);

			/* Reset pointer at end of delimiter string */
			if (*delimptr == '\0') delimptr = delims;
		} else
			putc((char) charold, stdout);

		charold = charnew;

	/* Ok, hit EOF.  Process that last character */

	putc((char) charold, stdout);
	if ((char) charold != NL) putc(NL, stdout);

char *strptr;
  /* Process the delimiter string into something that can be used by
   * the routines.  This involves, primarily, collapsing the backslash
   * representations of special characters into their actual values,
   * and terminating the string in a manner that the routines can
   * recognize.  The set of possible backslash characters has been
   * expanded beyond that recognized by the vanilla Unix(Tm) version. */

  register char *strout;

  strout = strptr;		/* Start at the same place, anyway */

  while (*strptr) {
	if (*strptr != '\\')	/* Is it an escape character? */
		*strout++ = *strptr++;	/* No, just transfer it */
	else {
		strptr++;	/* Get past escape character */

		switch (ToUpper(*strptr)) {
		    case '0':	*strout++ = DEL;	break;

		    case 'T':	*strout++ = TAB;	break;

		    case 'N':	*strout++ = NL;	break;

		    case 'B':	*strout++ = BS;	break;

		    case 'F':	*strout++ = FF;	break;

		    case 'R':	*strout++ = CR;	break;

		    default:	*strout++ = *strptr;


  *strout = '\0';		/* Heaven forfend that we forget this! */

prerr(etype, estring)
int etype;
char *estring;
  switch (etype) {
      case USAGE:
	fprintf(stderr, "%s : Usage: %s [-s] [-d<delimiter>] file1 file2 ...\n", cmdnam, cmdnam);

      case NODELIM:
	fprintf(stderr, "%s : no delimiters\n", cmdnam);

      case BADFILE:
	fprintf(stderr, "%s : %s : cannot open\n", cmdnam, estring);

      case TOOMANY:
	fprintf(stderr, "%s : too many files\n", cmdnam);

char ToUpper(c)			/* This is non-standard, but it works */
char c;
  char x;

  if (isalpha(c)) {
	if (c > 'Z')
		x = (c - ' ');
		x = c;
  } else {
	if (isdigit(c))
		x = c;
		x = '\0';	/* this will terminate a string at
				 * any character other than a letter
				 * or numeral.            */