

#ifndef __SERVER__IP__GEN__ETH_IO_H__
#define __SERVER__IP__GEN__ETH_IO_H__

typedef struct nwio_ethopt
	u32_t nweo_flags;
	ether_addr_t nweo_multi, nweo_rem;
	ether_type_t nweo_type;
} nwio_ethopt_t;

#define NWEO_NOFLAGS	0x0000L
#define NWEO_ACC_MASK	0x0003L
#	define NWEO_EXCL	0x00000001L
#	define NWEO_SHARED	0x00000002L
#	define NWEO_COPY	0x00000003L
#define NWEO_LOC_MASK	0x0010L
#	define NWEO_EN_LOC	0x00000010L
#	define NWEO_DI_LOC	0x00100000L
#define NWEO_BROAD_MASK	0x0020L
#	define NWEO_EN_BROAD	0x00000020L
#	define NWEO_DI_BROAD	0x00200000L
#define NWEO_MULTI_MASK 0x0040L
#	define NWEO_EN_MULTI	0x00000040L
#	define NWEO_DI_MULTI	0x00400000L
#define NWEO_PROMISC_MASK 0x0080L
#	define NWEO_EN_PROMISC	0x00000080L
#	define NWEO_DI_PROMISC	0x00800000L
#define NWEO_REM_MASK	0x0100L
#	define NWEO_REMSPEC	0x00000100L
#	define NWEO_REMANY	0x01000000L
#define NWEO_TYPE_MASK	0x0200L
#	define NWEO_TYPESPEC	0x00000200L
#	define NWEO_TYPEANY	0x02000000L
#define NWEO_RW_MASK	0x1000L
#	define NWEO_RWDATONLY	0x00001000L
#	define NWEO_RWDATALL	0x10000000L

typedef struct eth_stat
	unsigned long ets_recvErr,	/* # receive errors */
		ets_sendErr,		/* # send error */
		ets_OVW,		/* # buffer overwrite warnings,
					   (packets arrive faster than
					   can be processed) */
		ets_CRCerr,		/* # crc errors of read */
		ets_frameAll,		/* # frames not alligned (# bits
					   not a mutiple of 8) */
		ets_missedP,		/* # packets missed due to too
					   slow packet processing */
		ets_packetR,		/* # packets received */
		ets_packetT,		/* # packets transmitted */
		ets_transDef,		/* # transmission defered (there
					   was a transmission of an
					   other station in progress */
		ets_collision,		/* # collissions */
		ets_transAb,		/* # transmissions aborted due
					   to accesive collisions */
		ets_carrSense,		/* # carrier sense lost */
		ets_fifoUnder,		/* # fifo underruns (processor
					   is too busy) */
		ets_fifoOver,		/* # fifo overruns (processor is
					   too busy) */
		ets_CDheartbeat,	/* # times unable to transmit
					   collision signal */
		ets_OWC;		/* # times out of window
					   collision */
} eth_stat_t;

typedef struct nwio_ethstat
	ether_addr_t nwes_addr;
	eth_stat_t nwes_stat;
} nwio_ethstat_t;

#endif /* __SERVER__IP__GEN__ETH_IO_H__ */