
/* Copyright (c) 1985 Ceriel J.H. Jacobs */

/* $Header: output.h,v 7.1 87/04/07 14:05:56 ceriel Exp $ */

# ifndef _OUTPUT_
# define PUBLIC extern
# else
# define PUBLIC
# endif

PUBLIC int _ocnt;
PUBLIC char *_optr;

#define putch(ch)	if (1) {if (--_ocnt <= 0) flush(); *_optr++ = (ch);} else

VOID	flush();
 * void flush()
 * Write the output buffer to the screen

VOID	nflush();
 * void nflush()
 * Clear output buffer, but do not write it

int	fputch();
 * int fputch(c)
 * int c;		The character to be printed
 * Put character "c" in output buffer and flush if necessary.

VOID	putline();
 * void putline(s)
 * char *s;		The string to be printed
 * Put string "s" in output buffer  etc...

VOID	cputline();
 * void cputline(s)
 * char *s;		The string to be handled
 * Put string "s" in the output buffer, expanding control characters

VOID	prnum();
 * void prnum(n)
 * long n;		The number to be printed
 * print the number "n", using putch.

char	*getnum();
 * char *getnum(n)
 * long n;		The number to be converted to a string
 * Convert a number to a string and return a pointer to it.
# undef PUBLIC