
Compare this file to the similar file:
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/* The file system maintains a buffer cache to reduce the number of disk
 * accesses needed.  Whenever a read or write to the disk is done, a check is
 * first made to see if the block is in the cache.  This file manages the
 * cache.
 * The entry points into this file are:
 *   get_block:	  request to fetch a block for reading or writing from cache
 *   put_block:	  return a block previously requested with get_block
 *   alloc_zone:  allocate a new zone (to increase the length of a file)
 *   free_zone:	  release a zone (when a file is removed)
 *   rw_block:	  read or write a block from the disk itself
 *   invalidate:  remove all the cache blocks on some device

#include "fs.h"
#include <minix/com.h>
#include <minix/boot.h>
#include "buf.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "fproc.h"
#include "super.h"

FORWARD _PROTOTYPE( void rm_lru, (struct buf *bp) );

 *				get_block				     *
PUBLIC struct buf *get_block(dev, block, only_search)
register dev_t dev;		/* on which device is the block? */
register block_t block;		/* which block is wanted? */
int only_search;		/* if NO_READ, don't read, else act normal */
/* Check to see if the requested block is in the block cache.  If so, return
 * a pointer to it.  If not, evict some other block and fetch it (unless
 * 'only_search' is 1).  All the blocks in the cache that are not in use
 * are linked together in a chain, with 'front' pointing to the least recently
 * used block and 'rear' to the most recently used block.  If 'only_search' is
 * 1, the block being requested will be overwritten in its entirety, so it is
 * only necessary to see if it is in the cache; if it is not, any free buffer
 * will do.  It is not necessary to actually read the block in from disk.
 * If 'only_search' is PREFETCH, the block need not be read from the disk,
 * and the device is not to be marked on the block, so callers can tell if
 * the block returned is valid.
 * In addition to the LRU chain, there is also a hash chain to link together
 * blocks whose block numbers end with the same bit strings, for fast lookup.

  int b;
  register struct buf *bp, *prev_ptr;

  /* Search the hash chain for (dev, block). Do_read() can use 
   * get_block(NO_DEV ...) to get an unnamed block to fill with zeros when
   * someone wants to read from a hole in a file, in which case this search
   * is skipped
  if (dev != NO_DEV) {
	b = (int) block & HASH_MASK;
	bp = buf_hash[b];
	while (bp != NIL_BUF) {
		if (bp->b_blocknr == block && bp->b_dev == dev) {
			/* Block needed has been found. */
			if (bp->b_count == 0) rm_lru(bp);
			bp->b_count++;	/* record that block is in use */
		} else {
			/* This block is not the one sought. */
			bp = bp->b_hash; /* move to next block on hash chain */

  /* Desired block is not on available chain.  Take oldest block ('front'). */
  if ((bp = front) == NIL_BUF) panic("all buffers in use", NR_BUFS);

  /* Remove the block that was just taken from its hash chain. */
  b = (int) bp->b_blocknr & HASH_MASK;
  prev_ptr = buf_hash[b];
  if (prev_ptr == bp) {
	buf_hash[b] = bp->b_hash;
  } else {
	/* The block just taken is not on the front of its hash chain. */
	while (prev_ptr->b_hash != NIL_BUF)
		if (prev_ptr->b_hash == bp) {
			prev_ptr->b_hash = bp->b_hash;	/* found it */
		} else {
			prev_ptr = prev_ptr->b_hash;	/* keep looking */

  /* If the block taken is dirty, make it clean by writing it to the disk.
   * Avoid hysteresis by flushing all other dirty blocks for the same device.
  if (bp->b_dev != NO_DEV) {
	if (bp->b_dirt == DIRTY) flushall(bp->b_dev);

  /* Fill in block's parameters and add it to the hash chain where it goes. */
  bp->b_dev = dev;		/* fill in device number */
  bp->b_blocknr = block;	/* fill in block number */
  bp->b_count++;		/* record that block is being used */
  b = (int) bp->b_blocknr & HASH_MASK;
  bp->b_hash = buf_hash[b];
  buf_hash[b] = bp;		/* add to hash list */

  /* Go get the requested block unless searching or prefetching. */
  if (dev != NO_DEV) {
	if (get_block2(bp, only_search)) /* in 2nd level cache */;
	if (only_search == PREFETCH) bp->b_dev = NO_DEV;
	if (only_search == NORMAL) rw_block(bp, READING);
  return(bp);			/* return the newly acquired block */

 *				put_block				     *
PUBLIC void put_block(bp, block_type)
register struct buf *bp;	/* pointer to the buffer to be released */
int block_type;			/* INODE_BLOCK, DIRECTORY_BLOCK, or whatever */
/* Return a block to the list of available blocks.   Depending on 'block_type'
 * it may be put on the front or rear of the LRU chain.  Blocks that are
 * expected to be needed again shortly (e.g., partially full data blocks)
 * go on the rear; blocks that are unlikely to be needed again shortly
 * (e.g., full data blocks) go on the front.  Blocks whose loss can hurt
 * the integrity of the file system (e.g., inode blocks) are written to
 * disk immediately if they are dirty.

  if (bp == NIL_BUF) return;	/* it is easier to check here than in caller */

  bp->b_count--;		/* there is one use fewer now */
  if (bp->b_count != 0) return;	/* block is still in use */

  bufs_in_use--;		/* one fewer block buffers in use */

  /* Put this block back on the LRU chain.  If the ONE_SHOT bit is set in
   * 'block_type', the block is not likely to be needed again shortly, so put
   * it on the front of the LRU chain where it will be the first one to be
   * taken when a free buffer is needed later.
  if (block_type & ONE_SHOT) {
	/* Block probably won't be needed quickly. Put it on front of chain.
  	 * It will be the next block to be evicted from the cache.
	bp->b_prev = NIL_BUF;
	bp->b_next = front;
	if (front == NIL_BUF)
		rear = bp;	/* LRU chain was empty */
		front->b_prev = bp;
	front = bp;
  } else {
	/* Block probably will be needed quickly.  Put it on rear of chain.
  	 * It will not be evicted from the cache for a long time.
	bp->b_prev = rear;
	bp->b_next = NIL_BUF;
	if (rear == NIL_BUF)
		front = bp;
		rear->b_next = bp;
	rear = bp;

  /* Some blocks are so important (e.g., inodes, indirect blocks) that they
   * should be written to the disk immediately to avoid messing up the file
   * system in the event of a crash.
  if ((block_type & WRITE_IMMED) && bp->b_dirt==DIRTY && bp->b_dev != NO_DEV)
	rw_block(bp, WRITING);

 *				alloc_zone				     *
PUBLIC zone_t alloc_zone(dev, z)
dev_t dev;			/* device where zone wanted */
zone_t z;			/* try to allocate new zone near this one */
/* Allocate a new zone on the indicated device and return its number. */

  int major, minor;
  bit_t b, bit;
  struct super_block *sp;

  /* Note that the routine alloc_bit() returns 1 for the lowest possible
   * zone, which corresponds to sp->s_firstdatazone.  To convert a value
   * between the bit number, 'b', used by alloc_bit() and the zone number, 'z',
   * stored in the inode, use the formula:
   *     z = b + sp->s_firstdatazone - 1
   * Alloc_bit() never returns 0, since this is used for NO_BIT (failure).
  sp = get_super(dev);		/* find the super_block for this device */

  /* If z is 0, skip initial part of the map known to be fully in use. */
  if (z == sp->s_firstdatazone) {
	bit = sp->s_zsearch;
  } else {
	bit = (bit_t) z - (sp->s_firstdatazone - 1);
  b = alloc_bit(sp, ZMAP, bit);
  if (b == NO_BIT) {
	err_code = ENOSPC;
	major = (int) (sp->s_dev >> MAJOR) & BYTE;
	minor = (int) (sp->s_dev >> MINOR) & BYTE;
	printf("No space on %sdevice %d/%d\n",
		sp->s_dev == ROOT_DEV ? "root " : "", major, minor);
  if (z == sp->s_firstdatazone) sp->s_zsearch = b;	/* for next time */
  return(sp->s_firstdatazone - 1 + (zone_t) b);

 *				free_zone				     *
PUBLIC void free_zone(dev, numb)
dev_t dev;				/* device where zone located */
zone_t numb;				/* zone to be returned */
/* Return a zone. */

  register struct super_block *sp;
  bit_t bit;

  /* Locate the appropriate super_block and return bit. */
  sp = get_super(dev);
  if (numb < sp->s_firstdatazone || numb >= sp->s_zones) return;
  bit = (bit_t) (numb - (sp->s_firstdatazone - 1));
  free_bit(sp, ZMAP, bit);
  if (bit < sp->s_zsearch) sp->s_zsearch = bit;

 *				rw_block				     *
PUBLIC void rw_block(bp, rw_flag)
register struct buf *bp;	/* buffer pointer */
int rw_flag;			/* READING or WRITING */
/* Read or write a disk block. This is the only routine in which actual disk
 * I/O is invoked. If an error occurs, a message is printed here, but the error
 * is not reported to the caller.  If the error occurred while purging a block
 * from the cache, it is not clear what the caller could do about it anyway.

  int r, op;
  off_t pos;
  dev_t dev;

  if ( (dev = bp->b_dev) != NO_DEV) {
	pos = (off_t) bp->b_blocknr * BLOCK_SIZE;
	op = (rw_flag == READING ? DEV_READ : DEV_WRITE);
	r = dev_io(op, FALSE, dev, pos, BLOCK_SIZE, FS_PROC_NR, bp->b_data);
	if (r != BLOCK_SIZE) {
	    if (r >= 0) r = END_OF_FILE;
	    if (r != END_OF_FILE)
	      printf("Unrecoverable disk error on device %d/%d, block %ld\n",
			(dev>>MAJOR)&BYTE, (dev>>MINOR)&BYTE, bp->b_blocknr);
		bp->b_dev = NO_DEV;	/* invalidate block */

		/* Report read errors to interested parties. */
		if (rw_flag == READING) rdwt_err = r;

  bp->b_dirt = CLEAN;

 *				invalidate				     *
PUBLIC void invalidate(device)
dev_t device;			/* device whose blocks are to be purged */
/* Remove all the blocks belonging to some device from the cache. */

  register struct buf *bp;

  for (bp = &buf[0]; bp < &buf[NR_BUFS]; bp++)
	if (bp->b_dev == device) bp->b_dev = NO_DEV;


 *				flushall				    *
PUBLIC void flushall(dev)
dev_t dev;			/* device to flush */
/* Flush all dirty blocks for one device. */

  register struct buf *bp;
  static struct buf *dirty[NR_BUFS];	/* static so it isn't on stack */
  int ndirty;

  for (bp = &buf[0], ndirty = 0; bp < &buf[NR_BUFS]; bp++)
	if (bp->b_dirt == DIRTY && bp->b_dev == dev) dirty[ndirty++] = bp;
  rw_scattered(dev, dirty, ndirty, WRITING);

 *				rw_scattered				     *
PUBLIC void rw_scattered(dev, bufq, bufqsize, rw_flag)
dev_t dev;			/* major-minor device number */
struct buf **bufq;		/* pointer to array of buffers */
int bufqsize;			/* number of buffers */
int rw_flag;			/* READING or WRITING */
/* Read or write scattered data from a device. */

  register struct buf *bp;
  int gap;
  register int i;
  register struct iorequest_s *iop;
  static struct iorequest_s iovec[NR_IOREQS];  /* static so it isn't on stack */
  int j;

  /* (Shell) sort buffers on b_blocknr. */
  gap = 1;
	gap = 3 * gap + 1;
  while (gap <= bufqsize);
  while (gap != 1) {
	gap /= 3;
	for (j = gap; j < bufqsize; j++) {
		for (i = j - gap;
		     i >= 0 && bufq[i]->b_blocknr > bufq[i + gap]->b_blocknr;
		     i -= gap) {
			bp = bufq[i];
			bufq[i] = bufq[i + gap];
			bufq[i + gap] = bp;

  /* Set up i/o vector and do i/o.  The result of dev_io is discarded because
   * all results are returned in the vector.  If dev_io fails completely, the
   * vector is unchanged and all results are taken as errors.
  while (bufqsize > 0) {
	for (j = 0, iop = iovec; j < NR_IOREQS && j < bufqsize; j++, iop++) {
		bp = bufq[j];
		iop->io_position = (off_t) bp->b_blocknr * BLOCK_SIZE;
		iop->io_buf = bp->b_data;
		iop->io_nbytes = BLOCK_SIZE;
		iop->io_request = rw_flag == WRITING ?
	(void) dev_io(SCATTERED_IO, 0, dev, (off_t) 0, j, FS_PROC_NR,
							(char *) iovec);

	/* Harvest the results.  Leave read errors for rw_block() to complain. */
	for (i = 0, iop = iovec; i < j; i++, iop++) {
		bp = bufq[i];
		if (rw_flag == READING) {
		    if (iop->io_nbytes == 0)
			bp->b_dev = dev;	/* validate block */
		    put_block(bp, PARTIAL_DATA_BLOCK);
		} else {
		    if (iop->io_nbytes != 0) {
		     printf("Unrecoverable write error on device %d/%d, block %ld\n",
				(dev>>MAJOR)&BYTE, (dev>>MINOR)&BYTE, bp->b_blocknr);
			bp->b_dev = NO_DEV;	/* invalidate block */
		    bp->b_dirt = CLEAN;
	bufq += j;
	bufqsize -= j;

 *				rm_lru					     *
PRIVATE void rm_lru(bp)
struct buf *bp;
/* Remove a block from its LRU chain. */

  struct buf *next_ptr, *prev_ptr;

  next_ptr = bp->b_next;	/* successor on LRU chain */
  prev_ptr = bp->b_prev;	/* predecessor on LRU chain */
  if (prev_ptr != NIL_BUF)
	prev_ptr->b_next = next_ptr;
	front = next_ptr;	/* this block was at front of chain */

  if (next_ptr != NIL_BUF)
	next_ptr->b_prev = prev_ptr;
	rear = prev_ptr;	/* this block was at rear of chain */