
#include <curses.h>
#include "curspriv.h"

/* Winch(win) returns the character at the current position in	*/
/* Window 'win'.						*/

int winch(win)
WINDOW *win;
  return((win->_line[win->_cury][win->_curx]) & 0xff);
}				/* winch */

/* Mvinch() moves the stdscr cursor to a new position, then	*/
/* Returns the character at that position.			*/

int mvinch(y, x)
int y;
int x;
  if (wmove(stdscr, y, x) == ERR) return(ERR);
  return((stdscr->_line[stdscr->_cury][stdscr->_curx]) & 0xff);

/* Mvwinch() moves the cursor of window 'win' to a new posi-	*/
/* Tion, then returns the character at that position.		*/

int mvwinch(win, y, x)
WINDOW *win;
int y;
int x;
  if (wmove(win, y, x) == ERR) return(ERR);
  return((win->_line[win->_cury][win->_curx]) & 0xff);