
/* llib-lpsap - lint library for -lpsap */

 * $Header: /f/osi/psap/RCS/llib-lpsap,v 7.10 91/02/22 09:35:45 mrose Interim $
 * $Log:	llib-lpsap,v $
 * Revision 7.10  91/02/22  09:35:45  mrose
 * Interim 6.8
 * Revision 7.9  91/01/07  12:40:29  mrose
 * update
 * Revision 7.8  90/12/23  18:44:01  mrose
 * update
 * Revision 7.7  90/11/11  10:01:24  mrose
 * touch-up
 * Revision 7.6  90/11/04  19:17:57  mrose
 * update
 * Revision 7.5  90/08/08  14:13:41  mrose
 * stuff
 * Revision 7.4  90/07/27  08:47:27  mrose
 * update
 * Revision 7.3  90/07/09  14:43:39  mrose
 * sync
 * Revision 7.2  90/05/08  08:54:58  mrose
 * touch-up
 * Revision 7.1  90/03/23  11:05:50  mrose
 * typo
 * Revision 7.0  89/11/23  22:12:42  mrose
 * Release 6.0

 *				  NOTICE
 *    Acquisition, use, and distribution of this module and related
 *    materials are subject to the restrictions of a license agreement.
 *    Consult the Preface in the User's Manual for the full terms of
 *    this agreement.


#include <stdio.h>
#include "psap.h"
#include "ssap.h"
#include "logger.h"

/*    Primitives (Built-in Types) <-> Data */

int     prim2flag (pe)
PE	pe;
    return prim2flag (pe);

PE	flag2prim (b, class, id)
int     b;
PElementClass	class;
PElementID	id;
    return flag2prim (b, class, id);

integer prim2num (pe)
PE	pe;
    return prim2num (pe);

PE	num2prim (i, class, id)
integer i;
PElementClass	class;
PElementID	id;
    return num2prim (i, class, id);

double	prim2real (pe)
PE	pe;
    return prim2real (pe);

PE	real2prim (d, class, id)
double	d;
PElementClass class;
PElementID id;
    return real2prim (d, class, id);

char   *prim2str (pe, len)
PE	pe;
int    *len;
    return prim2str (pe, len);

PE	str2prim (s, len, class, id)
char   *s;
int     len;
PElementClass	class;
PElementID	id;
    return str2prim (s, len, class, id);

struct qbuf *prim2qb (pe)
PE	pe;
    return prim2qb (pe);

PE	qb2prim_aux (qb, class, id, in_line)
struct qbuf *qb;
PElementClass	class;
PElementID	id;
int	in_line;
    return qb2prim_aux (qb, class, id, in_line);

/*    BITSTRING manipulation */

PE	prim2bit (pe)
PE	pe;
    return prim2bit (pe);

PE	bit2prim (pe)
PE	pe;
    return bit2prim (pe);

int     bit_on (pe, i)
PE	pe;
int     i;
    return bit_on (pe, i);

int     bit_off (pe, i)
PE	pe;
int     i;
    return bit_off (pe, i);

int     bit_test (pe, i)
PE	pe;
int     i;
    return bit_test (pe, i);

/*    Routines for pepy */

char   *int2strb (n, len)
int	n,
    return int2strb (n, len);

int	strb2int (cp, len)
char   *cp;
int	len;
    return strb2int (cp, len);

PE	strb2bitstr (cp, len, class, id)
char   *cp;
int	len;
PElementClass class;
PElementID id;
    return strb2bitstr (cp, len, class, id);

char   *bitstr2strb (pe, len)
PE	pe;
int    *len;
    return bitstr2strb (pe, len);

/*    Primitives (Defined Types) <-> Data */

OID	prim2oid (pe)
PE	pe;
    return prim2oid (pe);

PE	obj2prim (o, class, id)
OID	o;
PElementClass	class;
PElementID	id;
    return obj2prim (o, class, id);

UTC	prim2time (pe, generalized)
PE	pe;
int	generalized;
    return prim2time (pe, generalized);

PE	time2prim (u, generalized, class, id)
UTC	u;
int	generalized;
PElementClass	class;
PElementID	id;
    return time2prim (u, generalized, class, id);

char   *time2str (u, generalized)
UTC	u;
int	generalized;
    return time2str (u, generalized);

UTC	str2utct (cp, len)
char   *cp;
int	len;
    return str2utct (cp, len);

UTC	str2gent (cp, len)
char   *cp;
int	len;
    return str2gent (cp, len);

/*    LIST manipulation */

PE	prim2set (pe)
PE	pe;
    return prim2set (pe);

int     set_add (pe, r)
PE	pe,
    return set_add (pe, r);

int     set_del (pe, class, id)
PE	pe;
PElementClass class;
PElementID id;
    return set_del (pe, class, id);

PE	set_find (pe, class, id)
PE	pe;
PElementClass class;
PElementID id;
    return set_find (pe, class, id);

int     seq_add (pe, r, i)
PE	pe,
int     i;
    return seq_add (pe, r, i);

int     seq_del (pe, i)
PE	pe;
int     i;
    return seq_del (pe, i);

PE	seq_find (pe, i)
PE	pe;
int     i;
    return seq_find (pe, i);

/*    PElement manipulation */

PE	pe_alloc (class, form, id)
PElementClass class;
PElementForm form;
PElementID id;
    return pe_alloc (class, form, id);

int	pe_free (pe)
PE	pe;
    (void) pe_free (pe);

int     pe_cmp (p, q)
PE	p,
    return pe_cmp (p, q);

PE	pe_cpy (pe)
PE	pe;
    return pe_cpy (pe);

int     pe_pullup (pe)
PE	pe;
    return pe_pullup (pe);

PE	pe_expunge (pe, r)
PE	pe,
    return pe_expunge (pe, r);

int	pe_extract (pe, r)
PE	pe,
    return pe_extract (pe, r);

PE	str2pe (s, len, advance, result)
char   *s;
int	len,
    return str2pe (s, len, advance, result);

PE	qb2pe (qb, len, depth, result)
struct qbuf *qb;
int	len,
    return qb2pe (qb, len, depth, result);

/*    PStream manipulation */

PS	ps_alloc (io)
IFP	io;
    return ps_alloc (io);

void	ps_free (ps)
PS	ps;
    ps_free (ps);

/*    PStream I/O */

int     ps_io (ps, io, data, n, in_line)
PS	ps;
IFP	io;
PElementData data;
PElementLen n;
int	in_line;
    return ps_io (ps, io, data, n, in_line);

int	ps_flush (ps)
PS	ps;
    return ps_flush (ps);

int	ps_prime (ps, waiting)
PS	ps;
int	waiting;
    return ps_prime (ps, waiting);

int     std_open (ps)
PS	ps;
    return std_open (ps);

int     str_open (ps)
PS	ps;
    return str_open (ps);

int     str_setup (ps, cp, cc, in_line)
PS	ps;
char   *cp;
int	cc,
    return str_setup (ps, cp, cc, in_line);

int	dg_open (ps)
PS	ps;
    return df_open (ps);

int	dg_setup (ps, fd, size, rfx, wfx, cfx)
PS	ps;
int	fd,
IFP	rfx,
    return dg_setup (ps, fd, size, rfx, wfx, cfx);

int	fdx_open (ps)
PS	ps;
    return fdx_open (ps);

int	fdx_setup (ps, fd)
PS	ps;
int	fd;
    return fdx_setup (ps, fd);

int	qbuf_open (ps)
PS	ps;
    return qbuf_open (ps);

int	uvec_open (ps)
PS	ps;
    return uvec_open (ps);

int	uvec_setup (ps, len)
PS	ps;
int	len;
    return uvec_setup (ps, len);

/*    PStream <-> PElement */

PE	ps2pe_aux (ps, top, all)
PS	ps;
int     top,
    return ps2pe_aux (ps, top, all);

int     pe2ps_aux (ps, pe, eval)
PS	ps;
PE	pe;
int	eval;
    return pe2ps_aux (ps, pe, eval);

/*    PList <-> PElement */

PE	pl2pe (ps)
PS	ps;
    return pl2pe (ps);

int     pe2pl (ps, pe)
PS	ps;
PE	pe;
    return pe2pl (ps, pe);

int	ps_get_abs (pe)
PE	pe;
    return ps_get_abs (pe);

/*    Diagnostics */

char   *pe_error (c)
int     c;
    return pe_error (c);

char   *ps_error (c)
int     c;
    return ps_error (c);

/*    Object IDentifiers */

OID	ode2oid (descriptor)
char   *descriptor;
    return ode2oid (descriptor);

int	oid_cmp (p, q)
OID	p,
    return oid_cmp (p, q);

int	elem_cmp (ip, i, jp, j)
int	i,
unsigned int *ip,
    return elem_cmp (ip, i, jp, j);

OID	oid_cpy (oid)
OID	oid;
    return oid_cpy (oid);

int	oid_free (oid)
OID	oid;
    (void) oid_free (oid);

char   *oid2ode_aux (oid, quoted)
OID	oid;
int	quoted;
    return oid2ode_aux (oid, quoted);

char   *sprintoid (oid)
OID	oid;
    return sprintoid (oid);

OID	str2oid (s)
char   *s;
    return str2oid (s);

/*  */

int	pe2qb_f (pe)
PE	pe;
    return pe2qb_f (pe);

PE	qbuf2pe_f (result)
int    *result;
    return qbuf2pe_f (result);

#undef	qbuf2pe
PE	qbuf2pe (qb, len, result)
struct qbuf *qb;
int	len;
int    *result;
    return qbuf2pe (qb, len, result);

char   *qb2str (q)
struct qbuf *q;
    return qb2str (q);

struct qbuf *str2qb (s, len, head)
char   *s;
int	len,
    return str2qb (s, len, head);

int	qb_pullup (qb)
struct qbuf *qb;
    return qb_pullup (qb);

int	qb_free (qb)
struct qbuf *qb;
    (void) qb_free (qb);

int	pe2ssdu (pe, base, len)
PE	pe;
char  **base;
int    *len;
    return pe2ssdu (pe, base, len);

PE	ssdu2pe (base, len, realbase, result)
char   *base,
int	len;
int   *result;
    return ssdu2pe (base, len, realbase, result);

void	pe2text (lp, pe, rw, cc)
LLog   *lp;
PE	pe;
int	rw,
    pe2text (lp, pe, rw, cc);

int	pe2uvec (pe, uv)
PE	pe;
struct udvec **uv;
    return pe2uvec (pe, uv);

/*  */

long	gtime (tm)
struct tm *tm;
    return gtime (tm);

struct tm *ut2tm (ut)
UTC	ut;
    return ut2tm (ut);

void	tm2ut (tm, ut)
struct tm *tm;
UTC	ut;
    tm2ut (tm, ut);

struct SSAPref *addr2ref (addr)
char   *addr;
    return addr2ref (addr);

char   *sprintref (sr)
struct SSAPref *sr;
    return sprintref (sr);

/* these really belong in llib-lpepsy (which doesn't exist!) */


void	PY_advise (what, fmt)
char   *what,
    PY_advise (what, fmt);

char *bit2str (pe, s)
PE	pe;
char   *s;
    return bit2str (pe, s);

/* VARARGS1 */

vprint (fmt)
char   *fmt;
    vprint (fmt);

#undef	vunknown
vunknown (pe)
PE	pe;
    vunknown (pe);

vsetfp (fp, s)
FILE   *fp;
char   *s;
    vsetfp (fp, s);

vpushfp (fp, pe, s, rw)
FILE   *fp;
PE	pe;
char   *s;
int	rw;
    vpushfp (fp, pe, s, rw);

vpopfp ()

vpushstr (cp)
char   *cp;
    vpushstr (cp);

vpopstr ()

vpushpp (pv, pfnx, pe, text, rw)
caddr_t pv;
IFP	pfnx;
register PE	pe;
char   *text;
int	rw;
    vpushpp (pv, pfnx, pe, text, rw);

vpopp ()

vpushquipu (ps)
PS	ps;
    vpushquipu (ps);

vpopquipu ()

_vpdu (lp, fnx, pe, text, rw)
LLog   *lp;
IFP	fnx;
PE	pe;
char   *text;
int	rw;
    _vpdu (lp, fnx, pe, text, rw);

#include "pepsy.h"

int	enc_f (typ, mod, pe, explicit, len, buf, parm)
int     typ;
modtyp *mod;
PE     *pe;
int     explicit;
int     len;
char   *buf;
char	*parm;
    return enc_f (typ, mod, pe, explicit, len, buf, parm);

int	dec_f (typ, mod, pe, explicit, len, buf, parm)
int     typ;
modtyp	*mod;
PE      pe;
int	explicit;
int	*len;
char	**buf;
char	**parm;
    return dec_f (typ, mod, pe, explicit, len, buf, parm);

int	fre_obj (parm, p, mod, dofree)
modtyp *mod;
tpe    *p;
char   *parm;
    return fre_obj (parm, p, mod, dofree);

#undef	pvpdu
pvpdu (lp, ind, mod, pe, text, rw)
LLog   *lp;
int	ind;
modtyp *mod;
PE	pe;
char   *text;
int	rw;
    pvpdu (lp, ind, mod, pe, text, rw);

_pvpdu (lp, pe, text, rw)
LLog   *lp;
PE	pe;
char   *text;
int	rw;
    _pvpdu (lp, pe, text, rw);

/* these really belong in llib-lpepy (which doesn't exist!) */

int	PY_pp (argc, argv, envp, pfx)
int	argc;
char  **argv,
IFP	pfx;
    return PY_pp (argc, argv, envp, pfx);

int	testdebug (pe, s)
PE	pe;
char   *s;
    return testdebug (pe, s);