
/*	$NetBSD: genshell.h,v 2007/06/24 15:51:21 kardel Exp $	*/

/*   -*- buffer-read-only: t -*- vi: set ro:
 *  DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE   (genshell.h)
 *  It has been AutoGen-ed  Saturday May  5, 2007 at 12:02:35 PM PDT
 *  From the definitions    genshell.def
 *  and the template file   options
 * Generated from AutoOpts 29:0:4 templates.

 *  This file was produced by an AutoOpts template.  AutoOpts is a
 *  copyrighted work.  This header file is not encumbered by AutoOpts
 *  licensing, but is provided under the licensing terms chosen by the
 *  genshellopt author or copyright holder.  AutoOpts is licensed under
 *  the terms of the LGPL.  The redistributable library (``libopts'') is
 *  licensed under the terms of either the LGPL or, at the users discretion,
 *  the BSD license.  See the AutoOpts and/or libopts sources for details.
 * This source file is copyrighted and licensed under the following terms:
 * genshellopt copyright 1999-2007 Bruce Korb - all rights reserved
 * genshellopt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * genshellopt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with genshellopt.  If not, write to:
 * 	The Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 	51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
 * 	Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
 *  This file contains the programmatic interface to the Automated
 *  Options generated for the genshellopt program.
 *  These macros are documented in the AutoGen info file in the
 *  "AutoOpts" chapter.  Please refer to that doc for usage help.
#include <autoopts/options.h>

 *  Ensure that the library used for compiling this generated header is at
 *  least as new as the version current when the header template was released
 *  (not counting patch version increments).  Also ensure that the oldest
 *  tolerable version is at least as old as what was current when the header
 *  template was released.
#define AO_TEMPLATE_VERSION 118784
# error option template version mismatches autoopts/options.h header
  Choke Me.

 *  Enumeration of each option:
typedef enum {
        INDEX_OPT_SCRIPT           =  0,
        INDEX_OPT_SHELL            =  1,
        INDEX_OPT_VERSION          = 2,
        INDEX_OPT_HELP             = 3,
        INDEX_OPT_MORE_HELP        = 4
} teOptIndex;

#define OPTION_CT    5
#define GENSHELLOPT_VERSION       "1"
#define GENSHELLOPT_FULL_VERSION  "genshellopt - Generate Shell Option Processing Script - Ver. 1"

 *  Interface defines for all options.  Replace "n" with the UPPER_CASED
 *  option name (as in the teOptIndex enumeration above).
 *  e.g. HAVE_OPT( SCRIPT )
#define         DESC(n) (genshelloptOptions.pOptDesc[INDEX_OPT_## n])
#define     HAVE_OPT(n) (! UNUSED_OPT(& DESC(n)))
#define      OPT_ARG(n) (DESC(n).optArg.argString)
#define    STATE_OPT(n) (DESC(n).fOptState & OPTST_SET_MASK)
#define    COUNT_OPT(n) (DESC(n).optOccCt)
#define    ISSEL_OPT(n) (SELECTED_OPT(&DESC(n)))
#define  ENABLED_OPT(n) (! DISABLED_OPT(& DESC(n)))
#define  STACKCT_OPT(n) (((tArgList*)(DESC(n).optCookie))->useCt)
#define STACKLST_OPT(n) (((tArgList*)(DESC(n).optCookie))->apzArgs)
#define    CLEAR_OPT(n) STMTS( \
                DESC(n).fOptState &= OPTST_PERSISTENT_MASK;   \
                if ( (DESC(n).fOptState & OPTST_INITENABLED) == 0) \
                    DESC(n).fOptState |= OPTST_DISABLED; \
                DESC(n).optCookie = NULL )

 *  Interface defines for specific options.
#define VALUE_OPT_SCRIPT         'o'
#define VALUE_OPT_SHELL          's'

#define VALUE_OPT_VERSION       'v'
#define VALUE_OPT_HELP          '?'
#define VALUE_OPT_MORE_HELP     '!'
 *  Interface defines not associated with particular options
#define ERRSKIP_OPTERR  STMTS( genshelloptOptions.fOptSet &= ~OPTPROC_ERRSTOP )
#define ERRSTOP_OPTERR  STMTS( genshelloptOptions.fOptSet |= OPTPROC_ERRSTOP )
#define RESTART_OPT(n)  STMTS( \
                genshelloptOptions.curOptIdx = (n); \
                genshelloptOptions.pzCurOpt  = NULL )
#define START_OPT       RESTART_OPT(1)
#define USAGE(c)        (*genshelloptOptions.pUsageProc)( &genshelloptOptions, c )
/* extracted from opthead.tpl near line 360 */

/* * * * * *
 *  Declare the genshellopt option descriptor.
#ifdef  __cplusplus
extern "C" {

extern tOptions   genshelloptOptions;

#ifndef _
#    include <stdio.h>
     static inline char* aoGetsText( char const* pz ) {
         if (pz == NULL) return NULL;
         return (char*)gettext( pz );
#    define _(s)  aoGetsText(s)
#  else  /* ENABLE_NLS */
#    define _(s)  s
#  endif /* ENABLE_NLS */

#ifdef  __cplusplus
/* genshell.h ends here */