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/*	$NetBSD: ip_main.c,v 2008/05/18 14:31:24 aymeric Exp $ */

 * Copyright (c) 1996
 *	Keith Bostic.  All rights reserved.
 * See the LICENSE file for redistribution information.

#include "config.h"

#ifndef lint
static const char sccsid[] = "Id: ip_main.c,v 8.24 2001/07/29 19:07:30 skimo Exp (Berkeley) Date: 2001/07/29 19:07:30";
#endif /* not lint */

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/queue.h>

#include <bitstring.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <sys/uio.h>

#include "../common/common.h"
#include "../ipc/ip.h"
#include "extern.h"

GS *__global_list;				/* GLOBAL: List of screens. */

static void	   ip_func_std __P((WIN *));
static IP_PRIVATE *ip_init __P((WIN *wp, int i_fd, int o_fd, int, int argc, char *argv[]));
static void	   perr __P((char *, char *));
static int	   get_fds __P((char *ip_arg, int *i_fd, int *o_fd));
static int  get_connection __P((WIN *wp, int main_ifd, int main_ofd, 
				int *i_fd, int *o_fd, int *, int can_pass));
static void *run_editor __P((void * vp));

 * ip_main --
 *      This is the main loop for the vi-as-library editor.
main(int argc, char **argv)
	int rval;
	char *ip_arg;
	char **p_av, **t_av;
	GS *gp;
	WIN *wp;
	int i_fd, o_fd, t_fd, main_ifd, main_ofd;

	/* Create and initialize the global structure. */
	__global_list = gp = gs_init(argv[0]);

	 * Strip out any arguments that vi isn't going to understand.  There's
	 * no way to portably call getopt twice, so arguments parsed here must
	 * be removed from the argument list.
	ip_arg = NULL;
	for (p_av = t_av = argv;;) {
		if (*t_av == NULL) {
			*p_av = NULL;
		if (!strcmp(*t_av, "--")) {
			while ((*p_av++ = *t_av++) != NULL);
		if (!memcmp(*t_av, "-I", sizeof("-I") - 1)) {
			if (t_av[0][2] != '\0') {
				ip_arg = t_av[0] + 2;
			else if (t_av[1] != NULL) {
				ip_arg = t_av[1];
				t_av += 2;
				argc -= 2;
		*p_av++ = *t_av++;

	if (get_fds(ip_arg, &main_ifd, &main_ofd))
		return 1;

	wp = NULL;

	while (get_connection(wp, main_ifd, main_ofd, &i_fd, &o_fd, &t_fd, 1) == 0) {
		/* Create new window */
		wp = gs_new_win(gp);

		/* Create and partially initialize the IP structure. */
		if ((ipp = ip_init(wp, i_fd, o_fd, t_fd, argc, argv)) == NULL)
			return (1);

		gp->run(wp, run_editor, (void *)wp);

	/* Clean out the global structure. */

	/* Free the global and IP private areas. */
#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(PURIFY) || defined(LIBRARY)
	exit (rval);

static void *
run_editor(void * vp)
	GS *gp;
	WIN *wp;
	EVENT ev;
	int rval;
	IP_BUF ipb;

	wp = (WIN *) vp;
	gp = wp->gp;
	ipp = wp->ip_private;

	/* Add the terminal type to the global structure. */
	if ((OG_D_STR(gp, GO_TERM) =
	    OG_STR(gp, GO_TERM) = strdup("ip_curses")) == NULL)
		perr(gp->progname, NULL);

	 * Figure out how big the screen is -- read events until we get
	 * the rows and columns.
	for (;;) {
		if (ip_wevent(wp, NULL, &ev, 0, 0))
		if (ev.e_event == E_WRESIZE)
		if (ev.e_event == E_EOF || ev.e_event == E_ERR ||
		    ev.e_event == E_SIGHUP || ev.e_event == E_SIGTERM)
		if (ev.e_event == E_IPCOMMAND && ev.e_ipcom == VI_QUIT)

	/* Run ex/vi. */
	rval = editor(wp, ipp->argc, ipp->argv);

	/* Clean up the screen. */

	/* Send the quit message. */
	ipb.code = SI_QUIT;
	(void)vi_send(ipp->o_fd, NULL, &ipb);

	/* Give the screen a couple of seconds to deal with it. */

	/* Remove window; correct place ? */

#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(PURIFY) || defined(LIBRARY)
	return NULL;

 * ip_init --
 *	Create and partially initialize the GS structure.
static IP_PRIVATE *
ip_init(WIN *wp, int i_fd, int o_fd, int t_fd, int argc, char *argv[])

	/* Allocate the IP private structure. */
	if (ipp == NULL)
		perr(wp->gp->progname,  NULL);
	wp->ip_private = ipp;

	ipp->i_fd = i_fd;
	ipp->o_fd = o_fd;
	ipp->t_fd = t_fd;
 	ipp->argc = argc;
 	ipp->argv = argv;
	/* Initialize the list of ip functions. */

	return (ipp);

static int
get_fds(char *ip_arg, int *i_fd, int *o_fd)
	char *ep;

	 * Crack ip_arg -- it's of the form #.#, where the first number is the
	 * file descriptor from the screen, the second is the file descriptor
	 * to the screen.
	if (!ip_arg || !isdigit(ip_arg[0]))
		goto usage;
	*i_fd = strtol(ip_arg, &ep, 10);
	if (ep[0] != '.' || !isdigit(ep[1]))
		goto usage;
	*o_fd = strtol(++ep, &ep, 10);
	if (ep[0] != '\0') {
usage:		ip_usage();
		return 1;

	return 0;

static int
get_connection(WIN *wp, int main_ifd, int main_ofd, 
	int *i_fd, int *o_fd, int *t_fd, int can_pass)
    *t_fd = -1;

    if (!can_pass) {
	if (wp == NULL) {		    /* First call */
	    *i_fd = main_ifd;
	    *o_fd = main_ofd;
	} else {
	    return 1;
    } else {
	struct msghdr   mh;
	IPCMSGHDR	    ch;
	char	    dummy;
	struct iovec    iov;

	mh.msg_namelen = 0;
	mh.msg_iovlen = 1;
	mh.msg_iov = &iov;
	mh.msg_controllen = sizeof(ch);
	mh.msg_control = (void *)&ch;

	iov.iov_len = 1;
	iov.iov_base = &dummy;

	if (recvmsg(main_ifd, &mh, 0) != 1)
	    return 1;
	*i_fd = *(int *)CMSG_DATA(&ch.header);
	if (recvmsg(*i_fd, &mh, 0) != 1)
	    return 1;
	*o_fd = *(int *)CMSG_DATA(&ch.header);
	if (dummy == 'F') {
	    if (recvmsg(*i_fd, &mh, 0) != 1)
		return 1;
	    *t_fd = *(int *)CMSG_DATA(&ch.header);

    return 0;

 * ip_func_std --
 *	Initialize the standard ip functions.
static void
ip_func_std(WIN *wp)
	GS *gp;

	gp = wp->gp;

	gp->scr_addstr = ip_addstr;
	gp->scr_waddstr = ip_waddstr;
	gp->scr_attr = ip_attr;
	gp->scr_baud = ip_baud;
	gp->scr_bell = ip_bell;
	gp->scr_busy = ip_busy;
	gp->scr_child = ip_child;
	gp->scr_clrtoeol = ip_clrtoeol;
	gp->scr_cursor = ip_cursor;
	gp->scr_deleteln = ip_deleteln;
	gp->scr_discard = ip_discard;
	gp->scr_event = ip_event;
	gp->scr_ex_adjust = ip_ex_adjust;
	gp->scr_fmap = ip_fmap;
	gp->scr_insertln = ip_insertln;
	gp->scr_keyval = ip_keyval;
	gp->scr_move = ip_move;
	wp->scr_msg = ip_msg;
	gp->scr_optchange = ip_optchange;
	gp->scr_refresh = ip_refresh;
	gp->scr_rename = ip_rename;
	gp->scr_reply = ip_reply;
	gp->scr_screen = ip_screen;
	gp->scr_split = ip_split;
	gp->scr_suspend = ip_suspend;
	gp->scr_usage = ip_usage;

 * perr --
 *	Print system error.
static void
perr(char *name, char *msg)
	(void)fprintf(stderr, "%s:", name);
	if (msg != NULL)
		(void)fprintf(stderr, "%s:", msg);
	(void)fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", strerror(errno));