
#	$NetBSD: GENERIC32_IP12,v 1.4 2007/10/17 19:57:03 garbled Exp $
# sgimips GENERIC kernel for IP12
# The IP12 is very, very similar to the IP2x, with two important differences:
# it is MIPS1 and has a different memory map. This means that while we can
# produce a kernel that works on both CPU architectures, our start addresses
# must differ.
# To keep things simple, include the IP2x kernel config and "no option" the
# offending bits.

# Pull in standard `install' config
include 	"arch/sgimips/conf/GENERIC32_IP2x"

no options	MIPS3
options		MIPS1
no options	INDY_R4600_CACHE

no makeoptions	TEXTADDR
makeoptions	TEXTADDR=0x80002000