
#	$NetBSD: files.discovery,v 1.10 2005/12/11 12:22:16 christos Exp $
# Config file and device description for machine-independent support for
# the Marvell (formerly Galileo Technology) Discovery system controllers.
# Ports that include this must also supply some glue code of their own.
# Notably:
#	* devices here are indirectly configured by the configuration
# 	  file since different systems will be configured somewhat
#	  differently,
#	* The Multi-Purpose Port (MPP) is configured differently on
#	  different systems,
#	* CPU attachment is handled in largely a machine-independent
#	  fashion,
#	* The interrupts on different systems will be handled differently.
# Systems with multiple GT controllers are not currently handled by this
# code.

defparam	opt_marvell.h	MPSC_CONSOLE
defparam	opt_marvell.h	GT_MPSC_DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE
defparam	opt_marvell.h	GT_PCI0_MEMBASE GT_PCI0_MEMSIZE
defparam	opt_marvell.h	GT_PCI1_MEMBASE GT_PCI1_MEMSIZE
defparam	opt_marvell.h	GT_PCI0_IOBASE GT_PCI0_IOSIZE
defparam	opt_marvell.h	GT_PCI1_IOBASE GT_PCI1_IOSIZE
defflag 	opt_marvell.h	GT_PCI0_EXT_ARBITER GT_PCI1_EXT_ARBITER
defflag 	opt_marvell.h	GT_ECC

define	gt { [unit = -1] }
device	gt: gt
file	dev/marvell/gt.c			gt

# PCI bus
device	gtpci: pcibus
attach	gtpci at gt
file	dev/marvell/gtpci.c			gt & pci

# Fast ethernet
device	gfe: ether, ifnet, arp, mii
attach	gfe at gt
file	dev/marvell/if_gfe.c			gfe

# Serial controller
device	gtmpsc: tty
attach	gtmpsc at gt
file	dev/marvell/gtmpsc.c			gtmpsc needs-flag

# DMA controller
device	gtidma
attach	gtidma at gt
file	dev/marvell/gtidma.c			gtidma

define	obio { [offset=-1], [size=0], [irq=-1] }
device	obio: obio
attach	obio at gt
file	dev/marvell/obio.c			obio

device	gtiic: i2cbus
attach	gtiic at gt
file	dev/marvell/gti2c.c			gtiic