
dnl	$OpenBSD: xfer,v 1.9 2007/08/02 17:33:12 david Exp $
Installation is supported from several media types, including:

	FFS partitions (for upgrades only)
	DOS (FAT) partitions (for upgrades only)
	EXT2 partitions (for upgrades only)
dnl	Remote NFS partition

If you can't (or don't want to) boot off a CD-ROM, you can use a floppy
disk (1.44MB required).  Failing that, if your computer supports PXE, you
can prepare a server to start the install across the network, but you will
still need the install sets available on one of the above media types.



Creating a PXE network bootable setup using OpenBSD or other Un*x-like system:

	In order to start the install via PXE, you will need to set up a
	DHCP server and a TFTP server.  The details of how to do this
	vary considerably, depending on the network's host.  You should
	refer to the relevant man pages or administrator's guide for the
	host system.

	The DHCP server should return "pxeboot" to MACHINE clients as the
	network boot program.  Both pxeboot and the bsd.rd install kernel
	should be copied to the TFTP server's root directory.

	If you are using an OpenBSD server, you can use the supplied
	dhcpd and tftpd.  A sample configuration for dhcpd is given in
	the pxeboot(8) man page.  You can get it from the man{:--:}OSrev.tgz
	distribution set, or see the copy on the OpenBSD web page.  You
	should also refer to dhcpd(8) and tftpd(8) for more information
	on configuring them.


OpenBSDXferBareTape(xbase xetc xfont xserv xshare)

dnl OpenBSDXferNFS