
dnl	$OpenBSD: install,v 1.18 2009/05/13 18:38:29 miod Exp $
dnl lots of texts coming from {mac68k,mvme68k,vax}/install initially

Bootstrapping the installation ramdisk kernel is supported
from either network, tape or CD-ROM.

Booting from Tape or CD-ROM installation media:

You can burn a bootable CD-ROM and boot from it or you can prepare an
installation tape as described in the "Creating an installation tape"
section earlier.
To boot from SCSI CD-ROM, simply insert the CD into the drive before power
up, then during the computer's self-test cycle, press the space bar.
Subsequently at the PROM prompt issue a command:

	BOOT_ADMIN> search

to initiate a search for all bootable devices available.  This procedure
may take a few minutes and should you have configured network boot services
present may find those too.  A sample output might be:

   Path Number        Device Path              Device Type
   -----------        -----------------        -----------
   P0                 SESCSI.2.0               TOSHIBA CD-ROM XM-6201TA
   P1                 LAN.       lucifier
   P2                 FWSCSI.5.0               IBM     DDRS-34560WS
   P3                 FWSCSI.0.0               SEAGATE ST318436LW
   P4                 SESCSI.6.0               HP     HP35480A

To boot from your CD-ROM type:

	BOOT_ADMIN> boot p0

To boot from your tape type:

	BOOT_ADMIN> boot p4

Booting from Network:

In order to bootstrap via the network, you must provide a second system to
act as a boot server. It is convenient if this is a second OpenBSD machine
as the necessary services are already installed, although source code for
such programs as dhcpd can be found in OpenBSD's source tree, and should be
reasonably portable to other UN*X-like operating systems. More information
on diskless booting can be found in the OpenBSD diskless(8) manual page.

Your MACHINE expects to be able to download a so-called LIF (``Logical
Interchange Format'') image, containing both the boot code and the kernel,
via the HP rboot protocol, for older firmware, or via the bootp protocol,
for more recent firmware.

Old firmware operation

Models such as 7[035]5, 715/33/50/75, 725/50/75 have an older version
of PDC. There are two levels of interactive commands in this version.
The first level is a short menu:

	b)   Boot from specified device
	s)   Search for bootable device
	a)   Enter Boot Administration mode
	x)   Exit and continue boot sequence

	Select from menu:

In this case, you will need to setup rbootd on the server. Start by creating
an /etc/rbootd.conf file on the bootserver. The format of this file is the
ethernet address followed by the LIF filename. Here is an example:

	08:00:09:70:c4:11		lif{:--:}OSrev.fs

Then start rbootd (or configure /etc/rc.conf to always start rbootd). Once
rbootd is running, the server name will then appear on the MACHINE as part of
the possible boot choices in a boot device search (``s'' command).

Modern firmware operation

More recent machines mostly those based on the 7100LC, 7200 and 7300LC CPU
types have a different PDC version.  There is only one interactive mode,
with a BOOT_ADMIN> prompt, which provides both boot settings and commands.

In this case, you will need to set up dhcpd on the server, which can
serve bootp protocol requests.  Start by editing the /etc/dhcpd.conf on
the bootserver, and declare an information block. Here is an example:

	subnet netmask {
		host boron {
			filename "lif{:--:}OSrev.fs";
			hardware ethernet 08:00:09:70:c4:11;

Do not forget to enable dhcpd.

You will also need to enable tftpd, for the MACHINE to download the
miniroot (bf entry) from the server in the /tftpboot (td entry) directory.

Common operation

You are now ready to bootstrap the miniroot. On your MACHINE, escape to a
prompt and boot from the network by entering ``boot lan isl''. On old PDC
firmware, you will need to enter administration mode first.

Installing using the netboot procedure:


	Boot your machine from the installation media as described above.

	It will take a while to load the miniroot image, especially from
	a slow network connection or a CD-ROM, most likely more than a minute.
	If some action doesn't eventually happen, or the spinning cursor
	has stopped and nothing further has happened, either your boot
	media is bad, your diskless setup is incorrect, or you may have
	a hardware or configuration problem.




	Since the target disk will become the boot disk for your new
	OpenBSD/MACHINE installation, the disklabel program will restrict
	the available disk area to keep the first cylinder, which will
	contain the bootblock, safe from being overwritten. If you don't
	plan to install a bootblock on this disk, you can reclaim this
	space with the 'b' command.

OpenBSDInstallPart6({:-CD-ROM, -:})




OpenBSDDISKInstall(,{:-only -:})



