
dnl	$OpenBSD: prep,v 1.4 2004/03/17 09:25:10 jmc Exp $
Before installing OpenBSD on your machine, you will want to check your
machine's NVRAM settings, from the BUG.

The BUG provides a simple syntax reminder for every command, as well as a
description of the commands; if you need help, just use

    187-Bug> HE

for a command list, or

    187-Bug> HE FOO

for help on a specific command.

If you are located in the diagnostics directory (with a prompt in -Diag>
rather than -Bug>), be sure to revert to the normal Bug operating mode
with the SD command:

     187-Diag> SD

The default settings are usually suitable for OpenBSD; make sure the
environment is configured in BUG mode. You can check and change this with
the ENV command. Ideally, the first two items of the ENV data will be as

    187-Bug> ENV
    Bug or System environment [B/S] = B? 
    Field Service Menu Enable [Y/N] = N? 

in order to boot directly into the BUG, without executing the complete
selftest sequence. Do not forget, after changing the ENV parameters, to
save the changes in NVRAM as suggested by the ENV command itself.

If the board has a built-in Ethernet controller, its address must be correct;
the LSAD command allows the address to be edited.

OpenBSD/MACHINE will not run correctly if the clock is stopped (power-saving
mode). Be sure to check that it is running by setting the current date with
the SET command.

If you plan to permanently boot from the network, make sure your ENV settings
match the following setup:

    Network Auto Boot Enable [Y/N]   = N? Y
    Network Auto Boot at power-up only [Y/N] = Y? N
    Network Auto Boot Abort Delay    = 5? 2 (or any value at your choice)
    Network Auto Boot Configuration Parameters Pointer (NVRAM) =
        00000000? FFFC0080