
#	$OpenBSD: README,v 1.3 2003/08/01 08:42:37 hin Exp $

Notes about the KerberosV support in OpenBSD:

- Please check the heimdal info page (type "info heimdal") to get more
  information. A number of manpages also exists, although the info-page
  is currently the best installation instruction.

- There are some very informational RFCs in the source directory.

- Before you use KerberosV you should setup an /etc/kerberosV/krb5.conf
  according to the instructions in the heimdal infopage.

- The directory /var/heimdal contains logs, the database and acl files,
  and must be created before the kdc, kadmind or kpasswdd can be used.
  Disclosing the database would be a _really_ bad thing.

- The file /etc/kerberosV/krb5.keytab contains the encryption keys and
  its important that you keep this file secret.