
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.22 2008/12/17 10:27:33 sobrado Exp $

PROG=	mg

LDADD+=	-lcurses

# (Common) compile-time options:
#	FKEYS		-- add support for function key sequences.
#	REGEX		-- create regular expression functions.
#	STARTUP		-- look for and handle initialization file.
#	XKEYS		-- use termcap function key definitions.
#				note: XKEYS and bsmap mode do _not_ get along.

SRCS=	autoexec.c basic.c buffer.c cinfo.c dir.c dired.c display.c \
	echo.c extend.c file.c fileio.c funmap.c help.c kbd.c keymap.c \
	line.c macro.c main.c match.c modes.c paragraph.c random.c \
	re_search.c region.c search.c spawn.c tty.c ttyio.c ttykbd.c \
	undo.c version.c window.c word.c yank.c

# More or less standalone extensions.
SRCS+=	cmode.c grep.c theo.c

.include <>