
#pragma ident	"%Z%%M%	%I%	%E% SMI"

# 2001 September 15
# The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
# a legal notice, here is a blessing:
#    May you do good and not evil.
#    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
#    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
# This file runs all tests.
# $Id: all.test,v 1.19 2003/02/16 22:21:33 drh Exp $

set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
source $testdir/tester.tcl
rename finish_test really_finish_test
proc finish_test {} {memleak_check}

if {[file exists ./sqlite_test_count]} {
  set COUNT [exec cat ./sqlite_test_count]
} else {
  set COUNT 4

if {[llength $argv]>0} {
  foreach {name value} $argv {
    switch -- $name {
      -count {
         set COUNT $value
      -quick {
         set ISQUICK $value
      default {
         puts stderr "Unknown option: $name"
set argv {}

# LeakList will hold a list of the number of unfreed mallocs after
# each round of the test.  This number should be constant.  If it
# grows, it may mean there is a memory leak in the library.
set LeakList {}

#  btree2.test

for {set Counter 0} {$Counter<$COUNT && $nErr==0} {incr Counter} {
  set btree_native_byte_order [expr {($Counter>>1)&0x1}]
  if {$Counter%2} {
    set ::SETUP_SQL {PRAGMA default_synchronous=off;}
  } else {
    catch {unset ::SETUP_SQL}
  foreach testfile [lsort -dictionary [glob $testdir/*.test]] {
    set tail [file tail $testfile]
    if {[lsearch -exact $EXCLUDE $tail]>=0} continue
    source $testfile
    catch {db close}
    if {$sqlite_open_file_count>0} {
      puts "$tail did not close all files: $sqlite_open_file_count"
      incr nErr
      lappend ::failList $tail
  if {[info exists Leak]} {
    lappend LeakList $Leak

# Do one last test to look for a memory leak in the library.  This will
# only work if SQLite is compiled with the -DMEMORY_DEBUG=1 flag.
if {$LeakList!=""} {
  puts -nonewline memory-leak-test...
  incr ::nTest
  foreach x $LeakList {
    if {$x!=[lindex $LeakList 0]} {
       puts " failed!"
       puts "Expected: all values to be the same"
       puts "     Got: $LeakList"
       incr ::nErr
       lappend ::failList memory-leak-test
  puts " Ok"

# Run the malloc tests and the misuse test after memory leak detection.
# Both tests leak memory.
catch {source $testdir/misuse.test}
catch {source $testdir/malloc.test}

catch {db close}
set sqlite_open_file_count 0