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 * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
 * or
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
 * and limitations under the License.
 * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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 * Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Use is subject to license terms.

#include "AdapterPortEventListener.h"
#include "AdapterPortEvent.h"
#include "Exceptions.h"
#include "Trace.h"
#include "sun_fc.h"

 * @memo	    Create a new AdapterPortEvent listener
 * @postcondition   Listener ready to receive callbacks
 * @exception	    BadArgumentException
 * @param	    myCallback	The listeners callback routine
 * @param	    data	Opaque data that will be passed to the
 *				callback routine when and event comes in.
	    HBAPort *myPort, AdapterPortCallback myCallback, void *data) :
	    port(myPort), Listener(data), callback(myCallback) {
	Trace log("AdapterPortEventListener::AdapterPortEventListener");
	if (callback == NULL) {
	    throw BadArgumentException();

 * @memo	    Send the event to this listener
 * @param	    event   The event to send to the listener
 * @doc		    The callback registered in the constructor will
 *		    be called.
void AdapterPortEventListener::dispatch(Event &event) {
	Trace log("AdapterPortEventListener::dispatch");
	AdapterPortEvent *e = static_cast<AdapterPortEvent*> (&event);
	if (e != NULL) {
	    HBA_WWN wwn;
	    uint64_t lwwn = e->getPortWWN();
	    // Filter out unwanted events
	    if (port->getPortWWN() == lwwn) {
		lwwn = htonll(lwwn);
		memcpy(&wwn, &lwwn, sizeof (wwn));
		callback(getData(), wwn, e->getType(), e->getAffectedPortID());
	    } // Else ignore
	} else {
	    log.internalError("Unexpected event type.");