
SRC = /sys/source

CC = cc

AS = as

LD = ld

MAKE = make
SH = sh -v


#	Dependencies: set name to RC to force recomp.
CTIME =		# for ctime(III).
CCDEP =		# for C compiler, CC.
ASDEP =		# for assembler.
YACCDEP=	# for yacc(I).
LPWDEP =	# for -lPW lib.
LSDEP =		# for -lS lib.
LPDEP =		# for -lp lib.
LpwDEP =	# for -lpw lib.

# ------------
#  Create /usr/bin.
# ------------

MAIN:		450 cb col diffmark gath gsi hp man mm \
		ratfor reform rjestat send spline t300 t300s t300S t450 \
		tabs tail whatsnew 

MAIN:		cvtbl deroff neqn nroff roff tbl
	-rm -f $(DD)*
	-@echo "\n***** Following Files Still Present:";  ls -l $(DD)*;  echo "\n"
	-@echo "\n***** Following Sticky Files Still Present, Remove After Next Reboot:"; \
			ls -l $(STICKY)*;  echo "\n"

450:		$(SRC)/s1/450.c $(CCDEP)
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -n $(SRC)/s1/450.c
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv 450 $(DD)450
	mv a.out 450
	ls -l 450
	-rm -f $(DD)*

cb:		$(SRC)/s1/cb.c $(CCDEP)
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(SRC)/s1/cb.c
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv cb $(DD)cb
	mv a.out cb
	ls -l cb
	-rm -f $(DD)*

col:		$(SRC)/s1/col.c $(CCDEP)
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -n $(SRC)/s1/col.c
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv col $(DD)col
	mv a.out col
	ls -l col
	-rm -f $(DD)*

diffmark:		$(SRC)/s1/diffmark.c $(CCDEP)
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(SRC)/s1/diffmark.c
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv diffmark $(DD)diffmark
	mv a.out diffmark
	ls -l diffmark
	-rm -f $(DD)*

gsi:		$(SRC)/s1/gsi.c $(CCDEP)
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(SRC)/s1/gsi.c
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv gsi $(DD)gsi
	mv a.out gsi
	ls -l gsi
	-rm -f $(DD)*

hp:		$(SRC)/s1/hp.c $(CCDEP)
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(SRC)/s1/hp.c
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv hp $(DD)hp
	mv a.out hp
	ls -l hp
	-rm -f $(DD)*

ratfor:		$(SRC)/s2/ratfor.a $(CCDEP) $(YACCDEP) $(LSDEP)
	mkdir /tmp/makeratfor
	chdir /tmp/makeratfor; ar x $(SRC)/s2/ratfor.a;  $(MAKE) CC=$(CC)
	mv /tmp/makeratfor/a.out a.out
	rm -f -r /tmp/makeratfor
	rmdir /tmp/makeratfor
	chmod 755 a.out
	strip a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv ratfor $(DD)ratfor
	mv a.out ratfor
	ls -l ratfor
	-rm -f $(DD)*

reform:		$(SRC)/s2/reform.c $(CCDEP)
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -n $(SRC)/s2/reform.c
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv reform $(DD)reform
	mv a.out reform
	ls -l reform
	-rm -f $(DD)*

rjestat:		$(SRC)/rje/rjestat/rjestat?.c $(CCDEP) $(CTIME) $(LPWDEP)
	chdir $(SRC)/rje/rjestat;  $(SH) rjestat.rc
	mv $(SRC)/rje/rjestat/rjestat a.out
	strip a.out
	chmod 4755 a.out
	-chown rje a.out
	-mv rjestat $(DD)rjestat
	mv a.out rjestat
	ls -l rjestat
	-rm -f $(DD)*

gath send:		$(SRC)/rje/send/send?.c $(CCDEP) $(LPWDEP)
	chdir $(SRC)/rje/send;  $(SH) send.rc
	mv $(SRC)/rje/send/send a.out
	strip a.out
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv send $(DD)send
	mv a.out send
	-mv gath $(DD)gath
	ln send gath
	ls -l send gath
	-rm -f $(DD)*

spline:		$(SRC)/s2/spline.c $(CCDEP)
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(SRC)/s2/spline.c
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv spline $(DD)spline
	mv a.out spline
	ls -l spline
	-rm -f $(DD)*

t300:		$(SRC)/plot/t300.c.a $(SRC)/plot/driver.c $(CCDEP)
	mkdir /tmp/maket300
	cp $(SRC)/plot/t300.c.a /tmp/maket300
	chdir /tmp/maket300; ar x $(SRC)/plot/t300.c.a; \
			$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -n $(SRC)/plot/driver.c *.c
	mv /tmp/maket300/a.out a.out
	rm -f -r /tmp/maket300
	rmdir /tmp/maket300
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv t300 $(DD)t300
	mv a.out t300
	ls -l t300
	-rm -f $(DD)*

t300s t300S:	$(SRC)/plot/t300s.c.a $(SRC)/plot/driver.c $(CCDEP)
	mkdir /tmp/maket300s
	cp $(SRC)/plot/t300s.c.a /tmp/maket300s
	chdir /tmp/maket300s; ar x $(SRC)/plot/t300s.c.a; \
			$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -n $(SRC)/plot/driver.c *.c
	mv /tmp/maket300s/a.out a.out
	rm -f -r /tmp/maket300s
	rmdir /tmp/maket300s
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv t300s $(DD)t300s
	-mv t300S $(DD)t300S
	mv a.out t300s
	ln t300s t300S
	ls -l t300s t300S
	-rm -f $(DD)*

t450:		$(SRC)/plot/t450.c.a $(SRC)/plot/driver.c $(CCDEP)
	mkdir /tmp/maket450
	cp $(SRC)/plot/t450.c.a /tmp/maket450
	chdir /tmp/maket450; ar x $(SRC)/plot/t450.c.a; \
			$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -n $(SRC)/plot/driver.c *.c
	mv /tmp/maket450/a.out a.out
	rm -f -r /tmp/maket450
	rmdir /tmp/maket450
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv t450 $(DD)t450
	mv a.out t450
	ls -l t450
	-rm -f $(DD)*

tabs:		$(SRC)/s2/tabs.c $(CCDEP)
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -n $(SRC)/s2/tabs.c
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv tabs $(DD)tabs
	mv a.out tabs
	ls -l tabs
	-rm -f $(DD)*

tail:		$(SRC)/s2/tail.c $(CCDEP)
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(SRC)/s2/tail.c
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv tail $(DD)tail
	mv a.out tail
	ls -l tail
	-rm -f $(DD)*

whatsnew:		$(SRC)/s2/whatsnew.c $(CCDEP) $(CTIME) $(LSDEP) $(LPWDEP)
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(SRC)/s2/whatsnew.c -lPW -lS
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv whatsnew $(DD)whatsnew
	mv a.out whatsnew
	ls -l whatsnew
	-rm -f $(DD)*

cvtbl:		$(SRC)/s1/cvtbl.c $(CCDEP) $(LPDEP)
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(SRC)/s1/cvtbl.c -lp
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv cvtbl $(DD)cvtbl
	mv a.out cvtbl
	ls -l cvtbl
	-rm -f $(DD)*

deroff:		$(SRC)/s1/deroff.c $(CCDEP) $(LSDEP)
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -n $(SRC)/s1/deroff.c -lS
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv deroff $(DD)deroff
	mv a.out deroff
	ls -l deroff
	-rm -f $(DD)*

neqn:		$(SRC)/s7/neqn/ne*.[cgh] $(CCDEP) $(YACCDEP)
	chdir $(SRC)/s7/neqn;  $(SH) neqnrc
	-chdir $(SRC)/s7/neqn;  rm -f *.o
	mv $(SRC)/s7/neqn/a.out a.out
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv neqn $(DD)neqn
	mv a.out neqn
	ls -l neqn
	-rm -f $(DD)*

nroff:		$(SRC)/s7/croff/n*.[ch] $(CCDEP)
	chdir $(SRC)/s7/croff;  $(SH) bothrc;  $(SH) nrc;
	-chdir $(SRC)/s7/croff;  rm -f *.o
	mv $(SRC)/s7/croff/nroff a.out
	chmod 1755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv nroff $(STICKY)nroff
	mv a.out nroff
	ls -l nroff OLDnroff

roff:		$(SRC)/s7/roff/roff?.s $(ASDEP)
	-rm -f a.out
	$(AS) $(SRC)/s7/roff/roff?.s;  $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) a.out -la
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv roff $(DD)roff
	mv a.out roff
	ls -l roff
	-rm -f $(DD)*

tbl:		$(SRC)/s7/tbl/t?.c $(CCDEP) $(LSDEP)
	chdir $(SRC)/s7/tbl;  $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -n t?.c -lS
	chdir $(SRC)/s7/tbl;  rm t?.o
	mv $(SRC)/s7/tbl/a.out a.out
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv tbl $(DD)tbl
	mv a.out tbl
	ls -l tbl
	-rm -f $(DD)*

RC:	# dummy name to force re-compiling things.