
SRC = /sys/source

CC = cc

AS = as

LD = ld


#	Dependencies: set name to RC to force recomp.
CTIME =		# for ctime(III).
CCDEP =		# for C compiler, CC.
ASDEP =		# for assembler.
YACCDEP=	# for yacc(I).
LPWDEP =	# for -lPW lib.
LSDEP =		# for -lS lib.
LPDEP =		# for -lp lib.

MAKE = make
SH = sh -v

# ------------
#  Create /usr/bin.
# ------------

MAIN:		bas bc bfs cal cref crpost dc egrep expr \
		fgrep graph m4 ptx quiz rc regcmp rgrep \
		sno typo units upost vp vpbrk xargs
	-rm -f $(DD)*
	-@echo "\n***** Following Files Still Present:";  ls -l $(DD)*;  echo "\n"
	-@echo "\n***** Following Sticky Files Still Present, Remove After Next Reboot:"; \
			ls -l $(STICKY)*;  echo "\n"

bas:		$(SRC)/s1/bas.s $(ASDEP)
	-rm -f a.out
	$(AS) $(SRC)/s1/bas.s;  $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) a.out -la
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv bas $(DD)bas
	mv a.out bas
	ls -l bas
	-rm -f $(DD)*

bc:		$(SRC)/s1/bc.y $(CCDEP) $(YACCDEP)
	$(YACC) $(SRC)/s1/bc.y
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv bc $(DD)bc
	mv a.out bc
	ls -l bc
	-rm -f $(DD)*

bfs:		$(SRC)/s1/bfs.c $(CCDEP) $(LSDEP) $(LPWDEP)
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(SRC)/s1/bfs.c -lPW -lS
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv bfs $(DD)bfs
	mv a.out bfs
	ls -l bfs
	-rm -f $(DD)*

cal:		$(SRC)/s1/cal.c $(CCDEP)
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(SRC)/s1/cal.c
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv cal $(DD)cal
	mv a.out cal
	ls -l cal
	-rm -f $(DD)*

cref:		$(SRC)/s1/ $(CCDEP) $(LPWDEP)
	mkdir /tmp/makecref
	chdir /tmp/makecref; ar x $(SRC)/s1/; \
			$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) dr.c acts.c put.c -lPW
	mv /tmp/makecref/a.out a.out
	rm -f -r /tmp/makecref
	rmdir /tmp/makecref
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv cref $(DD)cref
	mv a.out cref
	ls -l cref
	-rm -f $(DD)*

crpost:		$(SRC)/s1/ $(CCDEP)
	ar x $(SRC)/s1/ crpost.c
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -n crpost.c
	rm crpost.c
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv crpost $(DD)crpost
	mv a.out crpost
	ls -l crpost
	-rm -f $(DD)*

dc:		$(SRC)/s1/dc?.s $(ASDEP)
	-rm -f a.out
	$(AS) $(SRC)/s1/dc?.s;  $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) a.out
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv dc $(DD)dc
	mv a.out dc
	ls -l dc
	-rm -f $(DD)*

egrep:		$(SRC)/s1/egrep.y $(CCDEP) $(YACCDEP)
	$(YACC) $(SRC)/s1/egrep.y
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -n -ly
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv egrep $(DD)egrep
	mv a.out egrep
	ls -l egrep
	-rm -f $(DD)*

expr:		$(SRC)/s1/expr.y $(CCDEP) $(YACCDEP)
	$(YACC) $(SRC)/s1/expr.y
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -n -ly
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv expr $(DD)expr
	mv a.out expr
	ls -l expr
	-rm -f $(DD)*

fgrep:		$(SRC)/s1/fgrep.c $(CCDEP)
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(SRC)/s1/fgrep.c
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv fgrep $(DD)fgrep
	mv a.out fgrep
	ls -l fgrep
	-rm -f $(DD)*

graph:		$(SRC)/s1/graph.c $(SRC)/plot/plot.c.a $(CCDEP)
	mkdir /tmp/makegraph
	cp $(SRC)/s1/graph.c /tmp/makegraph
	chdir /tmp/makegraph; ar x $(SRC)/plot/plot.c.a;  $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -n *.c
	mv /tmp/makegraph/a.out a.out
	rm -f -r /tmp/makegraph
	rmdir /tmp/makegraph
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv graph $(DD)graph
	mv a.out graph
	ls -l graph
	-rm -f $(DD)*

m4:		$(SRC)/s2/m4.y $(CCDEP) $(LSDEP) $(YACCDEP)
	$(YACC) $(SRC)/s2/m4.y
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -ly -lS
	-chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv m4 $(DD)m4
	mv a.out m4
	ls -l m4
	-rm -f $(DD)*

ptx:		$(SRC)/s2/ptx.c $(CCDEP)
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(SRC)/s2/ptx.c
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv ptx $(DD)ptx
	mv a.out ptx
	ls -l ptx
	-rm -f $(DD)*

quiz:		$(SRC)/s2/quiz.c $(CCDEP) $(LSDEP)
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(SRC)/s2/quiz.c -lS
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv quiz $(DD)quiz
	mv a.out quiz
	ls -l quiz
	-rm -f $(DD)*

rc:		$(SRC)/s2/rc.c $(CCDEP)
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(SRC)/s2/rc.c
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv rc $(DD)rc
	mv a.out rc
	ls -l rc
	-rm -f $(DD)*

regcmp:		$(SRC)/s2/regcmp.c $(CCDEP)
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(SRC)/s2/regcmp.c -lPW
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv regcmp $(DD)regcmp
	mv a.out regcmp
	ls -l regcmp
	-rm -f $(DD)*

rgrep:		$(SRC)/s2/rgrep.c $(CCDEP) $(LPWDEP)
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(SRC)/s2/rgrep.c -lPW
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv rgrep $(DD)rgrep
	mv a.out rgrep
	ls -l rgrep
	-rm -f $(DD)*

sno:		$(SRC)/sno/*.[ch] $(CCDEP)
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(SRC)/sno/sno?.c
	rm sno?.o
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv sno $(DD)sno
	mv a.out sno
	ls -l sno
	-rm -f $(DD)*

typo:		$(SRC)/s2/typo.c $(CCDEP)
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(SRC)/s2/typo.c
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv typo $(DD)typo
	mv a.out typo
	ls -l typo
	-rm -f $(DD)*

units:		$(SRC)/s2/units.c $(CCDEP)
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(SRC)/s2/units.c
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv units $(DD)units
	mv a.out units
	ls -l units
	-rm -f $(DD)*

upost:		$(SRC)/s1/ $(CCDEP)
	ar x $(SRC)/s1/ upost.c
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -n upost.c
	rm upost.c
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv upost $(DD)upost
	mv a.out upost
	ls -l upost
	-rm -f $(DD)*

vp:		$(SRC)/s2/vp.c $(CTIME) $(CCDEP) $(LSDEP) $(LPWDEP) $(LpwDEP)
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(SRC)/s2/vp.c -lpw -lPW -lS
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv vp $(DD)vp
	mv a.out vp
	ls -l vp
	-rm -f $(DD)*

vpbrk:		$(SRC)/s2/vpbrk.c $(CCDEP) $(CTIME) $(LPWDEP)
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(SRC)/s2/vpbrk.c -lPW
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv vpbrk $(DD)vpbrk
	mv a.out vpbrk
	ls -l vpbrk
	-rm -f $(DD)*

xargs:		$(SRC)/s2/xargs.c $(CCDEP) $(LPWDEP)
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(SRC)/s2/xargs.c -lPW
	chmod 755 a.out
	-chown bin a.out
	-mv xargs $(DD)xargs
	mv a.out xargs
	ls -l xargs
	-rm -f $(DD)*

RC:	# dummy name to force re-compiling things.