
extern int errno;
#include "mailer.h"
#include "ffio.h"
#define FFAKE   0		  /* ff_read does no buffer stuffing  */
#define MAXNUM 077777

struct adrstruct    snoopadr;
#ifdef LOCDLVR
struct netstruct    net_loc;
#ifdef  ARPANET
struct netstruct    net_arpa;
#ifdef  POBOX
struct netstruct    net_pobox;

net_tabopen (pnetinfo, fromstart)
struct netstruct   *pnetinfo;
char    fromstart;
    register struct netstruct  *netinfo;
    register char  *path;

    switch ((netinfo = pnetinfo) -> net_tabfd)
	case 0: 
	    if ((path = netinfo -> net_tpath) != 0)
		if ((netinfo -> net_tabfd = ff_open (path, 0)) == NOTOK) {
		    sysabrt (RPLLOC, "Unable to open %s name table",
			    netinfo -> net_ref);
	    netinfo -> net_tpath = NOTOK;
	case NOTOK: 
	    return (FALSE);
	    if (fromstart)	  /* back to the beginning    */
		ff_seek (netinfo -> net_tabfd, 0, 0);
    return (TRUE);

host2adr (netinfo, fromstart, pname, adrline)
struct netstruct   *netinfo;
char    fromstart;		  /* start at beginning of list?  */
char   *pname,			  /* name of net "member" */
       *adrline;		  /* put corresponding "address" into this
				     buffer */
    int     thefd;
    int     tmp;
    char    host[20];
    register char  *name;

    if (!net_tabopen (netinfo, fromstart))
	return (FALSE);

    for (name = pname, thefd = netinfo -> net_tabfd;
	    (tmp = ff_read (thefd, &host, sizeof host, ": \t\n\377")) > 0;)
	host[tmp - 1] = '\0';
	if (strequ (name, host))
	    if ((tmp = ff_read (thefd, adrline, LINESIZE, "\n\000\377")) < 0)
	    adrline[tmp - 1] = '\0';
	    return (TRUE);
	if ((tmp = ff_read (thefd, FFAKE, MAXNUM, "\n\000\377")) < 0)
    if (tmp < 0)
	sysabrt (RPLLOC, "Error reading %s name file", netinfo -> net_ref);
    return (FALSE);

adr2first (netinfo, adrstr, adrline)
struct netstruct   *netinfo;
char   *adrstr,
       *adrline;		  /* stuff official hostname into here */
    int thefd;
    char    linebuf[LINESIZE];
    register int    c;

    if (!net_tabopen (netinfo, TRUE))
	return (FALSE);
    thefd = netinfo -> net_tabfd;
    while ((c = ff_read (thefd, adrline, LINESIZE, ": \t\377")) > 0)
	adrline[c - 1] = '\0';
	if ((c = ff_read (thefd, linebuf, LINESIZE, "\n\377")) <= 0)
	linebuf[c - 1] = '\0';
	if (strequ (adrstr, linebuf))
	    for (adrline[0] = lowtoup (adrline[0]), c = 1; adrline[c];)
		if (adrline[c++] == '-')
		    adrline[c] = lowtoup (adrline[c]);
	    return (TRUE);

    if (c < 0)
	sysabrt (RPLLOC, "Error reading %s name table", netinfo -> net_spec);
    return (FALSE);

host2first (netinfo, fromstart, hostr, adrline)
struct netstruct   *netinfo;
char    fromstart;		  /* start at beginning of list?  */
char   *hostr,
       *adrline;		  /* stuff official hostname into here */
    char    linebuf[LINESIZE];

    if (net_tabopen (netinfo, fromstart))
	if (!host2adr (netinfo, fromstart, hostr, linebuf))
	    strcpy (hostr, linebuf);
	if (adr2first (netinfo, linebuf, adrline))
	    return (TRUE);
    strcpy (hostr, adrline);
    return (FALSE);