
h[eaders]  <msg-sequence>    list one-line header for each message
t[ype]     <msg-sequence>    list messages on terminal
n[ext message]               list next message on terminal
b[ack up]                    list previous message on terminal
c[urrent message]            list current message number and file name
d[elete]   <msg-sequence>    mark messages as being deleted
u[ndelete] <msg-sequence>    remove deleted marking from messages
s[ave]                       moves undeleted messages to mbox
q[uit]                       exit without changing any files
e[exit and overwrite]        save and quit
l[ist]     <msg-sequence>    copy messages (without separators) to file
p[ut]      <msg-sequence>    copy messages (with separators) to file
m[ove]     <msg-sequence>    same as put + delete
j[ump]                       jump to program - can be any shell command
r[ead]                       read from new message file
o[verwrite]                  overwrite and re-read current file
v[erbose]                    verbose/concise toggle
a[nswer]                     answer message [not implemented]
f[orward]                    send copy of message to someone [not implemented]
w[rite to]                   sets default filename for l,p,m commands

>>>Examples of a <msg-sequence>:
2                            message 2
2,3,6  or  2 3 6             messages 2, 3, and 6
11:15  or 11-15  or  11-5    messages 11 through 15 (inclusive)
15:11                        messages 15 through 11 (in that order)
:15                          first message through message 15
3:                           message 3 through the last message
101-5,113,116                messages 101 through 105, 113, and 116

>>>The following may be used instead of a <msg-sequence>:
a[ll messages]
d[eleted messages]
u[ndeleted messages]
i[nverse all messages]