
/*	@(#)/usr/src/cmd/make/defs	3.2	*/

/*	@(#)defs	3.1	*/

#include <stdio.h>

#define NEWLINE	'\n'
#define CNULL	'\0'
#define BLANK	' '
#define TAB	'\t'
#define DOT	'.'
#define WIGGLE	'~'
#define AT	'@'
#define MINUS	'-'
#define EQUALS	'='
#define SLASH	'/'
#define STAR	'*'
#define LCURLY	'{'
#define RCURLY	'}'
#define LPAREN	'('
#define RPAREN	')'
#define LSQUAR	'['
#define RSQUAR	']'
#define QUESTN	'?'
#define KOLON	':'
#define SKOLON	';'
#define DOLLAR	'$'
#define GREATR	'>'
#define POUND	'#'
#define BACKSLASH	'\\'

 *	Flags

#define ALLOC(x) (struct x *) intalloc(sizeof(struct x))

#define TURNON(a)	(Mflags |= (a))
#define TURNOFF(a)	(Mflags &= (~(a)))
#define IS_ON(a)	(Mflags&(a))
#define IS_OFF(a)	(!(IS_ON(a)))

#define DBUG	0000001		/* debug flag */
#define ENVOVER	0000002		/* environ overides file defines */
#define EXPORT	0000004		/* put current variable in environ */
#define PRTR	0000010		/* set `-p' flag */
#define SIL	0000020		/* set `-s' flag */
#define NOEX	0000040		/* set `-n' flag */
#define INTRULE	0000100		/* use internal rules */
#define TOUCH	0000200		/* set `-t' flag */
#define GET	0000400		/* do a $(GET) if file not found */
#define QUEST	0001000		/* set `-q' flag */
#define INARGS	0002000		/* currently reading cmd args */
#define IGNERR	0004000		/* set `-i' flag */
#define KEEPGO	0010000		/* set `-k' flag */
#define GF_KEEP	0020000		/* keep auto get files */
#define MH_DEP	0040000		/* use old question about whether cmd exists */
#define MEMMAP	0100000		/* print memory map */

typedef char *CHARSTAR;
typedef int  *INTSTAR;
typedef long int TIMETYPE;
typedef struct gothead *GOTHEAD;
typedef struct gotf *GOTF;
typedef struct chain *CHAIN;
typedef struct opendir *OPENDIR;
typedef struct pattern *PATTERN;
typedef struct varblock *VARBLOCK;
typedef struct shblock *SHBLOCK;
typedef struct depblock *DEPBLOCK;
typedef struct lineblock *LINEBLOCK;
typedef struct nameblock *NAMEBLOCK;

extern CHARSTAR *environ;
extern int Mflags;
extern FILE *fin;
extern CHARSTAR *linesptr;
 *	flags for get()
#define CD	0
#define NOCD	1

#define max(a,b)	((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
#define SHELLCOM "/bin/sh"

#ifdef unix
/*  to install metering, add a statement like */
#define METERFILE "/usr/sif/make/Meter"
/* to turn metering on, set external variable meteron to 1 */

/* define FSTATIC to be static on systems with C compilers
   supporting file-static; otherwise define it to be null
#define FSTATIC static

#define NO 0
#define YES 1

#define equal(a,b)	(a[0] == b[0] ? !strcmp((a),(b)) : NO )
#define HASHSIZE 809
#define NLEFTS 100
#define NCHARS 500
#define NINTS  250
#define INMAX 2500
#define OUTMAX 2500

#define ALLDEPS  1
#define SOMEDEPS 2

#define META 01
#define TERMINAL 02
extern char funny[128];

extern int sigivalue;
extern int sigqvalue;
extern int waitpid;
extern int ndocoms;
extern int okdel;
extern CHARSTAR prompt;
extern char junkname[ ];
extern char RELEASE[];

struct nameblock
	NAMEBLOCK nextname;		/* pointer to next nameblock */
	NAMEBLOCK backname;		/* pointer to predecessor */
	CHARSTAR namep;		/* ASCII name string */
	CHARSTAR alias;		/* ASCII alias (when namep translates to another
				 * pathstring.
	LINEBLOCK linep; /* pointer to dependents */
	int done:3;		/* flag used to tell when finished */
	int septype:3;		/* distinguishes between single and double : */
	int rundep:1;		/* flag indicating runtime translation done */
	TIMETYPE modtime;	/* set by exists() */

extern NAMEBLOCK mainname ;
extern NAMEBLOCK firstname;

struct lineblock
	LINEBLOCK nextline;

extern LINEBLOCK sufflist;

struct depblock
	DEPBLOCK nextdep;
	NAMEBLOCK depname;

struct shblock
	SHBLOCK nextsh;

struct varblock
	VARBLOCK nextvar;
	CHARSTAR varname;
	CHARSTAR varval;
	int noreset:1;
	int used:1;
	int envflg:1;
	int v_aflg:1;

extern VARBLOCK firstvar;

struct pattern
	PATTERN nextpattern;
	CHARSTAR patval;

extern PATTERN firstpat;

struct	opendir
	OPENDIR nextopendir;
	FILE * dirfc;
extern OPENDIR firstod;

struct chain
	CHAIN nextchain;
	CHARSTAR datap;

 *	The following two structures are used to cleanup after
 *	`make' does an automatic get of a file. See get() and
 *	cleanup().
struct gotf			/* list of files */
	GOTF gnextp;
	CHARSTAR gnamep;

struct gothead			/* first member of list of files */
	GOTF gnextp;
	CHARSTAR gnamep;
	GOTF endp;

char Nullstr[];
CHARSTAR badptr;
CHARSTAR copys();
CHARSTAR copstr();
CHARSTAR concat();
CHARSTAR colontrans();
CHARSTAR dftrans();
CHARSTAR straightrans();
CHARSTAR mkqlist();
CHARSTAR findfl();
CHARSTAR addstars();
CHARSTAR strshift();
INTSTAR  intalloc();
VARBLOCK varptr();
VARBLOCK srchvar();
TIMETYPE prestime(), exists();
DEPBLOCK srchdir();
NAMEBLOCK srchname(), makename();
LINEBLOCK runtime();