
This program plays the game of "mastermind". The playing field
is a number of slots, in which a number of colored pegs can be
placed. I will start by placing a peg in each slot, and you will
then have to guess what color peg I have in each slot. You will
then place a peg in each slot, and I will have to guess what color
peg is in each slot. You get one point for each guess I have to
make, and I get one point for each guess you have to make.

A guess consists of a possible sequence of colored pegs. The
guesser's opponent then answers with two numbers: the number of
pegs in the guess that exactly match the corresponding pegs in
the configuration, and the number of pegs in the guess that match
in color but not in position. For example, let's say we are playing
with five slots, and the following situation occurs:

        my configuration:   red   red   yellow   blue   brown
        your guess:         blue  red   green    red    red

The two numbers would then be 1 and 2. The 1 is because we each
have a red peg in the second slot. In addition, your blue matches
my blue, though the position is wrong, and one of your reds matches
my red in the first slot. Only two of your reds match because
I only have two reds in my configuration.

You will have a chance to decide before we start on how many slots
and how many colors you want to use.

When you enter a guess, type the names of the colors, separated
by spaces. When I make a guess, answer me with two digits, possibly
separated by spaces.

Any time it is your turn to enter a guess, you can ask me what
happened by typing "review" instead of your guess.

Good luck!