
ERROR	ed.c	/^#define ERROR(c)	error1(c)$/
GETC	ed.c	/^#define GETC()		getchr()$/
ISTHERE	regexp.h	/^#define ISTHERE(c)	(ep[c >> 3] & bittab[c & 07])$/
Med	ed.c	/^main(argc, argv)$/
Med_v7	ed_v7.c	/^main(argc, argv)$/
PEEKC	ed.c	/^#define PEEKC()		(peekc = getchr())$/
PLACE	regexp.h	/^#define PLACE(c)	ep[c >> 3] |= bittab[c & 07]$/
PUTM	ed.c	/^#define	PUTM()	if(xcode >= 0) puts(msgtab[xcode])$/
RETURN	ed.c	/^#define RETURN(c)	return$/
UNGETC	ed.c	/^#define UNGETC(c)	(peekc = c)$/
address	ed.c	/^LINE $/
advance	ed_v7.c	/^advance(lp, ep)$/
append	ed.c	/^append(f, a)$/
backref	ed_v7.c	/^backref(i, lp)$/
blkio	ed.c	/^blkio(b, buf, iofcn)$/
callunix	ed_v7.c	/^callunix()$/
cclass	ed_v7.c	/^cclass(set, c, af)$/
chktime	ed.c	/^chktime() \/* check saved mod time against current /
clear	ed.c	/^clear(f)$/
commands	ed.c	/^commands()$/
compile	ed_v7.c	/^compile(aeof)$/
compsub	ed.c	/^compsub()$/
crblock	ed.c	/^crblock(permp, buf, nchar, startn)$/
crinit	ed.c	/^crinit(keyp, permp)$/
delete	ed.c	/^delete()$/
dosub	ed.c	/^dosub()$/
eclose	ed.c	/^eclose(f)$/
ecmp	regexp.h	/^ecmp(a, b, count)$/
eopen	ed.c	/^eopen(string, rw)$/
error	ed.c	/^error(code)$/
error1	ed.c	/^error1(code)$/
execute	ed.c	/^execute(gf, addr)$/
exfile	ed.c	/^exfile()$/
expnd	ed.c	/^expnd(line,buf,sz,f)$/
filename	ed.c	/^filename(comm)$/
fspec	ed.c	/^fspec(line,f,up)$/
gdelete	ed.c	/^gdelete()$/
getblock	ed.c	/^getblock(atl, iof)$/
getchr	ed.c	/^getchr()$/
getcopy	ed.c	/^getcopy()$/
getfile	ed.c	/^getfile()$/
getime	ed.c	/^getime() \/* get modified time of file and save *\/$/
getkey	ed.c	/^getkey()$/
getline	ed.c	/^getline(tl)$/
getrnge	regexp.h	/^getrnge(str)$/
getsub	ed.c	/^getsub()$/
gettty	ed.c	/^gettty()$/
global	ed.c	/^global(k)$/
globaln	ed.c	/^globaln(k)$/
init	ed.c	/^init()$/
join	ed.c	/^join()$/
lenchk	ed.c	/^lenchk(line,f)$/
makekey	ed.c	/^makekey(a, b)$/
mkfunny	ed.c	/^mkfunny()$/
move	ed.c	/^move(cflag)$/
newline	ed.c	/^newline()$/
newtime	ed.c	/^newtime() \/* get new mod time and save *\/$/
nonzero	ed.c	/^nonzero()$/
numb	ed.c	/^numb()$/
onhup	ed.c	/^onhup()$/
onintr	ed.c	/^onintr()$/
onpipe	ed.c	/^onpipe()$/
place	ed.c	/^place(sp, l1, l2)$/
putchr	ed.c	/^putchr(ac)$/
putd	ed.c	/^putd()$/
putfile	ed.c	/^putfile()$/
putline	ed.c	/^putline()$/
puts	ed.c	/^puts(sp)$/
quit	ed.c	/^quit()$/
rdelete	ed.c	/^rdelete(ad1, ad2)$/
red	ed.c	/^red(op) \/* restricted - check for '\/' in name *\/$/
reverse	ed.c	/^reverse(a1, a2)$/
save	ed.c	/^save() {$/
setall	ed.c	/^setall()$/
setdot	ed.c	/^setdot()$/
setnoaddr	ed.c	/^setnoaddr()$/
signal	ed.c	/^int	(*signal())();$/
stdtab	ed.c	/^stdtab(option,tabvect)$/
step	regexp.h	/^step(p1, p2)$/
strcopy	ed.c	/^strcopy(source,dest)$/
strequal	ed.c	/^strequal(scan1,str)$/
substitute	ed.c	/^substitute(inglob)$/
targ	ed.c	/^targ(f)$/
tincr	ed.c	/^tincr(n,f)$/
tlist	ed.c	/^tlist(f)$/
tstd	ed.c	/^tstd(f)$/
undo	ed.c	/^undo() {$/
unixcom	ed.c	/^unixcom()$/