

DESCRIPTION	The 512dumpdir command displays the directory contents 
		of a dump tape containing a pre-Version 3.0 file system
		(512-byte block).

DOCUMENTATION	dumpdir(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Mangement Guide

DESCRIPTION	The 512restor command allows you to perform
		incremental file restores from a pre-Version
		3.0 file system (512-byte block).

DOCUMENTATION   restor(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Mangement Guide

DESCRIPTION	The ac command displays login accounting information.

SYNTAX	  	ac [ options ] [ user... ]

		  user   Login name of each user that statistics are to be 
			 generated for.  If not specified, generates statistics
			 for all users.

OPTIONS		-d   Displays daily report (midnight to midnight).
		-p   Displays personal statistics for all users.  If not 
		     specified, displays system totals only.
		-w   Displays report from statistics in specified file (next 
		     argument).  If not specified, uses /usr/adm/wtmp.

DOCUMENTATION   ac(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
DESCRIPTION	The accton command turns system process accounting on or off.

SYNTAX		/etc/accton [ file ]

		  file   Name of file into which accounting statistics are 
			 to be written.  You can use any file, but, normally, 
			 you specify /usr/adm/acct in /etc/rc. If a file is 
			 not specified, turns off process accounting.

DOCUMENTATION   sa(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The arcv command converts each previously archived V6 file 
		to Version 7 format.

SYNTAX		arcv file...

		  file   Name of each file to be converted.

DOCUMENTATION	arcv(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The arp command allows you to display or modify
		the Internet-to-Ethernet translation tables.

SYNTAX	  	arp [ options ] [ host ]

		  host   Name of the host system for which
			 information is to be displayed or

OPTIONS		-a   Displays current Address Resolution Protocol
		     (ARP) entries from the specified namelist and
		     core files (next arguments).  If not specified,
		     uses /unix and /dev/mem, respectively.
		-d   Deletes the entry for the host specified by
		     name (next argument).
		-f   Reads information from the specified file
		     (next argument) and modifies entries accordingly.
		-s   Creates an entry for the host specified by name
		     and Ethernet address (next arguments).  If the
		     optional argument temp is not specified, a
		     permanent entry is created.  If the optional
		     argument pub also is not specified, the entry
		     is not published.	
DOCUMENTATION   arp(8c) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The primary and secondary boot programs are used 
		during a system boot.
DOCUMENTATION   boot(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide
DESCRIPTION	The bufstat command displays current I/O usage statistics.

SYNTAX		bufstat [ keys ]

KEYS		i   Uses specified number (next argument) as interval for 
		    display: every n seconds.
		f   Uses specified file (next argument) in place of memory.
		    If not specified, uses /dev/mem.
		n   Uses specified file (next argument) in place of system 
		    namelist.  If not specified, uses /unix.

DOCUMENTATION	bufstat(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide

DESCRIPTION	The catman command creates formatted manual pages
		for the on-line documentation from the nroff
		source files.

SYNTAX	  	catman  [ options ] [ section... ]

		  section   Section number of the Programmer's
			    Manual for which the formatted pages
			    are to be created.

OPTIONS		-n   Creates the formatted pages but does not create
		     the /usr/lib/whatis database.
		-p   Displays information about what would be done
		     but does not create the formatted pages.
		-w   Does not create the formatted pages but does
		     create the /usr/lib/whatis database.
DOCUMENTATION   catman(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
DESCRIPTION	The ccd command copies a kernel crash dump from the dump 
		device to the /usr/crash directory.


DOCUMENTATION	cda(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide

DESCRIPTION	The cda command analyzes a kernel core dump.

SYNTAX		cda [ options ] [ kernel ] [ core ]

		  kernel   Name of kernel object file to be analyzed.  If not 
			   specified, uses /unix.

		  core     Name of core dump.  If not specified, uses 

OPTIONS		-b    Displays buffer statistics.
		-e    Extracts unlogged error messages.
		-g    Displays user blocks.
		-h    Displays help information.
		-k    Displays TMSCP tape statistics.
		-m    Displays memory usage statistics.
		-q    Displays block I/O buffer queues.
		-r    Displays resource map usage (core and swap).
		-t    Performs panic trap analysis.
		-u    Displays MSCP disk statistics.
		-pf   Displays open files (pstat -f).
		-pi   Displays inode table entries (pstat -i).
		-pp   Displays process table active slots (pstat -p).
		-ps   Displays process status statistics (ps -lax).
		-pt   Displays terminal status statistics (pstat -t).
		-pu   Uses specified address (-pun) and dumps U block at 
		      that address. 
		-px   Displays text table (pstat -x).
		-ppa  Displays all process table slots (pstat -pa).

DOCUMENTATION	cda(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide 

DESCRIPTION	The clri command clears (zeroes out) each specified inode.

SYNTAX		clri special inumber...

		  special   Name of special file for file system on which 
			    the inodes reside.

		  inumber   Index number of each inode to be cleared.

DOCUMENTATION	clri(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide

DESCRIPTION	The system crash procedures are fully explained in the
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide.
DOCUMENTATION   ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide

DESCRIPTION	The cron command is the system clock daemon that is
		used for repetitively executing command sequences at 
		a specified time.  Normally, this command is 
		automatically executed from the /etc/rc file during
		multiuser startup.

DOCUMENTATION   cron(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide
DESCRIPTION	The dcheck command checks the directory consistency of the
		specified file system.

SYNTAX		dcheck [ -i ] special

		  special   Name of special file for file system to be checked.

OPTIONS		-i  Checks the directory consistency of the specified files. 
		    Each file is specified by its inode index number 
		    (-i number...).

DOCUMENTATION	dcheck(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide

DESCRIPTION	The dcopy command performs a disk-to-disk copy of the specified
		file system.

SYNTAX		/etc/dcopy [ options ] special1 special2

		  special1   Name of special file for each file system: one
		  special2   copied from and one copied to.

OPTIONS		-a   Places all files not accessed in specified number of days 
		     (-a#) after free block list on destination file system.
		-d   Leaves all directory entries as is.  Normally, all 
		     subdirectories are moved to beginning of directory.
		-f   Uses specified information (-ffsize:isize) and overrides
		     defined values for size of target file system (fsize) 
		     and size of inode list (isize).
		-n   Does not prompt for confirmation. Normally, prompts before
		-s   Uses specified character (-sx[:s]) and reconstructs free 
		     list with optimal interleaving (x:s spaces free blocks 
		     s blocks apart in cylinder groups x blocks each).
		-v   Reports number of files and size of free list on source
		     and destination file system during copy.

DOCUMENTATION	dcopy(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
DESCRIPTION	The df command reports the number of free blocks available 
		on each specified file system.

SYNTAX		df [ special... ]

		  special  Name of special file for each file system to be 
			   checked.  If not specified, reports on all file
			   systems named in /etc/fstab.

OPTIONS         -i   Shows free inodes in addition to free disk space.

DOCUMENTATION	df(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The dmesg command copies messages from the system
		message buffer and, unless redirected, writes them
		to stdout.  Normally, this command is automatically
		invoked every 10 minutes by the system clock daemon,

DOCUMENTATION   dmesg(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide
DESCRIPTION	The dump command creates incremental file system dumps.

SYNTAX		dump [ key ] [ special ]

		  special   Name of special file for file system to be 

KEYS		0-9  Sets dump level to specified number from range (0-9).  
		     Level 0 indicates full file system dump.
		d    Sets tape density (next argument) to n bytes/inch.
		f    Uses special file (next argument) to which output is
		     to be written.
		k    Uses TK50 instead of tape.
		m    Uses RX50 diskettes instead of tape.  The f key also is 
		     required to indicate the special file name.
		s    Sets size of dump tape (next argument) to specified
		     feet.  If not specified, defaults to 2300 feet.
		t    Prevents rewrite on error: exits with status 1
		     instead of asking if volume is to be rewritten.
		u    Updates /etc/ddate upon successful completion.
		y    Suppresses normal start-up query.

EXAMPLES	dump 0uf /dev/rht0 /dev/hp05

DOCUMENTATION	dump(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide
DESCRIPTION	The dumpdir command displays the directory contents of a
		dump tape.

SYNTAX		dumpdir [ key ]

KEYS		d   Displays each entry in the /etc/ddate file.
    		f   Name of special file (next argument) on which dump 
		    tape is mounted.  If not specified, uses /dev/rht0.

DOCUMENTATION	dumpdir(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The elc program runs in background and periodically 
		copies error data from the system message buffer to
		the error log file.

DOCUMENTATION	ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide

DESCRIPTION	The eli command initializes and maintains the system error

SYNTAX		eli [ option ]

OPTIONS		-c  Copies system error log file to specified file (next
		-d  Disables error logging.
		-e  Enables error logging.
		-i  Initializes the system error log file.
		-u  Displays the size of the system error log file.

DOCUMENTATION	eli(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide

DESCRIPTION	The elp command formats and prints system error messages.

SYNTAX		elp [ options ] [ file ]

		  file  Name of file from which error message data is to
			be taken.

OPTIONS		-b  Displays brief descriptions only.
		-d  Displays messages within specified date and time (next
		    two arguments).
		-f  Displays detailed reports only.
		-h  Displays on-line help.
		-r  Displays recoverable errors (block devices only).
		-s  Displays summary reports only.
		-u  Displays unrecoverable errors (block devices only).
		-xx Displays report for specified error type (xx) only.
		    Error types are:

			hj  rm02/3/5, rp04/5/6, ml11 disks on third rh11/rh70
			hk  rk06/7 disks
			hm  rm02/3/5, rp04/5/6, ml11 disks on second rh11/rh70
			hp  rm02/3/5, rp04/5/6, ml11 disks on first rh11/rh70
			hs  rs03/4 disks
			ht  tm02/3 tape controller
			hx  rx02 disks
			mp  Memory parity
			ra  ra60/80/81 disks
			rc  rc25 disks
			rd  rd51/52 disks
			rk  rk05 disks
			rl  rl01/2 disks
			rp  rp02/3 disks
			rx  rx50 disks
			sd  Shutdown
			si  Stray Interrupt
			su  Startup
			sv  Stray Vector
			tc  Time Change
			tk  TK50/TU81
			tm  TM11
			ts  TS11/TSV05/TSU05/TU80/TK25

DOCUMENTATION	elp(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide
DESCRIPTION	The fpsim command displays or changes the status of the
		floating point simulator.

SYNTAX		/etc/fpsim [ mode ]

		  mode   Mode can be set on or off.  If not specified, 
			 displays the current status.

DOCUMENTATION	fpsim(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
DESCRIPTION	The fsck command provides an interactive file system 
		consistency check program.

SYNTAX		fsck [ options ] [ special... ]

		  special  Name of special file for each file system to be 
			   checked.  If not specified, defaults to file systems
			   listed in /etc/fstab.

OPTIONS		-S  Builds new free list, using specified interleaving 
		    factor (-Sx), if old free list contains no errors. 
		-n  Assumes "no" response and issues no prompts.
		-p  Conducts parallel passes in the order and on the 
		    file systems specified in the /etc/fstab file.
		-s  Builds new free list, using specified interleaving 
		    factor (-sx), even if old free list contains errors.
		-t  Uses specified file (next argument) as scratch file.
		-y  Assumes "yes" response to all prompts.

DOCUMENTATION	fsck(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide
DESCRIPTION	The fsdb command provides an interactive file system debugger
		that has a full subset of symbols.

SYNTAX		/etc/fsdb special [ - ] 

		  special   Name of special file for file system to be patched.

OPTIONS		-  Suppresses normal inode and block address checking routines.

DOCUMENTATION	fsdb(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The ftpd command is the DARPA Internet File Transfer
		Protocol daemon.  Normally, this command is executed
		from the /etc/rc file during multiuser startup.
DOCUMENTATION   ftpd(8c) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The getty program is automatically invoked by the
		init program during a system startup to initialize
		the mode of each enabled terminal line.

DOCUMENTATION   getty(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
DESCRIPTION	The icheck command checks the inode consistency of the
		specified file system.

SYNTAX		icheck [ options ] special
		  special   Name of special file for file system to be checked.

OPTIONS		-b   Checks each specified block number (next arguments).
		-s   Reconstructs free list.

DOCUMENTATION	icheck(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide

DESCRIPTION	The ifconfig command assigns network addresses or
		configures network interface parameters.  Normally,
		this command is executed from the /etc/rc file 
		during multiuser startup.

DOCUMENTATION   ifconfig(8c) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The inetd command is the Internet service daemon.
		Normally, this command is executed from the /etc/rc
		file during multiuser startup.

DOCUMENTATION   inetd(8c) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The init command is automatically invoked as part
		of a system startup.

DOCUMENTATION   init(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide
DESCRIPTION	The iostat command displays a report of system I/O activity.

SYNTAX		iostat [ options ] [ drive... ] [ interval [ count ] ]

		  drive     Name of special file for which I/O statistics 
			    are to be reported.

		  interval  Report generated every n seconds.

		  count     Only n reports generated (used in conjunction 
			    with interval argument).

OPTIONS		-a   Displays total time (minutes) at end of report.
		-b   Displays I/O buffer usage.
		-d   Displays date and time at beginning of report.
		-i   Displays percentage spent: controller active, disk active,
		     I/O wait, and idle but with disk active, in addition to
		     normal output categories.
		-s   Displays raw timing information for each disk drive.
		-t   Displays number of characters/second for terminal I/O.

DOCUMENTATION	iostat(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide
DESCRIPTION	The ipatch command provides an interactive program that has
		a full subset of commands for displaying or modifying the 
		contents of a specified inode.

SYNTAX		/etc/ipatch special inumber

		   special   Name of special file for file system on which 
			     specified inode resides.

		   inumber   Index number of inode to be displayed or 

DOCUMENTATION	ipatch(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide

DESCRIPTION	The labelit command creates initial labels for the 
		specified file system.

SYNTAX	  	/etc/labelit special [ name ] [ vol ] [ -n ]

		  special  Special file name of the device on which the
			   file system resides.

		  name     Name of the mounted file system (for example,
			   root or usr).

		  vol      Physical volume name.

OPTIONS		-n   Creates initial label for new tape (destroys all
		     previous data, if any).

DOCUMENTATION   volcopy(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
DESCRIPTION	The logins command allows you to re-enable logins on 
		your ULTRIX-11 system.

SYNTAX		logins

DOCUMENTATION	logins(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The lpd command is the line printer daemon.  Normally,
		this command is executed from the /etc/rc file during
		multiuser startup.

DOCUMENTATION   lpd(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The lpdrestart command restarts the line printer daemon.
		Normally, this command is automatically executed from 
		the /etc/rc file during multiuser startup.

DOCUMENTATION	lpd(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The lprsetup command provides an interactive, 
		easy-to-use program for setting up or administering
		your line printers.

SYNTAX	  	/usr/etc/lprsetup

DOCUMENTATION   lprsetup(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
DESCRIPTION	The lpset command sets or resets the line printer parameters.

SYNTAX		/etc/lpset flag indent line col   
		/etc/lpset [ -r ]

		  flag    Flag bits: 010 (FFCLOSE), causes page eject on 
			  lpclose; and 020 (CAP), causes upper case only for
			  64-character set printers.

		  indent  Indentation level: n characters from left margin.

		  line    Number of lines per printed page.

		  col     Number of characters/line (column width).

OPTIONS		-r   Resets all parameter to their default values: flag = 0,
		     indent = 0, line = 66, and col = 132.  If not specified,
		     displays current parameter settings.

DOCUMENTATION	lpset(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The mailq command lists the contents of the 
		/usr/spool/mqueue directory.

SYNTAX	  	mailq

DOCUMENTATION   sendmail(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The makekey command reads up to 10 bytes from stdin
		and generates a new encryption key from this input.

SYNTAX	  	/usr/lib/makekey

DOCUMENTATION   makekey(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
DESCRIPTION	The memstat command displays a map of current memory usage.

SYNTAX		memstat [ key ] 

KEYS		i   Repeats display at specified interval (next argument), 
		    every n seconds.
		f   Uses specified corefile (next argument) in place of
		n   Uses specified namelist (next argument) in place of

DOCUMENTATION	memstat(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide

DESCRIPTION	The miscd command is the miscellaneous services
		daemon.  Normally, this command is executed from
		the /etc/rc file during multiuser startup.

DOCUMENTATION   miscd(8c) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The mkconf command is automatically invoked by the
		sysgen program during a system generation to create
		the system configuration tables.

DOCUMENTATION   mkconf(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide

DESCRIPTION	The mkfs command is automatically invoked by the
		sysgen program during a system generation to construct
		a file system structure on the specified disk devices.
DOCUMENTATION   mkfs(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide
DESCRIPTION 	The mknod command builds a special file (node) for devices.

SYNTAX		/etc/mknod name key major minor

		  name    Name of special file name to be created.

		  major   Number that indicates device type.

		  minor   Device's unit, drive, or line number.

KEYS		c   Creates special file for character-mode access.
		b   Creates special file for block-mode access.
		p   Creates special file for FIFOs (named pipes).

DOCUMENTATION	mknod(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide

DESCRIPTION	The mount command makes a removable file system available 
		for use by mounting it on the file system's directory tree 

SYNTAX		/etc/mount [ options ] [ special directory [ -r ] ]

		  special    Name of special file for file system to be 

		  directory  Name of directory on which file system is to be

		If special and directory are not specified, lists file systems 
		currently mounted.

OPTIONS		-a   Mounts all default file systems (listed in /etc/fstab).
		-d   Mounts specified file system without checking for block
		     size compatibility.
		-f   Updates /etc/mtab but does not mount the specified file 
		-r   Mounts specified file system read-only.
		-v   Displays verbose information while mounting the specified
		     file systems.

EXAMPLES	/etc/mount -a
		/etc/mount /dev/hp03 /usr/staff/project1 

DOCUMENTATION	mount(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide

DESCRIPTION	The msf command allows you to make or remove a special
		file for the specified device.

SYNTAX	  	/etc/msf [ option ] [ device ] [ unit ] [ tty ]

		  device   Generic name of the device for which the
			   special file is to be created or removed.
			   If no arguments are specified, invokes
			   msf for interactive session.

		  unit     Either the physical unit number or the
			   number of lines (MAUS and terminals).

		  tty      Starting tty number for that device.
OPTIONS		-c   Uses the specified number (next argument) as the 
		     MSCP or MASSBUS disk controller.
		-f   Makes a special file for the specified disk
		     partition (next argument).
		-h   Display on-line help information.
		-r   Removes the special file for the specified device.
		-t   Display information table listing of all device 
DOCUMENTATION   msf(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide
DESCRIPTION	The ncheck command generates names from file system inumbers.

SYNTAX		ncheck [ options ] special

		  special   Name of special file for file system on which 
			    inodes reside.

OPTIONS		-a   Generates names for directory entries . and .. (normally
		-i   Generates names only for each specified inumber (next 
		-s   Generates names only for special files and files with
		     set-userID mode.

DOCUMENTATION	ncheck(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide

DESCRIPTION	The netsetup command provides an interactive, 
		easy-to-use program for setting up or administering
		your network.

SYNTAX	  	/usr/etc/netsetup

DOCUMENTATION   netsetup(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The newaliases command rebuilds the /usr/lib/aliases
		data base.

SYNTAX	  	newaliases

DOCUMENTATION   sendmail(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The newfs command provides an interactive, easy-to-use 
		program that prompts for all the information needed for
		constructing a new file system.

SYNTAX	  	/etc/newfs

DOCUMENTATION   newfs(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide
DESCRIPTION	The nologins command allows you to disable logins on your 
		ULTRIX-11 system.

SYNTAX		nologins

DOCUMENTATION	logins(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The nu command provides an interactive, easy-to-use
		program for setting up or administering user login

SYNTAX	  	nu

DOCUMENTATION   nu(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide

DESCRIPTION	The opser command provides an interactive program with 
		a full subset of commands that a system operator can use 
		to perform normal system maintenance.

SYNTAX		opser

COMMANDS	backup    Creates file system backups.
		fsck	  Checks file systems for inconsistencies.
		halt	  Halts the processor.
		help	  Displays on-line command summary.
		restart   Restarts multiuser mode.
		shutdown  Shuts down multiuser mode.
		users	  Displays list of logged in users.
		!sh	  Escapes to /bin/sh shell.
		<CTRL/D>  Exits from opser program.

DOCUMENTATION	opser(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide

DESCRIPTION	The osload command loads and unloads optional
		software from the distribution media.

SYNTAX	  	osload

DOCUMENTATION   osload(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
DESCRIPTION	The pstat command displays system status information.

SYNTAX		pstat [ options ] [ core ] [ list ]

		  core   Name of core file from which the information is 
			 to be gathered.  If not specified, uses /dev/mem and
			 gathers current system information.
		  list   Name list that is to be used.  If not specified,
			 uses /unix.

OPTIONS		-T   Displays the number of used and free slots in the 
		     system tables.
		-U   Displays how long the system has been up. 
		-a   Displays all process slots, not just those for 
		     active processes.  Must be used with -p option.
		-f   Displays open file table.
		-i   Displays open inode table.
		-p   Displays entries for active processes in process table.
		-t   Displays terminal status.
		-u   Uses specified address (next argument) and dumps U block
		     at that address.
		-x   Displays text table.

DOCUMENTATION	pstat(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide
DESCRIPTION	The quot command displays the number of blocks owned by each 
		user in the specified file system. 

SYNTAX		quot [ options ] [ special ]

		  special   Name of special file for file system to be
			    checked.  If not specified, uses /etc/fstab
			    and searches for the special file associated 
			    with the /usr directory.

OPTIONS		-c   Displays information in three columns: size in blocks,
		     number of files of equal size, and block total for files
		     of equal size or smaller.
		-f   Displays number of files owned by user in addition to 
		-n   Displays list of files and their respective owner names.

DOCUMENTATION	quot(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
DESCRIPTION	The rasize command displays MSCP disk partition sizes.

SYNTAX		rasize

DOCUMENTATION	rasize(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide

DESCRIPTION	The rawfs command lists files on or extracts files from
		an pre-Version 3.0 file system (512-byte block).

SYNTAX	  	/etc/rawfs [ options ] special file... [ directory ]

		  special   Special file name for the device on which 
			    the file system resides.

		  file       Name of each file or directory to be 

		  directory  Name of the directory into which the
			     extracted files are to be placed.

OPTIONS		-R  Recursively lists files in all subdirectories 
		    (list only).
		-S  Lists files on or extracts files from VAX 4.1 file 
		    system by swapping words to longs (extract and 
		    list). If -S or -k options are not specified,
		    assumes file system has 512-byte block size.
		-c  Lists creation, not modification, time for each 
		    file (list only).  Use with -l option.
		-g  Lists group ID for each file (list only).  Use 
		    with -l option.
		-i  Lists inumber (inode index number) for each file 
		    (list only).
		-k  Lists files on or extracts files from file system 
		    that has 1K-byte block size (extract and list).
		    If -k or -S options are not specified, assumes file
	 	    system has 512-byte block size.
		-l  Lists file statistics for each file (list only).
		-n  Extracts only those files that would not destroy an
		    existing file (extract only).
		-o  Lists files on or extracts files from file system 
		    that begins at specified offset (next argument).
		    The offset can be a block number, a disk name, or a
		    a partition.  This option is useful only when the 
		    required special argument is the entire disk.
		-s  Extracts character or block special files (extract 
		-t  Lists files on the specified file system.
		-u  Lists access, not modification, time for each file 
		    (list only).  Must be used with -l option.
		-v  Extracts files and displays verbose information 
		    (extract only).
		-x  Extracts file from the specified file system.

DOCUMENTATION	rawfs(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide

DESCRIPTION	The rdate command resets your system's date and time
		to the current network date and time.  Normally, this
		command is automatically invoked from the /etc/rc file
		during multiuser startup.

SYNTAX		/etc/rdate [ options ] [ network ]

		  network   Name of the network on which the broadcast
			    datagram is to be sent.  If not specified,
			    broadcasts datagram on the system's default

OPTIONS		-s   Sets the date and time to the median value.
		-v   Displays the date and time of each responding host.

DOCUMENTATION	rdate(8c) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
DESCRIPTION	The restor command performs incremental file system restores.

SYNTAX		restor key 

KEYS		R  Uses specified special file (next argument) as target file
		   system for complete (full) restore, but prompts for reel 
		   to begin with.
		f  Uses specified special file (next argument) as tape.
		   May be used in conjunction with all other keys.  If not 
		   specified, uses default tape drive (/dev/rht0).
		m  Uses RX50 diskettes in place of tape (Micro/PDP-11).  Must
		   be used with r key.
		r  Uses specified special file (next argument) as target
		   file system for complete (full) restore.
		s  Uses the specified number (next argument) as the dump
		   file from which the file system or each named file is
		   to be restored.
		t  Displays dates tape was written and file system
		   was dumped to it.
		x  Extracts named files (next arguments) from tape.

EXAMPLES	restor xf /dev/rht1 /staff/bill/bin/program1 /staff/bill/notes
		restor mrf /dev/rrx2 /dev/rrd0
		restor r /dev/rhp03

DOCUMENTATION	restor(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide

DESCRIPTION	The rexecd command is the rexec daemon.  Normally, this
		command is executed from the /etc/rc file during 
		multiuser startup.

DOCUMENTATION   rexecd(8c) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The rlogind command is the rlogin command daemon.  
		Normally, this command is executed from the /etc/rc
		file during multiuser startup.
DOCUMENTATION   rlogind(8c) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The route command allows you to add, delete, or change
		entries in the network routing tables.

SYNTAX	  	/etc/route [ -f ] [ cmd... arg...]

		  cmd   Each command to be processed.  The commands are:
			add, delete, or change.

		  arg   Each argument for the specified command.  The 
			required arguments are: destination (host or 
			network) and gateway (packets addressed to).
			The optional arguments are: metric (number of
			hops to destination).  If metric is not 
			specified, uses 0.

OPTIONS		-f   Flushes all gateway entries from the routing table.
DOCUMENTATION   route(8c) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The routed command is the network routing daemon.  
		Normally, this command is automatically executed from
		the /etc/rc file during multiuser startup.
DOCUMENTATION   routed(8c) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The rshd command is the rsh command daemon.  Normally,
		this command is automatically executed from the /etc/rc
		file during multiuser startup.
DOCUMENTATION   rshd(8c) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The rwhod command is the rwho command daemon.  Normally,
		this command is automatically executed from the /etc/rc 
		file during multiuser startup.

DOCUMENTATION   rwhod(8c) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The rx2fmt command formats RX02 floppy diskettes.

SYNTAX	  	rx2fmt [ -s ] unit

		  unit   Physical unit number of drive to be used.

OPTIONS		-s   Uses single density.  If not specified, uses
		     double density.
DOCUMENTATION   rx2fmt(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
DESCRIPTION	The sa command displays system accounting information.

SYNTAX		sa [ options ] [ file ]

		  file  Name of file from which accounting information
			is to be taken.  If not specified, uses /usr/adm/acct.

OPTIONS		-a   Displays all command names containing nonprintable 
		     characters and commands only executed once under heading
		-b   Sorts all output by results of user plus system time
		     divided by number of calls.  If not specified, sorts by 
		     sum of user and system time only.
		-c   Displays percentage of time for each command in addition
		     to total user, system, and real time.
		-j   Displays times in seconds, not minutes.
		-l   Displays user and system time separately.  If not 
		     specified, combines user and system time.
		-m   Displays processes (total) and CPU minutes for each user.
		-n   Sorts output by number of calls made, not CPU time.
		-r   Sorts output in reverse (ascending) order.
		-s   Displays information and merges accounting file into
		     command history file (/usr/adm/savacct).
		-t   Displays percentage of real time to user and system times.
		-u   Displays user ID and command name.
		-v   Displays only commands used no more than specified
		     number of times (-v#) and prompts whether to add 
		     them to **junk** group.

DOCUMENTATION	sa(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The sendmail command is automatically executed by
		the appropriate mail program, when necessary, to 
		route mail over the network.

DOCUMENTATION   sendmail(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The appropriate shutdown procedures are fully discussed
		in the ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide.

DOCUMENTATION   ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide
DESCRIPTION	The sync command writes all in-memory file system information
		(modified super blocks, modified inodes, and modified data 
		blocks) out to disk.

SYNTAX		sync

DOCUMENTATION	sync(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide
DESCRIPTION     The sysgen command is an interactive program that has a
		full subset of commands for generating a new ULTRIX-11
		system kernel.

SYNTAX	  	sysgen

DOCUMENTATION   sysgen(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide

DESCRIPTION	The syslog command reads a datagram socket and writes
		the output to the specified file.  Normally, this
		command is automatically executed from the /etc/rc
		file during multiuser startup.

DOCUMENTATION   syslog(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The talkd command is the talk inter-terminal 
		communications daemon.  Normally, this command is
		automatically executed for the /etc/rc file during
		multiuser startup.

DOCUMENTATION   talkd(8c) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
DESCRIPTION	The ted command is an interactive program that has a 
		full subset of commands for editing the /etc/ttys file.


DOCUMENTATION	ted(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide

DESCRIPTION	The telnetd command is the DARPA standard TELNET
		virtual terminal protocol daemon.  Normally, this
		command is automatically executed from the /etc/rc 
		file during multiuser startup.

DOCUMENTATION   telnetd(8c) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The tftpd command is the DARPA Trivial File Transfer
		Protocol daemon.  Normally, this command is 
		automatically executed from the /etc/rc file during
		multiuser startup.

DOCUMENTATION   tftpd(8c) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
DESCRIPTION	The tss command displays a list of assigned tty structures.

SYNTAX		/etc/tss

DOCUMENTATION	tss(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide

DESCRIPTION	The ulf command is automatically executed, when 
		necessary, by the lpd daemon to provide a character 
		filter for the appropriate printer.

DOCUMENTATION   ulf(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The umount command makes a removable file system unavailable 
		for use (unmounts it from file system's directory tree 

SYNTAX		/etc/umount [ options ] special 

		  special  Special file name of file system to be unmounted.

OPTIONS		-a   Unmounts all default file systems (listed in /etc/fstab).
		-v   Displays verbose information while unmounting the 
		     specified file systems.

EXAMPLES	/etc/umount -a
		/etc/umount /dev/hp03

DOCUMENTATION	mount(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide

DESCRIPTION	The update command is the system file system update
		daemon.  Normally, this command is automatically invoked
		from the /etc/rc file during multiuser startup.

DOCUMENTATION	update(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Guide
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide
DESCRIPTION	The usat command provides a full subset of commands for 
		verifying and testing various ULTRIX-11 commands.

SYNTAX		usat [ keys ]

KEYS		a    Tests the awk command.
		b    Tests bc and dc commands.
		c    Tests the cc and pcc compilers.
		d    Tests various documentation preparation commands.
		f    Tests the f77 compiler.
		h    Displays on-line help.
		l    Tests the lint command.
		m    Tests miscellaneous user commands.
		p    Tests the Pascal compiler.
		r    Tests the learn facility.
		s    Tests the sed command.
		x    Tests the lex command.
		y    Tests the yacc compiler.
		z    Generates various system statistics.
		all  Tests all of the above.

DOCUMENTATION	usat(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The sysx command provides a control program for the ULTRIX-11 
		System Exerciser Package (USEP).   Using USEP and sysx, you 
		can exercise your system's:

			o  Communications interfaces
			o  Disk drives 
			o  Floating point arithmetic
			o  Line printers
			o  Main memory
			o  Central Processor
			o  Tape drives

SYNTAX		 sysx

DOCUMENTATION	usep(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
		ULTRIX-11 System Management Guide

DESCRIPTION	The uucpsetup command provides an interactive, 
		easy-to-use program for setting up uucp connections.

SYNTAX	  	/usr/etc/uucpsetup

DOCUMENTATION   uucpsetup(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The vipw command locks the /etc/passwd file and invokes
		the vi editor for editing on this file.

SYNTAX	  	/etc/vipw

DOCUMENTATION   vipw(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual

DESCRIPTION	The volcopy command creates an image copy of the 
		specified file system.

SYNTAX	  	/etc/volcopy [ options ] name special vol special vol

		  name     Name of the mounted file system to be 
			   copied (for example, root or user).

		  special  Special file names of the devices on which
			   the file system to be copied and the file
			   system to be copied to reside, respectively.

		  vol      Respective volume name for each file system.

OPTIONS		-a     Prompts for verification before copying (default
		-bpi   Sets the tape density to the specified number 
		-buf   Uses double buffered I/O (tape only).
		-feet  Uses the specified number (-feet#) as the size
		       of the tape reel.
		-n     Does not prompt before copying.
		-reel  Uses the specified number (-reel#) as the 
		       beginning reel number.

DOCUMENTATION   volcopy(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual
DESCRIPTION	The zaptty command executes the specified command without
		a controlling terminal.

SYNTAX		zaptty cmd

		  cmd   Command to be executed.

DOCUMENTATION	zaptty(8) in the ULTRIX-11 Programmer's Manual