
ALLOC	defs	/^#define ALLOC(x) (struct x *) ckalloc(sizeof(struc/
Mmain	main.c	/^main(argc,argv)$/
amatch	files.c	/^static amatch(s, p)$/
appendq	misc.c	/^struct chain *appendq(head, tail)$/
await	dosys.c	/^await()$/
ckalloc	misc.c	/^int *ckalloc(n)$/
clarch	files.c	/^clarch()$/
concat	misc.c	/^char *concat(a,b,c)   \/* c = concatenation of a an/
copys	misc.c	/^char *copys(s)$/
doclose	dosys.c	/^doclose()	\/* Close open directory files before exe/
docom	doname.c	/^docom(q)$/
docom1	doname.c	/^docom1(comstring, nohalt, noprint)$/
doexec	dosys.c	/^doexec(str)$/
doname	doname.c	/^doname(p, reclevel, tval)$/
doshell	dosys.c	/^doshell(comstring,nohalt)$/
dosys	dosys.c	/^dosys(comstring,nohalt)$/
enbint	main.c	/^enbint(k)$/
eqsign	misc.c	/^eqsign(a)   \/*look for arguments with equal signs /
eqstr	files.c	/^eqstr(a,b,n)$/
exists	files.c	/^TIMETYPE exists(filename)$/
expand	doname.c	/^expand(q)$/
fatal	misc.c	/^fatal(s)$/
fatal1	misc.c	/^fatal1(s, t)$/
getarch	files.c	/^getarch()$/
getobj	files.c	/^getobj()$/
hashloc	misc.c	/^hashloc(s)$/
hasslash	misc.c	/^hasslash(s)$/
intrupt	main.c	/^intrupt()$/
isprecious	main.c	/^isprecious(p)$/
lookarch	files.c	/^TIMETYPE lookarch(filename)$/
makename	misc.c	/^struct nameblock *makename(s)$/
metas	dosys.c	/^metas(s)   \/* Are there are any  Shell meta-charac/
meter	files.c	/^meter(file)$/
mkqlist	misc.c	/^char *mkqlist(p)$/
nextlin	gram.y	/^nextlin()$/
openarch	files.c	/^openarch(f)$/
prestime	files.c	/^TIMETYPE prestime()$/
printdesc	main.c	/^printdesc(prntflag)$/
rdd1	main.c	/^rdd1(k)$/
rddescf	main.c	/^rddescf(descfile)$/
retsh	gram.y	/^retsh(q)$/
setvar	misc.c	/^setvar(v,s)$/
srchdir	files.c	/^struct depblock *srchdir(pat, mkchain, nextdbl)$/
srchname	misc.c	/^struct nameblock *srchname(s)$/
subst	misc.c	/^char *subst(a,b)$/
suffix	misc.c	/^suffix(a,b,p)  \/* is b the suffix of a?  if so, se/
touch	dosys.c	/^touch(force, name)$/
umatch	files.c	/^static umatch(s, p)$/
varptr	misc.c	/^struct varblock *varptr(v)$/
yyerror	misc.c	/^yyerror(s)$/
yylex	gram.y	/^yylex()$/