
       APE - Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic Routines

                       Mark E. Carson

                 Department of Mathematics,
             University of California, Berkeley

_1.  _I_n_t_r_o_d_u_c_t_i_o_n

     The _a_p_e library is a set of routines for arbitrary pre-
cision integral arithmetic written in the C language.  These
routines can be called by either C or f77 programs (for  the
latter, see section 5 below).  For C programs, the line

        #include <ape.h>

should be included in the calling program to get the  neces-
sary  typedefs  and  external  declarations.  In the case of
f77, the calling program uses only integers (which are  con-
verted  to  structure  pointers)  and  (with two exceptions)
calls only  subroutines,  so  no  special  declarations  are
required.  For both C and f77, the flag


should be used to tell the loader to access the library.

     The basic structure used by the _a_p_e routines is  called
a  _M_I_N_T  (standing  for  ``multiprecision integer'').  It is
defined by the typedef

        typedef struct mint
        {       int len;
                short *val;
        } MINT, *PMINT;

which is in ape.h.  Here the field  ``len''  is  an  integer
whose  sign is the sign of the number represented, and whose
magnitude is the number of words (short integers) needed  to
store  it.   The  (absolute  value  of the) number itself is
stored as an array of short integers pointed to by  ``val.''
The  representation  is essentially base 2^15, with the 16th
bit of a short  integer  used  only  to  store  intermediate
results   in   calculations.    Hence   the  largest  number
representable  on  a  16  bit  computer  like  a  PDP-11  is
(2^15)^(2^15)  which  is about 3e147962, though of course in

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actuality the number would have to be much smaller to  allow
any  room  for  calculations  or  overhead.  To maximize the
amount of data space available, it is advisible to  use  the
-i flag when loading the program.

     For a  comparison  with  some  quantities  from  number
theory,  this  means  the  largest  Fermat  number  which is
representable is F18.  For a 32 bit computer the limit would
be  F34  (assuming,  that is, that it had 4 billion bytes of
core!).  In an actual test, the largest Fermat number  which
could  be  directly  computed and output by the routines was
F17, a number of about 39,500 decimal digits.

     Calculations are done much as they  are  by  hand  with
numbers  represented  base  10.   All the routines deal with
stucture pointers (_P_M_I_N_Ts), so it's better  to  declare  and
use these rather than the structures themselves.  More space
is allocated as needed (by calls to _m_a_l_l_o_c)  and  (at  least
mostly) freed when unneeded (by calls to _f_r_e_e).

     The following sections treat the  various  routines  in
some detail.

_2.  _I_n_i_t_i_a_l_i_z_a_t_i_o_n _a_n_d _R_e_m_o_v_a_l

     Before a _M_I_N_T or _P_M_I_N_T can be used by  other  routines,
it  must  be  initialized.   Initialization  comes  in three

             PMINT *pa;

     Like the Pascal procedure,  _n_e_w(&_a)  creates  a  zeroed
     _M_I_N_T which _a points to.

             PMINT shtom(sn)         short sn;
             PMINT itom(n)           int n;
             PMINT ltom(ln)          long ln;
             PMINT stom(s)           char *s;

     These functions return pointers to  _M_I_N_Ts  with  values
     equal  to their arguments (or to the numeric equivalent
     of its argument for _s_t_o_m).  _s_t_o_m can be used  for  ini-
     tializing with numbers of arbitrary length.  It follows
     the usual C conventions for determining input bases.

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             PMINT padd(a,b)         PMINT psub(a,b)
             PMINT pmult(a,b)        PMINT pdiv(a,b)
             PMINT pmod(a,b)         PMINT psdiv(a,n)
             PMINT psmod(a,n)        PMINT ppow(a,b,c)
             PMINT prpow(a,n)        PMINT psqrt(a)

             PMINT a,b,c;
             int n;

     These functions are simply versions of the  correspond-
     ing arithmetic routines discussed below (with the ``p''
     either deleted or replaced by an ``m'' except for  _p_m_o_d
     and  _p_s_m_o_d  which  return  the remainders from _m_d_i_v and
     _s_d_i_v  respectively)  which  return  pointers  to  their
     results,  rather than making their last arguments point
     to them.  They should be used only for  initialization,
     not  further  calculation,  else  storage  space may be

     Two routines are provided for freeing unneeded space:


             PMINT a;

     _x_f_r_e_e frees what _a->_v_a_l points  to;  _a_f_r_e_e  also  frees
     what  _a points to.  _x_f_r_e_e zeroes an already initialized
     _P_M_I_N_T while _a_f_r_e_e returns it to an uninitialized state.
     Obviously,  these should only be used when the routines
     here have been used to initialize the pointers.   Since
     _x_f_r_e_e  is  used  frequently  by  the  _a_p_e  routines  to
     ``clear'' _M_I_N_Ts prior to assignments, it is not  advis-
     able  to  initialize the ``val'' field by methods other
     than those mentioned here.

_3.  _A_r_i_t_h_m_e_t_i_c

     For the following conceptual descriptions, assume these
type declarations:

        PMINT a,b,c,d,q,r;
        int m,n;
        long ln;
        short *R;

        _R_o_u_t_i_n_e             _R_e_s_u_l_t

        madd(a,b,c)         c = a + b
        msub(a,b,c)         c = a - b

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        mult(a,b,c)         c = a * b
        sdiv(a,m,q,R)       q = a / m;  R = a mod m
        mdiv(a,b,q,r)       q = a / b;  r = a mod b
        gcd(a,b,c)          c = gcd(a,b)
        reciprocal(a,n,b)   b = 10^n / a
        msqrt(a,b,r)        b = sqrt(a);  r = a - b*b
                  (r's length is returned)
        pow(a,b,c,d)        d = a^b mod c
        rpow(a,n,b)         b = a^n
        lpow(n,ln,b)        b = n^ln

In all cases, calls like _m_a_d_d(_a,_b,_a) are  allowed  and  give
the  expected  results.  The routines dealing with _i_n_ts will
all work properly no matter what  the  relationship  between
_s_h_o_r_t  and  _i_n_t  except  _s_d_i_v which needs the _i_n_t _m to be no
larger than the largest _s_h_o_r_t.  _r_e_c_i_p_r_o_c_a_l  is  the  closest
thing provided to decimal fractions.

     Note that before any of these routines can be used, all
the  pointers used must be initialized.  As an example, this
program segment will fail:

        PMINT a,b,c;

        a = itom(2);
        b = itom(3);

It should be changed to either

        PMINT a,b,c;                    PMINT a,b,c;

        a = itom(2);                    a = itom(2);
        b = itom(3);       or           b = itom(3);
        new(&c);                        c = padd(a,b);

     Comparisons may be  done  with  the  integral  function
_m_c_m_p.   _m_c_m_p(_a,_b) returns something positive if _a > _b, nega-
tive if _a < _b, and zero if _a = _b.  For seeing whether  _a  is
positive, negative or zero, it suffices to look at _a->_l_e_n.

_4.  _I_n_p_u_t _a_n_d _O_u_t_p_u_t

     Input and output are allowed for any  reasonable  base,
to  and  from  both files and character strings.  The proto-
types are:

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        PMINT a;
        int n;  [must have n > 1]
        FILE *f;
        char *s;

                input a number base ``n''
                from file ``f'' into ``a''
                input a number base ``n''
                from string ``s'' into ``a''
                output ``a'' base ``n''
                onto file ``f''
                output ``a'' base ``n''
                onto string ``s''

     Spaces are allowed in long input  numbers  for  greater
readability  (and  hence  are  _n_o_t sufficient for separating
numbers); newlines may be escaped  with  backslashes.   _m__i_n
returns 0 on normal termination and EOF (-1) when the end of
the input file is encountered.  And again, the  _P_M_I_N_Ts  must
be initialized before the input routines can be used.

     The letters a-z or A-Z may be used for  the  (base  10)
numbers  10-35  when  the  input  base  is greater than ten.
Unfortunately,  no  provision  is  made  for  larger   input
``digits.''  On  output,  a-f  are  used for 10-15 for bases
between 11 and 16; for larger  bases  the  usual  ``hybrid''
notation of space-separated base 10 numbers is used.  Output
numbers are _n_o_t automatically terminated by newlines or bro-
ken at any width; an output formatting program such as _p_r_e_t_-
_t_y_a_p_e can be used to do the latter.  For _s_m__o_u_t, the  string
is  assumed  to  be  large enough to hold the output number.
The function _o_u_t_l_e_n_g_t_h(_a,_b) can be used  to  get  an  (over)
estimate of the length required.

     Special versions of these  routines  are  provided  for
bases 8 and 10.  They are

        PMINT a;
        FILE *f;

                Base 8
        omin(a)         [f=stdin]
        omout(a)        [f=stdout]

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                Base 10
        minput(a)       [f=stdin]
        mout(a)         [f=stdout]

Because 2^15 = 8^5, conversion from  the  internal  form  to
octal  output is much easier and faster (about 30 times fas-
ter for a hundred-digit number) for base 8 as opposed to any
other  base.   The names used here are a bit unfortunate; in
particular, _m_i_n_p_u_t was chosen  to  avoid  clashes  with  _m_i_n
minimum functions.

_5.  _U_s_a_g_e _w_i_t_h _F_o_r_t_r_a_n

     F77 programs can make use of the _a_p_e  routines  through
the  ``frontend''  subroutines  provided.   Generally, these
cast the _i_n_t_e_g_e_rs passed by the Fortran program into _P_M_I_N_Ts,
pass  them to the _a_p_e routines, making the call by reference
or value as required, and then  (when  appropriate)  casting
the resulting _P_M_I_N_Ts back into _i_n_t_e_g_e_rs.

     _N_o_t_e: when writing these, I assumed throughout  that  4
byte  integers  (``integer*4'')  were  used.  In particular,
programs compiled with the -I2 flag  may  have  difficulties
with  these  routines!   Versions  that  work  with  2  byte
integers are stored in the file ``~ape/shortran.c''.

     The subroutines provided generally have the same  names
as their C counterparts.  They are:

_5._1.  _I_n_i_t_i_a_l_i_z_a_t_i_o_n _a_n_d _R_e_m_o_v_a_l

        _f_7_7 _v_e_r_s_i_o_n             _C _v_e_r_s_i_o_n

        integer n,a             int n;  PMINT a;
        character*M s           char s[M];

        call new(a)             new(&a);
        call itom(n,a)          a = itom(n);
        call stom(s,a)          a = stom(s);
        call xfree(a)           xfree(a);
        call afree(a)           afree(a);

_5._2.  _A_r_i_t_h_m_e_t_i_c

     Subroutines _m_a_d_d, _m_s_u_b, _m_u_l_t, _m_d_i_v, _s_d_i_v, _g_c_d, _p_o_w  and
_r_p_o_w are provided to call their C counterparts.  The _i_n_t_e_g_e_r
functions _m_c_m_p and _m_s_q_r_t  likewise  call  the  same-named  C

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_5._3.  _I_n_p_u_t _a_n_d _O_u_t_p_u_t

     I/O is provided only from stdin/stdout, for bases 8 and

        _f_7_7 _v_e_r_s_i_o_n             _C _v_e_r_s_i_o_n

        integer i,a             int i; PMINT a;

        call minput(a,i)        i = minput(a);
        call omin(a,i)          i = omin(a);
        call mout(a)            mout(a);
        call omout(a)           omout(a);

_5._4.  _C_o_n_v_e_r_s_i_o_n_s

     Subroutines are also provided for converting  from  the
_M_I_N_T  structure to the closest approximation in Fortran, the
pair of an _i_n_t_e_g_e_r (representing the ``len''  field)  and  a
vector  of _i_n_t_e_g_e_r*_2's (representing the array pointed to by
the ``val'' field).

     Usage is as follows:

        integer a, length   (a represents a PMINT)
        integer*2 vector(N) (must have abs(length) .le. N)

        call mtovec(a,length,vector)
            results in:
             length = a->len
             vector(i) = a->val[i-1] for i = 1 to abs(length)

        call vectom(length,vector,a)
            results in:
             a->len = length
             a->val[i-1] = vector(i) for i = 1 to abs(length)

The latter is actually a method of initialization.

_6.  _C_o_m_p_a_r_i_s_o_n _w_i_t_h _o_t_h_e_r _a_r_b_i_t_r_a_r_y _p_r_e_c_i_s_i_o_n _p_a_c_k_a_g_e_s

     The only other program I am aware of for arbitrary pre-
cision arithmetic on PDP-11 UNIX* is _b_c/_d_c.  Since  this  is
based  on  a  (_y_a_c_c/_l_e_x)  interpreter,  it is obviously much
slower; see ``help bignumbers'' for contest results.

     UCB _l_i_s_p/_l_i_s_z_t provides arbitrary  precision  integers,
but  I have no first-hand experience with its use.  Since no
working version of the _a_p_e routines has been put  on  a  VAX
yet, obviously no comparison has been done.
*UNIX is a Footnote of Bell Laboratories.

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     I have heard of multiprecision packages written in For-
tran,  Pascal,  and assembly languages for various computers
but have no details on their quality or  their  portability.
The   _a_p_e  routines  have  been  constructed  to  be  easily
transferable to any computer with a C compiler assuming that

     a) _m_a_l_l_o_c and _f_r_e_e are provided
     b) _l_o_n_g integers are twice as long as _s_h_o_r_t ones.

An amount of reworking would be needed if b) is not true.

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