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 *   Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1984, 1985, 1986.    *
 *   All Rights Reserved. 					      *
 *   Reference "/usr/src/COPYRIGHT" for applicable restrictions.      *

/*	SCCSID: @(#)malloc.c	3.0	4/22/86	*/
/*	(System 5)  malloc.c	1.5	*/

#include <assert.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "mallint.h"

/*     use level memory allocater (malloc, free, realloc)

	-malloc, free, realloc and mallopt form a memory allocator
	similar to malloc, free, and realloc.  The routines
	here are much faster than the original, with slightly worse
	space usage (a few percent difference on most input).  They
	do not have the property that data in freed blocks is left
	untouched until the space is reallocated.

	-Memory is kept in the "arena", a singly linked list of blocks.
	These blocks are of 3 types.
		1. A free block.  This is a block not in use by the
		   user.  It has a 3 word header. (See description
		   of the free queue.)
		2. An allocated block.  This is a block the user has
		   requested.  It has only a 1 word header, pointing
		   to the next block of any sort.
		3. A permanently allocated block.  This covers space
		   aquired by the user directly through sbrk().  It
		   has a 1 word header, as does 2.
	Blocks of type 1 have the lower bit of the pointer to the
	nextblock = 0.  Blocks of type 2 and 3 have that bit set,
	to mark them busy.

	-Unallocated blocks are kept on an unsorted doubly linked
	free list.  

	-Memory is allocated in blocks, with sizes specified by the
	user.  A circular first-fit startegy is used, with a roving
	head of the free queue, which prevents bunching of small
	blocks at the head of the queue.

	-Compaction is performed at free time of any blocks immediately
	following the freed block.  The freed block will be combined
	with a preceding block during the search phase of malloc.
	Since a freed block is added at the front of the free queue,
	which is moved to the end of the queue if considered and
	rejected during the search, fragmentation only occurs if
	a block with a contiguious preceding block that is free is
	freed and reallocated on the next call to malloc.  The
	time savings of this strategy is judged to be worth the
	occasional waste of memory.

	-Small blocks (of size < MAXSIZE)  are not allocated directly.
	A large "holding" block is allocated via a recursive call to
	malloc.  This block contains a header and ?????? small blocks.
	Holding blocks for a given size of small block (rounded to the
	nearest ALIGNSZ bytes) are kept on a queue with the property that any
	holding block with an unused small block is in front of any without.
	A list of free blocks is kept within the holding block.

#ifndef debug
#       define  NDEBUG

	description of arena, free queue, holding blocks etc.
static struct header arena[2];  /* the second word is a minimal block to
				   start the arena. The first is a busy
				   block to be pointed to by the last
				   block.       */
static struct header freeptr[2];/* first and last entry in free list */
static struct header *arenaend; /* ptr to block marking high end of arena */
static struct header *lastblk;  /* the highest block in the arena */
static struct holdblk **holdhead; /* pointer to array of head pointers
				     to holding block chains */
/* In order to save time calculating indices, the array is 1 too
   large, and the first element is unused */
	Variables controlling algorithm, esp. how holding blocs are
static int numlblks = NUMLBLKS;
static int minhead = MINHEAD;	
static int change = 0;		  /* != 0, once param changes
				     are no longer allowed */
static int fastct = FASTCT;
static int maxfast = MAXFAST;
/* number of small block sizes to map to one size */
static int grain = ALIGNSZ;

	malloc(nbytes) - give a user nbytes to use
char *
unsigned nbytes;
	register struct header *blk;
	register unsigned nb;      /* size of entire block we need */
	char *sbrk();

	/*      on first call, initialize       */
	if (freeptr->nextfree == GROUND) {

		/* initialize arena */
		arena[1].nextblk = (struct header *)BUSY;
		arena[0].nextblk = (struct header *)BUSY;
		lastblk = arenaend = &(arena[1]);
		/* initialize free queue */
		freeptr[0].nextfree = &(freeptr[1]);
		freeptr[1].nextblk = &(arena[0]);
		freeptr[1].prevfree = &(freeptr[0]);
		/* mark that small blocks not init yet */
	if (nbytes == 0) return NULL;
	if (nbytes <= maxfast)  {
			We can allocate out of a holding block
		register struct holdblk *holdblk; /* head of right sized queue*/
		register struct lblk *lblk;     /* pointer to a little block */
		register struct holdblk *newhold;

		if (!change)  {
			register int i;
				This allocates space for hold block
				pointers by calling malloc recursively.
				Maxfast is temporarily set to 0, to
				avoid infinite recursion.  allocate
				space for an extra ptr so that an index
				is just ->blksz/grain, with the first
				ptr unused.
			change = 1;	/* change to algorithm params
					   no longer allowed */
			/* temporarily alter maxfast, to avoid
			   infinite recursion */
			maxfast = 0;
			holdhead = (struct holdblk **)
				   malloc(sizeof(struct holdblk *)*
				   (fastct + 1));
			for(i=1; i<fastct+1; i++)  {
				holdhead[i] = HGROUND;
			maxfast = fastct*grain;
		/*  Note that this uses the absolute min header size (MINHEAD)
		    unlike the large block case which uses minhead */
		/* round up to nearest multiple of grain */
		nb = (nbytes + grain - 1)/grain*grain;      /* align */
		holdblk = holdhead[nb/grain];
		nb = nb + MINHEAD;
		/*      look for space in the holding block.  Blocks with
			space will be in front of those without */
		if ((holdblk != HGROUND) && (holdblk->lfreeq != LGROUND))  {
			/* there is space */
			lblk = holdblk->lfreeq;
			/* Now make lfreeq point to a free block.
			   If lblk has been previously allocated and 
			   freed, it has a valid pointer to use.
			   Otherwise, lblk is at the beginning of
			   the unallocated blocks at the end of
			   the holding block, so, if there is room, take
			   the next space.  If not, mark holdblk full,
			   and move holdblk to the end of the queue
			if(lblk < holdblk->unused)  {
				/* move to next holdblk, if this one full */
				if((holdblk->lfreeq = 
				  CLRSMAL(lblk->header.nextfree)) == LGROUND) {
					holdhead[(nb-MINHEAD)/grain] =
			}  else  if (((char *)holdblk->unused + nb) <
				    ((char *)holdblk + HOLDSZ(nb)))  {
				holdblk->unused = (struct lblk *)
						 ((char *)holdblk->unused+nb);
				holdblk->lfreeq = holdblk->unused;
			}  else {
				holdblk->lfreeq = LGROUND;
				holdhead[(nb-MINHEAD)/grain] =
			/* mark as busy and small */
			lblk->header.holder = (struct holdblk *)SETALL(holdblk);
		}  else  {
			/* we need a new holding block */
			newhold = (struct holdblk *)
			if ((char *)newhold == NULL)  {
				return NULL;
			/* add to head of free queue */
			if (holdblk != HGROUND)  {
				newhold->nexthblk = holdblk;
				newhold->prevhblk = holdblk->prevhblk;
				holdblk->prevhblk = newhold;
				newhold->prevhblk->nexthblk = newhold;
			}  else  {
				newhold->nexthblk = newhold->prevhblk = newhold;
			holdhead[(nb-MINHEAD)/grain] = newhold;
			/* set up newhold */
			lblk = (struct lblk *)(newhold->space);
			newhold->lfreeq = newhold->unused =
			     (struct lblk *)((char *)newhold->space+nb);
			lblk->header.holder= (struct holdblk *)SETALL(newhold);
			newhold->blksz = nb-MINHEAD;
		return (char *)lblk + MINHEAD;
	}  else  {
			We need an ordinary block
		register struct header *newblk; /* used for creating a block */

		/* get number of bytes we need */
		nb = nbytes + minhead;
		nb = (nb + ALIGNSZ - 1)/ALIGNSZ*ALIGNSZ;	    /* align */
		nb = (nb > MINBLKSZ) ? nb : MINBLKSZ;
			see if there is a big enough block
			If none exists, you will get to freeptr[1].  
			freeptr[1].next = &arena[0], so when you do the test,
			the result is a large positive number, since arena[0]
			comes before all blocks.  Arena[0] is marked busy so
			that it will not be compacted.  This is all done for
			the sake of efficiency.
		/*   check that a very large request won't cause an inf. loop */
		if ((freeptr[1].nextblk-&(freeptr[1])) < nb)  return NULL;
		register struct header *next;  /* block following blk */
		register struct header *nextnext;  /* block after next*/

		blk = freeptr;
		do  {

			blk = blk->nextfree;
			/* see if we can compact */
			next = blk->nextblk;
			if (!TESTBUSY(nextnext = next->nextblk))  {
				do  {
					next = nextnext;
					nextnext = next->nextblk;
				}  while  (!TESTBUSY(nextnext));
				/* next will be at most == to lastblk, but I
				   think the >= test is faster */
				if (next >= arenaend)  lastblk = blk;
				blk->nextblk = next;
		}  while (((char *)(next) - (char *)blk) < nb);
			if we didn't find a block, get more memory
		if (blk == &(freeptr[1]))  {
			register struct header *newend; /* new end of arena */
			register int nget;      /* number of words to get */

			/* Three cases - 1. There is space between arenaend
					    and the break value that will become
					    a permanently allocated block.
					 2. Case 1 is not true, and the last
					    block is allocated.
					 3. Case 1 is not true, and the last
					    block is free
			if ((newblk = (struct header *)sbrk(0)) != 
			   (struct header *)((char *)arenaend + HEADSZ))  {
				/* case 1 */
				/* get size to fetch */
				nget = nb+HEADSZ;
				/* round up to a block */
				nget = (nget+BLOCKSZ-1)/BLOCKSZ*BLOCKSZ;
				/* if not word aligned, get extra space */
				if ((int)newblk%ALIGNSZ != 0)  {
					nget += ALIGNSZ - (int)newblk%ALIGNSZ;
#ifdef pdp11
				if (newblk + nget + 64 < newblk) {
					return NULL;
				/* get memory */
				if ((struct header *)sbrk(nget) ==
				   (struct header *)-1) {
					return NULL;
				/* add to arena */
				newend = (struct header *)((char *)newblk + nget
					 - HEADSZ);
				/*ignore some space to make block word aligned*/
				if ((int)newblk%ALIGNSZ != 0)  {
					newblk = (struct header *)
						 ((char *)newblk + ALIGNSZ -
				newend->nextblk = SETBUSY(&(arena[1]));
				newblk->nextblk = newend;
				arenaend->nextblk = SETBUSY(newblk);
				/* adjust other pointers */
				arenaend = newend;
				lastblk = newblk;
				blk = newblk;
			}  else  if (TESTBUSY(lastblk->nextblk))  {
				/* case 2 */
				nget = (nb+BLOCKSZ-1)/BLOCKSZ*BLOCKSZ;
#ifdef pdp11
				if (newblk + nget + 64 < newblk) {
					return NULL;
				if(sbrk(nget) == (char *)-1)  {
					return NULL;
				/* block must be word aligned */
				assert(((int)newblk%ALIGNSZ) == 0);
				newend =
				     (struct header *)((char *)arenaend+nget);
				newend->nextblk = SETBUSY(&(arena[1]));
				arenaend->nextblk = newend;
				lastblk = blk = arenaend;
				arenaend = newend;
			}  else  {
				/* case 3 */
				/* last block in arena is at end of memory and
				   is free */
				nget = nb - (lastblk - arenaend);
				nget = (nget+BLOCKSZ-1)/BLOCKSZ*BLOCKSZ;
#ifdef pdp11
				if (newblk + nget + 64 < newblk) {
					return NULL;
				assert(((int)newblk%ALIGNSZ) == 0);
				if (sbrk(nget) == (char *)-1)  {
					return NULL;
				/* combine with last block, put in arena */
				newend = (struct header *)((char *)arenaend +
				arenaend = lastblk->nextblk = newend;
				newend->nextblk = SETBUSY(&(arena[1]));
				/* set which block to use */
				blk = lastblk;
		}  else  {
			register struct header *nblk;      /* next block */

			/* take block found of free queue */
			/* make head of free queue immediately follow blk, unless
			   blk was at the end of the queue */
			nblk = blk->nextfree;
			if (nblk != &(freeptr[1]))   {
		/*      blk now points to an adequate block     */
		if (((char *)blk->nextblk - (char *)blk) - nb >= MINBLKSZ)  {
			/* carve out the right size block */
			/* newblk will be the remainder */
			newblk = (struct header *)((char *)blk + nb);
			newblk->nextblk = blk->nextblk;
			/* mark the block busy */
			blk->nextblk = SETBUSY(newblk);
			/* if blk was lastblk, make newblk lastblk */
			if(blk==lastblk) lastblk = newblk;
		}  else  {
			/* just mark the block busy */
			blk->nextblk = SETBUSY(blk->nextblk);
	return (char *)blk + minhead;

/*      free(ptr) - free block that user thinks starts at ptr 

	input - ptr-1 contains the block header.
		If the header points forward, we have a normal
			block pointing to the next block
		if the header points backward, we have a small
			block from a holding block.
		In both cases, the busy bit must be set

char *ptr;
	register struct holdblk *holdblk;       /* block holding blk */
	register struct holdblk *oldhead;       /* former head of the hold 
						   block queue containing
						   blk's holder */

	if (TESTSMAL(((struct header *)(ptr - MINHEAD))->nextblk))  {
		register struct lblk *lblk;     /* pointer to freed block */
		register offset;		/* choice of header lists */

		lblk = (struct lblk *)CLRBUSY(ptr - MINHEAD);
		assert((struct header *)lblk < arenaend);
		assert((struct header *)lblk > arena);
		/* allows freeing a block twice */
		if (!TESTBUSY(holdblk = lblk->header.holder)) return;
		holdblk = (struct holdblk *)CLRALL(holdblk);
		/* put lblk on its hold block's free list */
		lblk->header.nextfree = SETSMAL(holdblk->lfreeq);
		holdblk->lfreeq = lblk;
		/* move holdblk to head of queue, if its not already there */
		offset = holdblk->blksz/grain;
		oldhead = holdhead[offset];
		if (oldhead != holdblk)  {
			/* first take out of current spot */
			holdhead[offset] = holdblk;
			holdblk->nexthblk->prevhblk = holdblk->prevhblk;
			holdblk->prevhblk->nexthblk = holdblk->nexthblk;
			/* now add at front */
			holdblk->nexthblk = oldhead;
			holdblk->prevhblk = oldhead->prevhblk;
			oldhead->prevhblk = holdblk;
			holdblk->prevhblk->nexthblk = holdblk;
	}  else  {
		register struct header *blk;	    /* real start of block*/
		register struct header *next;      /* next = blk->nextblk*/
		register struct header *nextnext;       /* block after next */

		blk = (struct header *)(ptr - minhead);
		next = blk->nextblk;
		/* take care of programs (e.g. awk) which return blocks twice */
		if (!TESTBUSY(next))  return;
		blk->nextblk = next = CLRBUSY(next);
		/* see if we can compact */
		if (!TESTBUSY(nextnext = next->nextblk))  {
			do  {
				next = nextnext;
			}  while (!TESTBUSY(nextnext = next->nextblk));
			if (next == arenaend) lastblk = blk;
			blk->nextblk = next;

/*      realloc(ptr,size) - give the user a block of size "size", with
			    the contents pointed to by ptr.  Free ptr.
char *
char *ptr;		    /* block to change size of */
unsigned size;	    /* size to change to */
	register struct header *blk;    /* block ptr is contained in */
	register unsigned trusize;      /* size of block, as allocaters see it*/
	char *newptr;	      /* pointer to user's new block */
	register unsigned cpysize;      /* amount to copy */
	register struct header *next;   /* block after blk */

	if(size == 0) return NULL;

	if (TESTSMAL(((struct lblk *)(ptr - MINHEAD))->header.holder))  {
		/* we have a special small block which can't be expanded */
		/* This makes the assumption that even if the user is 
		   reallocating a free block, malloc doesn't alter the contents
		   of small blocks */
		newptr = malloc(size);
		if (newptr == NULL)  return NULL;
		if(ptr != newptr)  {
	}  else  {
		blk = (struct header *)(ptr - minhead);
		next = blk->nextblk;
		/* deal with users who reallocate free blocks */
		/* if they haven't reset minblk via getopt, that's
		   their problem */
		if (!TESTBUSY(next))  {
			blk->nextblk = SETBUSY(next);
		next = CLRBUSY(next);
		/* make blk as big as possible */
		if (!TESTBUSY(next->nextblk))  {
			do {
				next = next->nextblk;
			}  while (!TESTBUSY(next->nextblk));
			blk->nextblk = SETBUSY(next);
			if (next >= arenaend) lastblk = blk;
		/* get size we really need */
		trusize = size+minhead;
		trusize = (trusize + ALIGNSZ - 1)/ALIGNSZ*ALIGNSZ;
		trusize = (trusize >= MINBLKSZ) ? trusize : MINBLKSZ;
		/* see if we have enough */
		/* this isn't really the copy size, but I need a register */
		cpysize = (char *)next - (char *)blk;
		if (cpysize >= trusize)  {
			/* carve out the size we need */
			register struct header *newblk; /* remainder */
			if (cpysize - trusize >= MINBLKSZ)
				/* carve out the right size block */
				/* newblk will be the remainder */
				newblk = (struct header *)((char *)blk 
					  + trusize);
				newblk->nextblk = next;
				blk->nextblk = SETBUSY(newblk);
				/* at this point, next is invalid */
				/* if blk was lastblk, make newblk lastblk */
				if(blk==lastblk) lastblk = newblk;
			newptr = ptr;
		}  else  {
			/* bite the bullet, and call malloc */
			cpysize = (size > cpysize) ? cpysize : size;
			newptr = malloc(size);
			if (newptr == NULL)  return NULL;
	return newptr;

/*      calloc - allocate and clear memory block

char *
calloc(num, size)
register unsigned num, size;
	register char *mp;

	num *= size;
	mp = malloc(num);
	if(mp == NULL)

/*      Mallopt - set options for allocation

	Mallopt provides for   control over the allocation algorithm.
	The cmds available are:

	M_MXFAST Set maxfast to value.  Maxfast is the size of the
		 largest small, quickly allocated block.  Maxfast
		 may be set to 0 to disable fast allocation entirely.

	M_NLBLKS Set numlblks   to value.  Numlblks is the number of
		 small blocks per holding block.  Value must be
		 greater than 0.

	M_GRAIN  Set grain to value.  The sizes of all blocks
		 smaller than maxfast are considered to be rounded
		 up to the nearest multiple of grain.    The default
		 value of grain is the smallest number of bytes
		 which will allow alignment of any data type.    Grain
		 will   be rounded up to a multiple of its default,
		 and maxsize will be rounded up to a multiple   of
		 grain.  Value must be greater than 0.

	M_KEEP   Retain data in freed   block until the next malloc,
		 realloc, or calloc.  Value is ignored.
		 This option is provided only for compatibility with
		 the old version of malloc, and is not recommended.

	returns - 0, upon successful completion
		  1, if malloc has previously been called or
		     if value or cmd have illegal values

mallopt(cmd, value)
register int cmd;	       /* specifies option to set */
register int value;	     /* value of option */
	/* disallow changes once a small block is allocated */
	if (change)  {
		return 1;
	switch (cmd)  {
	    case M_MXFAST:
		if (value < 0)  {
			return 1;
		fastct = (value + grain - 1)/grain;
		maxfast = grain*fastct;
	    case M_NLBLKS:
		if (value <= 1)  {
			return 1;
		numlblks = value;
	    case M_GRAIN:
		if (value <= 0)  {
			return 1;
		/* round grain up to a multiple of ALIGNSZ */
		grain = (value + ALIGNSZ - 1)/ALIGNSZ*ALIGNSZ;
		/* reduce fastct appropriately */
		fastct = (fastct + grain - 1)/grain*grain;
		maxfast = grain*fastct;
	    case M_KEEP:
		minhead = HEADSZ;
		return 1;
	return 0;

/*	mallinfo-provide information about space usage

	input - max; mallinfo will return the size of the
		largest block < max.

	output - a structure containing a description of
		 of space usage, defined in malloc.h
struct mallinfo
	struct header *blk, *next;	/* ptr to ordinary blocks */
	struct holdblk *hblk;		/* ptr to holding blocks */
	struct mallinfo inf;		/* return value */
	register i;			/* the ubiquitous counter */
	int size;			/* size of a block */
	int fsp;			/* free space in 1 hold block */

	(void)memset (&inf, 0, sizeof(struct mallinfo));
	blk = CLRBUSY(arena[1].nextblk);
	/* return total space used */
	inf.arena = (char *)arenaend - (char *)blk;
	/* loop through arena, counting # of blocks, and
	   and space used by blocks */
	next = CLRBUSY(blk->nextblk);
	while (next != &(arena[1])) {
		size = (char *)next - (char *)blk;
		if (TESTBUSY(blk->nextblk))  {
			inf.uordblks += size;
			inf.keepcost += HEADSZ-MINHEAD;
		}  else  {
			inf.fordblks += size;
		blk = next;
		next = CLRBUSY(blk->nextblk);
	/* 	examine space in holding blks	*/
	for (i=fastct; i>0; i--)  {  /* loop thru ea. chain */
	    hblk = holdhead[i];
	    size = hblk->blksz + sizeof(struct lblk) - sizeof(int);
	    if (hblk != HGROUND)  {  /* do only if chain not empty */
		do  {		     /* loop thru 1 hold blk chain */
		    fsp = freespace(hblk);
		    inf.fsmblks += fsp;
		    inf.usmblks += numlblks*size - fsp;
		    inf.smblks += numlblks;
		    hblk = hblk->nexthblk;
		}  while (hblk != holdhead[i]);
	inf.hblkhd = (inf.smblks/numlblks)*sizeof(struct holdblk);
	/* holding block were counted in ordblks, so subtract off */
	inf.ordblks -= inf.hblks;
	inf.uordblks -= inf.hblkhd + inf.usmblks + inf.fsmblks;
	inf.keepcost -= inf.hblks*(HEADSZ - MINHEAD);
	return inf;

/*	freespace - calc. how much space is used in the free
		    small blocks in a given holding block

	input - hblk = given holding block

	returns space used in free small blocks of hblk
register struct holdblk *holdblk;
	register struct lblk *lblk;
	register int space = 0;
	register int size;
	register struct lblk *unused;

	lblk = CLRSMAL(holdblk->lfreeq);
	size = holdblk->blksz + sizeof(struct lblk) - sizeof(int);
	unused = CLRSMAL(holdblk->unused);
	/* follow free chain */
	while ((lblk != LGROUND) && (lblk != unused))  {
		space += size;
		lblk = CLRSMAL(lblk->header.nextfree);
	space += ((char *)holdblk + HOLDSZ(size)) - (char *)unused;
	return space;
/*      rstalloc - reset alloc routines

	description - return allocated memory and reset
		      allocation pointers.

	Warning - This is for debugging purposes only.
		  It will return all memory allocated after
		  the first call to malloc, even if some
		  of it was fetched by a user's sbrk().
	struct header *temp;

	temp = arena;
	minhead = MINHEAD;
	grain = ALIGNSZ;
	numlblks = NUMLBLKS;
	fastct = FASTCT;
	maxfast = MAXFAST;
	change = 0;
	if(freeptr->nextfree == GROUND) return;
	freeptr->nextfree = GROUND;
#endif /*RSTALLOC*/