
 ;/   Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1984, 1985, 1986.    /
 ;/   All Rights Reserved. 					      /
 ;/   Reference "/usr/src/COPYRIGHT" for applicable restrictions.      /

; @(#)exec.m11	1.2 3/26/82
;this is the key to the bob bowering assembler that has been modified for
;unix by brent byer
;symbols for ddt have been added by forrest howard, who also fixed various
	.title	exec	-  assembler exec

	.ident	/01aug5/

	.mcall (at)ndebug,sdebug
	.mcall (at)jeq,jne
	.mcall	(at)always,ct.mne,xmit,putkb,putkbl,putlp,genswt
	.mcall	(at)genedt
	.mcall	(at)error,scanw
	.mcall	(at)st.flg

	.macro	strcpy	from,to ,?loop
	mov	r0,-(sp)
	mov	r1,-(sp)
	mov	from,r0
	mov	to,r1
	movb	(r0)+,(r1)+
	bne	loop

	mov	(sp)+,r1
	mov	(sp)+,r0
	.sbttl		assembly options

;the following macro causes assembly options to be
;printed on the loader map and any implications
;(second argument) to be defined.  options are
;selected by equating them to zero.

	.macro	ldrmap	mne,implies
	.if df	mne
	.globl	mne
	.irp	x,<implies>
	.globl	x
x=	0			;invoke implications
	.endm	ldrmap

;the following group enables functions

	ldrmap	rsx11d,<dflgtb>		;rsx11d "features"

	ldrmap	debug		;debug version
	ldrmap	pdpv45		;pdp-11/45 instructions
	ldrmap	id.spc		;i- & d-space capability for unix
	ldrmap	dblbuf		;tran'd input

;the following group disables functions

	.iif df	x40&x45,	xfltg=	0

	ldrmap	xbaw		;no bells and whistles
	ldrmap	xswit,xcref	;no switches
	ldrmap	xrel,xedpic	;abs output only
	ldrmap	xmacro,xsml	;all generated code (macro, rept, etc.)
	ldrmap	xsml		;system macros
	ldrmap	x40		;pdp-11/40 features
	ldrmap	x45		;pdp-11/45 features
	ldrmap	xfltg,xedfpt	;floating point evaluation
	ldrmap	xedabs		;ed.abs
	ldrmap	xedama		;ed.ama
	ldrmap	xedpic		;ed.pic
	ldrmap	xedfpt		;ed.fpt
	ldrmap	xedlsb		;ed.lsb
	ldrmap	xedpnc		;ed.pnc
	ldrmap	xedlc		;ed.lc
	ldrmap	xedcdr		;card reader format
	ldrmap	xzerr		;"z" errors
	ldrmap	xlcttm		;no lpt listing format
	ldrmap	xlcseq		;sequence numbers
	ldrmap	xtime		;no time & date on header
	.sbttl		globals

;globals defined in assembler

	.globl	srchi
	.globl	prop1,	endp1,	prop2,	endp2
	.globl	bksiz
	.globl	symlp,	symhp
	.globl	setlc,	seted
	.globl	uc.set, um.set

	.globl	pass

	.globl	putkb,	putkbl,	putlp

	.globl	dnc,	movbyt,	savreg,	xmit0

	.globl	linbuf,	errcnt,	openo,	openc
	.globl	chrpnt,	prosw, absexp

	.globl	xctpas

;globals defined in mcexec

	.globl	pagnum,	linnum
	.globl	inicor, iargv

	.if ndf	xtime
	.globl	dattim
	.if ndf	xsml
	.globl	finsml,	inisml,	smlnam, smlfil
	.globl	getic,	hdrttl,	putoc,	getsrc
	.globl	io.eof,	io.eoi,	io.tty,	io.err

	.globl	ioftbl,	cnttbl,	buftbl,	ioltbl,	chrtbl
	.globl	exttbl,	bintbl,	lstflg, chntbl
	.globl	$wrsys, $wrbfp, $wrcnt, $brksy, $brkad

	.globl	symovf, macovf

	.globl	errrol,crfrol
	.globl	xctprg
errrol=	1
	.mcall	(at)param

	.globl	$creat, $open, $close, $exit, $read, $write, $break
	.globl	$seek, $indir, $time, $fork, $wait, $exec

				;init sectors

	entsec	implin
	.sbttl	mcioch - i/o channel assignments

.macro	genchn	zchan,zlnk,zbuf,ztype,zext,zlen
	setchn	cmo,	cmo,	cmo,	0,	,80.
	setchn	src,	src,	src,	0,	m11,	132.
	setchn	lst,	lst,	lst,	,	lst,	512.
	setchn	obj,	obj,	obj,	1,	obj,	42.
	.if ndf	xsml
	setchn	sml,	sml,	sml,	0,	sml,	80.
	.if ndf xcref
	setchn	crf,	crf,	crf,	,	xrf,	512.
.endm	genchn

	.macro	setchn	zchan,zlnk,zbuf,ztype,zext,zlen
	.if nb	<zlen>
	param	zbuf'len,	zlen


	.globl	objlen

tmpcnt=	0
	.macro	setchn	zchan,zlnk,zbuf,ztype,zext,zlen
zchan'chn=	tmpcnt
	.globl	zchan'chn
tmpcnt=	tmpcnt+2


maxchn=	tmpcnt			;just to preserve the count
	.macro	serror	xxx ; was: .macro serror number,message
	mov	xxx,r0		; was:  jsr	r0,serror
				; was: .asciz	\message\
	jmp	serror		; new: no return
	.endm	serror

.macro .asclc, str

	.irpc x, ^%str%

	.if ge ''x-101
		.if le ''x-132
			.byte ''x+40
			.byte ''x
	.byte ''x


	.byte	0

	.sbttl	start of program

	.globl	start,	fin

start:				;start of program
	mov	(sp)+,iargc	;store arg. count
	mov	sp,iargv	;store pointer to arg. vector
	clr	(sp)
	mov	#dattim,r2	;set date and time
	call	cvtim		;convert to ascii 

	call	xctprg		;clean up core
	call 	inip0		;output file processing
	call 	inip1
	call	prop1	;pass one
	call 	finp1
	call	endp1	;clean up
	call 	inip2
	call	prop2	;pass 2
	call	endp2
	call 	setdn		;finished, control not returned

	mov	#objchn,r0
	call	zwrite
	call	zclose
	mov	#lstchn,r0	;output any remaining listing
	call	zwrite
	.if ndf xcref
	mov	crfpnt,r2
	beq	9$
	mov	#crfchn,r0
	call	zwrite		;dump out any remaining output
	call	zclose		;close cref tmp. file
	mov	#lstchn,r0
	tst	ioftbl+lstchn
	bne	81$
	mov	cnttbl+crfchn,cnttbl+lstchn
				;set up to recycle (i hope)
	inc	lstflg
	call	openo
81$:	mov	#lstchn,r2	;set up name of listing file in linbuf
	call	src.ap
	$exec			;cref will do the rest!!
	; execl("macxrf", "macxrf", "-flags", "fred.xrf", "fred.lst", 0);
	;	meaning of flags arg:
	;	"-"	m11 invoked with -cr only: do the standard stuff
	;	"-am.." other letters added as extra cr flags invoked.

	br	$$exit

9$:	tst	lpflag		;spooler requested?
	beq	$$exit		;no, leave
	mov	#lstchn,r0	;yes, close listing channel
	mov	r0,r2		;copy for src.ap
	call	zclose
	call	src.ap		;put name of lst file into linbuf
	$exec			; take it away, LPR!

$$exit:	clr	r0		;leave r0 set corectly
	tst	errcnt
	beq	1$		;no problems
	inc	r0		;return 1
	$exit			;that's all, folks!

	entsec	dpure
lpargs:	lprrun

lprrun:	.asclc	/usr/ucb/lpr

	entsec	mixed

argc:	.blkw	1
iargc:	.blkw	1
iargv:	.blkw	1
argv:	.blkw	1
symlp:	<^pl xpcor>
symhp:	<<<^ph xpcor>+63.>&^c63.>-2

	entsec	impure

lstflg:	.blkw	1
lttflg::	.blkw	1
crfpnd:	.blkw	1
no.flg:	.blkw	1
u.flag::	.blkw	1		; user wants UNIX style line numbers
lpflag:	.blkw	1
mx.flg::	.blkw	1		; if set, do macro expansion ONLY
xx.flg::	.blkw	1		; debug switch
my.flg::	.blkw	1		; and also show the pre-xpnd srce lines
sx.flg::	.blkw	1		; if set, generate more local syms syms
pdp10::		.blkw	1		; check for model dependencies in
					; the instruction set
	entsec	mixed
crefil:	.blkw	30			; name of cref file: /fred.xrf/
crefav:	.word	crfrun
	.word	crflag+1
	.word	crefil
	.word	linbuf
	.word	0
crflag:	.ascii	/--/
	.blkw	5
crap:	.word	crflag+2

	.sbttl	output file initialization

inip0:				;initialize things
	mov	#cmochn,r0	;set up cmo
	call	zopen
	mov	#1,chntbl+cmochn	;it is file handle #1
	call	inip0z		;set up argc & argv
1$:	dec	argc		;any more arguments?
	blt	9$		;no, return
	mov	argv,r0		;yes, get pointer to next arg.
	mov	(r0)+,r1	;  into r1
	mov	r0,argv		;store back new argv
	tst	r1
	beq	1$		;ignore null pointers (maybe, first one)
	cmpb	(r1)+,#'-	;is switch indicated?
	beq	3$		;yes
	mov	-(r0),srcnam	;no , last name will be prefix
	br	1$
3$:	;here is hack for explicit name switch
	cmpb	(r1),#'n
	bne	33$
	cmpb	1(r1),#'a
	bne	33$
	add	#3,r1		;move past na:
	mov	r1,esrcnam
	br	1$
33$:	mov	#linbuf,r2	;point to dest. for switch
	mov	r2,r3		;make copy
	clr	(r2)+		;zap initially
	mov	r2,chrpnt	;copy pointer here for arg.
4$:	movb	(r1)+,r0	;get char.
	call	mk.up		;make upper case
	ble	55$		;null or :
	movb	r0,(r3)+	;ok, store
	cmp	r3,r2		;max. of 2 chars.
	blo	4$
5$:	movb	(r1)+,r0	;store rest of arg. in linbuf
	call	mk.up		;check it and make upper case
55$:	bge	6$		;neg. indicates :
	mov	#40,r0		;replace with space
6$:	movb	r0,(r2)+
	bne	5$		;continue till null
	mov	linbuf,r0	;restore switch name into r0
7$:	call	prosw		;process the switch
	bne	1$		;continue if no error
8$:	serror	#swcerr

19$:	tst	srcnam		;must be at least one filename
	beq	$$exit		;or we are just a no-op.

.globl	cttbl			; defined in misc.m11

	bic	#^c177,r0
	cmpb	#ct.lc,cttbl(r0)
	bne	1$		; if lower, make upper
	sub	#40,r0
1$:	cmpb	#':,r0		; if input is a colon,
	bne	2$
	neg	r0		; return MINUS COLON !!!
2$:	tst	r0		; else return input
	entsec	impure
srcnam:	.blkw	1
esrcnam: .blkw	1
	genswt	no,no.set
no.set:	inc	no.flg		;indicate no object output

	genswt	uc,uc.set	; revert to bad old DEC upper case rules
	genswt	um,um.set	; revert to bad old Harvard upper case rules

	genswt	sx,sx.set
sx.set:	inc	sx.flg

	genswt	u,u.set

u.set:	inc	u.flag
	genswt	xx,xx.set
xx.set:	inc	xx.flg
	genswt	mx,mx.set
	genswt	my,my.set
	genswt	lt,lt.set
	call 	no.set
	call	lt.set
	inc	mx.flg
	inc	my.flg
	br	mx.set

	genswt	10,setten
	inc	pdp10
	mov	#1,lttflg
	call	ls.set
	movb	#'o,@crap		; tell cref to go on stdout, too.
	inc	crap
.if	ne,mk.symbol
	genswt	ns,ns.set

ns.set:	inc	out$ym

	.globl	out$ym
	.globl	fixtit
	.globl	ed.gbl, eddflt
	genswt	xs,xs.set
xs.set:				; obsolete
	call	absexp		; so that -xs:3 wont genrerate a 'bad switch'
				; error.

	genswt	ha,ha.set
	genswt	de,de.set
	inc	veritas				; reinstate addf #12,3,fr1
	mov	#harvid,vernam
	call	um.set
	;	harvard .psect attrib scheme uses same defaults as UCB,
	;	but uses them wrong.  The 'veritas' flag tells when to misuse
	;	them.  See 'psect' in xlat.m11
	bis	#ed.gbl,eddflt
	jmp	fixtit
	call	uc.set
	mov	#decid,vernam
	; incomprehensible but true DEC default attribute patterns
	mov	#insflg!pattrs,psdflt
	mov	#insflg!cattrs,csdflt
	mov	#insflg!aattrs,asdflt
	bis	#ed.gbl,eddflt
	jmp	fixtit

	genswt	dp,dp.set
	genswt	da,da.set
	genswt	dc,dc.set
	.globl	psdflt,asdflt,csdflt,psarol	; in xlat.m11:  .psect atribs

	mov	#asdflt,-(sp)
	br	dx.set
	mov	#csdflt,-(sp)
	br	dx.set
	mov	#psdflt,-(sp)
	call	gsarg
	beq	9$
	scanw	psarol
	beq	10$
	bisb	symbol+2,@(sp)
	bicb	symbol+3,@(sp)
	br	dx.set
10$:	error	45,a,<illegal .psect attribute>
	tst	(sp)+

	genswt	ls,ls.set
	genswt	lp,lp.set

lp.set:	inc	lpflag		;note spooler request
	movb	#'l,@crap
	inc	crap
ls.set:	inc	lstflg		;note lst file req.
	mov	#lstchn,r2	;set up to add buffer for lstchn
addbuf:	mov	symlp,r0	;get cur. free loc.
	mov	r0,cnttbl(r2)	;that's where our byte count will go
	tst	(r0)+		;now point to our buffer
	mov	r0,buftbl(r2)
	add	ioltbl(r2),r0	;allow for length of buffer
	mov	r0,symlp	;new free loc.


.if ndf xcref
	genswt	cr,cr.set
	genedt	crf
	.globl	ed.crf,edmask,gsarg,cpopj
	tst	crfpnd
	bne	2$
	inc	crfpnd		;note pending cref
	bis	#ed.crf,edmask	; so .enabl/.dsabl crf will work.
	call	gsarg
	beq	3$
	scanw	crfrol
	beq	9$
	movb	symbol+4,@crap
	inc	crap
	br	1$
	mov	#crfchn,r2	;set up buffer for it
	jmp	addbuf

	error	55,a, <illegal cref argument>

	.macro	gencrf	name,char
	entsec	crfsec
	.rad50	/name/
	.word	cpopj
	.word	char
	gencrf	s,'s
	gencrf	sy,'s
	gencrf	sym,'s
	gencrf	r,'r
	gencrf	re,'r
	gencrf	reg,'r
	gencrf	m,'m
	gencrf	ma,'m
	gencrf	mac,'m
	gencrf	p,'p
	gencrf	pe,'p
	gencrf	per,'p
	gencrf	pst,'p
	gencrf	c,'c
	gencrf	cs,'c
	gencrf	cse,'c
	gencrf	sec,'c
	gencrf	pse,'c
	gencrf	e,'e
	gencrf	er,'e
	gencrf	err,'e


	.sbttl	pass initialization

inip1:			;init for pass 1
	mov	#lstchn,r0
	call	openo
	call	srchi		;init the symbol table & rolls
	br	inip2f		;set source for pass

inip2:				;init for pass 2
	inc	pass
	tst	crfpnd
	beq	inip2f
	call	crfset
inip2f:	call	setlc
	.globl	mx.2 , mdepth
	.globl	mac.er
	clr	mx.2
	clr	mdepth
	call	seted
inip0z:	mov	iargv,argv	;init count & pointer to args.
	mov	iargc,argc
	dec	argc
	add	#2,argv
	.sbttl	end of pass routines

finp1:				;finish of pass
	mov	#srcchn,r0
	call	zclose

openo:				;open output file
	call	savreg
	mov	r0,r2		;copy r0 (chn. #)
	cmp	r0,#lstchn	;is it list channel?
	bne	1$		;no
	tst	lttflg		; <<< REEDS june 1981
	beq	100$		; <<<
	mov	#1,r0		; <<< use standard output if -lt flag in use
	br	7$		; <<<
	tst	lstflg		;yes, is listing enabled (-ls) ?
	beq	9$		;no, ignore
1$:	cmp	r0,#objchn	;is this object channel?
	bne	11$		;no
	tst	no.flg		;were we told to withhold obj. o/p ?
	bne	9$		;yes, ignore
11$:	call	src.ap		;set up name in linbuf
	mov	#linbuf,$crtnm	;  and pointer to name
2$:	$indir	
	bcc	7$		;ok
	mov	#linbuf,r1	;no good, complain
3$:	tstb	(r1)+		;find end of filename
	bne	3$
	dec	r1		;back up over null
	mov	#ncmsg,r0	;append rest of msg.
4$:	movb	(r0)+,(r1)+
	bne	4$
	putkb	#linbuf

7$:	mov	r0,chntbl(r2)	;store file handle
	mov	r2,r0		;restore r0 with chn. #
	call	zopen
9$:	return
	mov	srcnam,r1	;transfer file name from src prefix
	tst	esrcnam
	beq 1$
	mov	esrcnam,r1
	mov	#linbuf,r0	;and store in linbuf
nam.fp:	clr	-(sp)		;clear "." flag
2$:	movb	(r1)+,(r0)+	;transfer a byte
	beq	4$		;move on if done
	cmpb	-1(r0),#'.	;not null, was it a "." ?
	beq	3$		;yes, set flag and cont.
	cmpb	-1(r0),#'/	;no, was it / ?
	bne	2$		;no, continue
	clr	(sp)		;yes, clear flag
	br	2$		;continue
3$:	mov	r0,(sp)		;flag with adr. past period.
	br	2$
4$:	mov	r0,r1		;copy adr. past terminating null
	mov	(sp)+,r0	;restore period flag (adr.)
	bne	5$		;if set, move on
	mov	r1,r0		;use this adr.
5$:	dec	r0		;back up pointer to null or period.

nam.ap:	call	nam.fp		;move to period
	br	ap.ext

src.ap:	call	src.fp		;find period.
				; and plop appropriate ext. in

ap.ext:	tstb	(r0)+		;period here?
	bne	1$		;yes, assuming non-null is a period
	movb	#'.,-1(r0)	;no, put one in
1$:	mov	exttbl(r2),r1	;get pointer to ext.
2$:	movb	(r1)+,(r0)+	;store the ext. at end of name
	bne	2$
7$:	return
	.sbttl	end of program cleanup

setdn:				;clean up
	mov	#finmsg,r1	;set for final message
	mov	#linbuf,r2
	call	movbyt		;move into linbuf
	mov	errcnt,r1
; ***	beq	1$		;don't bother if successful
	call	dnc		;print in decimal
	clrb	(r2)

	tst	mx.flg
	bne	1$
	tst	lttflg		; <<< REEDS june 81
	beq	100$		; <<< REEDS june 81
	putlp	#linbuf		; <<< REEDS june 81
	br	1$		; <<< REEDS june 81
100$:	putkbl	#linbuf		;list to kb & lp

1$:	return
serror:				;"s" error
	call	putkb
	call	mac.er			;maybe caused by macro explosion
	mov	#1,r0

; symovf:	serror	217,<symbol table overflow>
		serror	#symerr
macovf:		call	mac.er
		serror	#macerr		; no return: exit sys call

getic:				;get input character
	dec	@cnttbl(r0)	;any chars left in line?
	blt	4$		;  no
	clr	r5
	bisb	@chrtbl(r0),r5	;yes, fetch next
	inc	chrtbl(r0)	;bump count

4$:	tst	ioftbl(r0)	;file initted?
	beq	5$		;no, do so
	call	zread		;read and wait
	mov	ioftbl(r0),r5	;get condition flags
	bic	#^c<io.eof!io.err>,r5	;clear extraneous
	beq	getic		;branch if nothing special
	bit	#io.eof,r5
	beq	9$		;  error, exit
	mov	#io.eoi,r5	;in case not source
	cmp	r0,#srcchn	;is it src.?
	bne	9$		;no
5$:	call	getsrc		;open next source file
	mov	#io.eoi,r5	;in case unsuccessful
	tst	ioftbl+srcchn	;winner?
	beq	9$		;no
	mov	#io.eof,r5	;set end-of-file
9$:	bis	#100000,r5	;set flag bit

	.globl	err.by		; array holds file name for error printer
	clrb	err.by
	clr	fileln		; start unix line numbers over
	mov	#srcchn,r0	;use source chn.
	mov	r0,-(sp)
	mov	r1,-(sp)
	mov	r2,-(sp)
	mov	r0,r2		;copy chn. #
	call	zclose		;close current source input
1$:	dec	argc		;any left?
	blt	7$		;no
	mov	argv,r0		;point to next arg.
	mov	(r0)+,r1
	mov	r0,argv
	tst	r1		;ignore null pointer
	beq	1$
	cmpb	(r1),#'-	;switch?
	beq	1$		;yes, ignore
	mov	buftbl+srcchn,r0	;point to dest. of name
	mov	r0,$opnnm	;set up pointer to name
	call	nam.fp		;transfer name & find period.
	clr	-(sp)		;clear retry indicator
	tstb	(r0)		;was ext. specified?
	bne	13$		;yes, try it as is
	mov	r0,(sp)		;no, save adr. of null
	call	ap.ext		;append default ext.
13$:	clr	$opnmd		;set up mode as "read"
	$indir			;indirect to dirty area
	bcc	3$		;if ok, move on
	tst	(sp)		;prepared to retry w/o ext.?
	beq	14$		;no, not found!
	clrb	@(sp)		;yes, remove ext.
	clr	(sp)		;just one retry
	br	13$
14$:	mov	#linbuf,r1	;store msg. in buffer
	mov	$opnnm,r0
15$:	movb	(r0)+,(r1)+
	bne	15$		;store file name
	dec	r1		;back up pointer
	mov	#nfmsg,r0
2$:	movb	(r0)+,(r1)+
	bne	2$
	putkb	#linbuf
	mov	#1,r0		;indicate error status
	$exit			;and die

3$:	mov	r0,chntbl+srcchn	;store file handle.
	bis	#io.opn,ioftbl+srcchn	;denote open
	clr	@cnttbl+srcchn	;beware of dos "feature"
	tst	(sp)+		;flush retry indicator
	mov	$opnnm,r1
	mov	#err.by,r2
	call	movbyt
	clrb	(r2)
4$:	mov	argc,r0		;get arg. count
	mov	argv,r1		;and vector ptr.
5$:	dec	r0		;any left?
	blt	7$		;no
	cmpb	@(r1)+,#'-	;yes, but is it switch?
	beq	5$		;yes
	clr	r5		;no, note another file to go
10$:	mov	(sp)+,r2
	mov	(sp)+,r1
	mov	(sp)+,r0
7$:	mov	sp,r5		;note no more files
	br	6$

putoc:	cmp	@cnttbl(r0),ioltbl(r0)	;any room left?
	bge	5$		;no
	movb	r1,@chrtbl(r0)	;yes
	inc	chrtbl(r0)
	inc	@cnttbl(r0)
4$:	return
5$:	bit	#io.opn,ioftbl(r0)	;open?
	beq	4$		;no, return
	call	zwrite		;yes, dump buffer
	br	putoc		;try again
	.sbttl	system macro handlers

	.if ndf	xsml

inisml:				;init sml file
	mov	#smlchn,r0	;open 'er up
	tst	ioftbl(r0)
	bne	finsml
	call	zopen
	mov	smlnam,r1	;get pointer to name prefix
	mov	#smlfil,r0	;point to destination of complete string
	mov	r0,$opnnm	;make copy for system call
	mov	#smlchn,r2	;set up channel #
	call	nam.fp		;transfer name to smlfil & find period.
	tstb	(r0)		;ext. specified?
	bne	1$		;yes
	call	ap.ext		;no, supply default
1$:	clr	$opnmd		;for reading
	bcs	finsml
	mov	r0,chntbl+smlchn
	mov	sp,r0		;flag good (non-zero) return

finsml:				;close out sml file
	mov	#smlchn,r0	;  and release it
	call	zrlse
	clr	r0		;signal that we're through

.globl	veritas
veritas:	.blkw				; harvard retrocomat in effect

	entsec	impure

smlnam:	.blkw	1
smlfil:	.blkw	20		;macro filename (.sml) goes here


	.sbttl	init/read/write routines

	.globl	zread,	zwrite

zinit:				;init a device
	bis	#io.ini,ioftbl(r0)	;flag as in use

zopen:	bis	#io.opn,ioftbl(r0)
	mov	buftbl(r0),chrtbl(r0)
	clr	@cnttbl(r0)

zread:				;read a line
	mov	r0,-(sp)
	mov	r1,-(sp)
	mov	r0,r1
	mov	buftbl(r0),$rdbfp
	mov	ioltbl(r0),$rdcnt
	mov	buftbl(r0),chrtbl(r0)
	mov	chntbl(r0),r0	;get file handle
	bcc	1$		;ok
	bis	#io.err,ioftbl(r1)
	br	8$
1$:	mov	r0,@cnttbl(r1)	;store count of chars. read
	bne	8$
	bis	#io.eof,ioftbl(r1)	;eof if none
	mov	(sp)+,r1
	mov	(sp)+,r0
zwrite:				;write a line
	mov	r0,-(sp)
	mov	r1,-(sp)
	mov	r2,-(sp)
	mov	r0,r2
	bit	#io.opn,ioftbl(r0)	;only if open
	beq	9$
	mov	buftbl(r0),r1
	mov	@cnttbl(r0),r0
	beq	4$		;and non-zero count
	tst	bintbl(r2)	;binary?
	ble	59$		;  no
	mov	r2,-(sp)
	add	#4,r0
	mov	r0,-(r1)
	mov	#1,-(r1)
	mov	r0,-(sp)
	add	r1,r0
	clr	-(sp)
51$:	movb	(r1)+,r2
	add	r2,(sp)
	cmp	r1,r0
	blo	51$
	neg	(sp)
	movb	(sp)+,(r1)
	clrb	1(r1)
	mov	(sp)+,r0
	sub	r0,r1
	bis	#1,r0
	inc	r0
	mov	(sp)+,r2
59$:	mov	r0,$wrcnt	;store byte count
	mov	r1,$wrbfp	;and buffer adr.
	mov	chntbl(r2),r0	;get file handle
	bcc	4$
	bis	#io.err,ioftbl(r2)	;error
4$:	clr	@cnttbl(r2)	;clear count initially
	mov	buftbl(r2),chrtbl(r2)	;point to beg. of buffer
9$:	mov	(sp)+,r2
	mov	(sp)+,r1
	mov	(sp)+,r0
zclose:				;close file
	bit	#io.opn,ioftbl(r0)	;is file open?
	beq	1$		;no
	mov	r0,-(sp)	;yes, save r0
	mov	chntbl(r0),r0	;get file handle
	$close			;close
	mov	(sp)+,r0
	clr	ioftbl(r0)
	clr	@cnttbl(r0)
1$:	return

zrlse:				;close and release file
	call	zclose		;be sure it's closed
	clr	ioftbl(r0)	;clear device table
	.sbttl	messages

	entsec	imppas
pagnum:	.blkw			;page number
linnum:	.blkw	2		;line number
fileln::	.blkw	1		; true line number in file
	entsec	mixed

	.if ndf	xtime
dattim:	.ascii	/00-xxx-00 /
datti1:	.ascii	/00:00/
datti2:	.ascii	/:00/

	entsec	dpure

;endp1m:	.asciz	/end of pass/
macerr:	.asciz	/macro text overflow/
symerr:	.asciz	/symbol table overflow/
swcerr:	.asciz	/bad switch/
finmsg:	.asciz	/errors detected:  /

nfmsg:	.asciz	/ not found/
ncmsg:	.asciz	/ - can't create/


	entsec	mixed
vernam::	1$		; addr of default logo
1$:	.asciz	/UCB m11 v1.2 /
harvid:	.asciz	/Harvard m11 /
decid:	.asciz	/DEC Macro-11 /

	.sbttl	i/o tables

	.list	meb
				;i/o flags
io.ini=	000001			;initted
io.opn=	000002			;opened
io.tty=	000004			;device is tty
io.eof=	000010			;eof seen
io.err=	000020			;error encountered
io.eoi=	000040			;end of input
io.out=	100000			;output device

	entsec	impure
ioftbl:	.blkw	maxchn/2	;i/o flag table

	entsec	dpure
ioltbl:				;i/o length table
	.macro	setchn	zchan,zlnk,zbuf,ztype,zext,zlen
	.word	zbuf'len


	.macro	setchn	zchan,zlnk,zbuf,ztype,zext,zlen
	.if nb zext
zchan'ext:	.asclc	zext


nulext:	.word	0

	entsec	mixed
	.macro	setchn	zchan,zlnk,zbuf,ztype,zext,zlen
	.if nb zext
	.word	zchan'ext
	.word	nulext

	entsec	mixed
cnttbl:				;pointer to counts
	.macro	setchn	zchan,zlnk,zbuf,ztype,zext,zlen
	.if nb ztype
	.word	zbuf'buf-2
	.word	0

buftbl:				;pointers to buffers
	.macro	setchn	zchan,zlnk,zbuf,ztype,zext,zlen
	.if nb ztype
	.word	zbuf'buf
	.word	0

	entsec	impure
chrtbl:				;char pointer table
	.blkw	maxchn/2

chntbl:			;channel <--> file handle table
	.blkw	maxchn/2

	entsec	mixed

	.macro	setchn	zchan,zlnk,zbuf,ztype,zext,zlen
	.if nb ztype
	.word	ztype
	.word	0

	.macro	setchn	zchan,zlnk,zbuf,ztype,zext,zlen
	.if nb	<ztype>
	entsec	impure

	.blkw	3
zbuf'buf:	.blkw	<zbuf'len+1>/2+2


	entsec	mixed
$wrsys:	$write
$wrbfp:	.blkw	1
$wrcnt:	.blkw	1

$rdsys:	$read
$rdbfp:	.blkw	1
$rdcnt:	.blkw	1

$crtsy:	$creat
$crtnm:	.blkw	1
$crtmd:	.word	0644

$opnsy:	$open
$opnnm:	.blkw	1
$opnmd:	.blkw	1

$brksy:	$break
$brkad:	.blkw	1

	.sbttl	cross reference handlers

	.if ndf	xcref

crfset:				;cref switch processor
	tst	pass
	beq	9$
	mov	#crfchn,r0
	call	openo
	bit	#io.opn,ioftbl+crfchn	;successful?
	beq	9$		;no
	strcpy	#linbuf,#crefil
	mov	sp,crfpnt	;yes, flag non-null
9$:	return
	.globl	crfdef,	crfref,	rolndx,	r50unp

	.nlist	meb
	.if df	xcref
crfref:	crfdef:	return

	.globl	symbol

crfdef:	inc	crfdfl		;cref definition
crfref:	tst	crfpnt		;any cref output at this time?
	jeq	9$		;  no
	tst	pass
	jeq	9$		; experiment
	tst	pagnum		;started yet?
	jeq	9$		;  no, forget it
	bit	#ed.crf,edmask	; cref might be turned off for a while
	jeq	9$
	call	savreg
1$:	cmp	crfpag,pagnum	;new page?
	bhis	2$		;  no
	mov	#cr.pag,r1	;yes, send flag
	call	putxrf
	inc	crfpag
	clr	crflin
	br	1$

2$:	cmp	crflin,linnum	;new line number?
	bhis	3$		;  no
	mov	#cr.lin,r1
	call	putxrf
	inc	crflin
	br	2$

3$:	tst	symbol		;ignore null symbols
	jeq	8$
	mov	#crftyp,r1
	cmpb	rolndx,(r1)+	;map roll number to cref type
	bne	4$
	sub	#crftyp+1-cr.sym,r1
	call	tstreg
	tst	xxxreg
	beq	44$
	movb	#25,r1
	clr	xxxreg
	call	putxrf
	mov	#crfsym,r2	;point to where symbol gets unpacked to
	call	r50unp		;unpack the symbol
	mov	#crfsym,r2	;point to beginning of unpacked symbol
5$:	movb	(r2)+,r1	;get symbol char.
	cmpb	r1,#space	;space is end
	beq	55$
	call	putxrf		;non-space - output it
	cmp	r2,#crfsym+6	;max. of 6 chars.
	blo	5$
55$:	mov	crfdfl,r1	;set "#" bit
	tstb	opclas
	bpl	6$		;branch if no "*"
	bis	#2,r1
6$:	bis	#cr.sym,r1	;set terminator
	call	putxrf		;send it
	call	ckvtc		;see if vt needed
9$:	clr	crfdfl

	clr	xxxreg
	call	savreg
	cmp	rolndx,#symrol
	bne	1$
	mov	#regrol,r4
	mov	<^pl rolbas>(r4),r3
	mov	<^pl roltop>(r4),r1
	movb	<^pl rolsiz>(r4),r2
	cmp	r3,r1
	bge	1$
	cmp	(r3),symbol
	bne	2$
	cmp	2(r3),symbol+2
	bne	2$
	inc	xxxreg
	br	1$
	add	r2,r3
	br	4$

putxrf:	dec	vtcnt
	mov	#crfchn,r0	;reset channel #
	tst	r1
	jne	putoc
	;jmp	putoc


ckvtc:	tst	vtcnt
	bmi	1$
1$:	mov	#vtini,vtcnt
	mov	#vt,r1
	mov	#crfchn,r0	;reset channel #
	tst	r1
	jne	putoc
	;jmp	putoc
	entsec	impure
crfsym:	.blkw	3
vtcnt:	.blkw
crfflg:	.blkw
crfpnt:	.blkw
xxxreg::	.blkw

	.globl	opclas,	errrol

cr.ver=	001+<001*400>		;type 1, version #1
cr.pag=	002			;new page
cr.lin=	003			;new line
cr.sym=	020			;symbol

errrol=	1			;dummy roll

	entsec	impure
crfver:	.blkw			;version flag
crfpag:	.blkw
crflin:	.blkw

	entsec	implin
crfdfl:	.blkw			; "#" and "*" flags

	entsec	dpure
	.irp	x,<sym,mac,pst,sec,err,reg>
	.iif ndf x'rol, .globl  x'rol
	.byte	x'rol

crfrun:	.asclc	/usr/ucb/macxrf

.if ndf xtime

	.globl	dnc, movbyt

;called with:
;	r0 - high-order word of 32-bit # seconds past 1jan70 gmt
;	r1 - low-order word
;	r2 - destination adr. of ascii (19 bytes)

	gmtsec = $timdf*3600.

	sub	#gmtsec,r1	;adjust for deviation
	sbc	r0
	div	#8.*3600.,r0	;form # 8-hour units
	mov	r1,-(sp)	;save remaining hours, minutes & seconds
	mov	r0,r1		;now form days
	clr	r0
	div	#3,r0
	ash	#3,r1		;and hours
	mov	r1,-(sp)	;saving hours
	movb	#-1.,nmonth	;begin month ticker
	mov	#69.,nyear	;epoch starts in 1970
1$:	incb	nyear
	jsr	pc,yearl	;returns length of that year in r1
	sub	r1,r0
	bpl	1$
	add	r1,r0
	mov	#28.,$feb
	cmp	r1,#366.	;is this leap year?
	bne	21$
	inc	$feb		;yes
21$:	mov	#montab,r1
4$:	incb	nmonth
	sub	(r1)+,r0
	bpl	4$
	add	-(r1),r0
	inc	r0		;form day of month
	mov	r0,r1		;put # days into r1 for conversion
	call	dnc
	movb	#'-,(r2)+	;store dash
	movb	nmonth,r1
	asl	r1		;form offset into asciz table
	asl	r1
	add	#mo.tab,r1	;form adr. of string
	call	movbyt
	movb	#'-,(r2)+
	mov	nyear,r1	;print out year modulo 100
	call	dnc
	movb	#40,(r2)+
	mov	(sp)+,r0	;get partial hours
	mov	(sp)+,r1	;get initial remainder
	mov	r0,-(sp)	;save
	clr	r0		;form hours
	div	#3600.,r0
	add	(sp)+,r0
	mov	r1,-(sp)	;save # seconds
	mov	r0,r1		;set up for conversion
	cmp	r1,#10.
	bge	6$
	movb	#'0,(r2)+
6$:	call	dnc
	movb	#':,(r2)+
	mov	(sp)+,r1	;restore # seconds
	clr	r0
	div	#60.,r0		;form # minutes
	mov	r0,r1
	cmp	r1,#10.
	bge	7$
	movb	#'0,(r2)+
7$:	call	dnc
	clrb	(r2)+
	rts	pc
yearl:	mov	#365.,r1
	bit	#3,nyear
	bne	8$
	inc	r1
8$:	rts	pc

entsec	dpure

mo.tab:	.asciz	/jan/
	.asciz	/feb/
	.asciz	/mar/
	.asciz	/apr/
	.asciz	/may/
	.asciz	/jun/
	.asciz	/jul/
	.asciz	/aug/
	.asciz	/sep/
	.asciz	/oct/
	.asciz	/nov/
	.asciz	/dec/

entsec	mixed

montab:	31.
$feb:	28.

entsec	impure
nyear:	.blkw
nmonth:	.blkb



	.end	start