
 ;/   Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1984, 1985, 1986.    /
 ;/   All Rights Reserved. 					      /
 ;/   Reference "/usr/src/COPYRIGHT" for applicable restrictions.      /

	.title	expr - expression evaluator

	.ident	/16jan4/

	.mcall	(at)always,st.flg,ch.mne,xmit,genedt
	.mcall	(at)sdebug
	.mcall	(at)jne,jeq
	.mcall	(at)setnz,error,search

	.globl	abserr,	absexp,	abstrm,	abstst,	expr
	.globl	exprg,	relexp,	reltst

	.if df	rsx11d
	.globl	ed.gbl,	edmask,	cpopj

	.globl	chrpnt,	clcnam,	clcsec,	cradix,	mode
	.globl	cvtnum,	dmprld,	expflg,	flags,	lsrch
	.globl	getchr,	getnb,	getsym,	insert
	.globl	pass,	rellvl,	rolndx,	r50dot,	savreg
	.globl	setnb,	setrld,	setsec,	setsym,	setxpr
	.globl	symbeg,	symbol,	symrol,	pstrol,	value
	.globl	secrol,	objsec

	.globl	crfref
	.if ndf	oldcod
cc.opr=	040
cc.nam=	020
cc.sec=	010
cc.val=	004
cc.dsp=	002

	.macro	chscan	table	;character scan
	mov	#table,r0
	call	chscan

	.macro	gchtbl	char,	addr	;gen char scan table
	.word	addr,	char
	xitsec			;start in default sector

exprg:				;external expression
	.if ndf	oldcod
	decb	oprflg+1	;flag "ok for external expression"
	call	expr		;process
	incb	oprflg+1	;restore
	tst	r0		;reset r0 flags

expr:				;expression evaluation
	call	savreg		;save registers
	call	term		;try for a term
	beq	5$		;exit if null
	clr	-(sp)		;non-null, set register flag storage
1$:	call	setxpr		;set expression registers
	bis	(r3),(sp)	;save register flag
	chscan	boptbl		;scan the binary operator table
	beq	2$		;  branch if not found
	call	10$		;found, call handler
	br	1$		;test for more

2$:	bic	#-1-regflg,(sp)	;mask all but register flag
	beq	6$		;branch if not register
	bit	#177770,(r4)	;in bounds?
	beq	6$
	error	70,r,<pdp-11 only has 8 registers>
	br	77$
6$:	asr	rellvl		;test relocaton level
	bne	3$		;branch if not 0 or 1
	bcc	4$		;branch if 0
	tst	(sp)		;relocatable, test register flag
	beq	4$		;branch if not set
7$:	error	1,r,<cannot relocate a register>
77$:	clr	(sp)		;clear register bit
	br	4$

3$:	error	2,a,<improper relocation> 
4$:	bis	(sp)+,(r3)	;merge register bit
	setnz	r0		;set true
5$:	return
	mov	r0,-(sp)	;stack operator address
	mov	r1,r3		;leave pointer to "symbol" in r3
	mov	(r1)+,-(sp)	;stack symbol
	mov	(r1)+,-(sp)
	mov	(r1)+,-(sp)	;  mode,
	mov	(r1)+,-(sp)	;  value,
	mov	(r1)+,-(sp)	;  and rel level
	call	glbtrm		;evaluate next tern
	mov	#expbak+^d10,r1	;set to unstack previous
	mov	(sp)+,-(r1)	;rel level
	mov	(sp)+,-(r1)	;value
	mov	r1,r2		;r2 points to previous value
	mov	(sp)+,-(r1)	;mode
	mov	(sp)+,-(r1)
	mov	(sp)+,-(r1)	;r1 points to previous symbol
	.if ndf	oldcod
	tst	oprflg
	bpl	11$
	tst	pass
	beq	11$
	bit	#glbflg!relflg,mode
	bne	expxxx
	bit	#glbflg!relflg,expbak+4
	bne	expxxx
	mov	@(sp)+,-(sp)
	asr	(sp)		;absolute only?
	bcs	12$		;  no
	bis	-(r2),-(r4)	;yes, merge flags
	call	abstst		;test for absolute
	cmp	(r2)+,(r4)+	;restore registers
12$:	asl	(sp)		;even out address
	jmp	@(sp)+		;exit through handler
	.if ndf	oldcod
expxxx:	inc	oprflg
	mov	#200,r0
	mov	#expbak,r1
	call	expyyy
	mov	(sp)+,r0
	sub	#boptbl,r0
	asr	r0
	asr	r0
	add	#201,r0
	mov	#symbol,r1
	call	expyyy
	mov	#symbol,r1
	clr	(r1)+
	movb	oprflg,(r1)+
	clrb	(r1)+
	mov	#glbflg,(r1)+
	clr	(r1)+

expyyy:	mov	r0,-(sp)
	call	setrld
	mov	r2,-(sp)
	movb	#cc.opr,(r2)+
	clr	-(sp)
	bit	#glbflg!relflg,4(r1)
	beq	2$
	bit	#glbflg,4(r1)
	bne	1$
	mov	#cc.sec,(sp)
	cmpb	5(r1),objsec
	beq	2$
1$:	bis	#cc.nam,(sp)
	.rept	4
	movb	(r1)+,(r2)+
	cmp	-(r1),-(r1)
2$:	add	#6,r1
	tst	(r1)
	beq	3$
	bis	#cc.val,(sp)
	movb	(r1)+,(r2)+
	movb	(r1)+,(r2)+
3$:	bisb	(sp)+,@(sp)+
	movb	(sp)+,(r2)+
	movb	oprflg,(r2)+
	jmp	dmprld

	entsec	implin
oprflg:	.blkw

	entsec	impure
expbak:	.blkw	5		;previous term storage
	entsec	dpure
boptbl:				;binary op table
	gchtbl	ch.add,	bopadd+1	; "+"
	gchtbl	ch.sub,	bopsub+1	; "-"
	gchtbl	ch.mul,	bopmul	; "*"
	gchtbl	ch.div,	bopdiv	; "/"
	gchtbl	ch.and,	bopand	; "&"
	gchtbl	ch.ior,	bopior	; "!"
	.word	0

bopsub:	call	reltst		;make sure no globals
	neg	(r4)		; -, negate value
	neg	rellvl		;  and rellvl

bopadd:	add	(r2)+,(r4)+	; +, add values
	add	(r2),(r4)	;  and relocation levels
	cmp	-(r2),-(r4)	;point back to values
	bit	#glbflg!relflg,-(r2)	;abs * xxx?
	beq	3$		;  yes, all set
	bit	#glbflg!relflg,-(r4)	;xxx * abs?
	beq	4$		;  yes, old flags
	bitb	#glbflg,(r2)+	;error if either global
	bne	5$
	bitb	#glbflg,(r4)+
	bne	5$
	cmpb	(r4),(r2)	;rel +- rel, same sector?
	bne	5$		;  no, error
	bisb	#relflg,-(r4)
	tst	rellvl
	bne	3$
	bic	#177400!relflg,(r4)
3$:	return

4$:	mov	(r1)+,(r3)+
	mov	(r1)+,(r3)+
	bis	(r1)+,(r3)+

5$:	jmp	abserr

bopand:	com	(r2)
	bic	(r2),(r4)

bopior:	bis	(r2),(r4)
bopmul:				; *
	mov	(r2),r0		;fetch first arg
	mov	r0,-(sp)	;save a copy
	bpl	1$		;positive?
	neg	r0		;  no, make it so
1$:	mov	(r4),r3		;set second arg
	bpl	2$		;branch if positive
	neg	r3		;negative, make it +
	com	(sp)		;toggle result sign
2$:	mul	r3,r0		;multiply
	mov	r1,r0		;set for exit
	br	bopdvx		;exit through divide

bopdiv:				; /
	mov	(r4),r3		;set divisor
	mov	r3,-(sp)	;save a copy
	bpl	1$		;branch if plus
	neg	r3		;make it thus
1$:	mov	(r2),r1		;set quotient
	bpl	2$		;again!!!
	neg	r1
	com	(sp)
2$:	clr	r0		;operate
	div	r3,r0

bopdvx:	tst	(sp)+		;test result
	bpl	1$		;  ok as is
	neg	r0		;no, negate it
1$:	mov	r0,(r4)		;set result

				;special entry point to expr
				;null field causes error
				;r0 set to value

glbtrm:	call	term
	beq	abserr
	br	abserx

glbexp:				;non-null expression
	call	expr
	beq	abserr
	br	abserx

reltrm:	call	glbtrm
	br	reltst

	call	glbexp
reltst:	bit	#glbflg,flags
	beq	abserx
	br	abserr

abstrm:	call	glbtrm
	br	abstst

	call	glbexp
abstst:	bit	#glbflg!relflg,flags
	beq	abserx
abserr:	clr	mode
	clr	rellvl
abserf:	error	3,a,<bad expression>
abserx:	mov	value,r0	;return with value in r0
	.sbttl	term evaluator

term:				;term evaluator
	call	savreg		;save registers
	call	setxpr		;  and set "expression" type
	clr	(r3)		;clear mode
	clr	(r4)		;  and value
	call	term10		;process
	bic	#defflg!lblflg!mdfflg,(r3)	;clear extraneous
	clr	rellvl		;assume absolute
	bit	#relflg,(r3)	;true?
	beq	1$
	inc	rellvl		;  no, relocatable
1$:	inc	expflg		;mark as expression
	jmp	setnb		;exit with non-blank and r0 set

term10:	call	getsym		;try for a symbol
	jeq	term20		;branch if not a symbol
	.if ndf	xcref
	mov	#symrol,rolndx
	call	crfref
	cmp	symbol,r50dot	;location counter?
	beq	14$		;  yes, treat special
	search	symrol		;search the symbol table
	beq	16$		;branch if not found
	bit	#mdfflg,(r3)	;multiply defined?
	beq	11$		;  no
	error	5,m,<multiply defined>
11$:	bit	#defflg,(r3)	;defined?
	beq	13$		;  no
	call	setsec		;refer by sector name
	br	12$

13$:	bit	#glbflg,(r3)	;no, global?
	jne	term28		;  yes
	error	4,u,<undefined symbol>
	sdebug	<undef 1>
12$:	bic	#glbflg,(r3)	;clear internal global flag
	jmp	term28

14$:	mov	#clcnam,r1	;dot, move to working area
	mov	#symbol,r2
	xmit	4
	bicb	#^c<relflg>,(r3)	;clear all but rel flag
	jmp	term28

16$:	search	pstrol		;not user defined, perhaps an op-code?
	tst	(r3)		;op code?
	bmi	17$		;yes
	search	symrol		;set search pointers
	.if df	rsx11d
	bis	#dfgflg!glbflg,(r3)
	bit	#ed.gbl,edmask
	beq	20$
	bic	#dfgflg!glbflg,(r3)
	error	4,u,<undefined symbol>
	sdebug	<undef 2>
20$:	call	insert		;not in table, insert as undefined
17$:	clr	(r3)		;be sure mode is zero
	jmp	term28

	.iif df	rsx11d,	genedt	gbl
	mov	cradix,r2	;assume number, current radix
21$:	mov	chrpnt,symbeg	;in case of re-scan
	call	cvtnum		;convert
	beq	term30		;  nope, missed again
	bpl	22$		;number, any overflow?
	error	7,t,<number too big>
22$:	cmp	r5,#ch.dot	;number, decimal?
	beq	24$		;  yes
	.if ndf	xedlsb
	cmp	r5,#ch.dol	;no, local symbol?
	beq	24$		;  yes
	tstb	r0		;no, any numbers out of range?
	jeq	term28		;  no
	error	6,n,<digit illegal in current radix>
	br	23$

24$:	cmp	r2,#10.		;"." or "$", were we decimal?
	beq	25$		;  yes
23$:	call	setsym		;no,
	mov	#10.,r2		;  try again with decimal radix
	br	21$

25$:	cmp	r5,#ch.dot	;decimal?
	beq	term27		;  yes
	.if ndf	xedlsb
	call	lsrch		;no, local symbol
	bne	term27		;branch if found
term26:	error	8,u,<local symbol not defined>	;  no, flag as undefined
term27:	call	getchr		;bypass dot or dollar
term28:	call	setnb		;return pointing to non-blank
	setnz	r0		;flag as found
term29:	return
	chscan	uoptbl		;scan unary operator table
	beq	term29		;  not there
	clr	r2		;clear for future use
	call	@(r0)+		;found, go and process
	jmp	term28		;exit true

	entsec	dpure
	gchtbl	ch.add,	glbtrm	; "+"
	gchtbl	ch.sub,	term42	; "-"
	gchtbl	ch.qtm,	term44	; """
	gchtbl	ch.xcl,	term45	; "'"
	gchtbl	ch.pct,	term46	; "%"
	gchtbl	ch.lab,	term47	; "<"
	gchtbl	ch.uar,	term50	; "^"
	.word	0

term42:	call	abstrm		;evaluate absolute
	neg	(r4)		;negate value

term44:	inc	r2		; """, mark it
term45:	mov	r4,r1		; "'", set temp store register
	call	setsym		;point back to operator
1$:	call	getchr		;get the next character
	beq	term48		;error if eol
	.if ndf	xedlc
	movb	@chrpnt,(r1)	;store absolute char
	bicb	#200,(r1)+	;clear possible sign bit and index
	movb	r5,(r1)+
	dec	r2		;another character
	beq	1$		;  yes
	br	term27		;bypass last char

term46:	call	abstrm		;register expression
	bis	#regflg,(r3)	;flag it

term47:				; "<"
	call	glbexp		;process non-null expression
	cmp	r5,#ch.rab	;">"?
	beq	term27		;  yes, bypass and exit
term48:	jmp	abserf		;error, flag it
term50:				; "^"
	chscan	uartbl		;scan on next character
	beq	term48		;  invalid, error
	jmp	@(r0)+		;call routine

	entsec	dpure
uartbl:				;up arrow table
	gchtbl	let.c,	term51	;  ^c
	gchtbl	let.d,	term52	;  ^d
	gchtbl	let.o,	term53	;  ^o
	gchtbl	let.b	term54	;  ^b
	gchtbl	let.r,	trmr50	;  ^r
	.if ndf	xfltg
	gchtbl	let.f,	term55	;  ^f
	.if ndf	oldcod
	gchtbl	let.p,	term56	;  ^p
	.word	0

term51:	call	abstrm		;process absolute
	com	(r4)		;complement value

term52:	add	#2.,r2
term53:	add	#6.,r2
term54:	add	#2.,r2
	mov	cradix,-(sp)	;stack current radix
	mov	r2,cradix	;replace with local
	call	glbtrm		;evaluate term
	mov	(sp)+,cradix	;restore radix

	.globl	setr50,mulr50
r50gch:	call	getchr		;get next character
	cmp	r2,#3		;filled word?
	beq	r50xit		;  yes
trmr50:	call	setr50		;test radix 50
	call	r50prc		;process the character
	bcc	r50gch		;if cc no terminator seen

1$:	cmp	r2,#3		;filled word?
	beq	r50xit		;  yes
	clr	r0		;  no - pad with blanks
	call	r50prc
	br	1$

r50xit:	return			;done with argument

r50prc:	cmp	r0,#50		;rad50?
	bhis	1$		;  no
	mov	r0,-(sp)	;save current char
	mov	(r4),r0		;get partial
	call	mulr50		;multiply
	add	(sp)+,r0	;add in current
	mov	r0,(r4)		;save
	inc	r2		;bump count
	clc			;no terminator seen

1$:	sec			;terminator seen

	.if ndf	xfltg
	.globl	fltg1w
term55:	call	fltg1w		;process one word floating
	beq	term48		;error if null
	.if ndf	oldcod
term56:				;  ^p
	call	mk.upp		;make upper case
	cmp	r5,#'l&^c40	;low limit?
	beq	1$		;  yes
	cmp	r5,#'h&^c40	;  high?
	bne	term48		;  no, error
	inc	r2		;yes, reflect high
1$:	add	#3,r2		;make 3 or 4
	mov	r2,-(sp)	;save operator
	call	setrld		;set up rld
	movb	#cc.opr,(r2)+	;flag operator
	movb	(sp)+,(r2)+	;unary type
	call	getnb		;bypass char
	call	getsym		;get the argument
	mov	#secrol,rolndx
	call	crfref		;cref into proper roll
	mov	#symbol,r1
	.rept	4		;move into code buffer
	movb	(r1)+,(r2)+
	inc	oprflg		;get unique number
	movb	oprflg,(r2)+	;stuff it
	call	dmprld		;dump it
	mov	#symbol,r1
	clr	(r1)+		;symbol is zero
	movb	oprflg,(r1)+	;  followed by unique numbwr
	clrb	(r1)+
	mov	#glbflg,(r1)+
	clr	(r1)+

chscan:				;character scan routine
	call	mk.upp		;make char. upper-case
1$:	tst	(r0)+		;end (zero)?
	beq	2$		;  yes
	cmp	(r0)+,r5	;this the one?
	bne	1$		;  no
	tst	-(r0)		;yes, move pointer back
	mov	chrpnt,symbeg	;save current pointer
	call	getnb		;get next non-blank
	tst	-(r0)		;move addr or zero into r0

2$:	clr	r0

mk.upp:	cmp	r5,#141		; between a - z ?
	blt	1$		;no
	cmp	r5,#172
	bgt	1$		;no
	sub	#40,r5		;yes, make it upper-case
1$:	return
