
 ;/   Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1984, 1985, 1986.    /
 ;/   All Rights Reserved. 					      /
 ;/   Reference "/usr/src/COPYRIGHT" for applicable restrictions.      /

	.title	fltg

	.ident	/27dec3/

	.mcall	(at)always,xmit,genedt,error
	.mcall	(at)sdebug,ndebug

	.globl	savreg,	abstrm,	chrpnt,	cpopj,	cradix
	.globl	getchr,	getnb,	mode
	.globl	setnb,	stcode,	tstarg,	value
	.globl	edmask,	ed.fpt

	.if ndf	xfltg

	.globl	flt2,	flt4,	fltg1w

	xitsec			;start in default sector

flt4:	inc	r3
	inc	r3		;make it 1 or 2
	asl	r3		;now 2 or 4
fp.1:	call	tstarg
	beq	fp.9
	mov	fltpnt-2(r3),-(sp)	;evaluate number
	call	@(sp)+
	bne	fp.2		;branch if non-null
	error	9,a,<empty floating point number>		;  null, flag error
fp.2:	mov	r3,r2		;get a working count
	mov	#fltbuf,r1	;point to floating point buffer
3$:	mov	(r1)+,(r4)	;move in next number
	call	stcode		;place on code roll
	sob	r2,3$		;loop on word count
	br	fp.1		;continue

fp.9:	return

	entsec	dpure
fltpnt:	.word	fltg2w,	fltg4w

	.if ndf	xedfpt
	genedt	fpt		;floating point truncation

fltg4w:	inc	fltwdc		;floating point number evaluator
fltg2w:	inc	fltwdc
	call	savreg		;save registers
	mov	chrpnt,-(sp)	;stack current character pointer
	mov	#fltbuf,r3	;convenient copy of pointers
	mov	#fltsav,r4	;  to buffer and save area
	mov	r4,r1
1$:	clr	-(r1)		;init variables
	cmp	r1,#fltbeg
	bhi	1$		;loop until done
	mov	#65.,fltbex	;init binary exponent
	cmp	#'+,r5		;  "+"?
	beq	10$		;  yes, bypass and ignore
	cmp	#'-,r5		; "-"?
	bne	11$		;  no
	mov	#100000,fltsgn	;yes, set sign and bypass char
10$:	call	getchr		;get the next character
11$:	cmp	r5,#'0		;numeric?
	blo	20$
	cmp	r5,#'9
	bhi	20$		;  no
	bit	#174000,(r3)	;numeric, room for multiplication?
	beq	12$		;  yes
	inc	fltexp		;no, compensate for the snub
	br	13$

12$:	call	fltm50		;multiply by 5
	call	fltgls		;correction, make that *10
	sub	#'0,r5		;make absolute
	mov	r4,r2		;point to end of buffer
	add	r5,-(r2)	;add in
	adc	-(r2)		;ripple carry
	adc	-(r2)
	adc	-(r2)
13$:	add	fltdot,fltexp	;decrement if processing fraction
	clr	(sp)		;clear initial char pointer (we're good)
	br	10$		;try for more

20$:	cmp	#'.,r5		;decimal point?
	bne	21$		;  no
	com	fltdot		;yes, mark it
	bmi	10$		;loop if first time around
21$:	cmp	#105,r5		;exponent?(routine  is passed upper case)
	bne	fltg3		;  no
	call	getnb		;yes, bypass "e" and blanks
	mov	cradix,-(sp)	;stack current radix
	mov	#10.,cradix	;set to decimal
	call	abstrm		;absolute term
	mov	(sp)+,cradix	;restore radix
	add	r0,fltexp	;update exponent
;	br	fltg3		;fall through
fltg3:	mov	r3,r1
	mov	(r1)+,r0	;test for zero
	bis	(r1)+,r0
	bis	(r1)+,r0
	bis	(r1)+,r0
	jeq	fltgex		;exit if so
31$:	tst	fltexp		;time to scale
	beq	fltg5		;fini if zero
	blt	41$		;divide if .lt. zero
	cmp	(r3),#031426	;multiply, can we *5?
	bhi	32$		;  no
	call	fltm50		;yes, multiply by 5
	inc	fltbex		;  and by two
	br	33$

32$:	call	fltm54		;multiply by 5/4
	add	#3.,fltbex	;  and by 8
33$:	dec	fltexp		;  over 10
	br	31$

40$:	dec	fltbex		;division, left justify bits
	call	fltgls
41$:	tst	(r3)		;sign bit set?
	bpl	40$		;  no, loop
	mov	#16.*2,-(sp)	;16 outer, 2 inner
	call	fltgrs		;shift right
	call	fltgsv		;place in save buffer
42$:	bit	#1,(sp)		;odd lap?
	bne	43$		;  yes
	call	fltgrs		;move a couple of bits right
	call	fltgrs
43$:	call	fltgrs		;once more to the right
	call	fltgad		;add in save buffer
	dec	(sp)		;end of loop?
	bgt	42$		;  no
	tst	(sp)+		;yes, prune stack
	sub	#3.,fltbex
	inc	fltexp
	br	31$
fltg5:	dec	fltbex		;left justift
	call	fltgls
	bcc	fltg5		;lose one bit
	add	#200,fltbex	;set excess 128.
	ble	2$		;branch if under-flow
	tstb	fltbex+1	;high order zero?
	beq	fg53$		;  yes
2$:	error	10,n,<floating point overflow>		;no, error
fg53$:	mov	r4,r2		;set to shift eight bits
	mov	r2,r1
	tst	-(r1)		;r1 is one lower than r2
4$:	cmp	-(r1),-(r2)	;down one word
	movb	(r1),(r2)	;move up a byte
	swab	(r2)		;beware of the inside-out pc!!
	cmp	r2,r3		;end?
	bne	4$
	call	fltgrs		;shift one place right
	ror	(r4)		;set high carry
	.if ndf	xedfpt
	bit	#ed.fpt,edmask	;truncation?
	beq	fp57$		;  yes
	mov	fltwdc,r2	;get size count
	asl	r2		;double
	bne	8$		;preset type
	inc	r2		;single word
8$:	asl	r2		;convert to bytes
	bis	#077777,fltbuf(r2)
5$:	adc	fltbuf(r2)
	dec	r2
	dec	r2
	bge	5$
	tst	(r3)		;test sign position
	bpl	fp57$		;ok if positive
6$:	error	11,t,<trunctation error>
fp57$:	add	fltsgn,(r3)	;set sign, if any
fltgex:	clr	mode		;make absolute
	clr	fltwdc		;clear count
	mov	(r3),value	;place first guy in value
	mov	(sp)+,r0	;origional char pointer
	beq	1$		;zero (good) if any digits processed
	mov	r0,chrpnt	;none, reset to where we came in
	clr	r3		;flag as false
1$:	mov	r3,r0		;set flag in r0
	jmp	setnb		;return with non-blank
fltm54:				;*5/4
	cmp	(r3),#146314	;room?
	blo	1$
	call	fltgrs
	inc	fltbex
1$:	call	fltgsv		;save in backup
	call	fltgrs		;scale right
	call	fltgrs
	br	fltgad

fltm50:				;*5
	call	fltgsv
	call	fltgls
	call	fltgls

fltgad:				;add save buffer to fltbuf
	mov	r4,r2		;point to save area
1$:	add	6(r2),-(r2)	;add in word
	mov	r2,r1		;set for carries
2$:	adc	-(r1)		;add in
	bcs	2$		;continue ripple, if necessary
	cmp	r2,r3		;through?
	bne	1$		;  no
fltgrs:	clc			;right shift
	mov	r3,r1		;right rotate
	ror	(r1)+
	ror	(r1)+
	ror	(r1)+
	ror	(r1)+

fltgls:				;left shift
	mov	r4,r2
	asl	-(r2)
	rol	-(r2)
	rol	-(r2)
	rol	-(r2)

fltgsv:	mov	r3,r1		;move fltbuf to fltsav
	mov	r4,r2
	xmit	4

	entsec	impure
fltbeg:				;start of floating point impure
fltsgn:	.blkw			;sign bit
fltdot:	.blkw			;decimal point flag
fltexp:	.blkw			;decimal exponent
fltbex:	.blkw	1		;binary exponent (must preceed fltbuf)
fltbuf:	.blkw	4		;main ac
fltsav:	.blkw	4

	entsec	implin
fltwdc:	.blkw			;word count


