
 ;/   Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1984, 1985, 1986.    /
 ;/   All Rights Reserved. 					      /
 ;/   Reference "/usr/src/COPYRIGHT" for applicable restrictions.      /

	.title	lout

	.ident	/10may4/

	.mcall	(at)always,ch.mne,st.flg,ct.mne
	.mcall	(at)bisbic

	.mcall	(at)xmit,param,putlp
	.macro	putlin	addr	;use listing flags
	.if dif	<addr><r0>
	mov	addr,r0
	call	putlin
	.mcall	(at)genswt,error
	.mcall	(at)zwrite
	.mcall	(at)genedt,setnz
	.mcall	(at)scanw,next,zap
	.mcall	(at)sdebug,ndebug

	param	lpp,	60.		;
	param	ttllen,	32.
	param	stllen,	64.

	.globl	codrol,	errrol,	lcdrol,	symrol,	secrol
	.globl	lcbegl,	linend,	lcendl
	.globl	linbuf,	cdrsav,	endp2l

	.globl	linnum,	seqend,	pagnum,	pagext
	.globl	ffcnt,	lppcnt
	.globl	dflgbm,	opclas

	.globl	edmask,	ed.cdr, ed.lc

srclen	=	204		;*********************
octlen	=	 60		;*********************

mx.on	=lc.md!lc.mc!lc.ld!lc.toc!lc.sym!lc.cnd!lc.bin!lc.loc!lc.seq

	.globl	lc.cnd
	.globl	exmflg
	.globl	lstchn,	cmochn,	lstflg,	putoc
	.globl	mx.flg,	my.flg
	.globl	crfref

	.globl	clcfgs,	clcloc,	clcmax
	.globl	clcnam,	clcsec,	cpopj
	.globl	errbts
	.globl	flags,	getchr,	getnb,	getsym
	.globl	mode
	.globl	rolndx,	rolupd
	.globl	sector,	setpf0,	setpf1
	.globl	setsym
	.globl	symbol,	tstarg,	value

	.globl	expr,	pcroll,	prgttl
	.globl	setwrd,	setbyt,	tstr50,	mulr50
	.globl	r50unp

	.globl	setchr

;globals defined in assembler

	.globl	setlc

	.globl	chrpnt,	getr50,	pass
	.globl	putkb,	putkbl,	putlp

	.globl	dnc,	movbyt,	savreg,	xmit0
	.globl	linbuf,	errcnt

;globals defined in mcexec

	.globl	dattim
	.globl	hdrttl
	.globl	io.eof,	io.tty,	io.err

	.globl	ioftbl,	cnttbl,	buftbl

	.globl	argcnt,	cttbl
	.globl	endlin
	.globl	getlin,	lblend,	lcendl,	lcflag
	.globl	lcmask,	lc.mc,	lc.md,	lc.me
	.globl	lst.kb, lst.lp, lstdev
	xitsec			;start in default sector

endlin:				;end of line processor
	call	savreg
	clr	rolupd		;set to fetch from code roll
	tstb	cttbl(r5)	;eol or semi-colon?
	ble	lout1		;  yes
	error	19,q,<random junk at end of statement ignored>

lout1:	.if ndf	xedcdr
	movb	cdrsav,linbuf+72.	;replace borrowed char
	mov	pass,-(sp)	;pass 1?
	beq	9$		;  yes
	call	mx.mx		; <<< REEDS june 81
	mov	lstdev,(sp)	;init listing flag
	tst	errbts		;any errors?
	bne	7$		;  yes, go directly, do not collect, etc.
	tstb	(sp)		;any listing device?
	beq	9$		;  no
	bit	#lc.ld,lcflag	;listing directive?
	bne	5$		;  yes
	tst	mx.flg		; <<< REEDS june 81
	bne	80$		; <<< REEDS june 81: in mx mode we ignore .list
	tst	lclvl		;test over-under ride
	blt	5$		;if <0, list only if errors
	bgt	8$		;if >0, list unconditionally
80$:	bit	#lc.com,lcmask	;comment suppression?
	beq	2$		;  no
	mov	chrpnt,lcendl	;yes, assume we're sitting at comment
2$:	bit	#lc.src,lcmask	;line suppression?
	beq	3$		;  no
	mov	#linbuf,lcendl	;yes, point to start of buffer
	.if ndf	xmacro
	tstb	<^pl rolsiz>+codrol+1	;anything in code roll?
	beq	4$		;  no
	bit	#lc.meb,lcmask	;macro binary expansion?
	bne	4$		;  no
	bic	#lc.me,lcflag	;yes, ignore me flag
4$:	bit	lcmask,lcflag	;anything suppressed?
	beq	9$		;  no, use current flags
5$:	clr	(sp)		;yes, clear listing mode
	br	9$
7$:	swab	(sp)		;error, set to error flags
8$:	mov	#linbuf,lcbegl	;list entire line
	mov	#linend,lcendl
9$:	call	pcroll		;process entry on code roll
endl10:	movb	(sp),lstreq	;anything requested?
	beq	endl20		;  no
	clrb	@lcendl		;set asciz terminator
	mov	#octbuf,r2
11$:	mov	#space*400+space,(r2)+	;blank fill
	cmp	#linbuf,r2	;test for end (beginning of line buffer)
	bne	11$

endl50:	mov	#octbuf,r2	;point to start of buffer
	call	tsterr		;set error flags
	mov	#linnum,r0
	mov	(r0)+,r1
	cmp	r1,(r0)
	beq	2$
	mov	r1,(r0)
	bit	#lc.seq,lcmask
	bne	2$
	mov	r2,r4
	call	dnc
	mov	#octbuf+7,r0
1$:	movb	-(r2),-(r0)
	movb	#space,(r2)
	cmp	r2,r4
	bhi	1$
	mov	#octbuf+7,r2
2$:	movb	#tab,(r2)+
21$:	mov	#pf0,r1
	bit	#lc.loc,lcmask
	bne	4$
	tst	(r1)
	beq	3$
	call	setwrd
3$:	movb	#tab,(r2)+
4$:	clr	(r1)
	mov	#pf1,r1
	bit	#lc.bin,lcmask
	bne	endl19
	mov	#1,r4
	bit	#lc.ttm,lcmask
	beq	41$
	cmpb	(r4)+,(r4)+		; cheap increment by 2
41$:	tst	(r1)
	beq	6$
5$:	call	setwdb
6$:	movb	#tab,(r2)+
	clr	(r1)
	dec	r4
	beq	endl19
	tst	rolupd
	beq	6$
	call	pcroll
	br	5$
endl19:	mov	lcbegl,r1	;point to start of listing line
	call	movbyt		;move over
	putlin	#octbuf		; test for header and list
	call	err.pr
	clrb	@lcbegl		;don't dupe line
	tst	rolupd		;finished?
	beq	endl30		;  yes, don't loop
	call	pcroll
	beq	endl30		;exit if empty
	bit	#lc.bex!lc.bin,lcmask	;binary extension suppressed?
	beq	endl10		;  no
	br	endl20		;yes, don't list

endl30:	tst	(sp)+		;prune listing flag
	zap	codrol		;clear the code roll
	mov	clcloc,r0
	cmp	r0,clcmax	;new high for sector?
	blos	31$		;  no
	mov	r0,clcmax	;yes, set it
31$:	return

setwdb:				;list word or byte
	tst	(r1)		;anything for second field?
	beq	9$		;  no
	mov	#setwrd,-(sp)	;assume word
	bit	#dflgbm,opclas	;true?
	beq	1$		;  yes
	mov	#setbyt,(sp)	;no, byte
1$:	call	@(sp)+		;call routine
	bit	#77*400,(r1)	;test for linker modification
	beq	9$
	bit	#5100,(r1)	;if one of these isnt set I dont know
	bne	12$		;what is going on, so lets mark it ?
	movb	#'?,(r2)
	br	9$
	movb	#ch.xcl,(r2)	; ' marks psect relocation
	bit	#4000,(r1)
	bne	10$
	movb	#'",(r2) 	;  " location counter relocation
	bit	#glbflg,(r1)
	beq	2$
	movb	#'G,(r2)
	tst	symbol		; harvard m11 uses global syms with funny
	bne	2$		; names for complex relocation
	movb	#'C,(r2)
2$:	tstb	(r2)+
9$:	return

tsterr:				;test and process errors
	mov	errbts,r0	;any errors?
	beq	9$		;  no
	bic	#err.,r0	;yes, ".print"?
	beq	4$		;  yes
	inc	errcnt		;bump error count
	call	err.sh
4$:	mov	#errmne-1,r1
1$:	tstb	(r1)+		;move char pntr and clear carry
	ror	errbts		;rotate error bits
	bcc	2$
	movb	(r1),(r2)+
	.if ndf	xcref
	movb	(r1),r0		;fetch character
	call	tstr50		;convert to rad50
	call	mulr50		;left justify
	call	mulr50
	mov	r0,symbol	;store
	clr	symbol+2
	mov	#errrol,rolndx	;prepare to cref
	call	crfref		;do so
	br	1$

2$:	bne	1$
9$:	return

.globl	fileln
.globl	putli2
	call	savreg
	tst	lstflg
	bne	9$

; printf("%s: line %d: %s\n", infile, fileln, errmess)

	mov	#err.bx,r2
	tstb	err.by
	beq	1$
	mov	#err.by,r1
	call	movbyt
	mov	#err.s1,r1
	call	movbyt
	mov	fileln,r1
	call	dnc
	tst	err.xx
	beq	2$
	mov	#err.s2,r1
	call	movbyt
1$:	mov	err.xx,r1
	call	movbyt
	clr	err.xx
	clrb	(r2)
	mov	#err.bx,r2
	mov	#lst.kb,r4
	call	putli2

err.s1:	.asciz /: line /
err.s2:	.asciz	/: /

err.bx:	.blkw	60
err.by::	.blkw	60

	entsec	impure
errcnt:	.blkw			;error counter
	entsec	implin
errbts:	.blkw			;error flags
err.xx::	.blkw		;error message
	.if ndf	xedcdr
	genedt	cdr
	entsec	impure
cdrsav:	.blkw			;saved char from card format
	entsec	impure
octerp:	.blkb	0
octseq:	.blkb	2
octpf0:	.blkb	7
octpf1:	.blkb	octlen-<.-octbuf>
linbuf:	.blkw	srclen/2
linend:	.blkw	1

tmpcnt	=	1
errmne:	.irpc	char,< abeilmnopqrtuz>
	.ascii	/char/
	.globl	err.'char
err.'char=	tmpcnt
tmpcnt	=	tmpcnt+tmpcnt

	.globl	title,	sbttl

	call	getsym		;get a symbol
	bne	title1		;  error if null
	error	20,a,<missing title>

title1:	mov	r0,prgttl	;move into storage
	mov	symbol+2,prgttl+2
	call	setsym		;point to start of title
	mov	#ttlbuf,r2	;point to buffer
	movb	#ff,(r2)+	;store page eject
	clr	r3		;clear position conter
2$:	.if ndf xedlc		;>>>gh 7/20/78 to not automatically upper-case
	bit	#ed.lc,edmask	;lower case enabled?
	bne	6$		;  no, leave as upper case	
	mov	chrpnt,r5	;fake for ovlay pic
	movb	(r5),r5		;fetch original character
6$:	.endc
	movb	r5,(r2)		;plunk the next char in the buffer
	beq	5$		;branch if end
	cmp	r5,#tab		;a tab?
	bne	3$		;  no
	bis	#7,r3		;yes, compensate
3$:	inc	r3		;update position counter
	cmp	r3,#ttllen	;within bounds?
	bhis	4$		;  no
	tstb	(r2)+		;yes, move pointer
4$:	call	getchr		;get the next character
	bne	2$		;loop if not end
5$:	movb	#tab,(r2)+	;set separator
	.globl	vernam
	mov	vernam,r1
	call	movbyt		;set version number, etc.
	mov	#dattim,r1
	call	movbyt		;date and time
	mov	r2,ttlbrk	;remember break point
	clrb	(r2)

defttl::	.asciz	/.main./	;default title

	entsec	impure
ttlbrk:	.blkw			;break location
ttlbuf:	.blkb	ttllen-1!7+1+1	;modulo tab + ff
	.blkb	20.		;intro msg
	.iif ndf xtime,	.blkb	20.	;time & date
	.blkb	20.		;page number


sbttl:				;sub-title directive
	mov	#stlbuf,r2	;point to sub-title buffer
	tst	pass		;pass one?
	beq	2$		;  yes
1$:	.if ndf xedlc		;>>>gh 7/20/78 to not automatically upper-case
	bit	#ed.lc,edmask	;lower case enabled?
	bne	4$		;  no, leave as upper case
	mov	chrpnt,r5	;fake for ovlay pic
	movb	(r5),r5		;fetch original character
4$:	.endc
	movb	r5,(r2)+	;move character in
	beq	13$		;  branch if end
	call	getchr		;get the next character
	cmp	r2,#stlbuf+stllen-1	;test for end
	blo	1$
	tstb	-(r2)		;polish off line
	br	1$

2$:	bit	#lc.toc,lcmask
	bne	13$
	tstb	lstdev		;any listing device?
	beq	13$		;  no, exit
	tst	mx.flg		; <<< REEDS june 81
	bne	13$		; <<<
	mov	#toctxt,r1
	call	movbyt		;set table of contents
	call	setsym		;point to ".sbttl"
3$:	call	getr50		;get radix-50 char
	bgt	3$		;stop at first terminator
	mov	chrpnt,r2	;set pointer
	.if ndf	xlcseq
	mov	linnum,r0
	call	10$
	movb	#ch.sub,-(r2)
	movb	#tab,-(r2)
	mov	pagnum,r0
	call	10$
	movb	#space,-(r2)
	tst	lstflg
	beq	15$
	bisb	lstdev,lstreq
15$:	putlin	r2 		;output

10$:	mov	#4,r4		; << REEDS. changed to 4 digit field from 3
11$:	movb	#space,-(r2)
	mov	r0,r1
	beq	12$
	clr	r0
	div	#^d10,r0
	add	#dig.0,r1
	movb	r1,(r2)
12$:	sob	r4,11$
13$:	return

toctxt:	.asciz	/table of contents/

	entsec	imppas
stlbuf:	.blkw	<stllen+2>/2	;sub-title buffer

	.globl	print,	error

	.enabl	lsb

	error	0,<>,<user generated error>	; null error (dont count)
	br	error1

error:	error	53,p,<user generated error>		
error1:	call	setpf0		;print location field
	call	expr		;evaluate expression
	beq	2$		;branch if null
	call	setpf1		;non-null, list value
2$:	return

	.dsabl	lsb

	.globl	rem

rem:				; ".rem" directive
	mov	r5,r3		;set terminating character
	bne	rem1		;branch if non-null
	error	22,a,<missing delimiting character>
				;error, no delimiting character

rem1:	call	getchr		;get the next character
2$:	tst	r5		;end of line?
	bne	3$		;  no
	call	endlin		;yes, polish off line
	call	getlin		;get next line
	beq	2$		;loop if no eof
	return			;eof, exit

3$:	cmp	r5,r3		;is this the terminator?
	bne	rem1		;  no
	jmp	getnb		;yes, bypass and exit

	.sbttl	listing control

	.globl	nlist,	list

nlist:	com	r3		;make r3 -1
	asl	r3		;make r3 0/-2
	inc	r3		;now 1/-1
1$:	call	tstarg		;test for another argument
	bne	2$		;  valid
	tst	argcnt		;null, first?
	bne	list7		;  no, we're through
	inc	argcnt		;yes, mark it
2$:	call	getsym		;try for a symbol
	scanw	lcdrol		;look it up in the table
	beq	6$		;  error if not found
	clr	r2
3$:	rol	r2
	sob	r0,3$
	tst	exmflg		;called from command string?
	beq	11$		;  no
	bis	r2,lcmcsi	;yes, set disable bits
	bisbic	lcdeft		;change the default values
	br	12$		;  and skip test

11$:	bit	r2,lcmcsi	;this flag off limits?
	bne	5$		;  yes
12$:	bic	r2,lcmask
	bit	r2,#lc.		;null?
	beq	4$		;  no
	call	pagex		;set listing control
	add	r3,lclvl	;yes, update level count
	beq	5$		;don't set flag if back to zero
4$:	tst	r3
	bpl	5$		;.list, branch
	bis	r2,lcmask
5$:	br	1$		;try for more

6$:	error	23,a,<unknown .list/.nlist argument>
list7: 	return

	genswt	li,list		;generate /li
	genswt	nl,nlist	;  and /nl switch entries

	.globl	page
page:	inc	ffcnt		;simulate ff after this line
pagex:	bis	#lc.ld,lcflag	;flag as listing directive

	.macro	genlct	mne,init	;generate listing control table
lc.'mne=	1
	.rept	<.-lctbas>/2
lc.'mne=	lc.'mne+lc.'mne
	.rad50	/mne/
	.if nb	<init>
	lcinit=	lcinit+lc.'mne

lcinit=	0

	entsec	lctsec
lctbas	=	.
	genlct	seq
	genlct	loc
	genlct	bin
	genlct	src
	genlct	com
	genlct	bex
	genlct	md
	genlct	mc
	genlct	me ,1
	genlct	meb,1
	genlct	cnd
	genlct	ld ,1
	genlct	ttm,1
	genlct	toc
	genlct	sym
	genlct	<   >		;null


	genswt	fl,profl
flsbts=	lc.seq!lc.loc!lc.bin!lc.bex!lc.me!lc.meb!lc.toc!lc.sym
	mov	#flsbts,lcmcsi
	mov	#flsbts,lcmask

.globl	eddflt,ucflag
	bis	#ed.lc,eddflt
	inc	ucflag

ucflag::	.word		; if set, dont do case trnslation in macros
	entsec	dpure
lcdeft:	.word	lcinit		; default value for lcmask
	entsec	impure
lcmask:	.blkw			;mask bits
lclvl:	.blkw			;level count
lcmcsi:	.blkw			;command string storage

	entsec	implin
lcflag:	.blkw			;flag bits
lcbegl:	.blkw			;pointer to start of line
lcendl:	.blkw			;pointer to end of line
lblend:	.blkw			;end of label (for parsing)


	mov	lcdeft,lcmask		;default flags
	clr	lclvl
	clr	lcmcsi

	.sbttl	listing stuff

setpf0:				;set print field zero
	sdebug	<setpf0>
	mov	clcfgs,pf0	;set current location flags
	bisb	#100,pf0+1	;assume word
	mov	clcloc,pf0+2	;set location

setpf1:				;set print field one
	mov	mode,pf1	;set mode of current value
	bisb	#100,pf1+1	;assume word
	mov	value,pf1+2

	entsec	implin
pf0:	.blkw	2
pf1:	.blkw	2
endp2l:				;end pass2 listing
	call	err.pr		; flush out last error message
	mov	#symtxt,r1
	mov	#stlbuf,r2
	call	movbyt		;set "symbol table" sub-title
	tstb	lstdev		;any listing output?
	beq	endp2d		;  no
	bit	#lc.sym,lcmask	;symbol table suppression?
	bne	endp2d		;  yes
	inc	ffcnt		;force new page
	clr	lppcnt		;force new page
	inc	pagnum
	mov	#-1,pagext
	clr	rolupd		;set for symbol table scan
2$:	mov	#linbuf,r2	;point to storage
3$:	next	symrol		;get the next symbol
	beq	endp2a		;  no more
	bit	#regflg,mode	;register?
	bne	3$		;  yes, don't list
	call	r50unp		;unpack the symbol
	mov	#endp2t,r3
	call	endp2p
	mov	#mode,r1	;point to mode bits
	bit	#defflg,(r1)	;defined?
	beq	4$		;  no
	call	setwrd
	br	6$

4$:	mov	#stars,r1
	call	movbyt		;undefined, substitute ******
6$:	call	endp2p
	.iif df	rsx11d,	call	endp2x
	mov	#sector,r1
	cmpb	#1,(r1)
	bge	10$
	cmpb	-(r1),-(r1)
	call	setbyt
10$:	movb	#tab,(r2)+	;separator
	cmp	r2,#linbuf+50.	;enough for one line?
	blo	3$		;  no
	call	endp2b		;output line
	br	2$		;next line

endp2a:				;	print .psect list
	.if ndf	xrel
	clr	rolupd		;set for sector scan
21$:	call	endp2b		;output line
	next	secrol		;get the next entry
	beq	endp2d		;  exit if end of roll
	movb	#'<,(r2)+
	call	r50unp		;print the name,
	movb	#'>,(r2)+
	movb	#tab,(r2)+
	mov	#value,r1
	call	setwrd		;  the value,
	movb	#tab,(r2)+
	mov	#sector-2,r1
	call	setbyt		;  and the entry number
	movb	#tab,(r2)+
	mov	#flags-2,r1
	call	setbyt		;  and the attributes
	br	21$

endp2b:	clrb	(r2)
	mov	lstdev,lstreq	; we want output
	putlin	#linbuf
	mov	#linbuf,r2	;reset to start of buffer
endp2d:	return

endp2p:	call	endp2x
endp2x:	mov	(r3)+,r0
	bit	(r3)+,mode
	bne	32$
	swab	r0
32$:	movb	r0,(r2)+

	entsec	dpure
	.ascii	/ =/
	.word	lblflg
	.ascii	/% /
	.word	regflg
	.ascii	/r /
	.word	relflg
	.ascii	/g /
	.word	glbflg
	.if df	rsx11d
	.ascii	/x /
	.word	dfgflg

stars:	.asciz	/******/
symtxt:	.asciz	/symbol table/
lst.kb=	1			;teletype listing
lst.lp=	2			;lpt listing


; These routines are high level.  They make output go to
; more than one device, they add page headers.  The dogsbody
; low guy is 'putli2', who in turn calls on 'o.kblp', which
; interfaces with the file buffering guys directly.

putkb:	mov	#lst.kb,lstreq	;set request
	br	putlix

putkbl:	mov	#lst.kb,lstreq	;set for tty
putlp:	tst	lstflg		;doing a listing?
	beq	putlix		;no
	bisb	lstdev,lstreq	;lpt
; output a line plain & simple
	call	savreg
	mov	r0,r2
	movb	lstreq,r4
	call	putli2

putlin:				;output a line with page heading if needed
	call	savreg		;stack registers
	mov	r0,r2		;arg to r2
	movb	lstreq,r4	;get request
	clr	lstreq		;clear it
	tst	r4
	beq	9$		;just exit if empty
	bgt	2$		;omit header if not listing
	dec	lppcnt		;yes, decrement count
	bgt	2$		;skip if not time
	call	putpag
	call	err.pr
	call	putli2		;print out the line
9$:	return

	movb	(r2)+,r1	;get a char.
	beq	21$		;end on null
	call	o.kblp		;transmit appropriately
	br	putli2		;till null
	movb	#lf,r1		; used to be cr/lf
	call	o.kblp
	bit	#lst.kb,r4	;if sending to cmochn,
	beq	9$		;no
	zwrite	cmo		;yes, send it now
9$:	return

o.kblp:	bic	#177600,r1	;just 7 bits, please.
	bit	#lst.kb,r4	;cmo on?
	beq	1$		;no
	mov	#cmochn,r0	;yes
	call	putoc
1$:	bit	#lst.lp,r4	;lst on?
	beq	2$		;no
	mov	#lstchn,r0	;yes
	call	putoc
2$:	return
; put out a page heading
	;mov	#lpp,lppcnt	;reset count
	mov	#lpp-4,lppcnt	;reset count, compensate for bug introduced
				;by rearranging pagination logic
	mov	r2,-(sp)	;stack current pointer
	mov	ttlbrk,r2	;end of pre-set title
	tst	pass
	beq	11$
	mov	#pagmne,r1
	call	movbyt		;move "page" into position
	mov	pagnum,r1
	call	dnc		;convert to decimal
	inc	pagext
	beq	11$
	movb	#'-,(r2)+
	mov	pagext,r1
	inc	r1
	call	dnc
11$:	clrb	(r2)
	tst	mx.flg		; <<< REEDS june 81
	bne	100$
	putlp	#ttlbuf		;print title
	putlp	#stlbuf		;  sub-title,
	putlp	#crlf		;  and a blank line
	mov	(sp)+,r2
	entsec	impure
lstreq:	.blkw			;list request flags
lstdev:	.blkb	2		;error(lh), listing(rh)

pagmne:	.ascii	/ page /
crlf:	.asciz	//

.macro	putl	x		; printf("%s\n", mx.lin)
	mov	x,mx.tmp
	call	putl
	.irpc	xx,<012345>
	mov	r'xx,-(sp)
	mov	mx.tmp,r2
	mov	#lst.lp,r4
	call	putli2
	.irpc	xx,<543210>
	mov	(sp)+,r'xx

	call savreg
	mov	mdepth,r4
	movb	#';,r1			
	call	mx.put
	dec	r4
	bpl	1$
	movb	#tab,r1
	call	mx.put
	call savreg
	mov	#lst.lp,r4
	bic	#177600,r1
	mov	#lstchn,r0
	call	putoc
	call savreg
	tst	mx.flg
	beq	1$
	mov	#mx.on,lcmask
	tst	errbts
	beq	3$
	putl	#mxstar
	call	err.pr
	tst	mx.2			; is it a .narg, etc. directive?
	beq	2$
	clr	mx.2
	tst	my.flg
	bne	20$
	call	putsc			;	;.narg frodo
	putl	#linbuf
	putl	#mx.gen			;	; generates:
	putl	#mx.pxx			;		frodo  = 5280
	br	1$
	tst	my.flg			; is it otherwise suppressed & are
	bne	1$			; we listing such?
	bit	lcmask,lcflag	; anything supppressed?
	beq	1$
	call	putsc
	putl	#linbuf

	call	savreg
	mov	r0,-(sp)
	mov	r5,-(sp)
	tst	err.xx
	beq	1$
	mov	#lst.kb,r4
	tst	lstflg
	beq	2$
	mov	#lst.lp,r4
	mov	err.xx,r2
	call	putli2
	clr	err.xx
	mov	(sp)+,r5
	mov	(sp)+,r0

mdepth::	.blkw	1
	entsec	mixed
mx.gen::	.asciz	/;*** generates:/
mxstar::	.asciz	/*** error ***/
mx.pxx:		.ascii	<tab>
mx.sym::	.ascii	/symbol	=	/
mx.num::	.ascii	/65000/
mx.2::		.blkw
mx.tmp:		.blkw			;	space for putl(arg)
