
 ;/   Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1984, 1985, 1986.    /
 ;/   All Rights Reserved. 					      /
 ;/   Reference "/usr/src/COPYRIGHT" for applicable restrictions.      /

	.title	main

	.ident	/03apr4/

	.mcall	(at)always,ch.mne,st.flg

	.mcall	(at)xmit,param
	.mcall	(at)genedt,gencnd,setnz
	.mcall	(at)search,scanw,next
	.if df	rsx11d
	.mcall	(at)scan

	.globl	endp2l
	.globl	secini,	stmnt
	.globl	setmax,	propc
	.globl	exmflg,	xctpas,	xctlin
	.globl	objchn,	openo

	.globl	clcfgs,	clcloc,	clcmax
	.globl	clcnam,	clcsec,	cpopj
	.globl	errbts
	.globl	flags,	insert
	.globl	mode,	rellvl
	.globl	rolupd
	.globl	sector,	setnb
	.globl	setxpr
	.globl	symbol,	value
	.globl	endp1c,	endp2c
	.globl	prop1,	endp1,	prop2,	endp2
	.globl	bksiz

	.if ndf	xswit
	.globl	pass,	prosw

	.globl	savreg,	xmit0

	.globl	endflg,	endlin
	.globl	getlin
	.sbttl		roll definitions

	entsec	rolbas
rolbas	=	.
	entsec	roltop
	entsec	rolsiz

	.macro	genrol	name,	limits,	size
	entsec	rolbas
	.globl	name'rol
name'rol=	.-rolbas
	.if nb	<limits>
	.word	<^pl limits>
	.word	0
	entsec	roltop
	.if nb	<limits>
	.word	<^ph limits>
	.word	0
	entsec	rolsiz
	.word	size*2
	.iif gt	size-maxxmt,	maxxmt=size
	.endm	genrol

	.iif ndf maxxmt,	maxxmt=	0

	.if df	rsx11d
	genrol	reg,	,4	;register symbols
	genrol	sym,	,4	;symbol table
	.if ndf	xmacro
	genrol	mac,	,4	;macro roll
	genrol	dma,	,2	;dummy argument roll
	.if ndf	xedlsb
	genrol	lsy,	,4	;local symbol roll
	genrol	sec,	,5	;section roll
	genrol	cod,	,4	;code roll

	genrol	dum,	,0	;dummy (separates variable from fixed)

	genrol	cnd,cndsec,2	;conditional arguments
	genrol	swt,swtsec,2	;command string switches
	genrol	edt,edtsec,3	;enabl/dsabl
	genrol	lcd,lctsec,1	;listing control
	genrol	psa,psasec,2	;psect attributes
	genrol	pst,pstsec,4	;permanent symbol table
	genrol	crf,crfsec,3	;cref options
	.sbttl	assembler proper

	entsec	impure

pass:	.blkw

bksiz:	.blkw	2
				;next group must stay together
	entsec	imppas

symbol:	.blkw	2		;symbol accumulator
flags:	.blkb	1		;flag bits
sector:	.blkb	1		;symbol/expression type
value:	.blkw	1		;expression value
rellvl:	.blkw	1
	.rept	maxxmt-<<.-symbol>/2>	;end of grouped data

clcnam:	.blkw	2		;current location counter symbol
clcfgs:	.blkb	1
clcsec:	.blkb	1
clcloc:	.blkw	1
clcmax:	.blkw	1

	xitsec			;return to normal
prop1:				;process pass 1
	mov	#regtbl,r1	;set to init regs
	clr	r2
2$:	mov	#symbol,r4
	mov	(r1)+,(r4)+	;set mnemonic
	clr	(r4)+
	.if df	rsx11d
	scan	regrol		;set indices
	search	symrol		;set indices
	mov	#defflg!regflg,(r4)+
	mov	r2,(r4)
	call	insert
	inc	r2
	cmp	r2,#10		;end?
	blo	2$		;  no
	br	prop2		;  yes, exit through pass 2

	entsec	dpure
regtbl:	.rad50	/r0 r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 sp pc /
prop2:				;macro pass 2
	call	xctpas
	call	secini		;init the sector roll
3$:	call	getlin		;get the next input line
	bne	4$		;  branch if eof
	call	stmnt		;process the statement
4$:	call	endlin		;polish off line
	tst	endflg		;end seen?
	beq	3$		;  no, continue

endp1:				;end of pass handler
	.if ndf	xrel
	call	setmax		;set max location
	mov	#objchn,r0
	call	openo		;open output file
	call	endp1c		;init binary
	clr	rolupd		;set for re-init scan
31$:	next	secrol		;get the next entry
	beq	32$		;  branch if finished
	clr	value		;found, reset pc
	call	insert		;put back in table
	br	31$


endp2:				;end of pass 2
	.if ndf	xrel
	call	setmax		;set max location
	call	endp2c		;clean up binary
	jmp	endp2l		;output listing of table
	.if ndf	xswit

prosw:				;process switch
				;in -  ascii in r0
				;out-  .ne. 0 if ok
	call	savreg
	call	setnb
	call	setxpr		;set expression-type registers
	mov	r0,(r1)+	;set "symbol"
	call	xctlin		;zero line-oriented flags
	scanw	swtrol		;scan for switch
	beq	9$		;  not found, exit zero
	clr	(r3)		;clear "mode"
	mov	(r1),(r4)	;address to "value"
	inc	exmflg		;flag exec mode
	call	propc		;process as op-code
	clr	r0		;assume error
	bis	errbts,r5	;error or not terminator?
	bne	9$		;  yes, error
	com	r0		;ok, set .ne. zero
9$:	return


	entsec	implin
exmflg:	.blkw			;exec mode flag
