
 ;/   Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1984, 1985, 1986.    /
 ;/   All Rights Reserved. 					      /
 ;/   Reference "/usr/src/COPYRIGHT" for applicable restrictions.      /

	.title	atmisc

	.ident	/14dec3/		;

	.globl	..z,sdebug
	.mcall	(at)sdebug,ndebug
	.mcall	(at)always,ch.mne,ct.mne,error

	.globl	symbol,	chrpnt,	symbeg,	value

	.globl	cpopj,	setwrd,	setbyt,	dnc,	r50unp
	.globl	getsym,	mulr50,	getr50,	setr50,	tstr50
	.globl	cvtnum
	.globl	setsym,	getnb,	setnb,	getchr,	setchr
	.globl	savreg,	xmit0,	movbyt,	mul,	div

	xitsec			;start in default sector
setwrd:	mov	r1,-(sp)	;stack reg
	mov	2(r1),r1	;get actual value
	movb	#dig.0/2,(r2)	;set primitive
	asl	r1
	rolb	(r2)+		;move in bit
	mov	#5,r0
	br	setbyx

setbyt:	mov	r1,-(sp)	;stack index
	movb	2(r1),r1	;get value
	mov	#space,r0
	movb	r0,(r2)+	;pad with spaces
	movb	r0,(r2)+
	movb	r0,(r2)+
	swab	r1		;manipulate to left half
	rorb	r1		;get the last guy
	ror	r1
	mov	#3,r0
setbyx:	swab	r0
	add	#3,r0
	movb	#dig.0/10,(r2)
1$:	asl	r1
	rolb	(r2)
	decb	r0
	bgt	1$
	tstb	(r2)+
	swab	r0
	sob	r0,setbyx
	mov	(sp)+,r1
dnc:				;decimal number conversion
	mov	#10.,r3		;set divisor
1$:				;entry for other than decimal
	clr	r0
	div	r3,r0		;divide r1
	mov	r1,-(sp)	;save remainder
	mov	r0,r1		;set for next divide
	beq	2$		;  unless zero
	call	1$		;recurse
2$:	mov	(sp)+,r1	;retrieve number
	add	#dig.0,r1	;convert to ascii
	movb	r1,(r2)+	;store

r50unp:				;rad 50 unpack routine
	mov	r4,-(sp)	;save reg
	mov	#symbol,r4	;point to symbol storage
1$:	mov	(r4)+,r1	;get next word
	mov	#50*50,r3	;set divisor
	call	10$		;divide and stuff it
	mov	#50,r3
	call	10$		;again for next
	mov	r1,r0
	call	11$		;finish last guy
	cmp	r4,#symbol+4	;through?
	bne	1$		;  no
	mov	(sp)+,r4	;yes, restore register

10$:	clr	r0
	div	r3,r0
11$:	tst	r0		;space?
	beq	23$		;  yes
	cmp	r0,#33		;test middle
	blt	22$		;alpha
	beq	21$		;dollar
	add	#22-11,r0	;dot or dollar
21$:	add	#11-100,r0
22$:	add	#100-40,r0
23$:	add	#40,r0
	movb	r0,(r2)+	;stuff it
	.sbttl	symbol/character handlers

	call	savreg
	mov	chrpnt,symbeg	;save in case of rescan
	mov	#symbol+4,r1
	clr	-(r1)
	clr	-(r1)
	bitb	cttbl(r5),#ct.alp	;alpha?
	beq	5$		;  no, exit false
	mov	#26455,r2
	call	setr50
1$:	call	mulr50
2$:	asr	r2
	bcs	1$
	add	r0,(r1)
3$:	call	getr50
	ble	4$
	asr	r2
	bcs	2$
	beq	3$
	tst	(r1)+
	br	1$

4$:	call	setnb
5$:	mov	symbol,r0

mulr50:				;multiply r0 * 50
;	imuli	50,r0
	mov	r0,-(sp)
	asl	r0
	asl	r0
	add	(sp)+,r0
	asl	r0
	asl	r0
	asl	r0

	entsec	impure
chrpnt:	.blkw			;character pointer
symbeg:	.blkw			;start of current symbol
getr50:	call	getchr
setr50:	mov	r5,r0
tstr50:	bitb	#ct.lc!ct.alp!ct.num!ct.sp,cttbl(r0)	;alpha, numeric, or space?
	beq	1$		;  no, exit minus
	cmp	r0,#ch.dol	;yes, try dollar
	blo	2$		;space
	beq	3$		;dollar
	bitb	#ct.lc,cttbl(r0)
	beq	10$
	add	#'A-'a,r0
	cmp	r0,#let.a
	cmp	r0,#let.a
	blo	4$		;dot or digit
	br	5$		;alpha

1$:	mov	#100000+space,r0	;invalid, force minus
2$:	sub	#space-11,r0	;space
3$:	sub	#11-22,r0	;dollar
4$:	sub	#22-100,r0	;dot, digit
5$:	sub	#100,r0		;alphabetic
cvtnum:				;convert text to numeric

				; in  -  r2    radix

				; out -  value result
				; r0 - high bit  - overflow
				;    - high byte - character count
				;    - low  byte - oversize count

	call	savreg
	clr	r0		;result flag register
	clr	r1		;numeric accumulator
1$:	mov	r5,r3		;get a copy of the current char
	sub	#dig.0,r3	;convert to absolute
	cmp	r3,#9.		;numeric?
	bhi	9$		;  no, we're through
	cmp	r3,r2		;yes, less than radix?
	blo	2$		;  yes
	inc	r0		;no, bump "n" error count
	.if ndf	pdpv45
	mov	r2,r4		;copy of current radix
	clr	-(sp)		;temp ac
3$:	asr	r4		;shift radix
	bcc	4$		;branch if no accumulation
	add	r1,(sp)		;add in
4$:	tst	r4		;any more bits to process?
	beq	5$		;  no
	asl	r1		;yes, shift pattern
	bcc	3$		;branch if no overflow
	bis	#100000,r0	;oh, oh.  flag it
	br	3$

5$:	mov	(sp)+,r1	;set new number
	mul	r2,r1
	add	r3,r1		;add in current number
	call	getchr		;get another character
	add	#000400,r0	;tally character count
	br	1$

9$:	mov	r1,value	;return  result in "value"
	return			;return, testing r0
;ct.eol=	000		; eol
;ct.com=	001		; comma
;ct.tab=	002		; tab
;ct.sp=	004		; space
;ct.pcx=	010		; printing character
;ct.num=	020		; numeric
;ct.alp=	040		; alpha, dot, dollar
;ct.lc=	100		;  lower case alpha
;ct.smc=	200		;  semi-colon  (minus bit)
;ct.pc=	ct.com!ct.smc!ct.pcx!ct.num!ct.alp	;printing chars

	.macro	genctt	arg	;generate character type table
	.irp	a,	<arg>
	.byte	ct.'a

	entsec	dpure
cttbl:				;character type table
	genctt	<eol, eol, eol, eol, eol, eol, eol, eol>
	genctt	<eol, tab, eol, eol, eol, eol, eol, eol>
	genctt	<eol, eol, eol, eol, eol, eol, eol, eol>
	genctt	<eol, eol, eol, eol, eol, eol, eol, eol>

	genctt	<sp , pcx, pcx, pcx, alp, pcx, pcx, pcx>
	genctt	<pcx, pcx, pcx, pcx, com, pcx, alp, pcx>
	genctt	<num, num, num, num, num, num, num, num>
	genctt	<num, num, pcx, smc, pcx, pcx, pcx, pcx>

	genctt	<pcx, alp, alp, alp, alp, alp, alp, alp>
	genctt	<alp, alp, alp, alp, alp, alp, alp, alp>
	genctt	<alp, alp, alp, alp, alp, alp, alp, alp>
	genctt	<alp, alp, alp, pcx, pcx, pcx, pcx, pcx>

	genctt	<eol, lc , lc , lc , lc , lc , lc , lc >
	genctt	<lc , lc , lc , lc , lc , lc , lc , lc >
	genctt	<lc , lc , lc , lc , lc , lc , lc , lc >
	genctt	<lc , lc , lc , eol, eol, eol, eol, eol>

setsym:				;set symbol for re-scan
	mov	symbeg,chrpnt	;set the pointer
	br	setchr		;set character and flags

getnb:				;get a non-blank character
	inc	chrpnt		;bump pointer
setnb:	call	setchr		;set register and flags
	bitb	#ct.sp!ct.tab,cttbl(r5)	;blank?
	bne	getnb		;  yes, bypass
	br	setchr		;exit, setting flags

getchr:				;get the next character
	inc	chrpnt		;bump pointer
setchr:	movb	@chrpnt,r5	;set register and flags
	.if ndf	xedlc
	cmp	r5,#141		;lower case?
	blo	1$		;no
	cmp	r5,#172
	bhi	1$		;no
	sub	#40,r5		;convert to upper case
1$:	tst	r5		;set condition codes
	;bmi	getchr		;loop if invalid character
	bpl	2$		;non invalid char, return
	error	13,i,<illegal character>
	mov	#'? ,r5
	movb	#200!'?,@chrpnt	; put the qm into linbuf
2$:	return
savreg:				;save registers
	mov	r3,-(sp)
	mov	r2,-(sp)
	mov	r1,-(sp)
	mov	6.(sp),-(sp)	;place return address on top
	mov	r4,8.(sp)
;	call	tststk		;test stack
	call	@(sp)+		;return the call
	mov	(sp)+,r1	;restore registers
	mov	(sp)+,r2
	mov	(sp)+,r3
	mov	(sp)+,r4
	tst	r0		;set condition codes
cpopj:	return

	.rept	20		;generate xmit sequence
	mov	(r1)+,(r2)+	
xmit0:	return

movbyt:				;move byte string
1$:	movb	(r1)+,(r2)+	;move one
	bne	1$		;loop if non-null
	tstb	-(r2)		;end, point back to null
