
 ;/   Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1984, 1985, 1986.    /
 ;/   All Rights Reserved. 					      /
 ;/   Reference "/usr/src/COPYRIGHT" for applicable restrictions.      /

	.title	srch
	.ident	/03apr4/

	.mcall	(at)always,scan,genedt
	.mcall (at)sdebug,ndebug

	.globl	srchi
	.globl	search,	next,	scan,	scanc,	scanw
	.globl	append,	insert,	zap
	.globl	rolndx,	rolupd,	mactop , symbot

	.globl	symovf

	.globl	xmit0
	.globl	symlp,	symhp,	dumrol
	.globl	savreg,	symbol

	.if df	rsx11d
	.globl	ed.reg,	edmask,	symrol,	regrol, cpopj

	xitsec			;start in default sector

srchi:				;search init
	mov	#dumrol,r0	;end of variable rolls
1$:	mov	symhp,<^pl rolbas>(r0)	;point all to top
	mov	symhp,<^pl roltop>(r0)
	clrb	<^pl rolsiz>+1(r0)
	sub	#2,r0		;get next lower
	bge	1$
	mov	symlp,mactop	;bottom is start of macros
	add	#bpmb-1,mactop	;must be even
	bic	#bpmb-1,mactop
	mov	symhp,symbot	;for sake of 'uplift' <<< REEDS
	mov	symhp,symlp	;symlp should always == symbot [debug, REEDS]
	.if ndf	rsx11d

search:				;binary roll search
	call	setrol		;set roll registers
	mov	r3,-(sp)
	sub	r3,r1		;point one slot low
	mov	r2,r3
	sub	r1,r3		;compute size
	clr	r0		;get set to compute search offset
	sec			;  (r0 doubles as t/f flag)
1$:	rol	r0		;shift bit
	bic	r0,r3		;clear corresponding bit.  last one?
	bne	1$		;  no
2$:	add	r0,r1
3$:	asr	r0		;end of iteration, halve offset
	bic	#2,r0		;end?
	beq	7$		;  yes
4$:	cmp	r2,r1		;off in no-mans's land?
	blos	6$		;  yes
	cmp	(r4),(r1)	;no, first words match?
	bne	5$		;  no
	cmp	2(r4),2(r1)	;yes, how about second?
	beq	8$		;  yes, found
5$:	bhi	2$		;no, branch if too high
6$:	sub	r0,r1		;lower index
	br	3$

7$:	cmp	(r1)+,(r1)+	;point to insertion slot
8$:	mov	(sp)+,r3
	br	scanx		;exit through scan

	call	setrol
	bit	#ed.reg,edmask	;register definition enabled?
	bne	10$		;if ne no
	cmp	r5,#symrol	;symbol roll?
	bne	10$		;if ne no
	bit	#7,(r4)		;make ruff ruff test bypass 90%
	bne	10$		;if ne don't check for register
	scan	regrol		;scan register roll
	mov	r5,rolndx	;restore roll index
	tst	r0		;find symbol?
	beq	10$		;if eq no find em
	return			;
10$:	mov	r1,-(sp)	;save roll base
	cmp	r1,r2		;any in roll?
	beq	5$		;if eq no
	sub	r3,r2		;calculate high and low bounds
	mov	r1,r0		;
	bic	#177770,(sp)	;
1$:	mov	r0,r1		;calculate trial index
	add	r2,r1		;
	ror	r1		;halve result
	bic	#7,r1		;clear garbage bits
	bis	(sp),r1		;
	cmp	(r1),(r4)	;compare high parts
	bhi	3$		;if hi set new high limit
	blo	2$		;if lo set new low limit
	cmp	2(r1),2(r4)	;compare low parts
	beq	6$		;if eq hit
	bhi	3$		;if hi set new high limit
2$:	mov	r1,r0		;set new low limit
	add	r3,r0		;reduce by one more
	cmp	r0,r2		;any more to search?
	blos	1$		;if los yes
	add	r3,r1		;point to proper entry
	br	5$		;exit
3$:	mov	r1,r2		;se new high limit
	sub	r3,r2		;reduce by one more
	cmp	r0,r2		;any more to search?
	blos	1$		;if los yes
5$:	clr	r0		;set false flag
6$:	tst	(sp)+		;clean stack
	br	scanx		;vammoosa

	genedt	reg

next:				;get the next entry
	call	setrol
	mov	rolupd,r0
	add	r0,r1
	add	r3,r0
	cmp	r1,r2
	blo	scanx
	br	scanxf

scanw:				;scan one word
	call	setrol		;set registers
	clr	r0		;assume false
1$:	inc	r0		;tally entry count
	cmp	(r4),(r1)	;match?
	beq	scany		;  yes
	add	r3,r1		;no, increment pointer
	cmp	r1,r2		;finished?
	blo	1$		;  no
	clr	r0
	return			;yes, exit false

scanc:				;scan continuation
	call	setrof		;set regs
	mov	rolpnt,r1	;get current pointer
	add	r3,r1		;update
	br	scanf		;jump into middle

scan:				;linear roll scan
	call	setrol		;set roll registers
scanf:	clr	r0		;assume false
1$:	cmp	r1,r2		;end?
	bhis	scanxf		;  yes, exit false
	inc	r0
	cmp	(r4),(r1)	;no, match on first words?
	bne	2$		;  yes
	cmp	2(r4),2(r1)	;no, how about second?
	beq	scanx		;  yes
2$:	add	r3,r1		;increment by size
	br	1$

	.enabl	lsb
scanxf:	clr	r0		;false exit
scanx:	mov	r1,rolpnt	;set entry pointer
	mov	r0,rolupd	;save flag
	beq	1$		;branch if not found
scany:	mov	r4,r2		;pointer to "symbol"
	neg	r3		;negate entry size
	jmp	xmit0(r3)	;found, xfer arguments

1$:	cmp	(r4)+,(r4)+	;bypass symbol itself
	asr	r3		;get word count
	sub	#2,r3		;compensate for above cmp
	ble	3$		;branch if end
2$:	clr	(r4)+		;clear word
	sob	r3,2$
3$:	return
	.dsabl	lsb
append:				;append to end of roll
	call	setrol
	mov	r2,rolpnt	;set pointer
	clr	rolupd
	br	inserf

insert:				;insert in roll
	call	setrof		;set roll registers (but no arg)
inserf:	mov	rolpnt,r0	;points to proper slot
	tst	rolupd		;was search true?
	bne	5$		;  yes
	incb	<^pl rolsiz>+1(r5)	;update entry count
	add	r3,<^pl roltop>(r5)	;update top pointer
	cmp	r2,<^pl rolbas>+2(r5)	;gap between rolls?
	bne	5$		;  yes, just stuff it
	mov	<^pl rolbas>,r1	;ditto for separate stack
	mov	r1,r2
	sub	r3,r2
	mov	r2,symbot
	;cmp	r2,mactop	;room?
	;bhi	1$		;  yes
	;jmp	symovf		;no, error
	mov	#symovf,upbomb	; where to go on error
	call	uplift
	add	upgap,r0
	add	upgap,r1
	add	upgap,r2

	; fall through...
1$:	sub	r1,r0		;compute byte count
	asr	r0		;  now word count
	beq	4$		;branch if first time

2$:	mov	(r1)+,(r2)+	;move an entry down
	sob	r0,2$
4$:	sub	r3,<^pl rolbas>(r5)	;decrement pointers
	sub	r3,<^pl roltop>(r5)
	sub	#2,r5		;more rolls?
	bge	4$		;  yes
	mov	r2,r0		;point to insertion slot
5$:	asr	r3		;halve size count
6$:	mov	(r4)+,(r0)+	;move an entry into place
	sob	r3,6$		;loop if not end
	mov	<^pl rolbas>,symbot
	mov	<^pl rolbas>,symlp

.globl	$brkad, $brksy		; defined in exec.m11

.globl	putn
uplift::			;<<< REEDS. move all the rolls up in core
				; can be called from 'insert' above and also
				; from 'getblk' in mac.m11.  Thanks to Steve
				; Ragle for showing the need for a call from
				; otherwise growing macros can scribble.
				; And to Joel Rubin for debugging help.
	.irpc	xx,<0123>
	mov	r'xx,-(sp)
	cmp	symbot,mactop
	blos	10$ 		
	clr	upgap
	jmp	99$
10$:				; go here if symbot <= mactop

	mov	symhp,upgap	; stash old highest in-space address
	add	#10102,symhp
	bic	#77,symhp	; click bic rounds to next highest mult of 64

	mov	symhp,$brkad
	trap	0		; indirect 'brk' sys call
	bcc	1$
	jmp	@upbomb		; error bail-out: symovf or macovf
	sub	#2,symhp	; new highest in-space address
	mov	symhp,r0
	mov	upgap,r1	; recall old highest address
	mov	r0,r3
	sub	r1,r3		; r3 has the distance syms were shifted
	mov	symlp,r2	; symlp is OLD bottom of symbols.
	tst	-(r2)		; r2 ==> word before old bottom
	mov	(r1),(r0)
	tst	-(r1)
	tst	-(r0)
	cmp	r1,r2
	bne	2$

9$:	mov	r3,upgap	; how much the syms were lifted
	mov	#dumrol,r0	; swiped from srchi
3$:	add	r3,<^pl rolbas>(r0)
	add	r3,<^pl roltop>(r0)
	sub	#2,r0
	bge	3$
	add	r3,rolpnt
	add	r3,symlp
	mov	symlp,symbot
	tst	rolupd
	beq	30$
	add	r3,rolupd
	.irpc	xx,<3210>
	mov	(sp)+,r'xx

	entsect	mixed
upgap:		.blkw
upbomb::	.blkw			; contains address of error handler
zap:				;empty a roll
	call	setrol
	mov	r1,<^pl roltop>(r5)	;make top = bottom
	clrb	<^pl rolsiz>+1(r5)	;clear entry count

setrol:				;set roll registers
	mov	r0,rolndx	;set argument
setrof:	mov	(sp)+,r0	;save return address
	call	savreg		;save registers
	mov	r5,-(sp)	;  and current character
	mov	rolndx,r5	;set index
	mov	<^pl rolbas>(r5),r1	;current base
	mov	<^pl roltop>(r5),r2	;current top
	movb	<^pl rolsiz>(r5),r3	;entry size
	mov	#symbol,r4	;pointer to symbol
	call	(r0)		;call proper routine
	mov	(sp)+,r5	;restore current character
	return			;  and rest of regs

	entsec	mixed
rolndx:	.blkw			;roll index
rolpnt:	.blkw			;roll pointer
rolupd:	.blkw			;roll update
mactop:	.blkw			;current top of macro storage
symbot:	.blkw			;current bottom of dynamic rolls.
				;	@mactop<=@symbot  or uplift will fix it
