
 ;/   Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1984, 1985, 1986.    /
 ;/   All Rights Reserved. 					      /
 ;/   Reference "/usr/src/COPYRIGHT" for applicable restrictions.      /

	.title	xlat

	.ident	/09may4/

	.mcall	(at)always,ch.mne,st.flg,ct.mne

	.mcall	(at)xmit
	.mcall	(at)genswt,error,genedt
	.mcall	(at)search,scan,scanw,zap
	.mcall	(at)bisbic
	.mcall	(at)sdebug,ndebug

	.globl	secini,	stmnt
	.globl	edmask,	seted,	setmax,	propc

	.globl	cndwrd,	lsybas,	lsbset,	lc.cnd,	opclas
	.globl	exmflg,	err.u

	.globl	codrol,	secrol,	psarol,	edtrol
	.globl	symrol,	pstrol

	.globl	dflcnd,	dflgev,	dflgbm,	dflgdg
	.globl	wrdsym

	.globl	crfdef,	crfref

	.globl	clcfgs,	clcloc,	clcmax
	.globl	clcnam,	clcsec,	cpopj,	cradix,	cvtnum
	.globl	edmask,	endvec,	errbts,	expflg
	.globl	flags,	getchr,	getnb,	getsym,	insert
	.globl	lsrch,	mode,	psdflt
	.globl	r50dot
	.globl	sector,	setnb,	setpf0,	setpf1
	.globl	setsec,	setsym,	setxpr,	stcode
	.globl	symbol,	symbeg,	tstarg,	value

	.globl	abstrm,	abstst
	.globl	expr,	exprg,	relexp
	.globl	reltst,	setdsp,	setimm
	.globl	tstr50,	mulr50
	.globl	mactst
	.globl	setcli

	.globl	absexp,	chrpnt
	.globl	savreg,	xmit0
	.globl	gsarg,	gsargf,	argcnt

	.globl	aexp,	asgmtf,	cndmex,	cttbl
	.globl	endflg
	.globl	lblend,	lcflag
	.sbttl	statement processor

	xitsec			;start in default sector

	mov	cndwrd,r0	;in conditional?
	bis	cndmex,r0	;  or mexit?
	bne	40$		;  yes, branch if suppressed
	call	getsym
	beq	20$
	cmp	r5,#ch.col	; ":"
	beq	label
	cmp	r5,#ch.equ	; "="
	bne	1$		;  no
	jmp	asgmt		;yes, process it

1$:	.if ndf	xmacro
	call	mactst		;test for a macro
	 bne	42$		;  yes, already processed

	search	pstrol
	beq	30$
	call	crfref
10$:	jmp	propc		;process op code
	.if ndf	xedlsb
	mov	#10.,r2		;not symbol, perhaps local symbol?
	mov	chrpnt,symbeg	;in case of re-scan
	call	cvtnum
	beq	30$		;  no
	cmp	r5,#ch.dol	;number, terminated by "$"?
	bne	30$		;  no
	call	getnb
	cmp	r5,#ch.col
	bne	30$
	.if ndf	rsx11d
	mov	clcloc,r0
	sub	lsybas,r0	;compute local offset
	bit	#177400,r0	;in range
	beq	21$		;  yes
	error	70,a,<local offset out of range>	;no, error
21$:	call	lsrch		;yes, do a local symbol search
	br	labelf		;exit through label processor

30$:	call	setsym		;reset char pointer and flags
	tstb	cttbl(r5)
	ble	42$		;null if end of line
	mov	#wrdsym,r1	;neither, fudge ".word" directive
	mov	#symbol,r2
	xmit	4
	br	10$

40$:	call	setcli		;unsat conditional, test directive
	bmi	41$		;  branch if eof
	bit	#dflcnd,r0	;conditional?
	bne	10$		;  yes, process it
	bis	#lc.cnd,lcflag	;mark as unsat conditional
41$:	clr	r5
42$:	return			;ignore line
1$:	call	getsym		;try for symbol
	.if ndf	xedlsb
	bne	3$		;branch if found
	bitb	#ct.num,cttbl(r5)	;perhaps a local?
	beq	5$		;  no
2$:	call	getchr		;perhaps, test next
	bitb	#ct.alp!ct.num,cttbl(r5)	;alpha/numeric?
	bne	2$		;  yes, try again
	call	setnb		;no, bypass any blanks
	beq	5$		;  exit if no symbol
3$:	cmp	r5,#ch.equ	;assignment (=)?
	beq	5$		;  yes, ignore this line
	cmp	r5,#ch.col	;label (:)?
	bne	4$		;  no
	call	getnb		;yes, bypass colon
	br	1$		;  and continue

4$:	search	pstrol		;try for op-code
	mov	mode,r0		;mode to r0
	bpl	6$		;branch if directive
5$:	clr	r0		;false
6$:	return

label:				;label processor
	.enabl	lsb
	cmp	symbol,r50dot	;period?
	beq	4$		;  yes, error
	.if ndf	xedlsb
	call	lsbset		;flag start of new local symbol block
	search	symrol		;no, search the symbol table
	call	crfdef
labelf:	call	setxpr		;set expression registers
	bit	#dfgflg,(r3)	; <<< REEDS has it been marked 'x'
	beq	33$		; <<< no, thats OK
	bic	#dfgflg!glbflg,(r3); <<<yes: it was 'x' mode
				; <<< clear 'gx': we are really defining it now
33$:	clr	dfgtmp		; <<< seems like a good idea.
	call	getnb		;bypass colon
	.if 	ne,mk.symbol
	cmp	r5,#ch.col
	bne	10$
	mov	#glbflg,dfgtmp
	call	getnb
10$:	cmp	r5,#ch.mul
	bne	32$
	bis	#200,dfgtmp
	call	getnb
32$:	.endc
	bit	#defflg,(r3)	;already defined?
	bne	1$		;  yes
	mov	clcfgs,r0	;no, get current location characteristics
	bic	#377-<relflg>,r0	;clear all but relocation flag
	bis	#defflg!lblflg,r0	;flag as label
	.if	ne,mk.symbol
	bis	dfgtmp,r0
	bis	r0,(r3)		;set mode
	mov	clcloc,(r4)	;  and current location
	br	3$		;insert

1$:	bit	#lblflg,(r3)	;defined, as label?
	beq	2$		;  no, invalid
	cmp	clcloc,(r4)	;has anybody moved?
	bne	2$		;  yes
	cmpb	clcsec,(r2)	;same sector?
	beq	3$		;  yes, ok
2$:	error 32,p,<phase error in label definition>;no, flag error
	bis	#mdfflg,(r3)	;flag as multiply defined
3$:	call	insert		;insert/update
	call	setpf0		;be sure to print location field
	br	5$

4$:	error	33,q,<illegal label>
5$:	mov	chrpnt,lblend	;mark end of label
	.if	ne,mk.symbol
	clr	dfgtmp
	entsec	impure
dfgtmp:	.blkw
	jmp	stmnt		;try for more
	.dsabl	lsb

	.sbttl	assignment processor

	call	getnb		;bypass "="
	.if	ne,mk.symbol
	cmp	r5,#ch.equ
	bne	10$
	mov	#glbflg,dfgtmp
	call	getnb
10$:	cmp	r5,#ch.mul
	bne	32$
	bis	#200,dfgtmp
	call	getnb
32$:	.iftf
	mov	#symbol+4,r1	;set mix-master register
	mov	-(r1),-(sp)	;stack symbol
	mov	-(r1),-(sp)
	call	relexp		;get non-external expression
	mov	(sp)+,(r1)+	;restore symbol
	mov	(sp)+,(r1)+
	bit	#err.u,errbts	;any undefined's?
	bne	asgmtx		;  yes, don't define
asgmtf:	call	setpf1		;set listing field
	call	setxpr		;set expression registers
	bit	#err.a,errbts
	bne	asgmtx
	bis	#defflg,(r3)	;flag as defined
	mov	(r3),-(sp)	;no, stack value
	mov	(r4),-(sp)
	search	symrol		;search symbol table
	mov	(sp)+,(r4)	;restore value
	bic	#^c<glbflg>,(r3)
	bis	(sp)+,(r3)
	cmp	(r1),r50dot	;messing with the pc?
	beq	1$		;  yes
	bis	dfgtmp,(r3)	;i hope
	call	insert		;insert new value
	br	asgmtx

1$:	cmpb	(r2),clcsec	;same sector?
	bne	2$		;  no, error
	mov	(r4),clcloc	;yes, set new location
	br	asgmtx

2$:	error	34,m,<label multiply defined>
asgmtx:	call	crfdef
	clr	dfgtmp

	.sbttl	op code processor
	error	35,z,<op code not in standard set>
propc:				;process op code
	mov	#mode,r4	;point to mode
	mov	(r4),r1		;leave result in r1
	mov	r1,opclas	;flag op class
	clr	(r4)+		;set to zero, point to value
	mov	#clcloc,r2	;point r2 to location counter
	bit	#100000+dflgev,r1	;op code or even directive?
	beq	1$		;  no
	bit	#1,(r2)		;yes, currently even?
	beq	1$		;  yes
	inc	(r2)		;no, make it even
	error	36,b,<odd addressing error> ;  and flag error
1$:	tst	r1		;op-code?
	bmi	10$		;  yes
	mov	(r4),-(sp)	;no, directive.
	clr	(r4)		;clear value
	clr	r3		;start with r3=0
	call	@(sp)+		;call the handler
	bit	#dflgdg,opclas	;data generating directive?
	jeq	prop23		;  no
	tstb	<^pl rolsiz>+codrol+1	;yes, any generated?
	jne	prop23		;  yes, all set
	clr	mode		;no, store a zero byte/word
	clr	value
	jmp	stcode

10$:	call	stcode		;stuff basic value
	.globl	pdp10,fltg1w	; defined in exec.m11 and in fltg.m11
	bit	pdp10,r1	; <<< REEDS june 81
	beq	100$		; <<<
	error	35,z,<op code not in standard set> ; <<<
100$:				; <<<
	swab	r1
	bic	#177600,r1	;clear high order bits
	asl	r1
	asl	r1		;four bytes per table entry
	clr	-(sp)		;set a stopper
	mov	opjtbl+2(r1),-(sp)	;stack second arg
	mov	opjtbl(r1),r1	;set the first argument
12$:	mov	r1,-(sp)	;save a copy of the arg
	call	tstarg		;comma test
	clr	r0		;function register
	bic	#000001,r1	;clear shift bit
	call	(r1)		;call proper routine
	aslb	opclas		;move cref destruction into place
	asrb	opclas		;restore rest of flags
	ror	(sp)+		;shift required?
	bcc	13$		;  no
	swab	r0		;yes, shift left siz
	asr	r0
	asr	r0
13$:	mov	<^pl rolbas>+codrol,r1
	bis	r0,6(r1)	;set expression bits
	mov	(sp)+,r1	;get next arg from stack
	bne	12$		;branch if not terminator

	.if ndf	xzerr
	mov	<^pl rolbas>+codrol,r1
	mov	6(r1),r0	;set for "z" error tests
	mov	r0,r1
	bic	#000007,r1
	cmp	#000120,r1	;  jmp (r)+
	beq	22$
	bic	#000700,r1
	cmp	#004020,r1	;  jsr  x,(r1)+
	beq	22$
	mov	r0,r1
	bit	#007000,r1	;first arg type 0?
	jne	prop23		;  no, ok
	bic	#100777,r1
	jeq	prop23
	cmp	#070000,r1	;double address type?
	jeq	prop23		;  no
	mov	r0,r1
	bic	#170017,r1
	cmp	#000760,r1	;  mov pc,[@]x(r)
	beq	22$
	bic	#177717,r1
	cmp	#000020,r1	;  (r)+
	beq	21$
	cmp	#000040,r1	;  -(r)
	jne	prop23
21$:	mov	r0,r1
	rol	r1
	rol	r1
	swab	r1
	sub	r0,r1
	bit	#000007,r1	;  r1=r2
	jne	prop23
22$:	error	37,z,<unpredictable instruction>

	.macro	genopj	number,subr1,subr2	;op code jump table
	.globl	opcl'number
opcl'number=	<.-opjtbl>/4
	.iif nb <subr1>,	.word	subr1
	.iif  b <subr1>,	.word	cpopj
	.iif nb <subr2>,	.word	subr2
	.iif  b <subr2>,	.word	cpopj

opjtbl:				;op code jump table
	genopj	00
	genopj	01,	aexp
	genopj	02,	aexp+1,		aexp
	genopj	03,	regexp
	genopj	04,	brop
	genopj	05,	regexp+1,	aexp
	genopj	06,	trapop

	.if ndf	x45!x40
	genopj	07,	aexp,		regexp+1
	genopj	08,	regexp+1,	sobop
	genopj	09,	aexp,		regexp+1
	.if ndf x45
	genopj	10,	markop
	genopj	11,	aexp,		drgexp+1
	genopj	12,	drgexp+1,	aexp
	genopj	13,	splop
	genopj	14,	aexp,		drgexp+1

	entsec	implin
opclas:	.blkw			;op code class
regexp:				;register expression
	call	absexp		;evaluate absolute
	bit	#177770,r0	;any overflow?
	beq	reg1		;  no
	error	38,r,<no such register number>	;yes, flag error
	bic	#177770,r0	;clear overflow
reg1:	return

brop:				;branch displacement type
	call	relexp
	cmpb	sector,clcsec
	bne	5$
	sub	clcloc,r0
	asr	r0
	bcs	2$
	dec	r0
	movb	r0,r3		;extend sign
	cmp	r0,r3		;proper?
	beq	3$		;  yes
2$:	error	81,a,<too far to branch>
4$:	mov	#000377,r0
3$:	bic	#177400,r0	;clear possible high bits
5$:	error	80,a,<branch out of current psect>
	br 4$

trapop:				;trap type
	call	setxpr		;set expression registers
	mov	(r4),-(sp)	;save the value
	call	exprg		;call external expression
	bit	#relflg!glbflg,(r3)	;absolute?
	bne	1$		;  no
	mov	(r4),r0		;value to merge
	bit	#^c377,r0	;any high order bits?
	bne	1$		;  yes, fall through
	tst	(sp)+		;no, prune

1$:	zap	codrol		;clear code roll
	bis	#dflgbm,opclas	;flag as byte mode
	call	setimm		;set immediate mode
	call	stcode		;store address
	mov	#100000,(r3)	;set for absolute byte
	swab	(sp)
	mov	(sp)+,(r4)	;set origional value
	call	stcode
	clr	r0
	.if ndf	x45

drgexp:				;double register expression
	call	regexp		;evaluate normal
	mov	#177774,r3	;test for overflow
	br	maskr3

splop:				;spl type
	call	absexp
	mov	#177770,r3	;only three bits allowed
	br	maskr3

	.if ndf x45!x40

sobop:				;sob operator
	call	brop		;free-load off branch operator
	movb	r0,r0		;extend sign
	neg	r0		;positive for backwards
	br	maskb6		;mask to six bits

markop:				;mark operator
	call	absexp		;evaluate absolute
maskb6:	mov	#177700,r3	;set to mask high order
maskr3:	bit	r3,r0		;overflow?
	beq	mark1		;  no
	error	39,t,<low order byte only>	;yes, flag truncation error
	bic	r3,r0		;clear excess
mark1:	return

;	address mode flags

am.def	=	10		;deferred mode
am.inc	=	20		;auto-increment mode
am.dec	=	40		;auto-decrement mode
am.ndx	=	60		;index mode
am.pc	=	07		;pc mode addressing
am.imm	=	am.inc+am.pc	;immediate mode
am.rel	=	am.ndx+am.pc	;relative mode
aexp:	call	savreg		;address expression evaluation
	call	setxpr		;  and set "expression" type
	inc	expflg
	clr	-(sp)		;accumulate on top of stack
2$:	mov	chrpnt,symbeg	;save in event of rescan
	cmp	r5,#ch.ind	;indirect?
	bne	6$		;  no
	call	getnb		;yes, bypass it
	tst	(sp)		;"@", second time around?
	beq	4$		;  no
	error	40,q,<questionable expression syntax>
4$:	bis	#am.def,(sp)	;set it
	br	2$

6$:	cmp	r5,#ch.hsh	;literal (#)
	bne	10$		;  no
	call	getnb
	.globl	veritas
	mov	opclas,-(sp)	; <<< REEDS june 81: fixed harvard fp bug
	swab	(sp)		; <<< addf #10.3,r0 means: add 10.3 to fr0
	bic	#^c77,(sp)	; <<<
	cmp	#11.,(sp)+ 	; <<< is this an FP instrction? 
	bne	7$		; <<<
	tst	veritas		; see if user WANTS harvard fp bug
	bne	7$		; Yes: treat it as octal
	call	fltg1w		; <<< No, treat it as FP
	bne	9$		; <<< 
7$:				; <<<
	call	aexpxp		;evaluate expression
9$:	bis	#am.imm,(sp)	;set bits
	br	aexp32		;use common exit

10$:	cmp	r5,#ch.sub	;auto-decrement (-)
	bne	12$
	call	getnb
	cmp	r5,#ch.lp	;followed by "("?
	bne	aexp20		;  not a chance
	call	aexplp		;process parens
	bis	#am.dec,(sp)
	br	aexp36

12$:	cmp	r5,#ch.lp	; "("
	bne	aexp22
	call	aexplp		;evaluate register
	cmp	r5,#ch.add	;auto-increment (+)?
	bne	14$		;  no
	call	getnb		;yes, polish it off
	bis	#am.inc,(sp)	;set bits
	br	aexp36

14$:	bit	#am.def,(sp)	;indirect seen?
	bne	16$		;  yes
	bis	#am.def,(sp)	;no, set bit
	br	aexp36

16$:	clr	(r3)		;mode
	clr	(r4)		;  and value
	br	aexp30
aexp20:	call	setsym		;auto-dec failure, point to -
aexp22:	call	aexpxp		;get an expression
	cmp	r5,#ch.lp	;indexed?
	beq	24$		;  yes
	bit	#regflg,(r3)	;flags
	bne	aexp36
	.if ndf	xedpic!xedama
	tst	(sp)
	bne	23$
	.if ndf	xedpic
	bit	#ed.pic,edmask
	bne	1$
	bit	#glbflg,(r3)
	bne	2$
	cmpb	(r2),clcsec
	beq	23$
	br	2$
	.if ndf	xedama
	bit	#ed.ama,edmask	;absolute mode requested?
	bne	23$		;  no
2$:	bis	#am.imm!am.def,(sp)	;ok, set abs mode
	br	aexp32

23$:	bis	#am.rel,(sp)	;no
	call	setdsp		;set displacement
	br	aexp34

24$:	bit	#regflg,(r3)	;flags
	beq	26$
	error	41,r,<illegal use of register>
	bic	#regflg,(r3)	;flags
26$:	mov	(r1)+,-(sp)	;stack current value
	mov	(r1)+,-(sp)
	mov	(r1)+,-(sp)
	mov	(r1)+,-(sp)
	call	aexplp		;process index
	mov	(sp)+,-(r1)	;restore
	mov	(sp)+,-(r1)
	mov	(sp)+,-(r1)
	mov	(sp)+,-(r1)
aexp30:	bis	r0,(sp)
	bis	#am.ndx,(sp)
aexp32:	call	setimm
aexp34:	call	stcode
	clr	r0
aexp36:	bis	(sp)+,r0
aexplp:				;aexp paren processor
	call	getnb		;bypass paren
	call	regexp		;get a register expression
	cmp	r5,#ch.rp	;happy ending ")"?
	bne	1$		;  no
	jmp	getnb		;yes, bypass and exit

1$:	error	42,q,<missign right ')'>	;no

	.if ndf	xedama
	genedt	ama		;absolute mode addressing
	.if ndf	xedpic
	genedt	pic		;pic mode

aexpxp:	call	exprg		;evaluate potential external
	bne	aex1		;  branch if non-null
	error	43,a,<missing expression>	;null, error
aex1:	mov	value,r0	;set value
	.sbttl	directives

	.if ndf	xrel

	.globl	globl
globl:				;global handler
globl1:	call	gsarg		;get a symbol
	beq	globl3		;  end
	search	symrol		;no, search user symbol table
	bit	#regflg,flags	;register?
	bne	2$		;  yes, error
	.iif df rsx11d,	bic	#dfgflg,flags
	bis	#glbflg,flags	;no, flag as globl
	call	insert		;update/insert
	call	crfdef
	br	globl1

2$:	error	44,r,<illegal register usage>
	br	globl1

globl3:	return

	.globl	end

end:				;temp end directive
	call	expr		;evaluate the expression
	bne	1$		;  branch if non-null
	inc	(r4)		;null, make it a one
1$:	call	reltst		;no globals allowed
	inc	endflg
	call	setsec
	call	setpf1		;list field 1
	mov	#symbol,r1
	mov	#endvec,r2
	xmit	4		;move to end vector

	entsec	impure
endvec:	.blkw	4		;end vector storage

	.if ndf	xrel

	.globl	asect,	csect

	call	setmax		;clean up current sector
	mov	r50abs,symbol	;set ". abs."
	mov	r50abs+2,symbol+2
	mov	asdflt,r3
	br	csectf		;use common exit

	call	setmax		;clean up current sector
	mov	psdflt,r3	; unnamed .csect = unnamed .psect
	call	tstarg		;get argument (or null)
	beq	1$
	mov	csdflt,r3	; well, its got a name so it really is a csect
1$:	call	getsym
csectf:	scan	secrol		;scan for match
	bne	psectf		; branch if match
	movb	r3,mode
	movb	<^pl rolsiz>+1+secrol,sector
	br	psectf
	.globl	psect

	call	setmax
	call	tstarg
	beq	10$
	tst	veritas
	beq	10$
	mov	csdflt,silly 		; user wants funny Harvard modes for
					; 	named .psects
	br	11$
10$:	mov	psdflt,silly 		; no -ha flag or blank .psect
11$:	inc	argcnt
	call	getsym
	scan	secrol
	bne	1$
	movb	silly,mode
	movb	<^pl rolsiz>+1+secrol,sector
1$:	mov	#clcnam,r3
	.rept	5
	mov	-(r3),-(sp)
2$:	call	tstarg
	beq	3$
	call	getsym
	scanw	psarol
	beq	psecta
	mov	#symbol+2,r0
	bisb	(r0),4(sp)
	bicb	1(r0),4(sp)
	br	2$
	mov	(sp)+,(r3)+
	mov	(sp)+,(r3)+
	scan	secrol
	mov	(sp)+,(r3)+
	mov	(sp)+,(r3)+
	mov	(sp)+,(r3)+
psectf:	call	insert
	call	crfref
	mov	#symbol,r1
	mov	#clcnam,r2
	.globl	xmit5
	xmit	5
	jmp	lsbset
psecta:	add	#12,sp			; compensate for the big push
	error	45,a,<illegal .psect attribute>
psect9:	return

silly:	.blkw	1


	.macro	genpsa	mne,set,reset
	.rad50	/mne/
	.byte	set,reset

	entsec	psasec
	genpsa	rel,	relflg,
	genpsa	abs,	,	relflg
	genpsa	gbl,	glbflg,
	genpsa	lcl,	,	glbflg
	genpsa	ovr,	ovrflg,
	genpsa	con,	,	ovrflg
	genpsa	low,	,		; these do nothing.  they
	genpsa	hgh,	,		; exist for backwards compat.
.if gt ft.unx
	genpsa	shr,	shrflg,	bssflg
	genpsa	prv,	,	shrflg!bssflg
	genpsa	bss,	bssflg,	shrflg!insflg
	genpsa	ins,	insflg,	bssflg
	genpsa	dat,	,	insflg!bssflg
	genpsa	b,	bssflg,	shrflg!insflg
	genpsa	i,	insflg,	bssflg
	genpsa	d,	,	insflg!bssflg
	genpsa	ro,	shrflg,	bssflg
	genpsa	rw,	,	shrflg!bssflg


psdflt:	.word pattrs		; the default values are defined in at.sml
asdflt::	.word aattrs
csdflt::	.word cattrs


	.endc	;xrel
	tst	exmflg
	beq	secini
	tstb	clcsec
	bmi	psect9
	call	asectf		;move onto roll
	clr	symbol		;ditto for blank csect
	clr	symbol+2
	mov	psdflt,r3
	bit	#ed.abs,edmask	;abs mode?
	beq	1$
	jmp	csectf		; not abs mode.

	genedt	abs,absset


r50abs:	.rad50	/. abs./

	.if ndf	xrel

setmax:				;set max and enter onto roll
	call	savreg		;play it safe
	mov	#clcnam,r1
	mov	#symbol,r2
	xmit	2		;move name to symbol
	scan	secrol		;scan sector roll
	xmit	3		;set remainder of entries
	jmp	insert		;update roll and exit

	.globl	blkw,	blkb,	even,	odd,	radix,	eot

blkw:	inc	r3		;flag word type
blkb:	call	expr		;evaluate the expression
	bne	1$		;branch if non-null
	inc	(r4)		;null, make it one
1$:	call	abstst		;must be absolute
2$:	add	r0,(r2)		;update pc
	asr	r3		;word?
	bcs	2$		;  yes, double value

even:	inc	(r2)		;increment the pc
	bic	#1,(r2)		;clear if no carry

odd:	bis	#1,(r2)		;set low order pc byte
eot:	return

radix:	mov	cradix,r2	;save in case of failure
	mov	#10.,cradix
	call	absexp
	cmp	r0,#2.
	blt	1$
	cmp	r0,#10.
	ble	rad2$
1$:	error	46,a,<illegal radix>
	mov	r2,r0
rad2$:	mov	r0,cradix
	jmp	setpf1

	entsec	imppas		;impure area
cradix:	.blkw			;current radix

	xitsec			;back to normal

	.sbttl		data-generating directives

	.globl	byte,	word

word:	inc	r3		;"word" directive, set to 2
	inc	r3		;"byte" directive, set to 1
	mov	(r2),-(sp)	;stack current pc
1$:	call	tstarg		;test for argument
	bne	3$		;  good arg
	cmp	(r2),(sp)	;end, any processed?
	bne	2$		;  yes, exit
3$:	call	exprg		;process general expression
	call	setimm		;convert to object format
	call	stcode		;put on code roll
	add	r3,(r2)		;update pc
	br	1$		;test for more

2$:	mov	(sp)+,(r2)	;restore initial pc
	.globl	rad50,	ascii,	asciz

asciz:	inc	r3		;  ".asciz", set to  1
ascii:	inc	r3		;  ".ascii", set to  0
	dec	r3		;  ".rad50", set to -1
	call	23$		;init regs
1$:	mov	r5,r2		;set terminator
	beq	8$		;error if eol
2$:	cmp	r5,#ch.lab	; "<", expression?
	beq	10$		;  yes
3$:	call	getchr		;no, get next char
	mov	r5,r0		;set in work register
	beq	8$		;error if eol
	cmp	r5,r2		;terminator?
	beq	5$		;  yes
	tst	r3		;no
	bmi	9$		;branch if rad50
	.if ndf	xedlc
	mov	chrpnt,r0	;fake for ovlay pic
	movb	(r0),r0		;fetch possible lower case
	bic	#177600,r0	;clear possible sign bit
	br	4$

9$:	call	tstr50		;test radix 50
4$:	call	20$		;process the item
	br	3$		;back for another

5$:	call	getnb		;bypass terminator
6$:	tstb	cttbl(r5)	;eol or comment?
	bgt	1$		;  no
	br	7$

8$:	error	47,a,<premature end of line> ;error, flag and exit
7$:	clr	r0		;yes, prepare to clean up
	tst	r3		;test mode
	beq	24$		;normal exit if .ascii
	bpl	20$		;one zero byte if .asciz
	tst	r1		;.rad50, anything in progress?
	beq	24$
	call	20$		;yes, process
	br	6$		;loop until word completed

10$:	mov	(r4),-(sp)	;"<expression>", save partial
	call	abstrm		;absolute term, setting r0
	mov	(sp)+,(r4)	;restore partial
	call	20$		;process byte
	br	6$		;test for end
20$:	tst	r3		;rad50?
	bpl	22$		;  no
	cmp	r0,#50		;yes, within range?
	blo	21$		;  yes
	error	48,t,<illegal rad50 character> ;no, error
21$:	mov	r0,-(sp)	;save current char
	mov	(r4),r0		;get partial
	call	mulr50		;multiply
	add	(sp)+,r0	;add in current
	mov	r0,(r4)		;save
	inc	r1		;bump count
	cmp	r1,#3		;word complete?
	bne	24$		;  no
22$:	mov	r0,(r4)		;stuff in value
	call	setimm		;convert to obj mode
	call	stcode		;stow it
23$:	clr	r1		;clear loop count
	clr	(r4)		;  and value
24$:	return
	.sbttl	enabl/dsabl functions

	.globl	enabl,	dsabl,	bisbic

dsabl:	com	r3		;r3=-1
enabl:				;r3=0
1$:	call	gsarg		;get a symbolic argument
	beq	endabl		;end if null
	scanw	edtrol		;search the table
	beq	7$		;  not there, error
	mov	symbol+4,r2	;get proper bit
	tst	exmflg		;called from command string?
	beq	3$		;  no
	bisbic	eddflt		; yes.  set default bits
	bis	r2,edmcsi	;  and set disable bits
	br	4$		;  and bypass test

3$:	bic	edmcsi,r2	;over-ridden from csi?
4$:	bisbic	edmask		;set appropriate bits
	mov	symbol+2,-(sp)	;make it pic
	tst	r3		;set flags
	call	@(sp)+		;call routine
	br	1$

7$:	error	49,a,<illegal .enabl/.dsabl argument>
endabl:	return

bisbic:				; address of arg on stack
				; if r3 < 0, set bits of r2 into arg
				; else clear them
				; this meshes with .list & .enabl:
				; .list	r3 = 1
				; .nlist r3 = -1
				; .enabl r3 = 0
				; .dsabl r3 = -1
	tst	r3
	blt	1$
	bic	r2,@2(sp)
	br	2$
1$:	bis	r2,@2(sp)
2$:	rts	pc
	entsec	impure
edmask:	.blkw			;contains set flags
edmcsi:	.blkw			;bits for csi override

	entsec 	mixed

eddflt::.word	^c<ed.pnc+ed.reg+ed.lc+ed.gbl>	;default values for edmask
						; bit 1 ==> .dsabl
						; bit 0 ==> .enabl
					;^c<ed.pnc+ed.lc> = non rsx11d choice
	mov	eddflt,edmask
	;clr	edmcsi  experiment

	genswt	en,enabl	;generate /en
	genswt	ds,dsabl	;  and /ds switch table entries

tmpcnt=	1
	.irp	x,<abs,ama,cdr,fpt,gbl,lc ,lsb,pic,pnc,reg,crf>
	.globl	ed.'x
ed.'x	=	tmpcnt
gsarg:				;get a symbolic argument
	.enabl	lsb
	call	tstarg		;test general
	beq	gsa.2$		;  exit null
gsargf:	call	getsym		;arg, try for symbol
	bne	5$		;  error if not symbol
	error	59,a,<unknown symbol>
	br	gsa.2$
5$:	cmp	r0,r50dot	;  "."?
	bne	3$		;  no, ok
1$:	error	50,a,<illegal use of '.'>
gsa.2$:	clr	symbol
	clr	symbol+2
	clr	r0		;treat all errors as null
3$:	return
	.dsabl	lsb

tstarg:				;test argument
1$:	movb	cttbl(r5),r0	;get characteristics
	ble	12$		;through if eol or semi-colon
	tst	argcnt		;first argument?
	beq	11$		;  yes, good as is
	bit	#ct.com,r0	;no, comma?
	bne	10$		;  yes, bypass it
	tst	expflg		;no, was one required?
	beq	2$		;  no
	error	51,a,<comma required>
2$:	cmp	chrpnt,argpnt	;did anybody use anything?
	bne	11$		;  yes, ok
3$:	call	getchr		;no, bypass to avoid loops
	bitb	#ct.pc+ct.sp+ct.tab-ct.com-ct.smc,cttbl(r5)
	bne	3$		;  yes, bypass
	call	setnb		;no, set to non-blank
	error	52,a,<separator required>
	br	1$		;now try again

10$:	call	getnb		;bypass comma
11$:	inc	argcnt		;increment argument count
12$:	clr	expflg
	mov	chrpnt,argpnt	;save pointer
	bic	#177600,r0	;set flags

	entsec	implin		;clear each line
argcnt:	.blkw			;argument count
argpnt:	.blkw			;start of last argument
expflg:	.blkw			;set when comma required

r50dot:	.rad50	/.     /
