
        11/3/71                                                     TYPE (I)

NAME              type -- type on 2741

SYNOPSIS          type name1

DESCRIPTION       type produces output on an IBM 2741 terminal with a
                  Correspondence type ball.

                  type uses typewriter tty5, which, because of the lack of
                  access ports, is also used as a standard communication
                  channel. Therefore, who should be used to verify the
                  absence of a user on tty5.

                  The method is as follows: type the type command. It will
                  wait until tty5 is dialled up. When the phone answers,
                  depress the interrupt button after paper has been loaded,
                  and the first file will be typed. spaces out to the end of
                  a sheet of paper and waits until the interrupt button is
                  depressed before beginning each new file.

FILES             /dev/tty5

SEE ALSO          who


BUGS              obviously some scheme is needed to prevent interference
                  between normal users and The best thing would be to support
                  2741's as a standard terminal.

OWNER             dmr