
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a13342	Tue Nov  7 13:12:12 1989
--- /tmp/,RCSt2a13342	Tue Nov  7 13:12:14 1989
*** 2,8 ****
  /*ident	"@(#)ctrans:src/dcl2.c" */
  	$Source: /usr3/lang/benson/work/stripped_cfront/O/RCS/dcl2.c,v $ $RCSfile: dcl2.c,v $
! 	$Revision: 1.13 $		$Date: 89/10/20 14:27:49 $
  	$Author: benson $		$Locker:  $
  	$State: Exp $
--- 2,8 ----
  /*ident	"@(#)ctrans:src/dcl2.c" */
  	$Source: /usr3/lang/benson/work/stripped_cfront/O/RCS/dcl2.c,v $ $RCSfile: dcl2.c,v $
! 	$Revision: 1.14 $		$Date: 89/10/26 16:49:46 $
  	$Author: benson $		$Locker:  $
  	$State: Exp $
*** 1221,1226 ****
--- 1221,1228 ----
      d = 0;
+ extern int ZB_BOUNDARY;
*** 1229,1250 ****
      Pbase           fld = (Pbase) tp;
!     int             a = (F_SENSITIVE) ? fld->b_fieldtype->align() : SZ_WORD;
      if (max_align < a)
  	max_align = a;
      if (fld->b_bits == 0) {	/* # force word alignment # */
  	int             b;
! 	if (bit_offset)
! 	    fld->b_bits = BI_IN_WORD - bit_offset;
! 	else if (b = byte_offset % SZ_WORD)
  	    fld->b_bits = b * BI_IN_BYTE;
  	/* #	else # */
  	/* #		fld->b_bits = BI_IN_WORD; # */
! 	if (max_align < SZ_WORD)
! 	    max_align = SZ_WORD;
      } else if (bit_offset == 0) {	/* # take care of part of word # */
! 	int             b = byte_offset % SZ_WORD;
  	if (b) {
  	    byte_offset -= b;
  	    bit_offset = b * BI_IN_BYTE;
--- 1231,1253 ----
      Pbase           fld = (Pbase) tp;
!     int             a;
!     a = (F_SENSITIVE) ? fld->b_fieldtype->align() : ZB_BOUNDARY;
      if (max_align < a)
  	max_align = a;
      if (fld->b_bits == 0) {	/* # force word alignment # */
  	int             b;
! 	if (bit_offset && bit_offset != ZB_BOUNDARY * BI_IN_BYTE)
! 	    fld->b_bits = (BI_IN_BYTE * ZB_BOUNDARY) - bit_offset;
! 	else if (b = byte_offset % ZB_BOUNDARY)
  	    fld->b_bits = b * BI_IN_BYTE;
  	/* #	else # */
  	/* #		fld->b_bits = BI_IN_WORD; # */
! 	if (max_align < ZB_BOUNDARY)
! 	    max_align = ZB_BOUNDARY;
      } else if (bit_offset == 0) {	/* # take care of part of word # */
! 	int             b = byte_offset % ZB_BOUNDARY;
  	if (b) {
  	    byte_offset -= b;
  	    bit_offset = b * BI_IN_BYTE;
*** 1252,1257 ****
--- 1255,1261 ----
  /*#error('d',"byteoff %d bitoff %d bits %d",byte_offset,bit_offset,fld->b_bits); #*/
      int             x = (bit_offset += fld->b_bits);
      if (BI_IN_WORD < x) {
  	fld->b_offset = 0;
  	byte_offset += SZ_WORD;
*** 1266,1276 ****
      n_offset = byte_offset;
- static char     rcsinfo[] = "$Header: /usr3/lang/benson/work/stripped_cfront/O/RCS/dcl2.c,v 1.13 89/10/20 14:27:49 benson Exp $";
  /* $Log:	dcl2.c,v $
   * Revision 1.13  89/10/20  14:27:49  benson
   * fixes to go with the error signalling stuff.
--- 1270,1287 ----
      n_offset = byte_offset;
+ static char     rcsinfo[] = "$Header: /usr3/lang/benson/work/stripped_cfront/O/RCS/dcl2.c,v 1.14 89/10/26 16:49:46 benson Exp $";
  /* $Log:	dcl2.c,v $
+  * Revision 1.14  89/10/26  16:49:46  benson
+  * fix bit offset layout. On the 68K (at least on a sun)
+  * the "word" for the purposes of bitfields is 32 bits, but
+  * it can begin on a 16 bit boundary. See size.c/h for the
+  * new size parameter, ZB_BOUNDARY.
+  * 
   * Revision 1.13  89/10/20  14:27:49  benson
   * fixes to go with the error signalling stuff.