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/*ident	"@(#)ctrans:src/cfront.h	1.14" */

	C++ source for cfront, the C++ compiler front-end
	written in the computer science research center of Bell Labs

	Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T, Inc. All Rights Reserved

	When reading cfront code please remember that C++ was not available
	when it was originally written. Out of necessity cfront is written
	in a style that takes advantage of only few of C++'s features.

	WARNING: This program relies on non-initialized class members being ZERO.
	This will be true as long as they are allocated using the "new" operator
	from alloc.c


	Here is all the class definitions for cfront, and most of the externs


#ifndef _CFRONT_H
#define _CFRONT_H

#include "token.h"
#include "typedef.h"

#ifndef GRAM
extern char* prog_name;		// compiler name and version
extern int inline_restr;	// inline expansion restrictions 

extern TOK	tlex();
extern Pname	syn();

extern void	ext(int);

extern char* 	make_name(TOK);
extern void 	make_dummy();
extern Pname	dummy_fct;
extern Pname    really_dominate(Pname, Pname, bit);
extern int      exact1(Pname, Ptype);
extern char*	strdup(const char*);

extern int friend_check(Pclass start,Pclass stop, Pfct f);

struct loc		// a source file location
	short	file;	// index into file_name[], or zero
	short	line;
#ifndef GRAM
	void	put(FILE*);
	void	putline();

extern Loc curloc;
extern int curr_file;
extern char* src_file_name;
extern loc noloc; // dummy null location
extern bit binary_val;
extern bit stmtno;

struct ea {	// fudge portable printf-like formatting for error()
	union {
		void* p;
		long i;

	ea(const void* pp) { p = pp; }
	ea(long ii)   { i = ii; }
	ea() {}

extern ea* ea0;

overload error;
int error(const char*);
int error(const char*, const ea&, const ea& = *ea0, const ea& = *ea0, const ea& = *ea0);
int error(int, const char*);
int error(int, const char*, const ea&, const ea& = *ea0, const ea& = *ea0, const ea& = *ea0);
int error(loc*, const char*, const ea& = *ea0, const ea& = *ea0, const ea& = *ea0, const ea& = *ea0);
int error(int, loc*, const char*, const ea& = *ea0, const ea& = *ea0, const ea& = *ea0, const ea& = *ea0);
extern char emode;

extern int error_count;
extern int vtbl_opt;
extern int debug_opt;
extern int warning_opt;
extern int ansi_opt;
extern int strict_opt;
extern FILE* out_file;
extern FILE* in_file;
extern char scan_started;

extern int bl_level;
extern Ptable ktbl;		// keywords and typedef names
extern Ptable gtbl;		// global names
extern Ptable ptbl;		
extern Ptable lcl_tbl;
extern char* oper_name(TOK);
extern Pname def_name;
extern Pname pdef_name;
extern Pclass ccl;
extern Pbase defa_type;
extern Pbase moe_type;
extern Pbase mptr_type;

#ifndef GRAM
extern Pstmt Cstmt;		// current statement, or 0
extern Pname Cdcl;		// name currently being declared, or 0

extern Pbase any_type;
extern int largest_int;

extern Pbase int_type;
extern Pbase char_type;
extern Pbase short_type;
extern Pbase long_type;
extern Pbase uint_type;
extern Pbase float_type;
extern Pbase double_type;
extern Pbase ldouble_type;
extern Pbase void_type;

#ifndef GRAM
extern Pbase uchar_type;
extern Pbase ushort_type;
extern Pbase ulong_type;
extern Ptype Pchar_type;
extern Ptype Pint_type;
extern Ptype Pvptr_type;
extern Ptype Pfctvec_type;
extern Ptype Pvoid_type;
extern Pbase zero_type;
extern Ptype size_t_type;

extern int byte_offset;
extern int bit_offset;
extern int max_align;
extern int const_save;
extern int const_ptr;
extern int cm_const_save;
extern bit const_problem;

extern Pexpr dummy;	/* the empty expression */
extern Pexpr zero;
extern Pexpr one;
extern Pname sta_name;	/* qualifier for unary :: */

#define DEL(p) if (p && (p->permanent==0)) p->del()
#define PERM(p) p->permanent=1
#define UNPERM(p) p->permanent=0

struct node {
	TOK	base;
	bit	permanent;
        bit     baseclass; // base classes have NAME in their base ...
#ifdef DBG
	bit	displayed;	// avoid infinite recursion in display functions
	bit	allocated;	// set when not on free list
	long	id;
#ifdef DBG
extern long node_id;
extern int Adebug;
#define DBID() { node::id = ++::node_id; node::allocated=1; displayed=0; \
	if(Adebug>=1)fprintf(stderr,"\n*** allocated %d base %d\n",id,base); }
#define DBID() /**/

struct table : node {
/*	a table is a node only to give it a "base" for debugging */
	bit	init_stat;	/* ==0 if block(s) of table not simplified,
				   ==1 if simplified but had no initializers,
				   ==2 if simplified and had initializers.
	short	size;
	short	hashsize;
	short	free_slot;	/* next free slot in entries */
	Pname*	entries;
	short*	hashtbl;
	Pstmt	real_block;	/* the last block the user wrote,
				   not one of the ones cfront created
	Ptable	next;		/* table for enclosing scope */
	Pname	t_name;		/* name of the table */

	static Ptable table_free;
	void* operator new(size_t);
	void operator delete(void*,size_t);

	table(short, Ptable, Pname);

	Pname	look(char*, TOK);
	Pname	insert(Pname, TOK);
#ifndef GRAM
	void	grow(int);
	void	set_name(Pname n)	{ t_name = n; };
	Pname	get_mem(int);
	int	max()			{ return free_slot-1; };
	void	dcl_print(TOK,TOK);
	void	del();

#ifndef GRAM
extern bit Nold;
extern bit vec_const, fct_const;

extern void restore();
extern void set_scope(Pname);
extern Plist modified_tn;

// local class
extern Plist local_tn;
extern Plist local_blk;
extern Plist local_class;
extern void local_hide( Pname ); 
extern char *make_local_name(Pclass, int=0);

// nested type
extern Plist nested_tn;
extern Plist nested_type;
extern Pname curr_scope; 
extern Pname curr_fct; 
extern void nested_hide(Pname); 
extern int is_empty(Pclass,bit=0);

extern Pbase start_cl(TOK, Pname, Pbcl);
extern void end_cl();
extern Pbase end_enum(Pname, nlist*);

/************ types : basic types, aggregates, declarators ************/

#ifndef GRAM
extern bit new_type;
extern Pname cl_obj_vec;
extern Pname eobj;

#define DEFINED 01	/* definition fed through ?::dcl() */
#define SIMPLIFIED 02	/* in ?::simpl() */
#define DEF_SEEN 04	/* definition seen, but not processed */
#define REF_SEEN 010	/* reference seen (classdef) */
			/*   used for class members in norm.c */
#define IN_ERROR 010

struct type : node {
	bit	defined;	/* flags DEF_SEEN, DEFINED, SIMPLIFIED, IN_ERROR
					not used systematically yet
	bit	lex_level;
	Pclass  in_class; 	// nested type
	Pname	in_fct;		// local type
	char    *lcl;
	char	*nested_sig;
	char	*signature(char*);
	Ptype	tlist;
	bit	check(Ptype, TOK);

	// encapsulate casts
	inline Pclass classtype(); 
	inline Penum enumtype(); 
	inline Ptype bname_type();
	inline Pname bname();
#ifndef GRAM
	void	print();
	void	dcl_print(Pname);
	void	base_print();

	Pname	is_cl_obj();	/* sets cl_obj_vec */
	Pptr	is_ref();
	Pptr	is_ptr();
	Pptr	is_ptr_or_ref();
	bit	is_unsigned();
	void	dcl(Ptable);
	int	tsizeof(int = 0);
	bit	tconst();
	TOK	set_const(bit);
	int	align();
	TOK	kind(TOK,TOK);
	TOK	integral(TOK oo)	{ return kind(oo,'I'); };
	TOK	numeric(TOK oo)		{ return kind(oo,'N'); };
	TOK	num_ptr(TOK oo)		{ return kind(oo,'P'); };
	bit	vec_type();
	Ptype	deref();
	inline Pptr	addrof();
	Pfct	memptr();
	void	del();

struct enumdef : type {	/* ENUM */
	bit	e_body;
	short	no_of_enumerators;
	unsigned char strlen;	// strlen(string)
	char*	string;		// name of enum
	Pname	mem;
	Pbase	e_type;		// type representing the enum
		enumdef(Pname n)	{ base=ENUM; mem=n; };
#ifndef GRAM
	void	print();
	void	dcl_print(Pname);
	void	dcl(Pname, Ptable);
	void	simpl();

struct velem {
	Pname	n;
	int	offset;

struct virt : node {
	Pvirt	next;
	int     n_init;
	velem*	virt_init;	// vector of vtbl initializers (zero-terminated)
	Pclass	vclass;		// for class vclass
	char*	string;
	bit	is_vbase;	// vtable for virtual base
	bit	printed;
 	virt(Pclass cl, velem* v, char* s, bit flag, int ni) {base = XVIRT; vclass=cl; virt_init=v; string=s; is_vbase=flag; next=0; n_init = ni;}

enum { C_VPTR=1, C_XREF=2, C_ASS=4, C_VBASE=8 };

// An enumeration of the types of classes for Objectstore
enum class_type_enum { vanilla_class,   // A regular class
class type_extension;

struct classdef : type {	/* CLASS */
        class_type_enum  class_base; // An extension of "base" to further define
                                // the real subtype of the class
	bit	c_body;		/* print definition only once */
	TOK	csu;		/* CLASS, STRUCT, UNION, or ANON */
	bit	obj_align;
	bit	c_xref;
		// 1 set:	has vptr(s) 
		// 2 set:	X(X&) exists
		// 4 set:	operator=(X&) exists
		// 8 set:	has vbaseptr(s)
	bit	virt_count;	// number of virtual functions
				// starting at max base class virt_count in
	bit	virt_merge;	// set when no virtual functions, but
				// need to merge virtual base classes
	bit	c_abstract;	// abstract class: don't instantiate
	bit	has_vvtab;	// set if class has vtable from virtual base
	unsigned char strlen;	// strlen(string)
	Pbcl	baselist;	// list of base classes
	char*	string;		/* name of class */
	Pname	mem_list;
	Ptable	memtbl;
	int	obj_size;
	int	real_size;	/* obj_size - alignment waste */
	Plist	friend_list;
	Pname	pubdef;
	Plist	tn_list;	// list of member names hiding type names
	Plist	nest_list;	// list of nested types
	Ptype	this_type;
	Pvirt	virt_list;	// vtbl initializers
	Pname	c_ctor;		// constuctor:
				// possibly overloaded, possibly inherited
	Pname	c_dtor;		// destructor
	Pname	c_itor;		/* constructor X(X&) */
	Pname	conv;		/* operator T() chain */
	struct toknode *c_funqf, *c_funqr; // token Q for parsing function defs after class def

	TOK	is_simple()	{ return (csu==CLASS)?0:csu; };
#ifndef GRAM
	void	print();
	void	dcl_print(Pname);
	void	simpl();

	void	print_members();
	void	dcl(Pname, Ptable);

//	bit	has_friend(Pname);
	bit	has_friend(Pclass);
	bit	has_friend(Pfct);

	bit	has_base(Pclass cl);
	bit	baseof(Pname);
	bit	baseof(Pclass);
	Pclass	is_base(char*);

	Pname	has_oper(TOK);
	Pname	has_ctor()	{ return c_ctor; }
	Pname	has_dtor()	{ return c_dtor; }
	Pname	has_itor()	{ return c_itor; }
	Pname	has_ictor();
	Pname	make_itor(int);
	Pexpr	find_name(char*, Pclass, int=0);
	int	do_virtuals(Pvirt, char*, int, bit);
	int	all_virt(Pclass, char*, int, bit);
	void	add_vtbl(velem*, char*, bit, int);
	void	print_all_vtbls(Pclass);
	void	print_vtbl(Pvirt);
	void	really_print(Pvirt);
	int	check_dup(Pclass, TOK);
	int	has_allocated_base(Pclass);
	char 	*has_allocated_base(char*);
	int	get_offset(char*);
	Pbcl	get_base(char*);
	Pexpr	get_vptr_exp(char*);
	Pexpr	find_in_base(char*, Pclass);
        void    modify_inst_names(char *s); // Adjust ctor names for instantiation
        bit     parametrized_class();
        bit 	same_class(Pclass p);

#ifndef GRAM

class clist {
	Pclass cl;
	clist* next;
	clist(Pclass c, clist* n) { cl=c; next=n; }
	int onlist(Pclass);
	void clear();
extern clist * vcllist;

struct vl {
	struct vl* next;
	Pvirt vt;
	classdef* cl;

	vl(classdef* c, Pvirt v, struct vl* n)
		{ cl = c; vt = v; next = n; }

extern vl* vlist;

extern int nin;
extern int Nvis;
extern int Noffset;
extern TOK Nvirt;
extern Pexpr Nptr;
extern Pbcl Nvbc_alloc;
extern char *Nalloc_base;
extern Pexpr rptr(Ptype,Pexpr,int);
extern Pexpr vbase_args(Pfct, Pname);
extern Pexpr cdvec(Pname,Pexpr,Pclass,Pname,int,Pexpr,Pexpr=0);

extern Pexpr find(char*, Pclass, int);
extern Pexpr find_name(Pname, Pclass, Ptable, int, Pname);
extern Pname find_virtual(Pclass,Pname);
extern Pname vfct(Pclass, char*);
extern int Vcheckerror;
extern int ignore_const;	

extern int mex;
extern Pclass mec;
extern Pclass tcl;

struct basetype : type
	/*	used for gathering all the attributes
		for a list of declarators

		ZTYPE is the (generic) type of ZERO
		ANY is the generic type of an undeclared name
	bit	b_unsigned;
	bit	b_signed;
	bit	b_volatile;
	bit	b_const;
	bit	b_typedef;
	bit	b_inline;
	bit	b_virtual;
	bit	b_short;
	bit	b_long;
	bit	b_bits;		/* number of bits in field */
	bit	b_offset;	// bit offset of field
	Pname	b_name;		/* name of non-basic type */
	Ptable	b_table;	/* memtbl for b_name, or 0 */
	Pname	b_xname;	/* extra name */
	union {
	Ptype	b_fieldtype;
	char*	b_linkage;

	basetype(TOK, Pname);

	Pbase	type_adj(TOK);
	Pbase	base_adj(Pbase);
	Pbase	name_adj(Pname);
	Pname   aggr();
	Pbase	check(Pname);
#ifndef GRAM
	void	dcl_print();
 	Pbase	arit_conv(Pbase);
        bit     parametrized_class();
	int     discriminator(int); // union discriminator fcn 

enum Linkage { linkage_default, linkage_C, linkage_Cplusplus };
extern Linkage linkage;
void set_linkage(char*);

struct fct : type		// FCT
	TOK	nargs;
	TOK	nargs_known;	// 0 if unknown, 1 if known, or ELLIPSIS
	bit  	last_stmt;
	bit	f_vdef;		// 1 if this is the first virtual definition
				// of this function
	bit	f_inline;	// 1 if inline, 2 if being expanded, else 0
	bit	f_const;	// one if member function that may be called for
				// a const object, else 0
	bit	f_static;	// 1 if static member function, else 0
	short	f_virtual;	// index in virtual table, or 0 meaning non-virtual
	short	f_imeasure;	// some measure of the size of an inline function
	Ptype	returns;
	Pname	argtype;
	Ptype	s_returns;
	Pname	f_this;
	Pclass	memof;		// member of class memof
	Pblock	body;
	Pname	f_init;		// base and member initializers
	Pexpr	f_expr;		// body expanded into an expression
	Pexpr	last_expanded;
	Pname	f_result;	// extra second argument of type X&
	Pname	f_args;		// argument list including args added by cfront
	Linkage	f_linkage;
	char*	f_signature;	// character encoding of function type
	Plist local_class;	// list of local classes
	static Pfct fct_free;
	void*	operator new(size_t);
	void	operator delete(void*,size_t);

	fct(Ptype, Pname, TOK);
	void	argdcl(Pname,Pname);
#ifndef GRAM
	Ptype	normalize(Ptype);
	void	dcl_print();
	void	dcl(Pname);
	Pexpr	base_init(Pclass, Pexpr, Ptable, int);
	Pexpr	mem_init(Pname, Pexpr, Ptable);
	void	init_bases(Pclass, Pexpr);
	bit	declared() { return nargs_known; };
	void	simpl();
	int	ctor_simpl(Pclass, Pexpr);
	Pstmt	dtor_simpl(Pclass, Pexpr);
	Pexpr	expand(Pname,Ptable,Pexpr);
	void	sign();
	int     discriminator(int); // union discriminator fcn 

struct name_list : node {
	Pname	f;
	Plist	l;
        name_list(Pname ff, Plist ll) { base = XNLIST; f=ff; l=ll; };

#ifndef GRAM
struct gen : type {		// OVERLOAD
	Plist	fct_list;

	gen() { base = OVERLOAD; }
	Pname	add(Pname);
	Pname  	find(Pfct, bit);
	Pname	match(Pname, Pfct, bit);

struct pvtyp : type {
	Ptype typ;

struct vec : pvtyp		// VEC
				// typ [ dim ]
	Pexpr	dim;
	int	size;	

	static Pvec vec_free;
	void*	operator new(size_t);
	void	operator delete(void*,size_t);

	vec(Ptype t, Pexpr e) { base=VEC; typ=t; dim=e; DBID(); }
#ifndef GRAM
	Ptype	normalize(Ptype);

struct ptr : pvtyp		// PTR, RPTR i.e. reference
	Pclass	memof;		// pointer to member of memof: memof::*
	bit	rdo;		// "*const"

	static Pptr ptr_free;
	void*	operator new(size_t);
	void	operator delete(void*,size_t);

	ptr(TOK b, Ptype t) { base=b; typ=t; DBID(); }
#ifndef GRAM
	Ptype	normalize(Ptype);

#ifndef GRAM
inline Pptr type::addrof() { return new ptr(PTR,this); }

extern bit vrp_equiv;

/****************************** constants ********************************/


/***************************** expressions ********************************/

#ifndef GRAM
extern Pexpr next_elem();
extern void new_list(Pexpr);
extern void list_check(Pname, Ptype, Pexpr, Ptable=0);
extern Pexpr ref_init(Pptr,Pexpr,Ptable);
extern Pexpr class_init(Pexpr,Ptype,Pexpr,Ptable);
extern Pexpr check_cond(Pexpr, TOK, Ptable);
extern Pexpr ptof(Pfct,Pexpr,Ptable);
extern void dosimpl(Pexpr, Pname);
extern int ref_initializer;
extern int ntok;

extern void ptbl_init(int);
extern void ptbl_add_pair(char*,char*);
extern char *ptbl_lookup(char*);
extern char *st_name(char*);

struct expr : node	/* PLUS, MINUS, etc. */
	/* IMPORTANT:	all expressions are of sizeof(expr) */
	/*	DEREF		=>	*e1 (e2==0) OR e1[e2]
		UMINUS		=>	-e2
		INCR (e1==0)	=>	++e2
		INCR (e2==0)	=>	e1++
		CM		=>	e1 , e2
		ILIST		=>	LC e1 RC   (an initializer list)
		a Pexpr may denote a name
	union {
		Ptype	tp;
		char 	*string4;
	union {
		Pexpr	e1;
		long	i1;
		char*	string;
	union {
		Pexpr	e2;
		int	i2;
		char*	string2;
		Pexpr	n_initializer;
		Ptype	tpdef;  // local and nested typedef info
	union {			/* used by the derived classes */
		Ptype	tp2;    
		Pname	fct_name;
		Pexpr	cond;
		Pexpr	mem;
		Ptype	as_type;
		Ptable	n_table;
		Pin	il;
		Pname	query_this; 

	static Pexpr expr_free;
	void* operator new(size_t);
	void operator delete(void*,size_t);
	expr(TOK, Pexpr, Pexpr);
	void	del();
#ifndef GRAM
	void	print();
        Pexpr   typ0(Ptable);
	Pexpr	typ(Ptable);
	long	eval();
	unsigned long ueval(long,long);
	int	lval(TOK);
	Ptype	call_fct(Ptable);
	Pexpr	address();
	Pexpr	contents();
	void	simpl();
	Pexpr	expand();
	bit	not_simple();
	Pexpr	try_to_overload(Ptable);
	Pexpr	docast(Ptable);
	Pexpr	dovalue(Ptable);
	Pexpr	donew(Ptable);
	void	simpl_new();
	void	simpl_delete();
	int     discriminator(int); // union discriminator fcn 

struct texpr : expr {		// CAST NEW VALUE (also ICALL)
	texpr(TOK bb, Ptype tt, Pexpr ee) : expr (bb,ee,0) { tp2=tt; }

struct cast : expr {		// CAST
	cast(Ptype tt, Pexpr ee) : expr (CAST,ee,0) { tp=tp2=tt; }

struct ival : expr {		// IVAL
	ival(long ii) : expr (IVAL,0,0) { i1 = ii;}

struct call : expr {		// CALL
	call(Pexpr aa, Pexpr bb) : expr (CALL,aa,bb) { }
#ifndef GRAM
	void	simpl();
	Pexpr	expand(Ptable);

struct qexpr : expr {		// QUEST	cond ? e1 : e2
	qexpr(Pexpr ee, Pexpr ee1, Pexpr ee2) : expr (QUEST,ee1,ee2) { cond=ee; }

struct ref : expr {		// REF DOT	e1->mem OR e1.mem
	ref(TOK ba, Pexpr a, Pexpr b) : expr (ba,a,0) { mem=b; }

struct mdot : expr {		// MDOT		a.b
	mdot(char* a, Pexpr b) : expr (MDOT,0,0) { string2=a; mem=b; }

struct text_expr : expr	{	// TEXT (vtbl_name)
	text_expr(char* a, char* b) : expr (TEXT,0,0)
	{ string=a; string2=b; }
char* vtbl_name(char*,char*);
/************************* names (are expressions) ****************************/

struct basecl : node {	// NAME		=> base class
			// VIRTUAL	=> virtual base class
	TOK	ppp;		// private / public / protected
	bit	allocated;	// allocated virtual base
        bit     promoted;       // non-explicit, promoted virtual base
	Pclass	bclass;
	Pexpr	init;		// base class initializers for ctors
	int	ptr_offset;	// pointer's relative position in derived class
	int	obj_offset;	// object's relative position in derived class
	Pname*	virt_init;	// vector of vtbl table initializers
	basecl*	next;

        basecl(Pclass cl, basecl* n) { baseclass=1; bclass=cl; next=n; promoted=0; init=0;}

enum template_formal_types { 
	template_type_formal =1 , template_expr_formal,
        template_stmt_tree_formal, template_expr_tree_formal,
        template_actual_arg_dummy // used during the parse
extern TOK ppbase;

struct name : expr {	// NAME TNAME and the keywords in the ktbl
	TOK	n_oper;		// name of operator or 0
	TOK	n_key;	/* for names in table: class */
	bit	n_evaluated;	// 0 or n_val holds the value
	bit	n_xref;		// argument of type X(X&)
	unsigned char	lex_level;
	TOK	n_protect;	// PROTECTED (<=>n_scope==0) or 0
	bit	n_dcl_printed;	// 1: declaration printed
				// 2: definition printed
				// 0: declaration not printed

        // if this is set it implies that n_template_arg == template_type_formal
	char    n_template_arg; // One of template_formal_types for template arguments
        bit     n_template_formal_must_be_class ;
        bit     n_redefined ;   // set only for PT function names where an explict
                                // definition was provided.
        char    *n_anon;	// nested anonymous unions
	short	n_union;	// 0, or union index
	short	n_addr_taken;
	short	n_used;
	short	n_assigned_to;
	Loc	where;
	int	n_offset;	// byte offset in frame or struct
	Pname	n_list;
	Pname	n_tbl_list;
	char    *n_gen_fct_name; // used to be punned with n_tbl_list.
        char    *n_template_arg_string ; // the mangled string name
	union {
	 * n_qualifier: name of containing class
	 * n_realscope: for labels (always entered in function table) 
         *		the table for the actual scope in which label occurred.
	 * syn_class: lex table only
		Pname	n_qualifier;	
                Ptable  n_realscope;    
		int     syn_class; 

	/* n_val: the value of n_initializer; also the argument 
	 * number for inline arguments (when base == ANAME) */
	long	n_val;		
	static Pname name_free;
	void* operator new(size_t);
	void operator delete(void*,size_t);
	name(char* =0);

	Pname	normalize(Pbase, Pblock, bit);
	Pname	tdef();
	Pname	tname(TOK);
	void	hide();
	void	unhide()	{ n_key=0; n_list=0; };
#ifndef GRAM
	Pname	dcl(Ptable,TOK);
	int	no_of_names();
	void	use()		{ n_used++; };
	void	assign();
	void	take_addr();
	void	check_oper(Pname);
	void	simpl();
	void	print();
	void	dcl_print(TOK);
	void	field_align();
	Pname	dofct(Ptable,TOK);
	void	del();
	inline Pfct fct_type();  
	int     discriminator(int); // union discriminator fcn 

extern int friend_in_class;
extern int in_class_dcl;

// from parser
extern int in_class_decl;
extern int parsing_class_members;
extern int in_mem_fct;
extern int in_arg_list;
extern Ptype in_typedef;
extern int	defer_check;	 // redefinition typedef check delay
extern int	declTag;	 // !1: inline, virtual mod permitted
extern Pname in_tag;
extern Pname statStat;
extern int DECL_TYPE;

/******************** statements *********************************/

struct stmt : node {	/* BREAK CONTINUE DEFAULT */
/*	IMPORTANT: all statement nodes have sizeof(stmt) */
	Pstmt	s;
	Pstmt	s_list;
	Loc	where;
	union {
		Pname	d; // goto/block -- destination
		Pexpr	e2; // for iteration
		Pstmt	has_default; // switch statement default
		int	case_value; 
		Ptype	ret_tp; // pair
	union {
		Pexpr	e;
		bit	own_tbl;
		Pstmt	s2;
	Ptable	memtbl;
	union {
		Pstmt	for_init;
		Pstmt	else_stmt;
		Pstmt	case_list;
		Loc	where2; // location of } at end of block

	static Pstmt stmt_free;
	void* operator new(size_t);
	void operator delete(void*,size_t);
	stmt(TOK, loc, Pstmt);
	void	del();
#ifndef GRAM
	void	print();
	void	dcl();
        void    dcl1(Pstmt&);
	void	reached();
	Pstmt	simpl();
	Pstmt	expand();
	Pstmt	copy();
	int     discriminator(int); // union discriminator fcn 

#ifndef GRAM
extern char* Neval;
extern Ptable scope;
extern Ptable expand_tbl;
extern Pname expand_fn;

struct estmt : stmt	/* SM WHILE DO SWITCH RETURN CASE */
	/*	SM (e!=0)	=>	e;
		in particular assignments and function calls
		SM (e==0)	=>	;	(the null statement)
		CASE		=>	case e : s ;
		SM_PARAM        => e is the template_statement_tree_formal name
	estmt(TOK t, loc ll, Pexpr ee, Pstmt ss) : stmt (t,ll,ss) { e=ee; }

struct ifstmt : stmt	/* IF */
	// else_stme==0 =>	if (e) s
	// else_stmt!=0 =>	if (e) s else else_stmt
	ifstmt(loc ll, Pexpr ee, Pstmt ss1, Pstmt ss2)
		: stmt (IF,ll,ss1) { e=ee; else_stmt=ss2; };

struct lstmt : stmt	/* LABEL GOTO */
		d : s
		goto d
	lstmt(TOK bb, loc ll, Pname nn, Pstmt ss) : stmt (bb,ll,ss) { d=nn; }

struct forstmt : stmt {	// FOR
	forstmt(loc ll, Pstmt fss, Pexpr ee1, Pexpr ee2, Pstmt ss)
		: stmt (FOR,ll,ss) { for_init=fss; e=ee1; e2=ee2; }

struct block : stmt {	// BLOCK	{ d s }
	block(loc ll, Pname nn, Pstmt ss, loc rr = noloc ) : stmt (BLOCK,ll,ss)
		{ d=nn; where2=rr; }
#ifndef GRAM
	void	dcl(Ptable);
	Pstmt	simpl();

#ifndef GRAM
struct pair : public stmt {	// PAIR
	pair(loc ll, Pstmt a, Pstmt b) : stmt (PAIR,ll,a) { s2 = b; }

struct nlist {
	Pname	head;
	Pname	tail;
	void	add(Pname n)	{ tail->n_list = n; tail = n; };
	void	add_list(Pname);

extern Pname name_unlist(nlist*);

struct slist {
	Pstmt	head;
	Pstmt	tail;
		slist(Pstmt s)	{ /*Nl++;*/ head = tail = s; };
	void	add(Pstmt s)	{ tail->s_list = s; tail = s; };

extern Pstmt stmt_unlist(slist*);

struct elist {
	Pexpr	head;
	Pexpr	tail;
		elist(Pexpr e)	{ /*Nl++;*/ head = tail = e; };
	void	add(Pexpr e)	{ tail->e2 = e; tail = e; };

extern Pexpr expr_unlist(elist*);

#ifndef GRAM 
extern class dcl_context * cc;

struct dcl_context {
	Pname	c_this;	/* current fct's "this" */
	Ptype	tot;	/* type of "this" or 0 */
	Pname	not;	/* name of "this"'s class or 0 */
	Pclass	cot;	/* the definition of "this"'s class */
	Ptable	ftbl;	/* current fct's symbol table */
	Pname	nof;	/* current fct's name */

	void	stack()		{ cc++; *cc = *(cc-1); };
	void	unstack()	{ cc--; };

#define MAXCONT	20
extern dcl_context ccvec[MAXCONT];

extern void yyerror(char*);

#ifndef GRAM
extern char* line_format;

extern Plist stat_mem_list;
extern Plist isf_list;
extern Pstmt st_ilist;
extern Pstmt st_dlist;
extern Ptable sti_tbl;
extern Ptable std_tbl;
extern int need_sti( Pexpr e, Ptable tbl = 0, bit is_static_ok = 0 ); 
Pexpr try_to_coerce(Ptype, Pexpr, char*, Ptable);
extern bit can_coerce(Ptype, Ptype);
extern Ptype np_promote(TOK, TOK, TOK, Ptype, Ptype, TOK);
extern bit enum_promote;
extern int suppress_error;
extern void delete_local();

extern int over_call(Pname, Pexpr);
extern Pname overFound;
extern Pname Nover;
extern Pname Ncoerce;
extern Nover_coerce;
struct ia : node {
	Pname	local;	// local variable for argument
	Pexpr	arg;	// actual arguments for call
	Ptype	tp;	// type of formal argument
        ia() { base = XIA; };

struct iline : node {
	Pname	fct_name;	/* fct called */
	Pin	i_next;
	Ptable	i_table;
	int	i_slots;	// no of arg slots pointer to by i_args
	ia*	i_args;
        iline() { base = XILINE; };

extern Pexpr curr_expr;
extern Pin curr_icall;
#define FUDGE111 11111
#define VTOK 22222
#define ITOR 77

extern Pstmt curr_loop;
extern Pblock curr_block;
extern Pstmt curr_switch;
extern loc last_line;  // last #line + number of '\n's output since
extern int last_ll;    // 0 or line of current stmt/dcl being printed
extern FILE* out_file; // output file descriptor
extern bit Cast;
extern loc no_where;

extern no_of_undcl;
extern no_of_badcall;
extern Pname undcl, badcall;

extern long str_to_long(const char*);
extern int c_strlen(const char* s);

#ifndef GRAM
extern Pname vec_new_fct;
extern Pname new_fct;
extern Pname del_fct;
extern Pname vec_del_fct;

extern int Nstd; // standard coercion used (derived* =>base* or int=>long or ...)

extern int stcount;	// number of names generated using make_name()

Pexpr replace_temp(Pexpr,Pexpr);
void make_res(Pfct);

extern int Pchecked;
Pexpr ptr_init(Pptr,Pexpr,Ptable);
Pexpr call_ctor(Ptable, Pexpr p, Pexpr ctor, Pexpr args, int d = REF, Pexpr vb_args = 0);
Pexpr call_dtor(Pexpr p, Pexpr dtor, Pexpr arg = 0, int d = DOT, Pexpr vb_args = 0);
void check_visibility(Pname, Pname, Pclass, Ptable, Pname);

int make_assignment(Pname);

extern Pname make_tmp(char, Ptype, Ptable);
Pexpr init_tmp(Pname, Pexpr, Ptable);

extern int is_unique_base(Pclass, char*, int, int = 0);
extern Pexpr rptr(Ptype, Pexpr, int);

extern int read_align(char*);
extern void new_init();

extern void Eprint(Pexpr);
extern Pexpr cast_cptr(Pclass ccl, Pexpr ee, Ptable tbl, int real_cast);
extern Pexpr mptr_assign(Pexpr,Pexpr);
extern Pclass Mptr;


extern bit fake_sizeof;	// suppress error message for ``int v[];''

extern TOK lalex();

// encapsulate casts
inline Pname type::bname() { return Pbase(this)->b_name; }
inline Ptype type::bname_type() { return Pbase(this)->b_name->tp; }
inline Pclass type::classtype() { 
    return (base==COBJ)?Pclass(Pbase(this)->b_name->tp)
	: (error('i',"T::classtype(): %k cobjX",base),0); 

inline Penum type::enumtype() { 
    return (base==EOBJ)?Penum(Pbase(this)->b_name->tp)
	: (error('i',"T::enumtype(): %k eobjX",base),0); 

inline Pfct name::fct_type() { 
    return (tp->base==FCT) ? Pfct(tp)
	: (error('i',"N::fct_type():%n is %k notF",this,tp->base),0); 

#ifdef DBG
extern void display_expr( Pexpr, char* = 0, int = 0 );
extern void display_stmt( Pstmt, char* = 0, int = 0 );
extern void display_type( Ptype );
extern void display_namelist( Plist, char* = 0, int = 0 );

extern fprintf(const FILE*, const char* ...);
extern void process_debug_flags( char* );
#define DB(a) if(scan_started){a;}
extern int Adebug; // allocation (ctor/del) debugging
extern int Ddebug; // dcl debugging
extern int Edebug; // expr debugging
extern int Ldebug; // lex/lalex debugging
extern int Mdebug; // trace function matching
extern int Ndebug; // norm debugging
extern int Pdebug; // print debugging
extern int Rdebug; // run() debugging
extern int Sdebug; // simpl debugging
extern int Tdebug; // typ debugging
#define Ydebug yydebug
extern int Ydebug; // yacc debugging


#define DB(a) /**/


/* end */