
#	@(#)README	1.2
The pieces:

	cflow.sh - runcom
	lpfx - filters, sorts and formats lint1 output into dag input
	nmf - turns nm output into dag input
	dag - graph maker
	flip - reverser

	cflow [-r] [-il] [-ix] [-i_] [-d<num>] file.[ylciso] ...

files suffixed with [ylci] will be yacc'd, lex'd, cpp'd and
lint'd as necessary.
.s files are assembled and information extracted from object, as
in .o files.


Each line begins with a reference number followed by a suitable
number of tab characters. Then the symbol name followed by a colon.
If this is the first time the symbol is encounter the definition
is printed, otherwise the reference number of the line where the
definition may be found. If the definition was produced via lint,
an abstract type (eg, int()) will be printed, followed by the file name
and line number. Definitions extracted from .s and .o files are simply
text, data or bss.
	-r	reverse relationship (inverted call graph)
	-i	include normally "invisible" symbols:
		x	include extern/static symbols
		_	include "internal" _ symbols
	-d<num>	limit call graph to <num> depth

If the nesting becomes deep, -e of pr can be used to change the tab
settings to something other than every 8 spaces.

Notes on making cflow:
	The following macros in the Makefile have the following
	special values:

	LINT - directory containing source for lint,
	  specifically lerror.h lmanifest and lpass2.h
	MIP - directory containing source for machine-independent
	  parts of lint, specifically manifest
	BIN - directory in which you want cflow installed