
* logging: log who spools what packages contain what, what machines download.
* logging: log in connect & dispatch
* logging: log connect failures!!!!
* announce it when transmit aborts because the %d.busy file exists
* must allow the superuser to dist
* identify and eliminate places that silently die horribly
* notifier and ideas for notifier configuration
* implement chkperm() and tryperm()
* write man pages: dist[158], [qu]args, {mk,ins}dist
* document about setting it up
* paper about how it works and why certain choices were made
* pervasive error checking/cleanup in shell scripts
* identify v10-specific commands that we need to include (getopt, seq, others?)
* a pathname-quoted version of pwd
* in the protocol, send the Files list to the remote system
* support the -v option everywhere
* option to dist -r to fake installation or give an error (for the notifier)
* use dist to recursively install itself
* setuid scheme to protect spool directories
* write better mkfiles (?)
* timeouts on network reads/writes (?)
* look for loose ends
* improve usage messages in shell scripts