
# To unbundle, sh this file
echo mkfile 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >mkfile <<'//GO.SYSIN DD mkfile'
-egrep:	gram.o main.o egrep.o bm.o anal.o
-	$CC $CFLAGS -o $target $prereq
-install:	egrep
-	cp egrep /usr/bin/egrep
-	strip /usr/bin/egrep
-	chmod 775 /usr/bin/egrep
-	chown bin,bin /usr/bin/egrep
-	rm -f *.o egrep
-y.tab.h:	gram.o
-egrep.o anal.o:	y.tab.h
-anal.o bm.o egrep.o main.o gram.o: hdr.h
-	smallpr mkfile hdr.h anal.c bm.c egrep.c gram.y main.c
-	bundle mkfile *.h *.c *.y > $target
//GO.SYSIN DD mkfile
echo hdr.h 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >hdr.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD hdr.h'
-#include	<fio.h>
-#include	<ctype.h>
-#include	<libc.h>
-#define BLKSIZE 1024	/* size of reported disk blocks */
-#define MAXLIN 10000
-#define MAXPOS 20000
-#define NCHARS 256
-#define NSTATES 128
-#define FINAL -1
-#define LEFT '\177'	/* serves as ^ */
-#define RIGHT '\n'	/* serves as record separator and as $ */
-typedef struct State
-	struct State *gotofn[NCHARS];
-	int out;
-} State;
-extern State states[];
-State *nxtst();
-extern int state[];
-extern int line;
-extern int name[];
-extern int left[];
-extern int right[];
-extern int parent[];
-extern int foll[];
-extern int positions[];
-extern char chars[];
-extern int nxtpos;
-extern int nxtfoll;
-extern int inxtpos;
-extern int nxtfoll;
-extern int nxtchar;
-extern int tmpstat[];
-extern State *istat;
-extern int nstate;
-extern int xstate;
-extern int count;
-extern char *input;
-extern char *progname;
-extern char reinit;
-extern int begout;
-extern int begcnt;
-extern int begstat[];
-extern int colpos[];
-extern int cntpos;
-extern long	lnum;
-extern int	bflag;
-extern int	cflag;
-extern int	fflag;
-extern int	hflag;
-extern int	iflag;
-extern int	lflag;
-extern int	nflag;
-extern int	sflag;
-extern int	vflag;
-extern int	nfile;
-extern long	tln;
-extern int	nsucc;
-extern int	badbotch;
-extern int	expfile;
-extern int bmegrep;
-extern int scanexit;
//GO.SYSIN DD hdr.h
echo y.tab.h 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >y.tab.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD y.tab.h'
-# define CHAR 257
-# define DOT 258
-# define CCL 259
-# define NCCL 260
-# define OR 261
-# define CAT 262
-# define STAR 263
-# define PLUS 264
-# define QUEST 265
//GO.SYSIN DD y.tab.h
echo anal.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >anal.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD anal.c'
-#include	"hdr.h"
-#include	"y.tab.h"
-#define	NLIT	256
-#define	LSTART	litp = litb
-#define	LEND	{*litp = 0; if(strlen(litb) > strlen(blit))strcpy(blit,litb);}
-static char *litp, litb[NLIT], *blit;
-	islit has to return 1 if we are to use boyer-moore.
-	in this case, set buf to the literal string and
-	set bmegrep to 1 if there is a regular expression
-	beside the literal (literal can be anywhere).
-	char *buf;
-	bmegrep = 0;
-	blit = buf;
-	*blit = 0;
-/* pr(line-2, ""); */
-	lit(line-2);
-	if(strlen(blit) > 1){
-		/* bmegrep set by lit */
-		return(1);
-	}
-	return(0);
-	lit builds literal strings in litb. we ensure these are compulsory
-	literal string by only descending the right nodes.
-	if(name[n] == CAT){
-		lit(left[n]);
-		lit(right[n]);
-	} else if(name[n] == PLUS){
-		lit(left[n]);
-		LEND;		/* can't go on past a + */
-		bmegrep = 1;
-		lit(left[n]);	/* but we can start with one! */
-	} else if((name[n] == CCL) && (chars[right[n]] == 1)){
-		*litp++ = chars[right[n]+1];
-		if(litp == &litb[NLIT])
-			litp--;
-	} else if(left[n] == 0 && name[n] < 256
-			&& name[n] != LEFT && name[n] != RIGHT){
-		*litp++ = name[n];
-		if(litp == &litb[NLIT])
-			litp--;
-	} else {
-		LEND;
-		bmegrep = 1;
-	}
-/*#ifdef	DEBUG*/
-pr(n, s)
-	char *s;
-	char buf[256];
-	int i, cnt;
-	print("%s", s);
-	sprint(buf, "%s   ", s);
-	switch(name[n])
-	{
-	case FINAL:	print("expr=\n"); pr(left[n], buf); break;
-	case DOT:	print("%d: .\n",n); break;
-	case STAR:	print("%d: *\n",n); pr(left[n], buf); break;
-	case PLUS:	print("%d: +\n",n); pr(left[n], buf); break;
-	case QUEST:	print("%d: ?\n",n); pr(left[n], buf); break;
-	case CAT:	print("%d: cat\n", n); pr(left[n], buf); pr(right[n], buf); break;
-	case OR:	print("%d: or\n", n); pr(left[n], buf); pr(right[n], buf); break;
-	case NCCL:
-	case CCL:	print("%d: [%s", n, name[n]==NCCL? "^":"");
-			for(i = right[n], cnt = chars[i++]; cnt > 0; cnt--)
-				print("%c", chars[i++]);
-			print("]\n");
-			break;
-	default:
-			if(name[n] < 256)
-				print("%d: '%c'\n", n, name[n]);
-			else
-				print("URK %d\n", name[n]);
-			break;
-	}
//GO.SYSIN DD anal.c
echo bm.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >bm.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD bm.c'
-#include	"hdr.h"
-#define	LARGE	100000
-static int delta0[256];
-static char cmap[256];
-static char *bmpat;
-	char *pattern;
-	register int j, patlen;
-	patlen = strlen(bmpat = pattern);
-	for(j = 0; j < 256; j++){
-		delta0[j] = patlen;
-		cmap[j] = j;
-	}
-	for(j = 0; j < patlen-1; j++)
-		delta0[pattern[j]] = patlen-j-1;
-	delta0[pattern[patlen-1]] = LARGE;
-	if(iflag){
-		for(j = 0; j < patlen-1; j++)
-			if(islower(pattern[j]))
-				delta0[toupper(pattern[j])] = patlen-j-1;
-		if(islower(pattern[patlen-1]))
-			delta0[toupper(pattern[patlen-1])] = LARGE;
-		for(j = 'A'; j <= 'Z'; j++)
-			cmap[j] = tolower(j);
-	}
-char *file;
-	register char *p;
-	register char *endpt;
-	register char *s;
-	register int j;
-	int len, patlen = strlen(bmpat);
-	char *rdpt;
-	int fd, eof, n;
-	long seek;
-	char *nlp, *proc, *np, *op;
-	char buf[8*8192];
-	if(file){
-		if((fd = open(file, 0)) < 0){
-			fprint(2, "%s: can't open %s\n", progname, file);
-			badbotch=1;
-			return;
-		}
-	} else
-		fd = 0;
-	lnum = 1;
-	tln = 0;
-	rdpt = buf;
-	seek = 0;
-	for(eof = 0; eof == 0;){
-		Fflush(1);
-		if((n = read(fd, rdpt, &buf[sizeof buf]-rdpt)) <= 0){
-			if(rdpt == buf)
-				break;		/* eof, nothing left to process */
-			*rdpt = '\n';		/* terminate */
-			endpt = rdpt+1;
-			eof = 1;
-		} else {
-			for(p = &rdpt[n]; p >= rdpt;)
-				if(*--p == '\n')
-					break;
-			if(p < rdpt){	/* line bigger than buf!! */
-				rdpt = &buf[sizeof buf/2];	/* chop in half */
-				continue;	/* reading */
-			}
-			endpt = p+1;
-		}
-		/*
-			invariants:
-				no newline between buf and rdpt[-1]
-				lnum = nlines before buf
-				seek = char offset of buf[0]
-				last char read is rdpt[n-1]
-				first char after last \n is endpt
-			following is exited to three places:
-			succeed:	match
-			refresh:	!match (readjust ptrs and loop)
-		*/
-		p = buf+patlen-1;
-		proc = buf-1;
-	scan:
-		for(;;){
-			while((p += delta0[*(unsigned char *)p]) < endpt)
-				;
-			if(p < (buf+LARGE)){	/* no match */
-				goto refresh;
-			}
-			p -= LARGE;
-			for(j = patlen-2, s = p-1; j >= 0; j--)
-				if(cmap[*s--] != bmpat[j])
-					break;
-			if(j < 0)	/* match!! */
-				goto succeed;
-		fail:
-			p++;
-		}
-	succeed:
-		if(bmegrep || !cflag || !sflag){	/* lflag doesn't matter */
-			nlp = memchr(p, '\n', (endpt+1)-p);
-			op = p;
-			p -= patlen-1;
-			while(*p != '\n')
-				if(--p < buf) break;
-			p++;
-			if(bmegrep)
-				if(legrep(p) == 0){
-					p = op;
-					goto fail;
-				}
-		}
-		nsucc = 1;
-		if (cflag){
-			tln++;
-			p = nlp+1;
-			goto scan;
-		} else if(sflag){
-			if(scanexit) exit(0);
-		} else if(lflag){
-			Fprint(1, "%s\n", file);
-			close(fd);
-			return;
-		} else {
-			if (nfile > 1 && hflag)
-				Fprint(1, "%s:", file);
-			if (bflag)
-				Fprint(1, "%ld:", (seek+(p-buf))/BLKSIZE);
-			if (nflag){
-				while(np = memchr(proc+1, '\n', p-proc)){
-					lnum++;
-					proc = np;
-				}
-				Fprint(1, "%ld:", lnum);
-			}
-			Fwrite(1, p, nlp-p+1);
-			p = nlp+1;
-			if(p < endpt)
-				goto scan;
-		}
-	refresh:
-		if(nflag){	/* count newlines that we haven't proc */
-			while(proc = memchr(proc+1, '\n', endpt-proc))
-				lnum++;
-		}
-		memcpy(buf, endpt, j = &rdpt[n]-endpt);
-		rdpt = &buf[j];
-		seek += n;
-	}
-done:	close(fd);
-	if (cflag) {
-		if (nfile > 1)
-			Fprint(1, "%s:", file);
-		Fprint(1, "%ld\n", tln);
-	}
-	isn't egrep pretty when it just has to mtach or not?
-	register char *p;
-	register State *cstat, *t;
-	if(reinit == 1)
-		clearg();
-	cstat = istat;
-	if(cstat->out)
-		return(1);
-	for(;;){
-		if((t = cstat->gotofn[*(unsigned char *)p]) == 0)
-			cstat = nxtst(cstat, *(unsigned char *)p);
-		else
-			cstat = t;
-		if(cstat->out){
-			return(1);
-		}
-		if(*p++ == RIGHT){
-			return(0);
-		}
-	}
//GO.SYSIN DD bm.c
echo egrep.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >egrep.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD egrep.c'
-#include	"hdr.h"
-#include	"y.tab.h"
-cgotofn() {
-	register i;
-	count = cntpos = 0;
-	nxtpos = 0;
-	nxtfoll = MAXPOS-1;
-	begout = 0;
-	for (i=1; i<=line; i++) colpos[i] = 0;
-	if (first(line-1)==0) {
-		colpos[line] = 1;
-		cntpos++;
-		begout = 1;
-	}
-	for (i=1; i<=line; i++) tmpstat[i] = begstat[i] = colpos[i];
-	count = begcnt = cntpos-1;	/* leave out position 1 */
-	tmpstat[1] = begstat[1] = 0;
-	addstate(1);
-	inxtpos = nxtpos;
-	istat = nxtst(states+1,LEFT);
-State *
-State *ss;
-char c;
-	register i, num, k;
-	int pos, curpos, number, newpos;
-	int s = ss-states;
-	num = positions[state[s]];
-	count = begcnt;
-	for (i=3; i<=line; i++) tmpstat[i] = begstat[i];
-	pos = state[s] + 1;
-	for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
-		curpos = positions[pos];
-		if ((k = name[curpos]) >= 0) {
-			if (
-				(k == c)
-				| (k == DOT && c != LEFT && c != RIGHT)
-				| (k == CCL && member(c, right[curpos], 1))
-				| (k == NCCL && member(c, right[curpos], 0) && c != LEFT && c != RIGHT)
-			) {
-				if (foll[curpos] == 0) {
-					cntpos = 0;
-					for (k=1; k<=line; k++) colpos[k] = 0;
-					follow(curpos);
-					addfoll(curpos);
-				}
-				number = positions[foll[curpos]];
-				newpos = foll[curpos] - 1;
-				for (k=0; k<number; k++) {
-					if (tmpstat[positions[newpos]] != 1) {
-						tmpstat[positions[newpos]] = 1;
-						count++;
-					}
-					newpos--;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		pos++;
-	}
-	if (notin(nstate)) {
-		if (++nstate >= NSTATES) {
-			nxtpos = inxtpos;
-			reinit = 1;
-			nstate = 1;
-			addstate(1);
-			return states+1;
-		}
-		addstate(nstate);
-		return(states[s].gotofn[c] = states+nstate);
-	}
-	else {
-		return(states[s].gotofn[c] = states+xstate);
-	}
-first(v) {
-	register b;
-	if (left[v] == 0) {
-		if (colpos[v] != 1) {
-			colpos[v] = 1;
-			cntpos++;
-		}
-		return(1);
-	}
-	else if (right[v] == 0) {
-		if (first(left[v]) == 0) return (0);
-		else if (name[v] == PLUS) return (1);
-		else return (0);
-	}
-	else if (name[v] == CAT) {
-		if (first(left[v]) == 0 && first(right[v]) == 0) return (0);
-		else return (1);
-	}
-	else { /* name[v] == OR */
-		b = first(right[v]);
-		if (first(left[v]) == 0 || b == 0) return (0);
-		else return (1);
-	}
-member(symb, set, torf) {
-	register i, num, pos;
-	num = chars[set];
-	pos = set + 1;
-	for (i=0; i<num; i++)
-		if (symb == chars[pos++]) return (torf);
-	return (!torf);
-notin(n) {
-	register i, j, pos;
-	for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
-		if (positions[state[i]] == count) {
-			pos = state[i] + 1;
-			for (j=0; j < count; j++) {
-				if (tmpstat[positions[pos++]] != 1) goto nxt; }
-			xstate = i;
-			return (0);
-		}
-		nxt: ;
-	}
-	return (1);
-addstate(n) {
-	register i;
-	if (nxtpos + count >= nxtfoll) {
-		overflo(); }
-	for (i=0; i<NCHARS; i++)
-		states[n].gotofn[i] = 0;
-	state[n] = nxtpos;
-	positions[nxtpos++] = count;
-	for (i=3; i <= line; i++) {
-		if (tmpstat[i] == 1) {
-			positions[nxtpos++] = i;
-		}
-	}
-	if (tmpstat[line] == 1)
-		states[n].out = 1;
-	else
-		states[n].out = 0;
-addfoll(n) {
-	register i;
-	if (nxtfoll - cntpos <= nxtpos) {
-		overflo(); }
-	foll[n] = nxtfoll;
-	positions[nxtfoll--] = cntpos;
-	for (i=3; i <= line; i++) {
-		if (colpos[i] == 1) {
-			positions[nxtfoll--] = i;
-		}
-	}
-follow(v) int v; {
-	int p;
-	if (v == line) return;
-	p = parent[v];
-	switch(name[p]) {
-		case STAR:
-		case PLUS:	first(v);
-				follow(p);
-				return;
-		case OR:
-		case QUEST:	follow(p);
-				return;
-		case CAT:	if (v == left[p]) {
-					if (first(right[p]) == 0) {
-						follow(p);
-						return;
-					}
-				}
-				else follow(p);
-				return;
-		case FINAL:	if (colpos[line] != 1) {
-					colpos[line] = 1;
-					cntpos++;
-				}
-				return;
-	}
-clearg() {
-	register i;
-	reinit = 0;
-	states[1].out = begout;
-	for (i=0; i<NCHARS; i++)
-		states[1].gotofn[i] = 0;
-	nstate = 1;
-	state[1] = 0;
-	istat = nxtst(states+1,LEFT);
-char *file;
-	register char *p;
-	register State *cstat, *t;
-	int len;
-	char *nlp;
-	int f;
-#define	READLINE	if((p = nlp = Frdline(f)) == 0)\
-				goto done;\
-			else	/* Frdline nulls the \n, put it back */\
-				len = FIOLINELEN(f), nlp[len++] = RIGHT
-	if (file) {
-		if ((f = open(file, 0)) < 0) {
-			fprint(2, "%s: can't open %s\n", progname, file);
-			badbotch=1;
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	else f = 0;
-	Finit(f, (char *)0);
-	Ftie(f, 1);		/* link input f with stdout */
-	lnum = 1;
-	tln = 0;
-	cstat = istat;
-	if (cstat->out) goto found;
-	for (;;) {
-		if ((t = cstat->gotofn[*p]) == 0)
-			cstat = nxtst(cstat, *p);
-		else
-			cstat = t;
-		if (cstat->out) {
-		found:
-			if (vflag == 0) {
-		succeed:	nsucc = 1;
-				if (cflag) tln++;
-				else if (sflag){
-					if(scanexit) exit(0);
-				} else if (lflag) {
-					Fprint(1, "%s\n", file);
-					close(f);
-					return;
-				}
-				else {
-					if (nfile > 1 && hflag)
-						Fprint(1, "%s:", file);
-					if (bflag)
-						Fprint(1, "%ld:", (FIOSEEK(f)-len)/BLKSIZE);
-					if (nflag)
-						Fprint(1, "%ld:", lnum);
-					Fwrite(1, nlp, len);
-				}
-			}
-			lnum++;
-			if (reinit == 1) clearg();
-			if ((cstat = istat)->out)
-				goto found;	/* we are a match already */
-			else
-				continue;	/* normal pattern matching loop */
-		}
-		if (*p++ == RIGHT) {
-			if (vflag) goto succeed;
-			else {
-				lnum++;
-				if (reinit == 1) clearg();
-				if ((cstat = istat)->out)
-					goto found;	/* we are a match already */
-			}
-		}
-	}
-done:	close(f);
-	if (cflag) {
-		if (nfile > 1)
-			Fprint(1, "%s:", file);
-		Fprint(1, "%ld\n", tln);
-	}
//GO.SYSIN DD egrep.c
echo main.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >main.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD main.c'
-#include	"hdr.h"
-State states[NSTATES];
-State *nxtst();
-int state[NSTATES];
-int line = 1;
-int name[MAXLIN];
-int left[MAXLIN];
-int right[MAXLIN];
-int parent[MAXLIN];
-int foll[MAXLIN];
-int positions[MAXPOS];
-char chars[MAXLIN];
-int nxtpos = 0;
-int inxtpos;
-int nxtchar = 0;
-int tmpstat[MAXLIN];
-int begstat[MAXLIN];
-int colpos[MAXLIN];
-State *istat;
-int nstate = 1;
-int xstate;
-int count;
-int icount;
-char *input;
-char *progname;
-int begout;
-int begcnt;
-int cntpos;
-int nxtfoll;
-char reinit = 0;
-long	lnum;
-int	bflag;
-int	cflag;
-int	fflag;
-int	hflag = 1;
-int	iflag;
-int	lflag;
-int	nflag;
-int	sflag;
-int	vflag;
-int	nfile;
-long	tln;
-int	nsucc;
-int	badbotch;
-int	expfile;
-int 	bmegrep = 0;
-int	scanexit = 0;
-extern char *optarg;
-extern int optind, getopt();
-	fprint(2, "usage: %s [ -bchilnsv ] [ -e pattern ] [ -f file ] [ pattern ] [ file ] ...\n", progname);
-	exit(2);
-main(argc, argv)
-char **argv;
-	register c;
-	int errflg = 0;
-	int (*fn)(), execute(), bmexecute();
-	int etext();
-	char *ffile;
-	char buf[2048];
-	if(progname = strrchr(argv[0], '/'))
-		progname++;
-	else
-		progname = argv[0];
-#ifdef forfutureuse
-	switch (progname[0]) {
-	case 'f': fgrep++; break;
-	case 'e': egrep++; break;
-	case 'g':  grep++; break;
-	}
-	while(( c = getopt(argc, argv, "bchie:f:lnsv?")) != -1)
-		switch(c) {
-		case 'b':
-			bflag++;
-			continue;
-		case 'c':
-			cflag++;
-			continue;
-		case 'e':
-			input = optarg;
-			continue;
-		case 'f':
-			fflag++;
-			ffile = optarg;
-			continue;
-		case 'h':
-			hflag = 0;
-			continue;
-		case 'i':
-			iflag++;
-			continue;
-		case 'l':
-			lflag++;
-			continue;
-		case 'n':
-			nflag++;
-			continue;
-		case 's':
-			sflag++;
-			continue;
-		case 'v':
-			vflag++;
-			continue;
-		case '?':
-			errflg++;
-			continue;
-		}
-	if (errflg)
-		usage();
-	argc -= optind;
-	argv += optind;
-	if (fflag) {
-		if ((expfile = open(ffile, 0)) < 0) {
-			fprint(2, "%s: can't open %s\n", progname, ffile);
-			exit(2);
-		}
-	} else if (input == 0) {
-		if ((input = *argv++) == 0)
-			usage();
-		argc--;
-	}
-	Finit(1, (char *)0);
-#ifdef MAILPREP
-	mailprep();
-#endif /* MAILPREP */
-	yyparse();
-#ifdef MAILPREP
-	maildone();
-#endif /* MAILPREP */
-	if(!vflag && islit(buf)){
-		bmprep(buf);
-		fn = bmexecute;
-	} else
-		fn = execute;
-	cgotofn();
-	nfile = argc;
-	if (argc<=0) {
-		if (lflag) exit(1);
-		scanexit = 1;
-		(*fn)((char *)0);
-	}
-	else while (--argc >= 0) {
-		if (reinit == 1) clearg();
-		scanexit = argc == 0;
-		(*fn)(*argv++);
-	}
-	exit(badbotch ? 2 : nsucc==0);
//GO.SYSIN DD main.c
echo y.tab.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >y.tab.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD y.tab.c'
-# define CHAR 257
-# define DOT 258
-# define CCL 259
-# define NCCL 260
-# define OR 261
-# define CAT 262
-# define STAR 263
-# define PLUS 264
-# define QUEST 265
-# line 16 "gram.y"
-#include "hdr.h"
-#define yyclearin yychar = -1
-#define yyerrok yyerrflag = 0
-extern int yychar;
-extern short yyerrflag;
-#define YYMAXDEPTH 150
-#ifndef YYSTYPE
-#define YYSTYPE int
-YYSTYPE yylval, yyval;
-# define YYERRCODE 256
-# line 63 "gram.y"
-yyerror(s) {
-	fprint(2, "egrep: %s\n", s);
-	exit(2);
-yylex() {
-	extern int yylval;
-	int cclcnt, x;
-	register char c, d;
-	switch(c = nextch()) {
-		case '^': c = LEFT;
-			goto defchar;
-		case '$': c = RIGHT;
-			goto defchar;
-		case '|': return (OR);
-		case '*': return (STAR);
-		case '+': return (PLUS);
-		case '?': return (QUEST);
-		case '(': return (c);
-		case ')': return (c);
-		case '.': return (DOT);
-		case '\0': return (0);
-		case RIGHT: return (OR);
-		case '[': 
-			x = CCL;
-			cclcnt = 0;
-			count = nxtchar++;
-			if ((c = nextch()) == '^') {
-				x = NCCL;
-				c = nextch();
-			}
-			do {
-				if (c == '\0') synerror();
-				if (c == '-' && cclcnt > 0 && chars[nxtchar-1] != 0) {
-					if ((d = nextch()) != 0) {
-						c = chars[nxtchar-1];
-						while (c < d) {
-							if (iflag && isalpha(c)) {
-								if (nxtchar >= MAXLIN-1) overflo();
-									chars[nxtchar++] = isupper(++c)?tolower(c):toupper(c);
-									chars[nxtchar++] = c;
-									cclcnt += 2;
-							}
-							else {
-								if (nxtchar >= MAXLIN) overflo();
-								chars[nxtchar++] = ++c;
-								cclcnt++;
-							}
-						}
-						continue;
-					}
-				}
-				if (iflag&&isalpha(c)) {
-					if (nxtchar >= MAXLIN-1) overflo();
-					chars[nxtchar++] = isupper(c)?tolower(c):toupper(c);
-					chars[nxtchar++] = c;
-					cclcnt += 2;
-				}
-				else {
-					if (nxtchar >= MAXLIN) overflo();
-					chars[nxtchar++] = c;
-					cclcnt++;
-				}
-			} while ((c = nextch()) != ']');
-			chars[count] = cclcnt;
-			return (x);
-		case '\\':
-			if ((c = nextch()) == '\0') synerror();
-			else if (c == '\n') c = nextch();
-		defchar:
-		default: yylval = c; return (CHAR);
-	}
-static int mailfd = -1;
-nextch() {
-	register c;
-	if (fflag) {
-		if ((c = Fgetc(expfile)) < 0)
-			c = 0;
-	}
-	else c = *input++;
-if(mailfd >= 0) Fputc(mailfd, c? c : '\n');
-	return(c);
-synerror() {
-	fprint(2, "egrep: syntax error\n");
-	exit(2);
-enter(x) int x; {
-	if(line >= MAXLIN) overflo();
-	name[line] = x;
-	left[line] = 0;
-	right[line] = 0;
-	return(line++);
-cclenter(x) int x; {
-	register linno;
-	linno = enter(x);
-	right[linno] = count;
-	return (linno);
-node(x, l, r) {
-	if(line >= MAXLIN) overflo();
-	name[line] = x;
-	left[line] = l;
-	right[line] = r;
-	parent[l] = line;
-	parent[r] = line;
-	return(line++);
-unary(x, d) {
-	if(line >= MAXLIN) overflo();
-	name[line] = x;
-	left[line] = d;
-	right[line] = 0;
-	parent[d] = line;
-	return(line++);
-overflo() {
-	fprint(2, "egrep: regular expression too long\n");
-	exit(2);
-#include	<errno.h>
-#define		NAME		"/tmp/grepdata"
-	umask(0);
-	mailfd = open(NAME, 1);
-	if((mailfd < 0) && (errno != ECONC))
-		mailfd = creat(NAME, 03666);
-	if(mailfd >= 0){
-		Finit(mailfd, (char *)0);
-		Fseek(mailfd, 0L, 2);
-		Fprint(mailfd, "\321egrep: ");
-	}
-	if(mailfd >= 0){
-		Fflush(mailfd);
-		close(mailfd);
-	}
-short yyexca[] ={
--1, 1,
-	0, -1,
-	-2, 0,
--1, 5,
-	0, 2,
-	-2, 0,
--1, 13,
-	0, 5,
-	-2, 0,
--1, 14,
-	0, 12,
-	257, 12,
-	258, 12,
-	259, 12,
-	260, 12,
-	261, 12,
-	40, 12,
-	41, 12,
-	-2, 0,
--1, 19,
-	0, 4,
-	-2, 0,
--1, 20,
-	0, 11,
-	261, 11,
-	41, 11,
-	-2, 0,
--1, 23,
-	0, 3,
-	-2, 0,
-	};
-# define YYNPROD 18
-# define YYLAST 261
-short yyact[]={
-  10,  22,   4,  14,  11,   2,   1,   5,   0,   0,
-  10,  15,  16,  17,  18,   0,  19,  20,   3,   0,
-  10,   0,   0,  12,   0,  20,   0,  20,   0,   0,
-  10,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
-  10,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,  11,   6,   7,   8,
-   9,  21,   0,  15,  16,  17,  11,   6,   7,   8,
-   9,  23,   0,  15,  16,  17,  11,   6,   7,   8,
-   9,  13,   0,  15,  16,  17,  11,   6,   7,   8,
-   9,   0,   0,  15,  16,  17,  11,   6,   7,   8,
-   9 };
-short yypact[]={
--259,-1000,-1000,   0,-1000, -20,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,
-   0,-1000,   0,   0,-252,-1000,-1000,-1000, -40, -30,
- -10,   0,-1000,   0 };
-short yypgo[]={
-   0,   6,   5,  18,   3 };
-short yyr1[]={
-   0,   1,   2,   2,   2,   2,   3,   4,   4,   4,
-   4,   4,   4,   4,   4,   4,   4,   4 };
-short yyr2[]={
-   0,   1,   2,   4,   3,   3,   0,   1,   1,   1,
-   1,   3,   2,   2,   2,   2,   3,   1 };
-short yychk[]={
--1000,  -1,  -2,  -3, 261,  -4, 257, 258, 259, 260,
-  40, 256,  -3, 261,  -4, 263, 264, 265,  -4,  -4,
-  -4, 261,  41, 261 };
-short yydef[]={
-   6,  -2,   1,   0,   6,  -2,   7,   8,   9,  10,
-   0,  17,   0,  -2,  -2,  13,  14,  15,   0,  -2,
-  -2,   0,  16,  -2 };
-# ifdef YYDEBUG
-# include "y.debug"
-# endif
-# define YYFLAG -1000
-# define YYERROR goto yyerrlab
-# define YYACCEPT return(0)
-# define YYABORT return(1)
-/*	parser for yacc output	*/
-#ifdef YYDEBUG
-int yydebug = 0; /* 1 for debugging */
-YYSTYPE yyv[YYMAXDEPTH]; /* where the values are stored */
-int yychar = -1; /* current input token number */
-int yynerrs = 0;  /* number of errors */
-short yyerrflag = 0;  /* error recovery flag */
-{	short yys[YYMAXDEPTH];
-	int yyj, yym;
-	register YYSTYPE *yypvt;
-	register int yystate, yyn;
-	register short *yyps;
-	register YYSTYPE *yypv;
-	register short *yyxi;
-	yystate = 0;
-	yychar = -1;
-	yynerrs = 0;
-	yyerrflag = 0;
-	yyps= &yys[-1];
-	yypv= &yyv[-1];
-yystack:    /* put a state and value onto the stack */
-#ifdef YYDEBUG
-	if(yydebug >= 3)
-		if(yychar < 0 || yytoknames[yychar] == 0)
-			printf("char %d in %s", yychar, yystates[yystate]);
-		else
-			printf("%s in %s", yytoknames[yychar], yystates[yystate]);
-	if( ++yyps >= &yys[YYMAXDEPTH] ) { 
-		yyerror( "yacc stack overflow" ); 
-		return(1); 
-	}
-	*yyps = yystate;
-	++yypv;
-	*yypv = yyval;
-	yyn = yypact[yystate];
-	if(yyn <= YYFLAG) goto yydefault; /* simple state */
-	if(yychar<0) {
-		yychar = yylex();
-#ifdef YYDEBUG
-		if(yydebug >= 2) {
-			if(yychar <= 0)
-				printf("lex EOF\n");
-			else if(yytoknames[yychar])
-				printf("lex %s\n", yytoknames[yychar]);
-			else
-				printf("lex (%c)\n", yychar);
-		}
-		if(yychar < 0)
-			yychar = 0;
-	}
-	if((yyn += yychar) < 0 || yyn >= YYLAST)
-		goto yydefault;
-	if( yychk[ yyn=yyact[ yyn ] ] == yychar ){ /* valid shift */
-		yychar = -1;
-		yyval = yylval;
-		yystate = yyn;
-		if( yyerrflag > 0 ) --yyerrflag;
-		goto yystack;
-	}
-	/* default state action */
-	if( (yyn=yydef[yystate]) == -2 ) {
-		if(yychar < 0) {
-			yychar = yylex();
-#ifdef YYDEBUG
-			if(yydebug >= 2)
-				if(yychar < 0)
-					printf("lex EOF\n");
-				else
-					printf("lex %s\n", yytoknames[yychar]);
-			if(yychar < 0)
-				yychar = 0;
-		}
-		/* look through exception table */
-		for(yyxi=yyexca; (*yyxi!= (-1)) || (yyxi[1]!=yystate);
-			yyxi += 2 ) ; /* VOID */
-		while( *(yyxi+=2) >= 0 ){
-			if( *yyxi == yychar ) break;
-		}
-		if( (yyn = yyxi[1]) < 0 ) return(0);   /* accept */
-	}
-	if( yyn == 0 ){ /* error */
-		/* error ... attempt to resume parsing */
-		switch( yyerrflag ){
-		case 0:   /* brand new error */
-#ifdef YYDEBUG
-			yyerror("syntax error\n%s", yystates[yystate]);
-			if(yytoknames[yychar])
-				yyerror("saw %s\n", yytoknames[yychar]);
-			else if(yychar >= ' ' && yychar < '\177')
-				yyerror("saw `%c'\n", yychar);
-			else if(yychar == 0)
-				yyerror("saw EOF\n");
-			else
-				yyerror("saw char 0%o\n", yychar);
-			yyerror( "syntax error" );
-			++yynerrs;
-		case 1:
-		case 2: /* incompletely recovered error ... try again */
-			yyerrflag = 3;
-			/* find a state where "error" is a legal shift action */
-			while ( yyps >= yys ) {
-				yyn = yypact[*yyps] + YYERRCODE;
-				if( yyn>= 0 && yyn < YYLAST && yychk[yyact[yyn]] == YYERRCODE ){
-					yystate = yyact[yyn];  /* simulate a shift of "error" */
-					goto yystack;
-				}
-				yyn = yypact[*yyps];
-				/* the current yyps has no shift onn "error", pop stack */
-#ifdef YYDEBUG
-				if( yydebug ) printf( "error recovery pops state %d, uncovers %d\n", *yyps, yyps[-1] );
-				--yyps;
-				--yypv;
-			}
-			/* there is no state on the stack with an error shift ... abort */
-			return(1);
-		case 3:  /* no shift yet; clobber input char */
-#ifdef YYDEBUG
-			if( yydebug ) {
-				printf("error recovery discards ");
-				if(yytoknames[yychar])
-					printf("%s\n", yytoknames[yychar]);
-				else if(yychar >= ' ' && yychar < '\177')
-					printf("`%c'\n", yychar);
-				else if(yychar == 0)
-					printf("EOF\n");
-				else
-					printf("char 0%o\n", yychar);
-			}
-			if( yychar == 0 ) goto yyabort; /* don't discard EOF, quit */
-			yychar = -1;
-			goto yynewstate;   /* try again in the same state */
-		}
-	}
-	/* reduction by production yyn */
-#ifdef YYDEBUG
-	if(yydebug) {	char *s;
-		printf("reduce %d in:\n\t", yyn);
-		for(s = yystates[yystate]; *s; s++) {
-			putchar(*s);
-			if(*s == '\n' && *(s+1))
-				putchar('\t');
-		}
-	}
-	yyps -= yyr2[yyn];
-	yypvt = yypv;
-	yypv -= yyr2[yyn];
-	yyval = yypv[1];
-	yym=yyn;
-	/* consult goto table to find next state */
-	yyn = yyr1[yyn];
-	yyj = yypgo[yyn] + *yyps + 1;
-	if( yyj>=YYLAST || yychk[ yystate = yyact[yyj] ] != -yyn ) yystate = yyact[yypgo[yyn]];
-	switch(yym){
-case 1:
-# line 21 "gram.y"
-{ unary(FINAL, yypvt[-0]);
-		  line--;
-		} break;
-case 2:
-# line 26 "gram.y"
-{ yyval = node(CAT, yypvt[-1], yypvt[-0]); } break;
-case 3:
-# line 28 "gram.y"
-{ yyval = node(CAT, yypvt[-2], yypvt[-1]); } break;
-case 4:
-# line 30 "gram.y"
-{ yyval = node(CAT, yypvt[-1], yypvt[-0]); } break;
-case 5:
-# line 32 "gram.y"
-{ yyval = node(CAT, yypvt[-2], yypvt[-1]); } break;
-case 6:
-# line 35 "gram.y"
-{ yyval = enter(DOT);
-		   yyval = unary(STAR, yyval); } break;
-case 7:
-# line 39 "gram.y"
-{ yyval = iflag?node(OR, enter(tolower(yypvt[-0])), enter(toupper(yypvt[-0]))):enter(yypvt[-0]); } break;
-case 8:
-# line 41 "gram.y"
-{ yyval = enter(DOT); } break;
-case 9:
-# line 43 "gram.y"
-{ yyval = cclenter(CCL); } break;
-case 10:
-# line 45 "gram.y"
-{ yyval = cclenter(NCCL); } break;
-case 11:
-# line 49 "gram.y"
-{ yyval = node(OR, yypvt[-2], yypvt[-0]); } break;
-case 12:
-# line 51 "gram.y"
-{ yyval = node(CAT, yypvt[-1], yypvt[-0]); } break;
-case 13:
-# line 53 "gram.y"
-{ yyval = unary(STAR, yypvt[-1]); } break;
-case 14:
-# line 55 "gram.y"
-{ yyval = unary(PLUS, yypvt[-1]); } break;
-case 15:
-# line 57 "gram.y"
-{ yyval = unary(QUEST, yypvt[-1]); } break;
-case 16:
-# line 59 "gram.y"
-{ yyval = yypvt[-1]; } break;
-	}
-	goto yystack;  /* stack new state and value */
//GO.SYSIN DD y.tab.c
echo gram.y 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >gram.y <<'//GO.SYSIN DD gram.y'
- * egrep -- print lines containing (or not containing) a regular expression
- *
- *	status returns:
- *		0 - ok, and some matches
- *		1 - ok, but no matches
- *		2 - some error; matches irrelevant
- */
-%left OR
-%left CHAR DOT CCL NCCL '('
-%left CAT
-#include "hdr.h"
-s:	t
-		{ unary(FINAL, $1);
-		  line--;
-		}
-	;
-t:	b r
-		{ $$ = node(CAT, $1, $2); }
-	| OR b r OR
-		{ $$ = node(CAT, $2, $3); }
-	| OR b r
-		{ $$ = node(CAT, $2, $3); }
-	| b r OR
-		{ $$ = node(CAT, $1, $2); }
-	;
-		{ $$ = enter(DOT);
-		   $$ = unary(STAR, $$); }
-	;
-r:	CHAR
-		{ $$ = iflag?node(OR, enter(tolower($1)), enter(toupper($1))):enter($1); }
-	| DOT
-		{ $$ = enter(DOT); }
-	| CCL
-		{ $$ = cclenter(CCL); }
-	| NCCL
-		{ $$ = cclenter(NCCL); }
-	;
-r:	r OR r
-		{ $$ = node(OR, $1, $3); }
-	| r r %prec CAT
-		{ $$ = node(CAT, $1, $2); }
-	| r STAR
-		{ $$ = unary(STAR, $1); }
-	| r PLUS
-		{ $$ = unary(PLUS, $1); }
-	| r QUEST
-		{ $$ = unary(QUEST, $1); }
-	| '(' r ')'
-		{ $$ = $2; }
-	| error 
-	;
-yyerror(s) {
-	fprint(2, "%s: %s\n", progname, s);
-	exit(2);
-yylex() {
-	extern int yylval;
-	int cclcnt, x;
-	register char c, d;
-	switch(c = nextch()) {
-		case '^': c = LEFT;
-			goto defchar;
-		case '$': c = RIGHT;
-			goto defchar;
-		case '|': return (OR);
-		case '*': return (STAR);
-		case '+': return (PLUS);
-		case '?': return (QUEST);
-		case '(': return (c);
-		case ')': return (c);
-		case '.': return (DOT);
-		case '\0': return (0);
-		case RIGHT: return (OR);
-		case '[': 
-			x = CCL;
-			cclcnt = 0;
-			count = nxtchar++;
-			if ((c = nextch()) == '^') {
-				x = NCCL;
-				c = nextch();
-			}
-			do {
-				if (c == '\0') synerror();
-				if (c == '-' && cclcnt > 0 && chars[nxtchar-1] != 0) {
-					if ((d = nextch()) != 0) {
-						c = chars[nxtchar-1];
-						while (c < d) {
-							if (iflag && isalpha(c)) {
-								if (nxtchar >= MAXLIN-1) overflo();
-									chars[nxtchar++] = isupper(++c)?tolower(c):toupper(c);
-									chars[nxtchar++] = c;
-									cclcnt += 2;
-							}
-							else {
-								if (nxtchar >= MAXLIN) overflo();
-								chars[nxtchar++] = ++c;
-								cclcnt++;
-							}
-						}
-						continue;
-					}
-				}
-				if (iflag&&isalpha(c)) {
-					if (nxtchar >= MAXLIN-1) overflo();
-					chars[nxtchar++] = isupper(c)?tolower(c):toupper(c);
-					chars[nxtchar++] = c;
-					cclcnt += 2;
-				}
-				else {
-					if (nxtchar >= MAXLIN) overflo();
-					chars[nxtchar++] = c;
-					cclcnt++;
-				}
-			} while ((c = nextch()) != ']');
-			chars[count] = cclcnt;
-			return (x);
-		case '\\':
-			if ((c = nextch()) == '\0') synerror();
-			else if (c == '\n') c = nextch();
-		defchar:
-		default: yylval = c; return (CHAR);
-	}
-#ifdef MAILPREP
-static int mailfd = -1;
-#endif /* MAILPREP */
-nextch() {
-	register c;
-	if (fflag) {
-		if ((c = Fgetc(expfile)) < 0)
-			c = 0;
-	}
-	else c = *input++;
-#ifdef MAILPREP
-if(mailfd >= 0) Fputc(mailfd, c? c : '\n');
-#endif /* MAILPREP */
-	return(c);
-synerror() {
-	fprint(2, "%s: syntax error\n", progname);
-	exit(2);
-enter(x) int x; {
-	if(line >= MAXLIN) overflo();
-	name[line] = x;
-	left[line] = 0;
-	right[line] = 0;
-	return(line++);
-cclenter(x) int x; {
-	register linno;
-	linno = enter(x);
-	right[linno] = count;
-	return (linno);
-node(x, l, r) {
-	if(line >= MAXLIN) overflo();
-	name[line] = x;
-	left[line] = l;
-	right[line] = r;
-	parent[l] = line;
-	parent[r] = line;
-	return(line++);
-unary(x, d) {
-	if(line >= MAXLIN) overflo();
-	name[line] = x;
-	left[line] = d;
-	right[line] = 0;
-	parent[d] = line;
-	return(line++);
-overflo() {
-	fprint(2, "%s: regular expression too long\n", progname);
-	exit(2);
-#ifdef MAILPREP
-#include	<errno.h>
-#define		NAME		"/tmp/grepdata"
-	umask(0);
-	mailfd = open(NAME, 1);
-	if((mailfd < 0) && (errno != ECONC))
-		mailfd = creat(NAME, 03666);
-	if(mailfd >= 0){
-		Finit(mailfd, (char *)0);
-		Fseek(mailfd, 0L, 2);
-		Fprint(mailfd, "\321egrep: ");
-	}
-	if(mailfd >= 0){
-		Fflush(mailfd);
-		close(mailfd);
-	}
-#endif /* MAILPREP */
//GO.SYSIN DD gram.y