
multi-line tick labels

draw multiple

draw solid circle:  currently a syntax error

coord y 0,1 seems to change x margins

access to pic variables?

ticklen too big in lots of places;  adjust automatically?

axes in the middle?

in grap, probalby should have each attribute set
its flag or value regardless of the type of object,
than have the object pick up the resulting values,
and endstat() clean up afterwards.

system ...;  needs unique filename generator.
	can't use pic in copy "filename"

labeling of curves, points

labels on points of graphs -- text strings get
	attached to points in plot, etc.

variables to set attributes under user control, as in pic
	e.g., space in frame.c

From swift!ehg Fri Apr 27 15:10 EST 1984
Suggestions for grap:

When plotting several curves, it might be natural to add one point at a time
to each curve by using named coordinate systems.  But I want to be able to
have the two curves be automatically scaled by a single transformation
so that they are plotted in consistent coordinates.  I tried this in
/n/swift/usr/ehg/cur/grap/two.g.  I get a "Floating exception - core dumped"
in pic on this file.

Consider driving nplot, so that we can use the pen plotter for large plots
and so that simple plots come out faster.

There are a few parameterized symbols you might consider adding:  error bars,
windvanes, arrows, maybe even faces.
On the other hand, grap is already starting to get modestly complicated and
I would understand if you reject symbols.   Along this line, I would
recommend that you NOT try to add splines or surface/contour plots.

Continue to leave room in the syntax for specification of color.

clarify in grap.1:
numberlist: How is draw turned off?
linedesc:  Does optexpr specify the linewidth?
What plot markers are guaranteed to be properly centered?


Text manipulation
	Paragraphs (blocks) of text
	Uniform way of changing symbol size (global \s-2)
	Labelling of curves, points, etc.
	Arrow from text to one point in a cluster (automatic placement
		of text, and then an arrow)
Exotic functionality
	ehg: consider driving nplot
	Swap x and y command (rotates 90 degrees)
	Cubic splines for smooth curves
	Pie charts
	Leave a hole in grap and pic for color
New geometry
	circle at <point> radius <expression in inches>
Handling data out of bounds
	Choices: put it there anyway, ignore it, raise error
	Selection: grap var
shell command
	Need a unique filename generator
use grap vars for default attributes (as in pic)

Richard Steinberg:
	way to put "x" at end of arrow 
	so it looks like axes in mathematics.
From andrew Wed May 10 21:36:18 EDT 1989
it is too bad that grap doesn't do
	copy sh { sort +4n datafile } thru { circle at $1,$2 }
using temporary files to communicate bewteeen the shell and grap
sort of makes you think pipes were invented after grap.

From sirius!npn Tue Dec  4 09:06 EST 1990
From: sirius!npn (Nils-Peter Nelson +1 201 582 6078)
To: mhuxo!dbk, mhuxo!mos, research!bwk
Subject: dashed lines in grap

It's now much clearer what is wanted-- the line should
go through all the data points and still be dashed.
This means that the dash segments will themselves be
segmented lines. As of today, grap insists that each
dash segment be a simple straight line.