
mkdir regress.d
# To unbundle, sh this file
echo main.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >main.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD main.c'
-#define	MAIN	1
-#include	<ctype.h>
-#include	"re.h"
-#include	"lre.h"
-#include	"hdr.h"
-/* handle void* which didn't exist prior to ANSI C and C++ */
-#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(c_plusplus) || defined(__cplusplus)
-# define VOID void
-# define VOID char
-static enum { gre, grep, egrep, fgrep } whoami = gre;
-static char fullopts[] = "e:f:1bcEFGhilLnsvx";
-static char *opts = fullopts+4;			/* start in after last : */
-static void
-	EPR "usage: %s [ -%s ] [ -e pattern ] [ -f file ] [ pattern ] [ file ] ...\n", progname, opts);
-	exit(2);
-short profb[50000];
-main(int argc, char **argv)
-	register c;
-	int errflg = 0;
-	char *input = 0, *finput = 0;
-	int k, sval;
-	unsigned char map[256];
-	int foundsome = 0;
-	PROCFN procfn;
-	RDFN rdfn;
-	MATCHFN matchfn;
-	VOID *pat;
-	{ extern etext(); monitor((int (*)())2, etext, profb, ((int)etext) - 2+12+2400, 300); }
-	/*
-		determine if we are to be restricted to compatability mode
-	*/
-	if(progname = strrchr(argv[0], '/'))
-		progname++;
-	else
-		progname = argv[0];
-#ifdef	PLAN9
-	if(strcmp(progname, "ogrep") == 0)
-	if(strcmp(progname, "grep") == 0)
-		whoami = grep;
-	else if(strcmp(progname, "egrep") == 0)
-		whoami = egrep;
-	else if(strcmp(progname, "fgrep") == 0)
-		whoami = fgrep;
-	offsetunit = (whoami == gre)? 1 : 1024;		/* test before -[FGE] */
-	/*
-		read the options; decide legality after we know what we are doing.
-		the options are split so we can maintain the usage line
-		in one place. note the only option we have to be wary of
-		is -f (not grep)
-	*/
-	while((c = getopt(argc, argv, fullopts)) != -1)
-		switch(c)
-		{
-		case '1':	oneflag = 1; break;
-		case 'b':	bflag = 1; break;
-		case 'c':	cflag = 1; break;
-		case 'e':	if(input){
-					EPR "%s: only one -e arg allowed\n", progname);
-					errflg = 1;
-				}
-				input = optarg; break;
-		case 'E':	whoami = egrep; break;
-		case 'f':	if(input){
-					EPR "%s: only one -f arg allowed\n", progname);
-					errflg = 1;
-				}
-				finput = optarg; break;
-		case 'F':	whoami = fgrep; break;
-		case 'G':	whoami = grep; break;
-		case 'h':	hflag = 1; break;
-		case 'i':	iflag = 1; break;
-		case 'l':	lflag = 1; break;
-		case 'L':	Lflag = 1; break;
-		case 'n':	nflag = 1; break;
-		case 's':	sflag = 1; break;
-		case 'v':	vflag = 1; break;
-		case 'x':	xflag = 1; break;
-		case '?':	errflg = 1; break;
-		}
-	if(errflg)
-		usage();
-	argv += optind;
-	/*
-		check for bad flag combinations
-	*/
-	if(finput && (whoami == grep)){
-		EPR "%s: cannot use -f with grep\n", progname);
-		exit(2);
-	}
-	if(finput && input){
-		EPR "%s: cannot use -f with -e\n", progname);
-		exit(2);
-	}
-	if(!input && !finput){
-		input = *argv++;
-		if(input == 0)
-			usage();
-	}
-	/*
-		character mapping ?
-	*/
-	for(k = 0; k < 256; k++)
-		map[k] = k;
-	if(iflag)
-		for(k = 'A'; k <= 'Z'; k++)
-			map[k] = tolower(k);
-	/*
-		in the interests of readability, fob off grep-type specific
-		handling to separate functions. setting bmfn means using
-		bmfind; similiarly cwfn means use cwfind
-	rules:
-		lnum needs be maintained only if nflag.
-		nbytes needs be maintained only if bflag.
-		for -[s1lL], do a longjmp(env).
-		for -c, increment nmatch.
-	*/
-	switch(whoami)
-	{
-	case gre:	dogre(greparse, input, finput, map, &procfn, &pat, &rdfn, &matchfn); break;
-	case grep:	dogre(grepparse, input, finput, map, &procfn, &pat, &rdfn, &matchfn); break;
-	case fgrep:	dofgrep(input, finput, map, &procfn, &pat, &rdfn, &matchfn); break;
-	case egrep:	dogre(egrepparse, input, finput, map, &procfn, &pat, &rdfn, &matchfn); break;
-	}
-	/*
-		do generic flag handling
-	*/
-	prname = !hflag && *argv && argv[1];
-	/*
-		do file arguments now! for uniformity, no args = '-'
-	*/
-	if(!*argv)
-		*--argv = "-";
-	for(; curfile = *argv++; close(ifd)){
-		if(strcmp(curfile, "-") == 0)
-			ifd = 0;
-		else if((ifd = open(curfile, 0)) < 0){
-			EPR "%s: ", progname);
-			perror(curfile);
-			errflg = 2;
-			continue;
-		}
-		if(sflag && foundsome)
-			continue;	/* don't need to scan */
-		lnum = nmatch = nbytes = 0;
-		longlinewarned = 0;
-		if((sval = setjmp(env)) == 0)
-			if((*procfn)(pat, rdfn, matchfn) < 0){
-				EPR "%s: ", progname);
-				perror(curfile);
-				errflg = 2;
-				continue;
-			}
-		if((lflag && sval) || (Lflag && !sval))
-			PR "%s\n", curfile);
-		if(cflag){
-			if(prname)
-				PR "%s:", curfile);
-			PR "%ld\n", nmatch);
-		}
-		if(nmatch)
-			foundsome = 1;
-	}
-	exit(errflg? errflg : (foundsome == 0));
-re_error(char *s)
-	EPR "%s: %s\n", progname, s);
-	exit(2);
//GO.SYSIN DD main.c
echo dofgrep.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >dofgrep.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD dofgrep.c'
-#include	<ctype.h>
-#include	"re.h"
-#include	"lre.h"
-#include	"hdr.h"
-static int addwords(char*, re_cw*, unsigned char**, unsigned char**);
-dofgrep(char *input, char *finput, unsigned char *map, PROCFN *pprocfn, void **pat, RDFN *prdfn, MATCHFN *pmatchfn)
-	unsigned char *lb, *le;
-	int nwords, k;
-	re_cw *cw;
-	*pat = (void *)(cw = re_cwinit(map));
-	if(finput){
-		nwords = addwords(finput, cw, &lb, &le);
-	} else {
-		register unsigned char *s, *e;
-		nwords = 0;
-		s = (unsigned char *)input;
-		while(*s){
-			char ch;
-			for(e = s; *e && (*e != '\n'); e++)
-				;
-			ch = *e;
-			if(xflag){
-				s[-1] = '\n';
-				*e = '\n';
-				re_cwadd(cw, (lb = s)-1, (le = e)+1);
-				*e = ch;
-			} else
-				re_cwadd(cw, lb = s, le = e);
-			s = *e? (e+1):e;
-			nwords++;
-		}
-		if(nwords == 1){
-			s = (unsigned char *)malloc(1 + (k = le-lb));
-			if (!s){
-				re_error("malloc failure");
-				cw->seenerror = 1;
-				return;
-			}
-			memmove((char *)s, (char *)lb, k);
-			lb = s;
-			le = s+k;
-			if(xflag)
-				*le++ = '\n';
-		}
-	}
-	if(nwords == 1){
-		*pat = (void *)re_bmcomp((char *)lb, (char *)le, map);
-		*pprocfn = re_bmexec;
-		*prdfn = greprd;
-		*pmatchfn = xflag ? bmxmatch : grepmatch;
-	} else {
-		re_cwcomp(cw);
-		*pprocfn = re_cwexec;
-		*prdfn = xflag? cwxrd : greprd;
-		*pmatchfn = xflag ? cwxmatch : grepmatch;
-	}
-	if(sflag || lflag || Lflag || oneflag){
-		if(vflag == 0)
-			succfn = oneshot, failfn = count_m;
-		else
-			succfn = count, failfn = oneshot;
-	} else if(cflag){
-		if(vflag == 0)
-			succfn = inc, failfn = null;
-		else
-			succfn = null, failfn = inc_m;
-	} else if(vflag){
-		if(bflag||nflag)
-			succfn = count;
-		else
-			succfn = null;
-		failfn = pr_m;
-	} else {
-		succfn = pr;
-		if(bflag||nflag)
-			failfn = count_m;
-		else
-			failfn = null;
-	}
-addwords(char *file, re_cw *pat, unsigned char **b, unsigned char **e)
-	unsigned char rbuf[MAXLINE+2];
-	unsigned char *buf = rbuf+1;
-	int fd;
-	int nwords = 0, eof, k;
-	register unsigned char *nl, *nn, *end;
-	if((fd = open(file, 0)) < 0){
-		perror(file);
-		exit(2);
-	}
-	rbuf[0] = '\n';
-	nl = end = buf+1;
-	eof = 0;
-	for(;;){
-		if((nn = (unsigned char *)memchr((char *)nl, '\n', end-nl)) == 0){
-			if(nl == buf){
-				EPR "line too long in %s\n", file);
-				exit(2);
-			}
-			memmove((char *)buf, (char *)nl, end-nl);
-			end -= nl-buf;
-			nl = buf;
-			k = read(fd, (char *)end, &buf[MAXLINE]-end);
-			if(k > 0){
-				end += k;
-				continue;
-			} else if(k == 0){
-				if(nl == end)	/* clean read to end of file */
-					break;
-				eof = 1;
-				*end++ = '\n';
-				continue;
-			} else {
-				perror(file);
-				exit(2);
-			}
-		}
-		if(xflag)
-			re_cwadd(pat, nl-1, nn+1);
-		else
-			re_cwadd(pat, nl, nn);
-		nl = nn+1;
-		nwords++;
-		if(eof)
-			break;
-	}
-	close(fd);
-	if(nwords == 1){
-		k = strlen((char *)buf)-1;
-		*b = (unsigned char *)malloc(k+1);
-		if (!*b){
-			re_error("malloc failed");
-			pat->seenerror = 1;
-			return 0;
-		}
-		memmove((char *)*b, (char *)buf, k);
-		if(xflag)
-			(*b)[k++] = '\n';
-		*e = *b + k;
-	}
-	return(nwords);
//GO.SYSIN DD dofgrep.c
echo dogre.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >dogre.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD dogre.c'
-#include	<ctype.h>
-#include	"re.h"
-#include	"lre.h"
-#include	"hdr.h"
-static void gresucc(char*, char*);	/* does reg exp match after bm */
-static int reader(void*, RDFN, MATCHFN);/* plain analog of bmfind, cwfind */
-static void readin(char*, char*, unsigned char**, unsigned char**);
-dogre(Parsetype parser, char *input, char *finput, unsigned char *map, PROCFN *pprocfn, void **pat, RDFN *prdfn, MATCHFN *pmatchfn)
-	unsigned char *lb, *le;
-	readin(input, finput, &lb, &le);
-	*pat = 0;
-	globre = egprep(parser, lb, le, map, 1);
-	*prdfn = greprd;
-	*pmatchfn = grepmatch;
-	if(sflag || lflag || Lflag || oneflag){
-		if(vflag == 0)
-			succ2fn = oneshot, failfn = count_m;
-		else
-			succ2fn = count, failfn = oneshot;
-	} else if(cflag){
-		if(vflag == 0)
-			succ2fn = inc, failfn = null;
-		else
-			succ2fn = null, failfn = inc_m;
-	} else if(vflag){
-		if(bflag||nflag)
-			succ2fn = count;
-		else
-			succ2fn = null;
-		failfn = pr_m;
-	} else {
-		succ2fn = pr;
-		if(bflag||nflag)
-			failfn = count_m;
-		else
-			failfn = null;
-	}
-	if(re_lit(globre, &lb, &le)){
-		*pat = (void *)re_bmcomp((char *)lb, (char *)le, map);
-		*pprocfn = re_bmexec;
-		succfn = gresucc;
-	} else {
-		if(*pat = (void *)re_recw(globre, map))
-			*pprocfn = re_cwexec;
-		else
-			*pprocfn = reader;
-		succfn = succ2fn;
-	}
-reader(void *UNUSED, RDFN rdfn, MATCHFN matchfn)
-	unsigned char *b, *e;
-	unsigned char *nl;
-	int k;
-#pragma ref UNUSED
-	b = 0;
-	while((k = (*rdfn)((char**)&b, (char**)&e)) > 0){
-		while(nl = (unsigned char *)memchr((char *)b, '\n', e-b)){
-			if(eg_match(globre, b, nl, (unsigned char **)0, (unsigned char **)0)){
-				e = nl;
-				if((k = (*matchfn)((char**)&b, (char**)&e)) <= 0)
-					return(k);
-			} else
-				b = nl+1;
-		}
-	}
-	return(k);
-static void
-readin(char *in, char *fin, unsigned char **beg, unsigned char **end)
-	int size, n, fd, left;
-	char *base, *p;
-	if(in){
-		if(xflag){
-			size = 4+strlen(in)+1;
-			*beg = (unsigned char *)malloc(size);
-			if (!*beg){
-				EPR "%s: can't malloc %d bytes for -x\n", progname, size);
-				exit(2);
-			}
-			p = (char *)*beg;
-			*p++ = '^';
-			*p++ = '(';
-			memmove(p, in, n = strlen(in));
-			p += n;
-			*p++ = ')';
-			*p++ = '$';
-			*end = (unsigned char *)p;
-		} else {
-			*beg = (unsigned char *)in;
-			*end = *beg + strlen(in);
-		}
-		return;
-	}
-	/* we know fin is nonzero */
-	if((fd = open(fin, 0)) < 0){
-		perror(fin);
-		exit(2);
-	}
-	/*
-		i object to calling stat; the following crap is not painful
-		and at worst involves copying twice the number of bytes.
-	*/
-	size = 128;
-	if((base = malloc(size)) == 0){
-		EPR "%s: can't malloc %d bytes for -f %s\n", progname, size, fin);
-		exit(2);
-	}
-	left = size;
-	p = base;
-	if(xflag){
-		*p++ = '^';
-		left--;
-	}
-	for(; (n = read(fd, p, left)) > 0;){
-		p += n;
-		left -= n;
-		if(left == 0){
-			size *= 2;
-			if((base = realloc(base, size+2)) == 0){
-				EPR "%s: can't malloc %d bytes for -f %s\n", progname, size, fin);
-				exit(2);
-			}
-			p = base+size/2;
-			left = size/2;
-		}
-	}
-	if(n < 0){
-		perror(fin);
-		exit(2);
-	}
-	close(fd);
-	if(xflag){
-		*p++ = '$';
-	}
-	*beg = (unsigned char *)base;
-	*end = (unsigned char *)p;
-static void
-gresucc(char *b, char *e)
-	if(eg_match(globre, (unsigned char*)b, (unsigned char*)(e-1), (unsigned char **)0, (unsigned char **)0))
-		(*succ2fn)(b, e);
-	else
-		(*failfn)(b, e);
//GO.SYSIN DD dogre.c
echo fns.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >fns.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD fns.c'
-#include	"re.h"
-#include	"lre.h"
-#include	"hdr.h"
-pr(char *b, char *e)
-	nmatch++;
-	if(prname)
-		PR "%s:", curfile);
-	if(bflag){
-		PR "%ld:", nbytes/offsetunit);
-		nbytes += (e-b) + noverflow;
-		noverflow = 0;
-	}
-	if(nflag)
-		PR "%ld:", ++lnum);
-	WR(b, e-b);
-pr_m(char *b, char *e)
-	register char *nl;
-	while(nl = (char*)memchr(b, '\n', e-b)){
-		nmatch++;
-		nl++;
-		if(prname)
-			PR "%s:", curfile);
-		if(bflag){
-			PR "%ld:", nbytes/offsetunit);
-			nbytes += (nl-b) + noverflow;
-			noverflow = 0;
-		}
-		if(nflag)
-			PR "%ld:", ++lnum);
-		WR(b, nl-b);
-		if((b = nl) >= e)
-			break;
-	}
-inc(char *UNUSED, char *UNUSED2)
-#pragma ref UNUSED
-#pragma ref UNUSED2
-	nmatch++;
-inc_m(register char *b, register char *e)
-	register char *nl;
-	while(nl = (char*)memchr(b, '\n', e-b)){
-		nmatch++;
-		if((b = nl+1) >= e)
-			break;
-	}
-null(char *UNUSED, char *UNUSED2)
-#pragma ref UNUSED
-#pragma ref UNUSED2
-count(register char *b, register char *e)
-	nbytes += (e-b) + noverflow;
-	noverflow = 0;
-	lnum++;
-count_m(register char *b, register char *e)
-	register char *nl;
-	nbytes += (e-b) + noverflow;
-	noverflow = 0;
-	while(nl = (char*)memchr(b, '\n', e-b)){
-		lnum++;
-		if((b = nl+1) >= e)
-			break;
-	}
-oneshot(char *b, char *e)
-	register char *nl;
-	nmatch++;
-	nl = (char*)memchr(b, '\n', e-b)+1;
-	if(oneflag)
-		pr(b, nl);
-	longjmp(env, 1);
//GO.SYSIN DD fns.c
echo buffer.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >buffer.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD buffer.c'
-#include	"re.h"
-#include	"lre.h"
-#include	"hdr.h"
-/*#define		DEBUG		/**/
-/* the following ifdef aids testing of the buffering code */
-#ifndef	BUFSIZE
-#define	BUFSIZE	50000
-#define	OVERFLOW	(BUFSIZE/10)
-	lines less than BUFSIZE are preserved. larger lines have at least
-static char rbuf[BUFSIZE+1] = "\n";
-static char *buf = rbuf+1;
-static char *next, *proc;
-/* invariants:
-	valid text in buffer:	buf <= text < next
-	text to be processed:	proc <= text < next
-	buf, proc always point at beginning of lines
-greprd(register char **b, register char **e)
-	int n;
-	int keepingsome;
-	register char *p;
-	if(*b == 0)			/* set up invariants */
-		*b = *e = next = proc = buf;
-	keepingsome = *b != *e;
-again:	/* this is only used for overflowing input lines */
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-	fprint(2, "%d <> %d; keep=%d (%d'%.10s'..%d) proc=%d\n", next, &buf[BUFSIZE], keepingsome, *b, *b?*b:"", *e, proc);
-	if(next < &buf[BUFSIZE]){
-		/*
-			next is fine but *b may not be set
-		*/
-		if(!keepingsome)
-			*b = proc;
-	} else {
-		/*
-			find a \n so we can shift the buffer
-		*/
-		if(keepingsome){
-			for(p = *b-1; p >= buf; p--)
-				if(*p == '\n') break;
-			p++;
-			/* the best new buffer start is p */
-			if(p == buf){	/* progressing? */
-	longline:
-				if(!longlinewarned){
-					EPR "%s: %s: warning: ", progname, curfile);
-					if(bflag)
-						EPR "%ld: ", nbytes/offsetunit);
-					if(nflag)
-						EPR "%ld: ", lnum);
-					EPR "line too long (> %d chars); text skipped\n", BUFSIZE);
-					longlinewarned = 1;
-				}
-				next -= OVERFLOW;
-				noverflow += OVERFLOW;
-				goto again;
-			}
-		} else {
-			/* not keeping any; we only have to look at unprocessed */
-			for(p = next-1; p >= proc; p--)
-				if(*p == '\n') break;
-			p++;
-			if(p == buf)
-				goto longline;
-			*b = p;
-		}
-		/* process any we haven't */
-		if(proc < p){
-			(*failfn)(proc, p);
-			proc = p;
-		}
-		/* move it! */
-		n = p-buf;
-		memcpy(buf, p, next-p);
-		proc -= n;
-		next -= n;
-		*b -= n;
-	}
-	/*
-		*b points to start of returned (saved) text
-		next points to first available text for reading
-	*/
-	if((n = read(ifd, next, &buf[BUFSIZE] - next)) <= 0){
-		if(proc < next){
-			(*failfn)(proc, next);
-		}
-		proc = next;
-		return(n);
-	}
-	next += n;
-	*e = next;
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-fprint(2, "greprd returns %d .. %d\n", *b, *e);
-	return(1);
-grepmatch(register char **b, register char **e)
-	char *s, *f;
-	int eoffset, n, ret = 1;
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-fprint(2, "match! *b=%d@%d='%.100s' *e=%d@%d\n", **b, *b, *b, **e, *e);/**/
-	for(s = *b; s >= proc; s--)
-		if(*s == '\n')
-			break;
-	if(s != *b)
-		s++;
-	if(proc < s){
-		(*failfn)(proc, s);
-		proc = s;
-	}
-	f = *e;
-	for(;;){
-		for(; f < next; f++)
-			if(*f == '\n')
-				goto done;
-		eoffset = f-s;
-		if((n = greprd(&s, &f)) <= 0){
-			ret = n;
-			goto done;
-		}
-		f = s+eoffset;
-	}
-	f++;
-	if(s > f)
-		abort();
-	(*succfn)(s, f);
-	proc = *b = f;
-	*e = next;
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-fprint(2, "match at '%.20s'; resuming at '%.20s'@%d\n", s, f, f);/**/
-	return(ret);
-cwxrd(register char **b, register char **e)
-	int n;
-	n = greprd(b, e);
-	if(n > 0){
-		(*b)--;
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-		fprint(2, "grepxrd returns %d .. %d\n", *b, *e);
-	}
-	return(n);
-cwxmatch(register char **b, register char **e)
-	char *s, *f;
-	int eoffset, n, ret = 1;
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-fprint(2, "cwxmatch! *b=%d@%d='%.100s' *e=%d@%d\n", **b, *b, *b, **e, *e);/**/
-	for(s = *b; s >= proc; s--)
-		if(*s == '\n')
-			break;
-	s++;
-	if(proc < s){
-fprint(2, "cwxfail! *b=%d@%d='%.50s' *e=%d@%d\n", **b, *b, *b, **e, *e);
-fprint(2, "s=%d, proc=%d, dbg.b=%d dbg.e=%d dbg.resume=%d\n", s, proc,dbg.b, dbg.e, dbg.resume);
-		(*failfn)(proc, s);
-		proc = s;
-	}
-	f = *e - 1;
-	for(;;){
-		for(; f < next; f++)
-			if(*f == '\n')
-				goto done;
-		eoffset = f-s;
-		if((n = greprd(&s, &f)) <= 0){
-			ret = n;
-			goto done;
-		}
-		f = s+eoffset;
-	}
-	f++;
-	if(s > f)
-		abort();
-	(*succfn)(s, f);
-	proc = *b = f;
-	*e = next;
-	(*b)--;
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-fprint(2, "cwxmatch at '%.20s'; resuming at '%.20s'@%d\n", s, f, f);/**/
-	return(ret);
-bmxmatch(register char **b, register char **e)
-	char *s, *f;
-	int eoffset, n, ret = 1;
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-fprint(2, "bmxmatch! *b=%d@%d='%.100s' *e=%d@%d\n", **b, *b, *b, **e, *e);/**/
-	for(s = *b; s >= proc; s--)
-		if(*s == '\n')
-			break;
-	s++;
-	if(proc < s){
-		(*failfn)(proc, s);
-		proc = s;
-	}
-	f = *e - 1;
-	for(;;){
-		for(; f < next; f++)
-			if(*f == '\n')
-				goto done;
-		eoffset = f-s;
-		if((n = greprd(&s, &f)) <= 0){
-			ret = n;
-			goto done;
-		}
-		f = s+eoffset;
-	}
-	f++;
-	if(s > f)
-		abort();
-	(*((*b == s)? succfn:failfn))(s, f);
-	proc = *b = f;
-	*e = next;
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-fprint(2, "bmxmatch at '%.20s'; resuming at '%.20s'\n", s, f);/**/
-	return(ret);
//GO.SYSIN DD buffer.c
echo cw.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >cw.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD cw.c'
-#include	"re.h"
-#include	"lre.h"
-#include	"hdr.h"
-typedef struct Link
-	unsigned char l;
-	struct Node *node;
-	struct Link *next;
-} Link;
-static Link *froot;
-#define	NEW(N)	(froot?(t = froot, froot = froot->next, t->next = 0, t->node = N, t): newlink(c, 0, N))
-#define	ADD(N)	if(qtail) qtail = qtail->next = NEW(N);\
-			else qtail = qhead = NEW(N)
-#define	DEL()	{ Link *tmp = qhead;if((qhead = qhead->next) == 0)\
-			qtail = 0; tmp->next = froot; froot = tmp;}
-typedef struct Node
-	short out;
-	short d;
-	short shift1;
-	short shift2;
-	long id;
-	struct Node **tab;
-	Link *alts;
-	struct Node *fail;
-} Node;
-static Link *newlink(re_cw*, int, Node*);
-static Node *newnode(re_cw*, int);
-static void zeroroot(Node*, Node*);
-static void shifttab(Node*);
-static void shiftprop(re_cw*,Node*);
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-static void cwpr(register Node *n);
-re_cw *
-re_cwinit(unsigned char *cmap)
-	register i;
-	register re_cw *c;
-	if((c = (re_cw *)egmalloc(sizeof *c, "malloc failed in re_cwinit")) == 0)
-		return((re_cw *)0);
-	c->nodeid = 0;
-	c->maxdepth = 0;
-	c->mindepth = 10000;
-	c->seenerror = 0;
-	c->root = newnode(c, 0);
-	if(cmap)
-		memmove((char *)c->map, (char *)cmap, sizeof c->map);
-	else
-		for(i = 0; i < sizeof c->map; i++)
-			c->map[i] = i;
-	return(c);
-re_cwadd(register re_cw *c, register unsigned char *s, register unsigned char *e)
-	register Node *p, *state;
-	register Link *l;
-	int depth;
-	for(state = c->root; s <= --e;){
-		for(l = state->alts; l; l = l->next)
-			if(l->l == c->map[*e]) break;
-		if(l == 0)
-			break;
-		else
-			state = l->node;
-	}
-	if(s <= e){
-		depth = state->d+1;
-		l = newlink(c, *e--, p = newnode(c, depth++));
-		if((l == 0) || (p == 0)){
-			c->seenerror = 1;
-			return;
-		}
-		l->next = state->alts;
-		state->alts = l;
-		state = p;
-		while(s <= e){
-			state->alts = newlink(c, *e--, p = newnode(c, depth++));
-			if((state->alts == 0) || (p == 0)){
-				c->seenerror = 1;
-				return;
-			}
-			state = p;
-		}
-	}
-	if(c->mindepth > state->d)
-		c->mindepth = state->d;
-	state->out = 1;
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-static void
-cwpr(register Node *n)
-	register Link *l;
-	Fprint(1, "%d[%d,%d]: ", n->id, n->shift1, n->shift2);
-	for(l = n->alts; l; l = l->next){
-		Fprint(1, "edge from \"%d\" to \"%d\" label {\"%c\"};",
-			n->id, l->node->id, l->l);
-		if(l->node->out) Fprint(1, " draw \"%d\" as Doublecircle;", l->node->id);
-		if(l->node->fail)
-			Fprint(1, " edge from \"%d\" to \"%d\" dashed;", l->node->id, l->node->fail->id);
-		Fprint(1, "\n");
-		cwpr(l->node);
-	}
-static void
-fail(re_cw *c, Node *root)
-	Link *qhead = 0, *qtail = 0;
-	register Link *l, *ll;
-	register Link *t;
-	register Node *state, *r, *s;
-	int a;
-	for(l = root->alts; l; l = l->next){
-		ADD(l->node);
-		l->node->fail = root;
-	}
-	while(qhead){
-		r = qhead->node;
-		DEL();
-		for(l = r->alts; l; l = l->next){
-			s = l->node;
-			a = l->l;
-			ADD(s);
-			for(state = r->fail; state;){
-				for(ll = state->alts; ll; ll = ll->next)
-					if(ll->l == a)
-						break;
-				if(ll || (state == root)){
-					if(ll)
-						state = ll->node;
-					/*
-						do it here as only other exit is
-						state 0
-					*/
-					if(state->out){
-						s->out = 1;
-					}
-					break;
-				} else
-					state = state->fail;
-			}
-			s->fail = state;
-		}
-	}
-	zeroroot(root, root);
-static void
-zeroroot(register Node *root, register Node *n)
-	register Link *l;
-	if(n->fail == root)
-		n->fail = 0;
-	for(l = n->alts; l; l = l->next)
-		zeroroot(root, l->node);
-static void
-shift(re_cw *c)
-	Link *qhead = 0, *qtail = 0;
-	register Link *l;
-	register Link *t;
-	register Node *state, *r, *s;
-	int k;
-	for(k = 0; k < 256; k++)
-		c->step[k] = c->mindepth+1;
-	c->root->shift1 = 1;
-	c->root->shift2 = c->mindepth;
-	for(l = c->root->alts; l; l = l->next){
-/*		l->node->shift2 = c->root->shift2;/**/
-		ADD(l->node);
-		l->node->fail = 0;
-	}
-	while(qhead){
-		r = qhead->node;
-		DEL();
-		r->shift1 = c->mindepth;
-		r->shift2 = c->mindepth;
-		if(state = r->fail){
-			do {
-				k = r->d - state->d;
-				if(k < state->shift1){
-					state->shift1 = k;
-				}
-				if(r->out && (k < state->shift2)){
-					state->shift2 = k;
-				}
-			} while(state = state->fail);
-		}
-		for(l = r->alts; l; l = l->next){
-			s = l->node;
-			ADD(s);
-		}
-	}
-	shiftprop(c, c->root);
-	shifttab(c->root);
-	c->step[0] = 1;
-static void
-shifttab(register Node *n)
-	register Link *l;
-	register Node **nn;
-	n->tab = nn = (Node **)calloc(256, sizeof(Node *));
-	for(l = n->alts; l; l = l->next)
-		nn[l->l] = l->node;
-static void
-shiftprop(register re_cw *c, register Node *n)
-	register Link *l;
-	register Node *nn;
-	for(l = n->alts; l; l = l->next){
-		if(c->step[l->l] > l->node->d)
-			c->step[l->l] = l->node->d;
-		nn = l->node;
-		if(n->shift2 < nn->shift2)
-			nn->shift2 = n->shift2;
-		shiftprop(c, nn);
-	}
-re_cwcomp(re_cw *c)
-	if(c->seenerror)
-		return;
-	fail(c, c->root);
-	shift(c);
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-	cwpr(c->root);
-re_cwexec(void *re_c, RDFN rdfn, MATCHFN matchfn)
-	re_cw *c = (re_cw*)re_c;
-	register Node *state;
-	register Link *l;
-	register unsigned char *sp;
-	register unsigned char *e, *s;
-	register Node *ostate;
-	register k;
-	unsigned char *rs, *re;
-	unsigned char fake[1];
-	unsigned char mappedsp;
-	if(c->seenerror)
-		return(-1);
-	fake[0] = 0;
-	state = c->root;
-	for(rs = 0; (k = (*rdfn)((char**)&rs,(char**) &re)) > 0;){
-		s = rs+c->mindepth-1;
-		e = re;
-		while(s < e){
-			/* scan */
-			for(sp = s; ostate = state;){
-				if(state->tab){
-					if((state = state->tab[c->map[*sp]]) == 0)
-						goto nomatch;
-				} else {
-					mappedsp = c->map[*sp];
-					for(l = state->alts; ; l = l->next){
-						if(l == 0)
-							goto nomatch;
-						if(l->l == mappedsp){
-							state = l->node;
-							break;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-print("state %d -0x%x-> state %d (out=%d)\n", ostate->id, *sp&0xFF, state->id, state->out);
-				if(state->out){
-					unsigned char *bm = sp, *em = s+1;
-					if((k = (*matchfn)((char**)&bm, (char**)&em)) <= 0)
-						return(k);
-					rs = bm;
-					re = em;
-					state = c->root;
-					goto doneline;
-				}
-				if(--sp < rs){
-					sp = fake;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		nomatch:
-			k = c->step[c->map[*sp]]-ostate->d-1;
-			if(k < ostate->shift1)
-				k = ostate->shift1;
-			if(k > ostate->shift2)
-				k = ostate->shift2;
-			s += k;
-			state = c->root;
-		}
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-print("end of s<e loop: s=%d e=%d, rs=%d, re=%d\n", s, e, rs, re);
-		rs = re;	/* we have analysed evrything up to here */
-	}
-	return(k? -1:0);
-static void
-freenode(Node *n)
-	register Link *l, *ll;
-	if(n->tab)
-		free((char *)n->tab);
-	for(l = n->alts; l; l = ll){
-		ll = l->next;
-		freenode(l->node);
-	}
-	free((char *)n);
-re_cwfree(re_cw *cw)
-	register Link *l;
-	while(froot){
-		l = froot->next;
-		free((char *)froot);
-		froot = l;
-	}
-	freenode(cw->root);
-	free((char *)cw);
-static Node *
-newnode(re_cw *c, int d)
-	static Node *next = 0, *lim = 0;
-	static incr = 1000;
-	if(next == lim){
-		next = (Node *)malloc(incr*sizeof(Node));
-		if(next == 0){
-			re_error("node malloc fail");
-			return 0;
-		}
-		lim = next+incr;
-	}
-	next->d = d;
-	if(d > c->maxdepth) c->maxdepth = d;
-	next->id = c->nodeid++;
-	next->alts = 0;
-	next->tab = 0;
-	next->out = 0;
-	return(next++);
-static Link *
-newlink(re_cw *c, int l, Node *n)
-	static Link *next = 0, *lim = 0;
-	static incr = 1000;
-	if(next == lim){
-		next = (Link *)malloc(incr*sizeof(Node));
-		if(next == 0){
-			re_error("link malloc fail");
-			return 0;
-		}
-		lim = next+incr;
-	}
-	next->l = c->map[l];
-	next->node = n;
-	next->next = 0;
-	return(next++);
//GO.SYSIN DD cw.c
echo bm.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >bm.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD bm.c'
-#include	"re.h"
-#include	"lre.h"
-#include	"hdr.h"
-	this next one is dirty but i can't think of a good way out now.
-	essentially, LARGE has to be a bit bigger than the biggest buffer
-	we are ever given by rdfn
-#define		LARGE	(100000000+2)
-static int bb(re_bm *, unsigned char*, unsigned char*);
-re_bm *
-re_bmcomp(char *ppb, char *ppe, unsigned char *map)
-	register unsigned char *pb = (unsigned char *)ppb;
-	register unsigned char *pe = (unsigned char *)ppe;
-	register int j;
-	int delta[256];
-	register re_bm *b;
-	b = (re_bm *)malloc(sizeof *b);
-	if(b == 0){
-		re_error("b malloc fail");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	b->patlen = pe-pb;
-	memmove((char *)b->cmap, (char *)map, sizeof b->cmap);
-	b->bmpat = malloc(b->patlen);
-	if(b->bmpat == 0){
-		re_error("bmpat malloc fail");
-		free((char*)b);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (bb(b, pb, pe) == 0){
-		free((char*)b->bmpat);
-		free((char*)b);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	for(j = 0; pb+j < pe; j++)
-		b->bmpat[j] = b->cmap[pb[j]];
-	for(j = 0; j < 256; j++)
-		delta[j] = b->patlen;
-	for(pe--; pb < pe; pb++)
-		delta[b->cmap[*pb]] = pe-pb;
-	delta[b->cmap[*pb]] = LARGE;
-	for(j = 0; j < 256; j++)
-		b->delta0[j] = delta[b->cmap[j]];
-	return(b);
-static int
-bb(register re_bm *b, register unsigned char *pb, register unsigned char *pe)
-	int *f;
-	register m = pe-pb;
-	register i, k, j;
-	f = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*(m+1));
-	if(f == 0){
-		re_error("delta2 f malloc");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	pb--;
-	b->delta2 = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*(b->patlen+1));
-	if(b->delta2 == 0){
-		re_error("delta2 malloc");
-		free((char*)f);
-		return 0;
-	}		
-	for(i = 1; i <= m; i++)
-		b->delta2[i] = 2*m-i;
-	j = m;
-	k = m+1;
-	while(j > 0){
-		f[j] = k;
-		while((k <= m) && (pb[j] != pb[k])){
-			if(m-j < b->delta2[k])
-				b->delta2[k] = m-j;
-			k = f[k];
-		}
-		j--;
-		k--;
-	}
-	for(i = 1; i <= k; i++){
-		if(b->delta2[i] > m+k-i)
-			b->delta2[i] = m+k-i;
-	}
-	free((char *)f);
-	return 1;
-re_bmexec(void *re_b, RDFN rdfn, MATCHFN matchfn)
-	register re_bm *b = (re_bm*)re_b;
-	register unsigned char *sp;
-	register unsigned char *e, *s;
-	unsigned char *re, *rs;
-	register k;
-	for(rs = 0; (k = (*rdfn)((char**)&rs, (char**)&re)) > 0; rs = s, re = e){
-		e = re;
-		s = rs;
-		while(s < e){
-			while((s += b->delta0[*s]) < e)
-				;
-			if(s < e+b->patlen){	/* no match */
-				s = e;
-				break;
-			}
-			s -= LARGE;
-			for(k = b->patlen-2, sp = s-1; k >= 0; k--)
-				if(b->cmap[*sp--] != b->bmpat[k])
-					break;
-/*print("k=%d s=%d sp=%d\n", k, s, sp);/**/
-			if(k < 0){
-				unsigned char *bm = ++sp, *em = s+1;
-				if((k = (*matchfn)((char**)&bm, (char**)&em)) <= 0)
-					return(k);
-				s = bm;
-				e = em;
-			} else {
-				/*j = b->delta2[k+1];
-				k = b->delta0[cmap[*++sp]];
-				if((j > k) || (k == LARGE))
-					 k = j;
-				s = sp+k;*/s++;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return(k);
-re_bmfree(re_bm *pat)
-	free((char *)pat->delta2);
-	free(pat->bmpat);
-	free((char *)pat);
//GO.SYSIN DD bm.c
echo re.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >re.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD re.c'
-#include	"re.h"
-#include	"lre.h"
-#include	"hdr.h"
-re_re *
-re_recomp(char *b, char *e, unsigned char *map)
-	return(egprep(greparse, (unsigned char *)b, (unsigned char *)e, map, 1));
-re_reexec(re_re *pat, char *b, char *e, char *match[10][2])
-	unsigned char *mb[10], *me[10], **rb, **re;
-	int n, i;
-	if(match)
-		rb = mb, re = me;
-	else
-		rb = re = 0;
-	n = eg_match(pat, (unsigned char *)b, (unsigned char *)e, rb, re);
-	if(match)
-		for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){
-			match[i][0] = (char *)mb[i];
-			match[i][1] = (char *)me[i];
-		}
-	return(n);
-static void
-freeexpr(register Expr *e)
-	switch(e->type)
-	{
-	case Literal:
-	case Dot:
-	case Carat:
-	case Dollar:
-		if(e->follow)
-			free((char *)e->follow);
-		break;
-	case Compcharclass:
-	case Charclass:
-		free((char *)e->r);
-		break;
-	case Cat:
-	case Alternate:
-		freeexpr(e->l);
-		freeexpr(e->r);
-		break;
-	case Star:
-	case Plus:
-	case Quest:
-	case Group:
-	case EOP:
-		freeexpr(e->l);
-		break;
-	case Backref:
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-re_refree(re_re *re)
-	if(re == 0)
-		return;
-	if(re->posbase)
-		free((char *)re->posbase);
-	if(re->root)
-		freeexpr(re->root);
-	if(re->ptr)
-		free((char *)re->ptr);
-	if(re->states)
-		free((char *)re->states);
-	/* leave br alone for now; it is hard to get right */
-	free((char *)re);
//GO.SYSIN DD re.c
echo eg.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >eg.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD eg.c'
-#include	"re.h"
-#include	"lre.h"
-#include	"hdr.h"
-int re_debug = 0;
-#define	RESET(r, ps)	COPY(r, ps, begin)
-#define	SET(r, ps, n)	{if(r->ps.base[n] == 0) r->ps.count++, r->ps.base[n] = r->ps.last, r->ps.last = n; }
-#define	GET(ps, n)	for(n = ps.last; n > 0; n = ps.base[n])
-#define	COPY(r, to, from)	memmove((char *)r->to.base, (char *)r->from.base, r->maxid*sizeof(int)), r->to.count = r->from.count, r->to.last = r->from.last
-static State *addstate(re_re *r, Positionset *ps);
-static int first(re_re *, Expr *);
-static int match(re_re *, Expr *, int);
-static State *nextstate(re_re *, State *, int);
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-static void ppr(Positionset *, char *);
-typedef enum { NORMAL, ACCEPT, ACCEPT_EOP, FAIL } Out;
-static void
-eptr(register re_re *r, register Expr *e)
-	if((e->id < 0) || (e->id >= r->maxid)){
-		EPR "eptr abort: r=%ld[maxid=%d] e=%ld[id=%d]\n", r, r->maxid, e, e->id);
-		abort();
-	}
-	r->ptr[e->id] = e;
-	if((e->type != Charclass) && (e->type != Compcharclass)){
-		if(e->l)
-			eptr(r, e->l);
-		if(e->r)
-			eptr(r, e->r);
-	}
-re_re *
-egprep(enum Parsetype parser, unsigned char *b, unsigned char *e, unsigned char *map, int dotstar)
-	register re_re *r;
-	Expr *ecomp;
-	int i;
-	r = (re_re *)egmalloc(sizeof (re_re), "allocating re_re");
-	if(r == 0)
-		return 0;
-	memset((char *)r, 0, sizeof (re_re));
-	eg_lexinit((char *)b, (char *)e);
-	if(map)
-		memmove(r->mymap, (char *)map, 256);
-	else
-		for(i = 0; i < 256; i++)
-			r->mymap[i] = i;
-	eg_lex();
-	if(dotstar){
-		ecomp = eg_newexpr(Star, 0, eg_newexpr(Dot, '.', (Expr *)0, (Expr *)0), (Expr *)0);
-		ecomp = eg_newexpr(Cat, 0, ecomp, eg_eall(parser, r->mymap));
-	} else
-		ecomp = eg_eall(parser, r->mymap);
-	r->root = eg_newexpr(EOP, '#', ecomp, (Expr *)0);
-	egpost(r);
-	r->carat = 0;
-	if(r->backref || r->parens)
-		egbr(r);
-	else
-		eginit(r, dotstar);
-	return(r);
-eginit(register re_re *r, int dotstar)
-	int n;
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-	if(TRACE(6))
-		PR "eginit(r=%d, dotstar=%d)\n", r, dotstar);
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-	if(TRACE(10)){
-		char buf[EPRINTSIZE];
-		eg_epr(r->root, buf, 0);
-		PR "eginit: r=%d expr='%s'\n", r, buf);
-	}
-	r->ptr = (Expr **)egmalloc(r->maxid*sizeof(Expr *), "ptr");
-	if (!r->ptr)
-		return;
-	eptr(r, r->root);
-	r->firstpos.base = (int *)egmalloc(n = r->maxid*sizeof(int), "first base");
-	if (!r->firstpos.base){
-		free((char*)r->ptr);
-		return;
-	}
-	r->begin.base = (int *)egmalloc(n, "begin base");
-	if (!r->begin.base){
-		free((char*)r->firstpos.base);
-		free((char*)r->ptr);
-		return;
-	}
-	r->tmp.base = (int *)egmalloc(n, "tmp base");
-	if (!r->tmp.base){
-		free((char*)r->begin.base);
-		free((char*)r->firstpos.base);
-		free((char*)r->ptr);
-		return;
-	}
-	memset((char *)r->begin.base, 0, n);
-	r->begin.count = 0;
-	r->begin.last = -1;
-	r->carat = dotstar;
-	RESET(r, firstpos);
-	if(first(r, r->root->l) == 0){
-		/*
-			nullable, so include me
-		*/
-		SET(r, firstpos, r->root->id)
-	}
-	if(dotstar)
-		COPY(r, begin, firstpos);
-	eg_stateinit(r);
-	eg_clrstates(r);
-	eg_posinit(r);
-	(void)addstate(r, &r->firstpos);
-	eg_savestate(r, dotstar? nextstate(r, r->states, RE_CARAT):r->states);
-	eg_posset(r);
-unsigned char *
-eg_quickmatch(register re_re *r, register unsigned char *b, register unsigned char *e, int endpts)
-	register State *s, *t;
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-	if(TRACE(10)){
-		char buf[EPRINTSIZE];
-		eg_epr(r->root, buf, 0);
-		PR "qm: r=%d expr='%s' endpts=%d\n", r, buf, endpts);
-	}
-	s = eg_startstate(r);
-	if(endpts&RE_BEG){
-		if(!r->carat){
-			if(t = s->tab[RE_CARAT])
-				s = t;
-			else
-				s = nextstate(r, s, RE_CARAT);
-			if(s->out == FAIL)
-				s = eg_startstate(r);
-		}
-		if(s->out){
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-			if(TRACE(6))
-				PR "match at ^: '%s' out=%d\n", b, s->out);
-			return((s->out == FAIL)? 0:b);
-		}
-	}
-	while(b < e){
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-		if(TRACE(4))
-			PR "state %d@%d[%d pos]: char '%c'\n", s-r->states, (int)s, s->npos, *b);
-		if(t = s->tab[*(unsigned char *)b])
-			s = t;
-		else
-			s = nextstate(r, s, *(unsigned char *)b);
-		if(s->out){
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-			if(TRACE(6))
-				PR "match at input '%s' out=%d\n", b, s->out);
-			return((s->out == FAIL)? 0:b);
-		}
-		b++;
-	}
-	if(endpts&RE_END){
-		if(t = s->tab[RE_DOLLAR])
-			s = t;
-		else
-			s = nextstate(r, s, RE_DOLLAR);
-	}
-	if(s->out){
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-		if(TRACE(6))
-			PR "match at $ '%s' out=%d\n", b, s->out);
-		return((s->out == FAIL)? 0:b);
-	}
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-	if(TRACE(3)){
-		char buf[EPRINTSIZE];
-		eg_epr(r->root, buf, 1);
-		PR "pat = %s\n", buf);
-	}
-	return(0);
-unsigned char *
-eg_lquickmatch(register re_re *r, register unsigned char *b, register unsigned char *e, int endpts)
-	register State *s, *t;
-	int outedness = 0;
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-	if(TRACE(10)){
-		char buf[EPRINTSIZE];
-		eg_epr(r->root, buf, 0);
-		PR "lqm: r=%d carat=%d expr='%s' endpts=%d\n", r, r->carat, buf, endpts);
-	}
-	s = eg_startstate(r);
-	if(endpts&RE_BEG){
-		if(!r->carat){
-			if(t = s->tab[RE_CARAT])
-				s = t;
-			else
-				s = nextstate(r, s, RE_CARAT);
-			if(s->out == FAIL)
-				s = eg_startstate(r);
-		}
-		if(s->out){
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-			if(TRACE(6))
-				PR "match at ^: '%s' out=%d\n", b, s->out);
-			if(s->out == ACCEPT_EOP)
-				return(b);
-			else if(s->out == FAIL)
-				return(0);
-			outedness = 1;
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-		look for first match
-	*/
-	if(outedness == 0)
-	for(; b < e; b++){
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-		if(TRACE(4))
-			PR "state %d@%d[%d pos]: char '%c'\n", s-r->states, (int)s, s->npos, *b);
-		if(t = s->tab[*(unsigned char *)b])
-			s = t;
-		else
-			s = nextstate(r, s, *(unsigned char *)b);
-		if(s->out){
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-			if(TRACE(4))
-				PR "	out=%d, state %d@%d\n", s->out,
-					s-r->states, (int)s);
-			b++;
-			if((s->out == ACCEPT_EOP) || (s->out == FAIL))
-				goto finish;
-			outedness = 1;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-		in the following loop, we have seen a match already
-		because only way outedness is zero is if b>=e
-	*/
-	for(; b < e; b++){
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-		if(TRACE(4))
-			PR "statex %d@%d[%d pos]: char '%c'\n", s-r->states, (int)s, s->npos, *b);
-		if(t = s->tab[*(unsigned char *)b])
-			s = t;
-		else
-			s = nextstate(r, s, *(unsigned char *)b);
-		if(s->out == ACCEPT)
-			continue;
-		if((s->out == NORMAL) || (s->out == FAIL)){
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-			if(TRACE(6))
-				PR "unmatch at input '%s' out=%d\n", b, s->out);
-			return(b);
-		}
-	}
-	if(endpts&RE_END){
-		if(t = s->tab[RE_DOLLAR])
-			s = t;
-		else
-			s = nextstate(r, s, RE_DOLLAR);
-	}
-	if((s->out && (s->out != FAIL)) || outedness){
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-		if(TRACE(6))
-			PR "match at $ '%s' out=%d\n", b, s->out);
-		return(b);
-	}
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-	if(TRACE(3)){
-		char buf[EPRINTSIZE];
-		eg_epr(r->root, buf, 1);
-		PR "lqm('%s') failed; out=%d, s->out=%d \n", buf, outedness, s->out);
-	}
-	return(0);
-match(register re_re *r, register Expr *e, int a)
-	switch(e->type)
-	{
-	case Dollar:	return(a == RE_DOLLAR);
-	case Carat:	return(a == RE_CARAT);
-	case Dot:	return(a < 256);
-	case Literal:	return(r->mymap[a] == r->mymap[e->lit]);
-	case Charclass:	if(a >= 256) return(0);
-			return(memchr((char *)e->r, r->mymap[a], (int)e->l) != 0);
-	case Compcharclass:
-			if(a >= 256) return(0);
-			return(memchr((char *)e->r, r->mymap[a], (int)e->l) == 0);
-	}
-	return(0);
-	/*
-		generates the followset for a node in firstpos
-	*/
-static void
-follow(register re_re *r, register Expr *e)
-	register Expr *p;
-	if(e->type == EOP)
-		return;
-	else
-		p = e->parent;
-	switch(p->type)
-	{
-	case EOP:
-		SET(r, firstpos, p->id)
-		break;
-	case Plus:
-	case Star:
-		(void)first(r, e);
-		follow(r, p);
-		break;
-	case Quest:
-	case Alternate:
-		follow(r, p);
-		break;
-	case Cat:
-		if(e == p->l){
-			if(first(r, p->r) == 0){
-				follow(r, p);
-				break;
-			}
-		} else
-			follow(r, p);
-		break;
-	case Group:
-		follow(r, p);
-		break;
-	}
-	/*
-		first returns 0 if e is nullable and in the process,
-		sets up firstpos.
-	*/
-first(register re_re *r, register Expr *e)
-	int k;
-	switch(e->type)
-	{
-	case Carat:
-	case Dollar:
-	case Literal:
-	case Dot:
-	case Charclass:
-	case Compcharclass:
-		SET(r, firstpos, e->id)
-		return(1);
-	case EOP:
-	case Star:
-	case Quest:
-		(void)first(r, e->l);
-		return(0);
-	case Group:
-	case Plus:
-		return(first(r, e->l));
-	case Cat:
-		return(first(r, e->l) || first(r, e->r));
-	case Alternate:
-		k = first(r, e->r);
-		return(first(r, e->l) && k);
-	default:
-		EPR "bad type %d\n", e->type);
-		abort();
-		return(0);
-	}
-static void
-efollow(register re_re *r, register Expr *e)
-	register i, *p;
-	RESET(r, firstpos);
-	follow(r, e);
-	e->flen = r->firstpos.count;
-	e->follow = (int *)malloc((unsigned)(e->flen*sizeof(int)));
-	if(e->follow == 0){
-		char buf[100];
-		SPR buf, "efollow malloc fail(%ld)\n", e->flen);
-		re_error(buf);
-		return;
-	}
-	p = e->follow;
-	GET(r->firstpos, i)
-		*p++ = i;
-	if(p != e->follow+e->flen){
-		char buf[100];
-		SPR buf, "efollow length error: %d %ld\n", p-e->follow, e->flen);
-		re_error(buf);
-		return;
-	}
-static State *
-addstate(register re_re *r, register Positionset *ps)
-	register *p, j;
-	register State *s;
-	s = r->states + eg_getstate(r);
-	memset((char *)s->tab, 0, sizeof(s->tab));
-	s->pos = eg_posalloc(r, (int)ps->count);
-	s->npos = ps->count;
-	p = r->posbase+s->pos;
-	GET((*ps), j)
-		*p++ = j;
-	if(s->out = (ps->base[r->root->id] != 0)){
-		if((ps->base[r->root->id] <= 0) && (ps->last == r->root->id))
-			s->out = ACCEPT_EOP;	/* marker for only the EOP marker */
-		else
-			s->out = ACCEPT;
-	}
-	if(s->npos == 0)
-		s->out = FAIL;
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-	if(TRACE(3)){
-		char buf[2000];
-		eg_spr(s->npos, s->pos+r->posbase, buf);
-		PR "new state[%d]@%d %s,pos=%d out=%d\n", s-r->states, s, buf, s->pos, s->out);
-	}
-	return(s);
-static State *
-nextstate(register re_re *r, register State *s, int a)
-	register int p, *q, *eq;
-	register long i;
-	State *news;
-	Expr *e;
-	RESET(r, tmp);
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-	if(TRACE(5)){
-		char buf[2000];
-		ppr(&r->tmp, buf);
-		PR "nextstate: reset: %s\n", buf);
-	}
-	for(i = s->npos, p = s->pos; i > 0; i--){
-		e = r->ptr[r->posbase[p++]];
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-		if(TRACE(11)){
-			PR "i=%d e->type=%d\n", i, e->type);
-		}
-		if(e->type == EOP) continue;
-		if(match(r, e, a)){
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-			if(TRACE(11)){PR "matched %c\n", a);}
-			if(e->follow == 0)
-				efollow(r, e);
-			for(q = e->follow, eq = q+e->flen; q < eq; q++){
-				SET(r, tmp, *q)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-	if(TRACE(5)){
-		char buf[2000];
-		ppr(&r->tmp, buf);
-		PR "nextstate(%d, '%c'): found %s\n", s-r->states, a, buf);
-	}
-	if(news = eg_stateof(r, &r->tmp)){
-		if(a <= RE_DOLLAR)
-			s->tab[a] = news;
-	} else
-		news = addstate(r, &r->tmp);
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-	if(TRACE(5)){
-		PR "nextstate(%d, '%c'): returning %ld %d out=%d\n", s-r->states, a,
-			(long)news, news-r->states, news->out);
-	}
-	return(news);
-void *
-egmalloc(int n, char *s)
-	char *x;
-	char buf[256];
-	if((x = malloc(n)) == 0){
-		SPR buf, "malloc fail(%d): %s", n, s);
-		re_error(buf);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return((void *)x);
-void *
-egrealloc(char *p, int n, char *s)
-	char *x;
-	char buf[256];
-	if((x = realloc(p, n)) == 0){
-		SPR buf, "realloc fail(%d): %s", n, s);
-		re_error(buf);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return((void *)x);
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-static void
-ppr(register Positionset *ps, register char *p)
-	register n;
-	if(ps->count < 1){
-		SPR p, "{}");
-		return;
-	}
-	*p++ = '{';
-	GET((*ps), n){
-		SPR p, "%d[=%d],", n, ps->base[n]);
-		p = strchr(p, 0);
-	}
-	p[-1] = '}';
//GO.SYSIN DD eg.c
echo egcomp.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >egcomp.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD egcomp.c'
-#include	"re.h"
-#include	"lre.h"
-#include	"hdr.h"
-static Exprtype toktype;
-static int toklit;
-static char *beg, *end;
-static int maxid;
-static Expr *e0(void);
-static Expr *d0(void);
-static Expr *r18(void);
-static void err(char*);
-static int parno;
-static jmp_buf gohome;
-static unsigned char *mymap;
-egpost(re_re *r)
-	r->maxid = maxid;
-	r->backref = r->root->backref;
-	r->parens = r->root->parens;
-Expr *
-eg_newexpr(Exprtype t, int l, Expr *left, Expr *right)
-	register Expr *e = (Expr *)egmalloc(sizeof(Expr), "eg_newexpr");
-	if (!e)
-		return 0;
-	e->type = t;
-	e->parent = 0;
-	e->lit = l;
-	if(e->lit)
-		e->id = maxid++;
-	else
-		e->id = 0;
-	e->backref = 0;
-	e->parens = 0;
-	if(e->l = left){
-		left->parent = e;
-		if(left->backref) e->backref = 1;
-		if(left->parens) e->parens = 1;
-	}
-	if(e->r = right){
-		right->parent = e;
-		if(right->backref) e->backref = 1;
-		if(right->parens) e->parens = 1;
-	}
-	e->follow = 0;
-	e->flen = 0;
-	e->reallit = 0;
-	return(e);
-eg_lexinit(char *b, char *e)
-	beg = b;
-	end = e;
-	maxid = 1;
-	parno = 1;
-	if(beg == end){
-		toktype = EOP;
-		toklit = -1;
-	} else switch(toklit = *beg++)
-	{
-	case '.':	toktype = Dot; break;
-	case '*':	toktype = Star; break;
-	case '+':	toktype = Plus; break;
-	case '?':	toktype = Quest; break;
-	case '^':	toktype = Carat; break;
-	case '$':	toktype = Dollar; break;
-	case '[':	toktype = Charclass; break;
-	case '\n':
-	case '|':	toktype = Alternate; break;
-	case '(':	toktype = Lpar; break;
-	case ')':	toktype = Rpar; break;
-	case '\\':	toktype = Backslash;
-			if(beg == end)
-				err("bad \\");
-			else
-				toklit = *beg++;
-			break;
-	default:	toktype = Literal; break;
-	}
-eg_epr(register Expr *e, char *res, int doset)
-	int ids = 0;		/* sort of a debugging flag */
-	if(e == 0){
-		SPR res, "!0!");
-		return;
-	}
-	r1[0] = 0;
-	if(ids)
-		SPR rid, "%d:", e->id);
-	else
-		rid[0] = 0;
-	switch(e->type)
-	{
-	case Literal:
-		if(doset)
-			eg_spr(e->flen, e->follow, r1);
-		SPR res, "%s'%c'%s", rid, e->lit, r1);
-		break;
-	case Dot:
-	case Carat:
-	case Dollar:
-		if(doset)
-			eg_spr(e->flen, e->follow, r1);
-		SPR res, "%s%c%s", rid, e->lit, r1);
-		break;
-	case Compcharclass:
-	case Charclass:
-		*res++ = '[';
-		if(e->type == Compcharclass)
-			*res++ = '^';
-		memmove(res, (char *)e->r, (int)e->l);
-		res += (int)e->l;
-		*res++ = ']';
-		*res = 0;
-		break;
-	case Cat:
-		eg_epr(e->l, r1, doset);
-		eg_epr(e->r, r2, doset);
-		SPR res, "%s%s%s", rid, r1, r2);
-		break;
-	case Alternate:
-		eg_epr(e->l, r1, doset);
-		eg_epr(e->r, r2, doset);
-		SPR res, "%s(%s|%s)", rid, r1, r2);
-		break;
-	case Star:
-		eg_epr(e->l, r1, doset);
-		SPR res, "%s(%s)*", rid, r1);
-		break;
-	case Plus:
-		eg_epr(e->l, r1, doset);
-		SPR res, "%s(%s)+", rid, r1);
-		break;
-	case Quest:
-		eg_epr(e->l, r1, doset);
-		SPR res, "%s(%s)?", rid, r1);
-		break;
-	case Group:
-		eg_epr(e->l, r1, doset);
-		SPR res, "%sG<%s>", rid, r1);
-		break;
-	case EOP:
-		eg_epr(e->l, r1, doset);
-		SPR res, "%s%s<EOP>", rid, r1);
-		break;
-	case Backref:
-		SPR res, "%s\\%d", rid, e->lit);
-		break;
-	default:
-		SPR res, "<undef type %d>", e->type);
-		err(res);
-		break;
-	}
-static void
-ccl(int *count, char **str, int oldrange)
-	register n;
-	int cnt;
-	char tab[256], *s;
-	int range, lastc, i;
-#define	TSET(b)	{if(tab[n = mymap[(b)]] == 0){ tab[n] = 1; cnt++; } }
-	cnt = 0;
-	memset(tab, 0, sizeof tab);
-	lastc = -1;
-	range = 0;
-	/* scan for chars */
-	for(; (beg < end); beg++){
-		toklit = *beg;
-		if(*beg == ']'){
-			if(!oldrange)
-				break;
-			if(lastc >= 0)
-				break;
-		}
-		if(*beg == '-'){
-			if(lastc < 0){
-				TSET('-')
-				lastc = *(unsigned char *)beg;
-			} else
-				range = 1;
-			continue;
-		}
-		if(*beg == '\\'){
-			if(++beg >= end){
-				err("unexpected eop after \\ in char class");
-				beg--;
-			}
-		}
-		if(range){
-			for(i = *(unsigned char *)beg; i >= lastc; i--)
-				TSET(i)
-			range = 0;
-		} else
-			TSET(*(unsigned char *)beg)
-		lastc = *(unsigned char *)beg;
-	}
-	if(range){
-		if(oldrange)
-			TSET('-')
-		else
-			err("unterminated range in []");
-	}
-	if(beg < end)
-		beg++;
-	else
-		err("eop during ccl");
-	if(cnt == 0)
-		err("empty charclass");
-	eg_lex();
-	*count = cnt;
-	*str = s = (char *)egmalloc(cnt, "charclass defn");
-	if (!s)
-		return;
-	for(n = 0; n < 256; n++)
-		if(tab[n])
-			*s++ = n;
-	gre patterns:
-	e0:	e1 { '|' e1 }*
-	e1:	e2 { e2 }*
-	e2:	e3 { '*' | '?' | '+' | \{ m,n \} }*
-	e3:	lit | '.' | '^' | '$' | '(' e0 ')'
-static Expr *
-	Expr *e;
-	Exprtype t;
-	int cnt;
-	char *s;
-	switch(toktype)
-	{
-	case Backslash:
-		if((toklit >= '1') && (toklit <= '9')){
-			e = eg_newexpr(Backref, toklit-'0', (Expr *)0, (Expr *)0);
-			e->backref = 1;
-		} else
-			e = eg_newexpr(Literal, toklit, (Expr *)0, (Expr *)0);
-		eg_lex();
-		break;
-	case Literal:
-		e = eg_newexpr(Literal, toklit, (Expr *)0, (Expr *)0);
-		eg_lex();
-		break;
-	case Dot:
-		e = eg_newexpr(Dot, '.', (Expr *)0, (Expr *)0);
-		eg_lex();
-		break;
-	case Carat:
-		e = eg_newexpr(Carat, '^', (Expr *)0, (Expr *)0);
-		eg_lex();
-		break;
-	case Dollar:
-		e = eg_newexpr(Dollar, '$', (Expr *)0, (Expr *)0);
-		eg_lex();
-		break;
-	case Charclass:
-		t = toktype;
-		if(*beg == '^'){
-			t = Compcharclass;
-			beg++;
-		}
-		ccl(&cnt, &s, 0);
-		e = eg_newexpr(t, '[', (Expr *)0, (Expr *)0);
-		e->l = (Expr *)cnt;	/* num of chars */
-		e->r = (Expr *)s;	/* chars */
-		break;
-	case Lpar:
-		eg_lex();
-		cnt = parno++;
-		e = e0();
-		if(toktype == Rpar)
-			eg_lex();
-		else
-			err("expected a ')'");
-		e = eg_newexpr(Group, cnt, e, (Expr *)0);
-		e->parens = 1;
-		return(e);
-	case EOP:
-	default:
-		err("expected a lit or '('");
-		e = 0;
-	}
-	return(e);
-static int
-	int n;
-	n = 0;
-	while((toktype == Literal) && (toklit >= '0') && (toklit <= '9')){
-		n = 10*n + toklit-'0';
-		eg_lex();
-	}
-	return(n);
-static Expr *
-ecopy(Expr *e)
-	Expr *ee;
-	char res[256];
-	if(e == 0)
-		return(e);
-	switch(e->type)
-	{
-	case Literal:
-	case Dot:
-	case Carat:
-	case Dollar:
-	case Backref:
-		return(eg_newexpr(e->type, e->lit, (Expr *)0, (Expr *)0));
-	case Compcharclass:
-	case Charclass:
-		ee = eg_newexpr(e->type, e->lit, (Expr *)0, (Expr *)0);
-		ee->r = (Expr *)egmalloc((int)e->l, "expr copy");
-		if (!ee->r)
-			return 0;
-		ee->l = e->l;
-		memmove((char *)ee->r, (char *)e->r, (int)e->l);
-		return(ee);
-	case Cat:
-	case Alternate:
-		return(eg_newexpr(e->type, e->lit, ecopy(e->l), ecopy(e->r)));
-	case Star:
-	case Plus:
-	case Quest:
-	case Group:
-	case EOP:
-		return(eg_newexpr(e->type, e->lit, ecopy(e->l), (Expr *)0));
-	default:
-		SPR res, "<undef type %d>", e->type);
-		err(res);
-		return((Expr *)0);
-	}
-static Expr *
-edup(Expr *expr, int n, int opt)
-	if(n == 1){
-		expr = ecopy(expr);
-		if(opt)
-			expr = eg_newexpr(Quest, 0, expr, (Expr *)0);
-		return(expr);
-	}
-	return(eg_newexpr(Cat, 0, edup(expr, n-n/2, opt), edup(expr, n/2, opt)));
-static Expr *
-range(Expr *expr)
-	int beg, end;
-	Expr *e, *e1;
-	if((toktype == Literal) && (toklit >= '0') && (toklit <= '9'))
-		beg = integer();
-	else
-		err("expected a number in range");
-	if((toktype == Literal) && (toklit == ',')){
-		end = -1;
-		eg_lex();
-	} else
-		end = -2;
-	if((toktype == Literal) && (toklit >= '0') && (toklit <= '9'))
-		end = integer();
-	if((toktype == Backslash) && (toklit == '}'))
-		eg_lex();
-	else
-		err("expected \\} in range");
-	e1 = edup(expr, beg, 0);
-	if(end == -2)
-		e = e1;
-	else if(end == -1)
-		e = eg_newexpr(Cat, 0, e1, eg_newexpr(Star, 0, expr, (Expr *)0));
-	else {
-		if(end < beg)
-			err("bad range specification");
-		e = (end > beg)? eg_newexpr(Cat, 0, e1, edup(expr, end-beg, 1)) : e1;
-	}
-	return(e);
-static Expr *
-	Expr *e;
-	Exprtype t;
-	e = e3();
-	while((toktype == Star) || (toktype == Plus) || (toktype == Quest)
-			|| ((toktype == Backslash) && (toklit == '{'))){
-		if((toktype == Backslash) && (toklit == '{')){
-			eg_lex();
-			e = range(e);
-		} else {
-			t = toktype;
-			eg_lex();
-			e = eg_newexpr(t, 0, e, (Expr *)0);
-		}
-	}
-	return(e);
-static Expr *
-	Expr *e, *f;
-	e = e2();
-	while((toktype == Literal) || (toktype == Dot) || (toktype == Lpar)
-			|| (toktype == Backslash) || (toktype == Dollar)
-			|| (toktype == Carat) || (toktype == Charclass)){
-		f = e2();
-		e = eg_newexpr(Cat, 0, e, f);
-	}
-	return(e);
-static Expr *
-	Expr *e, *f;
-	e = e1();
-	while(toktype == Alternate){
-		eg_lex();
-		if(toktype == EOP)
-			continue;
-		f = e1();
-		e = eg_newexpr(Alternate, 0, e, f);
-	}
-	return(e);
-	egrep patterns:
-	d0:	d1 { '|' d1 }*
-	d1:	d2 { d2 }*
-	d2:	d3 { '*' | '?' | '+' }
-	d3:	lit | '.' | '^' | '$' | '(' d0 ')'
-static Expr *
-	Expr *e;
-	Exprtype t;
-	int cnt;
-	char *s;
-	switch(toktype)
-	{
-	case Backslash:
-	case Literal:
-		e = eg_newexpr(Literal, toklit, (Expr *)0, (Expr *)0);
-		eg_lex();
-		break;
-	case Dot:
-		e = eg_newexpr(Dot, '.', (Expr *)0, (Expr *)0);
-		eg_lex();
-		break;
-	case Carat:
-		e = eg_newexpr(Carat, '^', (Expr *)0, (Expr *)0);
-		eg_lex();
-		break;
-	case Dollar:
-		e = eg_newexpr(Dollar, '$', (Expr *)0, (Expr *)0);
-		eg_lex();
-		break;
-	case Charclass:
-		t = toktype;
-		if(*beg == '^'){
-			t = Compcharclass;
-			beg++;
-		}
-		ccl(&cnt, &s, 1);
-		e = eg_newexpr(t, '[', (Expr *)0, (Expr *)0);
-		e->l = (Expr *)cnt;	/* num of chars */
-		e->r = (Expr *)s;	/* chars */
-		break;
-	case Lpar:
-		eg_lex();
-		e = d0();
-		if(toktype == Rpar)
-			eg_lex();
-		else
-			err("expected a ')'");
-		return(e);
-	default:
-		err("expected a lit or '('");
-		e = 0;
-	}
-	return(e);
-static Expr *
-	Expr *e;
-	Exprtype t;
-	e = d3();
-	while((toktype == Star) || (toktype == Plus) || (toktype == Quest)){
-		t = toktype;
-		eg_lex();
-		e = eg_newexpr(t, 0, e, (Expr *)0);
-	}
-	return(e);
-static Expr *
-	Expr *e, *f;
-	e = d2();
-	while((toktype == Literal) || (toktype == Dot) || (toktype == Lpar)
-			|| (toktype == Dollar) || (toktype == Backslash)
-			|| (toktype == Carat) || (toktype == Charclass)){
-		f = d2();
-		e = eg_newexpr(Cat, 0, e, f);
-	}
-	return(e);
-static Expr *
-	Expr *e, *f;
-	e = d1();
-	while(toktype == Alternate){
-		eg_lex();
-		if(toktype == EOP)
-			continue;
-		f = d1();
-		e = eg_newexpr(Alternate, 0, e, f);
-	}
-	return(e);
-	grep patterns:
-	r0:	r18 | '^' r18 | '^' r18 '$' | r18 '$'
-	r18:	r17 { r17 }*
-	r17:	r14 | r14 '*' | '\(' r18 '\)'
-	r14:	lit | '.' | '*' | '\' d
-static Expr *
-	Expr *e;
-	Exprtype t;
-	int cnt;
-	char *s;
-	switch(toktype)
-	{
-	case Alternate:
-	case Plus:
-	case Quest:
-	case Star:
-	case Lpar:
-	case Rpar:
-	case Dollar:
-	case Carat:
-	case Literal:
-		e = eg_newexpr(Literal, toklit, (Expr *)0, (Expr *)0);
-		eg_lex();
-		break;
-	case Backslash:
-		if((toklit >= '1') && (toklit <= '9')){
-			e = eg_newexpr(Backref, toklit-'0', (Expr *)0, (Expr *)0);
-			e->backref = 1;
-		} else {
-			e = eg_newexpr(Literal, toklit, (Expr *)0, (Expr *)0);
-			e->reallit = 1;
-		}
-		eg_lex();
-		break;
-	case Dot:
-		e = eg_newexpr(Dot, '.', (Expr *)0, (Expr *)0);
-		eg_lex();
-		break;
-	case Charclass:
-		t = toktype;
-		if(*beg == '^'){
-			t = Compcharclass;
-			beg++;
-		}
-		ccl(&cnt, &s, 1);
-		e = eg_newexpr(t, '[', (Expr *)0, (Expr *)0);
-		e->l = (Expr *)cnt;	/* num of chars */
-		e->r = (Expr *)s;	/* chars */
-		break;
-	default:
-		err("expected a one-char RE");
-		eg_lex();		/* make sure we don't loop */
-		e = 0;
-	}
-	return(e);
-static Expr *
-	Expr *e;
-	int cnt;
-	if((toktype == Backslash) && (toklit == '(')){
-		eg_lex();
-		cnt = parno++;
-		e = r18();
-		if((toktype == Backslash) && (toklit == ')'))
-			eg_lex();
-		else
-			err("expected a closing \\)");
-		e = eg_newexpr(Group, cnt, e, (Expr *)0);
-		e->parens = 1;
-	} else {
-		e = r14();
-		if(toktype == Star){
-			e = eg_newexpr(Star, 0, e, (Expr *)0);
-			eg_lex();
-		}
-	}
-	return(e);
-static Expr *
-	Expr *e, *f;
-	e = r17();
-	while(toktype != EOP){
-		if((toktype == Backslash) && (toklit == ')'))
-			break;
-		f = r17();
-		e = eg_newexpr(Cat, 0, e, f);
-	}
-	return(e);
-static Expr *
-	Expr *e, *e1;
-	if(toktype == Carat){
-		e1 = eg_newexpr(Carat, '^', (Expr *)0, (Expr *)0);
-		eg_lex();
-	} else
-		e1 = 0;
-	if(toktype == EOP)
-		e = e1;
-	else {
-		e = r18();
-		/* did we see a dollar that is not a literal? */
-		if(e && (toktype == EOP)){
-			/* singleton dollar */
-			if((e->type == Literal) && (e->lit == '$'))
-				e->type = Dollar;
-			/* any other dollar */
-			if((e->type == Cat) && !e->r->reallit && (e->r->type == Literal)
-					&& (e->r->lit == '$'))
-				e->r->type = Dollar;
-		}
-		if(e1){
-			if(e)
-				e = eg_newexpr(Cat, 0, e1, e);
-			else
-				e = e1;
-		}
-	}
-	if(toktype == Dollar){
-		if(e)
-			e = eg_newexpr(Cat, 0, e, eg_newexpr(Dollar, '$', (Expr *)0, (Expr *)0));
-		else
-			e = eg_newexpr(Dollar, '$', (Expr *)0, (Expr *)0);
-		eg_lex();
-	}
-	return(e);
-Expr *
-eg_eall(enum Parsetype type, unsigned char *map)
-	Expr *e;
-	mymap = map;
-	if(setjmp(gohome) == 0){
-		if(type == egrepparse)
-			while(toktype == Alternate)	/* bogus but user-friendly */
-				eg_lex();
-		switch(type)
-		{
-		case greparse:		e = e0(); break;
-		case grepparse:		e = r0(); break;
-		case egrepparse:	e = d0(); break;
-		}
-		if(type == egrepparse)
-			while(toktype == Alternate)	/* bogus but user-friendly */
-				eg_lex();
-		if(toktype != EOP)
-			err("expected end of pattern");
-	} else
-		e = 0;
-/*{char buf1[4096]; e, buf1, 0); print("e='%s'\n", buf1);}/**/
-	return(e);
-eg_spr(long c, int *p, register char *buf)
-	if(c > 0){
-		*buf++ = '{';
-		*buf = 0;
-		while(--c > 0){
-			SPR buf, "%d,", *p++);
-			buf = strchr(buf, 0);
-		}
-		SPR buf, "%d}", *p);
-	} else
-		SPR buf, "{}");
-static void
-err(char *s)
-	char buf[4096];
-	if(toklit < 0)
-		SPR buf, "expression error: %s but got end of expression", s);
-	else
-		SPR buf, "expression error: %s near '%c'", s, toklit);
-	re_error(buf);
-	longjmp(gohome, 1);
//GO.SYSIN DD egcomp.c
echo eglit.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >eglit.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD eglit.c'
-#include	"re.h"
-#include	"lre.h"
-#include	"hdr.h"
-static void traverse(Expr *);
-#define	MAXLIT	256	/* is plenty big enough */
-static unsigned char tmp[MAXLIT], best[MAXLIT];
-static unsigned char *p;
-static int bestlen;
-#define	START	{ p = tmp ; }
-#define	ADD(c)	{ if(p >= &tmp[MAXLIT]) p--; *p++ = c; }
-#define	FINISH	{ ADD(0) if((p-tmp) > bestlen) memmove((char *)best, (char *)tmp, bestlen = p-tmp); }
-re_lit(re_re *r, unsigned char **b, unsigned char **e)
-	bestlen = 0;
-	traverse(r->root);
-	if(bestlen < 3)
-		return(0);
-	*b = best;
-	*e = best+bestlen-1;
-	return(1);
-static void
-traverse(register Expr *e)
-	switch(e->type)
-	{
-	case Literal:
-		ADD(e->lit)
-		break;
-	case Charclass:
-		if((int)e->l == 1)
-			ADD(*(char *)e->r)
-		else {
-		}
-		break;
-	case Cat:
-		traverse(e->l);
-		traverse(e->r);
-		break;
-	case Plus:
-		traverse(e->l);
-		FINISH	/* can't go on past a + */
-		START	/* but we can start with one! */
-		traverse(e->l);
-		break;
-	case EOP:
-		traverse(e->l);
-		break;
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
//GO.SYSIN DD eglit.c
echo egpos.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >egpos.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD egpos.c'
-#include	"re.h"
-#include	"lre.h"
-#include	"hdr.h"
-#ifndef	POSSTEP
-#define		POSSTEP		(8*1024)
-eg_posinit(re_re *r)
-	if(r->nposalloc <= 0)
-		r->nposalloc = POSSTEP;
-	r->posbase = (int *)egmalloc(r->nposalloc*sizeof(int), "posbase");
-	if (!r->posbase)
-		return;
-	r->posnext = 0;
-eg_posset(re_re *r)
-	r->posreset = r->posnext;
-eg_posalloc(re_re *r, int n)
-	register j;
-	if(n < 0){
-		r->posnext = r->posreset;
-		return(-1);
-	}
-	j = r->posnext;
-	r->posnext += n;
-	if(r->posnext >= r->nposalloc){
-		while((r->nposalloc < r->posnext) && (r->nposalloc < 256*1024))
-			r->nposalloc *= 2;
-		if(r->nposalloc < r->posnext){
-			r->nposalloc = (r->posnext+POSSTEP-1)/POSSTEP;
-			r->nposalloc *= POSSTEP;
-		}
-		r->posbase = (int *)egrealloc((char *)r->posbase, r->nposalloc*sizeof(int), "posbase");
-		if (!r->posbase)
-			return(-1);
-	}
-	return(j);
//GO.SYSIN DD egpos.c
echo egstate.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >egstate.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD egstate.c'
-#include	"re.h"
-#include	"lre.h"
-#include	"hdr.h"
-#ifndef	MINSTATE
-#define	MINSTATE	32
-eg_stateinit(re_re *r)
-	r->statelim = MINSTATE;
-	r->states = 0;
-	r->threshhold = 2;
-eg_clrstates(re_re *r)
-	r->nstates = 0;
-	if(r->states == 0){
-		r->states = (State *)egmalloc(r->statelim*sizeof(State), "states");
-		if (!r->states)
-			return;
-	}
-eg_savestate(re_re *r, State *s)
-	r->initialstate = s-r->states;
-	r->istate = r->states[r->initialstate];	/* save for reset */
-	r->istate.init = 1;
-	r->flushed = 0;
-State *
-eg_startstate(re_re *r)
-	register i;
-	if(r->flushed > r->threshhold){
-		int slim = r->statelim*2;
-		if(slim > 512)
-			slim = 512;
-		if(slim > r->statelim){
-			for(i = 0; i < r->statelim; i++)
-				memset((char *)r->states[i].tab, 0, sizeof r->states[i].tab);
-			r->states = (State *)egrealloc((char *)r->states,
-				(r->statelim = slim)*sizeof(State), "states");
-			if (!r->states)
-				return 0;
-		}
-		r->flushed = 0;
-		r->threshhold++;
-		r->states[r->initialstate] = r->istate;
-		r->nstates = r->initialstate+1;
-	}
-	return(r->states+r->initialstate);
-eg_getstate(register re_re *r)
-	if(r->nstates >= r->statelim){
-		r->nstates = r->initialstate+1;
-		r->states[r->initialstate] = r->istate;
-		(void)eg_posalloc(r, -1);
-		r->flushed++;
-	}
-	r->states[r->nstates].init = 0;
-	return(r->nstates++);
-State *
-eg_stateof(re_re *r, register Positionset *ps)
-	register State *s;
-	register i;
-	register *p, *e;
-	for(i = 0, s = r->states; i < r->nstates; i++, s++){
-		if(s->npos == ps->count){
-			for(p = s->pos+r->posbase, e = p+s->npos; p < e;)
-				if(ps->base[*p++] == 0){
-					goto next;
-				}
-			return(s);
-		}
-	next:;
-	}
-	return(0);
//GO.SYSIN DD egstate.c
echo egcw.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >egcw.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD egcw.c'
-#include	"re.h"
-#include	"lre.h"
-#include	"hdr.h"
-static altlist(Expr*, unsigned char *);
-static word(Expr*, unsigned char*);
-static re_cw *pat;
-re_cw *
-re_recw(re_re *r, unsigned char *map)
-	unsigned char buf[20000];
-	register Expr *e, *root = r->root;
-	if(root->type != EOP)
-		return(0);
-	if(root->l->type != Cat)
-		return(0);
-	if(root->l->l->type != Star)
-		return(0);
-	if(root->l->l->l->type != Dot)
-		return(0);
-	e = root->l->r;
-	pat = re_cwinit(map);
-	if(altlist(e, buf) == 0)
-		return(0);
-	re_cwcomp(pat);
-	return(pat);
-altlist(Expr *e, unsigned char *buf)
-	if(e->type == Alternate)
-		return(altlist(e->l, buf) && altlist(e->r, buf));
-	return(word(e, buf));
-static unsigned char *p;
-word(Expr *e, unsigned char *buf)
-	if(buf)
-		p = buf;
-	if(e->type == Cat){
-		if(word(e->l, (unsigned char *)0) == 0)
-			return(0);
-		if(word(e->r, (unsigned char *)0) == 0)
-			return(0);
-	} else if(e->type == Literal)
-		*p++ = e->lit;
-	else
-		return(0);
-	if(buf)
-		re_cwadd(pat, buf, p);
-	return(1);
//GO.SYSIN DD egcw.c
echo egbr.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >egbr.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD egbr.c'
-#include	"re.h"
-#include	"lre.h"
-#include	"hdr.h"
-#define 	DEBUG
-static Br *seq(Expr *);
-static Br *spew(Br_type, Expr*, int);
-static Expr *eop;
-static char tabs[] = { '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t',
-	'\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', 0
-#define	SPACE(d)	(&tabs[sizeof tabs - (d) - 1])
-static void
-init1(register Br *br, re_re *r)
-	switch(br->type)
-	{
-	case br_re:
-		br->r = (re_re *)egmalloc(sizeof(re_re), "egbr");
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-		if(TRACE(3))
-			PR "b@%ld->r = %ld\n", br, br->r);
-		if(!br->r)
-			return;
-		memcpy((char *)br->r, (char *)r, sizeof(*r));
-		if(br->e->type != EOP)
-			br->e = eg_newexpr(EOP, '#', br->e, (Expr *)0);
-		br->r->root = br->e;
-		br->e->id = eop->id;
-		br->r->br = br;
-		br->r->backref = br->r->root->backref;
-		br->r->parens = br->r->root->parens;
-		eginit(br->r, br == r->br);
-		break;
-	case br_star:
-	case br_plus:
-	case br_quest:
-	case br_group:
-		init1(br->lb, r);
-		break;
-	case br_cat:
-	case br_alt:
-		init1(br->lb, r);
-		init1(br->rb, r);
-		break;
-	}
-egbr(re_re *r)
-	eop = 0;
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-	if(1||TRACE(3)){
-		char buf[EPRINTSIZE];
-		eg_epr(r->root, buf, 0);
-		PR "egbr(%s) ->\n", buf);
-		eg_brpr(seq(r->root));
-	}
-	egcanon(r->root);
-	r->br = seq(r->root);
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-	if(TRACE(3)){
-		char buf[EPRINTSIZE];
-		eg_epr(r->root, buf, 0);
-		PR "egbr(%s) ->\n", buf);
-		eg_brpr(r->br);
-	}
-	init1(r->br, r);
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-static void
-brpr1(Br *b, int depth)
-	char buf[EPRINTSIZE];
-	PR "%s%d@", SPACE(depth), (int)b);
-	switch(b->type)
-	{
-	case br_br:
-		PR "BR %d\n", b->group);
-		break;
-	case br_re:
-		eg_epr((Expr *)b->e, buf, 0);
-		if(((Expr *)b->e)->backref) PR "X");
-		if(((Expr *)b->e)->parens) PR "()");
-		PR "RE/%s/%d\n", buf, (int)b->r);
-		break;
-	case br_group:
-		PR "GROUP %d\n", b->group);
-		brpr1(b->lb, depth+1);
-		break;
-	case br_quest:
-		PR "BR?");
-		brpr1(b->lb, depth+1);
-		break;
-	case br_plus:
-		PR "BR+\n");
-		brpr1(b->lb, depth+1);
-		break;
-	case br_star:
-		PR "BR*\n");
-		brpr1(b->lb, depth+1);
-		break;
-	case br_cat:
-		PR "BR CAT\n");
-		brpr1(b->lb, depth+1);
-		brpr1(b->rb, depth+1);
-		break;
-	case br_alt:
-		PR "BR |\n");
-		brpr1(b->lb, depth+1);
-		brpr1(b->rb, depth+1);
-		break;
-	default:
-		PR "BADTYPE/%d/\n", b->type);
-		break;
-	}
-eg_brpr(Br *br)
-	brpr1(br, 0);
-static Br *
-seq(Expr *e)
-	Br *br;
-	if(e->type == EOP)
-		eop = e;
-	if(!e->backref && !e->parens)
-		return(spew(br_re, e, -1));
-	switch(e->type)
-	{
-	case Cat:
-		br = spew(br_cat, (Expr *)0, -1);
-		br->lb = seq(e->l);
-		br->rb = seq(e->r);
-		return(br);
-	case Alternate:
-		br = spew(br_alt, (Expr *)0, -1);
-		br->lb = seq(e->l);
-		br->rb = seq(e->r);
-		return(br);
-	case Star:
-		br = spew(br_star, (Expr *)0, -1);
-		br->lb = seq(e->l);
-		return(br);
-	case Plus:
-		br = spew(br_plus, (Expr *)0, -1);
-		br->lb = seq(e->l);
-		return(br);
-	case Quest:
-		br = spew(br_quest, (Expr *)0, -1);
-		br->lb = seq(e->l);
-		return(br);
-	case Group:
-		br = spew(br_group, (Expr *)0, e->lit);
-		br->lb = seq(e->l);
-		return(br);
-	case Backref:
-		return(spew(br_br, e->l, e->lit));
-	case EOP:
-		return(seq(e->l));
-	default:
-		return(spew(br_re, e, -1));
-	}
-static Br *
-spew(Br_type t, Expr *d, int g)
-	Br *b;
-	b = (Br *)egmalloc(sizeof(Br), "back ref malloc");
-	if(!b)
-		return(0);
-	b->type = t;
-	b->e = d;
-	b->group = g;
-	b->r = 0;
-	b->rb = b->lb = 0;
-	return(b);
//GO.SYSIN DD egbr.c
echo egerror.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >egerror.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD egerror.c'
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	"re.h"
-re_error(char *s)
-	fprintf(stderr, "pattern error: %s\n", s);
-	exit(1);
//GO.SYSIN DD egerror.c
echo refile.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >refile.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD refile.c'
-#include	<string.h>
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(c_plusplus) || defined(__cplusplus)
-#include	<stdlib.h>
-#include	"re.h"
-#ifdef	MAIN
-main(argc, argv)
-	char **argv;
-	Expr *re;
-	re_re *r;
-	char *pat;
-	FILE *tmp;
-	char *tmpn;
-	extern char *tmpnam();
-	char e1[4096], e2[4096];
-	unsigned char map[256];
-	int n;
-	if(argc != 2){
-		fprintf(stderr, "Usage: efile pattern\n");
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	pat = argv[1];
-	for(n = 0; n < 256; n++)
-		map[n] = n;
-	r = re_recomp(pat, pat+strlen(pat), map);
-	if(r == 0)
-		exit(1);
-	re = r->root;
-	tmpn = tmpnam((char *)0);
-	if((tmp = fopen(tmpn, "w+r")) == NULL){
-		perror(tmpn);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	eg_epr(re, e1, 0);
-	re_refile(r, tmp);
-	rewind(tmp);
-	r = re_filere(tmp);
-	eg_epr(r->root, e2, 0);
-	if(strcmp(e1, e2))
-		printf("MISMATCH!!\nbefore:\n%s\nafter:\n%s\n", e1, e2);
-	else
-		printf("ok\n");
-	re_refree(r);
-	exit(0);
-#include	"lre.h"
-#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(c_plusplus) || defined(__cplusplus)
-static void etofile(Expr *, FILE *);
-static Expr *filetoe(FILE *);
-static void etofile();
-static Expr *filetoe();
-#define		REVERSION		2
-re_refile(re_re *re, FILE *fp)
-	if(re == 0)
-		return;
-	if(putc(REVERSION, fp) != REVERSION){
-		re_error("couldn't write version");
-		return;
-	}
-	if(fwrite(re->mymap, 256, 1, fp) != 1){
-		re_error("couldn't write char map");
-		return;
-	}
-	putw(re->carat, fp);
-	etofile(re->root, fp);
-static void
-etofile(Expr *e, FILE *fp)
-	Expr ee;
-	if(e == 0){
-		e = &ee;
-		e->type = Null;
-	}
-	putw(e->type, fp);
-	putw(e->lit, fp);
-	putc(e->backref, fp);
-	putc(e->parens, fp);
-	switch(e->type)
-	{
-	case Null:
-	case Literal:
-	case Dot:
-	case Carat:
-	case Dollar:
-	case Backref:
-		break;
-	case Compcharclass:
-	case Charclass:
-		putw((int)e->l, fp);
-		fwrite((char *)e->r, (int)e->l, 1, fp);
-		break;
-	case Cat:
-	case Alternate:
-		etofile(e->l, fp);
-		etofile(e->r, fp);
-		break;
-	case Star:
-	case Plus:
-	case Quest:
-	case Group:
-	case EOP:
-		etofile(e->l, fp);
-		break;
-	}
-re_re *
-re_filere(FILE *fp)
-	register re_re *r;
-	r = (re_re *)egmalloc(sizeof (re_re), "allocating re_re");
-	if(r == 0)
-		return(0);
-	memset((char *)r, 0, sizeof (re_re));
-	if(getc(fp) != REVERSION){
-		re_error("read bad version number");
-		goto err;
-	}
-	if(fread(r->mymap, 256, 1, fp) != 1){
-		re_error("couldn't read char map");
-		goto err;
-	}
-	r->carat = getw(fp);
-	eg_lexinit((char *)0, (char *)0);
-	if((r->root = filetoe(fp)) == 0){
-		free((char *)r);
-		return(0);
-	}
-	egpost(r);
-	if(r->backref || r->parens)
-		egbr(r);
-	else
-		eginit(r, r->carat);
-	return(r);
-static Expr *
-filetoe(FILE *fp)
-	Expr *ee, *er, *el, *ret;
-	int t, l;
-	Exprtype et;
-	char res[256];
-	int br, parens;
-	t = getw(fp);
-	if((t == EOF) && feof(fp))
-		return(0);
-	et = (Exprtype)t;
-	l = getw(fp);
-	br = getc(fp);
-	parens = getc(fp);
-	switch(et)
-	{
-	case Null:
-		return(0);
-	case Literal:
-	case Dot:
-	case Carat:
-	case Dollar:
-	case Backref:
-		ret = eg_newexpr(et, l, (Expr *)0, (Expr *)0);
-		break;
-	case Compcharclass:
-	case Charclass:
-		ee = eg_newexpr(et, l, (Expr *)0, (Expr *)0);
-		l = getw(fp);
-		ee->r = (Expr *)egmalloc(l, "filetoe copy");
-		if (!ee->r)
-			return 0;
-		ee->l = (Expr *)l;
-		fread((char *)ee->r, l, 1, fp);
-		ret = ee;
-		break;
-	case Cat:
-	case Alternate:
-		el = filetoe(fp);
-		er = filetoe(fp);
-		ret = eg_newexpr(et, l, el, er);
-		break;
-	case Star:
-	case Plus:
-	case Quest:
-	case Group:
-	case EOP:
-		el = filetoe(fp);
-		ret = eg_newexpr(et, l, el, (Expr *)0);
-		break;
-	default:
-		SPR res, "<reading expr undef type %d lit=%d>", t, l);
-		re_error(res);
-		return((Expr *)0);
-	}
-	ret->backref = br;
-	ret->parens = parens;
-	return(ret);
//GO.SYSIN DD refile.c
echo egparen.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >egparen.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD egparen.c'
-#include	"re.h"
-#include	"lre.h"
-#include	"hdr.h"
-static int egparen(Expr *e);
-re_paren(re_re *re)
-	return egparen(re->root);
-static int
-egparen(Expr *e)
-	if(e == 0)
-		return(0);
-	switch(e->type)
-	{
-	case Null:
-	case Literal:
-	case Dot:
-	case Carat:
-	case Dollar:
-	case Backref:
-	case Compcharclass:
-	case Charclass:
-		break;
-	case Cat:
-	case Alternate:
-		return(egparen(e->l)+egparen(e->r));
-	case Star:
-	case Plus:
-	case Quest:
-	case EOP:
-		return(egparen(e->l));
-	case Group:
-		return(1+egparen(e->l));
-	}
-	return(0);
//GO.SYSIN DD egparen.c
echo egmatch.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >egmatch.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD egmatch.c'
-#include	"re.h"
-#include	"lre.h"
-#include	"hdr.h"
-#define	DEBUG
-static unsigned char *eg_slowmatch(Br *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int);
-static unsigned char *wholeb, *wholee;
-static unsigned char *start[10];
-static int len[10];
-static void undobr(Br *);	/* undo group assignements */
-eg_match(register re_re *r, register unsigned char *b, register unsigned char *e, unsigned char **rb, unsigned char **re)
-	int i, ret;
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-	if(TRACE(2)){
-		PR "eg_match(%d->%d, %d, %d)\n", (int)r, (int)r->br, (int)b, (int)e);
-		if(r->br)
-			eg_brpr(r->br);
-	}
-	if((rb == 0) != (re == 0)){
-		re_error("must supply both or none of group pointers");
-		return(0);
-	}
-	if(r->backref || r->parens || rb){
-		wholeb = e;
-		for(i = 1; i < 10; i++)
-			start[i] = 0;
-		if(r->br == 0)
-			egbr(r);
-		ret = (wholee = eg_slowmatch(r->br, b, e, RE_BEG|RE_END)) != 0;
-		if(rb && ret){
-			rb[0] = wholeb;
-			re[0] = wholee;
-			for(i = 1; i < 10; i++){
-				rb[i] = start[i];
-				re[i] = rb[i]+len[i];
-			}
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-			if(TRACE(1)){
-				PR "eg_match groups:");
-				for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
-					if(rb[i])PR " %d: %d@%d", i, rb[i], re[i]-rb[i]);
-				PR "\n");
-			}
-		}
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-		 else {
-			if(TRACE(1)){
-				PR "eg_match groups: [%d - %d]\n", wholeb, wholee);
-				for(i = 1; i < 10; i++)
-					if(start[i])PR " %d: %d@%d", i, start[i], len[i]);
-				PR "\n");
-			}
-		}
-	} else
-		ret = eg_quickmatch(r, b, e, RE_BEG|RE_END) != 0;
-	return(ret);
-static unsigned char *
-eg_slowmatch(Br *br, unsigned char *b, unsigned char *e, int endpts)
-	int i;
-	unsigned char *me, *end;
-	unsigned char *beg, *lbeg, *llbeg, *rbeg, *rend, *lm, *rm;
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-	char buf[EPRINTSIZE];
-	static id = 1;
-	int myid = id++;
-#define		BOFF(x)		((x)? (endpts&~RE_BEG):endpts)
-#define		EOFF(x)		((x)? (endpts&~RE_END):endpts)
-	if(br == 0)	/* nothing to match - we won! */
-		return(b);
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-	if(TRACE(3))
-		PR "slowmatch(br=%d, [b,e]=%d,%d id=%d, endpt=%d)\n", br, b, e, myid, endpts);
-	switch(br->type)
-	{
-	case br_br:
-		i = br->group;
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-		if(TRACE(3))
-			PR "br[%d]: %d,%d b=%d,e=%d\n", i, (int)start[i], len[i], b, e);
-		if(start[i] == 0)
-			return(0);
-		if((len[i] > e-b) || memcmp((char *)b, (char *)start[i], len[i]))
-			return(0);
-		if(wholeb > b) wholeb = b;
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-		if(TRACE(3))
-			PR "br[%d]: matched\n", i);
-		return(b+len[i]);
-	case br_re:
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-		if(TRACE(3)){
-			eg_epr(br->e, buf, 0);
-			PR "matching RE(%s)@%d against '", buf, br->r);
-			WR((char *)b, e-b);
-			PR "' id=%d\n", myid);
-		}
-		if((me = eg_lquickmatch(br->r, b, e, endpts)) == 0)
-			return(0);
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-		if(TRACE(3)){
-			PR "--%s matched '", buf);
-			WR((char *)b, me-b);
-			PR "'[%d %d] id=%d\n", (int)b, (int)me, myid);
-		}
-		if(wholeb > b)
-			wholeb = b;
-		return(me);
-	case br_group:
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-		if(TRACE(3)){
-			PR "matching GROUP%d against '", br->group);
-			WR((char *)b, e-b);
-			PR "' id=%d\n", myid);
-		}
-		if((me = eg_slowmatch(br->lb, b, e, endpts)) == 0){
-			undobr(br->lb);
-			return(0);
-		}
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-		if(TRACE(3)){
-			PR "--G%d matched '", br->group);
-			WR((char *)b, me-b);
-			PR "'[%d %d]\n", (int)b, (int)me);
-		}
-		if(wholeb > b)
-			wholeb = b;
-		start[br->group] = b;
-		len[br->group] = me-b;
-		return(me);
-	case br_quest:
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-		if(TRACE(3)){
-			PR "matching BR? against '", buf);
-			WR((char *)b, e-b);
-			PR "'\n");
-		}
-		if(lbeg = eg_slowmatch(br->lb, b, e, endpts)){
-			return(lbeg);
-		}
-		undobr(br->lb);
-		return(b);
-	case br_plus:
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-		if(TRACE(3)){
-			PR "matching BR+ against '", buf);
-			WR((char *)b, e-b);
-			PR "' id=%d\n", myid);
-		}
-		if((lbeg = eg_slowmatch(br->lb, b, e, endpts)) == 0){
-			undobr(br->lb);
-			return(0);
-		}
-		llbeg = b;
-		while(beg = eg_slowmatch(br->lb, lbeg, e, BOFF(lbeg != b))){
-			llbeg = lbeg, lbeg = beg;
-		}
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-		if(TRACE(3)){
-			PR "--+ matched [%d %d]'", (int)llbeg, (int)lbeg);
-			WR((char *)llbeg, lbeg-llbeg);
-			PR "' id=%d\n", myid);
-		}
-		return(eg_slowmatch(br->lb, llbeg, e, BOFF(llbeg != b)));
-	case br_star:
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-		if(TRACE(3)){
-			PR "matching BR* against '", buf);
-			WR((char *)b, e-b);
-			PR "'\n");
-		}
-		llbeg = lbeg = b;
-		while(beg = eg_slowmatch(br->lb, lbeg, e, BOFF(lbeg != b)))
-			llbeg = lbeg, lbeg = beg;
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-		if(TRACE(3)){
-			PR "--* matched '");
-			WR((char *)lbeg, lbeg-llbeg);
-			PR "'[%d %d]\n", (int)llbeg, (int)lbeg);
-		}
-		if(beg = eg_slowmatch(br->lb, llbeg, e, BOFF(llbeg != b)))
-			return(beg);
-		undobr(br->lb);
-		return(b);
-	case br_cat:
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-		if(TRACE(3)){
-			PR "matching BRcat against '", buf);
-			WR((char *)b, e-b);
-			PR "' id=%d\n", myid);
-		}
-		/*
-			this is not so hard.
-			we try all possible matches of the left half,
-			and record the match that gave the longest
-			valid match on the right half
-		*/
-		rend = 0;
-		for(end = e; b <= e; e = beg-1){
-			if((beg = eg_slowmatch(br->lb, b, e, EOFF(e != end))) == 0){
-				break;
-			}
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-			if(TRACE(3)){
-				PR "--cat matched '");
-				WR((char *)b, beg-b);
-				PR "'[%d %d] id=%d\n", (int)b, (int)beg, myid);
-			}
-			if((me = eg_slowmatch(br->rb, beg, end, BOFF(beg != b))) == 0){
-				continue;	/* no match of right half */
-			}
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-			if(TRACE(3)){
-				PR "----cat matched '");
-				WR((char *)b, beg-b);
-				PR "'[%d %d] id=%d\n", (int)b, (int)beg, myid);
-			}
-			if(me > rend){
-				rend = me;
-				rbeg = beg;
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-				if(TRACE(3)){
-					PR "--++-- cat new max rb=%d re=%d\n", (int)rbeg, (int)rend);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if(rend == 0){
-			undobr(br->lb);
-			undobr(br->rb);
-			return(0);
-		}
-		(void)eg_slowmatch(br->lb, b, rbeg, EOFF(rbeg != end));
-		return(eg_slowmatch(br->rb, rbeg, end, BOFF(rbeg != b)));
-	case br_alt:
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-		if(TRACE(3)){
-			PR "matching BR| against '", buf);
-			WR((char *)b, e-b);
-			PR "'\n");
-		}
-		if(lm = eg_slowmatch(br->lb, b, e, endpts)){
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-			if(TRACE(3)){
-				PR "--|L matched '");
-				WR((char *)b, lm-b);
-				PR "'[%d %d]\n", (int)b, (int)lm);
-			}
-		}
-		if(rm = eg_slowmatch(br->rb, b, e, endpts)){
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-			if(TRACE(3)){
-				PR "--|R matched '");
-				WR((char *)b, rm-b);
-				PR "'[%d %d]\n", (int)b, (int)rm);
-			}
-		}
-		if(lm > rm){
-			undobr(br->rb);
-			return(eg_slowmatch(br->lb, b, e, endpts));
-		} else {
-			if(rm == 0){
-				undobr(br->lb);
-				undobr(br->rb);
-				return(0);
-			} else {
-				undobr(br->lb);
-				return(beg);
-			}			
-		}
-	}
-	abort();
-	return(0);
-static void
-undobr(register Br *br)
-	switch(br->type)
-	{
-	case br_group:
-		start[br->group] = 0;
-		undobr(br->lb);
-		break;
-	case br_star:
-	case br_plus:
-	case br_quest:
-		undobr(br->lb);
-		break;
-	case br_cat:
-	case br_alt:
-		undobr(br->lb);
-		undobr(br->rb);
-		break;
-	}
//GO.SYSIN DD egmatch.c
echo egcanon.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >egcanon.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD egcanon.c'
-#include	"re.h"
-#include	"lre.h"
-#include	"hdr.h"
-#define 	DEBUG
-static Expr **proot;
-#define	PURE(e)		(!(e)->backref && !(e)->parens)
-#define	PROC(kid)	if(ee = proc(kid)){ ee->parent = (kid)->parent; free((char *)kid); kid = ee; }
-static Expr *
-proc(Expr *e)
-	Expr *ee;
-	if(e->type == Cat){
-		if(PURE(e->l)){
-			if(proot){
-				*proot = eg_newexpr(Cat, 0, *proot, e->l);
-				return((ee = proc(e->r))? ee:e->r);
-			} else
-				proot = &e->l;
-		} else {
-			PROC(e->l)
-		}
-		if(PURE(e->r)){
-			if(proot){
-				*proot = eg_newexpr(Cat, 0, *proot, e->r);
-				return(e->l);
-			} else
-				proot = &e->r;
-		} else {
-			PROC(e->r)
-		}
-		return(0);
-	}
-	proot = 0;
-	switch(e->type)
-	{
-	case Alternate:
-		PROC(e->l)
-		proot = 0;
-		PROC(e->r)
-		break;
-	case Star:
-	case Plus:
-	case Quest:
-	case EOP:
-	case Group:
-		PROC(e->l)
-		break;
-	}
-	proot = 0;
-	return(0);
-egcanon(Expr *e)
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-	char before[EPRINTSIZE], after[EPRINTSIZE];
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-	eg_epr(e, before, 0);
-	if(TRACE(3)){
-		PR "egcanon(%s):\n", before);
-	}
-	proot = 0;
-	if(!PURE(e))
-		proc(e);
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-	eg_epr(e, after, 0);
-	if(TRACE(3)){
-		PR "egcanon returns %s\n", after);
-	}
-	if(strcmp(before, after)){
-		EPR "URK! egcanon did not preserve!\nbefore=%s\n after=%s\n", before, after);
-		exit(1);
-	}
//GO.SYSIN DD egcanon.c
echo hdr.h 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >hdr.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD hdr.h'
-#ifdef	MAIN
-#define	EXTERN
-#define	EXTERN extern
-#include	"io.h"
-#include	<setjmp.h>
-EXTERN int ifd;
-EXTERN long lnum;
-EXTERN long nbytes;
-EXTERN long noverflow;
-EXTERN int bflag;
-EXTERN int cflag;
-EXTERN int hflag;
-EXTERN int iflag;
-EXTERN int lflag;
-EXTERN int Lflag;
-EXTERN int nflag;
-EXTERN int oneflag;
-EXTERN int sflag;
-EXTERN int vflag;
-EXTERN int xflag;
-EXTERN long nmatch;
-EXTERN char *progname;
-EXTERN char *curfile;
-EXTERN int prname;
-EXTERN int offsetunit;
-EXTERN jmp_buf env;
-EXTERN int longlinewarned;
-extern char *optarg;
-extern int optind;
-extern int getopt(int, char**, char*);
-extern void *memcpy(void*, const void*, int);
-#ifndef	MEMMOVE
-#define	memmove(to, from, n)	memcpy(to, from, n)
-extern void *memmove(void*, const void*, int);
-extern void *memchr(void*, int, int);
-extern char *memset(void*, int, int);
-extern int memcmp(void*, void*, int);
-extern int strlen(char *);
-extern int strcmp(char *, char *);
-extern char *strchr(char *, int);
-extern char *strrchr(char *, int);
-extern void *calloc(int, int);
-extern void free(void*);
-extern void *malloc(int);
-extern void *realloc(void*, int);
-extern int open(char *, int, ...);
-extern int read(int, char*, unsigned);
-extern int close(int);
-extern int tolower(int);
-extern void abort(void);
-extern void perror(char*);
-extern void exit(int);
-typedef void (*SUCCFN)(char*,char*);
-extern void count(char *, char *);	/* updates lnum,nbytes */
-extern void count_m(char *, char *);	/* updates lnum,nbytes */
-extern int cwxrd(char**,char**);
-extern int cwxmatch(char**,char**);
-extern int bmxmatch(char**,char**);	/* variants for -x for cw/bm */
-extern void dogre(Parsetype, char*, char*, unsigned char*, PROCFN*, void**, RDFN*, MATCHFN*);
-extern void dofgrep(char*, char*, unsigned char*, PROCFN*, void**, RDFN*, MATCHFN*);
-extern re_re *egprep(enum Parsetype, unsigned char*, unsigned char*, unsigned char*, int);
-extern int greprd(char**, char**);
-extern int grepmatch(char**, char**);	/* normal arguments to *find */
-extern void inc(char*, char*);
-extern void inc_m(char*, char*);	/* increments nmatch */
-extern void null(char*, char*);		/* does nothing */
-extern void oneshot(char*, char*);	/* increments nmatch, does the longjmp */
-extern void pr(char*, char*);
-extern void pr_m(char*, char*);
-extern int re_lit(re_re*, unsigned char**, unsigned char**);
-EXTERN SUCCFN succfn, failfn, succ2fn;
-EXTERN re_re *globre;		/* the current re */
-#define		MAXLINE		65536
-#ifdef c_plusplus
-#define UNUSED
-#define UNUSED2
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#define UNUSED
-#define UNUSED2
-#define UNUSED unused
-#define UNUSED2 unused2
//GO.SYSIN DD hdr.h
echo io.h 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >io.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD io.h'
-#ifndef	EPR
-#ifdef	USE_STDIO
-#define		PR	printf(
-#define		EPR	fprintf(stderr,
-#define		SPR	sprintf(
-#define		WR(b,n)	fwrite(b, 1, n, stdout)
-#define		FLUSH	fflush(stdout)
-#include <fio.h>
-extern int fprint(int, char*, ...);
-extern int sprint(char*, char*, ...);
-#define		PR	fprint(1,
-#define		EPR	fprint(2,
-#define		SPR	sprint(
-#define		WR(b,n)	write(1, b, (long)(n))
-#define		FLUSH	Fflush(1)
//GO.SYSIN DD io.h
echo re.h 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >re.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD re.h'
-#ifndef	RE_H
-#define RE_H
-# if defined(__cplusplus)
-extern "C" {	/* C++ 2.0 */
-# endif
-typedef struct re_bm
-	int delta0[256], *delta2;
-	unsigned char cmap[256];
-	char *bmpat;
-	int patlen;
-} re_bm;
-typedef struct re_cw
-	int maxdepth, mindepth;
-	char seenerror;		/* set if we called re_error */
-	long nodeid;
-	int step[256];
-	unsigned char map[256];
-	struct Node *root;
-} re_cw;
-typedef enum
-	Literal, Dot, Carat, Dollar, Charclass, Compcharclass,		/* 0-5 */
-	Cat, Alternate, Star, Plus, Quest, Backref, Group, EOP,		/* 6-13 */
-	/* not in grammar, just helping */
-	Lpar, Rpar, Backslash, Null
-} Exprtype;
-typedef struct Expr
-	Exprtype type;
-	char reallit;		/* just for dollar and -G, dammit! */
-	char backref;		/* backref used here or below */
-	char parens;		/* parens used here or below */
-	char seenerror;		/* set if we called re_error */
-	int id;
-	unsigned int lit;
-	long flen;
-	int *follow;
-	struct Expr *l, *r, *parent;
-} Expr;
-typedef enum Parsetype { greparse, grepparse, egrepparse } Parsetype;
-#define		RE_DOLLAR	256
-#define		RE_CARAT	257
-#define		RE_HIGH		258	/* always 1+last constant */
-typedef struct State
-	struct State *tab[RE_HIGH];
-	char out;	/* matched */
-	char init;	/* inital state */
-	long npos;
-	int pos;	/* index into posbase */
-} State;
-typedef struct Positionset
-	long count;
-	int last;
-	int *base;
-} Positionset;
-typedef enum {
-	br_re, br_group, br_br, br_cat, br_alt, br_star, br_plus, br_quest
-} Br_type;
-typedef struct Br
-	Br_type type;
-	Expr *e;
-	int group;
-	struct re_re *r;
-	struct Br *lb, *rb;
-} Br;
-typedef struct re_re
-	int *posbase;
-	int nposalloc, posnext, posreset;
-	int maxid;
-	Expr *root;
-	Expr **ptr;
-	unsigned char mymap[256];
-	Positionset firstpos, begin, tmp;
-	int nstates, statelim;
-	State *states;
-	State istate;
-	int initialstate;
-	int carat;
-	int flushed;
-	int threshhold;		/* resize cache every threshhold flushes */
-	int backref;
-	int parens;
-	Br *br;
-} re_re;
-	matching routine endpoint markers
-#define		RE_BEG		1		/* beginning matches ^ */
-#define		RE_END		2		/* end matches $ */
-# ifdef USE_STDIO
-#  include <stdio.h>
-#  if defined(__STDC__) || defined(c_plusplus) || defined(__cplusplus)
-extern void re_refile(re_re*, FILE*);
-extern re_re *re_filere(FILE*);
-#  else
-extern void re_refile();
-extern re_re *re_filere();
-#  endif
-# endif /* USE_STDIO */
-# if defined(__STDC__) || defined(c_plusplus) || defined(__cplusplus)
-# define VOID void
-typedef int (*RDFN)(char**, char**);
-typedef int (*MATCHFN)(char**,char**);
-typedef int (*PROCFN)(VOID*, RDFN, MATCHFN);
-extern re_bm *re_bmcomp(char*, char*, unsigned char*);
-extern int re_bmexec(VOID*, RDFN, MATCHFN);
-extern void re_bmfree(re_bm*);
-extern void re_cwadd(re_cw*, unsigned char*, unsigned char*);
-extern void re_cwcomp(re_cw*);
-extern int re_cwexec(VOID*, RDFN, MATCHFN);
-extern void re_cwfree(re_cw*);
-extern re_cw *re_cwinit(unsigned char*);
-extern void re_error(char*);
-extern int re_paren(re_re *e);
-extern re_re *re_recomp(char*, char*, unsigned char*);
-extern re_cw *re_recw(re_re*, unsigned char*);
-extern int re_reexec(re_re*, char*, char*, char*[10][2]);
-extern void re_refree(re_re*);
-# define VOID char
-typedef int (*RDFN)();
-typedef int (*MATCHFN)();
-typedef int (*PROCFN)();
-extern re_bm *re_bmcomp();
-extern int re_bmexec();
-extern void re_bmfree();
-extern void re_cwadd();
-extern void re_cwcomp();
-extern int re_cwexec();
-extern void re_cwfree();
-extern re_cw *re_cwinit();
-extern void re_error();
-extern int re_paren();
-extern re_re *re_recomp();
-extern re_cw *re_recw();
-extern int re_reexec();
-extern void re_refree();
-# endif
-# if defined(__cplusplus)
-}		/* C++ 2.0 */
-# endif
//GO.SYSIN DD re.h
echo lre.h 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >lre.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD lre.h'
-#ifndef	LRE_H
-#define LRE_H
-# if defined(__cplusplus)
-extern "C" {	/* C++ 2.0 */
-# endif
-#include	"io.h"
-#ifndef	MEMMOVE
-#define	memmove(to, from, n)	memcpy(to, from, n)
-#define		TRACE(n)	(n < re_debug)
-#define		EPRINTSIZE	32767
-extern int re_debug;
-# if defined(__STDC__) || defined(c_plusplus) || defined(__cplusplus)
-extern void eg_clrstates(re_re*);
-extern Expr *eg_eall(enum Parsetype, unsigned char*);
-extern void egbr(re_re*);
-extern int egdfabr(re_re*, unsigned char*, unsigned char*, unsigned char**, unsigned char**);
-extern int eg_match(re_re*, unsigned char*, unsigned char*, unsigned char**, unsigned char**);
-extern void eginit(re_re*, int);
-extern void *egmalloc(int, char*);
-extern void egpost(re_re*);
-extern void egcanon(Expr *);
-extern re_re *egprep(enum Parsetype, unsigned char*, unsigned char*, unsigned char*, int);
-extern void *egrealloc(char*, int, char*);
-extern void eg_epr(Expr*, char*, int);
-extern void eg_brpr(Br *);
-extern int eg_getstate(re_re*);
-extern void eg_lexinit(char*, char*);
-extern void eg_lex(void);
-extern Expr *eg_newexpr(Exprtype, int, Expr*, Expr*);
-extern int eg_posalloc(re_re*, int);
-extern void eg_posinit(re_re*);
-extern void eg_posset(re_re*);
-State *eg_startstate(re_re*);
-State *eg_stateof(re_re*, Positionset*);
-extern void eg_savestate(re_re*, State*);
-extern void eg_spr(long, int*, char*);
-extern void eg_stateinit(re_re*);
-extern unsigned char *eg_quickmatch(re_re *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int);
-extern unsigned char *eg_lquickmatch(re_re *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int);
-extern void clrstates();
-extern Expr *eg_eall();
-extern void egbr();
-extern int egdfabr();
-extern int eg_match();
-extern void eginit();
-extern char *egmalloc();
-extern void egpost();
-extern void egcanon();
-extern re_re *egprep();
-extern char *egrealloc();
-extern void eg_epr();
-extern void eg_brpr();
-extern int eg_getstate();
-extern void eg_lex();
-extern void eg_lexinit();
-extern Expr *eg_newexpr();
-extern int eg_posalloc();
-extern void eg_posinit();
-extern void eg_posset();
-extern void eg_savestate();
-extern void eg_spr();
-extern State *eg_startstate();
-extern void eg_stateinit();
-extern State *eg_stateof();
-extern unsigned char *eg_quickmatch();
-extern unsigned char *eg_lquickmatch();
-# endif
-# if defined(__cplusplus)
-}		/* C++ 2.0 */
-# endif
//GO.SYSIN DD lre.h
echo libc.h 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >libc.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD libc.h'
-/* system calls */
-extern unsigned alarm();
-extern void nap(), pause();
-extern char *sbrk();
-extern void exit(), _exit();
-extern long lseek();
-extern void nice();
-extern void profil();
-extern unsigned long settod();
-extern void sync();
-extern long time();
-/* libc et al */
-extern long lcm();
-extern double atof(), strtod();
-extern long atol();
-extern char *crypt();
-extern char *ctime();
-extern char *ecvt(), *fcvt(), *gcvt();
-extern char *galloc();
-extern char *getenv();
-extern char *getlogin();
-extern char *getpass();
-extern char *getwd(), *getcwd();
-extern char *malloc(), *realloc(), *calloc();
-extern char *memcpy(), *memchr(), *memccpy(), *memset(), *memmove();
-extern char *mktemp();
-extern double frand();
-extern char *setfields();
-extern char *strcpy(), *strncpy(), *strcat(), *strncat(), *strchr(), *strrchr();
-extern char *strpbrk(), *strtok(), *strdup();
-extern int atoi();
-extern char *tgetstr(), tgoto();
-extern char *ttyname(), *cttyname();
-#define	NONEXIT		33
//GO.SYSIN DD libc.h
echo getopt.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >getopt.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD getopt.c'
-#include "re.h"
-#include "lre.h"
-#include "hdr.h"
-#define ERR(str, chr)       if(opterr){fprint(2, "%s%s%c\n", argv[0], str, chr);}
-#define	EOF	-1
-#define	NULL	0
-int     opterr = 1;
-int     optind = 1;
-int	optopt;
-char    *optarg;
-getopt(int argc, char **argv, char *opts)
-	static int sp = 1;
-	register c;
-	register char *cp;
-	if (sp == 1)
-		if (optind >= argc ||
-		   argv[optind][0] != '-' || argv[optind][1] == '\0')
-			return EOF;
-		else if (strcmp(argv[optind], "--") == NULL) {
-			optind++;
-			return EOF;
-		}
-	optopt = c = argv[optind][sp];
-	if (c == ':' || (cp=strchr(opts, c)) == NULL) {
-		ERR (": illegal option -- ", c);
-		if (argv[optind][++sp] == '\0') {
-			optind++;
-			sp = 1;
-		}
-		return '?';
-	}
-	if (*++cp == ':') {
-		if (argv[optind][sp+1] != '\0')
-			optarg = &argv[optind++][sp+1];
-		else if (++optind >= argc) {
-			ERR (": option requires an argument -- ", c);
-			sp = 1;
-			return '?';
-		} else
-			optarg = argv[optind++];
-		sp = 1;
-	} else {
-		if (argv[optind][++sp] == '\0') {
-			sp = 1;
-			optind++;
-		}
-		optarg = NULL;
-	}
-	return c;
//GO.SYSIN DD getopt.c
echo regress.d/complex 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/complex <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/complex'
-for i in `ls t*.sh | sed -e 's/.sh$//' | sort +0.1n`
-	sh $i.sh > temp
-	if cmp -s temp $i.out
-	then 
-		:
-	else 
-		echo "test $i failed" 
-	fi 
-	rm temp
-	did="$did $i"
-echo "$did"
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/complex
echo regress.d/lt0.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/lt0.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/lt0.c'
-From pegasus.ATT.COM!hansen Tue Oct  9 00:34 EDT 1990
-Received: by pyxis; Tue Oct  9 00:34 EDT 1990
-FROM:       hansen@pegasus.ATT.COM (t.l.hansen)
-TO:         research!andrew
-DATE:        9 Oct 1990   0:27 EDT
-SUBJECT:    bug in re_reexec()!
-Compile and link the following program. The expected output is:
-parens = 2
-0: 0x80881430 - 0x80881445
-1: 0x80886334 - 0xc0020c1c
-2: 0xc0020a78 - 0x80883924
-Instead, I get this. (Note the strings after 1: and 2:.)
-parens = 2
-0: 0x80881430 - 0x80881445
-1: 0x80886334 - 0xc0020c1c
-2: 0xc0020a78 - 0x80883924
-Can you please look into this soon? If not, let me know so that I can hunt
-for it. I probably won't be able to find it as quickly as you, though. This
-showed up within mail and I have an MR haunting me. Thanks.
-					Tony
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "re.h"
-#include "lre.h"
-void prc(c)
-unsigned char c;
-    if (c >= 0200)
-	{
-	(void) printf("M-");
-	c -= 0200;
-	}
-    if (isprint(c)) putchar(c);
-    else
-	{
-	putchar('^');
-	putchar(c ^ 0100);
-	}
-void pr(i, mb, me)
-int i;
-char *mb;
-char *me;
-    (void) printf("%d: %#x - %#x\n", i, mb, me);
-    putchar('"');
-    for (; mb < me; mb++)
-	{
-	if (!*mb)
-	    break;
-	prc(*mb);
-	}
-    putchar('"');
-    putchar('\n');
-    re_re *regex;
-    int i;
-    unsigned char re_map[256];
-    static char lname[] = "!nosuchsystem!testing";
-    static char pat[] = "!([^!]+)!(.+)";
-    char *match[10][2];
-    int parens;
-    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
-	re_map[i] = i;
-    regex = re_recomp(pat, pat+strlen(pat), re_map);
-    parens = re_paren(regex);
-    (void) printf("parens = %d\n", parens);
-    if (parens != 2)
-	return 0;
-    if (!re_reexec(regex, lname, lname+strlen(lname), match))
-	{
-	(void) printf("no match\n");
-	return 0;
-	}
-    (void) printf("matched\n");
-    for (i = 0; i <= parens; i++)
-	pr(i, match[i][0], match[i][1]);
-    return 0;
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/lt0.c
echo regress.d/makefile 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/makefile <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/makefile'
-	@echo "checking $(GRE):"
-	@GRE=$(GRE) sh simple
-	@GRE=$(GRE) sh complex
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/makefile
echo regress.d/simple 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/simple <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/simple'
-awk '
-	sq = "'"'"'"
-	FS = "\t"
-	gre = "'"$GRE"'"
-NF == 0 {
-	next
-$1 != "" {	# new test
-	re = $1
-	if($4 == ""){
-		nopts = 1; opts[0] = ""
-	} else if(substr($4, 1, 1) == "-"){
-		nopts = 1; opts[0] = " " $4
-	} else {
-		for(nopts = 0; nopts < length($4); nopts++){
-			x = substr($4, nopts, 1)
-			if(x == "~") opts[nopts] = ""
-			else opts[nopts] = " -" x
-		}
-	}
-$2 != "" {	# either ~ or !~
-	op = $2
-	if (op == "~")
-		neg = 0
-	else if (op == "!~")
-		neg = 1
-$3 != "" {	# new test string
-	str = $3
-$3 == "\"\"" {	# explicit empty line
-	$3 = ""
-NF > 2 {	# generate a test
-	input = $3
-	for(i = 0; i < nopts; i++){
-	ntests++;
-	if(neg){
-		printf("if echo %s | %s -s %s; then echo %s%d fails %s %s %s %s%s ;else :; fi\n", sq input sq, gre opts[i], sq re sq, sq, NR, opts[i], re, op, input, sq)
-	} else {
-		printf("if echo %s | %s -s %s; then :; else echo %s%d fails %s %s %s %s%s ; fi\n", sq input sq, gre opts[i], sq re sq, sq, NR, opts[i], re, op, input, sq)
-	}
-	}
-END	{ print "echo " sq ntests " simple tests" sq }
-' > regress.i <<\!!!
-a	~	a
-		ba
-		bab
-	!~	""
-		x
-		xxxxx
-.	~	x
-		xxx
-	!~	""			
-.a	~	xa
-		xxa
-		xax
-	!~	a
-		ab
-		""
-$	~	x
-		""
-.$	~	x
-	!~	""
-a$	~	a
-		ba
-		bbba
-	!~	ab
-		x
-		""
-^	~	x
-		""
-		^
-^a$	~	a
-	!~	xa
-		ax
-		xax
-		""
-^a.$	~	ax
-		aa
-	!~	xa
-		aaa
-		axy
-		""
-^$	~	""
-	!~	x
-		^
-^.a	~	xa
-		xaa
-	!~	a
-		""
-^.*a	~	a
-		xa
-		xxxxxxa
-	!~	""
-^.+a	~	xa
-		xxxxxxa
-	!~	""
-		a
-		ax
-a*	~	""
-		a
-		aaaa
-		xa
-		xxxx
-aa*	~	a
-		aaa
-		xa
-	!~	xxxx
-		""
-\$	~	x$
-		$
-		$x
-	!~	""
-		x
-\.	~	.
-	!~	x
-		""
-.^$	~	a^	-G
-	!~	""
-		a^$
-^x$	~	x	-G
-	!~	yx
-		xy
-a\$	~	a$	-G
-	!~	a
-\(ab\)$	~	cab	-G
-		ab
-	!~	ab$
-xr+y	~	xry	~E
-		xrry
-		xrrrrrry
-	!~	ry
-		xy
-xr?y	~	xy	~E
-		xry
-	!~	xrry
-a(bc|def)g	~	abcg	~E
-		adefg
-	!~	abc
-		abg
-		adef
-		adeg
-[0-9]	~	1
-		567
-		x0y
-	!~	abc
-		""
-[^0-9]	!~	1
-		567
-		""
-	~	abc
-		x0y
-x[0-9]+y	~	x0y	~E
-		x23y
-		x12345y
-	!~	0y
-		xy
-x[0-9]?y	~	xy	~E
-		x1y
-	!~	x23y
-X	~	x	-i
-read	~	read	-x
-	!~	xy read
-		x read y
-		xread
-		readx
-read	~	read	-xF
-	!~	xy read
-		x read y
-		xread
-		readx
-read	~	read	-F
-		xy read
-		x read y
-		xread
-		readx
-[.]de..	~	.dexx
-		.deyyy
-	!~	.de
-		.dex
-^|s	~	|sec	-G
-	!~	sec
-..B	~	CDAB	-G
-	!~	ABCD
-$.*tt.*\$	~	$tt$	-G
-^([a-z]+)\1$	~	vivi
-	!~	vivify
-([a-z]+)\1	~	vivi
-		vivify
-		revivi
-	!~	vovify
-		viv
-\(....\).*\1	~	beriberi	-G
-(....).*\1	~	beriberi
-^$	~	
-^$	~		-G
-[ab]\{2\}k	~	abk
-		xyaak
-		zabak
-	!~	zad
-		bq
-		abq
-[ab]\{2,\}d	~	abd
-		abababad
-	!~	ad
-		ababaq
-q[ab]\{2,4\}d	~	qabd
-		qababd
-		qaaad
-	!~	qad
-		qababad
-a[]]b	~	a]b	-E
-a[]]b	~	a]b	-G
-a[^]b]c	~	adc	-E
-a[^]b]c	~	adc	-G
-angel[^e]	~	angelo	-i
-	!~	angel
-		angele
-^[^-].*>	~	abc>	-G
-	!~	-a>
-^[A-Z]	~	abc	-i
-		ABC
-^[^A-Z]	!~	abc	-i
-		ABC
-	~	123
-|abc	~	|abc	-G
-	!~	abc
-\(ac*\)c*d[ac]*\1	~	acdacaaa	-G
-(ac*)c*d[ac]*\1	~	acdacaaa
-ram|am	~	am
-.|..	!~	abc	-x
-[a-za-za-za-za-za-za-za-za-za-z]	~	for this line	-E
-[a-za-za-za-za-za-za-za-za-za-z]	~	for this line
-[a-za-za-za-za-za-za-za-za-z]	~	but watch out	-E
-[a-za-za-za-za-za-za-za-za-z]	~	but watch out
-cp regress.i ../temp
-sh < regress.i && rm regress.i
-echo "verified simple"
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/simple
echo regress.d/t1.i 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t1.i <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t1.i'
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t1.i
echo regress.d/t1.out 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t1.out <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t1.out'
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t1.out
echo regress.d/t1.sh 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t1.sh <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t1.sh'
-cat t1.i | $GRE -v '^\.x'
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t1.sh
echo regress.d/t10.i 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t10.i <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t10.i'
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t10.i
echo regress.d/t10.out 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t10.out <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t10.out'
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t10.out
echo regress.d/t10.sh 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t10.sh <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t10.sh'
-$GRE -xvFf t10.i t10.i
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t10.sh
echo regress.d/t11.i 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t11.i <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t11.i'
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t11.i
echo regress.d/t11.out 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t11.out <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t11.out'
-gre: t11.i: warning: line too long (> 500 chars); text skipped
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t11.out
echo regress.d/t11.sh 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t11.sh <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t11.sh'
-$GRE abc t11.i 2>&1
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t11.sh
echo regress.d/t12.i 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t12.i <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t12.i'
-AAA	n
-Aaron	n
-AAU	n
-ABA	n
-Ababa	pc
-aback	d
-abacus	n
-abaft	d
-abalone	n
-abandon	v,er,va
-abase	v,er,va
-abash	v,er,va
-abate	v,er,va
-abattoir	n
-abbe	n
-abbess	n
-abbey	n
-abbot	n
-Abbott	n
-abbreviate	v,ion
-abc	n
-abdicate	v,ion,va
-abdomen	n
-abdominal	a
-abduct	v,ion
-Abe	pc
-abeam	d
-abed	d
-Abel	pc
-Abelian	pc
-Abelson	n
-Aberdeen	pc
-Abernathy	n
-aberrant	n,a
-aberrate	v,ion
-abet	v,va,ms
-abettor	n
-abeyant	a
-abhor	v,er,ms
-abhorrent	a
-abide	v,er
-Abidjan	pc
-Abigail	pc
-abject	a,ion
-abjuration	n
-abjure	v,er
-ablate	v,ion
-ablaut	n
-ablaze	d
-able	v,a,comp,va
-abloom	d
-ablution	n
-ABM	n
-abnegate	v,ion
-Abner	pc
-abnormal	n,a
-aboard	d
-abode	n
-abolish	v,er,va
-abolition	n,na
-abolitionary	n
-abominable	a
-abominate	v,ion
-aboriginal	n,a
-aborigine	n
-aborning	d
-abort	v,er,ion
-abortifacient	n
-abound	vi
-about	d,nopref
-above	d
-aboveboard	d
-aboveground	d
-abovementioned	d
-abracadabra	n
-abrade	v,er,va
-Abraham	n
-Abram	n
-Abramson	n
-abrasion	n,na
-abreact	v,ion
-abreast	d
-abridge	v,er,va
-abridgment	n
-abroad	d
-abrogate	v,ion
-abrupt	a,ion
-abscess	n,v
-abscissa	n
-abscissae	d
-abscission	n
-abscond	v,er
-absent	v,a
-absentee	n
-absenteeism	n
-absentia	n
-absentminded	a
-absinthe	n
-absolute	n,a,na
-absolution	n
-absolve	v,er
-absorb	v,er,va
-absorbent	a
-absorption	n,na
-abstain	v,er
-abstemious	a
-abstention	n
-abstinent	a
-abstract	n,v,a,er,ion
-abstruse	a
-absurd	a,na
-abuilding	d
-abundant	a
-abuse	n,v,er,va
-abusive	a
-abut	v,er,va,ms
-abysmal	a
-abyss	n
-abyssal	a
-Abyssinia	pc
-AC	d
-acacia	n
-academe	pc,na
-academia	pc
-academic	n,na
-academician	n
-academy	n
-Acadia	pc
-acanthus	n
-Acapulco	pc
-accede	v
-accelerando	d
-accelerate	v,ion
-accelerometer	n
-accent	n,v,na
-accentual	a
-accentuate	v,ion
-accept	v,er,va
-acceptant	a
-acceptor	n
-access	n,v
-accessible	a,in
-accession	n,v,na
-accessory	n,na
-accident	n,a
-accidental	a
-accipiter	n
-acclaim	n,v,er
-acclamation	n
-acclimate	n,v,ion
-acclimatize	v,er,ion
-accolade	n
-accommodate	v,ion
-accompaniment	n
-accompanist	n
-accompany	v,na
-accompli	d
-accomplice	n
-accomplish	v,er,va
-accord	n,v
-accordant	a
-accordion	n,na
-accost	v
-account	n,v,va
-accountant	n,a,na
-Accra	pc
-accredit	v,va
-accreditation	n
-accrete	v
-accretion	n,na
-accretionary	n
-accrual	a
-accrue	v,va
-acculturate	v,ion
-accumulate	v,ion
-accuracy	n,in
-accurate	a,in
-accursed	a
-accusation	n,na
-accusatory	d
-accuse	v,er
-accustom	v
-ace	n,v,nopref
-acentric	d
-acerb	a
-acerbic	a
-acetaldehyde	n
-acetate	n
-acetic	d
-acetone	n
-acetyl	n,na
-acetylene	n
-ache	n,v,er
-achieve	v,er,va
-Achilles	pc
-aching	a
-achondrite	n,na
-achromatic	a
-acid	n,a
-acidic	d
-acidify	v,er,ion
-acidimeter	n,na
-acidulous	a
-Ackerman	n
-Ackley	n
-acknowledge	v,va
-acknowledgeable	d
-ACLU	pc
-ACM	pc
-acme	pc
-acne	n
-acolyte	n
-acorn	n
-acoustic	n,a
-acoustician	n
-acoustoelectric	a,na
-acoustooptic	n,a,na
-acquaint	v
-acquaintance	n,na
-acquiesce	v
-acquiescent	a
-acquire	v,va
-acquisition	n,na
-acquit	v,ms
-acquittal	n
-acre	n
-acreage	pc
-acrid	a
-acrimonious	a
-acrimony	n
-acrobat	n
-acrobatic	n,na
-acrolein	n
-acronym	n
-acrophobia	n
-acropolis	n
-across	d
-acrostic	a
-acrylate	n
-acrylic	n
-ACS	pc
-act	n,v,ion,va
-Actaeon	pc
-actinic	na
-actinide	n
-actinium	n
-actinometer	n,na
-activate	v,ion,in
-activism	pc
-Acton	n
-actress	n
-actual	a,na
-actuarial	a
-actuary	n
-actuate	v,ion
-acuity	n
-acumen	n
-acupuncture	n
-acute	a
-acyclic	a
-acyl	n
-ad	n
-Ada	pc
-adage	n
-adagio	n
-Adair	pc
-Adam	pc
-adamant	a
-adamantine	a
-Adams	n
-Adamson	n
-adapt	v,er,ion,va
-adaptation	n,na
-adaptive	a
-adaptor	n
-add	v,er,va
-addend	n
-addenda	pc
-addendum	pc
-addict	n,v,ion
-Addis	pc
-Addison	n
-addition	n,na
-addle	v
-address	n,v,er,na,va
-addressee	n
-Addressograph	pc
-adduce	v,er,va
-Adelaide	pc
-Adele	pc
-Adelia	pc
-Aden	pc
-adenoid	n,na
-adenoma	n
-adenosine	n
-adept	n,a
-adequacy	n,in
-adequate	a,in
-adhere	v
-adherent	n,a
-adhesion	n,na
-adiabatic	n
-adieu	n
-adipose	a
-Adirondack	n
-adjacent	a
-adjectival	a
-adjective	n,a
-adjoin	v
-adjoint	n
-adjourn	v,va
-adjudge	v
-adjudicate	v,ion
-adjunct	n,a,ion
-adjuration	n
-adjure	v
-adjust	v,er,va
-adjutant	n,a
-Adkins	n
-Adler	n
-administer	v
-administrable	d
-administrate	v,ion
-administratrix	d
-admiral	n
-admiralty	n
-admiration	n
-admire	v,er,va
-admissible	a,in
-admission	n,na
-admit	v,er,ms
-admittance	n
-admix	v
-admixture	n
-admonish	v,er,va
-admonition	n
-admonitory	a
-ado	d,nopref
-adobe	n,er
-adolescent	n,a
-Adolph	pc
-Adolphus	pc
-Adonis	pc
-adopt	v,er,ion,va
-adoration	n
-adore	v,er,va
-adorn	v,er,va
-adrenal	n,a
-adrenaline	n
-Adrian	pc
-Adriatic	pc
-Adrienne	pc
-adrift	d
-adroit	a,comp
-adsorb	v,va
-adsorbate	n
-adsorbent	n
-adsorption	n,na
-adulate	v,ion
-adult	n,a
-adulterant	n
-adulterate	v,ion
-adulterer	n
-adulteress	n
-adulterous	a
-adultery	n
-adumbrate	v,ion
-advance	v,er,va
-advantage	n,v
-advantageous	a
-advection	n,na
-advent	n,na
-adventitial	a
-adventitious	a
-adventure	n,v,er,na
-adventuresome	a
-adventuress	n
-adventurous	a
-adverb	n
-adverbial	a
-adversary	n,a
-adverse	a
-advert	n,v
-advertent	a,in
-advertise	v,er,va
-advice	pc
-advise	v,er,va
-advisee	n
-advisor	n,y
-advocacy	n
-advocate	v,ion
-adz	n
-adze	n
-Aegean	pc
-aegis	n
-Aeneas	pc
-Aeneid	pc
-aeolian	d
-Aeolus	pc
-aerate	v,a,ion,va
-aerial	n,a,na
-aerie	n
-Aerobacter	pc
-aerobatic	n
-aerobic	n,na
-aerodynamic	n,na
-aeronautic	n,na
-aerosol	n,na
-aerospace	n
-Aeschylus	pc
-aesthete	n
-aesthetic	n,na
-afar	d
-affable	a,va
-affair	n
-affect	n,v,ion,va
-affectation	n
-affectionate	a
-afferent	a
-affiance	n,v
-affidavit	n
-affiliate	n,v,ion
-affine	n,ed,a
-affinity	n
-affirm	v,va
-affirmation	n,na
-affix	v,va
-affixation	n
-afflatus	n
-afflict	v,er,ion
-affluent	n,a
-afford	v,va
-afforest	v
-afforestation	n
-affray	n,v
-affright	n,v
-affront	n,v
-afghan	n
-Afghanistan	pc
-aficionado	n
-afield	d
-afire	d
-AFL	d
-aflame	d
-afloat	d
-aflutter	d
-afoot	d
-aforementioned	d
-aforesaid	d
-aforethought	d
-afoul	d
-afraid	d
-afresh	d
-Africa	pc
-Afrikaner	pc
-afro	n
-aft	er
-afterbirth	n
-afterburner	n
-afterdeck	n
-aftereffect	n
-afterglow	n
-afterimage	n
-afterlife	n
-aftermath	pc
-aftermost	pc
-afternoon	n
-aftershock	n
-aftertaste	n
-afterthought	n
-afterward	n
-afterworld	n
-again	d,nopref
-against	d,nopref
-Agamemnon	pc
-agamic	a
-agape	d
-agar	n,nopref
-agate	n,nopref
-Agatha	pc
-agave	n
-age	n,v
-Agee	n
-agelong	d
-agenda	pc,na
-agendum	pc
-agent	n,a
-agglomerate	v,ion
-agglutinate	v,ion
-agglutinin	n
-aggrade	v
-aggravate	v,ion
-aggregate	n,v,a,ion
-aggression	n,na
-aggressor	n
-aggrieve	v
-aghast	d
-agile	a
-agitate	v,ion
-agitprop	pc
-agleam	d
-agley	d
-aglitter	d
-aglow	d
-Agnes	pc
-Agnew	n
-agnomen	n
-agnostic	n,na
-ago	d,nopref
-agog	d
-agon	n
-agone	na
-agony	n
-agora	n
-agoraphobia	n
-agouti	n
-agrarian	n,na
-agree	v,va
-agreeable	a
-agreeing	d
-agribusiness	n
-Agricola	pc
-agricultural	a,na
-agriculture	n,na
-agrimony	n
-agronomist	n
-agronomy	n,na
-aground	d
-ague	n
-Agway	pc
-ah	n,nopref
-Ahab	pc
-ahead	d
-ahem	d
-Ahmadabad	pc
-ahoy	d
-aid	n,v,er,nopref
-Aida	pc
-aide	n,nopref
-Aiken	pc
-ail	n,v,nopref
-ailanthus	pc
-Aileen	pc
-aileron	n
-ailment	n
-aim	n,v
-ain't	d
-Ainu	n
-air	n,v,man,y
-airborne	d
-airbrush	n,v
-Airbus	n
-aircraft	n
-airdrop	n,v,va
-Aires	pc
-airfare	n
-airfield	n
-airflow	n
-airfoil	n
-airframe	n
-airhead	n
-airlift	n,v
-airline	n,er
-airlock	n
-airmail	n,v
-airmass	n
-airpark	n
-airport	n
-airscrew	n
-airsick	a
-airspace	n
-airspeed	n
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t12.i
echo regress.d/t12.out 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t12.out <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t12.out'
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t12.out
echo regress.d/t12.sh 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t12.sh <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t12.sh'
-$GRE -Fxvf t12.i t12.i 2>&1
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t12.sh
echo regress.d/t13.i 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t13.i <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t13.i'
-	 pm.sl	2.94
-	 xdhu.sl	1.8
-	/lib/crt1.o.sl 1.1 4.0 01/15/86 12744 AT&T-SF
-	/usr/include/stdio.h.sl 1.1 4.0 01/15/86 4140 AT&T-SF
-	/usr/include/ctype.h.sl 1.1 4.0 01/15/86 45671 AT&T-SF
-	/usr/include/string.h.sl 1.1 4.0 01/15/86 51235 AT&T-SF
-	/usr/include/signal.h.sl 1.1 4.0 01/15/86 34302 AT&T-SF
-	/usr/include/sys/signal.h.sl 1.5 3.2 09/02/87 33640 AT&T-SF
-	/usr/include/sys/types.h.sl 1.3 3.1 06/02/86 48113 AT&T-SF
-	/usr/include/sys/stat.h.sl 1.3 3.0 12/19/85 41824 
-	/usr/include/termio.h.sl 1.1 4.0 01/15/86 29141 AT&T-SF
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t13.i
echo regress.d/t13.out 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t13.out <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t13.out'
-	 pm.sl	2.94
-	 xdhu.sl	1.8
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t13.out
echo regress.d/t13.sh 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t13.sh <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t13.sh'
-$GRE 'pm|xdhu' < t13.i 2>&1
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t13.sh
echo regress.d/t2.out 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t2.out <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t2.out'
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t2.out
echo regress.d/t2.sh 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t2.sh <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t2.sh'
-$GRE -v '^\.x' t1.i
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t2.sh
echo regress.d/t3.i 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t3.i <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t3.i'
-abcd defg
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t3.i
echo regress.d/t3.out 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t3.out <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t3.out'
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t3.out
echo regress.d/t3.sh 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t3.sh <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t3.sh'
-$GRE -xF 'defg
-abcd' t3.i
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t3.sh
echo regress.d/t4.i 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t4.i <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t4.i'
-   1 ZIPPORI, Israel
-	/usr/spool/ap/88/07/15/a0471: Israel-MonaLisa
-   1 ZERIFIN, Israel
-	/usr/spool/ap/88/05/17/a0823: Israel-Baez
-	/usr/spool/ap/88/04/27/a0963: HelicopterEscape
-   1 ZENICA, Yugoslavia
-	/usr/spool/ap/88/07/13/a0814: Yugoslavia
-   1 ZAP, N.D.
-	/usr/spool/ap/88/03/13/a0776: CoalStrike
-   1 ZAMBRANO, Honduras
-	/usr/spool/ap/88/03/24/a0512: Honduras-Soldiers
-   1 ZACHARY, La.
-	/usr/spool/ap/88/04/05/a0745: Brites
-   1 YUCCA VALLEY, Calif.
-	/usr/spool/ap/88/08/26/a0624: BRF--SoCalQuake
-   1 YORKVILLE, Ill.
-	/usr/spool/ap/88/08/31/a0687: ReformedStudent
-   1 YORK, Maine
-	/usr/spool/ap/88/10/09/a0772: SeaSearches
-   1 YENAN, China
-	/usr/spool/ap/88/02/24/a0419: China-Yenan
-	/usr/spool/ap/88/09/15/a0792: Dukakis
-   1 YEADON, Pa.
-	/usr/spool/ap/88/05/14/a0689: Brites
-   1 YATTA, Occupied West Bank
-	/usr/spool/ap/88/10/29/a0417: Israel-Undercover
-   1 YASSIHOYUK, Turkey
-	/usr/spool/ap/88/09/09/a0423: MidasTomb
-   1 YAPHANK, N.Y.
-	/usr/spool/ap/88/05/10/a0686: Brites
-   1 YAMOUSSOUKRO, Ivory Coast
-	/usr/spool/ap/88/09/25/a0635: Africa-UN
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t4.i
echo regress.d/t4.out 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t4.out <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t4.out'
-   1 ZIPPORI, Israel
-   1 ZERIFIN, Israel
-   1 ZENICA, Yugoslavia
-   1 ZAP, N.D.
-   1 ZAMBRANO, Honduras
-   1 ZACHARY, La.
-   1 YUCCA VALLEY, Calif.
-   1 YORKVILLE, Ill.
-   1 YORK, Maine
-   1 YENAN, China
-   1 YEADON, Pa.
-   1 YATTA, Occupied West Bank
-   1 YASSIHOYUK, Turkey
-   1 YAPHANK, N.Y.
-   1 YAMOUSSOUKRO, Ivory Coast
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t4.out
echo regress.d/t4.sh 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t4.sh <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t4.sh'
-$GRE -v : t4.i
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t4.sh
echo regress.d/t5.i 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t5.i <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t5.i'
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-com -113451303
-com -253844186
-com -591640727
-com -192085666
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-com -688908411
-com 116220732
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-com -979497332
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-com -282427433
-com 440265772
-com 903702654
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-com -990601410
-com 273028495
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-com -620551282
-com -768217422
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-com 313902943
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-com 68031245
-com -1047141482
-com 227569703
-com -530798398
-com -822779044
-com 440691738
-com 624275796
-com 843073732
-com 228971433
-com 258376249
-com -308161170
-com -995590232
-com 856677272
-com 132296249
-com 633658628
-com 25935234
-com -1063085400
-com 148654970
-com -824172925
-com -659459669
-com 196909720
-com -393774825
-com 736667556
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-com 1007653812
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-com 263123663
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-com -396442
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-com -288026147
-com -653808189
-com 801559288
-com -653395420
-com -405217270
-com -749529781
-com 965720542
-com 396739912
-com 250804267
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-com 121948720
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-com -569717820
-com 191932303
-com 1041195498
-com -178872661
-com 719024931
-com 389365053
-com -695930677
-com -720993320
-com 659352079
-com -445359373
-com -405581235
-com -495515453
-com -861910553
-com -35979929
-com 1056535300
-com 188042833
-com -220408267
-com -766533595
-com 718865736
-com -614647852
-com 637296265
-com 607439702
-com -996163547
-com -354301843
-com 187216170
-com -524246340
-com 165453004
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-com -392313676
-com 933400965
-com -357455062
-com 876069330
-com 619850004
-com 34785127
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-com -1021142281
-com 261505948
-com 713447396
-com -264424205
-com -757624021
-com -697742264
-com -67902535
-com 813305897
-com 611213298
-com 810009586
-com -351033158
-com -757580248
-com -754765998
-com 96550293
-com 818835421
-com 625544984
-com -301866740
-com -363940120
-com 196940655
-com -990799410
-com -650380493
-com -823008037
-com 229313079
-com 480371766
-com 934025272
-com -223072319
-com 481173087
-com 101019846
-com -954562179
-com -267806909
-com 1004678320
-com 267997081
-com -691653747
-com 821221633
-com 11472834
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-com 145665121
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-com -504118519
-com -795555924
-com -896489800
-com 381679431
-com 451163332
-com 945690716
-com -474968721
-com -181646048
-com -477705084
-com 179336691
-com 944752723
-com -106013482
-com 295161509
-com -1026918852
-com -1008494120
-com -368542058
-com 6153383
-com 269567191
-com 221084616
-com -1015567145
-com 326752359
-com -253427460
-com -990923267
-com -745673545
-com -772482393
-com 12783572
-com 695087221
-com 782623860
-com 239322275
-com -920492686
-com -461345191
-com 304590436
-com -141131273
-com -1024267294
-com -289620401
-com -495626460
-com 948528218
-com 87006518
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-com 497169207
-com -567127307
-com 764271483
-com -866721319
-com -387005272
-com -501938820
-com 567881079
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-com -790328887
-com 390097892
-com 141055035
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-com 732985962
-com -286073373
-com 22747858
-com -326949321
-com 1022500944
-com 905679100
-com -448120658
-com 363118089
-com 819248817
-com -691522154
-com 59581781
-com -450349154
-com -729823626
-com 646115018
-com -65922779
-com -373376656
-com 1004572328
-com 466654801
-com 128208377
-com 958497476
-com 22952708
-com -822443770
-com 689913706
-com 726815914
-com -128674860
-com 779809535
-com -316931412
-com -1025891272
-com 4804418
-com 309313283
-com 536922264
-com -876904372
-com 700688221
-com 186984467
-com 791829735
-com 237211732
-com 515173384
-com -911728294
-com -783718602
-com 160345621
-com -716237348
-com -185346360
-com -634816499
-com -845917397
-com 460946577
-com 777785415
-com -579223277
-com -127944050
-com -351414763
-com -1006508563
-com 934284417
-com -414601720
-com -328845777
-com 701421432
-com -680992028
-com 444048798
-com -277796693
-com -1014985030
-com 213438258
-com -863232710
-com -236044310
-com -593324426
-com -269273068
-com -163992668
-com -1026411186
-com 537134594
-com 321391768
-com -872419201
-com -795875760
-com 373186979
-com 616631783
-com -567696334
-com 554407297
-com 723377442
-com 1062001538
-com 152160308
-com 43834651
-com 902450760
-com -390697289
-com 431114551
-com -851289267
-com 454377388
-com 470923853
-com -950885734
-com -313255930
-com -388083168
-com -267037738
-com -601696282
-com -848277038
-com 745209391
-com -423687675
-com 646585818
-com -613632730
-com 151442994
-com 868010020
-com -589969477
-com 756495308
-com 482257575
-com -546245706
-com -56416295
-com -922688644
-com -927591869
-com -193091648
-com 505183574
-com -696294953
-com -676843648
-com -458233039
-com 1016060900
-com 235279194
-com 255314418
-com 821562352
-com 677435672
-com -137977226
-com -296008805
-com -284837634
-com 992052324
-com 848130900
-com -612135722
-com -242663012
-com 40910582
-com -633235255
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t5.i
echo regress.d/t5.out 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t5.out <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t5.out'
-com 1037117850
-com -113451303
-com -253844186
-com -591640727
-com -192085666
-com 875206176
-com -688908411
-com 116220732
-com -815364609
-com 393021566
-com -197586762
-com -979497332
-com 580876342
-com 857752251
-com -282427433
-com 440265772
-com 903702654
-com 377371259
-com -790446649
-com -407893353
-com 601447097
-com 311585929
-com -990601410
-com 273028495
-com -421520583
-com -620551282
-com -768217422
-com 722547274
-com 313902943
-com -729597068
-com 306062132
-com 773754585
-com -678639313
-com -345701409
-com -290065002
-com -974307104
-com 1047184566
-com 210828681
-com 108982822
-com 68031245
-com -1047141482
-com 227569703
-com -530798398
-com -822779044
-com 440691738
-com 624275796
-com 843073732
-com 228971433
-com 258376249
-com -308161170
-com -995590232
-com 856677272
-com 132296249
-com 633658628
-com 25935234
-com -1063085400
-com 148654970
-com -824172925
-com -659459669
-com 196909720
-com -393774825
-com 736667556
-com 674673107
-com 1007653812
-com -261383312
-com 263123663
-com -946595190
-com -396442
-com -506832213
-com 149702652
-com -937852087
-com -500943193
-com -288026147
-com -653808189
-com 801559288
-com -653395420
-com -405217270
-com -749529781
-com 965720542
-com 396739912
-com 250804267
-com 1058925867
-com 121948720
-com 129329115
-com -503214654
-com 758365427
-com -569717820
-com 191932303
-com 1041195498
-com -178872661
-com 719024931
-com 389365053
-com -695930677
-com -720993320
-com 659352079
-com -445359373
-com -405581235
-com -495515453
-com -861910553
-com -35979929
-com 1056535300
-com 188042833
-com -220408267
-com -766533595
-com 718865736
-com -614647852
-com 637296265
-com 607439702
-com -996163547
-com -354301843
-com 187216170
-com -524246340
-com 165453004
-com -922340816
-com -392313676
-com 933400965
-com -357455062
-com 876069330
-com 619850004
-com 34785127
-com -204461692
-com -1021142281
-com 261505948
-com 713447396
-com -264424205
-com -757624021
-com -697742264
-com -67902535
-com 813305897
-com 611213298
-com 810009586
-com -351033158
-com -757580248
-com -754765998
-com 96550293
-com 818835421
-com 625544984
-com -301866740
-com -363940120
-com 196940655
-com -990799410
-com -650380493
-com -823008037
-com 229313079
-com 480371766
-com 934025272
-com -223072319
-com 481173087
-com 101019846
-com -954562179
-com -267806909
-com 1004678320
-com 267997081
-com -691653747
-com 821221633
-com 11472834
-com -852175935
-com 145665121
-com 636788309
-com -38553220
-com -594562227
-com 893269786
-com -515632420
-com -504118519
-com -795555924
-com -896489800
-com 381679431
-com 451163332
-com 945690716
-com -474968721
-com -181646048
-com -477705084
-com 179336691
-com 944752723
-com -106013482
-com 295161509
-com -1026918852
-com -1008494120
-com -368542058
-com 6153383
-com 269567191
-com 221084616
-com -1015567145
-com 326752359
-com -253427460
-com -990923267
-com -745673545
-com -772482393
-com 12783572
-com 695087221
-com 782623860
-com 239322275
-com -920492686
-com -461345191
-com 304590436
-com -141131273
-com -1024267294
-com -289620401
-com -495626460
-com 948528218
-com 87006518
-com 395454722
-com 577392034
-com 814343604
-com 497169207
-com -567127307
-com 764271483
-com -866721319
-com -387005272
-com -501938820
-com 567881079
-com 453665993
-com -790328887
-com 390097892
-com 141055035
-com 990378016
-com -730626518
-com 732985962
-com -286073373
-com 22747858
-com -326949321
-com 1022500944
-com 905679100
-com -448120658
-com 363118089
-com 819248817
-com -691522154
-com 59581781
-com -450349154
-com -729823626
-com 646115018
-com -65922779
-com -373376656
-com 1004572328
-com 466654801
-com 128208377
-com 958497476
-com 22952708
-com -822443770
-com 689913706
-com 726815914
-com -128674860
-com 779809535
-com -316931412
-com -1025891272
-com 4804418
-com 309313283
-com 536922264
-com -876904372
-com 700688221
-com 186984467
-com 791829735
-com 237211732
-com 515173384
-com -911728294
-com -783718602
-com 160345621
-com -716237348
-com -185346360
-com -634816499
-com -845917397
-com 460946577
-com 777785415
-com -579223277
-com -127944050
-com -351414763
-com -1006508563
-com 934284417
-com -414601720
-com -328845777
-com 701421432
-com -680992028
-com 444048798
-com -277796693
-com -1014985030
-com 213438258
-com -863232710
-com -236044310
-com -593324426
-com -269273068
-com -163992668
-com -1026411186
-com 537134594
-com 321391768
-com -872419201
-com -795875760
-com 373186979
-com 616631783
-com -567696334
-com 554407297
-com 723377442
-com 1062001538
-com 152160308
-com 43834651
-com 902450760
-com -390697289
-com 431114551
-com -851289267
-com 454377388
-com 470923853
-com -950885734
-com -313255930
-com -388083168
-com -267037738
-com -601696282
-com -848277038
-com 745209391
-com -423687675
-com 646585818
-com -613632730
-com 151442994
-com 868010020
-com -589969477
-com 756495308
-com 482257575
-com -546245706
-com -56416295
-com -922688644
-com -927591869
-com -193091648
-com 505183574
-com -696294953
-com -676843648
-com -458233039
-com 1016060900
-com 235279194
-com 255314418
-com 821562352
-com 677435672
-com -137977226
-com -296008805
-com -284837634
-com 992052324
-com 848130900
-com -612135722
-com -242663012
-com 40910582
-com -633235255
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t5.out
echo regress.d/t5.sh 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t5.sh <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t5.sh'
-$GRE '^com ' t5.i
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t5.sh
echo regress.d/t6.i 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t6.i <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t6.i'
-#include "alloc.h"
-#include <libc.h>
-char *
-emalloc(unsigned long n)
-	char *p;
-	p=malloc((unsigned)n);
-	if(p==0){
-		warn("out of memory; exiting");
-		exits("out of memory");
-	}
-	return p;
-char *
-erealloc(char *p, unsigned long n)
-	p=realloc(p, (unsigned)n);
-	if(p==0){
-		warn("out of memory; exiting");
-		exits("out of memory");
-	}
-	return p;
-#include "alloc.h"
-#include "word.h"
-#include "store.h"
-#include "comm.h"
-#include <libc.h>
- * Push constants
- */
-ipushconst(Proc *proc)
-	*proc->sp++=(SWord)*++proc->pc;
-	return 1;
-ipush_2(Proc *proc)
-	*proc->sp++=-2;
-	return 1;
-ipush_1(Proc *proc)
-	*proc->sp++=-1;
-	return 1;
-ipush0(Proc *proc)
-	*proc->sp++=0;
-	return 1;
-ipush1(Proc *proc)
-	*proc->sp++=1;
-	return 1;
-ipush2(Proc *proc)
-	*proc->sp++=2;
-	return 1;
-ipush3(Proc *proc)
-	*proc->sp++=3;
-	return 1;
-ipush4(Proc *proc)
-	*proc->sp++=4;
-	return 1;
-ipush5(Proc *proc)
-	*proc->sp++=5;
-	return 1;
-ipush6(Proc *proc)
-	*proc->sp++=6;
-	return 1;
-ipush7(Proc *proc)
-	*proc->sp++=7;
-	return 1;
-ipush8(Proc *proc)
-	*proc->sp++=8;
-	return 1;
-ipush9(Proc *proc)
-	*proc->sp++=9;
-	return 1;
-ipush10(Proc *proc)
-	*proc->sp++=10;
-	return 1;
- * Binary operators
- */
-ige(Proc *proc)
-	--proc->sp;
-	proc->sp[-1]=proc->sp[-1]>=proc->sp[0];
-	return 1;
-ile(Proc *proc)
-	--proc->sp;
-	proc->sp[-1]=proc->sp[-1]<=proc->sp[0];
-	return 1;
-ine(Proc *proc)
-	--proc->sp;
-	proc->sp[-1]=proc->sp[-1]!=proc->sp[0];
-	return 1;
-ieq(Proc *proc)
-	--proc->sp;
-	proc->sp[-1]=proc->sp[-1]==proc->sp[0];
-	return 1;
-igt(Proc *proc)
-	--proc->sp;
-	proc->sp[-1]=proc->sp[-1]>proc->sp[0];
-	return 1;
-ilt(Proc *proc)
-	--proc->sp;
-	proc->sp[-1]=proc->sp[-1]<proc->sp[0];
-	return 1;
-iadd(Proc *proc)
-	--proc->sp;
-	proc->sp[-1]+=proc->sp[0];
-	return 1;
-isub(Proc *proc)
-	--proc->sp;
-	proc->sp[-1]-=proc->sp[0];
-	return 1;
-imul(Proc *proc)
-	long l0, l1, l;
-	--proc->sp;
-	l0=proc->sp[-1];
-	l1=proc->sp[0];
-	l=l0*l1;
-	if(l1 && l/l1 != l0)
-		rerror("product overflow");
-	proc->sp[-1]=l;
-	return 1;
-idiv(Proc *proc)
-	--proc->sp;
-	if(proc->sp[0]==0)
-		rerror("zero divide");
-	proc->sp[-1]/=proc->sp[0];
-	return 1;
-imod(Proc *proc)
-	--proc->sp;
-	if(proc->sp[0]==0)
-		rerror("zero modulo");
-	proc->sp[-1]%=proc->sp[0];
-	return 1;
-iand(Proc *proc)
-	--proc->sp;
-	proc->sp[-1]&=proc->sp[0];
-	return 1;
-ior(Proc *proc)
-	--proc->sp;
-	proc->sp[-1]|=proc->sp[0];
-	return 1;
-ixor(Proc *proc)
-	--proc->sp;
-	proc->sp[-1]^=proc->sp[0];
-	return 1;
-ilsh(Proc *proc)
-	--proc->sp;
-	proc->sp[-1]<<=proc->sp[0];
-	return 1;
-irsh(Proc *proc)
-	--proc->sp;
-	proc->sp[-1]>>=proc->sp[0];
-	return 1;
-imax(Proc *proc)
-	SWord l;
-	l=*--proc->sp;
-	if(l>proc->sp[-1])
-		proc->sp[-1]=l;
-	return 1;
- * Unary operators
- */
-ineg(Proc *proc)
-	proc->sp[-1]=-proc->sp[-1];
-	return 1;
-inot(Proc *proc)
-	proc->sp[-1]=~proc->sp[-1];
-	return 1;
-ilnot(Proc *proc)
-	proc->sp[-1]=!proc->sp[-1];
-	return 1;
-iref(Proc *proc)
-	Store *s=(Store *)*--proc->sp;
-	*proc->sp++=s->ref-1;
-	decref(&s);
-	return 1;
-ilen(Proc *proc)
-	Store *s=(Store *)*--proc->sp;
-	*proc->sp++=s->len;
-	decref(&s);
-	return 1;
- * String comparison: put value of strcmp() on stack
- */
-istrcmp(Proc *proc)
-	int cmp;
-	Store *s1, *s2;
-	s1=(Store *)proc->sp[-2];
-	s2=(Store *)proc->sp[-1];
-	cmp=strcmp((char *)s1->data, (char *)s2->data);
-	decref(&s1);
-	decref(&s2);
-	proc->sp--;
-	proc->sp[-1]=cmp;
-	return 1;
- * Print
- */
-iprintint(Proc *proc)
-	pprint(proc, "%ld", *--proc->sp);
-	return 1;
-iprintnewline(Proc *proc)
-	pprint(proc, "\n");
-	return 1;
-iprintblank(Proc *proc)
-	pprint(proc, " ");
-	return 1;
-iprintunit(Proc *proc)
-	pprint(proc, "(unit)");
-	return 1;
-iprintchar(Proc *proc)
-	pprint(proc, "%c", *--proc->sp);
-	return 1;
-pprint(proc, fmt, a, b, c, d, e)
-	Proc *proc;
-	char *fmt;
-	char buf[1024];
-	long n;
-	n=sprint(buf, fmt, a, b, c, d, e);
-	if(proc->prbuf==0){
-		proc->prbuf=emalloc(64+n);
-		proc->maxprbuf=64+n;
-		proc->nprbuf=0;
-	}
-	if(n+proc->nprbuf+1>proc->maxprbuf){
-		proc->prbuf=erealloc(proc->prbuf, proc->maxprbuf+64+n);
-		proc->maxprbuf+=64+n;
-	}
-	strcpy(proc->prbuf+proc->nprbuf, buf);
-	proc->nprbuf+=n;
- * Stack management
- */
-ipop(Proc *proc)
-	--proc->sp;
-	return 1;
-ipopptr(Proc *proc)
-	decref((Store **)(proc->sp-1));
-	--proc->sp;
-	return 1;
-idup(Proc *proc)
-	proc->sp++;
-	proc->sp[-1]=proc->sp[-2];
-	return 1;
-idupptr(Proc *proc)
-	proc->sp++;
-	proc->sp[-1]=proc->sp[-2];
-	((Store *)(proc->sp[-1]))->ref++;
-	return 1;
-#include "node.h"
-#include "symbol.h"
-#include "alloc.h"
-#include "word.h"
-#include "store.h"
-#include "comm.h"
-#include "inst.h"
-#include <libc.h>
-#define	FNS
-#include "lib.h"
-#undef	FNS
-#define	C	0x40000000
-#define	I	0x20000000
-#define	F	0x10000000
-#define	M(x)	((x)&~(C|I|F))
-long call0[]={	/* plain function, 0 arguments */
-	I+Ipushfp,	C+0,	F,	I+Iret,	C+0*WS,	I+Idone,	0
-long call1[]={	/* plain function, 1 argument */
-	I+Ipushfp,	C+0,	F,	I+Iret,	C+1*WS,	I+Idone,	0
-long call2[]={	/* plain function, 2 arguments */
-	I+Ipushfp,	C+0,	F,	I+Iret,	C+2*WS,	I+Idone,	0
-long call3[]={	/* plain function, 3 arguments */
-	I+Ipushfp,	C+0,	F,	I+Iret,	C+3*WS,	I+Idone,	0
-long call4[]={	/* plain function, 4 arguments */
-	I+Ipushfp,	C+0,	F,	I+Iret,	C+4*WS,	I+Idone,	0
-long call5[]={	/* plain function, 5 arguments */
-	I+Ipushfp,	C+0,	F,	I+Iret,	C+5*WS,	I+Idone,	0
-long call2_0[]={/* two-step function, 0 arguments */
-	I+Ipushfp,	C+0,	F+0,	F+1,	I+Iret,	C+0*WS,	I+Idone,	0
-	char	*name;
-	int	(*fn[3])();
-	int	nargs;
-	long	*template;
-#include "lib.h"
-	0,	{0,	0,	0},	0,	0,
-bltinlookup(char *s)
-	int i;
-	for(i=0; bltin[i].name; i++)
-		if(strcmp(s, bltin[i].name)==0)
-			return i;
-	error("%s not a builtin", s);
-	return -1;
-bltinval(char *name, Node *t)
-	int i, nargs, len;
-	long *template, *p;
-	Store *s;
-	SWord *d;
-	if(t->o.t!=TProg)
-		error("builtin %s not a function", name);
-	i=bltinlookup(name);
-	nargs=bltin[i].nargs;
-	if(nargs!=length(t->l))	/* necessary but not sufficient */
-		error("wrong #args to builtin %s: %d (should be %d)", name, length(t->l), nargs);
-	template=bltin[i].template;
-	p=template;
-	for(len=0; *p; p++)
-		len++;
-	s=(Store *)emalloc(SHSZ+len*LWS);
-	s->ref=1;
-	s->type=Sprog;
-	s->sbits=0;
-	s->len=len;
-	d=s->data;
-	for(p=template; *p; p++)
-		if(*p&C)
-			*d++=(SWord)M(*p);
-		else if(*p&I)
-			*d++=(SWord)insttab[M(*p)].fp;
-		else if(*p&F)
-			*d++=(SWord)bltin[i].fn[M(*p)];
-	return (long)s;
-Store *
-mk(type, len)
-	Store *s;
-	if(type==Sstruct)
-		len++;
-	s=(Store *)emalloc(SHSZ+len*LWS);
-	s->ref=1;
-	s->type=type;
-	if(type==Sstruct){
-		s->sbits=1;
-		s->data[0]=0;
-	}else
-		s->sbits=0;
-	s->len=len;
-	return s;
-#include "node.h"
-#include "symbol.h"
-#include "alloc.h"
-#include "ydefs.h"
-#include "word.h"
-#include "store.h"
-#include "comm.h"
-#include "inst.h"
-#include "errjmp.h"
-#include <libc.h>
-long		resultloc;
-long		returnloc;
-Node		*formals;
-long		autooffset;
-extern int	bflag;
-extern int	cflag;
-extern int	nscope;
-extern Node	arychartype;
-compile(n)	/* called from parser only */
-	Node *n;
-	extern long autooffset;
-	Errjmp x;
-	n=constants(n);
-	if(cflag){
-		fileline();
-		fprint(2, "constants:\n");
-		dump(n, 0);
-	}
-	errsave(x);
-	if(errmark()){
-		autooffset=0;
-		freenode(n);
-		errrest(x);
-		errjmp();
-	}
-	istart();
-	gen(n, 0);
-	freenode(n);
-	errrest(x);
-gen(Node *n, int retain)
-	int i;
-	if(n==0)
-		return;
-	switch(n->t){
-	case NArrayref:
-		arygen(n->l, n->r, 0, 0L);
-		if(!retain)
-			popgen(n->l->o.s->val->type->r);
-		return;
-	case NBecome:
-		if(n->l->t==NCall && !bflag){
-			callgen(n->l, Ibecome);
-			return;
-		}
-		gen(n->l, 1);
-		n=n->r;
-		if(n->o.t==TID)
-			n=typeoftid(n);
-		switch(n->o.t){
-		case TInt:
-		case TChar:
-			emit(Istoreauto);
-			emitconst(-LWS*(3+length(formals)));
-			break;
-		case TArray:
-		case TChan:
-		case TProg:
-		case TStruct:
-			emit(Istoreptrauto);
-			emitconst(-LWS*(3+length(formals)));
-			break;
-		case TUnit:
-			break;
-		default:
-			panic("can't compile %t become", n->o.t);
-		}
-		scopedecrefgen();
-		trlrgen();
-		return;
-	case NBegin:
-		callgen(n->l, Ibegin);
-		return;
-	case NCall:
-		callgen(n, Icall);
-		if(!retain)
-			popgen(etypeoft(n->l)->r);
-		return;
-	case NDecl:
-	case NDeclsc:
-		declare(n, 0, 0, 1);
-		return;
-	case NExpr:
-		switch(n->o.i){
-		case GE:
-			i=Ige;
-		Binop:
-			gen(n->l, 1);
-			gen(n->r, 1);
-			if(eqtype(etypeof(n->l), &arychartype)){
-				emit(Istrcmp);
-				constgen(0L);
-			}
-			emit(i);
-		Popit:
-			if(!retain)
-				emit(Ipop);
-			return;
-		case LE:
-			i=Ile;
-			goto Binop;
-		case NE:
-			i=Ine;
-			goto Binop;
-		case EQ:
-			i=Ieq;
-			goto Binop;
-		case '>':
-			i=Igt;
-			goto Binop;
-		case '<':
-			i=Ilt;
-			goto Binop;
-		case '+':
-			i=Iadd;
-			goto Binop;
-		case '-':
-			i=Isub;
-			goto Binop;
-		case '*':
-			i=Imul;
-			goto Binop;
-		case '/':
-			i=Idiv;
-			goto Binop;
-		case '%':
-			i=Imod;
-			goto Binop;
-		case '&':
-			i=Iand;
-			goto Binop;
-		case '|':
-			i=Ior;
-			goto Binop;
-		case '^':
-			i=Ixor;
-			goto Binop;
-		case LSH:
-			i=Ilsh;
-			goto Binop;
-		case RSH:
-			i=Irsh;
-			goto Binop;
-		case ANDAND:
-			condgen(n->l, n->r, Ijmptrue, Ijmpfalse, 0L, 1L, retain);
-			return;
-		case OROR:
-			condgen(n->l, n->r, Ijmpfalse, Ijmptrue, 1L, 0L, retain);
-			return;
-		case PRINT:
-			gen(n->l, 1);
-			printgen(n->l);
-			emit(Isprint);
-			if(!retain)
-				emit(Iprint);
-			return;
-		case SND:
-			gen(n->l, 1);
-			constgen((long)Cissnd);
-			emit(Icommset1);
-			emit(Icommcln1);
-			gen(n->r, 1);
-			if(isptrtype(etypeoft(n->l)->r))
-				emit(Isndptr);
-			else
-				emit(Isnd);
-			if(!retain)
-				popgen(etypeof(n));
-			return;
-		case RCV:
-			gen(n->l, 1);
-			constgen(0L);	/* not Cissnd */
-			emit(Icommset1);
-			emit(Icommcln1);
-			return;
-		case '=':
-			gen(n->r, 1);
-			if(retain)
-				dupgen(etypeof(n->r), 1);
-			lgen(n->l);
-			return;
-		case LEN:
-			gen(n->l, 1);
-			emit(Ilen);
-			goto Popit;
-		case REF:
-			if(isptrtype(etypeof(n->l))){
-				gen(n->l, 1);
-				emit(Iref);
-			}else
-				constgen(1L);
-			goto Popit;
-		case DEF:
-			if(retain && n->l->t==NID && isinttype(etypeof(n->l))){
-				constgen(1L);
-				return;
-			}
-			/*
-			 * don't really need to call lgen1, which will uniquify our
-			 * array for us, but it does no harm, and it's easy.
-			 */
-			lgen1(n->l, Idefauto, Idef, Idefary);
-			goto Popit;
-		case UMINUS:
-			gen(n->l, 1);
-			emit(Ineg);
-			goto Popit;
-		case '~':
-			gen(n->l, 1);
-			emit(Inot);
-			goto Popit;
-		case '!':
-			gen(n->l, 1);
-			emit(Ilnot);
-			goto Popit;
-		case INC:
-			lgen1(n->l, Iincauto, Iinc, Iincary);
-			goto Popit;
-		case DEC:
-			lgen1(n->l, Idecauto, Idec, Idecary);
-			goto Popit;
-		default:
-			panic("can't compile %e expression", n->o.i);
-		}
-	case NExprlist:
-		/*
-		 * This is an arg or element list; first is pushed last
-		 */
-		gen(n->r, 1);
-		gen(n->l, 1);
-		return;
-	case NID:
-		if(!retain)
-			return;
-		switch(typeof(n)->o.t){
-		case TInt:
-		case TChar:
-			if(n->o.s->val->isauto){
-				emit(Ipushauto);
-				emitconst(n->o.s->val->store.off);
-			}else{
-				emit(Ipush);
-				emitconst((long)&n->o.s->val->store.l);
-			}
-			return;
-		case TProg:
-		case TArray:
-		case TChan:
-		case TStruct:
-			if(n->o.s->val->isauto){
-				emit(Ipushptrauto);
-				emitconst(n->o.s->val->store.off);
-			}else{
-				emit(Ipushptr);
-				emitconst((long)&n->o.s->val->store.l);
-			}
-			return;
-		case TUnit:
-			if(retain)
-				constgen(0L);
-			return;
-		case TType:
-			lerror(n, "attempt to evaluate type variable %m", n);
-		default:
-			panic("can't compile type %t", n->o.s->val->type->o.t);
-		}
-	case NIf:
-		ifgen(n);
-		return;
-	case NList:
-		gen(n->l, 0);
-		gen(n->r, 0);
-		return;
-	case NLoop:
-		loopgen(n);
-		return;
-	case NMk:
-		mkgen(n->l, n->r);
-		return;
-	case NNum:
-		if(retain)
-			constgen(n->o.l);
-		return;
-	case NProg:
-		if(retain)
-			proggen(n->l, n->r);
-		return;
-	case NResult:
-		gen(n->l, 1);
-		emit(Ijmp);
-		emitconst((long)(resultloc-here()-1)*WS);
-		return;
-	case NScope:
-		pushscope();
-		if(nscope==1){
-			int nauto;
-			autooffset=0;
-			emit(Ipushfp);
-			nauto=here();
-			emitconst(0L);
-			gen(n->l, 0);
-			patch((int)nauto, autooffset);
-		}else
-			gen(n->l, 0);
-		scopedecrefgen();
-		popscope();
-		return;
-	case NSelect:
-		selgen(n->l);
-		return;
-	case NSmash:{
-		Value *vl, *vr;
-		vl=n->l->o.s->val;
-		vr=n->r->o.s->val;
-		if(vr->type->o.t==TType){
-			freenode(vl->type);
-			vl->type=dupnode(vr->type);
-			return;
-		}
-		gen(n->r, 1);
-		/*
-		 * Free old values; tricky: push as int, pop as ptr
-		 */
-		if(isptrtype(vl->type)){
-			if(vl->isauto){
-				emit(Ipushauto);
-				emitconst(vl->store.off);
-			}else{
-				emit(Ipush);
-				emitconst((long)&vl->store.l);
-			}
-			emit(Ipopptr);
-		}
-		if(vl->isauto){
-			emit(Istoreauto);
-			emitconst(vl->store.l);
-			return;
-		}
-		emit(Istore);
-		emitconst((long)&vl->store.l);
-		return;
-	}
-	case NString:
-		if(retain){
-			Store *s;
-			s=(Store *)emalloc(SHSZ+strlen(n->o.c)+1);
-			strcpy((char *)(s->data), n->o.c);
-			s->ref=1;
-			s->len=strlen(n->o.c);
-			s->type=Sarychar;
-			emit(Ipushdata);
-			emitconst((long)s);
-		}
-		return;
-	case NStructref:
-		arygen(n->l, n->r, 1, n->o.l);
-		return;
-	case NSwitch:
-		switchgen(n->l, n->r);
-		return;
-	case NUnit:
-		if(retain)
-			constgen(0L);
-		return;
-	case NVal:
-		valgen(n->l);
-		if(!retain)
-			popgen(n->o.n);
-		return;
-	}
-	panic("can't compile node %n", n->t);
-	return;
-arygen(Node *a, Node *i, int isstr, long off)
-	int ptr, ischar;
-	if(isstr){
-		ptr=isptrtype(i);
-		constgen(off);
-		ischar=0;
-	}else{
-		Node *t=etypeoft(a)->r;
-		ptr=isptrtype(t);
-		gen(i, 1);
-		ischar=t->o.t==TChar;
-	}
-	if(a->t!=NID){
-		gen(a, 1);
-		emit(ptr? Ipusharyptrexpr :
-			(ischar? Ipusharycharexpr :Ipusharyexpr));
-	}else if(a->o.s->val->isauto){
-		emit(ptr? Ipusharyptrauto :
-			(ischar? Ipusharycharauto :Ipusharyauto));
-		emitconst(a->o.s->val->store.off);
-	}else{
-		emit(ptr? Ipusharyptr :
-			(ischar? Ipusharychar :Ipushary));
-		emitconst((long)&a->o.s->val->store.l);
-	}
-lgen(Node *n)
-	switch(n->t){
-	case NID:
-		switch(typeof(n)->o.t){
-		case TChar:
-			if(n->o.s->val->isauto){
-				emit(Istorecharauto);
-				emitconst(n->o.s->val->store.off);
-				return;
-			}
-			emit(Istorechar);
-			emitconst((long)&n->o.s->val->store.l);
-			return;
-		case TInt:
-		case TUnit:
-			if(n->o.s->val->isauto){
-				emit(Istoreauto);
-				emitconst(n->o.s->val->store.off);
-				return;
-			}
-			emit(Istore);
-			emitconst((long)&n->o.s->val->store.l);
-			return;
-		case TArray:
-		case TChan:
-		case TProg:
-		case TStruct:
-			if(n->o.s->val->isauto){
-				emit(Istoreptrauto);
-				emitconst(n->o.s->val->store.off);
-				return;
-			}
-			emit(Istoreptr);
-			emitconst((long)&n->o.s->val->store.l);
-			return;
-		default:
-			panic("lgen: ID type %t", n->o.s->val->type->o.t);
-			return;
-		}
-	case NArrayref:
-		gen(n->r, 1);
-		goto Genref;
-	case NStructref:
-		constgen(n->o.l);
-	Genref:
-		lgen1(n->l, Ipushuniqauto, Ipushuniq, Ipushuniqary);
-		emit(Istoreary);
-		return;
-	default:
-		panic("lgen: lvalue node %n", n->t);
-	}
- * n is a compound object about to be assigned into
- */
-lgen1(Node *n, int Iauto, int Ivar, int Iary)
-	switch(n->t){
-	case NID:
-		if(n->o.s->val->isauto){
-			emit(Iauto);
-			emitconst(n->o.s->val->store.off);
-			return;
-		}
-		emit(Ivar);
-		emitconst((long)&n->o.s->val->store.l);
-		return;
-	case NArrayref:
-		gen(n->r, 1);
-		goto Genref;
-	case NStructref:
-		constgen(n->o.l);
-	Genref:
-		lgen1(n->l, Ipushuniqauto, Ipushuniq, Ipushuniqary);
-		emit(Iary);
-		return;
-	default:
-		panic("lgen1: lvalue node %n", n->t);
-	}
-ifgen(Node *n)
-	int loc1, loc2;
-	gen(n->o.n, 1);
-	emit(Ijmpfalse);
-	loc1=here();
-	emit(0);
-	gen(n->l, 0);
-	if(n->r==0){
-		patch(loc1, (long)(here()-loc1-1)*WS);
-		return;
-	}
-	emit(Ijmp);
-	loc2=here();
-	emit(0);
-	patch(loc1, (long)(here()-loc1-1)*WS);
-	gen(n->r, 0);
-	patch(loc2, (long)(here()-loc2-1)*WS);
-	return;
-valgen(Node *n)
-	int loc1, loc2;
-	int orl;
-	emit(Ijmp);
-	loc1=here();
-	emitconst(0L);
-	orl=resultloc;
-	resultloc=here();
-	emit(Ijmp);
-	loc2=here();
-	emitconst(0L);
-	patch(loc1, (long)(here()-loc1-1)*WS);
-	gen(n, 1);
-	emit(Ivalnoresult);
-	patch(loc2, (long)(here()-loc2-1)*WS);
-	resultloc=orl;
-loopgen(Node *n)
-	int loc0, loc1, loc2;
-	if(n->o.i){	/* enter loop at top, so jump to body */
-		emit(Ijmp);
-		loc0=here();
-		emit(0);
-	}
-	gen(n->r->l, 0);	/* left expr */
-	if(n->r->r){		/* jump to condition */
-		emit(Ijmp);
-		loc1=here();
-		emit(0);
-	}
-	if(n->o.i)
-		patch(loc0, (here()-loc0-1)*LWS);
-	loc2=here();
-	gen(n->l, 0);		/* body */
-	gen(n->r->o.n, 0);	/* right expr */
-	if(n->r->r){
-		patch(loc1, (here()-loc1-1)*LWS);
-		gen(n->r->r, 1);
-		emit(Ijmptrue);
-	}else
-		emit(Ijmp);
-	emitconst((loc2-here()-1)*LWS);
-condgen(Node *l, Node *r, Inst i1, Inst i2, long t1, long t2, int retain)
-	int loc1, loc2, loc3;
-	gen(l, 1);
-	emit(i1);
-	loc1=here();
-	emit(0);
-	loc2=here();
-	if(retain)
-		constgen(t1);
-	emit(Ijmp);
-	loc3=here();
-	emit(0);
-	patch(loc1, (long)(here()-loc1-1)*WS);
-	gen(r, 1);
-	emit(i2);
-	emitconst((long)(loc2-here()-1)*WS);
-	if(retain)
-		constgen(t2);
-	patch(loc3, (long)(here()-loc3-1)*WS);
-callgen(Node *n, int callinst)
-	Node *pt;
-	pt=etypeof(n->l);
-	/*
-	 * Space for result
-	 */
-	constgen(0L);
-	/*
-	 * Args
-	 */
-	gen(n->r, 1);
-	/*
-	 * Call
-	 */
-	emit(Ipushconst);
-	if(n->l->t==NID)
-		emitconst((long)n->l->o.s->name);
-	else{
-		char buf[128];
-		char *p;
-		sprint(buf, "prog(){call on line %d}", n->line);
-		p=emalloc((unsigned long)strlen(buf)+1);
-		strcpy(p, buf);
-		emitconst((long)p);
-	}
-	gen(n->l, 1);
-	switch(callinst){
-	case Icall:
-		emit(Icall);
-		return;
-	case Ibegin:
-		constgen(LWS*(1+1+length(pt->l)));	/* result+procname+args */
-		emit(Ibegin);
-		return;
-	case Ibecome:
-		constgen(LWS*(1+1+length(pt->l)));	/* result+procname+args */
-		scopedecrefgen();
-		fdecrefgen(formals, -3L*WS);
-		emit(Ibecome);
-		if(formals)
-			emitconst(length(formals)*LWS);
-		else
-			emitconst(0L);
-		return;
-	}
-	panic("callgen");
-selgen(Node *n)
-	int tbl, i;
-	long l;
-	int ends[200];
-	selchangen(n);
-	l=length(n);
-	constgen(l);
-	emit(Icommset);
-	emit(Icommcln);
-	if(l>(sizeof ends/sizeof ends[0]))
-		panic("selgen table too small");
-	tbl=here();
-	emitspace(l);
-	i=0;
-	seltblgen(n, tbl, ends, &i);
-	for(i=0; i<l; i++)
-		patch(ends[i], (long)(here()-ends[i]-1)*WS);
-selchangen(Node *n)
-	long flags;
-	if(n->t==NList){
-		selchangen(n->l);
-		selchangen(n->r);
-		return;
-	}
-	if(n->t!=NCase)
-		panic("selchangen");
-	n=n->l->l;
-	if(n->o.t=='=')
-		n=n->r;		/* n is now RCV or SND */
-	flags=0;
-	if(n->o.t==SND)
-		flags|=Cissnd;
-	n=n->l;			/* n is now channel */
-	if(n->t==NArraycom){
-		flags|=Cisary;
-		n=n->l;
-	}else if(etypeoft(n)->o.t==TArray)
-		flags|=Cisary;
-	gen(n, 1);
-	constgen(flags);
-seltblgen(Node *n, int tbl, int *ends, int *ip)
-	Node *c, *s, *l, *t;
-	if(n->t==NList){
-		/* chans are eval'ed from the top, so table is backwards */
-		seltblgen(n->r, tbl, ends, ip);
-		seltblgen(n->l, tbl, ends, ip);
-		return;
-	}
-	if(n->t!=NCase)
-		panic("seltblgen");
-	if(n->l->t==NList)
-		error("sorry, empty cases not implemented");
-	patch(tbl+*ip, (long)(here()-tbl)*WS);
-	c=n->l->l;	/* communication */
-	s=n->r;		/* statement */
-	l=0;
-	if(c->o.t=='='){
-		l=c->l;	/* lvalue */
-		c=c->r;
-	}
-	if(c->o.t==SND){
-		gen(c->r, 1);
-		if(isptrtype(etypeoft(c->l)->r))
-			emit(Isndptr);
-		else
-			emit(Isnd);
-	}
-	c=c->l;	/* channel expression */
-	/*
-	 * The value is still on the stack; save it or toss it
-	 */
-	if(l)
-		lgen(l);
-	else if(c->t==NArraycom){
-		t=etypeoft(c->l)->r;
-		if(t->o.t==TID)
-			t=typeoftid(t);
-		popgen(t->r);
-	}else
-		popgen(etypeoft(c)->r);
-	if(c->t==NArraycom){	/* save array index */
-		if(c->r)
-			lgen(c->r);
-		else
-			emit(Ipop);
-	}
-	gen(s, 0);
-	emit(Ijmp);
-	ends[*ip]=here();
-	(*ip)++;
-	emitconst(0L);
-switchgen(Node *s, Node *e)
-	int isptr, out;
-	isptr=isptrtype(etypeof(e));
-	gen(e, 1);
-	emit(Ijmp);
-	emitconst(2*LWS);
-	emit(Ijmp);	/* each case jumps to here to get out */
-	out=here();
-	emitconst(0L);
-	switchgen1(s, isptr, out-1);
-	/* pop leftover value if no case matched */
-	if(isptr)
-		emit(Ipopptr);
-	else
-		emit(Ipop);
-	patch(out, (here()-out-1)*LWS);
-switchgen1(Node *s, int isptr, int out)
-	Node *e;
-	int loc;
-	if(s->t==NList){
-		switchgen1(s->l, isptr, out);
-		switchgen1(s->r, isptr, out);
-		return;
-	}
-	if(s->t!=NCase)
-		panic("switchgen1");
-	if(s->r==0)
-		error("sorry; can't fold cases together yet");
-	if(s->l->t==NDefault)
-		loc=-1;
-	else{
-		e=s->l->l;
-		if(isptr){	/* string */
-			emit(Idupptr);
-			gen(e, 1);
-			emit(Istrcmp);
-			constgen(0L);
-		}else{
-			emit(Idup);
-			gen(e, 1);
-		}
-		emit(Ieq);
-		emit(Ijmpfalse);
-		loc=here();
-		emitconst(0L);
-	}
-	if(isptr)
-		emit(Ipopptr);
-	else
-		emit(Ipop);
-	gen(s->r, 0);
-	emit(Ijmp);
-	emitconst((out-here()-1)*LWS);
-	if(loc!=-1)
-		patch(loc, (here()-loc-1)*LWS);
-popgen(Node *t)
-	if(isptrtype(t))
-		emit(Ipopptr);
-	else if(isinttype(t) || t->o.t==TUnit)
-		emit(Ipop);
-	else
-		panic("popgen %t\n", t->o.t);
-genfreeauto(Symbol *s)
-	if(!s->val->isauto)
-		panic("genfreeauto");
-	if(isptrtype(s->val->type)){
-		emit(Idecrefauto);
-		emitconst(s->val->store.off);
-	}
-printgen(Node *n)
-	Node *t;
-	if(n==0)
-		return;
-	if(n->t==NExprlist){
-		printgen(n->l);
-		printgen(n->r);
-		return;
-	}
-	t=etypeoft(n);
-	switch(t->o.t){
-	case TArray:
-	case TChan:
-	case TProg:
-	case TStruct:
-		emit(Iprintary);
-		break;
-	case TChar:
-		emit(Iprintchar);
-		break;
-	case TInt:
-		emit(Iprintint);
-		break;
-	case TUnit:
-		emit(Iprintunit);
-		break;
-	default:
-		panic("printgen: bad type %t", t->o.t);
-	}
-proggen(Node *t, Node *n)
-	int or;
-	Node *of;
-	Errjmp s;
-	Store *p;
-	long len, loc;
-	long nauto, oao;
-	extern int (*prog[])();
-	oao=autooffset;
-	or=returnloc;
-	of=formals;
-	autooffset=0;
-	returnloc=0;
-	formals=t->l;
-	errsave(s);
-	if(errmark()){
-		returnloc=or;
-		formals=of;
-		autooffset=oao;
-		errrest(s);
-		errjmp();
-	}
-	loc=here();
-	pushscope();
-	dclformals(t->l);
-	autooffset=0;
-	emit(Ipushfp);
-	nauto=here();
-	emitconst(0L);
-	gen(n, 0);
-	trlrgen();
-	patch((int)nauto, autooffset);
-	popscope();
-	errrest(s);
-	autooffset=oao;
-	returnloc=or;
-	formals=of;
-	len=here()-loc+1;
-	p=(Store *)emalloc(SHSZ+len*LWS);
-	memcpy((char *)(p->data), (char *)(prog+loc), len*LWS);
-	p->ref=1;
-	p->len=len;
-	p->type=Sprog;
-	setprog(loc);
-	emit(Ipushdata);
-	emitconst((long)p);
-	if(returnloc){
-		emit(Ijmp);
-		emitconst((long)(returnloc-here()-1)*WS);
-		return;
-	}
-	returnloc=here();
-	fdecrefgen(formals, -3L*WS);
-	emit(Iret);
-	if(formals)
-		emitconst(length(formals)*LWS);
-	else
-		emitconst(0L);
-fdecrefgen(Node *types, long offset)
-	if(types==0)
-		return 0;
-	if(types->t==NList){
-		offset=fdecrefgen(types->l, offset);
-		return fdecrefgen(types->r, offset);
-	}
-	if(types->t!=NFormal)
-		panic("fdecrefgen");
-	types=types->r;
-	if(isptrtype(types)){
-		emit(Idecrefauto);
-		emitconst(offset);
-	}
-	return offset-WS;
-dupgen(Node *t, int n)
-	while(n--)
-		emit(isptrtype(t)? Idupptr : Idup);
-mkgen(Node *t, Node *v)
-	switch(t->o.t){
-	case TChar:
-	case TInt:
-	case TUnit:
-		if(v)
-			gen(v, 1);
-		else
-			constgen(0L);
-		return;
-	case TID:
-		mkgen(typeoftid(t), v);
-		return;
-	case TChan:
-		if(v)
-			gen(v, 1);
-		else{
-			constgen((long)(sizeof(Chan)-sizeof(Store)));
-			mallocgen(t);
-		}
-		return;
-	case TArray:
-		if(v==0){
-			gen(t->l, 1);
-			mallocgen(t);
-			return;
-		}
-		gen(v, 1);
-		if(v->t!=NExprlist && eqtype(t, etypeof(v)))
-			return;
-		if(v->t==NString)
-			constgen((long)strlen(v->o.c));
-		else
-			constgen((long)length(v));
-		emit(Idup);
-		if(t->l)
-			gen(t->l, 1);
-		else
-			constgen(0L);
-		emit(Imax);
-		mallocgen(t);
-		if(t->r->o.t==TChar){
-			if(v->t==NString)
-				emit(Imemcpychar);
-			else
-				emit(Imemcpycharint);
-		}else
-			emit(Imemcpy);
-		return;
-	case TProg:
-		if(v==0){
-			v=new(NProg, dupnode(t), (Node *)0, (Node *)0);
-			gen(v, 1);
-			freenode(v);
-			return;
-		}
-		gen(v, 1);
-		return;
-	case TStruct:
-		if(v==0){
-			mallocgen(t);
-			return;
-		}
-		gen(v, 1);
-		if(v->t!=NExprlist && eqtype(t, etypeof(v)))
-			return;
-		constgen((long)length(v));
-		mallocgen(t);
-		emit(Imemcpystruct);
-		return;		
-	default:
-		panic("mkgen: bad type %t", t->o.t);
-	}
-mallocgen(Node *t)
-	switch(t->o.t){
-	case TArray:
-		t=t->r;
-		if(t->o.t==TID)
-			t=typeoftid(t);
-		if(isptrtype(t)){
-			constgen((long)Saryptr);
-			emit(Imalloc);
-		}else if(t->o.t==TInt || t->o.t==TUnit){
-			constgen((long)Saryint);
-			emit(Imalloc);
-		}else if(t->o.t==TChar)
-			emit(Imallocarychar);
-		else
-			panic("mallocgen array of %t", t->o.t);
-		return;
-	case TStruct:{
-		int pos=0;
-		long bits=0;
-		t=t->l;
-		elembitsgen(t, &pos, &bits);
-		if(pos)
-			constgen(bits);
-		constgen((long)length(t));
-		emit(Imallocstruct);
-		return;
-	}
-	case TChan:
-		constgen((long)Schan);
-		emit(Imalloc);
-		return;
-	}
-	panic("mallocgen of %t", t->o.t);
-elembitsgen(Node *t, int *pos, long *bits)
-	int i;
-	if(t->t==NList){
-		elembitsgen(t->l, pos, bits);
-		elembitsgen(t->r, pos, bits);
-		return;
-	}
-	if(t->t!=NElem)
-		panic("elembitsgen %n", t->t);
-	for(i=length(t); --i>=0; ){
-		if(*pos==BPW){
-			constgen(*bits);
-			*pos=0;
-			*bits=0;
-		}
-		if(isptrtype(t->r))
-			*bits|=1L<<*pos;
-		(*pos)++;
-	}
-constgen(long l)
-	if(l<-2 || l>10){
-		emit(Ipushconst);
-		emitconst(l);
-		return;
-	};
-	switch((int)l){
-	case -2:
-		emit(Ipush_2);
-		break;
-	case -1:
-		emit(Ipush_1);
-		break;
-	case 0:
-		emit(Ipush0);
-		break;
-	case 1:
-		emit(Ipush1);
-		break;
-	case 2:
-		emit(Ipush2);
-		break;
-	case 3:
-		emit(Ipush3);
-		break;
-	case 4:
-		emit(Ipush4);
-		break;
-	case 5:
-		emit(Ipush5);
-		break;
-	case 6:
-		emit(Ipush6);
-		break;
-	case 7:
-		emit(Ipush7);
-		break;
-	case 8:
-		emit(Ipush8);
-		break;
-	case 9:
-		emit(Ipush9);
-		break;
-	case 10:
-		emit(Ipush10);
-		break;
-	default:
-		panic("constgen");
-	}
-printable(Node *n)
-	if(n==0)
-		return 0;
-	switch(n->t){
-	case NExpr:
-		return n->o.t!='=';
-	case NArrayref:
-	case NCall:
-	case NID:
-	case NMk:
-	case NNum:
-	case NProg:
-	case NString:
-	case NStructref:
-	case NUnit:
-	case NVal:
-		return 1;
-	}
-	return 0;
-#include "alloc.h"
-#include "node.h"
-#include "symbol.h"
-#include "ydefs.h"
-#include "word.h"
-#include "store.h"
-#include <libc.h>
-Node		*doconst();
-extern int	Cflag;
-Node *
-constants(Node *n)
-	if(n==0)
-		return 0;
-	if(Cflag)
-		return n;
-	switch(n->t){
-	case NArrayref:
-		if(isconst(n))
-			return doconst(n);
-		break;
-	case NArraycom:
-		break;
-	case NBecome:
-		break;
-	case NBegin:
-		break;
-	case NCall:
-		break;
-	case NCase:
-		break;
-	case NDecl:
-		n->r=constants(n->r);
-		n->o.n=constants(n->o.n);
-		declare(n, 0, 0, 0);
-		return n;
-	case NDeclsc:
-		break;
-	case NDefault:
-		return n;
-	case NElem:
-		n->r=constants(n->r);
-		return n;
-	case NExpr:
-		switch(n->o.i){
-		case GE:
-		case LE:
-		case NE:
-		case EQ:
-		case '>':
-		case '<':
-		case '+':
-		case '-':
-		case '*':
-		case '/':
-		case '%':
-		case '&':
-		case '|':
-		case '^':
-		case ANDAND:
-		case OROR:
-		case LSH:
-		case RSH:
-			if(isconst(n->l) && isconst(n->r))
-				return doconst(n);
-			break;
-		case DEF:
-		case REF:
-		case LEN:
-		case UMINUS:
-		case '~':
-		case '!':
-			if(isconst(n->l))
-				return doconst(n);
-			break;
-		case PRINT:
-		case RCV:
-		case SND:
-		case INC:
-		case DEC:
-			break;
-		case '=':
-			break;
-		default:
-			fprint(2, "can't const expression %e\n", n->o.i);
-			return n;
-		}
-		break;
-	case NExprlist:
-		break;
-	case NFormal:
-		n->r=constants(n->r);
-		return n;
-	case NLabel:
-		break;
-	case NID:
-		if(isconst(n))
-			return doconst(n);
-		break;
-	case NIf:
-		n->l=constants(n->l);
-		n->r=constants(n->r);
-		n->o.n=constants(n->o.n);
-		if(isconst(n->o.n)){
-			Node *m;
-			gen(n->o.n, 1);
-			execute();
-			if(topofstack()){
-				m=n->l;
-				n->l=0;
-			}else{
-				m=n->r;
-				n->r=0;
-			}
-			freenode(n);
-			return m;
-		}
-		return n;
-	case NList:
-		break;
-	case NLoop:
-		break;
-	case NLoopexpr:
-		n->o.n=constants(n->o.n);
-		break;
-	case NMk:
-		break;
-	case NNum:
-		return n;
-	case NProg:
-		pushscope();
-		dclformals(n->l->l);
-		n->r=constants(n->r);
-		popscope();
-		return n;
-	case NResult:
-		break;
-	case NScope:
-		pushscope();
-		n->l=constants(n->l);
-		popscope();
-		return n;
-	case NSelect:
-		break;
-	case NSmash:
-		return n;
-	case NString:
-		return n;
-	case NSwitch:
-		break;
-	case NStructref:
-		if(isconst(n))
-			return (n);
-		break;
-	case NType:
-		break;
-	case NUnit:
-		break;
-	case NVal:
-		if(isconst(n->l))
-			return doconst(n);
-		break;
-	default:
-		fprint(2, "can't const node %n\n", n->t);
-		return n;
-	}
-	n->l=constants(n->l);
-	n->r=constants(n->r);
-	return n;
-isconst(Node *n)
-	if(n==0)
-		return 1;
-	switch(n->t){
-	case NArrayref:
-		return isconst(n->l) && isconst(n->r);
-	case NCall:
-		return 0;
-	case NExpr:
-		switch(n->o.i){
-		case GE:
-		case LE:
-		case NE:
-		case EQ:
-		case '>':
-		case '<':
-		case '+':
-		case '-':
-		case '*':
-		case '/':
-		case '%':
-		case '&':
-		case '|':
-		case '^':
-		case ANDAND:
-		case OROR:
-		case LSH:
-		case RSH:
-			return isconst(n->l) && isconst(n->r);
-		case DEF:
-		case LEN:
-		case UMINUS:
-		case '~':
-		case '!':
-			return isconst(n->l);
-		case REF:
-		case '=':
-		case RCV:
-		case SND:
-		case INC:
-		case DEC:
-			return 0;
-		}
-		fprint(2, "can't isconst expression %e", n->o.i);
-		return 0;
-	case NID:
-		return n->o.s->val->scope==0 && (n->o.s->val->stclass&SCconst);
-	case NIf:
-		return isconst(n->o.n) && isconst(n->l) && isconst(n->r);
-	case NList:
-		return 0;
-	case NLoop:
-		return 0;
-	case NNum:
-		return 1;
-	case NResult:
-		return isconst(n->l);
-	case NScope:
-		return isconst(n->l);
-	case NString:
-		return 1;
-	case NStructref:
-		return isconst(n->l);
-	case NVal:
-		return isconst(n->l);
-	case NUnit:
-		return 1;
-	}
-	fprint(2, "can't isconst node %n\n", n->t);
-	return 0;
-Node *
-doconst(Node *n)
-	Node *t;
-	if(n->t==NNum || n->t==NString || n->t==NUnit)
-		return n;	/* already const */
-	t=etypeoft(n);
-	switch(t->o.t){
-	case TChar:
-	case TInt:
-		gen(n, 1);
-		freenode(n);
-		execute();
-		return new(NNum, (Node *)0, (Node *)0, (Node *)topofstack());
-	case TUnit:
-		return new(NUnit, (Node *)0, (Node *)0, (Node *)0);
-	case TArray:
-		if(t->r->o.t==TChar){
-			Store *s;
-			char *c;
-			gen(n, 1);
-			freenode(n);
-			execute();
-			s=(Store *)topofstack();
-			c=emalloc(s->len+1);
-			strncpy(c, (char *)s->data, (int)s->len);
-			return newc(NString, (Node *)0, (Node *)0, c);
-		}
-		return n;
-	}
-	return n;
-#include "alloc.h"
-#include "word.h"
-#include "store.h"
-#include "comm.h"
-#include <libc.h>
-extern	int	pflag;
- * Jumps
- */
-ijmp(Proc *proc)
-	SWord l;
-	l=(SWord)*++proc->pc;
-	proc->pc+=l/WS;
-	return 1;
-ijmpfalse(Proc *proc)
-	SWord l;
-	l=(SWord)*++proc->pc;
-	if(*--proc->sp==0)
-		proc->pc+=l/WS;
-	return 1;
-ijmptrue(Proc *proc)
-	SWord l;
-	l=(SWord)*++proc->pc;
-	if(*--proc->sp!=0)
-		proc->pc+=l/WS;
-	return 1;
-ivalnoresult(Proc *proc)
-	rerror("val produces no result");
-	return 0;
- * Progs
- *
- *   Layout of a stack frame
- *
- *	sp:
- *		automatics
- *	fp:	old fp
- *		old pc
- *		symbol
- *		arg1
- *		arg2
- *		...
- *		result
- */
-iret(Proc *proc)
-	SWord nargs;
-	nargs=(SWord)(proc->pc[1]);
-	proc->sp=(SWord *)proc->fp+1;
-	proc->fp=(SWord *)*--proc->sp;
-	proc->pc=(int (**)())*--proc->sp;
-	proc->sp-=(sizeof(char *)+nargs)/WS;
-	if(proc->pc==0){
-		if(pflag)
-			fprint(2, "%d halts\n", proc->procnum);
-		halt(proc);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return 1;
-ibecome(Proc *proc)
-	int nargs;
-	int (**newpc)();
-	SWord oldfp, oldpc, *oldresultaddr, *newresultaddr;
-	Store *s;
-	nargs=*--proc->sp/LWS;
-	nargs+=2;	/* includes result and sym; add pc, fp */
-	s=(Store *)*--proc->sp;
-	if(--(s->ref)==0)
-		rpanic("ibecome ref==0");
-	newpc=((int (**)())s->data);
-	oldfp=proc->fp[0];
-	oldpc=proc->fp[-1];
-	*proc->sp++=oldpc;
-	*proc->sp++=oldfp;
-	oldresultaddr=proc->fp-3-(long)(*++proc->pc)/LWS;
-	newresultaddr=proc->sp-nargs;
-	memcpy((char *)oldresultaddr, (char *)newresultaddr, LWS*nargs);
-	/* args in place.  do the call by hand, jmp to pushfp */
-	proc->sp=oldresultaddr+(nargs-2);
-	*proc->sp++=oldpc;
-	proc->fp=(SWord *)oldfp;
-	proc->pc=newpc-1;
-	return 1;
-ipushfp(Proc *proc)
-	int nauto;
-	*proc->sp=(SWord)proc->fp;
-	proc->fp=proc->sp++;
-	nauto=((SWord)*++proc->pc)/WS;
-	while(nauto--)
-		*proc->sp++=0;
-	if(proc->sp>=&proc->stack[NSTACK])
-		rerror("stack overflow");
-	return 1;
-icall(Proc *proc)
-	int (**newpc)();
-	Store *s;
-	s=(Store *)*--proc->sp;
-	if(--(s->ref)==0)
-		rpanic("icall ref==0");
-	newpc=((int (**)())s->data);
-	*proc->sp++=(SWord)proc->pc;
-	proc->pc=newpc-1;
-	return 1;
-#include "node.h"
-#include "symbol.h"
-#include "alloc.h"
-#include "ydefs.h"
-#include "word.h"
-#include "store.h"
-#include <libc.h>
-extern int	nscope;
-declare(Node *n, int stclass, int dotypchk, int docomp)
-	extern int iflag;
-	if(n==0)
-		return;
-	if(n->t==NList){
-		declare(n->l, stclass, dotypchk, docomp);
-		declare(n->r, stclass, dotypchk, docomp);
-		return;
-	}
-	if(n->t==NDeclsc){
-		declare(n->l, n->o.i, dotypchk, docomp);
-		return;
-	}
-	if(dotypchk)
-		type(n->o.n, 0);
-	if(n->r==0){
-		if(n->o.n==0)
-			panic("declare: no type");
-		if(n->o.n->t==NMk && n->o.n->l==0)
-			lerror(n, "can't derive type in declaration");
-		n->r=dupnode(etypeof(n->o.n));
-	}
-	if(dotypchk){
-		type(n->r, 0);
-		if(n->o.n){
-			/*
-			 * Make it a mk
-			 */
-			if(n->o.n->t!=NMk)
-				n->o.n=new(NMk, (Node *)0, n->o.n, (Node *)0);
-			/*
-			 * Default type for mk
-			 */
-			if(n->o.n->l==0)
-				n->o.n->l=dupnode(n->r);
-			else if(!compattype(n->r, n->o.n->l))
-				lerror(n, "type clash in declaration (%t %t)\n",
-					n->r->o.t, etypeof(n->o.n)->o.t);
-			mkcheck(n->o.n->l, n->o.n->r);
-		}
-	}
-	if(docomp && n->o.n){
-		if(dotypchk)	/* top level declaration */
-			n->o.n=constants(n->o.n);
-		gen(n->o.n, 1);
-		dupgen(n->r, length(n->l)-1);
-	}else
-		docomp=0;
-	dcl(n->l, n->r, stclass, n->o.n, docomp);
-	if(n->o.n && docomp && nscope==0){
-		if(iflag)
-			idump();
-		execute();
-	}
-dcl(id, typ, stclass, val, docomp)
-	Node *id, *typ, *val;
-	if(id->t==NList){
-		dcl(id->l, typ, stclass, val, docomp);
-		dcl(id->r, typ, stclass, val, docomp);
-		return;
-	}
-	if(typ->o.t==TID && typ->l->o.s->val->type->o.t!=TType)
-		error("%m not a type", typ->l);
-	if(id->t!=NID)
-		panic("dcl not ID");
-	pushval(id->o.s, dupnode(typ));
-	if(stclass&SCbltin)
-		id->o.s->val->store.l=bltinval(id->o.s->name, typ);
-	if(docomp)
-		lgen(id);
-	id->o.s->val->stclass=stclass;
- * To compile this
- * 	rec {
- * 		x : chan of T = f(x,y);
- * 		y : chan of T = g(x,y);
- * 	};
- * convert it to this
- * 	x : chan of T = mk();
- * 	y : chan of T = mk();
- * 	x1 : chan of T = f(x,y);
- * 	y1 : chan of T = g(x,y);
- * 	x <- x1;
- * 	y <- y1;
- *	toss x1, y1;
- * where the operator x <- x1 means copy the representation of x1 into x.
- *
- *	rec type T: struct of { t:T; };
- *
- * is handled similarly.
- */
-Node *
-op1(Node *n)
-	Node *m;
-	if(n->t==NDeclsc){
-		m=op1(n->l);
-		return newi(NDeclsc, m, (Node *)0, n->o.i);
-	}
-	if(n->r==0){
-		if(n->o.n && (n->o.n->t==NProg || (n->o.n->t==NMk && n->o.n->l)))
-			n->r=dupnode(n->o.n->l);
-		else			
-			lerror(n, "can't deduce type for rec decl");
-	}else if(n->r->o.t==TType){
-		m=newi(NType, (Node *)0, (Node *)0, n->r->l->o.t);
-		m=new(NDecl, dupnode(n->l), m, (Node *)0);
-		return m;
-	}
-	m=new(NMk, dupnode(n->r), (Node *)0, (Node *)0);
-	m=new(NDecl, dupnode(n->l), dupnode(n->r), m);
-	return m;
-Node *
-op2(Node *n)
-	Node *m;
-	char s[Namesize+2];
-	if(n->t==NDeclsc){
-		m=op2(n->l);
-		return newi(NDeclsc, m, (Node *)0, n->o.i);
-	}
-	if(n->l->t==NList)
-		error("no identifier lists in rec's, please");
-	strcpy(s+1, n->l->o.s->name);
-	s[0]='*';
-	m=new(NDecl, idnode(lookup(s, ID)), dupnode(n->r), dupnode(n->o.n));
-	return m;
-Node *
-op3(Node *n)
-	Node *m;
-	char s[Namesize+2];
-	if(n->t==NDeclsc)
-		return op3(n->l);
-	if(n->l->t==NList)
-		error("no lists in rec's, please");
-	strcpy(s+1, n->l->o.s->name);
-	s[0]='*';
-	m=new(NSmash, idnode(lookup(s+1, ID)), idnode(lookup(s, ID)), (Node *)0);
-	return m;
-Node *
-rewr(Node *n, Node *(*f)())
-	if(n->t==NList)
-		return new(NList, rewr(n->l, f), rewr(n->r, f), (Node *)0);
-	return (*f)(n);
-recrewrite(Node *n)
-	Node *n1, *n2, *n3;
-	n1=rewr(n->l, op1);
-	n2=rewr(n->l, op2);
-	n3=rewr(n->l, op3);
-	freenode(n->l);
-	n->t=NList;
-	n->r=n3;
-	n->l=new(NList, n1, n2, (Node *)0);
-	ndump(n);
- *
- * To compile this
- *
- *	prog(a:int){
- *		begin prog(b:int){ f(a, b); }(b);
- *	}
- *
- * convert it to this
- *
- *	prog(a:int){
- *		begin prog(b:int, a:int){ f(a, b); }(b, a);
- *	}
- *
- */
-Node 	*begf;
-Node	*bega;
-int	fscope;
-int	progerr;
-proglocals(Node *n)
-	progerr=1;
-	pushscope();
-	fscope=nscope;
-	begf=n->l->l;
-	bega=0;
-	dclformals(begf);
-	progid(n->r);
-	popscope();
-begrewrite(Node *n)
-	progerr=0;
-	pushscope();
-	fscope=nscope;
-	begf=n->l->l->l;
-	bega=n->r;
-	dclformals(begf);
-	progid(n->l->r);
-	popscope();
-	n->l->l->l=begf;
-	n->r=bega;
-addformal(Node *n)
-	Node *nf;
-	if(!alreadyformal(n, begf)){
-		nf=new(NFormal, dupnode(n), dupnode(n->o.s->val->type), (Node *)0);
-		if(begf)
-			begf=new(NList, begf, nf, (Node *)0);
-		else
-			begf=nf;
-		nf=dupnode(n);
-		if(bega)
-			bega=new(NExprlist, bega, nf, (Node *)0);
-		else
-			bega=nf;
-	}		
-alreadyformal(Node *n, Node *f)
-	if(f==0)
-		return 0;
-	if(f->t==NList)
-		return alreadyformal(n, f->l) || alreadyformal(n, f->r);
-	return strcmp(n->o.s->name, f->l->o.s->name)==0;
-progid(Node *n)
-	if(n==0)
-		return;
-	switch(n->t){
-	case NArrayref:
-	case NArraycom:
-	case NBecome:
-	case NBegin:
-	case NCall:
-	case NCase:
-		break;
-	case NDecl:
-		progid(n->r);
-		progid(n->o.n);
-		declare(n, 0, 0, 0);
-		return;
-	case NDeclsc:
-	case NDefault:
-		break;
-	case NElem:
-		return;
-	case NExpr:
-	case NExprlist:
-	case NFormal:
-		break;
-	case NID:
-		if(n->o.s->val)
-		if(0<n->o.s->val->scope && n->o.s->val->scope<fscope){
-			if(progerr)
-				lerror(n, "%m not in an accessible scope", n);
-			addformal(n);
-		}
-		return;
-	case NLabel:
-	case NList:
-	case NLoop:
-		break;
-	case NLoopexpr:
-		progid(n->o.n);
-		break;
-	case NIf:
-		progid(n->o.n);
-		break;
-	case NMk:
-		break;
-	case NNum:
-		return;
-	case NProg:
-		pushscope();
-		dclformals(n->l->l);
-		progid(n->r);
-		popscope();
-		return;
-	case NResult:
-		break;
-	case NScope:
-		pushscope();
-		progid(n->l);
-		popscope();
-		return;
-	case NSelect:
-		break;
-	case NSmash:
-		return;	/* ?? */
-	case NString:
-		return;
-	case NSwitch:
-	case NStructref:
-		break;
-	case NType:
-		break;
-	case NUnit:
-		return;
-	case NVal:
-		break;
-	default:
-		fprint(2, "can't progid node %n\n", n->t);
-		return;
-	}
-	progid(n->l);
-	progid(n->r);
-#include "nodenames.h"
-#include "typenames.h"
-#include "errjmp.h"
-#include "node.h"
-#include "symbol.h"
-#include "ydefs.h"
-#include <libc.h>
-lerror(Node *n, char *s, a, b, c, d, e, f)
-	lfileline(n->line);
-	fprint(2, s, a, b, c, d, e, f);
-	if(s[strlen(s)-1]!='\n')
-		fprint(2, "\n");
-	errflush();
-	errjmp();
-error(char *s, a, b, c, d, e, f)
-	fileline();
-	fprint(2, s, a, b, c, d, e, f);
-	if(s[strlen(s)-1]!='\n')
-		fprint(2, "\n");
-	errflush();
-	errjmp();
-rerror(char *s, a, b, c, d, e, f)
-	fileline();
-	fprint(2, s, a, b, c, d, e, f);
-	fprint(2, "\n");
-	processes(0);
-	errflush();
-	errjmp();
-warn(char *s, a, b, c, d, e, f)
-	fileline();
-	fprint(2, "warning: ");
-	fprint(2, s, a, b, c, d, e, f);
-	fprint(2, "\n");
-panic(char *s, a, b, c, d, e, f)
-	fileline();
-	fprint(2, "internal error: ");
-	fprint(2, s, a, b, c, d, e, f);
-	fprint(2, "\n");
-	abort();
-rpanic(char *s, a, b, c, d, e, f)
-	fileline();
-	processes(0);
-	fprint(2, "internal error: ");
-	fprint(2, s, a, b, c, d, e, f);
-	fprint(2, "\n");
-	abort();
-bconv(int *o, int f1, int f2)
-	extern int printcol;
-	while(printcol<*o-8)
-		strconv("\t", f1, f2);
-	strconv("        "+(8-(*o-printcol)), f1, f2);
-	return sizeof(int);
-nconv(int *o, int f1, int f2)
-	if(*o<0 || sizeof(Ntypename)/sizeof(Ntypename[0])<=*o)
-		strconv("mystery node", f1, f2);
-	else
-		strconv(Ntypename[*o], f1, f2);
-	return sizeof(int);
-tconv(int *o, int f1, int f2)
-	if(*o<0 || sizeof(Ttypename)/sizeof(Ttypename[0])<=*o)
-		strconv("mystery type", f1, f2);
-	else
-		strconv(Ttypename[*o], f1, f2);
-	return sizeof(int);
-char	bufx[128][10];
-int	bufno=9;
-char *
-	if(++bufno==10)
-		bufno=0;
-	return bufx[bufno];
-econv(int *o, int f1, int f2)
-	char *buf=prbuf();
-	char *x;
-	int t=*o;
-	if(t<128 && strchr("+-*/%|&^~?!><=", t))
-		sprint(buf, "%c", t);
-	else{
-		switch(t){
-		case GE:
-			x=">=";
-			break;
-		case LE:
-			x="<=";
-			break;
-		case NE:
-			x="!=";
-			break;
-		case EQ:
-			x="==";
-			break;
-		case ANDAND:
-			x="&&";
-			break;
-		case OROR:
-			x="||";
-			break;
-		case REF:
-			x="ref";
-			break;
-		case LEN:
-			x="len";
-			break;
-		case UMINUS:
-			x="unary -";
-			break;
-		case RCV:
-			x="rcv";
-			break;
-		case SND:
-			x="send";
-			break;
-		case LSH:
-			x="<<";
-			break;
-		case RSH:
-			x=">>";
-			break;
-		case DEC:
-			x="--";
-			break;
-		case INC:
-			x="++";
-			break;
-		default:
-			x="mystery expression";
-			break;
-		}
-		strcpy(buf, x);
-	}
-	strconv(buf, f1, f2);
-	return sizeof(int);
-mconv(int *o, int f1, int f2)
-	char *buf=prbuf();
-	Node *n=(Node *)*o;
-	switch(n->t){
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t6.i
echo regress.d/t6.out 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t6.out <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t6.out'
-emalloc(unsigned long n)
-erealloc(char *p, unsigned long n)
-pprint(proc, fmt, a, b, c, d, e)
-bltinval(char *name, Node *t)
-mk(type, len)
-compile(n)	/* called from parser only */
-gen(Node *n, int retain)
-lgen(Node *n)
-genfreeauto(Symbol *s)
-dupgen(Node *t, int n)
-printable(Node *n)
-constants(Node *n)
-declare(Node *n, int stclass, int dotypchk, int docomp)
-recrewrite(Node *n)
-proglocals(Node *n)
-begrewrite(Node *n)
-lerror(Node *n, char *s, a, b, c, d, e, f)
-error(char *s, a, b, c, d, e, f)
-rerror(char *s, a, b, c, d, e, f)
-warn(char *s, a, b, c, d, e, f)
-panic(char *s, a, b, c, d, e, f)
-rpanic(char *s, a, b, c, d, e, f)
-bconv(int *o, int f1, int f2)
-nconv(int *o, int f1, int f2)
-tconv(int *o, int f1, int f2)
-econv(int *o, int f1, int f2)
-mconv(int *o, int f1, int f2)
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t6.out
echo regress.d/t6.pat 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t6.pat <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t6.pat'
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t6.pat
echo regress.d/t6.sh 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t6.sh <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t6.sh'
-$GRE -f t6.pat < t6.i
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t6.sh
echo regress.d/t7.i 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t7.i <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t7.i'
-	if [ `cat $HISTFILE | lct` -gt "$HISTMAXL" ]
-for i in `ls [0-9]*# | egrep '^[0-9]+##?$' | sed -e 's/#*$//'`
-do case "`ps -lx$i" in ?*);; *) rm -f ${i}# ${i}##;; esac
-NBRFILES=`ls -f $pubdir/jbk | fgrep -vi -x '.
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t7.i
echo regress.d/t7.out 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t7.out <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t7.out'
-do case "`ps -lx$i" in ?*);; *) rm -f ${i}# ${i}##;; esac
-NBRFILES=`ls -f $pubdir/jbk | fgrep -vi -x '.
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t7.out
echo regress.d/t7.sh 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t7.sh <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t7.sh'
-$GRE -G '^[^`]*`[^`]*$' < t7.i
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t7.sh
echo regress.d/t8.i 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t8.i <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t8.i'
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t8.i
echo regress.d/t8.out 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t8.out <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t8.out'
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t8.out
echo regress.d/t8.sh 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t8.sh <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t8.sh'
-$GRE -F -x -f t8.i < t8.i
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t8.sh
echo regress.d/t9.i 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t9.i <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t9.i'
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t9.i
echo regress.d/t9.out 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t9.out <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t9.out'
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t9.out
echo regress.d/t9.sh 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >regress.d/t9.sh <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t9.sh'
-$GRE -F -f t8.i < t9.i
//GO.SYSIN DD regress.d/t9.sh
echo mkfile 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >mkfile <<'//GO.SYSIN DD mkfile'
-CFLAGS=-DMEMMOVE -N -I/usr/include/lcc -I/usr/include/libc # -A -p -DPROFILING # -DUSE_STDIO
-# CC should be an ansi compiler (or c++); OCC any old compiler
-NAMES=main dofgrep dogre fns buffer
-LNAMES=cw bm re eg egcomp eglit egpos egstate egcw egbr egerror refile\
-	egparen egmatch egcanon
-SRC=${NAMES:%=%.c} ${LNAMES:%=%.c}
-BUILTINS='%.o:	%.c
-	$CC $CFLAGS -c $stem.c
-'"`cat DEPEND`"
-all:V:	gre cyntax
-gre:	$OBJ $LIB
-	$CC $CFLAGS -o $target $prereq
-regress:VQ:	#hcheck
-	make CC=$CC regress
-	rm -fr tmp
-	mkdir tmp tmp/regress.d
-	for i in $SRC *.h
-	do
-		awk -f deansify.awk $i > tmp/$i
-	done
-	cp makefile tmp
-	cp regress.d/* tmp/regress.d
-	(cd tmp; make CC=$OCC regress)
-	rm -fr tmp
-lt1:	lt1.o $LIB
-	$CC $CFLAGS -o $target $prereq
-	pr mkfile hdr.h $SRC | lp -dpsu -n2
-htest.o:	htest.c
-	$CC $CFLAGS -DUSE_STDIO -c $prereq
-htest:	htest.o $LIB
-	$CC $CFLAGS -o $target $prereq
-hcheck:	htest
-	echo aabcdd | htest 'a+(b|c)*d+' tempa 0
-	echo abccccc | htest '^(a|b)*(abc+|c)' tempa 0
-	echo bccc | htest '(bc|bc+)' tempa 0
-	echo abab | htest '((b|a)+)\1' tempa 0
-	echo vivi | htest '^.+$' tempa '^(.+)$' tempb 01
-	echo acbb | htest '((.)+)\1' tempa 0
-	echo !gryphon.att.com!eby | time htest '^!([^!.]+)\.att\.com!(.+)$' tempa 0
-h1:V:	htest
-	echo abc | time htest '^^.+!([^!]+2!([^!]+)$$' tempa 0
-	rm -f *.o gre refile libc.a
-	mk gre refile regress oregress
-	rm -f *.o gre refile libc.a
-bm.o: re.h lre.h hdr.h
-buffer.o: re.h lre.h hdr.h
-cw.o: re.h lre.h hdr.h
-dofgrep.o: re.h lre.h hdr.h
-dogre.o: re.h lre.h hdr.h
-eg.o: re.h lre.h hdr.h
-egbr.o: re.h lre.h hdr.h
-egcomp.o: re.h lre.h hdr.h
-egcw.o: re.h lre.h hdr.h
-egerror.o: re.h /usr/include/stdio.h
-eglit.o: re.h lre.h hdr.h
-egmatch.o: re.h lre.h hdr.h
-egparen.o: re.h lre.h hdr.h
-egpos.o: re.h lre.h hdr.h
-egstate.o: re.h lre.h hdr.h
-fns.o: re.h lre.h hdr.h
-main.o: re.h lre.h hdr.h
-re.o: re.h lre.h hdr.h
-refile.o: re.h lre.h
-$LIB(%.o):N:	%.o
-	names=`membername $newprereq`
-	ar rv $target $names && rm $names
-	ranlib $target
-	what="$SRC hdr.h io.h re.h lre.h libc.h"
-	what="$what getopt.c"		# for those without
-	what="$what `echo regress.d/*` mkfile makefile README"
-	what="$what tmac.an re.3 gre.1 deansify.awk"
-	cp /n/bowell/usr/man/man3/re.3 .
-	cp /n/bowell/usr/man/man1/gre.1 .
-	cp /usr/lib/tmac/tmac.an .
-	cp /usr/include/libc.h .
-	(echo mkdir regress.d; bundle $what) > gre.bundle
-	ls -l gre.bundle
-	rm re.3 libc.h gre.1 tmac.an
-	rcp gre.bundle $stem:/tmp
-	rsh $stem "cd /tmp; rm -fr gre; mkdir gre; cd gre; sh < ../gre.bundle; make regress && (cd ..; rm -fr gre gre.bundle)"
-	cdepend $OBJ $LLOBJ > DEPEND
-refile:	refile.c $LIB
-	$CC $CFLAGS -DUSE_STDIO -o $target -DMAIN $prereq && rm refile.o
-refile.o:	refile.c
-	$CC $CFLAGS -DUSE_STDIO -c refile.c
-extern:V:	$LIB
-	nm $LIB | egrep -v ' [dtUb] |:| _re| _eg' | sort -u | mc
-poot:V:	gre
-	gre -x '.|..' filex
//GO.SYSIN DD mkfile
echo makefile 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >makefile <<'//GO.SYSIN DD makefile'
-OBJ=main.o dofgrep.o dogre.o fns.o buffer.o cw.o bm.o eg.o egcomp.o eglit.o egpos.o egstate.o egcw.o egbr.o egmatch.o egcanon.o
-HOBJ=htest.o eg.o egcomp.o eglit.o egpos.o egstate.o egcw.o egbr.o egmatch.o re.o cw.o refile.o egerror.o #dofgrep.o dogre.o fns.o buffer.o cw.o bm.o egcanon.o
-gre:	$(OBJ)
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o gre $(OBJ)
-htest:	$(HOBJ)
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o htest $(HOBJ)
-	rm -f buffer.o; make CC=$(CC) CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -DBUFSIZE=500" gre
-	cd regress.d; make GRE=../gre
-	rm -f buffer.o gre
//GO.SYSIN DD makefile
echo README 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >README <<'//GO.SYSIN DD README'
-installation should be quite easy. set CFLAGS (in makefile)
-to include a -DUSE_STDIO if you want to use stdio. otherwise
-you will need fio. if you have a memmove in your C library,
-use -DMEMMOVE; otherwise it will use memcpy (definition in hdr.h).
-a simple regression test can be done by make regress.
-the default C compiler is assumed to be ansi compliant (or c++).
-if you don't have one, there is a deansify.awk to help.
-look at the target oregress for how i use it.
-bugs to andrew@research.att.com
-things to do:
-	multibyte chars
echo tmac.an 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >tmac.an <<'//GO.SYSIN DD tmac.an'
-'''\"	PWB Manual Entry Macros - 1.36 of 11/11/80
-'''\"	Nroff/Troff Version	@(#)1.36
-'''\"  Option -rs1 short (9") pages
-'''\"  Option -rp# set no. of first page, put no. of pgs. on stderr
-'''\"  Option -rd1 give modified date instead of printed date
-.tmwrong version of man entry macros - use -man6
-.ifn .ds Tm \uTM\d
-.ift .ds Tm \v'-0.5m'\s-4TM\s+4\v'0.5m'
-.ift .ta 3.6m 7.2m 10.8m 14.4m 18m 21.6m 25.2m 28.8m 32.4m 36m 39.6m 43.2m 46.8m
-.ifn .ta 5n 10n 15n 20n 25n 30n 35n 40n 45n 50n 55n 60n 65n
-.de HY
-.ift .vs \\n()Vp
-.ie\\n()s 'sp |2v
-.el'sp |3v
-.".iet .bd1 3
-.".el.bd1 0
-.tl \\*(]H\\*(]L\\*(]H
-.ie\\n()s 'sp 1.5v
-.el'sp 3v
-.if \\n(CL .2C
-.if\\n()s 'sp |\\n(.pu-1v-1p
-.if\\n()t 'sp |\\n(.pu-3v
-.ifn 'sp |\\n(.pu-4v
-.ifn .tl Page %\\*(]D\\*(]W
-.if\\n()s .tl - % -
-.if\\n()t \{.if o .tl Page %\\*(]D\\*(]W
-.ife .tl \\*(]W\\*(]DPage % \}
-.ifn .ig
-.if "\\*(.T"aps"\{\
-.	po0i
-.	lt7.5i
-.	if\\n()s .tl \l0.25i\l0.25i\h1i\l0.25i
-.	if\\n()t .tl \l0.25i\l0.25i
-.	lt
-.	po\}
-.wh-.5p }C
-.nr )P \\n%+1-\\np
-.if \\nq .tm \\n(.F \\n()P \\np
-.if \\nq .nr p \\n%
-.nrIN \\n()Mu
-.ift .ds ]H \\$1\^(\^\\$2\^)
-.ifn .ds ]H \\$1(\\$2)
-.if\\n()s .ds ]D
-.if\\n()t .ds ]D Tenth Edition
-.ifn .ds ]D Tenth Edition
-.if!\\$3 .ds ]L (\^\\$3\^)
-.if!\\$4 .ds ]D \\$4
-.wh0 }H
-.wh-\\n(:mu }F
-.if\\n(nl .}P
-.nr)I \\n()Mu
-.nr)R 0
-.ifn \{.na
-.ift \{.bd S 3 3
-.HY \}
-.}X 0 "\\$1" smaller
-.nr)E 2
-\&\\$1 \|\\$2 \|\\$3 \|\\$4 \|\\$5 \|\\$6
-.}X 3n "" ""
-.nr)E 2
-\&\\$1 \|\\$2 \|\\$3 \|\\$4 \|\\$5 \|\\$6
-.nr)R 0
-'''if\\$2SYNOPSIS .ss 18
-.it1 }N
-.if!\\$3 .SM
-.iet .bd1 3
-.el.bd1 0
-.nr)E 0
-.nr)I \\n()Mu
-.if!\\$1 \&\\$1
-.if!\\$2 \&\\$2
-.if!\\$3 \&\\$3
-.if!\\$4 \&\\$4
-.if!\\$5 \&\\$5
-.if!\\$6 \&\\$6
-.if!\\$1 .ps \\n()S
-.if\\$1 .it 1 }N
-.it1 }N
-.if!\\$1 \&\\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6
-.it1 }N
-.ie!\\$1 \%\&\f5\\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6
-.el .ft5
-.it1 }N
-.ift \{.ie!\\$1 \%\&\f5\\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6
-.el .ft5 \}
-.ifn \{.ft5
-.if!\\$1 \{.ie\\$2 `\\$1'
-.el .ie\\$3 `\\$1 \\$2'
-.el .ie\\$4 `\\$1 \\$2 \\$3'
-.el .ie\\$5 `\\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4'
-.el .ie\\$6 `\\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5'
-.el `\\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6'\}\}
-.it1 }N
-.ie!\\$1 \%\&\f5\\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6
-.el .ft5
-.}S 1 2 \& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
-.}S 2 1 \& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
-.ift .}S 2 5 \%\& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
-.ifn .}S 2 1 \%\& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
-.ift .}S 1 5 \%\& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
-.ifn .}S 1 1 \%\& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
-.ift .}S 5 1 \%\& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
-.ifn .}S 1 1 \%\& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
-.ift .}S 5 2 \%\& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
-.ifn .}S 1 2 \%\& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
-.de LR
-.ift \%\&\f5\\$1\f1\\$2
-.ifn \%`\\$1'\\$2
-.de RL
-.ift \%\&\f1\\$1\\f5\\$2\\f1\\$3
-.ifn \%\\$1`\\$2'\\$3
-.if\\$12 .if !\\$5 .ds ]F \^
-.if\\$22 .if !\\$5 .ds ]F \^
-.ie!\\$4 .}S \\$2 \\$1 "\\$3\f\\$1\\$4\\*(]F" "\\$5" "\\$6" "\\$7" "\\$8" "\\$9"
-\%\&\f5\\$1\f1\\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6
-.ift .ft5
-.nr)I \\n()Mu
-.ift .nr PD .4v
-.ifn .nr PD 1v
-.if!\\$1 .nr PD \\$1v
-.if!\\$1 .nr )I \\$1n
-.ie!\\$1 \{.TP "\\$2"
-.if!\\$2 .nr )I \\$2n
-.if!\\$1 \{.nr )I \\$1n
-.if\\$10 .nr )I \\n()M\}
-.it1 }N
-.nr)E 1
-.IP "" \w'\f5\\$1\ \ \fP'u
-.ds]X \&\\*(]B\\
-.nr)E 0
-.if!\\$1 .nr )I \\$1n
-.ie!\\n()Iu+\\n()Ru-\w\\*(]Xu-3p \{\\*(]X
-.if\\n()E .br
-.if\\n()E1 .di
-.if\\n()E0 .}f
-.if\\n()E1 .}1
-.if\\n()E2 .}2
-.nr]\\n+()p \\n()I
-.nr)\\n()p \\n()R
-.ie!\\$1 .nr )R +\\$1n
-.el.nr )R +\\n()I
-.nr)I \\n()Mu
-.if!\\$1 \{.ie \\$10 .nr )p 1 1
-.el.nr )p \\$1 1 \}
-.ds]i \\*(]I\\n()p
-.ds]r \\*(]R\\n()p
-.nr)I \\*(]i
-.nr)R \\*(]r
-.if\\n()p .nr )p -1
-'''\"	.2C begin 2-column display, by diversion
-'''\"   CC=amount of text that will fit on page
-'''\"	CL=1 multicolumn in effect, else 0
-'''\"	CI saved indent
-'''\"	CB contains diverted text
-.de 2C
-.ne 2
-.nr CC \\n(.t/1v*2v
-.nr CI \\n(IN
-.nr IN 0
-.di CB
-.nr CL 1
-.dt \\n(CCu C1
-'''\"	.1C return to 1-column
-.de 1C
-.nr CL 0
-'''\"	end of diversion, at end of page or return to 1-column
-'''\"	CC=pos of nominal column end
-.de C1
-.if \\n(dn \{.nr CC \\n(dnu/2u+\\n(nlu
-.wh \\n(CCu C2
-.nr IN \\n(CIu
-.CB \}
-'''\"	end of first column retrieved from diversion
-'''\"	CC=pos of actual column end
-.de C2
-.wh \\n(CCu
-.mk CC
-.po +(\\n(LLu/2u)u
-.if \\n(dn>1v .ns
-'''\"	end of second column
-.de C3
-.po -(\\n(LLu/2u)u
-.if \\n(CC>\\n(nl .sp |\\n(CCu
-.ne 2
-.if\\$1 .nr !K 0
-.if\w\\$1 \{\
-.ie\\$1P .nr !K 1
-.el.ie \\$1BP .nr !K 3
-.el.ie \\$1BR .nr !K 4
-.el.nr !K 2 \}
-.if\\n(!K .wh -(\\n(:mu+5v) )G
-.if\\n(!K 'sp 2v
-.ie\\n(!K=1 \{\
-.iet .bd1 3
-.el.bd1 0
-.tlThis information should not be disclosed to unauthorized persons.
-.tlIt is meant solely for use by authorized Bell System employees. \}
-.el.ie \\n(!K=3 \{\
-.iet .bd1 3
-.el.bd1 0
-.tlNot for use or disclosure outside Bell Laboratories except by
-.tlwritten approval of the director of the distributing organization. \}
-.el.ie \\n(!K=4 \{\
-.iet .bd1 3
-.el.bd1 0
-.tlThe information herein is meant solely for use by authorized
-.tlBell Laboratories employees and is not to be disclosed to others. \}
-.el.if \\n(!K=2 \{\
-.iet .bd1 3
-.el.bd1 0
-.tlNot for use or disclosure outside the
-.tlBell System except under written agreement. \}
-.nr)s 0
-.ift .if \ns .nr )s 1
-.nr)t 0
-.ift .if !\ns .nr )t 1
-.if\n()s \{.nr )L 9i
-.nrLL 4.75i
-.nr)O .75i
-.nr)S 9
-.nr)V 10 \}
-.if\n()t \{.nr )L 11i
-.nrLL 6.5i
-.nr)O 1i
-.nr)S 10
-.nr)V 12 \}
-.ift \{.ds R \(rg
-.dsS \s\n()S
-.ifn \{.nr )L 11i
-.nrLL 6.5i
-.nr)O .463i
-.if '\*(.T'think' \{.nrLL 80n
-.nr)O 0\}
-.if '\*(.T'thinksmall' \{.nrLL 142n
-.vs 9p
-.nr)O 0\}
-.dsR (Reg.)
-.if\nT .nr LL 80n
-.if\nV>1 \{
-.nrLL 82n
-.nr)L 84v
-.rmul \}
-.nr)p 0 1
-.ds]I \\\\n(]
-.ds]R \\\\n()
-.if\nd0 .nr m \n(mo-1
-.if\nm0 .ds ]m January
-.if\nm1 .ds ]m February
-.if\nm2 .ds ]m March
-.if\nm3 .ds ]m April
-.if\nm4 .ds ]m May
-.if\nm5 .ds ]m June
-.if\nm6 .ds ]m July
-.if\nm7 .ds ]m August
-.if\nm8 .ds ]m September
-.if\nm9 .ds ]m October
-.if\nm10 .ds ]m November
-.if\nm11 .ds ]m December
-.ifn \{.nr m \nm+1
-.ie\nd .ds ]W (last mod. \nm/\nd/\ny)
-.el.ds ]W (printed \n(mo/\n(dy/\n(yr)
-.if\n()s .ds ]W
-.if\n()t \{.ie \nd .ds ]W \*(]m \nd, 19\ny
-.el.ds ]W \*(]m \n(dy, 19\n(yr
-.fp 5 L CW
-.ift .tr \``\''
-.if\n()s .nr :m 3.5v
-.if\n()t .nr :m 6v
-.ifn .nr :m 7v
-.ift .nr )M 3.6m
-.ifn .nr )M 5n
-.nr q \np
-.if!\np .nr p 1
-.pn \np
//GO.SYSIN DD tmac.an
echo re.3 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >re.3 <<'//GO.SYSIN DD re.3'
-.TH RE 3
-.CT 2 data_man
-re_bm, re_cw, re_re \(mi string and pattern matching
-.B "#include <re.h>"
-.B "re_bm *re_bmcomp(b, e, map)"
-.B "char *b, *e;"
-.B "unsigned char map[256];"
-.B "int re_bmexec(pat, rdfn, matchfn)"
-.B re_bm *pat;
-.B int (*rdfn)(), (*matchfn)();
-.B void re_bmfree(pat);
-.B re_bm *pat;
-.BR "re_cw *re_cwinit(map)"
-.B unsigned char map[256];
-.BR "void re_cwadd(pat, b, e)"
-.B re_cw *pat;
-.B char *b, *e;
-.BR "void re_cwcomp(pat)"
-.B re_cw *pat;
-.B "int re_cwexec(pat, rdfn, matchfn)"
-.B re_cw *pat;
-.B int (*rdfn)(), (*matchfn)();
-.B void re_cwfree(pat);
-.B re_cw *pat;
-.BR "re_re *re_recomp(b, e, map)"
-.B char *b, *e;
-.B unsigned char map[256];
-.B "re_reexec(pat, b, e, match)"
-.B re_re *pat;
-.B char *b, *e, *match[10][2];
-.B void re_refree(pat);
-.B re_re *pat;
-.B void re_error(str);
-.B char *str;
-These routines search for patterns in strings.
-.I re_re
-routines search for general regular expressions (defined below)
-using a lazily evaluated deterministic finite automaton.
-The more specialized and faster
-.I re_cw
-routines search for multiple literal strings
-using the Commentz-Walter algorithm.
-The still more specialized and efficient
-.I re_bm
-routines search for a single string using the Boyer-Moore algorithm.
-The routines handle strings designated by pointers to
-the first character of the string
-and to the character following the string.
-To use the
-.I re_bm
-routines, first build a recognizer by calling
-.I re_bmcomp,
-which takes the search string and a character map;
-all characters are compared after mapping.
-.I map
-is initialized by a loop similar to
-for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) map[i] = i;
-and its value is no longer required after the call to
-.I re_bmcomp.
-The recognizer can be run (multiple times) by calling
-.I re_bmexec,
-which stops and returns the first non-positive return from either
-.I rdfn
-.IR matchfn .
-The recognizer calls the supplied function
-.I rdfn
-to obtain input and
-.I matchfn
-to report text matching the search string.
-.I Rdfn
-should be declared as
-int rdfn(pb, pe)
-char **pb, **pe;
-.B *pb
-.B *pe
-delimit an as yet unprocessed text fragment
-(none if
-.LR *pb==*pe )
-to be saved across the call to
-.IR rdfn .
-On return,
-.B *pb
-.B *pe
-point to the new text, including the saved fragment.
-.I Rdfn
-returns 0 for EOF, negative for error, and positive otherwise.
-The first call to
-.I rdfn
-from each invocation of
-.I re_bmexec
-.BR *pb==0 .
-.I Matchfn
-should be declared as
-int matchfn(pb, pe)
-char **pb, **pe;
-.B *pb
-.B *pe
-delimit the matched text.
-.I Matchfn
-.BR *pb ,
-.BR *pe ,
-and returns a value in the same way as
-.I rdfn.
-To use the
-.I re_cw
-routines, first build the recognizer by calling
-.IR re_cwinit ,
-.I re_cwadd
-for each string, and finally
-.IR re_cwcomp .
-The recognizer is run by
-.I re_cwexec
-analogously to
-.IR re_bmexec .
-A full regular expression recognizer is compiled by
-.I re_recomp
-and executed by
-.I re_reexec,
-which returns 1 if there was a match and 0 if there wasn't.
-The strings that match subexpressions are returned in array
-.I match
-using the above convention.
-.L match[0]
-refers to the whole matched expression.
-.I match
-is zero, then no match delimiters are set.
-The routine
-.I re_error
-prints its argument on standard error and exits.
-You may supply your own version for specialized error handling.
-.I re_error
-returns rather than exits, the compiling routines (e.g.
-.IR re_bmcomp )
-will return 0.
-The recognizers that these routines construct occupy storage
-obtained from
-.IR malloc (3).
-The storage can be deallocated by
-.I re_refree.
-.SS Regular Expressions
-The syntax for a regular expression
-.B e0
-e3:  literal | charclass | '.' | '^' | '$' | '\e'\fIn\fP | '(' e0 ')'
-e2:  e3
-  |  e2 REP
-REP: '*' | '+' | '?' | '\e{' RANGE '\e}'
-RANGE: int | int ',' | int ',' int
-e1:  e2
-  |  e1 e2
-e0:  e1
-  |  e0 ALT e1
-ALT: '|' | newline
-A literal is any non-metacharacter or a metacharacter
-(one of
-.BR .*+?[]()|\e^$ )
-preceded by 
-.LR \e .
-A charclass is a nonempty string
-.I s
-.BI [ \|s\| ]
-.BI [^ s\| ]\fR);
-it matches any character in (or not in)
-.I s.
-.I s,
-the metacharacters other than
-.L ]
-have no special meaning, and
-.L ]
-may only appear as
-the first letter.
-A substring 
-.IB a - b ,
-.I a
-.I b
-in ascending
-order, stands for the inclusive
-range of
-characters between
-.I a
-.IR b .
-.L \e
-followed by a digit 
-.I n
-matches a copy of the string that the
-parenthesized subexpression beginning with the
-.IR n th
-.LR ( ,
-counting from 1, matched.
-.L .
-matches any character.
-.L ^
-matches the beginning of the input string;
-.L $
-matches the end.
-operators match zero or more
-.RB ( * ),
-one or more
-.RB ( + ),
-zero or one
-.RB ( ? ),
-.I m
-.BI \f1(\fP\e{ m \e}\f1),\fP
-.I m
-or more
-.BI \f1(\fP\e{ m ,\e}\f1),\fP
-and any number between
-.I m
-.I n
-.BI \f1(\fP\e{ m , n \e}\f1),\fP
-instances respectively of the preceding regular expression 
-.BR e2 .
-A concatenated regular expression,
-.BR "e1 e2" ,
-matches a match to 
-.B e1
-followed by a match to
-.BR e2 .
-An alternative regular expression,
-.BR "e0 ALT e1" ,
-matches either a match to
-.B e0
-or a match to
-.BR e1 .
-A match to any part of a regular expression
-extends as far as possible without preventing
-a match to the remainder of the regular expression.
-.IR regexp (3),
-.IR gre (1)
-Routines that return pointers return 0 on error.
-.IR re (3)
-.IR regexp (3)
-there are too many routines.
//GO.SYSIN DD re.3
echo gre.1 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >gre.1 <<'//GO.SYSIN DD gre.1'
-.TH GRE 1
-.CT 1 files
-gre, grep, egrep, fgrep \(mi search a file for a pattern
-.B gre
-.I option ...
-.I pattern
-.I file ...
-.B grep
-.I option ...
-.I pattern
-.I file ...
-.B egrep
-.I option ...
-.I pattern
-.I file ...
-.B fgrep
-.I option ...
-.I strings
-.I file ...
-.I Gre\^
-searches the input
-.I files\^
-(standard input default)
-for lines (with newlines excluded) that match the
-.I pattern,
-a regular expression as defined in
-.IR re (3).
-A file name of
-.B -
-is interpreted as standard input.
-Normally, each line matching the pattern is `selected',
-and each selected line is copied to the standard output.
-The options are
-.B -1
-Print only the first selected line of each file argument.
-.PD 0
-.B -b
-Mark each printed line with its byte position in its file.
-This is sometimes useful in locating patterns in non-text files.
-.B -c
-Print only a count of matching lines.
-.BI -e " pattern"
-Same as a simple
-.I pattern
-but useful when
-.I pattern
-begins with a
-.BR - .
-.B -E
-.IR egrep.
-.BI -f " file"
-Read the pattern from
-.IR file ;
-there is no
-.I pattern
-.B -F
-.IR fgrep.
-.B -G
-.IR grep.
-.B -h
-Do not print filename tags (headers) with output lines.
-.B -i
-Ignore alphabetic case distinctions.
-.B -l
-Print the names of files with selected lines; don't print the lines.
-.B -L
-Print the names of files with no selected lines;
-the converse of
-.BR -l .
-.B -n
-Mark each printed line with its line number counted in its file.
-.B -s
-Produce no output, but return status.
-.B -v
-Reverse: print lines that do not match the pattern.
-.B -x
-Exact match: The pattern is
-.BI ^( pattern )$ .
-The implicit parentheses count in back references.
-Output lines are tagged by filename when there is more than one
-input file.
-(To force this tagging, include
-.B /dev/null
-as a filename argument.)
-If the output line exceeds some internal limit,
-a warning is given and a small block of text surrounding the match is printed.
-Care should be taken when
-using the shell metacharacters
-.B $*[^|()\e
-and newline
-.IR pattern ;
-it is safest to enclose the
-entire expression
-in single quotes
-.BR \&\|\(fm \|.\|.\|.\| \(fm .
-.I Gre
-supplants three classic programs, which are still available:
-.I Grep
-handles only
-.IR ed (1)-like
-regular expressions.
-It uses
-.L \e(\|\e)
-instead of
-.LR (\|) .
-.I Egrep
-handles the same patterns as
-.I gre
-except for back-referencing with
-.BR \e1 ,
-.BR \e2 ,
-.I Fgrep
-handles no operators except newline (alternation).
-.IR re (3),
-.IR awk (1),
-.IR sed (1),
-.IR sam (9.1),
-.IR strings (1)
-Exit status is 0 if any lines are selected,
-1 if none, 2 for syntax errors, inaccessible files
-(even if matches were found).
-Warnings will be given for input lines that exceed
-a (generous) internal limit.
-.I Grep, egrep,
-.I fgrep
-do not support some options and print block numbers
-rather than byte numbers for option
-.BR -b .
//GO.SYSIN DD gre.1
echo deansify.awk 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >deansify.awk <<'//GO.SYSIN DD deansify.awk'
-# De-ANSI-fy C programs
-# change void* to char *
-	{ gsub(/void *\*/, "char *") }
-# remove args from function declarations and typedefs
-# assume one per line (fitting on one line)
-/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+.*\([^(]*\);.*/ {
-	if($0 !~ /^print\(/ && $0 !~ /^fprint\(/ && $0 !~ /^if\(/) {
-		sub(/\([^(]*\);/, "();")
-		print
-		next
-	}
-    }
-#    change function definition headers to old-style
-#    function definition headers on one line, ending with ')',
-#       with the return type (if not omitted) on previous line
-#    assume no parentheses inside arg list
-/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\(.*\)$/ {
-	st = index($0, "(") + 1
-	n = length($0) - st
-	rawargs = substr($0, st, n)
-	printf("%s(", substr($0, 1, st-2))
-	if( rawargs == "void" ) {
-		printf(")\n");
-		next
-	}
-	nargs = split(rawargs, args, ", *")
-	for(i = 1; i <= nargs; i++){
-		if(! match(args[i], /[a-zA-Z0-9_]+ *$/)){
-			if(! match(args[i], /[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\[.*\]$/))
-				id = "OOPS"
-			else {
-				id = substr(args[i], RSTART)
-				sub(/\[.*\]/, "", id)
-			}
-		} else
-			id = substr(args[i], RSTART, RLENGTH)
-		printf("%s", id)
-		if(i < nargs) printf(", ")
-	}
-	printf(")\n")
-	for(i = 1; i <= nargs; i++)
-		printf("\t%s;\n", args[i])
-	next
-    }
-# remove pragmas
-/^#[    ]*pragma/ { next }
-# just print remaining lines
-	{ print }
//GO.SYSIN DD deansify.awk