
mkdir math fio libc
# To unbundle, sh this file
echo ./libc/README 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./libc/README <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/README'
-here (as in ../fio) you have to add whatever commands
-you need to set up an archive in the shell file `gen'.
echo ./libc/doprint.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./libc/doprint.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/doprint.c'
-#include <varargs.h>
-#define	SIZE	1024
-#define	FUNSIGN	4
-#define	FSHORT	2
-#define	FLONG	1
-#define	PTR	sizeof (char *)
-#define	SHORT	sizeof (int)
-#define	INT	sizeof (int)
-#define	LONG	sizeof (long)
-#define	FLOAT	sizeof (double)
-#define	FDIGIT	30
-#define	FDEFLT	8
-#define	IDIGIT	40
-#define	MAXCONV	30
-static char	*out, *eout;
-static		convcount  = { 13 };
-static	noconv();
-static	cconv(), dconv(), hconv(), lconv();
-static	oconv(), sconv(), uconv(), xconv();
-static	econv(), fconv(), gconv(), percent();
-int	printcol;
-int	(*fmtconv[MAXCONV])() =
-	noconv,
-	cconv, dconv, hconv, lconv,
-	oconv, sconv, uconv, xconv,
-	econv, fconv, gconv, percent,
-char	fmtindex[128] =
-	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-	0, 0, 0, 0, 0,12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-	0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 9,10,11, 3, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 5,
-	0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 7, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-fmtinstall(c, f)
-char c;
-int (*f)();
-	c &= 0177;
-	if(fmtindex[c] == 0) {
-		if(convcount >= MAXCONV)
-			return 1;
-		fmtindex[c] = convcount++;
-	}
-	fmtconv[fmtindex[c]] = f;
-	return 0;
-donprint(s, es, fmt, argpp)
-char *s, *es;
-register char *fmt;
-va_list *argpp;
-	register int f1, f2, f3, sf1, c;
-	char *sout, *seout;
-	sout = out;
-	seout = eout;
-	out = s;
-	eout = es-1;
-	c = *fmt++;
-	if(c != '%') {
-		if(c == 0) {
-			*out = 0;
-			s = out;
-			out = sout;
-			eout = seout;
-			return s;
-		}
-		if(out < eout)
-			*out++ = c;
-		printcol++;
-		if(c == '\n')
-			printcol = 0; else
-		if(c == '\t')
-			printcol = (printcol+7) & ~7;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	f1 = 0;
-	f2 = -1;
-	f3 = 0;
-	c = *fmt++;
-	sf1 = 0;
-	if(c == '-') {
-		sf1 = 1;
-		c = *fmt++;
-	}
-	while(c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
-		f1 = f1*10 + c-'0';
-		c = *fmt++;
-	}
-	if(sf1)
-		f1 = -f1;
-	if(c != '.')
-		goto l1;
-	c = *fmt++;
-	while(c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
-		if(f2 < 0)
-			f2 = 0;
-		f2 = f2*10 + c-'0';
-		c = *fmt++;
-	}
-	if(c == 0)
-		fmt--;
-	/* NB: first arg is now a (va_list *) */
-	c = (*fmtconv[fmtindex[c&0177]])(argpp, f1, f2, f3);
-	if(c < 0) {
-		f3 |= -c;
-		c = *fmt++;
-		goto l1;
-	}
-#ifdef notdef
-	argp += c;	/* increment is now done in called routine by va_arg() */
-	goto loop;
-numbconv(o, f1, f2, f3, b)
-va_list *o;
-	char s[IDIGIT];
-	register long v;
-	register int i, f, n, r;
-	switch(f3 & (FLONG|FSHORT|FUNSIGN)) {
-	case FLONG:
-		v = va_arg(*o, long);
-		r = LONG;
-		break;
-		v = va_arg(*o, unsigned long);
-		r = LONG;
-		break;
-	/* NB: a (unsigned) short argument is promoted to an (unsigned) int arg. */
-	case FSHORT:
-		v = (short)va_arg(*o, int);
-		r = SHORT;
-		break;
-		v = (unsigned short)va_arg(*o, unsigned);
-		r = SHORT;
-		break;
-	default:
-		v = va_arg(*o, int);
-		r = INT;
-		break;
-	case FUNSIGN:
-		v = va_arg(*o, unsigned);
-		r = INT;
-		break;
-	}
-	f = 0;
-	if(!(f3 & FUNSIGN) && v < 0) {
-		v = -v;
-		f = 1;
-	}
-	s[IDIGIT-1] = 0;
-	for(i = IDIGIT-2; i >= 1; i--) {
-		n = (unsigned long)v % b;
-		n += '0';
-		if(n > '9')
-			n += 'a' - ('9'+1);
-		s[i] = n;
-		v = (unsigned long)v / b;
-		if(f2 >= 0 && i >= IDIGIT-f2)
-			continue;
-		if(v <= 0)
-			break;
-	}
-	if(f)
-		s[--i] = '-';
-	strconv(s+i, f1, -1);
-	return r;
-doprint(s, fmt, argp)
-char *s, *fmt;
-va_list *argp;
-	return donprint(s, s+SIZE, fmt, argp);
-	if you change this, change chconv
-strconv(o, f1, f2)
-char *o;
-	register int n, c;
-	register char *s;
-	n = 0;
-	for(s = o; *s++;)
-		n++;
-	if(f1 >= 0)
-		while(n < f1) {
-			if(out < eout)
-				*out++ = ' ';
-			printcol++;
-			n++;
-		}
-	for(s=o; c = *s++;)
-		if(f2 != 0) {
-			if(out < eout)
-				*out++ = c;
-			printcol++;
-			if(c == '\n')
-				printcol = 0; else
-			if(c == '\t')
-				printcol = (printcol+7) & ~7;
-			f2--;
-		}
-	if(f1 < 0) {
-		f1 = -f1;
-		while(n < f1) {
-			if(out < eout)
-				*out++ = ' ';
-			printcol++;
-			n++;
-		}
-	}
-chconv(o, f1)
-char o;
-	register int n;
-	n = 1;
-	if(f1 >= 0)
-		while(n < f1) {
-			if(out < eout)
-				*out++ = ' ';
-			printcol++;
-			n++;
-		}
-	if(out < eout)
-		*out++ = o;
-	printcol++;
-	if(o == '\n')
-		printcol = 0; else
-	if(o == '\t')
-		printcol = (printcol+7) & ~7;
-	if(f1 < 0) {
-		f1 = -f1;
-		while(n < f1) {
-			if(out < eout)
-				*out++ = ' ';
-			printcol++;
-			n++;
-		}
-	}
-noconv(o, f1, f2, f3)
-char *o;
-	strconv("***", 0, -1);
-	return 0;
-cconv(o, f1, f2, f3)
-va_list *o;
-	chconv((char)va_arg(*o, int), f1);
-	return INT;
-dconv(o, f1, f2, f3)
-va_list *o;
-	int r;
-	r = numbconv(o, f1, f2, f3, 10);
-	return r;
-hconv(o, f1, f2, f3)
-	return -FSHORT;
-lconv(o, f1, f2, f3)
-	return -FLONG;
-oconv(o, f1, f2, f3)
-va_list *o;
-	int r;
-	r = numbconv(o, f1, f2, f3, 8);
-	return r;
-sconv(o, f1, f2, f3)
-va_list *o;
-	strconv(va_arg(*o, char *), f1, f2);
-	return PTR;
-uconv(o, f1, f2, f3)
-	return -FUNSIGN;
-xconv(o, f1, f2, f3)
-va_list *o;
-	int r;
-	r = numbconv(o, f1, f2, f3, 16);
-	return r;
-double	pow10(), frexp();
-fltconv(f, f1, f2, f3, c)
-register double f;
-	char s1[FDIGIT+10], s2[FDIGIT+10];
-	register double g;
-	register int d, i, n, s;
-	double h;
-	int e;
-	int c1, c2, c3;
-	s = 0;
-	if(f < 0) {
-		f = -f;
-		s++;
-	}
-	e = 0;
-	g = 0;
-	if(f != 0) {
-		g = frexp(f, &e);
-		e = e * .30103;
-		d = e/2;
-		h = f * pow10(-d);		/* 10**-e in 2 parts */
-		g = h * pow10(d-e);
-		while(g < 1) {
-			e--;
-			g = h * pow10(d-e);
-		}
-		while(g >= 10) {
-			e++;
-			g = h * pow10(d-e);
-		}
-	}
-	if(f2 < 0)
-		f2 = FDEFLT;
-	if(c == 'g' && f2 > 0)
-		f2--;
-	if(f2 > FDIGIT)
-		f2 = FDIGIT;
-	/*
-	 * n is number of digits to convert
-	 * 1 before, f2 after, 1 extra for rounding
-	 */
-	n = f2 + 2;
-	if(c == 'f') {
-		/*
-		 * e+1 before, f2 after, 1 extra
-		 */
-		n += e;
-		if(n <= 0) {
-			n = 1;
-			g = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	if(n >= FDIGIT+2) {
-		if(c == 'e')
-			f2 = -1;
-		c = 'e';
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * convert n digits
-	 */
-	for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
-		d = g;
-		if(d > g)
-			d--;
-		g -= d;
-		s1[i+1] = d + '0';
-		g *= 10;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * round by adding .5 into extra digit
-	 */
-	d = 5;
-	for(i=n-1; i>=0; i--) {
-		s1[i+1] += d;
-		d = 0;
-		if(s1[i+1] > '9') {
-			s1[i+1] -= 10;
-			d++;
-		}
-	}
-	i = 1;
-	if(d) {
-		s1[0] = '1';
-		e++;
-		i = 0;
-	} 
-	/*
-	 * copy into final place
-	 * c1 digits of leading '0'
-	 * c2 digits from conversion
-	 * c3 digits after '.'
-	 */
-	d = 0;
-	if(s)
-		s2[d++] = '-';
-	c1 = 0;
-	c2 = f2 + 1;
-	c3 = f2;
-	if(c == 'g')
-	if(e >= -5 && e <= f2) {
-		c1 = -e - 1;
-		c3 = c1;
-		if(c1 < 0)
-			c1 = 0;
-		c3 = f2 - e;
-		c = 'h';
-	}
-	if(c == 'f') {
-		c1 = -e;
-		if(c1 < 0)
-			c1 = 0;
-		if(c1 > f2)
-			c1 = c2;
-		c2 += e;
-		if(c2 < 0)
-			c2 = 0;
-	}
-	while(c1 > 0) {
-		if(c1+c2 == c3)
-			s2[d++] = '.';
-		s2[d++] = '0';
-		c1--;
-	}
-	while(c2 > 0) {
-		if(c1+c2 == c3)
-			s2[d++] = '.';
-		s2[d++] = s1[i++];
-		c2--;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * strip trailing '0' on g conv
-	 */
-	if(c == 'g' || c == 'h') {
-		for(n=d-1; n>=0; n--)
-			if(s2[n] != '0')
-				break;
-		for(i=n; i>=0; i--)
-			if(s2[i] == '.') {
-				d = n;
-				if(i != n)
-					d++;
-				break;
-			}
-	}
-	if(c == 'e' || c == 'g') {
-		s2[d++] = 'e';
-		s2[d++] = '+';
-		c1 = e;
-		if(c1 < 0) {
-			s2[d-1] = '-';
-			c1 = -c1;
-		}
-		if(c1 >= 100) {
-			s2[d++] = c1/100 + '0';
-			c1 %= 100;
-		}
-		s2[d++] = c1/10 + '0';
-		s2[d++] = c1%10 + '0';
-	}
-	s2[d] = 0;
-	strconv(s2, f1, -1);
-	return FLOAT;
-econv(o, f1, f2, f3)
-va_list *o;
-	return fltconv(va_arg(*o, double), f1, f2, f3, 'e');
-fconv(o, f1, f2, f3)
-va_list *o;
-	return fltconv(va_arg(*o, double), f1, f2, f3, 'f');
-gconv(o, f1, f2, f3)
-va_list *o;
-	return fltconv(va_arg(*o, double), f1, f2, f3, 'g');
-	if(out < eout)
-		*out++ = '%';
-	return 0;
//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/doprint.c
echo ./libc/exit.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./libc/exit.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/exit.c'
-#include	<libc.h>
-extern int (*_onexitfns[])();
-	int i, (*f)();
-	for(i = NONEXIT-1; i >= 0; i--)
-		if(_onexitfns[i]){
-			f = _onexitfns[i];
-			_onexitfns[i] = 0;	/* self defense against bozos */
-			(*f)();
-		}
-	_exit(status);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/exit.c
echo ./libc/regcomp.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./libc/regcomp.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/regcomp.c'
-#include <libc.h>
-#include "regprog.h"
- * Parser Information
- */
-typedef struct Node{
-	Inst	*first;
-	Inst	*last;
-#define	NSTACK	20
-static Node	andstack[NSTACK];
-static Node	*andp;
-static int	atorstack[NSTACK];
-static int	*atorp;
-static int	cursubid;		/* id of current subexpression */
-static int	subidstack[NSTACK];	/* parallel to atorstack */
-static int	*subidp;
-static int	lastwasand;	/* Last token was operand */
-static int	nbra;
-static char	*exprp;		/* pointer to next character in source expression */
-static int	nclass;
-static Class	*classp;
-static Inst	*freep;
-static int	errors;
-/* predeclared crap */
-static void operator();
-static void pushand();
-static void pushator();
-static void evaluntil();
-static void bldcclass();
-static void
-	char *s;
-	errors++;
-	regerror(s);
-static Inst *
-	int t;
-	freep->type=t;
-	freep->left=0;
-	freep->right=0;
-	return freep++;
-static void
-	int t;
-	register Inst *i;
-	if(lastwasand)
-		operator(CAT);	/* catenate is implicit */
-	i=newinst(t);
-	if(t==CCLASS)	/* ugh */
-		i->right=(Inst *)&(classp[nclass-1]);	/* UGH! */
-	pushand(i, i);
-	lastwasand=TRUE;
-static void
-	int t;
-	if(t==RBRA && --nbra<0)
-		rcerror("unmatched right paren");
-	if(t==LBRA) {
-		if (++cursubid >= NSUBEXP)
-			rcerror ("too many subexpressions");
-		nbra++;
-		if (lastwasand)
-			operator(CAT);
-	} else
-		evaluntil(t);
-	if(t!=RBRA)
-		pushator(t);
-	lastwasand=FALSE;
-	if(t==STAR || t==QUEST || t==PLUS || t==RBRA)
-		lastwasand=TRUE;	/* these look like operands */
-static void
-regerr2(s, c)
-	char *s;
-	char buf[100];
-	char *cp = buf;
-	while(*s)
-		*cp++ = *s++;
-	*cp++ = c;
-	*cp = '\0'; 
-	rcerror(buf);
-static void
-	char *s;
-	char buf[100];
-	strcpy(buf, "can't happen: ");
-	strcat(buf, s);
-	rcerror(buf);
-static void
-pushand(f, l)
-	Inst *f, *l;
-	if(andp >= &andstack[NSTACK])
-		cant("operand stack overflow");
-	andp->first=f;
-	andp->last=l;
-	andp++;
-static void
-	int t;
-	if(atorp >= &atorstack[NSTACK])
-		cant("operator stack overflow");
-	*atorp++=t;
-	*subidp++=cursubid;
-static Node *
-	register Inst *inst;
-	if(andp <= &andstack[0]) {
-		regerr2("missing operand for ", op);
-		inst=newinst(NOP);
-		pushand(inst,inst);
-	}
-	return --andp;
-static int
-	if(atorp <= &atorstack[0])
-		cant("operator stack underflow");
-	--subidp;
-	return *--atorp;
-static void
-	register pri;
-	register Node *op1, *op2;
-	register Inst *inst1, *inst2;
-	while(pri==RBRA || atorp[-1]>=pri){
-		switch(popator()){
-		default:
-			rcerror("unknown operator in evaluntil");
-			break;
-		case LBRA:		/* must have been RBRA */
-			op1=popand('(');
-			inst2=newinst(RBRA);
-			inst2->subid = *subidp;
-			op1->last->next = inst2;
-			inst1=newinst(LBRA);
-			inst1->subid = *subidp;
-			inst1->next=op1->first;
-			pushand(inst1, inst2);
-			return;
-		case OR:
-			op2=popand('|');
-			op1=popand('|');
-			inst2=newinst(NOP);
-			op2->last->next=inst2;
-			op1->last->next=inst2;
-			inst1=newinst(OR);
-			inst1->right=op1->first;
-			inst1->left=op2->first;
-			pushand(inst1, inst2);
-			break;
-		case CAT:
-			op2=popand(0);
-			op1=popand(0);
-			op1->last->next=op2->first;
-			pushand(op1->first, op2->last);
-			break;
-		case STAR:
-			op2=popand('*');
-			inst1=newinst(OR);
-			op2->last->next=inst1;
-			inst1->right=op2->first;
-			pushand(inst1, inst1);
-			break;
-		case PLUS:
-			op2=popand('+');
-			inst1=newinst(OR);
-			op2->last->next=inst1;
-			inst1->right=op2->first;
-			pushand(op2->first, inst1);
-			break;
-		case QUEST:
-			op2=popand('?');
-			inst1=newinst(OR);
-			inst2=newinst(NOP);
-			inst1->left=inst2;
-			inst1->right=op2->first;
-			op2->last->next=inst2;
-			pushand(inst1, inst2);
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-static Prog *
-	Prog *pp;
-	register Inst *inst, *target;
-	int size;
-	Prog *npp;
-	int diff;
-	/*
-	 *  get rid of NOOP chains
-	 */
-	for(inst=pp->firstinst; inst->type!=END; inst++){
-		target=inst->next;
-		while(target->type == NOP)
-			target=target->next;
-		inst->next=target;
-	}
-	/*
-	 *  The original allocation is for an area larger than
-	 *  necessary.  Reallocate to the actual space used
-	 *  and then relocate the code.
-	 */
-	size = sizeof(Prog) + (freep - pp->firstinst)*sizeof(Inst);
-	npp = (Prog *)realloc((char *)pp, size);
-	if(npp==NULL || npp==pp)
-		return(pp);
-	diff = (char *)npp - (char *)pp;
-	freep = (Inst *)((char *)freep + diff);
-	for(inst=npp->firstinst; inst<freep; inst++){
-		switch(inst->type){
-		case OR:
-		case STAR:
-		case PLUS:
-		case QUEST:
-		case CCLASS:
-			*(char **)&inst->right += diff;
-			break;
-		}
-		*(char **)&inst->left += diff;
-	}
-	*(char **)&npp->startinst += diff;
-	return(npp);
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-static void
-	Node *stk;
-	int *ip;
-	printf("operators\n");
-	for(ip=atorstack; ip<atorp; ip++)
-		printf("0%o\n", *ip);
-	printf("operands\n");
-	for(stk=andstack; stk<andp; stk++)
-		printf("0%o\t0%o\n", stk->first->type, stk->last->type);
-static void
-	Prog *pp;
-	Inst *l;
-	l=pp->firstinst;
-	do{
-		printf("%d:\t0%o\t%d\t%d\n", l-pp->firstinst, l->type,
-			l->left-pp->firstinst, l->right-pp->firstinst);
-	}while(l++->type);
-static void
-	char *s;
-	exprp=s;
-	nclass=0;
-	nbra=0;
-static Class *
-	register Class *p;
-	register n;
-	if(nclass >= NCLASS)
-		regerr2("too many character classes; limit", NCLASS+'0');
-	p = &(classp[nclass++]);
-	for(n=0; n<16; n++)
-		p->map[n]=0;
-	return p;
-static int
-	register c= *exprp++;
-	switch(c){
-	case '\\':
-		if(*exprp)
-			c= *exprp++;
-		break;
-	case 0:
-		c=END;
-		--exprp;	/* In case we come here again */
-		break;
-	case '*':
-		c=STAR;
-		break;
-	case '?':
-		c=QUEST;
-		break;
-	case '+':
-		c=PLUS;
-		break;
-	case '|':
-		c=OR;
-		break;
-	case '.':
-		c=ANY;
-		break;
-	case '(':
-		c=LBRA;
-		break;
-	case ')':
-		c=RBRA;
-		break;
-	case '^':
-		c=BOL;
-		break;
-	case '$':
-		c=EOL;
-		break;
-	case '[':
-		c=CCLASS;
-		bldcclass();
-		break;
-	}
-	return c;
-static int
-	if(exprp[0]==0 || (exprp[0]=='\\' && exprp[1]==0))
-		rcerror("malformed '[]'");
-	if(exprp[0]=='\\'){
-		exprp++;
-		return *exprp++|0200;
-	}
-	return *exprp++;
-static void
-	register c1, c2;
-	register Class *classp;
-	register negate=FALSE;
-	classp=newclass();
-	/* we have already seen the '[' */
-	if(*exprp=='^'){
-		negate=TRUE;
-		exprp++;
-	}
-	while((c1=c2=nextc()) != ']'){
-		if(*exprp=='-'){
-			exprp++;	/* eat '-' */
-			if((c2=nextc()) == ']')
-				rcerror("malformed '[]'");
-		}
-		for((c1&=0177), (c2&=0177); c1<=c2; c1++)
-			classp->map[c1/8] |= 1<<(c1&07);
-	}
-	if(negate)
-		for(c1=0; c1<16; c1++)
-			classp->map[c1]^=0377;
-	classp->map[0] &= 0376;		/* exclude NUL */
-extern regexp *
-	char *s;
-	register token;
-	Prog *pp;
-	/* get memory for the program */
-	pp = (Prog *)malloc(sizeof(Prog) + 3*sizeof(Inst)*strlen(s));
-	if (pp == NULL) {
-		rcerror("out of memory");
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	freep = pp->firstinst;
-	classp = pp->class;
-	errors = 0;
-	/* go compile the sucker */
-	startlex(s);
-	atorp=atorstack;
-	andp=andstack;
-	subidp=subidstack;
-	lastwasand=FALSE;
-	cursubid=0;
-	/* Start with a low priority operator to prime parser */
-	pushator(START-1);
-	while((token=lex()) != END){
-		if((token&0300) == OPERATOR)
-			operator(token);
-		else
-			operand(token);
-	}
-	/* Close with a low priority operator */
-	evaluntil(START);
-	/* Force END */
-	operand(END);
-	evaluntil(START);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	dumpstack();
-	if(nbra)
-		rcerror("unmatched left paren");
-	--andp;	/* points to first and only operand */
-	pp->startinst=andp->first;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	dump(pp);
-	pp = optimize(pp);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	printf("start: %d\n", andp->first-pp->firstinst);
-	dump(pp);
-	if (errors) {
-		free((char *)pp);
-		pp = NULL;
-	}
-	return (regexp *)pp;
//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/regcomp.c
echo ./libc/getfields.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./libc/getfields.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/getfields.c'
-#include	<libc.h>
-static char is_sep[256] = {
-	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-	1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-static char is_field[256] = {
-	0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
-	0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
-	1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
-	1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
-	1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
-	1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
-	1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
-	1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
-static char last_sep[256];
-char *
-	char *arg;
-	register unsigned char *s;
-	register i;
-	for(i = 1, s = (unsigned char *)last_sep; i < 256; i++)
-		if(is_sep[i])
-			*s++ = i;
-	*s = 0;
-	memset(is_sep, 0, sizeof is_sep);
-	memset(is_field, 1, sizeof is_field);
-	for(s = (unsigned char *)arg; *s;){
-		is_sep[*s] = 1;
-		is_field[*s++] = 0;
-	}
-	is_field[0] = 0;
-	return(last_sep);
-getfields(ss, sp, nptrs)
-	char *ss;
-	char **sp;
-	register unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *)ss;
-	register unsigned char **p = (unsigned char **)sp;
-	register unsigned c;
-	for(;;){
-		if(--nptrs < 0) break;
-		*p++ = s;
-		while(is_field[c = *s++])
-			;
-		if(c == 0) break;
-		s[-1] = 0;
-	}
-	if(nptrs > 0)
-		*p = 0;
-	else if(--s >= (unsigned char *)ss)
-		*s = c;
-	return(p - (unsigned char **)sp);
-getmfields(ss, sp, nptrs)
-	char *ss;
-	char **sp;
-	register unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *)ss;
-	register unsigned char **p = (unsigned char **)sp;
-	register unsigned c;
-	register unsigned d;
-	if(nptrs <= 0)
-		return(0);
-	goto flushdelim;
-	for(;;){
-		*p++ = s;
-		if(--nptrs == 0) break;
-		while(is_field[c = *s++])
-			;
-		/*
-		 *  s is now pointing 1 past the delimiter of the last field
-		 *  c is the delimiter
-		 */
-		if(c == 0) break;
-		s[-1] = 0;
-	flushdelim:
-		while(is_sep[c = *s++])
-			;
-		/*
-		 *  s is now pointing 1 past the beginning of the next field
-		 *  c is the first letter of the field
-		 */
-		if(c == 0) break;
-		s--;
-		/*
-		 *  s is now pointing to the beginning of the next field
-		 *  c is the first letter of the field
-		 */
-	}
-	if(nptrs > 0)
-		*p = 0;
-	return(p - (unsigned char **)sp);
-#ifdef	MAIN
-#include	<fio.h>
-	char *fields[256];
-	char *s;
-	int n, i;
-	char buf[1024];
-	print("go:\n");
-	while(s = Frdline(0)){
-		strcpy(buf, s);
-		Fprint(1, "getf:");
-		n = getfields(s, fields, 4);
-		for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
-			Fprint(1, " >%s<", fields[i]);
-		Fputc(1, '\n');
-		Fprint(1, "getmf:");
-		n = getmfields(buf, fields, 4);
-		for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
-			Fprint(1, " >%s<", fields[i]);
-		Fputc(1, '\n');
-		Fflush(1);
-	}
-	exit(0);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/getfields.c
echo ./libc/libc.h 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./libc/libc.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/libc.h'
-/* system calls */
-extern unsigned alarm();
-extern void nap(), pause();
-extern char *sbrk();
-extern void exit(), _exit();
-extern long lseek();
-extern void nice();
-extern void profil();
-extern unsigned long settod();
-extern void sync();
-extern long time();
-/* libc et al */
-extern long lcm();
-extern double atof(), strtod();
-extern long atol();
-extern char *crypt();
-extern char *ctime();
-extern char *ecvt(), *fcvt(), *gcvt();
-extern char *galloc();
-extern char *getenv();
-extern char *getlogin();
-extern char *getpass();
-extern char *getwd(), *getcwd();
-extern char *malloc(), *realloc(), *calloc();
-extern char *memcpy(), *memchr(), *memccpy(), *memset();
-extern char *mktemp();
-extern double frand();
-extern char *setfields();
-extern char *strcpy(), *strncpy(), *strcat(), *strncat(), *strchr(), *strrchr();
-extern char *strpbrk(), *strtok(), *strdup();
-extern int atoi();
-extern char *tgetstr(), tgoto();
-extern char *ttyname(), *cttyname();
-#define	NONEXIT		33
//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/libc.h
echo ./libc/onexit.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./libc/onexit.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/onexit.c'
-#include	<libc.h>
-int (*_onexitfns[NONEXIT])();
-int (*f)();
-	onexit(f);
-int (*f)();
-	int i;
-	for(i=0; i<NONEXIT; i++)
-		if(!_onexitfns[i]){
-			_onexitfns[i] = f;
-			return(1);
-		}
-	return(0);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/onexit.c
echo ./libc/regexp.h 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./libc/regexp.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/regexp.h'
-/* the structure describing a sub-expression match */
-typedef struct {
-	char *sp;
-	char *ep;
-} regsubexp;
-/* a compiled regular expression */
-typedef char *regexp;
-/* the routines */
-extern regexp *regcomp();
-extern int regexec();
-extern void regsub();
//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/regexp.h
echo ./libc/print.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./libc/print.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/print.c'
-#include <varargs.h>
-#define	SIZE	1024
-extern int	printcol;
-char	*doprint();
-/* VARARGS 1 */
-print(fmt, va_alist)
-char *fmt;
-	char buf[SIZE], *out;
-	va_list ap;
-	va_start(ap);
-	out = doprint(buf, fmt, &ap);
-	va_end(ap);
-	return write(1, buf, (int)(out-buf));
-/* VARARGS 2 */
-fprint(fd, fmt, va_alist)
-char *fmt;
-	char buf[SIZE], *out;
-	va_list ap;
-	va_start(ap);
-	out = doprint(buf, fmt, &ap);
-	va_end(ap);
-	return write(fd, buf, (int)(out-buf));
-/* VARARGS 2 */
-sprint(buf, fmt, va_alist)
-char *buf;
-char *fmt;
-	char *out;
-	int scol;
-	va_list ap;
-	scol = printcol;
-	va_start(ap);
-	out = doprint(buf, fmt, &ap);
-	va_end(ap);
-	printcol = scol;
-	return out-buf;
//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/print.c
echo ./libc/strdup.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./libc/strdup.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/strdup.c'
-/*	@(#)strdup.c	1.2	*/
-/* string duplication
-   returns pointer to a new string which is the duplicate of string
-   pointed to by s1
-   NULL is returned if new string can't be created
-#include <string.h>
-#ifndef NULL
-#define NULL	0
-extern int strlen();
-extern char *malloc();
-char *
-   char * s1;
-   char * s2;
-   s2 = malloc((unsigned) strlen(s1)+1) ;
-   return(s2==NULL ? NULL : strcpy(s2,s1) );
//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/strdup.c
echo ./libc/Makefile 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./libc/Makefile <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/Makefile'
-OBJ=doprint.o exit.o getfields.o onexit.o print.o strdup.o regcomp.o regexec.o regsub.o dup2.o
-libc.a:	$(OBJ)
-	ar r libc.a $(OBJ)
-	$(RANLIB) libc.a
-cray:	libc.o
-libc.o:	$(OBJ)
-	cat $(OBJ) > libc.o
//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/Makefile
echo ./libc/regexec.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./libc/regexec.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/regexec.c'
-#include "regprog.h"
- *	Machine state
- */
-typedef struct List{
-	Inst	*inst;		/* Instruction of the thread */
-	Subexp	se;		/* matched subexpressions in this thread */
-static List	*tl, *nl;	/* This list, next list */
-static List	*tle, *nle;	/* ends of this and next list */
-static List	*list[2];
-static List	*liste[2];
-static int	listsize = LISTINCREMENT;
-static Subexp sempty;		/* empty set of matches */
-static int match;		/* true if match is found */
- * Note optimization in addinst:
- * 	*lp must be pending when addinst called; if *l has been looked
- *		at already, the optimization is a bug.
- */
-static List *
-newthread(lp, ip, sep)
-	List *lp;	/* list to add to */
-	Inst *ip;	/* instruction to add */
-	register Subexp *sep;	/* pointers to subexpressions */
-	register List *p;
-	for(p=lp; p->inst != NULL; p++){
-		if(p->inst==ip){
-			if((sep)->m[0].sp < p->se.m[0].sp)
-				p->se = *sep;
-			return NULL;
-		}
-	}
-	p->inst = ip;
-	p->se = *sep;
-	(++p)->inst = NULL;
-	return p;
-static void
-newmatch(mp, ms, sp)
-	regsubexp *mp;
-	int ms;	
-	register Subexp *sp;
-	register int i;
-	if (mp==NULL || ms <=0)
-		return;
-	if(mp[0].sp==0 || sp->m[0].sp<mp[0].sp ||
-	   (sp->m[0].sp==mp[0].sp && sp->m[0].ep>mp[0].ep)) {
-		for (i=0; i<ms && i<NSUBEXP; i++)
-			mp[i] = sp->m[i];
-		for (; i<ms; i++)
-			mp[i].sp = mp[i].ep = NULL;
-	}
-extern int
-regexec(progp, starts, mp, ms)
-	Prog *progp;	/* program to run */
-	char *starts;	/* string to run machine on */
-	regsubexp *mp;	/* subexpression elements */
-	int ms;		/* number of elements pointed to by mp */
-	register flag=0;
-	register Inst *inst;
-	register List *tlp;
-	register char *s;
-	int startchar=progp->startinst->type<OPERATOR? progp->startinst->type : 0;
-	int i, checkstart;
-	match = 0;
-	checkstart = startchar;
-	sempty.m[0].sp = NULL;
-	if (mp!=NULL && ms >0)
-		mp[0].sp = mp[0].ep = NULL;
-	if (list[0] == NULL) {
-		list[0] = (List *)malloc(2*listsize*sizeof(List));
-		list[1] = list[0] + listsize;
-		liste[0] = list[0] + listsize - 1;
-		liste[1] = list[1] + listsize - 1;
-		if (list[0] == NULL)
-			regerror("list overflow");
-	}
-	list[0][0].inst = list[1][0].inst = NULL;
-	/* Execute machine once for each character, including terminal NUL */
-	s=starts;
-	do{
-		/* fast check for first char */
-		if(checkstart && *s!=startchar)
-			continue;
-		tl=list[flag];
-		tle=liste[flag];
-		nl=list[flag^=1];
-		nle=liste[flag];
-		nl->inst=0;
-		/* Add first instruction to this list */
-		sempty.m[0].sp = s;
-		(void)newthread(tl, progp->startinst, &sempty);
-		/* Execute machine until this list is empty */
-		for(tlp=tl; inst=tlp->inst; tlp++){	/* assignment = */
-	Switchstmt:
-			switch(inst->type){
-			default:	/* regular character */
-				if(inst->type == *s){
-	Addinst:
-					if(newthread(nl, inst->next, &tlp->se)==nle)
-						goto realloc;
-				}
-				break;
-			case LBRA:
-				tlp->se.m[inst->subid].sp = s;
-				inst=inst->next;
-				goto Switchstmt;
-			case RBRA:
-				tlp->se.m[inst->subid].ep = s;
-				inst=inst->next;
-				goto Switchstmt;
-			case ANY:
-				goto Addinst;
-			case BOL:
-				if(s == starts){
-					inst=inst->next;
-					goto Switchstmt;
-				}
-				break;
-			case EOL:
-				if(*s=='\0'){
-					inst=inst->next;
-					goto Switchstmt;
-				}
-				break;
-			case CCLASS:
-				if(((char *)inst->right)[*s/8]&(1<<(*s&07)))
-					goto Addinst;
-				break;
-			case OR:
-				/* evaluate right choice later */
-				if (newthread(tlp, inst->right, &tlp->se) == tle)
-					goto realloc;
-				/* efficiency: advance and re-evaluate */
-				inst=inst->left;
-				goto Switchstmt;
-			case END:	/* Match! */
-				match = 1;
-				tlp->se.m[0].ep = s;
-				if (mp != NULL && ms > 0)									newmatch(mp, ms, &tlp->se);
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		checkstart = startchar && nl->inst==NULL;
-	}while(*s++);
-	return match;
-	free(list[0]);
-	list[0] = NULL;
-	listsize += LISTINCREMENT;
-	goto restart;
//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/regexec.c
echo ./libc/regprog.h 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./libc/regprog.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/regprog.h'
-#include <regexp.h>
-/* useful constants */
-#define NULL 0
-#define	TRUE	1
-#define	FALSE	0
-#define	HAT	'\177'		/* character to mark real beg. of line */
- *	Sub expression matches
- */
-#define NSUBEXP 10
-typedef struct {
-	regsubexp m[NSUBEXP];
- *	character class
- */
-typedef struct {
-	char	map[16];	/* 16 bytes == 128 bits, one bit per char */
- *	Machine instructions
- */
-typedef struct Inst{
-	int	type;			/* < 0200 ==> literal, otherwise action */
-	union	{
-		int sid;		/* sub-expression id for RBRA and LBRA */
-		struct Inst *other;	/* instructions pointer */
-	} u;
-	struct Inst *left;
-#define	next	left	/* Left branch is usually just next ptr */
-#define	subid	u.sid
-#define right	u.other
- *	Program definition
- */
-#define	NCLASS	16
-typedef struct Program{
-	Inst	*startinst;	/* start pc */
-	Class	class[NCLASS];	/* .data */
-	Inst	firstinst[5];	/* .text */
- * Actions and Tokens
- *
- *	02xx are operators, value == precedence
- *	03xx are tokens, i.e. operands for operators
- */
-#define	OPERATOR	0200	/* Bitmask of all operators */
-#define	START		0200	/* Start, used for marker on stack */
-#define	RBRA		0201	/* Right bracket, ) */
-#define	LBRA		0202	/* Left bracket, ( */
-#define	OR		0203	/* Alternation, | */
-#define	CAT		0204	/* Concatentation, implicit operator */
-#define	STAR		0205	/* Closure, * */
-#define	PLUS		0206	/* a+ == aa* */
-#define	QUEST		0207	/* a? == a|nothing, i.e. 0 or 1 a's */
-#define	ANY		0300	/* Any character, . */
-#define	NOP		0301	/* No operation, internal use only */
-#define	BOL		0302	/* Beginning of line, ^ */
-#define	EOL		0303	/* End of line, $ */
-#define	CCLASS		0304	/* Character class, [] */
-#define	END		0377	/* Terminate: match found */
//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/regprog.h
echo ./libc/regsub.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./libc/regsub.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/regsub.c'
-#include "regprog.h"
-/* substitute into one string using the matches from the last regexec() */
-extern void
-regsub (sp, dp, mp, ms)
-	char *sp;	/* source string */
-	char *dp;	/* destination string */
-	regsubexp *mp;	/* subexpression elements */
-	int ms;		/* number of elements pointed to by mp */
-	char *ssp;
-	register int i;
-	while (*sp != '\0') {
-		if (*sp == '\\') {
-			switch (*++sp) {
-			case '0':
-			case '1':
-			case '2':
-			case '3':
-			case '4':
-			case '5':
-			case '6':
-			case '7':
-			case '8':
-			case '9':
-				i = *sp-'0';
-				if (mp[i].sp != NULL && mp!=NULL && ms>i)
-					for (ssp = mp[i].sp;
-					     ssp < mp[i].ep;
-					     ssp++)
-						*dp++ = *ssp;
-				break;
-			case '\\':
-				*dp++ = '\\';
-				break;
-			case '\0':
-				sp--;
-				break;
-			default:
-				*dp++ = *sp;
-				break;
-			}
-		} else if (*sp == '&') {				
-			if (mp[0].sp != NULL && mp!=NULL && ms>0)
-			if (mp[0].sp != NULL)
-				for (ssp = mp[0].sp;
-				     ssp < mp[0].ep; ssp++)
-					*dp++ = *ssp;
-		} else
-			*dp++ = *sp;
-		sp++;
-	}
-	*dp = '\0';
//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/regsub.c
echo ./libc/dup2.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./libc/dup2.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/dup2.c'
-#ifdef	SYSV
-	dup2(a, b)
-	dup a as value b
-dup2(a, b)
-	int poot[256];		/* greater than NFILES i hope! */
-	register i, ret;
-	close(b);
-	for(i = 0; (poot[i] = dup(a)) >= 0; i++)
-		if(poot[i] == b) break;
-	ret = i;
-	while(--i >= 0)
-		close(poot[i]);		/* don't need 'em anymore */
-	return(poot[ret]);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/dup2.c
echo ./libc/new.mk 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./libc/new.mk <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/new.mk'
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include "regprog.h"
- * Parser Information
- */
-typedef struct Node{
-	Inst	*first;
-	Inst	*last;
-#define	NSTACK	20
-static Node	andstack[NSTACK];
-static Node	*andp;
-static int	atorstack[NSTACK];
-static int	*atorp;
-static int	cursubid;		/* id of current subexpression */
-static int	subidstack[NSTACK];	/* parallel to atorstack */
-static int	*subidp;
-static int	lastwasand;	/* Last token was operand */
-static int	nbra;
-static char	*exprp;		/* pointer to next character in source expression */
-static int	nclass;
-static Class	*classp;
-static Inst	*freep;
-static int	errors;
-/* predeclared crap */
-static void operator();
-static void pushand();
-static void pushator();
-static void evaluntil();
-static void bldcclass();
-static void
-	char *s;
-	errors++;
-	regerror(s);
-static Inst *
-	int t;
-	freep->type=t;
-	freep->left=0;
-	freep->right=0;
-	return freep++;
-static void
-	int t;
-	register Inst *i;
-	if(lastwasand)
-		operator(CAT);	/* catenate is implicit */
-	i=newinst(t);
-	if(t==CCLASS)	/* ugh */
-		i->right=(Inst *)&(classp[nclass-1]);	/* UGH! */
-	pushand(i, i);
-	lastwasand=TRUE;
-static void
-	int t;
-	if(t==RBRA && --nbra<0)
-		rcerror("unmatched right paren");
-	if(t==LBRA) {
-		if (++cursubid >= NSUBEXP)
-			rcerror ("too many subexpressions");
-		nbra++;
-		if (lastwasand)
-			operator(CAT);
-	} else
-		evaluntil(t);
-	if(t!=RBRA)
-		pushator(t);
-	lastwasand=FALSE;
-	if(t==STAR || t==QUEST || t==PLUS || t==RBRA)
-		lastwasand=TRUE;	/* these look like operands */
-static void
-regerr2(s, c)
-	char *s;
-	char buf[100];
-	char *cp = buf;
-	while(*s)
-		*cp++ = *s++;
-	*cp++ = c;
-	*cp = '\0'; 
-	rcerror(buf);
-static void
-	char *s;
-	char buf[100];
-	strcpy(buf, "can't happen: ");
-	strcat(buf, s);
-	rcerror(buf);
-static void
-pushand(f, l)
-	Inst *f, *l;
-	if(andp >= &andstack[NSTACK])
-		cant("operand stack overflow");
-	andp->first=f;
-	andp->last=l;
-	andp++;
-static void
-	int t;
-	if(atorp >= &atorstack[NSTACK])
-		cant("operator stack overflow");
-	*atorp++=t;
-	*subidp++=cursubid;
-static Node *
-	register Inst *inst;
-	if(andp <= &andstack[0]) {
-		regerr2("missing operand for ", op);
-		inst=newinst(NOP);
-		pushand(inst,inst);
-	}
-	return --andp;
-static int
-	if(atorp <= &atorstack[0])
-		cant("operator stack underflow");
-	--subidp;
-	return *--atorp;
-static void
-	register pri;
-	register Node *op1, *op2;
-	register Inst *inst1, *inst2;
-	while(pri==RBRA || atorp[-1]>=pri){
-		switch(popator()){
-		default:
-			rcerror("unknown operator in evaluntil");
-			break;
-		case LBRA:		/* must have been RBRA */
-			op1=popand('(');
-			inst2=newinst(RBRA);
-			inst2->subid = *subidp;
-			op1->last->next = inst2;
-			inst1=newinst(LBRA);
-			inst1->subid = *subidp;
-			inst1->next=op1->first;
-			pushand(inst1, inst2);
-			return;
-		case OR:
-			op2=popand('|');
-			op1=popand('|');
-			inst2=newinst(NOP);
-			op2->last->next=inst2;
-			op1->last->next=inst2;
-			inst1=newinst(OR);
-			inst1->right=op1->first;
-			inst1->left=op2->first;
-			pushand(inst1, inst2);
-			break;
-		case CAT:
-			op2=popand(0);
-			op1=popand(0);
-			op1->last->next=op2->first;
-			pushand(op1->first, op2->last);
-			break;
-		case STAR:
-			op2=popand('*');
-			inst1=newinst(OR);
-			op2->last->next=inst1;
-			inst1->right=op2->first;
-			pushand(inst1, inst1);
-			break;
-		case PLUS:
-			op2=popand('+');
-			inst1=newinst(OR);
-			op2->last->next=inst1;
-			inst1->right=op2->first;
-			pushand(op2->first, inst1);
-			break;
-		case QUEST:
-			op2=popand('?');
-			inst1=newinst(OR);
-			inst2=newinst(NOP);
-			inst1->left=inst2;
-			inst1->right=op2->first;
-			op2->last->next=inst2;
-			pushand(inst1, inst2);
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-static Prog *
-	Prog *pp;
-	register Inst *inst, *target;
-	int size;
-	Prog *npp;
-	/*
-	 *  get rid of NOOP chains
-	 */
-	for(inst=pp->firstinst; inst->type!=END; inst++){
-		target=inst->next;
-		while(target->type == NOP)
-			target=target->next;
-		inst->next=target;
-	}
-	/*
-	 *  The original allocation is for an area larger than
-	 *  necessary.  Reallocate to the actual space used
-	 *  and then relocate the code.
-	 */
-	size = sizeof(Prog) + (freep - pp->firstinst)*sizeof(Inst);
-	npp = (Prog *)realloc((char *)pp, size);
-	if(npp==NULL || npp==pp)
-		return(pp);
-	freep = &npp->firstinst[freep - pp->firstinst];
-	npp->startinst = &npp->firstinst[pp->startinst - pp->firstinst];
-	for(inst=npp->firstinst; inst<freep; inst++){
-		switch(inst->type){
-		case OR:
-		case STAR:
-		case PLUS:
-		case QUEST:
-			inst->right = &npp->firstinst[inst->right - pp->firstinst];
-			break;
-		case CCLASS:
-			inst->right = (Inst *) &npp->class[(Class*)inst->right - pp->class];
-			break;
-		}
-		inst->left = &npp->firstinst[inst->left - pp->firstinst];
-	}
-	return(npp);
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-static char *
-	static char ordinary[4] = "'.'";
-	switch(t){
-	case START:	return "START";
-	case RBRA:	return "RBRA";
-	case LBRA:	return "LBRA";
-	case OR:	return "OR";
-	case CAT:	return "CAT";
-	case STAR:	return "STAR";
-	case PLUS:	return "PLUS";
-	case QUEST:	return "QUEST";
-	case ANY:	return "ANY";
-	case NOP:	return "NOP";
-	case BOL:	return "BOL";
-	case EOL:	return "EOL";
-	case CCLASS:	return "CCLASS";
-	case END:	return "END";
-	default:
-		ordinary[1] = t;
-		return ordinary;
-	}
-static void
-	Node *stk;
-	int *ip;
-	printf("operators\n");
-	for(ip=atorstack; ip<atorp; ip++)
-		printf("0%o\n", *ip);
-	printf("operands\n");
-	for(stk=andstack; stk<andp; stk++){
-		printf("%s\t", dumptype(stk->first->type));
-		printf("%s\n", dumptype(stk->last->type));
-	}
-static void
-	if(c < ' ' || '~' < c){
-		switch(c){
-		default:
-			putchar('^');
-			putchar((c + '@') & 0x7f);
-			return;
-		case '\b':
-			c = 'b';
-			break;
-		case '\t':
-			c = 't';
-			break;
-		case '\n':
-			c = 'n';
-			break;
-		case '\v':
-			c = 'v';
-			break;
-		case '\f':
-			c = 'f';
-			break;
-		case '\r':
-			c = 'r';
-			break;
-		}
-		putchar('\\');
-	}
-	putchar(c);
-static void
-putCHAR(from, to)
-	if(from != 0)
-		if(from == to)
-			putC(from);
-		else{
-			putC(from);
-			putchar('-');
-			putC(to);
-		}
-static void
-	Prog *pp;
-	int c, from;
-	Inst *l;
-	Class *classp;
-	l=pp->firstinst;
-	do{
-		printf("%d:\t%s\t%d\t", l-pp->firstinst, dumptype(l->type),
-			l->left-pp->firstinst);
-		if(l->type == CCLASS){
-			classp = (Class*) l->right;
-			putchar('[');
-			if(classp->map[0] & 02){	/* ^A? */
-				putchar('^');		/* assume negation */
-				for(from=0, c=1; c < 128; ++c){
-					if(classp->map[c/8] & (1<<(c&07))){
-						putCHAR(from, c-1);
-						from = 0;
-					} else {
-						if(from == 0)
-							from = c;
-					}
-				}
-				putCHAR(from, c-1);
-			} else {
-				for(from=0, c=1; c < 128; ++c){
-					if(classp->map[c/8] & (1<<(c&07))){
-						if(from == 0)
-							from = c;
-					} else {
-						putCHAR(from, c-1);
-						from = 0;
-					}
-				}
-				putCHAR(from, c-1);
-			}
-			putchar(']');
-		} else
-			printf("%d", l->right-pp->firstinst);
-		putchar('\n');
-	}while(l++->type);
-static void
-	char *s;
-	exprp=s;
-	nclass=0;
-	nbra=0;
-static Class *
-	register Class *p;
-	register n;
-	if(nclass >= NCLASS)
-		regerr2("too many character classes; limit", NCLASS+'0');
-	p = &(classp[nclass++]);
-	for(n=0; n<16; n++)
-		p->map[n]=0;
-	return p;
-static int
-	register c= *exprp++;
-	switch(c){
-	case '\\':
-		if(*exprp)
-			c= *exprp++;
-		break;
-	case 0:
-		c=END;
-		--exprp;	/* In case we come here again */
-		break;
-	case '*':
-		c=STAR;
-		break;
-	case '?':
-		c=QUEST;
-		break;
-	case '+':
-		c=PLUS;
-		break;
-	case '|':
-		c=OR;
-		break;
-	case '.':
-		c=ANY;
-		break;
-	case '(':
-		c=LBRA;
-		break;
-	case ')':
-		c=RBRA;
-		break;
-	case '^':
-		c=BOL;
-		break;
-	case '$':
-		c=EOL;
-		break;
-	case '[':
-		c=CCLASS;
-		bldcclass();
-		break;
-	}
-	return c;
-static int
-	if(exprp[0]==0 || (exprp[0]=='\\' && exprp[1]==0))
-		rcerror("malformed '[]'");
-	if(exprp[0]=='\\'){
-		exprp++;
-		return *exprp++|0200;
-	}
-	return *exprp++;
-static void
-	register c1, c2;
-	register Class *classp;
-	register negate=FALSE;
-	classp=newclass();
-	/* we have already seen the '[' */
-	if(*exprp=='^'){
-		negate=TRUE;
-		exprp++;
-	}
-	while((c1=c2=nextc()) != ']'){
-		if(*exprp=='-'){
-			exprp++;	/* eat '-' */
-			if((c2=nextc()) == ']')
-				rcerror("malformed '[]'");
-		}
-		for((c1&=0177), (c2&=0177); c1<=c2; c1++)
-			classp->map[c1/8] |= 1<<(c1&07);
-	}
-	if(negate)
-		for(c1=0; c1<16; c1++)
-			classp->map[c1]^=0377;
-	classp->map[0] &= 0376;		/* exclude NUL */
-extern regexp *
-	char *s;
-	register token;
-	Prog *pp;
-	/* get memory for the program */
-	pp = (Prog *)malloc(sizeof(Prog) + 3*sizeof(Inst)*strlen(s));
-	if (pp == NULL) {
-		rcerror("out of memory");
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	freep = pp->firstinst;
-	classp = pp->class;
-	errors = 0;
-	/* go compile the sucker */
-	startlex(s);
-	atorp=atorstack;
-	andp=andstack;
-	subidp=subidstack;
-	lastwasand=FALSE;
-	cursubid=0;
-	/* Start with a low priority operator to prime parser */
-	pushator(START-1);
-	while((token=lex()) != END){
-		if((token&0300) == OPERATOR)
-			operator(token);
-		else
-			operand(token);
-	}
-	/* Close with a low priority operator */
-	evaluntil(START);
-	/* Force END */
-	operand(END);
-	evaluntil(START);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	dumpstack();
-	if(nbra)
-		rcerror("unmatched left paren");
-	--andp;	/* points to first and only operand */
-	pp->startinst=andp->first;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	dump(pp);
-	pp = optimize(pp);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	printf("start: %d\n", pp->startinst-pp->firstinst);
-	dump(pp);
-	fflush(stdout);
-	if (errors) {
-		free((char *)pp);
-		pp = NULL;
-	}
-	return (regexp *)pp;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#include <setjmp.h>
-jmp_buf	jmpbuf;
-main( argc, argv )
-	char **argv;
-	regexp *prog = NULL;
-	regsubexp match[NSUBEXP];
-	char line[256];
-	int i;
-	while( TRUE ) {
-		setjmp( jmpbuf );
-		if(prog)
-			free( prog );
-		do {
-			fputs( "Enter re: ", stdout );
-			if ( gets(line) == NULL )
-				exit(0);
-		} while( (prog = regcomp(line)) == NULL );
-		fputs( "Enter string: ", stdout );
-		while( gets(line) != NULL ) {
-			if ( !regexec(prog,line,match,NSUBEXP) )
-				puts( "*** NO MATCH ***" );
-			else
-				for( i = 0; i < NSUBEXP; ++i )
-					if ( match[i].sp )
-						printf( "match[%d] = \"%.*s\"\n", i, match[i].ep - match[i].sp, match[i].sp );
-		}
-	}
-regerror( s )
-	char *s;
-	puts( s );
-	longjmp( jmpbuf );
//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc/new.mk
echo ./fio/README 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./fio/README <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/README'
-here (as in ../libc) you have to add whatever commands
-you need to set up an archive in the shell file `gen'.
echo ./fio/fio.h 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./fio/fio.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fio.h'
-#define	FIOBSIZE	4096
-typedef struct Fbuffer
-	unsigned char *next;		/* next char to be used */
-	unsigned char *end;		/* first invalid char */
-	unsigned char *lnext;		/* previous value of next */
-	unsigned short flags;		/* see FIO_.* below */
-	short oflush;			/* if >= 0 fd to flush on read */
-	long offset;			/* seek of end */
-	unsigned char buf[FIOBSIZE];
-} Fbuffer;
-extern Fbuffer *Ffb[];
-#define	FIORESET(f)	((f)->next=(f)->lnext=(f)->end=(f)->buf, (f)->flags&= ~FIO_MALLOCED, (f)->oflush= -1)
-#define	FIOSET(f, fd)	if((f=Ffb[fd&=0x7f]) == 0){Finit(fd,(char *)0);f=Ffb[fd];}
-/* FIOLINELEN is length of last input */
-#define	FIOLINELEN(fd)	(((int)(Ffb[fd]->next - Ffb[fd]->lnext))-1)
-/* FIOSEEK is lseek of next char to be processed */
-#define	FIOSEEK(fd)	(Ffb[fd]->offset - (Ffb[fd]->end - Ffb[fd]->next))
-#define	FIOFLUSH(fd)	if((fd >= 0) && Ffb[fd]) Fflush(fd)
-#define	FIO_RDLAST	0x0001		/* true if last input was rdline */
-#define	FIO_WRITING	0x0002		/* true if last action was write */
-#define	FIO_MALLOCED	0x0004		/* set if Finit did the malloc */
-extern void Finit();
-extern char *Frdline();
-extern void Fundo();
-extern int Fgetc();
-extern long Fread();
-extern long Fwrite();
-extern long Fseek();
-extern int Fflush();
-#ifdef	FIO_IMP
-/* COUNT is the type of counts to things like read, write, memcpy etc */
-#ifdef	GNOT
-#define	COUNT	long
-#define	FIOMALLOC(n)	malloc(n)
-#define	SEEK(a,b,c)	seek(a,b,c)
-#define	COUNT	int
-#define	FIOMALLOC(n)	malloc(n)
-#define	SEEK(a,b,c)	lseek(a,b,c)
-extern COUNT read(), write();
//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fio.h
echo ./fio/fiofillbuf.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./fio/fiofillbuf.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fiofillbuf.c'
-#define	FIO_IMP
-#include	"fio.h"
-#include	<libc.h>
-	register COUNT n;
-	register Fbuffer *f = Ffb[fd];
-	if(n = &f->buf[FIOBSIZE]-f->end){
-		FIOFLUSH(f->oflush);
-		n = read(fd, f->end, n);
-		if(n <= 0)
-			return(-1);
-		f->end += n;
-		f->offset += n;
-	}
-	return(1);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fiofillbuf.c
echo ./fio/fioflush.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./fio/fioflush.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fioflush.c'
-#define	FIO_IMP
-#include	"fio.h"
-#include	<libc.h>
-	register Fbuffer *f;
-	FIOSET(f, fd);
-	if(f->flags&FIO_WRITING)
-		return(F_flush(f, fd));
-	else
-		return(0);
-F_flush(f, fd)
-	register Fbuffer *f;
-	register COUNT n;
-	f->flags &= ~FIO_WRITING;
-	if(n = f->next - f->buf){
-		if(write(fd, f->buf, n) != n)
-			return(-1);
-		f->next = f->buf;
-	}
-	return(0);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fioflush.c
echo ./fio/fiogetc.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./fio/fiogetc.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fiogetc.c'
-#define	FIO_IMP
-#include	"fio.h"
-#include	<libc.h>
-	register Fbuffer *f;
-	FIOSET(f, fd);
-	if(f->next >= f->end){
-		if(f->end >= &f->buf[FIOBSIZE])
-			f->end = f->next = f->buf;
-		else
-			f->next = f->end;
-		if(Ffillbuf(fd) <= 0)
-			return(-1);
-	}
-	f->lnext = f->next;
-	f->flags &= ~(FIO_RDLAST|FIO_WRITING);
-	return(*f->next++);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fiogetc.c
echo ./fio/fioinit.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./fio/fioinit.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fioinit.c'
-#define	FIO_IMP
-#include	"fio.h"
-#include	<libc.h>
-static Fdie()
-	Fexit(0);
-Finit(fd, buf)
-	char *buf;
-	register Fbuffer *f;
-	static setfioexit = 1;
-	if(setfioexit){
-		setfioexit = 0;
-		atexit(Fdie);
-	}
-	fd &= 0x7f;
-	if(buf){
-		Ffb[fd] = (Fbuffer *)buf;
-		Ffb[fd]->flags = 0;
-	} else if(!Ffb[fd]){
-		Ffb[fd] = (Fbuffer *)FIOMALLOC((COUNT)sizeof(Fbuffer));
-		Ffb[fd]->flags = FIO_MALLOCED;
-	}
-	f = Ffb[fd];
-	f->offset = SEEK(fd, 0L, 1);
-	if(f->offset < 0)
-		f->offset = 0;		/* file not been written yet */
-#ifdef	GNOT
-#define	NOFILE	128
-#ifndef	GNOT
-#include	<sys/param.h>
-Fbuffer *Ffb[NOFILE];
-	register n;
-	for(n = 0; n < NOFILE; n++)
-		if(Ffb[n])
-			if(type == 0)
-				Fflush(n);
-			else
-				Fclose(n);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fioinit.c
echo ./fio/fioprint.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./fio/fioprint.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fioprint.c'
-#define	FIO_IMP
-#include	<varargs.h>
-#include	<fio.h>
-/* VARARGS 2 */
-Fprint(f, fmt, va_alist)
-int f;
-char *fmt;
-	char buf[FIOBSIZE], *out;
-	register long n;
-	va_list ap;
-	extern char *doprint();
-	va_start(ap);
-	out = doprint(buf, fmt, &ap);
-	va_end(ap);
-	n = out-buf;
-	if(Fwrite(f, buf, n) != n)
-		return(-1);
-	else
-		return((int)n);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fioprint.c
echo ./fio/fioputc.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./fio/fioputc.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fioputc.c'
-#define	FIO_IMP
-#include	"fio.h"
-#include	<libc.h>
-Fputc(fd, c)
-	register Fbuffer *f;
-	FIOSET(f, fd);
-	if(f->next >= &f->buf[FIOBSIZE]){
-		if(F_flush(f, fd))
-			return(-1);
-	}
-	*f->next++ = c;
-	f->end = f->next;
-	f->offset++;
-	f->flags |= FIO_WRITING;
-	return(0);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fioputc.c
echo ./fio/fiordline.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./fio/fiordline.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fiordline.c'
-#define	FIO_IMP
-#include	"fio.h"
-#include	<libc.h>
-char *
-	register unsigned char *p;
-	register Fbuffer *f;
-	register n;
-	register char *nextnl;
-	FIOSET(f, fd);
-	while((nextnl = memchr(f->next, '\n', (COUNT)(f->end-f->next))) == 0){
-		if(f->next == f->buf){
-			if(f->end >= &f->buf[FIOBSIZE])
-				f->end = &f->buf[FIOBSIZE-64];	/* full buffer, no newline */
-		} else {
-			n = f->next-f->buf;
-			memcpy(f->buf, f->next, (COUNT)(FIOBSIZE-n));
-			f->next -= n;
-			f->end -= n;
-		}
-		if(Ffillbuf(fd) <= 0)
-			return((char *)0);
-	}
-	f->lnext = f->next;
-	f->next = (unsigned char *)(nextnl+1);
-	*nextnl = 0;
-	f->flags = (f->flags|FIO_RDLAST)&~FIO_WRITING;
-	return((char *)f->lnext);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fiordline.c
echo ./fio/fioread.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./fio/fioread.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fioread.c'
-#define	FIO_IMP
-#include	"fio.h"
-#include	<libc.h>
-#define		MAXREAD		0xff00		/* 64K - 4K */
-#define		FIOSHORT	100
-Fread(fd, addr, n)
-	char *addr;
-	long n;
-	register unsigned char *p;
-	register Fbuffer *f;
-	COUNT k;
-	char *oaddr = addr;
-	char *goal = addr+n;
-	FIOSET(f, fd);
-	k = f->end - f->next;
-	if(n < k) k = n;
-	memcpy(addr, (char *)f->next, k);
-	f->next += k;
-	f->lnext = f->next;	/* effectively disable undo */
-	n -= k;
-	addr += k;
-	if((n > 0) && (n < FIOSHORT)){	/* buffer reads of less than FIOSHORT */
-		if(f->next == f->end)
-			f->next = f->end = f->buf;
-		if(Ffillbuf(fd) < 0)
-			return((long)(addr - oaddr));
-		goto again;
-	}
-	if(n > 0)
-		FIOFLUSH(f->oflush);
-	while(n > 0){	/* buffer is empty so do real reads */
-		k = n;
-		if(k > MAXREAD) k = MAXREAD;
-		if((k = read(fd, addr, k)) < 0)
-			return(-1L);
-		if(k == 0) break;
-		addr += k;
-		n -= k;
-		f->offset += k;
-	}
-	return((long)(addr - oaddr));
//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fioread.c
echo ./fio/fioseek.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./fio/fioseek.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fioseek.c'
-#define	FIO_IMP
-#include	"fio.h"
-#include	<libc.h>
-Fseek(fd, n, cmd)
-	long n;
-	register Fbuffer *f;
-	register long dest, k;
-	FIOSET(f, fd);
-	switch(cmd)
-	{
-	case 0:
-		dest = n;
-		break;
-	case 1:
-		/* allow for the fact we are beyond where we think we are */
-		dest = f->offset + n + f->next-f->end;
-		break;
-	case 2:
-		if(f->flags&FIO_WRITING)
-			F_flush(f, fd);
-		dest = SEEK(fd, n, cmd);
-		f->offset = dest;
-		break;
-	}
-	if(dest < 0)
-		return(dest);
-	k = f->end - ((f->flags&FIO_WRITING)? f->buf : f->lnext);
-	if((dest >= f->offset) || (dest < f->offset-k)){
-		if(f->flags&FIO_WRITING)
-			F_flush(f, fd);
-		f->offset = dest;
-		SEEK(fd, f->offset, 0);
-	} else {
-		f->next = f->lnext + (dest-(f->offset-k));
-		if(f->flags&FIO_WRITING){
-			f->offset -= f->end - f->next;
-			f->end = f->next;
-		}
-		SEEK(fd, f->offset, 0);
-	}
-	return(dest);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fioseek.c
echo ./fio/fioundo.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./fio/fioundo.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fioundo.c'
-#define	FIO_IMP
-#include	"fio.h"
-#include	<libc.h>
-	register Fbuffer *f;
-	FIOSET(f, fd);
-	if(f->flags&FIO_WRITING)
-		return;
-	if(f->flags&FIO_RDLAST)
-		f->next[-1] = '\n';
-	f->next = f->lnext;
//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fioundo.c
echo ./fio/fiowrite.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./fio/fiowrite.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fiowrite.c'
-#define	FIO_IMP
-#include	"fio.h"
-#include	<libc.h>
-Fwrite(fd, addr, nbytes)
-	register char *addr;
-	register long nbytes;
-	register Fbuffer *f;
-	register COUNT n;
-	long nnbytes = nbytes;
-	FIOSET(f, fd);
-	f->flags |= FIO_WRITING;
-	n = &f->buf[FIOBSIZE] - f->next;
-	if(nbytes < n) n = nbytes;
-	memcpy(f->next, addr, n);
-	f->end = (f->next += n);
-	f->offset += n;
-	nbytes -= n;
-	addr += n;
-	if(nbytes){
-		if(F_flush(f, fd))
-			return(-1L);
-		while(nbytes >= FIOBSIZE){
-			if(write(fd, addr, (COUNT)FIOBSIZE) != FIOBSIZE)
-				return(-1L);
-			addr += FIOBSIZE;
-			nbytes -= FIOBSIZE;
-			f->offset += FIOBSIZE;
-		}
-		memcpy(f->buf, addr, (COUNT)(n = nbytes));
-		f->end = f->next = f->buf+n;
-		f->offset += n;
-		f->flags |= FIO_WRITING;
-	}
-	return(nnbytes);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fiowrite.c
echo ./fio/libc.h 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./fio/libc.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/libc.h'
-/* system calls */
-extern unsigned alarm();
-extern void nap(), pause();
-extern char *sbrk();
-extern void exit(), _exit();
-extern long lseek();
-extern void nice();
-extern void profil();
-extern unsigned long settod();
-extern void sync();
-extern long time();
-/* libc et al */
-extern long lcm();
-extern double atof(), strtod();
-extern long atol();
-extern char *crypt();
-extern char *ctime();
-extern char *ecvt(), *fcvt(), *gcvt();
-extern char *galloc();
-extern char *getenv();
-extern char *getlogin();
-extern char *getpass();
-extern char *getwd(), *getcwd();
-extern char *malloc(), *realloc(), *calloc();
-extern char *memcpy(), *memchr(), *memccpy(), *memset();
-extern char *mktemp();
-extern double frand();
-extern char *strcpy(), *strncpy(), *strcat(), *strncat(), *strchr(), *strrchr();
-extern char *strpbrk(), *strtok(), *strdup();
-extern int atoi();
-extern char *tgetstr(), tgoto();
-extern char *ttyname(), *cttyname();
-#define	NONEXIT		33
//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/libc.h
echo ./fio/tstrd.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./fio/tstrd.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/tstrd.c'
-#include	<fio.h>
-#include	<libc.h>
-main(argc, argv)
-	char **argv;
-	register n, c, k;
-	int len, fd, cd;
-	char *b1, *b2, *p;
-	if(argc < 2){
-		Fprint(2, "Usage: tstrd file\n");
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	len = flen(argv[1]);
-	if((fd = open(argv[1], 0)) < 0){
-		perror(argv[1]);	
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	if((b1 = malloc(len)) == 0){
-		Fprint(2, "malloc(%d) failed\n", len);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	if(read(fd, b1, len) != len){
-		perror("read");
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	lseek(fd, 0L, 0);
-	if((b2 = malloc(len)) == 0){
-		Fprint(2, "malloc(%d) failed\n", len);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	for(p = b2, cd = 0; cd < len;){
-		n = 1000*nrand(6) + nrand(199);
-		if(n > len-cd) n = len-cd;
-		Fprint(1, "%d getchars\n", n);
-		cd += n;
-		while(n--)
-			*p++ = Fgetc(fd);
-		if(cd == len)
-			continue;
-		n = 1000*nrand(12) + nrand(199);
-		if(n > len-cd) n = len-cd;
-		cd += n;
-		Fprint(1, "%d read\n", n);
-		if(Fread(fd, p, (long)n) != (long)n) break;
-		p += n;
-	}
-	if(memcmp(b1, b2, len)){
-		Fprint(2, "memcmp failed!\n");
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	Fprint(2, "tstrd: %d bytes, succeeded\n", len);
-	exit(0);
-#include	<sys/types.h>
-#include	<sys/stat.h>
-	char *s;
-	struct stat sb;
-	int n;
-	if(stat(s, &sb) < 0){
-		perror(s);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	n = sb.st_size;
-	if(sizeof(int) == 2)
-		n &= 0x7FFF;
-	return(n);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/tstrd.c
echo ./fio/tstsk.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./fio/tstsk.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/tstsk.c'
-#include	<fio.h>
-#include	<libc.h>
-#define	TMP	"/tmp/tstsk"
-#define	FN(x)	(unsigned char)((x&0xFF)^(x/251))
-main(argc, argv)
-	char **argv;
-	register n, c, k;
-	int len, fd, cd;
-	char *b1, *b2, *p;
-	if(argc != 1){
-		Fprint(2, "Usage: tstsk\n");
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	len = 1000000;
-	if(sizeof(int) == 2)
-		len &= 0x7FFF;
-	if((fd = creat(TMP, 0666)) < 0){
-		perror(TMP);	
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	close(fd);
-	if((fd = open(TMP, 2)) < 0){
-		perror(TMP);	
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	unlink(TMP);
-	if((b2 = malloc(len)) == 0){
-		Fprint(2, "malloc(%d) failed\n", len);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	for(n = 0, p = b2; n < len; n++)
-		*p++ = FN(n);
-	if(write(fd, b2, len) != len){
-		perror("write");
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	lseek(fd, 0L, 0);
-	Finit(fd, (char *)0);
-	for(n = 0; n < 500; n++){
-		k = nrand(len);
-		c = nrand(sizeof(Fbuffer))+100;
-		if(k+c > len) c = len-k;
-		test(fd, k, c, n);
-	}
-	Fprint(2, "tstsk: %d bytes, %d seeks, succeeded\n", len, n);
-	exit(0);
-test(fd, off, n, count)
-	long offset;
-	int c;
-	offset = off;
-	if(Fseek(fd, offset, 0) != offset){
-		fprint(2, "fseek(%ld) != %ld!!\n", offset, offset);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	while(n-- > 0){
-		if((c = Fgetc(fd)) != FN(offset)){
-			fprint(2, "tst %d: char mismatch; %ld: %x, expected %x\n",
-				count, offset, c, FN(offset));
-			dumpfb(fd);
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		offset++;
-	}
-	register Fbuffer *f = Ffb[fd];
-	register unsigned char *c;
-	register long off;
-	int i;
-	fprint(2, "buf@%ld: next=%ld end=%ld lnext=%ld buf=%ld offset=%ld\n",
-		f, f->next, f->end, f->lnext, f->buf, f->offset);
-	off = f->offset - (f->end - f->buf);
-	for(c = f->buf; c < &f->buf[64]; ){
-		fprint(2, "%7ld:", off);
-		for(i = 0; i < 16; i++, off++)
-			fprint(2, " %2x", *c++);
-		fprint(2, "\n");
-	}
//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/tstsk.c
echo ./fio/tstwr.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./fio/tstwr.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/tstwr.c'
-#include	<fio.h>
-#include	<libc.h>
-#define	TMP	"/tmp/tstwr"
-main(argc, argv)
-	char **argv;
-	register n, c, k;
-	int len, fd, cd;
-	char *b1, *b2, *p;
-	if(argc < 2){
-		Fprint(2, "Usage: tstwr file\n");
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	len = flen(argv[1]);
-	if((fd = open(argv[1], 0)) < 0){
-		perror(argv[1]);	
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	if((b1 = malloc(len)) == 0){
-		Fprint(2, "malloc(%d) failed\n", len);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	if(read(fd, b1, len) != len){
-		perror("read");
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	close(fd);
-	if((fd = creat(TMP, 0666)) < 0){
-		perror(TMP);	
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	close(fd);
-	if((fd = open(TMP, 2)) < 0){
-		perror(TMP);	
-		exit(1);
-	}
-/*	unlink(TMP);	/**/
-	if((b2 = malloc(len)) == 0){
-		Fprint(2, "malloc(%d) failed\n", len);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	for(p = b1, cd = 0; cd < len;){
-		n = 1000*nrand(6) + nrand(199);
-		if(n > len-cd) n = len-cd;
-		Fprint(1, "%d putc's\n", n);
-		cd += n;
-		while(n--)
-			Fputc(fd, *p++);
-		if(len == cd)
-			continue;
-		n = 1000*nrand(12) + nrand(199);
-		if(n > len-cd) n = len-cd;
-		cd += n;
-		Fprint(1, "%d write\n", n);
-		if(Fwrite(fd, p, (long)n) != (long)n) break;
-		p += n;
-	}
-	Fflush(fd);
-	lseek(fd, 0L, 0);
-	if((n = read(fd, b2, len)) != len){
-		fprint(2, "read %d, len=%d: ", n, len);
-		perror("read2");
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	if(memcmp(b1, b2, len)){
-		Fprint(2, "memcmp failed!\n");
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	Fprint(2, "tstwr: %d bytes, succeeded\n", len);
-	exit(0);
-#include	<sys/types.h>
-#include	<sys/stat.h>
-	char *s;
-	struct stat sb;
-	int n;
-	if(stat(s, &sb) < 0){
-		perror(s);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	n = sb.st_size;
-	if(sizeof(int) == 2)
-		n &= 0x7FFF;
-	return(n);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/tstwr.c
echo ./fio/Makefile 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./fio/Makefile <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/Makefile'
-OBJ=fiofillbuf.o fioflush.o fiogetc.o fioinit.o fioprint.o fioputc.o\
-	fiordline.o fioread.o fioseek.o fioundo.o fiowrite.o fiotie.o fioclose.o
-fio.a:	$(OBJ)
-	ar r fio.a $(OBJ)
-	$(RANLIB) fio.a
-cray:	fio.o
-fio.o:	$(OBJ)
-	cat $(OBJ) > fio.o
//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/Makefile
echo ./fio/fiotie.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./fio/fiotie.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fiotie.c'
-#define	FIO_IMP
-#include	"fio.h"
-Ftie(ifd, ofd)
-	register Fbuffer *f;
-	FIOSET(f, ifd);
-	f->oflush = ofd;
//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fiotie.c
echo ./fio/tstagh.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./fio/tstagh.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/tstagh.c'
-#include	<fio.h>
-#include	<libc.h>
-#define	TMP	"/tmp/tstsk"
-#define	FN(x)	(unsigned char)((x&0xFF)^(x/251))
-main(argc, argv)
-	char **argv;
-	register n, c, k;
-	int len, fd, cd;
-	char *b1, *b2, *p;
-	Fprint(1, "the letter 'c' is 'c'\n");
-	dumpfb(1);
-	Fseek(1, -3, 1);
-	dumpfb(1);
-	Fputc(1, '\n');
-	dumpfb(1);
-	exit(0);
-	register Fbuffer *f = Ffb[fd];
-	register unsigned char *c;
-	register long off;
-	int i;
-	fprint(2, "buf@%ld: next=%ld end=%ld lnext=%ld buf=%ld offset=%ld\n",
-		f, f->next, f->end, f->lnext, f->buf, f->offset);
-	off = f->offset - (f->end - f->buf);
-	for(c = f->buf; c < &f->buf[64]; ){
-		fprint(2, "%7ld:", off);
-		for(i = 0; i < 16; i++, off++)
-			fprint(2, " %2x", *c++);
-		fprint(2, "\n");
-	}
//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/tstagh.c
echo ./fio/fioclose.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./fio/fioclose.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fioclose.c'
-#define	FIO_IMP
-#include	"fio.h"
-#include	<libc.h>
-	register Fbuffer *f;
-	FIOSET(f, fd);
-	Fflush(fd);
-	if(f->flags&FIO_MALLOCED)
-		free((char *)f);
-	Ffb[fd] = 0;
-	close(fd);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio/fioclose.c
echo ./README 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./README <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./README'
-mk runs on Unix V9. To run on other systems requires some help.
-the help takes the form of the fast i/o library (fio) and some
-libc routines. dir.o provides support for the directory routines
-on V7-style filesystems; on most modern systems you should probably
-not use dir.o.
-	- edit Makefile by setting the initial variables as
-per the instructions.
-	- type make (unless on the cray, in which case, type make cray).
-	- everything should now be compiled and you should have a mk.
-	- edit mkfile to set the system type as in the Makefile
-as a first order test that all is well, try
-	mk
-which generates a `correctly compiled' mk in the file nmk.
-If things go badly, (core dump hell), try not using alloc.c. it may be
-that your hardware needs special alloc treatment. otherwise, mail
-research!andrew (or andrew@research.att.com).
-the manual page and a tutorial style document are included.
echo ./fio.h 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./fio.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio.h'
-#define	FIOBSIZE	4096
-typedef struct Fbuffer
-	unsigned char *next;		/* next char to be used */
-	unsigned char *end;		/* first invalid char */
-	unsigned char *lnext;		/* previous value of next */
-	unsigned short flags;		/* see FIO_.* below */
-	short oflush;			/* if >= 0 fd to flush on read */
-	long offset;			/* seek of end */
-	unsigned char buf[FIOBSIZE];
-} Fbuffer;
-extern Fbuffer *Ffb[];
-#define	FIORESET(f)	((f)->next=(f)->lnext=(f)->end=(f)->buf, (f)->flags&= ~FIO_MALLOCED, (f)->oflush= -1)
-#define	FIOSET(f, fd)	if((f=Ffb[fd&=0x7f]) == 0){Finit(fd,(char *)0);f=Ffb[fd];}
-/* FIOLINELEN is length of last input */
-#define	FIOLINELEN(fd)	(((int)(Ffb[fd]->next - Ffb[fd]->lnext))-1)
-/* FIOSEEK is lseek of next char to be processed */
-#define	FIOSEEK(fd)	(Ffb[fd]->offset - (Ffb[fd]->end - Ffb[fd]->next))
-#define	FIOFLUSH(fd)	if((fd >= 0) && Ffb[fd]) Fflush(fd)
-#define	FIO_RDLAST	0x0001		/* true if last input was rdline */
-#define	FIO_WRITING	0x0002		/* true if last action was write */
-#define	FIO_MALLOCED	0x0004		/* set if Finit did the malloc */
-extern void Finit();
-extern char *Frdline();
-extern void Fundo();
-extern int Fgetc();
-extern long Fread();
-extern long Fwrite();
-extern long Fseek();
-extern int Fflush();
-#ifdef	FIO_IMP
-/* COUNT is the type of counts to things like read, write, memcpy etc */
-#ifdef	GNOT
-#define	COUNT	long
-#define	FIOMALLOC(n)	malloc(n)
-#define	SEEK(a,b,c)	seek(a,b,c)
-#define	COUNT	int
-#define	FIOMALLOC(n)	malloc(n)
-#define	SEEK(a,b,c)	lseek(a,b,c)
-extern COUNT read(), write();
//GO.SYSIN DD ./fio.h
echo ./regexp.h 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./regexp.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./regexp.h'
-/* the structure describing a sub-expression match */
-typedef struct {
-	char *sp;
-	char *ep;
-} regsubexp;
-/* a compiled regular expression */
-typedef char *regexp;
-/* the routines */
-extern regexp *regcomp();
-extern int regexec();
-extern void regsub();
//GO.SYSIN DD ./regexp.h
echo ./libc.h 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./libc.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc.h'
-/* system calls */
-extern unsigned alarm();
-extern void nap(), pause();
-extern char *sbrk();
-extern void exit(), _exit();
-extern long lseek();
-extern void nice();
-extern void profil();
-extern unsigned long settod();
-extern void sync();
-extern long time();
-/* libc et al */
-extern long lcm();
-extern double atof(), strtod();
-extern long atol();
-extern char *crypt();
-extern char *ctime();
-extern char *ecvt(), *fcvt(), *gcvt();
-extern char *galloc();
-extern char *getenv();
-extern char *getlogin();
-extern char *getpass();
-extern char *getwd(), *getcwd();
-extern char *malloc(), *realloc(), *calloc();
-extern char *memcpy(), *memchr(), *memccpy(), *memset();
-extern char *mktemp();
-extern double frand();
-extern char *setfields();
-extern char *strcpy(), *strncpy(), *strcat(), *strncat(), *strchr(), *strrchr();
-extern char *strpbrk(), *strtok(), *strdup();
-extern int atoi();
-extern char *tgetstr(), tgoto();
-extern char *ttyname(), *cttyname();
-#define	NONEXIT		33
//GO.SYSIN DD ./libc.h
echo ./math/pow10.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./math/pow10.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./math/pow10.c'
-static	double	p[10] =
-	1.0e0,
-	1.0e1,
-	1.0e2,
-	1.0e3,
-	1.0e4,
-	1.0e5,
-	1.0e6,
-	1.0e7,
-	1.0e8,
-	1.0e9,
-	int i;
-	if(e < 0)
-		return 1 / pow10(-e);
-	if(e >= 10) {
-		i = e/2;
-		return pow10(i) * pow10(e-i);
-	}
-	return p[e];
//GO.SYSIN DD ./math/pow10.c
echo ./math/Makefile 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./math/Makefile <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./math/Makefile'
-math.a:	$(OBJ)
-	ar r math.a $(OBJ)
-	$(RANLIB) math.a
-cray:	math.o
-math.o:	$(OBJ)
-	cat $(OBJ) > math.o
//GO.SYSIN DD ./math/Makefile
echo ./Makefile 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./Makefile <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./Makefile'
-OBJ=alloc.o arc.o bquote.o builtins.o dir.o expand.o gen.o glob.o graph.o job.o lex.o main.o makefile.o match.o mk.o parse.o quote.o recipe.o regexp.o rule.o run.o shprint.o sig.o symtab.o t_ar.o t_driver.o t_file.o var.o word.o
-# first define the system type from V9, BSD42, SEQUENT, SYSV
-# second add any special C flags (and -DCRAY and -g if on the cray)
-# third, if you don't have a ranlib, set RANLIB=:
-RANLIB=:	# ranlib on other systems
-# now, to make everything just type make
-mk:	nlib $(OBJ)
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o mk $(OBJ) fio/fio.a libc/libc.a math/math.a
-	cd math; make CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" CC=$(CC) RANLIB=$(RANLIB)
-	cd libc; make CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" CC=$(CC) RANLIB=$(RANLIB)
-	cd fio; make CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" CC=$(CC) RANLIB=$(RANLIB)
-	rm -f *.o mk nmk */*.[oa]
-alloc.o arc.o bquote.o builtins.o dir.o expand.o gen.o glob.o graph.o job.o lex.o main.o makefile.o match.o mk.o parse.o quote.o recipe.o regexp.o rule.o run.o shprint.o sig.o symtab.o t_ar.o t_driver.o t_file.o var.o word.o:	 fio.h libc.h mk.h ndir.h regexp.h
//GO.SYSIN DD ./Makefile
echo ./mkconv 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./mkconv <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./mkconv'
-trap 'rm -f $x' 0 1 2
-tee $x < $1 | sed -e 's/$(\([^)]*\))\([        :\/]\)/$\1\2/g
-	s/$(\([^)]*\))$/$\1/g
-	s/$(\([^)]*\))/${\1}/g
-	s/^     @/  /
-	/^	-/,/[^\\]$/{
-		/[^\\]$/s/$/; set -e/
-	}
-	/^	-/s/	-/	set +e; /
-	s/:&/:/
-	s/$% /$stem /g
-	s/$%\./$stem\./g
-	s/$%/${stem}/g
-	s/$@/${target}/g
-	s/$^/${prereq}/g
-	s/$?/$newprereq/g'
-if egrep -s 'cd[ 	]|make' < $x
-	echo "Warning: recipes containing \`cd' or \`make' need attention."
-	egrep 'cd[ 	]|make' < $x
-fi 1>&2
//GO.SYSIN DD ./mkconv
echo ./membername 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./membername <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./membername'
-echo "$@" | tr " " "\012" | sed -e "s/[^(]*(\([^)]*\)).*/\1/" | tr "\012" " " 
//GO.SYSIN DD ./membername
echo ./mk.1 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./mk.1 <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./mk.1'
-.TH MK 1
-.CT 1 prog_c writing_troff prog_other
-mk, mkconv, membername \- maintain (make) related files
-.B mk
-.B -f
-.I mkfile
-] ...
-.I option ...
-.I name ...
-.B mkconv
-.I makefile
-.B membername
-.I aggregate ...
-.I Mk
-is most often used to keep object files current with the
-source they depend on.
-.I Mk
-.I mkfile
-and builds and executes dependency dags (directed acyclic graphs) for the target
-.IR names .
-If no target is specified, the targets of the first non-metarule in
-the first
-.I mkfile
-are used.
-If no
-.B -f
-option is present,
-.L mkfile
-is tried.
-Other options are:
-.TP \w'\fL-d[egp]\ 'u
-.B -a
-Assume all targets to be out of date.
-Thus, everything gets made.
-.PD 0
-.BR -d [ egp ]
-Produce debugging output
-.RB ( p
-is for parsing,
-.B g
-for graph building,
-.B e
-for execution).
-.B -e
-Explain why each target is made.
-.B -i
-Force any missing intermediate targets to be made.
-.B -k
-Do as much work as possible in the face of errors.
-.B -m
-Generate an equivalent makefile on standard output.
-Recipes are not handled well.
-.B -n
-Print, but do not execute, the commands
-needed to update the targets.
-.B -t
-Touch (update the modified date of) non-virtual targets, without
-executing any recipes.
-.B -u
-Produce a table of clock seconds spent with
-.I n
-recipes running.
-.BI -w name1,name2,...
-Set the initial date stamp for each name
-to the current time.
-The names may also be separated by blanks or newlines.
-(Use with
-.B -n
-to find what else would need to change if the named files
-were modified.)
-.I Mkconv
-attempts to convert a
-.IR make (1)
-.I makefile
-to a
-.IR mkfile
-on standard output.
-The conversion is not likely to be faithful.
-The shell script
-.I membername
-extracts member names
-(see `Aggregates' below)
-from its arguments.
-.SS Definitions
-.I mkfile
-consists of
-.I assignments
-(described under `Environment') and
-.IR rules .
-A rule contains
-.I targets
-and a
-.I tail.
-A target is a literal string, or
-.I label,
-and is normally a file name.
-The tail contains zero or more 
-.I prerequisites
-and an optional
-.I recipe,
-which is a shell script.
-.I metarule 
-has a target of the form
-.IB A % B
-.I A
-.I B
-are (possibly empty) strings.
-A metarule applies to any label that matches the target with
-.B %
-replaced by an arbitrary string, called the
-.IR stem .
-In interpreting a metarule,
-the stem is substituted for all occurrences of
-.B %
-in the prerequisite names.
-A metarule may be marked as using regular expressions (described under `Syntax').
-In this case,
-.B %
-has no special meaning;
-the target is interpreted according to
-.IR regexp (3).
-The dependencies may refer to subexpressions in the normal way, using
-.BI \e n.
-.I dependency dag
-for a target consists of
-.I nodes
-connected by directed
-.IR arcs .
-A node consists of a label
-and a set of arcs leading to prerequisite nodes.
-The root 
-node is labeled with an original target
-.I name.
-.SS Building the Dependency Dag
-Read the
-.I mkfiles 
-in command line order and distribute rule tails over targets
-to get single-target rules.
-For a node
-.IR n ,
-for every rule
-.I r
-that matches
-.IR n 's
-label generate an arc to a prerequisite node.
-The node
-.I n
-is then marked as done.
-The process is then repeated for each of the prerequisite nodes.
-The process stops if
-.I n
-is already done,
-or if
-.I n
-has no prerequisites,
-or if any rule would be used more than
-times on the current path in the dag.
-A probable node is one where the label exists as a file
-or is a target of a non-metarule.
-After the graph is built, it is checked for cycles,
-and subdags containing no probable nodes are deleted.
-Also, for any node with arcs generated by a non-metarule with a recipe,
-arcs generated by a metarule with a recipe
-are deleted.
-Disconnected subdags are deleted.
-.SS Execution
-Labels have an associated date stamp.
-A label is
-.I ready
-if it has no prerequisites, or
-all its prerequisites are made.
-A ready label is
-.I trivially uptodate
-if it is not a target and has a nonzero date stamp, or
-it has a nonzero date stamp,
-and all its prerequisites are made and predate the ready label.
-A ready label is marked
-.I made
-(and given a date stamp)
-if it is trivially uptodate or by executing the recipe
-associated with the arcs leading from the node associated with the ready label.
-.B P
-attribute can be used to generalize
-.IR mk 's
-notion of determining if prerequisites predate a label.
-Rather than comparing date stamps, it executes a specified program
-and uses the exit status.
-Date stamps are calculated differently for virtual labels,
-for labels that correspond to extant files,
-and for other labels.
-If a label is
-.I virtual
-(target of a rule with the
-.B V
-its date stamp is initially zero and upon being made is set to
-the most recent date stamp of its prerequisites.
-Otherwise, if a label is nonexistent
-(does not exist as a file),
-its date stamp is set to the most recent date stamp of its prerequisites,
-or zero if it has no prerequisites.
-Otherwise, the label is the name of a file and
-the label's date stamp is always that file's modification date.
-Nonexistent labels which have prerequisites
-and are prerequisite to other label(s) are treated specially unless the
-.B -i
-flag is used.
-Such a label
-.I l
-is given the date stamp of its most recent prerequisite
-and if this causes all the labels which have
-.I l
-as a prerequisite to be trivially uptodate,
-.I l
-is considered to be trivially uptodate.
-.I l
-is made in the normal fashion.
-Two recipes are called identical if they arose by distribution
-from a single rule as described above.
-Identical recipes may be executed only when all
-their prerequisite nodes are ready, and then just one instance of
-the identical recipes is executed to make all their target nodes.
-Files may be made in any order that respects
-the preceding restrictions.
-A recipe is executed by supplying the recipe as standard input to
-the command
-        /bin/sh -e
-The environment is augmented by the following variables:
-.TP 14
-.B $alltarget
-all the targets of this rule.
-.B $newprereq
-the prerequisites that caused this rule to execute.
-.B $nproc
-the process slot for this recipe.
-It satisfies
-.RB 0\(<= $nproc < $NPROC ,
-is the maximum number of recipes that may be executing
-.B $pid
-the process id for the
-.I mk
-forking the recipe.
-.B $prereq
-all the prerequisites for this rule.
-.B $stem
-if this is a metarule,
-.B $stem
-is the string that matched
-.BR % .
-Otherwise, it is empty.
-For regular expression metarules, the variables
-.LR stem0 ", ...,"
-.L stem9
-are set to the corresponding subexpressions.
-.B $target
-the targets for this rule that need to be remade.
-Unless the rule has the
-.B Q
-the recipe is printed prior to execution
-with recognizable shell variables expanded.
-To see the commands print as they execute,
-include a
-.L set -x
-in your rule.
-Commands returning nonzero status (see
-.IR intro (1))
-.I mk
-to terminate.
-.SS Aggregates
-Names of the form
-.IR a ( b )
-refer to member
-.I b
-of the aggregate
-.IR a .
-Currently, the only aggregates supported are
-.IR ar (1)
-.SS Environment
-Rules may make use of shell (or environment) variables.
-A legal shell variable reference of the form
-.B $OBJ
-.B ${name}
-is expanded as in
-.IR sh (1).
-A reference of the form
-.BI ${name: A % B = C\fB%\fID\fB}\fR,
-.I A, B, C, D
-are (possibly empty) strings,
-has the value formed by expanding
-.B $name
-and substituting
-.I C
-.I A
-.I D
-.I B
-in each word in
-.B $name
-that matches pattern
-.IB A % B .
-Variables can be set by
-assignments of the form
-        var\fB=\fR[\fIattr\fB=\fR]\fItokens\fR
-.I tokens
-and the optional attributes
-are defined under `Syntax' below.
-The environment is exported to recipe executions.
-Variable values are taken from (in increasing order of precedence)
-the default values below, the environment, the mkfiles,
-and any command line assignment.
-A variable assignment argument overrides the first (but not any subsequent)
-assignment to that variable.
-.ne 1i
-.ta \n(.lu/3u +\n(.lu/3u
-CC=cc	LEX=lex	NREP=1
-.ta 8n
-%.o:	%.c
-	$CC $CFLAGS -c $stem.c
-%.o:	%.s
-	$AS -o $stem.o $stem.s
-%.o:	%.f
-	$FC $FFLAGS -c $stem.f
-%.o:	%.y
-	$YACC $YFLAGS $stem.y &&
-	$CC $CFLAGS -c y.tab.c && mv y.tab.o $stem.o; rm y.tab.c
-%.o:	%.l
-	$LEX $LFLAGS -t $stem.l > $stem.c &&
-	$CC $CFLAGS -c $stem.c && rm $stem.c'
-The builtin rules are obtained from the variable
-after all input has been processed.
-variable is split into parts at control-A characters,
-the control-A characters are deleted, and the parts are 
-placed in the environment.
-The variable
-contains all the option arguments (arguments starting with
-.L -
-or containing
-.LR = )
-contains all the targets in the call to
-.IR mk .
-.SS Syntax
-Leading white space (blank or tab) is ignored.
-Input after an unquoted
-.B #
-(a comment) is ignored as are blank lines.
-Lines can be spread over several physical lines by
-placing a
-.B \e
-before newlines to be elided.
-Non-recipe lines are processed by substituting for
-.BI ` cmd `
-and then substituting for variable references.
-Finally, the filename metacharacters
-.B []*?
-are expanded.
-.tr #"
-Quoting by
-.BR \&'' ,
-.BR ## ,
-.B \e
-is supported.
-The semantics for substitution and quoting are given in
-.IR sh (1).
-The contents of files may be included by lines beginning with
-.B <
-followed by a filename.
-.tr ##
-Assignments and rule header lines are distinguished by
-the first unquoted occurrence of
-.B :
-(rule header)
-.B =
-A rule definition consists of a header line followed by a recipe.
-The recipe consists of all lines following the header line
-that start with white space.
-The recipe may be empty.
-The first character on every line of the recipe is elided.
-The header line consists of at least one target followed by the rule separator
-and a possibly empty list of prerequisites.
-The rule separator is either a single
-.LR : 
-or is a 
-.L :
-immediately followed by attributes and another
-.LR : .
-If any prerequisite is more recent than any of the targets,
-the recipe is executed.
-This meaning is modified by the following attributes
-.B <
-The standard output of the recipe is read by
-.I mk
-as an additional mkfile.
-Assignments take effect immediately.
-Rule definitions are used when a new dependency dag is constructed.
-.PD 0
-.B D
-If the recipe exits with an error status, the target is deleted.
-.B N
-If there is no recipe, the target has its time updated.
-.B P
-The characters after the
-.B P
-until the terminating
-.B :
-are taken as a program name.
-It will be invoked as
-.B "sh -c prog 'arg1' 'arg2'"
-and should return 0 exit status
-if and only if arg1 is not out of date with respect to arg2.
-Date stamps are still propagated in the normal way.
-.B Q
-The recipe is not printed prior to execution.
-.B R
-The rule is a metarule using regular expressions.
-.B U
-The targets are considered to have been updated
-even if the recipe did not do so.
-.B V
-The targets of this rule are marked as virtual.
-They are distinct from files of the same name.
-Similarly, assignments may have attributes terminated by
-.BR = .
-The only assignment attribute is
-.TP 3
-.B U
-Do not export this variable to recipe executions.
-A simple mkfile to compile a program.
-prog:	a.o b.o c.o
-	$CC $CFLAGS -o $target $prereq
-Override flag settings in the mkfile.
-$ mk target CFLAGS='-O -s'
-To get the prerequisites for an aggregate.
-$ membername 'libc.a(read.o)' 'libc.a(write.o)'
-read.o write.o
-Maintain a library.
-libc.a(%.o):N:	%.o
-libc.a:	libc.a(abs.o) libc.a(access.o) libc.a(alarm.o) ...
-	names=`membername $newprereq`
-	ar r libc.a $names && rm $names
-Backquotes used to derive a list from a master list.
-NAMES=alloc arc bquote builtins expand main match mk var word
-OBJ=`echo $NAMES|sed -e 's/[^ ][^ ]*/&.o/g'`
-Regular expression metarules.
-The single quotes are needed to protect the
-.BR \e s.
-\&'([^/]*)/(.*)\e.o':R:  '\e1/\e2.c'
-	cd $stem1; $CC $CFLAGS -c $stem2.c
-A correct way to deal with
-.IR yacc (1)
-The file
-.B lex.c
-includes the file
-.B x.tab.h
-rather than
-.B y.tab.h
-in order to reflect changes in content, not just modification time.
-lex.o:	x.tab.h
-x.tab.h:	y.tab.h
-	cmp -s x.tab.h y.tab.h || cp y.tab.h x.tab.h
-y.tab.c y.tab.h:	gram.y
-	$YACC $YFLAGS gram.y
-The above example could also use the
-.B P
-attribute for the
-.B x.tab.h
-x.tab.h:Pcmp -s:	y.tab.h
-	cp y.tab.h x.tab.h
-.IR make (1),
-.IR chdate (1),
-.IR sh (1),
-.IR regexp (3)
-A. Hume,
-.RI ` Mk :
-a Successor to
-.IR Make ',
-this manual, Volume 2
-Identical recipes for regular expression metarules only have one target.
-Seemingly appropriate input like
-is parsed as an erroneous attribute; correct it by inserting
-a space after the first 
-.LR = .
//GO.SYSIN DD ./mk.1
echo ./alloc.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./alloc.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./alloc.c'
-#include	"libc.h"
-static int goo;		/* so no empty object on cray */
-#ifndef	CRAY
-#define	A(x)	((((long)x)+sizeof(long)-1)&~(sizeof(long)-1))
-char *next;
-int nleft;
-char *
-	extern char *sbrk();
-	char *s;
-	n = A(n);
-	if(n > nleft){
-		next = sbrk(nleft = A(32000));
-		if(next == (char *)-1){
-			perror("mk: sbrk");
-			Exit();
-		}
-	}
-	s = next;
-	next += n;
-	nleft -= n;
-	return(s);
-	char *s;
-char *
-realloc(s, n)
-	char *s;
-	unsigned n;
-	char *r;
-	r = malloc(n);
-	memcpy(r, s, n);
-	return(r);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./alloc.c
echo ./arc.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./arc.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./arc.c'
-#include	"mk.h"
-Arc *
-newarc(n, r, stem, match)
-	Node *n;
-	Rule *r;
-	char *stem;
-	regsubexp *match;
-	register Arc *a;
-	a = (Arc *)Malloc(sizeof(Arc));
-	a->n = n;
-	a->r = r;
-	a->stem = strdup(stem);
-	memcpy((char *)a->match, (char *)match, sizeof a->match);
-	a->next = 0;
-	a->flag = 0;
-	a->prog = r->prog;
-	return(a);
-dumpa(s, a)
-	char *s;
-	register Arc *a;
-	char buf[1024];
-	sprint(buf, "%s    ", (*s == ' ')? s:"");
-	Fprint(1, "%sArc@%ld: n=%ld r=%ld flag=0x%x stem='%s'",
-		s, a, a->n, a->r, a->flag, a->stem);
-	if(a->prog)
-		Fprint(1, " prog='%s'", a->prog);
-	Fprint(1, "\n");
-	if(a->n)
-		dumpn(buf, a->n);
-	register Symtab *sym;
-	if(sym = symlook("NREP", S_VAR, (char *)0))
-		nreps = atoi(sym->value);
-	if(nreps < 1)
-		nreps = 1;
-		Fprint(1, "nreps = %d\n", nreps);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./arc.c
echo ./bquote.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./bquote.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./bquote.c'
-#include	"mk.h"
-bquote(fd, src, dest)
-	register char *src, *dest;
-	int childin[2], childout[2], pid, i;
-	int quotedone = 1;
-	char *ldest, *t;
-	char *newline = "\n";
-	int wearedone = 0;
-	int initdone = 0;
-	extern char **environ;
-	while(wearedone == 0)
-		switch(*src)
-		{
-		default:
-			*dest++ = *src++;
-			break;
-		case 0:
-			if(quotedone)
-				wearedone = 1;
-			else {
-				if(t = Frdline(fd)){
-					inline++;
-					*dest++ = '\n'|EBIT;
-					strcpy(src, t);
-					continue;
-				} else {
-					SYNERR(-1); Fprint(2, "missing closing `\n");
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			break;
-		case '\\':
-			if(*src)
-				*dest++ = *src++;
-			else
-				if(t = Frdline(fd)){
-					inline++;
-					strcpy(src, t);
-				}
-			break;
-		case '`':
-			if(quotedone = 1-quotedone){
-				if(initdone == 0){
-					execinit();
-					initdone = 1;
-				}
-				Fflush(1);
-				Fflush(2);
-				if(pipe(childin) < 0){
-					SYNERR(-1); perror("pipe1");
-					Exit();
-				}
-				if(pipe(childout) < 0){
-					SYNERR(-1); perror("pipe2");
-					Exit();
-				}
-				if((pid = fork()) < 0){
-					SYNERR(-1); perror("fork");
-					Exit();
-				}
-				if(pid){	/* parent */
-					close(childin[0]);
-					close(childout[1]);
-					if(ldest < dest){
-						writeout(childin[1], ldest, dest);
-						writeout(childin[1], newline, newline+1);
-					}
-					close(childin[1]);
-					dest = ldest;
-					while((i = read(childout[0], dest, 512)) > 0)
-						dest += i;
-					if((dest > ldest) && (dest[-1] == '\n'))
-						dest--;
-					close(childout[0]);
-				} else {
-					dup2(childin[0], 0);
-					dup2(childout[1], 1);
-					close(childin[0]);
-					close(childin[1]);
-					close(childout[0]);
-					close(childout[1]);
-					if(execle(SHELL, "sh", (char *)0, environ) < 0)
-						perror("exec");
-					_exit(1);
-				}
-			} else
-				ldest = dest;
-			src++;
-			break;
-		}
-	*dest = 0;
-writeout(fd, b, e)
-	register char *b, *e;
-	char buf[BIGBLOCK];
-	register char *s;
-	for(s = buf; b < e;){
-		if(s >= &buf[BIGBLOCK-1]){
-			SYNERR(-1); Fprint(2, "too much text (%d chars) for `expr`\n", s-buf);
-			Exit();
-		}
-		if(*b&EBIT){
-			*s++ = '\\';
-			*s++ = (~EBIT) & *b++;
-		} else
-			*s++ = *b++;
-	}
-	write(fd, buf, s-buf);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./bquote.c
echo ./builtins.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./builtins.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./builtins.c'
-#include	"mk.h"
-char *bltin[] =
-	"AS", "as",
-	"CC", "cc",
-	"CFLAGS", "",
-	"FC", "f77",
-	"FFLAGS", "",
-	"LDFLAGS", "",
-	"LEX", "lex",
-	"LFLAGS", "",
-	"NPROC", "1",
-	"NREP", "1",
-	"YACC", "yacc",
-	"YFLAGS", "",
-	"BUILTINS", "%.o:	%.c\n\
-	$CC $CFLAGS -c $stem.c\n\
-%.o:	%.s\n\
-	$AS -o $stem.o $stem.s\n\
-%.o:	%.f\n\
-	$FC $FFLAGS -c $stem.f\n\
-%.o:	%.y\n\
-	$YACC $YFLAGS $stem.y && $CC $CFLAGS -c y.tab.c && mv y.tab.o $stem.o; rm y.tab.c\n\
-%.o:	%.l\n\
-	$LEX $LFLAGS -t $stem.l > /tmp/$$.c && $CC $CFLAGS -c /tmp/$$.c && mv /tmp/$$.o $stem.o; rm /tmp/$$.c\n",
-	"ENVIRON", "",
-	0
-	register char **b;
-	for(b = bltin; *b; b += 2)
-		setvar(b[0], strdup(b[1]));
-	char *s, *file;
-	int fd;
-	int n;
-	s = symlook("BUILTINS", S_VAR, (char *)0)->value;
-	if(*s == 0)
-		return;
-	file = mktemp("/tmp/mkXXXXXX");
-	if((fd = creat(file, 0600)) < 0){
-		fprint(2, "mk: builtins in ");
-		perror(file);
-		Exit();
-	}
-	if(n = strlen(s)){
-		write(fd, s, n);
-		if(s[n-1] != '\n')
-			write(fd, "\n", 1);
-	}
-	close(fd);
-	parse("BUILTINS", open(file, 0), 0, 0);
-	unlink(file);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./builtins.c
echo ./dir.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./dir.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./dir.c'
-#include	<sys/types.h>
-#include	<sys/stat.h>
-#ifndef SEQUENT
-#include	<ndir.h>
-#include	<dir.h>
-#ifdef	SEQUENT
-#define		DIRSIZE	14
-#define	MAXNAMELEN	255
-#ifndef DIRSIZ
-#define DIRSIZ(dp) \
-    ((sizeof(struct direct) - MAXNAMLEN + (dp)->d_namlen + sizeof(ino_t) - 1) &\
-    ~(sizeof(ino_t) - 1))
-extern char *strncpy(), *malloc();
-DIR *
-register char *name;
-	DIR dirbuf, *dirp;
-	struct stat statb;
-	char buf[MAXNAMELEN+1];
-	register char *s;
-	strncpy(buf, name, MAXNAMELEN);
-	buf[MAXNAMELEN-1] = 0;
-	if ((dirbuf.dd_fd = open(buf, 0)) < 0)
-		return((DIR *)0);
-	if (fstat(dirbuf.dd_fd, &statb)!=0 || (statb.st_mode & S_IFMT)!=S_IFDIR){
-		close(dirbuf.dd_fd);
-		return((DIR *)0);
-	}
-	dirbuf.dd_loc = 0;
-	dirp = (DIR *)malloc(sizeof(DIR));
-	*dirp = dirbuf;
-	return(dirp);
-DIR *dirp;
-	close(dirp->dd_fd);
-	free((char *)dirp);
- * read an old stlye directory entry and present it as a new one
- */
-#define	ODIRSIZ	14
-struct	olddirect {
-	ino_t	d_ino;
-	char	d_name[ODIRSIZ];
-#ifdef	CRAY
-	char	d_pad[10];
- * get next entry in a directory.
- */
-struct direct *
-	register DIR *dirp;
-	register struct olddirect *dp;
-	static struct direct dir;
-	for (;;) {
-		if (dirp->dd_loc == 0) {
-			dirp->dd_size = read(dirp->dd_fd, dirp->dd_buf, 
-			    DIRBLKSIZ);
-			if (dirp->dd_size <= 0)
-				return((struct direct *)0);
-		}
-		if (dirp->dd_loc >= dirp->dd_size) {
-			dirp->dd_loc = 0;
-			continue;
-		}
-		dp = (struct olddirect *)(dirp->dd_buf + dirp->dd_loc);
-		dirp->dd_loc += sizeof(struct olddirect);
-		if (dp->d_ino == 0)
-			continue;
-		dir.d_ino = dp->d_ino;
-		strncpy(dir.d_name, dp->d_name, ODIRSIZ);
-		dir.d_name[ODIRSIZ] = '\0'; /* insure null termination */
-		dir.d_namlen = strlen(dir.d_name);
-		dir.d_reclen = DIRSIZ(&dir);
-		return (&dir);
-	}
//GO.SYSIN DD ./dir.c
echo ./expand.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./expand.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./expand.c'
-#include	"mk.h"
-#include	<ctype.h>
-static Word *bollard;
-static void
-	char *s;
-	register Word *w;
-	register char *p;
-	if(bollard){
-		for(w = bollard; w->next; w = w->next)
-			;
-		w = w->next = stow(s);
-	} else
-		w = bollard = stow(s);
-	if(w)	/* if we got a word */
-		for(p = w->s; *p;)
-			*p++ &= ~EBIT;
-Word *
-	register char *s;
-	char save;
-	register char *t;
-	Word *head, *w;
-	w = head = newword("");
-	while(*s){
-		while(SEP(*s))
-			s++;
-		if(*s == 0) break;
-		for(t = s+1; *t && !SEP(*t); t++)
-			;
-		save = *t;
-		*t = 0;
-		bollard = 0;
-		glob(s, append);
-		w->next = bollard;
-		while(w->next)
-			w = w->next;
-		*t = save;
-		s = t;
-	}
-	w = head->next;
-	delword(head);
-	return(w);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./expand.c
echo ./gen.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./gen.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./gen.c'
-#include	"mk.h"
-#define	NMATCH	10
-	char *buf;
-	char buf1[BIGBLOCK];
-	register char *src, *dest;
-	register char *s1, *s2, *s3, *s4;
-	regexp *prog;
-	regsubexp match[NMATCH];
-	char c;
-	if((s1 = strchr(buf, '@')) == 0)
-			return;
-	patrule = 0;
-	src = buf;
-	dest = buf1;
-	do {
-		while(src != s1)
-			*dest++ = *src++;
-		if((s2 = strchr(s1+1, '@')) && (s3 = strchr(s2+1, '@'))
-		&& (s4 = strchr(s3+1, '@')))
-			;
-		else {
-			SYNERR(-1); Fprint(2, "expected four @\n");
-			break;
-		}
-		src = s4+1;
-		*s2++ = *s3++ = *s4 = 0;
-		prog = regcomp(s2);
-		for(s2 = ++s1; ; s2 = s1){
-			while((*s2 == ' ')||(*s2 == '\t'))
-				s2++;
-			if(s1 != s2) *dest++ = ' ';
-			if(*s2 == 0) break;
-			for(s1 = s2+1; *s1 && (*s1 != ' ') && (*s1 != '\t');)
-				s1++;
-			c = *s1;
-			*s1 = 0;
-			if(regexec(prog, s2, match, NMATCH)){
-				regsub(s3, dest, match, NMATCH);
-				while(*dest) dest++;
-			} else
-				while(*dest = *s2++)
-					dest++;
-			*s1 = c;
-		}
-	} while(s1 = strchr(src, '@'));
-	while(*dest++ = *src++)
-		;
-	memcpy(buf, buf1, (int)(dest-buf1));
//GO.SYSIN DD ./gen.c
echo ./glob.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./glob.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./glob.c'
-#include	<sys/types.h>
-#include	<sys/stat.h>
-#ifndef SEQUENT
-#include	<ndir.h>
-#include	<dir.h>
-#include	<string.h>
-#include	"mk.h"
-static char result[MAXPATH];
-static doit();
- * globals (file name generation)
- *
- * "*" in params matches r.e ".*"
- * "?" in params matches r.e. "."
- * "[...]" in params matches character class
- * "[...a-z...]" in params matches a through z.
- *
- */
-gglob(arg, dest, fn)
-	char *arg, *dest;
-	void (*fn)();
-	int meta;
-	char *slash, *s;
-	DIR *dirf;
-	/*
-		check for meta chars
-	*/
-	for(s = arg, slash = 0, meta = 0; *s && !meta; s++)
-		switch(*s)
-		{
-		case '/':
-			slash = s+1;
-			break;
-		case '\\':
-			if(s[1])
-				s++;
-			break;
-		case '[':
-		case '*':
-		case '?':
-			meta = 1;
-			break;
-		}
-	if(meta == 0){
-		strcpy(dest, arg);
-		(*fn)(result);
-		return;
-	}
-	if(slash){
-		memcpy(dest, arg, slash-arg);
-		dest += slash-arg;
-		*dest = 0;
-	} else
-		slash = arg;
-	s = strchr(slash, '/');
-	if(dirf = opendir(result[0] ? result : ".")){
-		struct direct *e;
-		int found;
-		found = 0;
-		if(s) *s = 0;
-		/* slash is null terminated (s) pattern */
-		while(e = readdir(dirf)){
-			if(e->d_name[0] == '.' && *slash != '.'){
-				if (e->d_name[1] == 0)
-					continue;
-				if (e->d_name[1] == '.' && e->d_name[2] == 0)
-					continue;
-			}
-			if(gmatch(e->d_name, slash)){
-				found = 1;
-				strcpy(dest, e->d_name);
-				doit(s, dest, fn);
-			}
-		}
-		if(!found){
-			strcpy(dest, slash);
-			doit(s, dest, fn);
-		}
-		closedir(dirf);
-	} else {
-		if(s)
-			*s = 0;
-		strcpy(dest, slash);
-		dest = strchr(dest, 0);
-		if(s){
-			*dest++ = '/';
-			*dest = 0;
-			gglob(s+1, dest, fn);
-		} else
-			(*fn)(result);
-	}
-	if(s) *s = '/';
-doit(s, dest, fn)
-	char *s, *dest;
-	void (*fn)();
-	if(s){
-		register char *ss;
-		ss = strchr(dest, 0);
-		*ss++ = '/';
-		*ss = 0;
-		gglob(s+1, ss, fn);
-	} else
-		(*fn)(result);
-gmatch(s, p)
-register char	*s, *p;
-	register int scc;
-	unsigned char c;
-	scc = *s++&(0xFF&~EBIT);
-	switch (c = *p++)
-	{
-	case '[':
-		{
-			int ok;
-			int lc;
-			int notflag = 0;
-			ok = 0;
-			lc = 077777;
-			if (*p == '^'){
-				notflag = 1;
-				p++;
-			}
-			while (c = *p++){
-				if (c == ']')
-					return(ok ? gmatch(s, p) : 0);
-				else if (c == '-'){
-					if (notflag){
-						if (scc < lc || scc > *(p++))
-							ok++;
-						else
-							return(0);
-					} else {
-						if (lc <= scc && scc <= (*p++))
-							ok++;
-					}
-				} else {
-					lc = c&~EBIT;
-					if (notflag){
-						if (scc && scc != lc)
-							ok++;
-						else
-							return(0);
-					} else {
-						if (scc == lc)
-							ok++;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			return(0);
-		}
-	default:
-		if ((c&~EBIT) != scc)
-			return(0);
-	case '?':
-		return(scc ? gmatch(s, p) : 0);
-	case '*':
-		while (*p == '*')
-			p++;
-		if (*p == 0)
-			return(1);
-		--s;
-		while (*s){
-			if (gmatch(s++, p))
-				return(1);
-		}
-		return(0);
-	case 0:
-		return(scc == 0);
-	}
-glob(s, fn)
-	char *s;
-	void (*fn)();
-	result[0] = 0;
-	if(strlen(s) >= MAXPATH){
-		SYNERR(inline-1);
-		Fprint(2, "too much input for glob expansion; max=%d, given %d\n", MAXPATH, strlen(s));
-		Exit();
-	}
-	gglob(s, result, fn);
-#ifdef	MAIN
-	char *s;
-	Fwrite(1, s, strlen(s));
-	Fputc(1, '\n');
-main(argc, argv)
-	char **argv;
-	for(argv++; *argv; argv++){
-		Fprint(1, "<%s>:\n", *argv);
-		glob(*argv, pr);
-		Fprint(1, "*******\n");
-	}
-	exit(0);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./glob.c
echo ./graph.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./graph.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./graph.c'
-#include	"mk.h"
-static Node *newnode(), *applyrules();
-static cyclechk(), vacuous(), ambiguous(), attribute();
-Node *
-	char *target;
-	Node *node;
-	char *cnt;
-	node = applyrules(target, cnt = rulecnt());
-	free(cnt);
-	cyclechk(node);
-	node->flags |= PROBABLE;	/* make sure it doesn't get deleted */
-	(void)vacuous(node);
-	(void)ambiguous(node);
-	(void)attribute(node);
-	return(node);
-static Node *
-applyrules(target, cnt)
-	char *target, *cnt;
-	Symtab *sym;
-	Node *node;
-	Rule *r;
-	Arc head, *a = &head;
-	Word *w;
-	char stem[NAMEBLOCK], buf[NAMEBLOCK];
-	regsubexp rmatch[NREGEXP];
-/*	print("appplyrules(%ld='%s')\n", target, target);/**/
-	if(sym = symlook(target, S_NODE, (char *)0)){
-		node = (Node *)(sym->value);
-		return(node);
-	}
-	target = strdup(target);
-	node = newnode(target);
-	head.n = 0;
-	head.next = 0;
-	sym = symlook(target, S_TARGET, (char *)0);
-	for(r = sym? (Rule *)(sym->value):0; r; r = r->chain){
-		if(r->attr&META) continue;
-		if(strcmp(target, r->target)) continue;
-		if(cnt[r->rule] >= nreps) continue;
-		cnt[r->rule]++;
-		node->flags |= PROBABLE;
-		if(r->attr&VIR)
-			node->flags |= VIRTUAL;
-		if(r->attr&NOREC)
-			node->flags |= NORECIPE;
-		if(r->attr&DEL)
-			node->flags |= DELETE;
-		if(r->tail == 0)
-			a = a->next = newarc((Node *)0, r, "", rmatch);
-		else
-			for(w = r->tail; w; w = w->next){
-				a = a->next = newarc(applyrules(w->s, cnt), r, "", rmatch);
-		}
-		cnt[r->rule]--;
-		head.n = node;
-	}
-	for(r = metarules; r; r = r->next){
-		if(r->attr&REGEXP){
-			stem[0] = 0;
-			patrule = r;
-			if(regexec(r->pat, node->name, rmatch, NREGEXP) == 0)
-				continue;
-		} else {
-			if(!match(node->name, r->target, stem)) continue;
-		}
-		if(cnt[r->rule] >= nreps) continue;
-		cnt[r->rule]++;
-		if(r->attr&VIR)
-			node->flags |= VIRTUAL;
-		if(r->attr&NOREC)
-			node->flags |= NORECIPE;
-		if(r->attr&DEL)
-			node->flags |= DELETE;
-		if(r->tail == 0)
-			a = a->next = newarc((Node *)0, r, strdup(stem), rmatch);
-		else
-			for(w = r->tail; w; w = w->next){
-				if(r->attr&REGEXP)
-					regsub(w->s, buf, rmatch, NREGEXP);
-				else
-					subst(stem, w->s, buf);
-				a = a->next = newarc(applyrules(buf, cnt), r, strdup(stem), rmatch);
-			}
-		cnt[r->rule]--;
-	}
-	a->next = node->prereqs;
-	node->prereqs = head.next;
-	return(node);
-	register Node *node;
-	register Arc *la, *a;
-	/* delete them now */
-	for(a = node->prereqs; a; la = a, a = a->next)
-		if(a->flag&TOGO){
-			if(a == node->prereqs)
-				node->prereqs = a->next;
-			else
-				la->next = a->next, a = la;
-		}
-	register Node *node;
-	register Arc *la, *a;
-	int vac = !(node->flags&PROBABLE);
-	if(node->flags&READY)
-		return(node->flags&VACUOUS);
-	node->flags |= READY;
-	for(a = node->prereqs; a; a = a->next)
-		if(a->n && vacuous(a->n) && (a->r->attr&META))
-			a->flag |= TOGO;
-		else
-			vac = 0;
-	/* if a rule generated arcs that DON'T go; no others from that rule go */
-	for(a = node->prereqs; a; a = a->next)
-		if((a->flag&TOGO) == 0)
-			for(la = node->prereqs; la; la = la->next)
-				if((la->flag&TOGO) && (la->r == a->r)){
-					la->flag &= ~TOGO;
-				}
-	togo(node);
-	if(vac)
-		node->flags |= VACUOUS;
-	return(vac);
-static Node *
-	char *name;
-	register Node *node;
-	node = (Node *)Malloc(sizeof(Node));
-	symlook(name, S_NODE, (char *)node);
-	node->name = name;
-	node->time = timeof(name, 0);
-	node->prereqs = 0;
-	node->flags = node->time? PROBABLE : 0;
-	node->next = 0;
-	return(node);
-dumpn(s, n)
-	char *s;
-	register Node *n;
-	char buf[1024];
-	register Arc *a;
-	sprint(buf, "%s   ", (*s == ' ')? s:"");
-	Fprint(1, "%s%s@%ld: time=%ld flags=0x%x next=%ld\n",
-		s, n->name, n, n->time, n->flags, n->next);
-	for(a = n->prereqs; a; a = a->next)
-		dumpa(buf, a);
-trace(s, a)
-	char *s;
-	register Arc *a;
-	Fprint(2, "\t%s", s);
-	while(a){
-		Fprint(2, " <-(%s:%d)- %s", a->r->file, a->r->line,
-			a->n? a->n->name:"");
-		if(a->n){
-			for(a = a->n->prereqs; a; a = a->next)
-				if(*a->r->recipe) break;
-		} else
-			a = 0;
-	}
-	Fputc(2, '\n');
-	register Node *n;
-	register Arc *a;
-	if((n->flags&CYCLE) && n->prereqs){
-		Fprint(2, "mk: cycle in graph detected at target %s\n", n->name);
-		Exit();
-	}
-	n->flags |= CYCLE;
-	for(a = n->prereqs; a; a = a->next)
-		if(a->n)
-			cyclechk(a->n);
-	n->flags &= ~CYCLE;
-	register Node *n;
-	register Arc *a;
-	register Rule *r = 0;
-	Arc *la;
-	int bad = 0;
-	for(a = n->prereqs; a; a = a->next){
-		if(a->n)
-			ambiguous(a->n);
-		if(*a->r->recipe == 0) continue;
-		if(r == 0)
-			r = a->r, la = a;
-		else{
-			if(r->recipe != a->r->recipe){
-				if((r->attr&META) && !(a->r->attr&META)){
-					la->flag |= TOGO;
-					r = a->r, la = a;
-				} else if(!(r->attr&META) && (a->r->attr&META)){
-					a->flag |= TOGO;
-					continue;
-				}
-			}
-			if(r->recipe != a->r->recipe){
-				if(bad == 0){
-					Fprint(2, "mk: ambiguous recipes for %s:\n", n->name);
-					bad = 1;
-					trace(n->name, la);
-				}
-				trace(n->name, a);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if(bad)
-		Exit();
-	togo(n);
-	register Node *n;
-	register Arc *a;
-	for(a = n->prereqs; a; a = a->next){
-		if(a->r->attr&VIR)
-			n->flags |= VIRTUAL;
-		if(a->r->attr&NOREC)
-			n->flags |= NORECIPE;
-		if(a->r->attr&DEL)
-			n->flags |= DELETE;
-		if(a->n)
-			attribute(a->n);
-	}
-	if(n->flags&VIRTUAL)
-		n->time = 0;
//GO.SYSIN DD ./graph.c
echo ./job.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./job.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./job.c'
-#include	"mk.h"
-Job *
-newjob(r, nlist, stem, match, pre, npre, tar, atar)
-	Rule *r;
-	Node *nlist;
-	char *stem;
-	regsubexp *match;
-	Word *pre, *npre, *tar, *atar;
-	register Job *j;
-	j = (Job *)Malloc(sizeof(Job));
-	j->r = r;
-	j->n = nlist;
-	j->stem = stem;
-	j->match = match;
-	j->p = pre;
-	j->np = npre;
-	j->t = tar;
-	j->at = atar;
-	j->nproc = -1;
-	j->fd = -1;
-	j->next = 0;
-	return(j);
-dumpj(s, j, all)
-	char *s;
-	Job *j;
-	Fprint(1, "%s\n", s);
-	while(j){
-		Fprint(1, "job@%ld: r=%ld n=%ld stem='%s' nproc=%d\n",
-			j, j->r, j->n, j->stem, j->nproc);
-		Fprint(1, "\ttarget='%s' alltarget='%s' prereq='%s' nprereq='%s'\n",
-			wtos(j->t), wtos(j->at), wtos(j->p), wtos(j->np));
-		j = all? j->next : 0;
-	}
//GO.SYSIN DD ./job.c
echo ./lex.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./lex.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./lex.c'
-#include	"mk.h"
-lex(fd, buf)
-	char *buf;
-	char buf1[BIGBLOCK];
-	quote1(fd, buf, buf1);	/* '..' */
-	bquote(fd, buf1, buf);	/* `cmd` */
-	quote2(fd, buf, buf1);	/* ".." and variable expansion */
-	strcpy(buf, buf1);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./lex.c
echo ./main.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./main.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./main.c'
-#include	"mk.h"
-#define		MKFILE		"mkfile"
-static char *version = "@(#)mk general release 3";
-int debug;
-Rule *rules, *metarules;
-int nproclimit;
-int nflag = 0;
-int tflag = 0;
-int iflag = 0;
-int kflag = 0;
-int mflag = 0;
-int aflag = 0;
-int uflag = 0;
-char *explain = 0;
-Word *target1;
-int nreps = 1;
-Job *jobs;
-char *whatif = 0;
-#ifdef	PROF
-short buf[10000];
-main(argc, argv)
-	char **argv;
-	register Word *w;
-	register char *s;
-	char *files[256], **f = files, **ff;
-	char mkargs[256], *ma = mkargs;
-	int i;
-	int tfd = -1;
-	char *temp = "/tmp/mkargXXXXXX";
-	*ma = 0;
-	for(argv++; *argv && (**argv == '-'); argv++)
-	{
-		for(s = argv[0]; *s; *ma++ = *s++);
-		*ma++ = ' ';
-		switch(argv[0][1])
-		{
-		case 'a':
-			aflag = 1;
-			break;
-		case 'd':
-			if(*(s = &argv[0][2]))
-				while(*s) switch(*s++)
-				{
-				case 'p':	debug |= D_PARSE; break;
-				case 'g':	debug |= D_GRAPH; break;
-				case 'e':	debug |= D_EXEC; break;
-				}
-			else
-				debug = 0xFFFF;
-			break;
-		case 'e':
-			explain = &argv[0][2];
-			break;
-		case 'f':
-			if(*++argv == 0)
-				usage();
-			*f++ = *argv;
-			for(s = argv[0]; *s; *ma++ = *s++);
-			*ma++ = ' ';
-			break;
-		case 'i':
-			iflag = 1;
-			break;
-		case 'k':
-			kflag = 1;
-			break;
-		case 'm':
-			mflag = 1;
-			aflag = nflag = 1;
-			break;
-		case 'n':
-			nflag = 1;
-			break;
-		case 't':
-			tflag = 1;
-			break;
-		case 'u':
-			uflag = 1;
-			break;
-		case 'w':
-			if(argv[0][2])
-				whatif = &argv[0][2];
-			else {
-				if(*++argv == 0)
-					usage();
-				whatif = &argv[0][0];
-			}
-			break;
-		default:
-			usage();
-		}
-	}
-#ifdef	PROF
-	{
-		extern etext();
-		monitor(main, etext, buf, sizeof buf, 300);
-	}
-	if(aflag)
-		iflag = 1;
-	account();
-	syminit();
-	builtins();
-	initenv();
-	/*
-		assignment args become null strings
-	*/
-	for(i = 0; argv[i]; i++) if(strchr(argv[i], '=')){
-		for(s = argv[i]; *s; *ma++ = *s++);
-		*ma++ = ' ';
-		if(tfd < 0){
-			mktemp(temp);
-			close(creat(temp, 0600));
-			if((tfd = open(temp, 2)) < 0){
-				perror(temp);
-				Exit();
-			}
-		}
-		Fprint(tfd, "%s\n", argv[i]);
-		*argv[i] = 0;
-	}
-	if(tfd >= 0){
-		Fflush(tfd);
-		lseek(tfd, 0L, 0);
-		parse("command line args", tfd, 1, 1);
-		unlink(temp);
-	}
-	if(ma != mkargs) ma--;
-	*ma = 0;
-	symlook("MKFLAGS", S_VAR, strdup(mkargs));
-	for(ma = mkargs, i = 0; argv[i]; i++){
-		if(*argv[i] == 0) continue;
-		if(i) *ma++ = ' ';
-		for(s = argv[i]; *s; *ma++ = *s++);
-	}
-	*ma = 0;
-	symlook("MKARGS", S_VAR, strdup(mkargs));
-	if(f == files){
-		if(access(MKFILE, 4) == 0)
-			parse(MKFILE, open(MKFILE, 0), 0, 1);
-	} else
-		for(ff = files; ff < f; ff++)
-			parse(*ff, open(*ff, 0), 0, 1);
-	parsebuiltins();
-		dumpw("default targets", target1);
-		dumpr("rules", rules);
-		dumpr("metarules", metarules);
-		dumpv("variables");
-	}
-	if(whatif)
-		timeinit(whatif);
-	execinit();
-	/* skip assignment args */
-	while(*argv && (**argv == 0))
-		argv++;
-	sigcatch();
-	if(*argv == 0){
-		if(target1)
-			for(w = target1; w; w = w->next)
-				mk(w->s);
-		else {
-			Fprint(2, "mk: nothing to mk\n");
-			Exit();
-		}
-	} else
-		for(; *argv; argv++)
-			if(**argv)
-				mk(*argv);
-	if(uflag)
-		praccount();
-	if(mflag)
-		makefile();
-	exit(0);
-	Fprint(2, "Usage: mk [-f file] [-n] [-a] [-e] [-t] [-k] [-i] [-d[egp]] [targets ...]\n");
-	Exit();
-char *
-	register char *s;
-	if(s = malloc(n))
-		return(s);
-	Fprint(2, "mk: cannot alloc %d bytes\n", n);
-	Exit();
-	return((char *)0);	/* shut cyntax up */
-	while(wait((int *)0) >= 0)
-		;
-	exit(1);
-char *
-strndup(s, n)
-	char *s;
-	register char *goo;
-	goo = Malloc(n);
-	memcpy(goo, s, n);
-	return(goo);
-	extern char **environ;
-	register char **p, *s, *ss;
-	for(p = environ; *p; p++){
-		s = shname(*p);
-		switch(*s)
-		{
-		case '=':
-			*s = 0;
-			ss = strdup(s+1);
-			symlook(strdup(*p), S_VAR, ss)->value = ss;
-			*s = '=';
-			break;
-		case 0:
-			ss = strdup("");
-			symlook(strdup(*p), S_VAR, ss)->value = ss;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-assert(s, n)
-	char *s;
-	if(!n){
-		Fprint(2, "mk: Assertion ``%s'' failed.\n", s);
-		Exit();
-	}
//GO.SYSIN DD ./main.c
echo ./makefile.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./makefile.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./makefile.c'
-#include	"mk.h"
-#define		FOLD	65
-static char *first = 0;
-static didit;
-	char *s;
-	if(first == 0)
-		first = s;
-	Node *n;
-	symlook(n->name, S_MAKEFILE, (char *)n);
-fold(s, sep)
-	char *s;
-	int i = 0;
-	while(*s){
-		i++;
-		if((*s == ' ') && (i > FOLD)){
-			Fprint(1, "\\\n%c", sep);
-			i = 0;
-		} else
-			Fputc(1, *s++);
-	}
-static void
-	register Symtab *s;
-	Fprint(1, "%s=", s->name);
-	fold(symlook(s->name, S_VAR, (char *)0)->value, ' ');
-	Fputc(1, '\n');
-#define	SUB(s)	{ register char *ss = s; while(*dest++ = *ss++); dest--; copy = 0; }
-static char *
-vexpand(ww, dest, j)
-	char **ww, *dest;
-	Job *j;
-	register char *s, *w = *ww;
-	char carry, *q;
-	int copy;
-	assert("vexpand no $", *w == '$');
-	if(*++w == '{'){
-		for(s = ++w; *s != '}'; s++)
-			if(*s == 0) break;
-	} else
-		s = shname(w);
-	carry = *s;
-	*s = 0;
-	copy = 1;
-	if(!symlook(w, S_MAKEVAR, (char *)0)){
-		if(strcmp(w, "target") == 0){
-			SUB("$?")
-		} else if(strcmp(w, "stem") == 0){
-			SUB(j->stem)
-		} else if(strcmp(w, "prereq") == 0){
-			SUB("$@")
-		} else if(strcmp(w, "pid") == 0){
-			SUB("$$$$")
-		} else if(strcmp(w, "newprereq") == 0){
-			SUB(wtos(j->np))
-		} else if(strcmp(w, "alltarget") == 0){
-			SUB(wtos(j->at))
-			Fprint(2, "Warning; $alltarget expanded to '%s'\n", wtos(j->at));
-		} else if((strncmp(w, "stem", 4) == 0) && (w[4] >= '0') && (w[4] <= '9')){
-			int i = w[4] - '0';
-			int nb = j->match[i].ep - j->match[i].sp;
-			memcpy(dest, j->match[i].sp, nb);
-			dest += nb;
-		} else {
-			SUB("1");
-			Fprint(2, "Warning; $%s expanded to 1\n", w);
-		}
-	}
-	if(copy){
-		*dest++ = '$';
-		*dest++ = '{';
-		for(q = w; q != s;)
-			*dest++ = *q++;
-		*dest++ = '}';
-	}
-	*s = carry;
-	if(carry == '}')
-		s++;
-	*ww = s;
-	return(dest);
-recipepr(s, j)
-	char *s;
-	Job *j;
-	char buf[BIGBLOCK];
-	register char *q = buf;
-	while(*s)
-		switch(*s)
-		{
-		case '\\':
-			*q++ = *s++;
-			*q++ = *s++;
-			break;
-		case '$':
-			q = vexpand(&s, q, j);
-			break;
-		case '\n':
-			*q = 0;
-			Fprint(1, "\t%s\n", buf);
-			q = buf;
-			s++;
-			break;
-		default:
-			*q++ = *s++;
-			break;
-		}
-	*q = 0;
-	if(q != buf)
-		Fprint(1, "\t%s\n", buf);
-static void
-	Symtab *s;
-	Job *j = (Job *)s->value;
-	register Node *n = j->n;
-	Arc *a;
-	int i;
-	char *ss, *s, c;
-	if(strcmp(n->name, first) == 0){
-		if(didit)
-			return;
-		didit = 1;
-	}
-	Fprint(1, "\n%s:", n->name);
-	fold(wtos(j->p), ' ');
-	Fputc(1, '\n');
-	recipepr(j->r->recipe, j);
-	symtraverse(S_MAKEVAR, vd);
-	didit = 0;
-	nd(symlook(first, S_MAKEFILE, (char *)0));
-	symtraverse(S_MAKEFILE, nd);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./makefile.c
echo ./match.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./match.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./match.c'
-#include	"mk.h"
-mninlist(name, list, stem)
-	register char *name, *stem;
-	Word *list;
-	for(; list; list = list->next){
-		if(match(name, list->s, stem))
-			return(1);
-	}
-	return(0);
-	char *p;
-	while(*p){
-		if((*p == '.') || (*p == '/'))
-			return(0);
-		p++;
-	}
-	return(1);
-match(name, template, stem)
-	char *name, *template, *stem;
-	register char *p, *q;
-	char *b;
-	char *ostem = stem;
-	for(p = name, q = template; *p && *q && !PERCENT(*q);)
-		if(*p++ != *q++) return(0);
-	if(!PERCENT(*q))
-		return(0);
-	b = p;
-	while(*p) p++;
-	while(*q) q++;
-	for(q--; !PERCENT(*q); q--)
-		if(*--p != *q) return(0);
-	while(b < p)
-		*stem++ = *b++;
-	*stem = 0;
-	if(*q == '&')
-		return(isatomic(ostem));
-	return(1);
-subst(stem, template, dest)
-	register char *stem, *template, *dest;
-	while(*template){
-		if(PERCENT(*template)){
-			template++;
-			while(*stem)
-				*dest++ = *stem++;
-		} else
-			*dest++ = *template++;
-	}
-	*dest = 0;
//GO.SYSIN DD ./match.c
echo ./mk.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./mk.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./mk.c'
-#include	"mk.h"
-int runerrs;
-	char *target;
-	Node *node;
-	int did = 0;
-	nproc();		/* it can be updated dynamically */
-	nrep();			/* it can be updated dynamically */
-	runerrs = 0;
-	if(mflag)
-		maketarget(target);
-	node = graph(target);
-		dumpn("new target\n", node);
-		Fflush(1);
-	}
-	clrmade(node);
-	while(node->flags&NOTMADE){
-		if(work(node, (Node *)0, (Arc *)0))
-			did = 1;	/* found something to do */
-		else {
-			if(waitup(1, (int *)0) > 0){
-				if(node->flags&(NOTMADE|BEINGMADE)){
-					assert("must be run errors", runerrs);
-					break;	/* nothing more waiting */
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if(node->flags&BEINGMADE)
-		waitup(-1, (int *)0);
-	while(jobs)
-		waitup(-2, (int *)0);
-	assert("target didn't get done", runerrs || (node->flags&MADE));
-	if(did == 0)
-		Fprint(1, "mk: '%s' is up to date\n", node->name);
-	register Node *n;
-	register Arc *a;
-	n->flags |= CANPRETEND;
-	for(a = n->prereqs; a; a = a->next)
-		if(a->n)
-			clrmade(a->n);
-static void
-	register Node *n;
-	n->time = 0;
-work(node, p, parc)
-	Node *node, *p;
-	Arc *parc;
-	register Arc *a, *ra;
-	int weoutofdate;
-	int ready;
-	int did = 0;
-/*	print("work(%s) flags=0x%x time=%ld\n", node->name, node->flags, node->time);/**/
-	if(node->flags&BEINGMADE)
-		return(did);
-	if((node->flags&MADE) && (node->flags&PRETENDING) && p && outofdate(p, parc, 0)){
-		if(explain)
-			fprint(1, "unpretending %s(%ld) because %s is out of date(%ld)\n",
-				node->name, node->time, p->name, p->time);
-		unpretend(node);
-	}
-	/*
-		have a look if we are pretending in case
-		someone has been unpretended out from underneath us
-	*/
-	if(node->flags&MADE){
-		if(node->flags&PRETENDING){
-			node->time = 0;
-		}else
-			return(did);
-	}
-	/* consider no prerequsite case */
-	if(node->prereqs == 0){
-		if(node->time == 0){
-			Fprint(2, "mk: don't know how to make '%s'\n", node->name);
-			if(kflag){
-				node->flags |= BEINGMADE;
-				runerrs++;
-			} else
-				Exit();
-		} else
-			MADESET(node, MADE);
-		return(did);
-	}
-	/*
-		now see if we are out of date or what
-	*/
-	ready = 1;
-	weoutofdate = aflag;
-	ra = 0;
-	for(a = node->prereqs; a; a = a->next)
-		if(a->n){
-			did = work(a->n, node, a) || did;
-			if(a->n->flags&(NOTMADE|BEINGMADE))
-				ready = 0;
-			if(outofdate(node, a, 0)){
-				weoutofdate = 1;
-				if((ra == 0) || (ra->n == 0)
-						|| (ra->n->time < a->n->time))
-					ra = a;
-			}
-		} else {
-			if(node->time == 0){
-				if(ra == 0)
-					ra = a;
-				weoutofdate = 1;
-			}
-		}
-	if(ready == 0)	/* can't do anything now */
-		return(did);
-	if(weoutofdate == 0){
-		MADESET(node, MADE);
-		return(did);
-	}
-	/*
-		can we pretend to be made?
-	*/
-	if((iflag == 0) && (node->time == 0) && (node->flags&(PRETENDING|CANPRETEND)) && p && ra->n && !outofdate(p, ra, 0)){
-		node->flags &= ~CANPRETEND;
-		MADESET(node, MADE);
-		node->time = ra->n->time;
-		if(explain && ((node->flags&PRETENDING) == 0))
-			fprint(1, "pretending %s has time %ld\n", node->name, node->time);
-		node->flags |= PRETENDING;
-		return(did);
-	}
-	/*
-		node is out of date and we REALLY do have to do something.
-		quickly rescan for pretenders
-	*/
-	for(a = node->prereqs; a; a = a->next)
-		if(a->n && (a->n->flags&PRETENDING)){
-			if(explain)
-				Fprint(1, "unpretending %s because of %s because of %s\n",
-				a->n->name, node->name, ra->n? ra->n->name : "rule with no prerequisites");
-			unpretend(a->n);
-			did = work(a->n, node, a) || did;
-			ready = 0;
-		}
-	if(ready == 0)	/* try later unless nothing has happened for -k's sake */
-		return(did || work(node, p, parc));
-	did = dorecipe(node) || did;
-	return(did);
-update(fake, node)
-	register Node *node;
-	register Arc *a;
-	MADESET(node, fake? BEINGMADE : MADE);
-	if(((node->flags&VIRTUAL) == 0) && (access(node->name, 0) == 0)){
-		node->time = timeof(node->name, 1);
-		node->flags &= ~(CANPRETEND|PRETENDING);
-		for(a = node->prereqs; a; a = a->next)
-			if(a->prog)
-				(void)outofdate(node, a, 1);
-	} else {
-		node->time = 1;
-		for(a = node->prereqs; a; a = a->next)
-			if(a->n && outofdate(node, a, 1))
-				node->time = a->n->time;
-	}
-/*	print("----node %s time=%ld flags=0x%x\n", node->name, node->time, node->flags);/**/
-pcmp(prog, n1, n2)
-	char *prog, *n1, *n2;
-	char buf[3*NAMEBLOCK];
-	int ret, pid;
-	pid = fork();
-	if(pid < 0){
-		fprint(2, "mk: ");
-		perror("pcmp fork");
-		Exit();
-	}
-	Fexit(0);
-	if(pid == 0){
-		sprint(buf, "%s '%s' '%s'", prog, n1, n2);
-		execl(SHELL, "sh", "-c", buf, (char *)0);
-		sprint(buf, "exec %s", SHELL);
-		perror(buf);
-		_exit(1);
-	} else {
-		while(waitup(-3, &pid) >= 0)
-			;
-		return(pid? 2:1);
-	}
-outofdate(node, arc, eval)
-	register Node *node;
-	register Arc *arc;
-	char buf[3*NAMEBLOCK], *str;
-	Symtab *sym;
-	int ret;
-	if(arc->prog){
-		sprint(buf, "%s%c%s", node->name, 0377, arc->n->name);
-		if(!(sym = symlook(buf, S_OUTOFDATE, (char *)0)) || eval){
-			if(!sym)
-				str = strdup(buf);
-			ret = pcmp(arc->prog, node->name, arc->n->name);
-			if(sym)
-				sym->value = (char *)ret;
-			else
-				symlook(str, S_OUTOFDATE, (char *)ret);
-		} else
-			ret = (int)sym->value;
-		return(ret-1);
-	} else
-		return(node->time < arc->n->time);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./mk.c
echo ./mk.h 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./mk.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./mk.h'
-#include	"libc.h"
-#include	"fio.h"
-#include	"regexp.h"
-typedef struct Word
-	char *s;
-	struct Word *next;
-} Word;
-extern Word *newword(), *expand(), *wsubst(), *stow();
-typedef struct Rule
-	char *target;		/* one target */
-	Word *tail;		/* constituents of targets */
-	char *recipe;		/* do it ! */
-	short attr;		/* attributes */
-	short line;		/* source line */
-	char *file;		/* source file */
-	Word *alltargets;	/* all the targets */
-	int rule;		/* rule number */
-	regexp *pat;		/* reg exp goo */
-	char *prog;		/* to use in out of date */
-	struct Rule *chain;	/* hashed per target */
-	struct Rule *next;
-} Rule;
-extern Rule *rules, *metarules, *patrule;
-#define		META		0x0001
-#define		SEQ		0x0002
-#define		UPD		0x0004
-#define		RED		0x0008
-#define		QUIET		0x0010
-#define		VIR		0x0020
-#define		REGEXP		0x0040
-#define		NOREC		0x0080
-#define		DEL		0x0100
-#define		NREGEXP		10
-typedef struct Arc
-	short flag;
-	struct Node *n;
-	Rule *r;
-	char *stem;
-	char *prog;
-	regsubexp match[NREGEXP];
-	struct Arc *next;
-} Arc;
-extern Arc *newarc();
-#define		TOGO		1
-typedef struct Node
-	char *name;
-	long time;
-	unsigned short flags;
-	Arc *prereqs;
-	struct Node *next;	/* list for a rule */
-} Node;
-extern Node *graph();
-#define		VIRTUAL		0x0001
-#define		CYCLE		0x0002
-#define		READY		0x0004
-#define		CANPRETEND	0x0008
-#define		PRETENDING	0x0010
-#define		NOTMADE		0x0020
-#define		BEINGMADE	0x0040
-#define		MADE		0x0080
-#define		MADESET(n,m)	n->flags = (n->flags&~(NOTMADE|BEINGMADE|MADE))|(m)
-#define		PROBABLE	0x0100
-#define		VACUOUS		0x0200
-#define		NORECIPE	0x0400
-#define		DELETE		0x0800
-typedef struct Job
-	Rule *r;		/* master rule for job */
-	Node *n;		/* list of node targets */
-	char *stem;
-	regsubexp *match;
-	Word *p;		/* prerequisites */
-	Word *np;		/* new prerequisites */
-	Word *t;		/* targets */
-	Word *at;		/* all targets */
-	int nproc;		/* slot number */
-	int fd;			/* if redirecting */
-	struct Job *next;
-} Job;
-extern Job *newjob(), *jobs;
-typedef struct Symtab
-	short space;
-	char *name;
-	char *value;
-	struct Symtab *next;
-} Symtab;
-extern Symtab *symlook();
-enum {
-	S_VAR,		/* variable -> value */
-	S_TARGET,	/* target -> rule */
-	S_TIME,		/* file -> time */
-	S_PID,		/* pid -> products */
-	S_NODE,		/* target name -> node */
-	S_AGG,		/* aggregate -> time */
-	S_BITCH,	/* bitched about aggregate not there */
-	S_NOEXPORT,	/* var -> noexport */
-	S_OVERRIDE,	/* can't override */
-	S_OUTOFDATE,	/* n1\377n2 -> 2(outofdate) or 1(not outofdate) */
-	S_MAKEFILE,	/* target -> node */
-	S_MAKEVAR,	/* dumpable mk variable */
-extern int debug;
-extern int nflag, tflag, iflag, kflag, aflag, mflag;
-extern int inline;
-extern char *infile;
-extern char *Malloc(), *strndup();
-extern long timeof();
-extern void touch(), delete();
-extern char *shname(), *vexpand();
-extern int nproclimit;
-extern int nreps;
-extern char *explain;
-extern char *envpr(), *wtos();
-extern char *rulecnt();
-#define	SYNERR(l)	(Fprint(2, "mk: %s:%d: syntax error; ", infile, (((l)>=0)?(l):inline)))
-#define	RERR(r)	(Fprint(2, "mk: %s:%d: rule error; ", (r)->file, (r)->line))
-#define	NAMEBLOCK	1000
-#define	BIGBLOCK	20000
-#ifndef	SHELL
-#define	SHELL		"/bin/sh"		/* should be bourne-like */
-#define	SEP(c)	(((c)==' ')||((c)=='\t')||((c)=='\n'))
-#define	DEBUG(x)	(debug&(x))
-#define		D_PARSE		0x01
-#define		D_GRAPH		0x02
-#define		D_EXEC		0x04
-#define		EBIT		0x80	/* sorry japan */
-#define	PERCENT(ch)	(((ch) == '%') || ((ch) == '&'))
//GO.SYSIN DD ./mk.h
echo ./parse.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./parse.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./parse.c'
-#include	"mk.h"
-char *infile;
-int inline;
-static longline();
-extern Word *target1;
-parse(f, fd, varoverride, ruleoverride)
-	char *f;
-	int hline;
-	char *s, *body;
-	Word *head, *tail;
-	int attr, set;
-	char *prog, *inc;
-	if(fd < 0){
-		perror(f);
-		Exit();
-	}
-	ipush();
-	infile = strdup(f);
-	inline = 1;
-	Finit(fd, (char *)0);
-	while(s = Frdline(fd)){
-		if((*s == '#') || (*s == 0)){
-			inline++;
-			continue;
-		}
-		hline = inline;
-		switch(rhead(s, fd, &head, &tail, &attr, &prog))
-		{
-		case '<':
-			if((tail == 0) || ((inc = wtos(tail)) == 0)){
-				SYNERR(-1);
-				Fprint(2, "missing include file name\n");
-				Exit();
-			}
-			parse(inc, open(inc, 0), 0, 1);
-			break;
-		case ':':
-			rbody(fd, &body);
-			addrules(head, tail, body, attr, hline, ruleoverride, prog);
-			break;
-		case '=':
-			if(head->next){
-				SYNERR(-1);
-				Fprint(2, "multiple vars on left side of assignment\n");
-				Exit();
-			}
-			if(symlook(head->s, S_OVERRIDE, (char *)0)){
-				set = varoverride;
-				symdel(head->s, S_OVERRIDE);
-			} else {
-				set = 1;
-				if(varoverride)
-					symlook(head->s, S_OVERRIDE, "");
-			}
-			if(set)
-				setvar(head->s, wtos(tail));
-			if(attr)
-				(void)symlook(head->s, S_NOEXPORT, "");
-			break;
-		default:
-			SYNERR(hline);
-			Fprint(2, "expected : or =\n");
-			Exit();
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	close(fd);
-	ipop();
-addrules(head, tail, body, attr, hline, override, prog)
-	Word *head, *tail;
-	char *body, *prog;
-	register Word *w;
-	assert("addrules args", head && body);
-	if((target1 == 0) && !(attr&REGEXP))
-		frule(head);
-	for(w = head; w; w = w->next)
-		addrule(w->s, tail, body, head, attr, hline, override, prog);
-rhead(s, fd, h, t, attr, prog)
-	char *s;
-	Word **h, **t;
-	int *attr;
-	char **prog;
-	char buf[BIGBLOCK];
-	register char *p;
-	char *pp;
-	int sep;
-	longline(fd, s, buf);		/* cover \\n guys */
-	lex(fd, buf);
-	if(p = strchr(buf, '#'))	/* comment ? */
-		*p = 0;
-	for(p = buf; *p; p++)
-		if((*p == ':') || (*p == '=') || (*p == '<')) break;
-	if(*p == 0){
-		return('?');
-	}
-	sep = *p;
-	*p++ = 0;
-	*attr = 0;
-	*prog = 0;
-	if(sep == '='){
-		char *le, *e;
-		le = strchr(p, ' ');
-		if(e = strchr(p, '\t'))
-			if((le == 0) || (e < le))
-				le = e;
-		if((e = strchr(p, '=')) && ((le == 0) || (e < le))){
-			while(*p != '='){
-				switch(*p++)
-				{
-				case 0:
-					SYNERR(-1);
-					Fprint(2, "missing trailing =\n");
-					Exit();
-				default:
-					SYNERR(-1);
-					Fprint(2, "unknown attribute '%c'\n", p[-1]);
-					Exit();
-				case 'U':
-					*attr = 1;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			p++;
-		}
-	}
-	if((sep == ':') && *p && (*p != ' ') && (*p != '\t')){
-		while(*p != ':')
-			switch(*p++)
-			{
-			case 0:
-		eos:
-				SYNERR(-1);
-				Fprint(2, "missing trailing :\n");
-				Exit();
-			default:
-				SYNERR(-1);
-				Fprint(2, "unknown attribute '%c'\n", p[-1]);
-				Exit();
-			case '<':
-				*attr |= RED;
-				break;
-			case 'D':
-				*attr |= DEL;
-				break;
-			case 'N':
-				*attr |= NOREC;
-				break;
-			case 'P':
-				pp = p;
-				while(*p && (*p != ':'))
-					p++;
-				if(*p == 0)
-					goto eos;
-				*p = 0;
-				*prog = strdup(pp);
-				*p = ':';
-				break;
-			case 'Q':
-				*attr |= QUIET;
-				break;
-			case 'R':
-				*attr |= REGEXP;
-				break;
-			case 'U':
-				*attr |= UPD;
-				break;
-			case 'V':
-				*attr |= VIR;
-				break;
-			}
-		p++;
-	}
-	*h = expand(buf);
-	if((*h == 0) && (sep != '<')){
-		SYNERR(inline-1);
-		Fprint(2, "no var on left side of assignment/rule\n");
-		Exit();
-	}
-	while((*p == ' ') || (*p == '\t'))
-		p++;
-	*t = expand(p);
-	return(sep);
-rbody(fd, b)
-	char **b;
-	char buf[BIGBLOCK];
-	char *cp, *s;
-	register n;
-	cp = buf;
-	while(s = Frdline(fd)){
-		inline++;
-		if((*s != '\t') && (*s != ' ')){
-			inline--;
-			Fundo(fd);
-			break;
-		}
-		memcpy(cp, s+1, n = FIOLINELEN(fd)-1);
-		cp += n;
-		*cp++ = '\n';
-	}
-	*cp++ = 0;
-	assert("rbody overflow", cp <= &buf[BIGBLOCK]);
-	*b = (buf[0])? strndup(buf, (int)(cp-buf)) : strdup("");
-longline(fd, line, dest)
-	register char *line, *dest;
-	for(;;){
-		inline++;
-		while(*dest++ = *line++);
-		dest -= 2;
-		if(*dest == '\\'){
-			*dest = 0;
-			if((line = Frdline(fd)) == 0){
-				Fundo(fd);
-				break;
-			}
-		} else
-			break;
-	}
-struct input
-	char *file;
-	int line;
-	struct input *next;
-static struct input *inputs = 0;
-	register struct input *in, *me;
-	me = (struct input *)Malloc(sizeof(*me));
-	me->file = infile;
-	me->line = inline;
-	me->next = 0;
-	if(inputs == 0)
-		inputs = me;
-	else {
-		for(in = inputs; in->next; )
-			in = in->next;
-		in->next = me;
-	}
-	register struct input *in, *me;
-	assert("pop input list", inputs != 0);
-	if(inputs->next == 0){
-		me = inputs;
-		inputs = 0;
-	} else {
-		for(in = inputs; in->next->next; )
-			in = in->next;
-		me = in->next;
-		in->next = 0;
-	}
-	infile = me->file;
-	inline = me->line;
-	free((char *)me);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./parse.c
echo ./quote.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./quote.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./quote.c'
-#include	"mk.h"
-	quoted stuff gets EBIT
-squote(fd, srcp, destp)
-	char **srcp, **destp;
-	register char *src = *srcp, *dest = *destp;
-	while(*src != '\''){
-		if(*src == 0){
-			char *s;
-			if(s = Frdline(fd)){
-				inline++;
-				*dest++ = '\n'|EBIT;
-				strcpy(src, s);
-				continue;
-			} else {
-				SYNERR(-1); Fprint(2, "missing closing '\n");
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		*dest++ = *src++|EBIT;
-	}
-	*dest = 0;
-	if(*src)
-		src++;
-	*srcp = src;
-	*destp = dest;
-dquote(fd, src, dest)
-	char **src, **dest;
-	char *p = *src, *s = *dest;
-	char *t, carry;
-	Symtab *sym;
-	while(*p != '"'){
-		switch(*p)
-		{
-		case 0:
-			if(t = Frdline(fd)){
-				inline++;
-				*s++ = '\n'|EBIT;
-				strcpy(p, t);
-				continue;
-			} else {
-				SYNERR(-1); Fprint(2, "missing closing \"\n");
-				break;
-			}
-			break;
-		case '\\':
-			switch(*++p)
-			{
-			default:
-				*s++ = '\\'|EBIT;
-			case '\\': case '"':
-			case '\'': case '$':
-				*s++ = *p|EBIT;
-			}
-			p++;
-			break;
-		case '$':
-			varsub(&p, &s, EBIT);
-			break;
-		default:
-			*s++ = *p++|EBIT;
-		}
-	}
-	*s = 0;
-	if(*p)
-		p++;
-	*src = p;
-	*dest = s;
-quote1(fd, src, dest)
-	char *src, *dest;
-	char *t;
-	while(*src){
-		switch(*src)
-		{
-		case '\'':
-			src++;
-			squote(fd, &src, &dest);
-			break;
-		case '\\':
-			if(src[1]){
-				*dest++ = *++src | EBIT;
-				src++;
-			} else if(t = Frdline(fd)){
-				inline++;
-				strcpy(src, t);
-			}
-			break;
-		default:
-			*dest++ = *src++;
-		}
-	}
-	*dest = 0;
-quote2(fd, src, dest)
-	char *src, *dest;
-	char *t;
-	while(*src){
-		switch(*src)
-		{
-		case '"':
-			src++;
-			dquote(fd, &src, &dest);
-			break;
-		case '\\':
-			if(src[1]){
-				*dest++ = *++src;
-				src++;
-			} else if(t = Frdline(fd)){
-				inline++;
-				strcpy(src, t);
-			}
-			break;
-		case '$':
-			varsub(&src, &dest, 0);
-			break;
-		default:
-			*dest++ = *src++;
-		}
-	}
-	*dest = 0;
-static char *
-subsub(val, ext, dest, bit)
-	char *val, *ext, *dest;
-	register char *s;
-	char *a, *b, *c, *d;
-	int na, nb, nc, nd, n;
-	int destsub = 0;
-	/* prepare literals */
-	a = s = ext;
-	for(; *s && (*s != '=') && !PERCENT(*s); s++)
-		;
-	na = s-a;
-	if(PERCENT(*s)) s++;
-	b = s;
-	for(; *s && (*s != '='); s++)
-		;
-	nb = s-b;
-	if(*s == '=') s++;
-	c = s;
-	for(; *s && !PERCENT(*s); s++)
-		;
-	nc = s-c;
-	if(PERCENT(*s)) s++, destsub = 1;
-	d = s;
-	for(; *s; s++)
-		;
-	nd = s-d;
-	/* break into words, do sub */
-	while(*val){
-		for(s = val; *s && !SEP(*s); s++)
-			;
-		/* substitute in val..s */
-		if((memcmp(val, a, na) == 0) && (memcmp(s-nb, b, nb) == 0)){
-#define	DEST(s,n)	if(n) memcpy(dest,s,n), dest += n
-			DEST(c, nc);
-			n = (s-nb) - (val+na);
-			if(destsub)
-				DEST(val+na, n);
-			DEST(d, nd);
-		} else
-			while(val < s)
-				*dest++ = (*val++&~EBIT)|bit;
-		/* clean up */
-		while(*s && SEP(*s))
-			*dest++ = (*s++&~EBIT)|bit;
-		val = s;
-	}
-	return(dest);
-varsub(psrc, pdest, bit)
-	char **psrc, **pdest;
-	char *t, carry;
-	Symtab *sym;
-	char *src = *psrc, *dest = *pdest;
-	char *v = 0, vc;
-	if(*++src == '{'){
-		for(t = ++src; *src != '}'; src++)
-			if(*src == 0){
-				SYNERR(-1);
-				Fprint(2, "missing '}'\n");
-				Exit();
-			}
-		v = shname(t);
-		if(src == v)
-			v = 0;
-		else {
-			if(*v != ':'){
-				SYNERR(-1);
-				Fprint(2, "bad variable name\n");
-				Exit();
-			}
-			vc = *v;
-			*v = 0;
-		}
-		*src++ = carry = 0;
-	} else {
-		src = shname(t = src);
-		carry = *src;
-		*src = 0;
-	}
-	if(sym = symlook(t, S_VAR, (char *)0)){
-		if(v){
-char buf[BIGBLOCK]; strcpy(buf, v+1); lex(-1, buf);
-			dest = subsub(sym->value, buf, dest, bit);
-			*v = vc;
-		} else
-			for(t = sym->value; *t; )
-				*dest++ = *t++|bit;
-	}
-	if(carry)
-		*src = carry;
-	*psrc = src;
-	*pdest = dest;
//GO.SYSIN DD ./quote.c
echo ./recipe.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./recipe.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./recipe.c'
-#include	"mk.h"
-	Node *node;
-	char buf[BIGBLOCK];
-	register Node *n;
-	Rule *r = 0;
-	Arc *a, *aa;
-	Word head, ahead, lp, ln, *w, *ww, *aw;
-	Symtab *s;
-	int did = 0;
-	regexp rmatch[NREGEXP];
-	/*
-		pick up the rule
-	*/
-	for(a = node->prereqs; a; a = a->next)
-		if(*a->r->recipe)
-			r = (aa = a)->r;
-	/*
-		no recipe? go to buggery!
-	*/
-	if(r == 0){
-		if(!(node->flags&VIRTUAL) && !(node->flags&NORECIPE)){
-			Fprint(2, "mk: no recipe to make '%s'\n", node->name);
-			Exit();
-		}
-		update(0, node);
-		if(tflag){
-			if(!(node->flags&VIRTUAL))
-				touch(node->name);
-			else if(explain)
-				Fprint(1, "no touch of virtual '%s'\n", node->name);
-		}
-		return(did);
-	}
-	/*
-		build the node list
-	*/
-	node->next = 0;
-	head.next = 0;
-	ww = &head;
-	ahead.next = 0;
-	aw = &ahead;
-	if(r->attr&REGEXP){
-		ww->next = newword(node->name);
-		aw->next = newword(node->name);
-	} else {
-		for(w = r->alltargets; w; w = w->next){
-			if(r->attr&META)
-				subst(aa->stem, w->s, buf);
-			else
-				strcpy(buf, w->s);
-			aw->next = newword(buf);
-			aw = aw->next;
-			if((s = symlook(buf, S_NODE, (char *)0)) == 0)
-				continue;	/* not a node we are interested in */
-			n = (Node *)s->value;
-			ww->next = newword(buf);
-			ww = ww->next;
-			if(n == node) continue;
-			n->next = node->next;
-			node->next = n;
-		}
-	}
-	for(n = node; n; n = n->next)
-		if((n->flags&READY) == 0)
-			return(did);
-	/*
-		gather the params for the job
-	*/
-	lp.next = ln.next = 0;
-	for(n = node; n; n = n->next){
-		for(a = n->prereqs; a; a = a->next){
-			if(a->n){
-				addw(&lp, a->n->name);
-				if(outofdate(n, a, 0)){
-					addw(&ln, a->n->name);
-					if(explain)
-						fprint(1, "%s(%ld) < %s(%ld)\n",
-							n->name, n->time, a->n->name, a->n->time);
-				}
-			} else {
-				if(explain)
-					fprint(1, "%s has no prerequisites\n",
-							n->name);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-/*	print("lt=%s ln=%s lp=%s\n",wtos(head.next),wtos(ln.next),wtos(lp.next));/**/
-	run(newjob(r, node, aa->stem, aa->match, lp.next, ln.next, head.next, ahead.next));
-	return(1);
-addw(w, s)
-	register Word *w;
-	char *s;
-	register Word *lw;
-	for(lw = w; w = w->next; lw = w){
-		if(strcmp(s, w->s) == 0)
-			return;
-	}
-	lw->next = newword(s);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./recipe.c
echo ./regexp.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./regexp.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./regexp.c'
-#include	"mk.h"
-Rule *patrule;
-	char *s;
-	if(patrule)
-		Fprint(2, "mk: %s:%d: regular expression error; %s\n",
-			patrule->file, patrule->line, s);
-	else
-		Fprint(2, "mk: %s:%d: regular expression error; %s\n",
-			infile, inline, s);
-	Exit();
-rsub(src, r, a, proto, dest)
-	char *src, *dest, *proto;
-	Rule *r;
-	Arc *a;
-	rdump("rsub", a->match);
-	print("rsub(src=%d '%s' proto=%d '%s')\n", src, src, proto, proto);
-	*dest = 0;
-rdump(s, m)
-	char *s;
-	register regsubexp *m;
-	register i;
-	print("rdump: %s\n", s);
-	for(i = 0; i < NREGEXP; i++, m++)
-		print("\t%d: %d - %d '%s'\n", i, m->sp, m->ep, m->sp);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./regexp.c
echo ./rule.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./rule.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./rule.c'
-#include	"mk.h"
-static Rule *lr, *lmr;
-static rcmp();
-static int nrules = 0;
-addrule(head, tail, body, ahead, attr, hline, override, prog)
-	Word *tail, *ahead;
-	char *head, *body, *prog;
-	register Rule *r;
-	Rule *rr;
-	Symtab *sym;
-	int reuse;
-	if(sym = symlook(head, S_TARGET, (char *)0)){
-		for(r = (Rule *)sym->value; r; r = r->chain)
-			if(rcmp(r, head, tail) == 0) break;
-		if(r && !override)
-			return;
-	} else
-		r = 0;
-	reuse = r != 0;
-	if(r == 0)
-		r = (Rule *)Malloc(sizeof(Rule));
-	r->target = head;
-	r->tail = tail;
-	r->recipe = body;
-	r->line = hline;
-	r->file = infile;
-	r->attr = attr;
-	r->alltargets = ahead;
-	r->prog = prog;
-	r->rule = nrules++;
-	if(!reuse){
-		rr = (Rule *)symlook(head, S_TARGET, (char *)r)->value;
-		if(rr != r){
-			r->chain = rr->chain;
-			rr->chain = r;
-		} else
-			r->chain = 0;
-	}
-	if(strchr(head, '%') || strchr(head, '&') || (attr&REGEXP))
-		goto meta;
-	if(reuse)
-		return;
-	r->next = 0;
-	r->pat = 0;
-	if(rules == 0)
-		rules = lr = r;
-	else {
-		lr->next = r;
-		lr = r;
-	}
-	return;
-	r->attr |= META;
-	if(reuse)
-		return;
-	r->next = 0;
-	if(r->attr&REGEXP){
-		patrule = r;
-		r->pat = regcomp(head);
-	}
-	if(metarules == 0)
-		metarules = lmr = r;
-	else {
-		lmr->next = r;
-		lmr = r;
-	}
-dumpr(s, r)
-	char *s;
-	register Rule *r;
-	Fprint(1, "%s: start=%ld\n", s, r);
-	for(; r; r = r->next){
-		Fprint(1, "\tRule %ld: %s[%d] attr=%x next=%ld chain=%ld alltarget='%s'",
-			r, r->file, r->line, r->attr, r->next, r->chain, wtos(r->alltargets));
-		if(r->prog)
-			Fprint(1, " prog='%s'", r->prog);
-		Fprint(1, "\n\ttarget=%s: %s\n", r->target, wtos(r->tail));
-		Fprint(1, "\trecipe@%ld='%s'\n", r->recipe, r->recipe);
-	}
-	Word *w;
-	extern Word *target1;
-	register Word *ww;
-	register char *s;
-#define	ADD(s)	{if(target1==0)target1=ww=newword(s);else ww=ww->next=newword(s);}
-	for(ww = w; ww; ww = ww->next)
-		if(strchr(w->s, '%') || strchr(w->s, '&'))
-			return;	/* no metarule targets */
-	while(w){
-		if(s = strchr(w->s, '+')){
-			*s++ = 0;
-			if(*w->s)
-				ADD(w->s);
-			if(*s)
-				ADD(s);
-			s[-1] = '+';
-		} else
-			ADD(w->s);
-		w = w->next;
-	}
-rcmp(r, target, tail)
-	register Rule *r;
-	char *target;
-	register Word *tail;
-	register Word *w;
-	if(strcmp(r->target, target))
-		return(1);
-	for(w = r->tail; w && tail; w = w->next, tail = tail->next)
-		if(strcmp(w->s, tail->s))
-			return(1);
-	return(w || tail);
-char *
-	register char *s;
-	s = Malloc(nrules);
-	memset(s, 0, nrules);
-	return(s);
-	register char *s;
-	for(; *s; s++)
-		switch(*s)
-		{
-		case '\\':
-			if(s[1])
-				s++;
-			break;
-		case '[':
-		case '*':
-		case '?':
-			return(1);
-			break;
-		}
-	return(0);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./rule.c
echo ./run.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./run.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./run.c'
-#include	"mk.h"
-typedef struct Event
-	int pid;
-	Job *job;
-} Event;
-static Event *events;
-static int nevents, nrunning;
-typedef struct Process
-	int pid;
-	int status;
-	struct Process *b, *f;
-} Process;
-static Process *phead, *pfree;
-static void pnew(), pdelete();
-static char *envy[1024];
-static char **special;
-static pidslot();
-	Job *j;
-	register Job *jj;
-	if(jobs){
-		for(jj = jobs; jj->next; jj = jj->next)
-			;
-		jj->next = j;
-	} else 
-		jobs = j;
-	j->next = 0;
-	/* this code also in waitup after parse redirect */
-	if(nrunning < nproclimit)
-		sched();
-	register Job *j;
-	char buf[BIGBLOCK];
-	int slot, pip[2], pid;
-	Node *n;
-	if(jobs == 0){
-		account();
-		return;
-	}
-	j = jobs;
-	jobs = j->next;
-		fprint(1, "firing up job for target %s\n", wtos(j->t));
-	slot = nextslot();
-	events[slot].job = j;
-	dovars(j, slot);
-	shprint(j->r->recipe, envy, buf);
-	if(!tflag && !mflag && (nflag || !(j->r->attr&QUIET)))
-		Fwrite(1, buf, (long)strlen(buf));
-	if(mflag){
-		for(n = j->n; n; n = n->next)
-			symlook(n->name, S_MAKEFILE, (char *)j);
-	}
-	if(nflag||tflag){
-		for(n = j->n; n; n = n->next){
-			if(tflag){
-				if(!(n->flags&VIRTUAL))
-					touch(n->name);
-				else if(explain)
-					Fprint(1, "no touch of virtual '%s'\n", n->name);
-			}
-			n->time = time((long *)0);
-		}
-	} else {
-		Fexit(0);
-		if(j->r->attr&RED){
-			if(pipe(pip) < 0){
-				perror("pipe");
-				Exit();
-			}
-		}
-		if((pid = fork()) < 0){
-			perror("mk fork");
-			Exit();
-		}
-		if(pid == 0){
-			if(j->r->attr&RED){
-				close(pip[0]);
-				dup2(pip[1], 1);
-				close(pip[1]);
-			}
-			if(pipe(pip) < 0){
-				perror("pipe-i");
-				Exit();
-			}
-			if((pid = fork()) < 0){
-				perror("mk fork");
-				Exit();
-			}
-			if(pid != 0){
-				close(pip[1]);
-				dup2(pip[0], 0);
-				close(pip[0]);
-				execle(SHELL, "sh", "-e", (char *)0, envy);
-				perror(SHELL);
-				_exit(1);
-			} else {
-				int k;
-				char *s, *send;
-				close(pip[0]);
-				s = j->r->recipe;
-				send = s+strlen(s);
-				while(s < send){
-					if((k = write(pip[1], s, send-s)) < 0)
-						break;
-					s += k;
-				}
-				_exit(0);
-			}
-		}
-		account();
-		nrunning++;
-		if(j->r->attr&RED)
-			close(pip[1]), j->fd = pip[0];
-		else
-			j->fd = -1;
-		if(DEBUG(D_EXEC))
-			fprint(1, "pid for target %s = %d\n", wtos(j->t), pid);
-		events[slot].pid = pid;
-	}
-waitup(echildok, retstatus)
-	int *retstatus;
-	int status, pid;
-	int slot;
-	Symtab *s;
-	Word *w;
-	Job *j;
-	char buf[64];
-	char buf1[BIGBLOCK];
-	int uarg = 0;
-	int done;
-	Node *n;
-	Process *p;
-	extern int errno, runerrs;
-	/* first check against the proces slist */
-	if(retstatus)
-		for(p = phead; p; p = p->f)
-			if(p->pid == *retstatus){
-				*retstatus = p->status;
-				pdelete(p);
-				return(-1);
-			}
-again:		/* rogue processes */
-	if((pid = wait(&status)) < 0){
-		if(echildok > 0){
-			return(1);
-		} else {
-			fprint(2, "mk: (waitup %d) ", echildok);
-			perror("mk wait");
-			Exit();
-		}
-	}
-		fprint(1, "waitup got pid=%d, status=0x%ux\n", pid, status);
-	if(retstatus && (pid == *retstatus)){
-		*retstatus = status;
-		return(-1);
-	}
-	slot = pidslot(pid);
-	if(slot < 0){
-		if(DEBUG(D_EXEC))
-			fprint(2, "mk: wait returned unexpected process %d\n", pid);
-		pnew(pid, status);
-		goto again;
-	}
-	j = events[slot].job;
-	account();
-	nrunning--;
-	events[slot].pid = -1;
-	if(status){
-		dovars(j, slot);
-		shprint(j->r->recipe, envy, buf1);
-		front(buf1);
-		Fprint(2, "mk: %s: exit status=%d", buf1, 0xFF&(status>>8));
-		status &= 0xFF;
-		if(status&0x7F)
-			Fprint(2, " signal=%d", status&0x7F);
-		if(status&0x80)
-			Fprint(2, ", core dumped");
-		for(n = j->n, done = 0; n; n = n->next)
-			if(n->flags&DELETE){
-				if(done++ == 0)
-					Fprint(2, ", deleting");
-				Fprint(2, " '%s'", n->name);
-			}
-		Fputc(2, '\n');
-		for(n = j->n, done = 0; n; n = n->next)
-			if(n->flags&DELETE){
-				if(done++ == 0)
-					Fflush(2);
-				delete(n->name);
-			}
-		if(kflag){
-			runerrs++;
-			uarg = 1;
-			Fflush(2);
-		} else {
-			jobs = 0;
-			Exit();
-		}
-	}
-	if(j->fd >= 0){
-		sprint(buf, "process %d", pid);
-		parse(buf, j->fd, 0, 0);
-		execinit();	/* reread environ */
-		nproc();
-		while(jobs && (nrunning < nproclimit))
-			sched();
-	}
-	for(w = j->t; w; w = w->next){
-		if((s = symlook(w->s, S_NODE, (char *)0)) == 0)
-			continue;	/* not interested in this node */
-		update(uarg, (Node *)s->value);
-	}
-	if(nrunning < nproclimit)
-		sched();
-	return(0);
-	extern char **environ;
-	extern char **vardump();
-	register char *s, *ss, c;
-	Symtab *st;
-	environ = envy;
-	special = vardump(envy);
-	if(st = symlook("ENVIRON", S_VAR, (char *)0))
-		for(s = st->value; *s;){
-			for(ss = s; *ss && (*ss != 1); ss++);
-			c = *ss;
-			*ss = 0;
-			*special++ = strdup(s);
-			s = ss;
-			if(*ss = c)
-				s++;
-		}
-	*special = 0;
-char *myenv[] =
-	"target", "stem", "prereq", "pid", "nproc", "newprereq",
-	"alltarget",
-	"stem1", "stem2", "stem3", "stem4", "stem5", "stem6",
-	"stem7", "stem8", "stem9", "stem0", 0
-dovars(j, slot)
-	register Job *j;
-	char buf[BIGBLOCK];
-	char *s, *t;
-	int i, n = 0;
-#define	SPECIAL	((sizeof myenv)/(sizeof myenv[0])-1)
-#define	VSET(name, exp)	{strcpy(buf, "name="); strcpy(strchr(buf, 0), exp);}
-	for(i = 0; i < SPECIAL; i++)
-		if(special[i])
-			free(special[i]);
-	VSET(target, s = wtos(j->t));
-	special[n++] = strdup(buf);
-	free(s);
-	/* WATCH OUT; stem set below if reg exp!! */
-	VSET(stem, j->stem);
-	special[n++] = strdup(buf);
-	VSET(prereq, s = wtos(j->p));
-	special[n++] = strdup(buf);
-	free(s);
-	sprint(buf, "pid=%d", getpid());
-	special[n++] = strdup(buf);
-	sprint(buf, "nproc=%d", slot);
-	special[n++] = strdup(buf);
-	VSET(newprereq, s = wtos(j->np));
-	special[n++] = strdup(buf);
-	free(s);
-	VSET(alltarget, s = wtos(j->at));
-	special[n++] = strdup(buf);
-	free(s);
-	for(i = 0; i <= 9; i++){
-		sprint(buf, "stem%d=", i);
-		if(j->r->attr&REGEXP){
-			for(s = buf; *s; s++);
-			for(t = j->match[i].sp; t < j->match[i].ep; *s++ = *t++);
-			*s = 0;
-		}
-		special[n+i] = strdup(buf);
-		if((i == 1) && (j->r->attr&REGEXP)){
-			buf[1] = 's'; buf[2] = 't'; buf[3] = 'e'; buf[4] = 'm';
-			special[1] = strdup(buf+1);
-		}
-	}
-	special[SPECIAL] = 0;
-	register Symtab *sym;
-	if(sym = symlook("NPROC", S_VAR, (char *)0))
-		nproclimit = atoi(sym->value);
-	if(nproclimit < 1)
-		nproclimit = 1;
-		fprint(1, "nprocs = %d\n", nproclimit);
-	if(nproclimit > nevents){
-		if(nevents)
-			events = (Event *)realloc((char *)events, nproclimit*sizeof(Event));
-		else
-			events = (Event *)malloc(nproclimit*sizeof(Event));
-		while(nevents < nproclimit)
-			events[nevents++].pid = 0;
-	}
-	register i;
-	for(i = 0; i < nproclimit; i++)
-		if(events[i].pid <= 0) return(i);
-	assert("out of slots!!", 0);
-	return(0);	/* cyntax */
-	register i;
-	for(i = 0; i < nevents; i++)
-		if(events[i].pid == pid) return(i);
-	return(-1);
-static void
-pnew(pid, status)
-	register Process *p;
-	if(pfree){
-		p = pfree;
-		pfree = p->f;
-	} else
-		p = (Process *)Malloc(sizeof(Process));
-	p->pid = pid;
-	p->status = status;
-	p->f = phead;
-	phead = p;
-	if(p->f)
-		p->f->b = p;
-	p->b = 0;
-static void
-	Process *p;
-	if(p->f)
-		p->f->b = p->b;
-	if(p->b)
-		p->b->f = p->f;
-	else
-		phead = p->f;
-	p->f = pfree;
-	pfree = p;
-static long tslot[1000];
-static long tick;
-	long t;
-	time(&t);
-	if(tick)
-		tslot[nrunning] += (t-tick);
-	tick = t;
-	int i;
-	account();
-	for(i = 0; i <= nevents; i++)
-		Fprint(1, "%d: %ld\n", i, tslot[i]);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./run.c
echo ./shprint.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./shprint.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./shprint.c'
-#include	"mk.h"
-shprint(s, env, dest)
-	char *s, **env, *dest;
-	register char *q = dest;
-	while(*s)
-		switch(*s)
-		{
-		case '\\':
-			*q++ = *s++;
-			*q++ = *s++;
-			break;
-		case '$':
-			q = vexpand(&s, q, env);
-			break;
-		default:
-			*q++ = *s++;
-			break;
-		}
-	*q = 0;
-char *
-mygetenv(name, env)
-	char *name, **env;
-	register char *p, *q;
-	for(; *env; env++){
-		for(p = name, q = *env; *p == *q; p++, q++)
-			if(*p == 0) break;
-		if((*p == 0) && (*q == '='))
-			return(q+1);
-	}
-	return((char *)0);
-char *
-vexpand(ww, dest, env)
-	char **ww, *dest, **env;
-	register char *s, *w = *ww;
-	char carry, *q;
-	assert("vexpand no $", *w == '$');
-	if(*++w == '{'){
-		for(s = ++w; *s != '}'; s++)
-			if(*s == 0) break;
-	} else
-		s = shname(w);
-	carry = *s;
-	*s = 0;
-	if(q = mygetenv(w, env)){
-		while(*q)
-			*dest++ = *q++;
-	} else {	/* copy name */
-		for(q = *ww; q != s;)
-			*dest++ = *q++;
-		if(carry == '}')
-			*dest++ = carry;
-	}
-	*s = carry;
-	if(carry == '}')
-		s++;
-	*ww = s;
-	return(dest);
-	char *s;
-	register char *t;
-	register i, j;
-	char *flds[512];
-	char buf[BIGBLOCK];
-	setfields(" \t\n");
-	strcpy(buf, s);
-	i = getfields(buf, flds, 512);
-	if(i > 5){
-		flds[4] = flds[i-1];
-		flds[3] = "...";
-		i = 5;
-	}
-	t = s;
-	for(j = 0; j < i; j++){
-		for(s = flds[j]; *s; *t++ = *s++);
-		*t++ = ' ';
-	}
-	*t = 0;
//GO.SYSIN DD ./shprint.c
echo ./sig.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./sig.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./sig.c'
-#include	"mk.h"
-#include	<signal.h>
-	extern errno;
-	signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
-	kflag = 1;	/* to make sure waitup doesn't exit */
-	jobs = 0;	/* make sure no more get scheduled */
-	while(waitup(1, (int *)0) == 0)
-		;
-	Fprint(1, "mk: interrupted!\n");
-	Exit();
-	if(signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN)
-		signal(SIGINT, sigint);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./sig.c
echo ./symtab.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./symtab.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./symtab.c'
-#include	"mk.h"
-#define	NHASH	4099
-#define	HASHMUL	79L	/* this is a good value */
-static Symtab *hash[NHASH];
-	register Symtab **s, *ss;
-	for(s = hash; s < &hash[NHASH]; s++){
-		for(ss = *s; ss; ss = ss->next)
-			free((char *)ss);
-		*s = 0;
-	}
-Symtab *
-symlook(sym, space, install)
-	char *sym;
-	char *install;
-	register long h;
-	register char *p;
-	register Symtab *s;
-	for(p = sym, h = space; *p; h += *p++)
-		h *= HASHMUL;
-	if(h < 0)
-		h = ~h;
-	h %= NHASH;
-	for(s = hash[h]; s; s = s->next)
-		if((s->space == space) && (strcmp(s->name, sym) == 0))
-			return(s);
-	if(install == 0)
-		return((Symtab *)0);
-	s = (Symtab *)Malloc(sizeof(Symtab));
-	s->space = space;
-	s->name = sym;
-	s->value = install;
-	s->next = hash[h];
-	hash[h] = s;
-	return(s);
-symdel(sym, space)
-	char *sym;
-	register long h;
-	register char *p;
-	register Symtab *s, *ls;
-	for(p = sym, h = space; *p; h += *p++)
-		h *= HASHMUL;
-	if(h < 0)
-		h = ~h;
-	h %= NHASH;
-	for(s = hash[h], ls = 0; s; ls = s, s = s->next)
-		if((s->space == space) && (strcmp(s->name, sym) == 0)){
-			if(ls)
-				ls->next = s->next;
-			else
-				hash[h] = s->next;
-			free((char *)s);
-		}
-symtraverse(space, fn)
-	void (*fn)();
-	register Symtab **s, *ss;
-	for(s = hash; s < &hash[NHASH]; s++)
-		for(ss = *s; ss; ss = ss->next)
-			if(ss->space == space)
-				(*fn)(ss);
-	register Symtab **s, *ss;
-	register n;
-	int l[1000];
-	memset((char *)l, 0, sizeof(l));
-	for(s = hash; s < &hash[NHASH]; s++){
-		for(ss = *s, n = 0; ss; ss = ss->next)
-			n++;
-		l[n]++;
-	}
-	for(n = 0; n < 1000; n++)
-		if(l[n]) Fprint(1, "%ld of length %d\n", l[n], n);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./symtab.c
echo ./t_ar.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./t_ar.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./t_ar.c'
-#include	"mk.h"
-#include	<sys/types.h>
-#include	<sys/stat.h>
-#include	<ar.h>
-static atimes();
-atimeof(force, name, ar, mem)
-	char *name, *ar, *mem;
-	struct stat sbuf;
-	Symtab *sym;
-	if(stat(ar, &sbuf) < 0)
-		sbuf.st_mtime = 0;
-	if(sym = symlook(ar, S_AGG, (char *)0)){
-		if(force || (sbuf.st_mtime > (long)sym->value)){
-			atimes(ar);
-			symlook(ar, S_AGG, ar)->value = (char *)sbuf.st_mtime;
-		}
-	} else {
-		atimes(ar);
-		symlook(strdup(ar), S_AGG, ar)->value = (char *)sbuf.st_mtime;
-	}
-	if(sym = symlook(name, S_TIME, (char *)0))
-		sbuf.st_mtime = (long)sym->value;
-	else
-		sbuf.st_mtime = 0;
-	return((long)sbuf.st_mtime);
-atouch(name, ar, mem)
-	char *name, *ar, *mem;
-	int fd;
-	struct ar_hdr hdr;
-	char *s;
-	long t;
-	char buf[NAMEBLOCK];
-	strcpy(buf, mem);
-#ifdef	SYSV
-	strcat(buf, "/");
-	if((fd = open(ar, 2)) < 0){
-		if((fd = creat(ar, 0666)) < 0){
-			perror(ar);
-			Exit();
-		}
-		write(fd, ARMAG, SARMAG);
-	}
-	if(symlook(name, S_TIME, (char *)0)){
-		/* hoon off and change it in situ */
-		lseek(fd, (long)SARMAG, 0);
-		while(read(fd, (char *)&hdr, sizeof(hdr)) == sizeof(hdr)){
-			for(s = &hdr.ar_name[sizeof(hdr.ar_name)]; *--s == ' ';);
-			s[1] = 0;
-			if(strcmp(buf, hdr.ar_name) == 0){
-				t = sizeof(hdr.ar_name)-sizeof(hdr);
-				lseek(fd, t, 1);
-				fprint(fd, "%-12ld", time((long *)0));
-				break;
-			}
-			t = atol(hdr.ar_size);
-#ifdef	CRAY
-			t = (t+7)&~7;
-			t -= sizeof(hdr)-60;
-			if(t&01) t++;
-			lseek(fd, t, 1);
-		}
-	} else {
-		lseek(fd, 0L, 2);
-		fprint(fd, "%-16s%-12ld%-6d%-6d%-8lo%-10ld%2s", buf, time((long *)0),
-			getuid(), getgid(), 0100666L, 0L, ARFMAG);
-	}
-	close(fd);
-adelete(name, ar, mem)
-	char *name, *ar, *mem;
-	Fprint(2, "sorry; mk doesn't know how to delete archive members yet\n");
-	char *ar;
-	struct ar_hdr hdr;
-	long t;
-	int fd;
-	char buf[BIGBLOCK];
-	register char *s;
-	if((fd = open(ar, 0)) < 0)
-		return;
-	if(read(fd, buf, SARMAG) != SARMAG){
-		close(fd);
-		return;
-	}
-	while(read(fd, (char *)&hdr, sizeof(hdr)) == sizeof(hdr)){
-		for(s = &hdr.ar_name[sizeof(hdr.ar_name)]; *--s == ' ';);
-#ifdef	SYSV
-		if(*s == '/')	/* Damn you Sytem V */
-			s--;
-		s[1] = 0;
-		t = atol(hdr.ar_date);
-		sprint(buf, "%s(%s)", ar, hdr.ar_name);
-		symlook(strdup(buf), S_TIME, (char *)t)->value = (char *)t;
-		t = atol(hdr.ar_size);
-		if(t&01) t++;
-		lseek(fd, t, 1);
-	}
-	close(fd);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./t_ar.c
echo ./t_driver.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./t_driver.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./t_driver.c'
-#include	"mk.h"
-#include	<ar.h>
-#define	AR	123456L
-extern long ftimeof(), atimeof();
-extern void ftouch(), atouch();
-extern void fdelete(), adelete();
-static long split();
-struct ftype
-	long magic;
-	long (*time)();
-	void (*touch)();
-	void (*delete)();
-} ftab[] =
-	{ 0L,	ftimeof,	ftouch,		fdelete },
-	{ AR,	atimeof,	atouch,		adelete },
-	{ 0L,	(long (*)())0 }
-timeof(name, force)
-	char *name;
-	char buf[BIGBLOCK], *part2;
-	register struct ftype *f;
-	long magic;
-	magic = split(name, buf, &part2);
-	for(f = ftab; f->time; f++)
-		if(f->magic == magic)
-			return((*f->time)(force, name, buf, part2));
-	Fprint(2, "mk: '%s' appears to have an unknown magic number (%ld)\n", name, magic);
-	Exit();
-	return(0L);	/* shut cyntax up */
-	char *name;
-	char buf[BIGBLOCK], *part2;
-	register struct ftype *f;
-	long magic;
-	magic = split(name, buf, &part2);
-	Fprint(1, "touch(%s)\n", name);
-	if(nflag)
-		return;
-	for(f = ftab; f->time; f++)
-		if(f->magic == magic){
-			(*f->touch)(name, buf, part2);
-			return;
-		}
-	Fprint(2, "mk: give me a break! I never heard of magic=%ld\n", magic);
-	Exit();
-	char *name;
-	char buf[BIGBLOCK], *part2;
-	register struct ftype *f;
-	long magic;
-	magic = split(name, buf, &part2);
-	for(f = ftab; f->time; f++)
-		if(f->magic == magic){
-			(*f->delete)(name, buf, part2);
-			return;
-		}
-	Fprint(2, "mk: give me a break! I never heard of magic=%ld\n", magic);
-	Exit();
-static long
-	char *file;
-	int fd;
-	char buf[SARMAG];
-	short m;
-	long goo;
-	if(access(file, 0) < 0){
-		if(symlook(file, S_BITCH, (char *)0) == 0){
-			Fprint(1, "%s doesn't exist: assuming it will be an archive\n", file);
-			(void)symlook(file, S_BITCH, file);
-		}
-		return(AR);
-	}
-	if((fd = open(file, 0)) < 0){
-		perror(file);
-		Exit();
-	}
-	if(read(fd, buf, SARMAG) != SARMAG){
-		close(fd);
-		return(-1L);
-	}
-	if(strncmp(ARMAG, buf, SARMAG) == 0)
-		goo = AR;
-	else {
-		lseek(fd, 0L, 0);
-		if(read(fd, (char *)&m, sizeof m) == sizeof m)
-			goo = m;
-		else
-			goo = -1;
-	}
-	close(fd);
-	return(goo);
-static long
-split(name, buf, p2)
-	char *name, *buf, **p2;
-	register char *s;
-	strcpy(buf, name);
-	if(s = strchr(buf, '(')){
-		*s++ = 0;
-		*p2 = s;
-		while(*s && (*s != ')'))
-			s++;
-		*s = 0;
-		return(type(buf));
-	} else
-		return(0L);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./t_driver.c
echo ./t_file.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./t_file.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./t_file.c'
-#include	"mk.h"
-#include	<sys/types.h>
-#include	<sys/stat.h>
-#include	<errno.h>
-#define	MYSEP(s)	((*s == ' ') || (*s == ',') || (*s == '\n'))
-	register char *s;
-	register long t;
-	register char *os;
-	for(t = time((long *)0); *s; s = os){
-		for(os = s; !MYSEP(os); os++)
-			if(*os == 0){
-				symlook(strdup(s), S_TIME, (char *)t)->value = (char *)t;
-				return;
-			}
-		*os++ = 0;
-		symlook(strdup(s), S_TIME, (char *)t)->value = (char *)t;
-		while(MYSEP(os))
-			os++;
-	}
-ftimeof(force, name)
-	char *name;
-	struct stat sbuf;
-	Symtab *sym;
-	if(!force && (sym = symlook(name, S_TIME, (char *)0))){
-		return((long)sym->value);
-	}
-	if(stat(name, &sbuf) < 0)
-		sbuf.st_mtime = 0;
-	symlook(name, S_TIME, (char *)sbuf.st_mtime);
-	return((long)sbuf.st_mtime);
-	char *name;
-	int fd;
-	char buf[1];
-	struct stat sbuf;
-	if(stat(name, &sbuf) < 0)	/* not there and zero length are same case */
-		sbuf.st_size = 0;
-	if(sbuf.st_size == 0){
-		if((fd = creat(name, 0666)) < 0){
-	bad:
-			perror(name);
-			Exit();
-		}
-		close(fd);
-		return;
-	}
-	if((fd = open(name, 2)) < 0)
-		goto bad;
-	if(read(fd, buf, 1) != 1)
-		goto bad;
-	if(lseek(fd, 0L, 0) < 0)
-		goto bad;
-	if(write(fd, buf, 1) != 1)
-		goto bad;
-	close(fd);
-	char *s;
-	if(unlink(s) < 0)
-		perror(s);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./t_file.c
echo ./var.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./var.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./var.c'
-#include	"mk.h"
-setvar(name, value)
-	char *name;
-	char *value;
-	symlook(name, S_VAR, value)->value = value;
-	symlook(name, S_MAKEVAR, "");
-static char **nextv;
-static void
-	register Symtab *s;
-	register char **p;
-	extern char *myenv[];
-	if(symlook(s->name, S_NOEXPORT, (char *)0))
-		return;
-	for(p = myenv; *p; p++)
-		if(strcmp(*p, s->name) == 0) return;
-	if(*nextv)
-		free(*nextv);
-	*nextv++ = envpr(s->name, s->value);
-char **
-	char **p;
-	nextv = p;
-	symtraverse(S_VAR, vcopy);
-	*nextv = 0;
-	return(nextv);
-static void
-	register Symtab *s;
-	Fprint(1, "\t%s='%s'\n", s->name, s->value);
-	char *s;
-	Fprint(1, "%s:\n", s);
-	symtraverse(S_VAR, print1);
-char *
-envpr(name, value)
-	register char *name;
-	register char *value;
-	char buf[BIGBLOCK];
-	sprint(buf, "%s=", name);
-	strcpy(strchr(buf, 0), value);
-	return(strdup(buf));
-#include	<ctype.h>
-char *
-	char *s;
-	register unsigned char *a = (unsigned char *)s;
-	/* always go one !! */
-	a++;
-	while(isalnum(*a) || (*a == '_')) a++;
-	return((char *)a);
//GO.SYSIN DD ./var.c
echo ./word.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./word.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./word.c'
-#include	"mk.h"
-Word *
-	char *s;
-	register Word *w = (Word *)Malloc(sizeof(Word));
-	w->s = strdup(s);
-	w->next = 0;
-	return(w);
-Word *
-	char *s;
-	char save;
-	register char *t;
-	Word *head, *w;
-	w = head = newword("");
-	while(*s){
-		while(SEP(*s))
-			s++;
-		if(*s == 0) break;
-		for(t = s; *t && !SEP(*t); t++)
-			;
-		save = *t;
-		*t = 0;
-		w->next = newword(s);
-		w = w->next;
-		*t = save;
-		s = t;
-	}
-	w = head->next;
-	delword(head);
-	return(w);
-char *
-	register Word *w;
-	static char buf[BIGBLOCK];
-	register char *s = buf;
-	register char *t;
-	for(; w; w = w->next){
-		for(t = w->s; *t;)
-			*s++ = *t++;
-		if(w->next)
-			*s++ = ' ';
-	}
-	*s = 0;
-	return(strdup(buf));
-	Word *w;
-	free(w->s);
-	free((char *)w);
-dumpw(s, w)
-	char *s;
-	Word *w;
-	Fprint(1, "%s", s);
-	for(; w; w = w->next)
-		Fprint(1, " '%s'", w->s);
-	Fputc(1, '\n');
//GO.SYSIN DD ./word.c
echo ./ndir.h 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./ndir.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./ndir.h'
-/* Copyright (c) 1982 Regents of the University of California */
-/* and modified by pjw in 1986 */
- * this must be a power of 2 and a multiple of all the ones in the system
- */
-#define DIRBLKSIZ 512
- * This limits the directory name length. Its main constraint
- * is that it appears twice in the user structure. (u. area) in bsd systems
- */
-#define MAXNAMLEN 255
-struct	direct {
-	unsigned long	d_ino;
-	short	d_reclen;
-	short	d_namlen;
-	char	d_name[MAXNAMLEN + 1];
-	/* typically shorter */
-struct _dirdesc {
-	int	dd_fd;
-	long	dd_loc;		/* where we left off in dd_buf */
-	long	dd_size;	/* bytes back from system */
-	long	dd_offset;	/* lseek at beginning of dd_buf */
-	char	dd_buf[DIRBLKSIZ];
- * useful macros.
- */
-#define NDIRSIZ(dp) \
-    ((sizeof(struct direct) - MAXNAMLEN + (dp)->d_namlen + sizeof(ino_t) - 1) &\
-    ~(sizeof(ino_t) - 1))
-typedef	struct _dirdesc DIR;
-#ifndef	NULL
-#define	NULL	0
- * functions defined on directories
- */
-extern DIR *opendir();
-extern struct direct *readdir();
-extern long telldir();
-extern void seekdir();
-#define rewinddir(dirp)	seekdir((dirp), 0)
-extern void closedir();
//GO.SYSIN DD ./ndir.h
echo ./tmac.an 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./tmac.an <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./tmac.an'
-'''\"	PWB Manual Entry Macros - 1.36 of 11/11/80
-'''\"	Nroff/Troff Version	@(#)1.36
-'''\"  Option -rs1 short (9") pages
-'''\"  Option -rp# set no. of first page, put no. of pgs. on stderr
-'''\"  Option -rd1 give modified date instead of printed date
-.tmwrong version of man entry macros - use -man6
-.ifn .ds Tm \uTM\d
-.ift .ds Tm \v'-0.5m'\s-4TM\s+4\v'0.5m'
-.ift .ta 3.6m 7.2m 10.8m 14.4m 18m 21.6m 25.2m 28.8m 32.4m 36m 39.6m 43.2m 46.8m
-.ifn .ta 5n 10n 15n 20n 25n 30n 35n 40n 45n 50n 55n 60n 65n
-.de HY
-.ift .vs \\n()Vp
-.ie\\n()s 'sp |2v
-.el'sp |3v
-.".iet .bd1 3
-.".el.bd1 0
-.tl \\*(]H\\*(]L\\*(]H
-.ie\\n()s 'sp 1.5v
-.el'sp 3v
-.if \\n(CL .2C
-.if\\n()s 'sp |\\n(.pu-1v-1p
-.if\\n()t 'sp |\\n(.pu-3v
-.ifn 'sp |\\n(.pu-4v
-.ifn .tl Page %\\*(]D\\*(]W
-.if\\n()s .tl - % -
-.if\\n()t \{.if o .tl Page %\\*(]D\\*(]W
-.ife .tl \\*(]W\\*(]DPage % \}
-.ifn .ig
-.if "\\*(.T"aps"\{\
-.	po0i
-.	lt7.5i
-.	if\\n()s .tl \l0.25i\l0.25i\h1i\l0.25i
-.	if\\n()t .tl \l0.25i\l0.25i
-.	lt
-.	po\}
-.wh-.5p }C
-.nr )P \\n%+1-\\np
-.if \\nq .tm \\n(.F \\n()P \\np
-.if \\nq .nr p \\n%
-.nrIN \\n()Mu
-.ift .ds ]H \\$1\^(\^\\$2\^)
-.ifn .ds ]H \\$1(\\$2)
-.if\\n()s .ds ]D
-.if\\n()t .ds ]D Tenth Edition
-.ifn .ds ]D Tenth Edition
-.if!\\$3 .ds ]L (\^\\$3\^)
-.if!\\$4 .ds ]D \\$4
-.wh0 }H
-.wh-\\n(:mu }F
-.if\\n(nl .}P
-.nr)I \\n()Mu
-.nr)R 0
-.ifn \{.na
-.ift \{.bd S 3 3
-.HY \}
-.}X 0 "\\$1" smaller
-.nr)E 2
-\&\\$1 \|\\$2 \|\\$3 \|\\$4 \|\\$5 \|\\$6
-.}X 3n "" ""
-.nr)E 2
-\&\\$1 \|\\$2 \|\\$3 \|\\$4 \|\\$5 \|\\$6
-.nr)R 0
-'''if\\$2SYNOPSIS .ss 18
-.it1 }N
-.if!\\$3 .SM
-.iet .bd1 3
-.el.bd1 0
-.nr)E 0
-.nr)I \\n()Mu
-.if!\\$1 \&\\$1
-.if!\\$2 \&\\$2
-.if!\\$3 \&\\$3
-.if!\\$4 \&\\$4
-.if!\\$5 \&\\$5
-.if!\\$6 \&\\$6
-.if!\\$1 .ps \\n()S
-.if\\$1 .it 1 }N
-.it1 }N
-.if!\\$1 \&\\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6
-.it1 }N
-.ie!\\$1 \%\&\f5\\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6
-.el .ft5
-.it1 }N
-.ift \{.ie!\\$1 \%\&\f5\\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6
-.el .ft5 \}
-.ifn \{.ft5
-.if!\\$1 \{.ie\\$2 `\\$1'
-.el .ie\\$3 `\\$1 \\$2'
-.el .ie\\$4 `\\$1 \\$2 \\$3'
-.el .ie\\$5 `\\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4'
-.el .ie\\$6 `\\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5'
-.el `\\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6'\}\}
-.it1 }N
-.ie!\\$1 \%\&\f5\\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6
-.el .ft5
-.}S 1 2 \& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
-.}S 2 1 \& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
-.ift .}S 2 5 \%\& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
-.ifn .}S 2 1 \%\& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
-.ift .}S 1 5 \%\& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
-.ifn .}S 1 1 \%\& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
-.ift .}S 5 1 \%\& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
-.ifn .}S 1 1 \%\& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
-.ift .}S 5 2 \%\& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
-.ifn .}S 1 2 \%\& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
-.de LR
-.ift \%\&\f5\\$1\f1\\$2
-.ifn \%`\\$1'\\$2
-.de RL
-.ift \%\&\f1\\$1\\f5\\$2\\f1\\$3
-.ifn \%\\$1`\\$2'\\$3
-.if\\$12 .if !\\$5 .ds ]F \^
-.if\\$22 .if !\\$5 .ds ]F \^
-.ie!\\$4 .}S \\$2 \\$1 "\\$3\f\\$1\\$4\\*(]F" "\\$5" "\\$6" "\\$7" "\\$8" "\\$9"
-\%\&\f5\\$1\f1\\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6
-.ift .ft5
-.nr)I \\n()Mu
-.ift .nr PD .4v
-.ifn .nr PD 1v
-.if!\\$1 .nr PD \\$1v
-.if!\\$1 .nr )I \\$1n
-.ie!\\$1 \{.TP "\\$2"
-.if!\\$2 .nr )I \\$2n
-.if!\\$1 \{.nr )I \\$1n
-.if\\$10 .nr )I \\n()M\}
-.it1 }N
-.nr)E 1
-.IP "" \w'\f5\\$1\ \ \fP'u
-.ds]X \&\\*(]B\\
-.nr)E 0
-.if!\\$1 .nr )I \\$1n
-.ie!\\n()Iu+\\n()Ru-\w\\*(]Xu-3p \{\\*(]X
-.if\\n()E .br
-.if\\n()E1 .di
-.if\\n()E0 .}f
-.if\\n()E1 .}1
-.if\\n()E2 .}2
-.nr]\\n+()p \\n()I
-.nr)\\n()p \\n()R
-.ie!\\$1 .nr )R +\\$1n
-.el.nr )R +\\n()I
-.nr)I \\n()Mu
-.if!\\$1 \{.ie \\$10 .nr )p 1 1
-.el.nr )p \\$1 1 \}
-.ds]i \\*(]I\\n()p
-.ds]r \\*(]R\\n()p
-.nr)I \\*(]i
-.nr)R \\*(]r
-.if\\n()p .nr )p -1
-'''\"	.2C begin 2-column display, by diversion
-'''\"   CC=amount of text that will fit on page
-'''\"	CL=1 multicolumn in effect, else 0
-'''\"	CI saved indent
-'''\"	CB contains diverted text
-.de 2C
-.ne 2
-.nr CC \\n(.t/1v*2v
-.nr CI \\n(IN
-.nr IN 0
-.di CB
-.nr CL 1
-.dt \\n(CCu C1
-'''\"	.1C return to 1-column
-.de 1C
-.nr CL 0
-'''\"	end of diversion, at end of page or return to 1-column
-'''\"	CC=pos of nominal column end
-.de C1
-.if \\n(dn \{.nr CC \\n(dnu/2u+\\n(nlu
-.wh \\n(CCu C2
-.nr IN \\n(CIu
-.CB \}
-'''\"	end of first column retrieved from diversion
-'''\"	CC=pos of actual column end
-.de C2
-.wh \\n(CCu
-.mk CC
-.po +(\\n(LLu/2u)u
-.if \\n(dn>1v .ns
-'''\"	end of second column
-.de C3
-.po -(\\n(LLu/2u)u
-.if \\n(CC>\\n(nl .sp |\\n(CCu
-.ne 2
-.if\\$1 .nr !K 0
-.if\w\\$1 \{\
-.ie\\$1P .nr !K 1
-.el.ie \\$1BP .nr !K 3
-.el.ie \\$1BR .nr !K 4
-.el.nr !K 2 \}
-.if\\n(!K .wh -(\\n(:mu+5v) )G
-.if\\n(!K 'sp 2v
-.ie\\n(!K=1 \{\
-.iet .bd1 3
-.el.bd1 0
-.tlThis information should not be disclosed to unauthorized persons.
-.tlIt is meant solely for use by authorized Bell System employees. \}
-.el.ie \\n(!K=3 \{\
-.iet .bd1 3
-.el.bd1 0
-.tlNot for use or disclosure outside Bell Laboratories except by
-.tlwritten approval of the director of the distributing organization. \}
-.el.ie \\n(!K=4 \{\
-.iet .bd1 3
-.el.bd1 0
-.tlThe information herein is meant solely for use by authorized
-.tlBell Laboratories employees and is not to be disclosed to others. \}
-.el.if \\n(!K=2 \{\
-.iet .bd1 3
-.el.bd1 0
-.tlNot for use or disclosure outside the
-.tlBell System except under written agreement. \}
-.nr)s 0
-.ift .if \ns .nr )s 1
-.nr)t 0
-.ift .if !\ns .nr )t 1
-.if\n()s \{.nr )L 9i
-.nrLL 4.75i
-.nr)O .75i
-.nr)S 9
-.nr)V 10 \}
-.if\n()t \{.nr )L 11i
-.nrLL 6.5i
-.nr)O 1i
-.nr)S 10
-.nr)V 12 \}
-.ift \{.ds R \(rg
-.dsS \s\n()S
-.ifn \{.nr )L 11i
-.nrLL 6.5i
-.nr)O .463i
-.if '\*(.T'think' \{.nrLL 80n
-.nr)O 0\}
-.if '\*(.T'thinksmall' \{.nrLL 142n
-.vs 9p
-.nr)O 0\}
-.dsR (Reg.)
-.if\nT .nr LL 80n
-.if\nV>1 \{
-.nrLL 82n
-.nr)L 84v
-.rmul \}
-.nr)p 0 1
-.ds]I \\\\n(]
-.ds]R \\\\n()
-.if\nd0 .nr m \n(mo-1
-.if\nm0 .ds ]m January
-.if\nm1 .ds ]m February
-.if\nm2 .ds ]m March
-.if\nm3 .ds ]m April
-.if\nm4 .ds ]m May
-.if\nm5 .ds ]m June
-.if\nm6 .ds ]m July
-.if\nm7 .ds ]m August
-.if\nm8 .ds ]m September
-.if\nm9 .ds ]m October
-.if\nm10 .ds ]m November
-.if\nm11 .ds ]m December
-.ifn \{.nr m \nm+1
-.ie\nd .ds ]W (last mod. \nm/\nd/\ny)
-.el.ds ]W (printed \n(mo/\n(dy/\n(yr)
-.if\n()s .ds ]W
-.if\n()t \{.ie \nd .ds ]W \*(]m \nd, 19\ny
-.el.ds ]W \*(]m \n(dy, 19\n(yr
-.fp 5 L CW
-.ift .tr \``\''
-.if\n()s .nr :m 3.5v
-.if\n()t .nr :m 6v
-.ifn .nr :m 7v
-.ift .nr )M 3.6m
-.ifn .nr )M 5n
-.nr q \np
-.if!\np .nr p 1
-.pn \np
//GO.SYSIN DD ./tmac.an
echo ./mkfile 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >./mkfile <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ./mkfile'
-NAMES=alloc arc bquote builtins dir expand gen glob graph job\
-	lex main makefile match mk parse quote\
-	recipe regexp rule run shprint sig symtab t_ar t_driver t_file var word
-# for profiling, use -p -DPROF
-nmk:	$OBJ
-	$CC $CFLAGS -o nmk $OBJ fio/fio.a libc/libc.a math/math.a
-goo:V:	nmk
-	nmk
-	rm -f cyntax nmk *.o O/*
-install:V:	nmk
-	cp nmk /usr/bin/mk
-	strip /usr/bin/mk
-	pr *.h *.c | lp -dpsu -n2
-%.o:	mk.h
-%.o:	%.c
-	$CC $CFLAGS -c $stem.c
-tut.out:	tut.ms
-	pic tut.ms | tbl | troff -Tpost -ms > tut.out
-sane:V:	nmk
-	cp nmk goo
-	rm arc.o; goo -e
-	goo -e -wjob.o
-poot:V:	nmk
-	echo 'pooter Any Dk,g nj/fart/whistle.uucp' >> /n/research/usr/lib/uucp/Systems.dk
-	./nmk -k -i -f /usr/lib/upas/mkfile NPROC=1 systems
//GO.SYSIN DD ./mkfile