
		Definition of Stills Language

typical troff preprocessor: converts its input language (bracketed by
    .begin stills and .end) into pic, and passes all else through

STATEMENTS (A file and print are mandatory; all else optional.)

#   comment -- must be first nonblank character on line

view <name> <optional title, with blanks>
    named views appear in order
    if no view statements, all views are displayed
    if title is enclosed in quotes, leading space is kept
    if no title is given on a line, view name is used as a title

print statements (any number of the following forms)
    print all			Every click
    print final			End of file
    print <clickname> all	All clicks of clickname
    print <clickname> <int>+	Designated click numbers of clickname

Parameter settings
    General form: <attribute> <value>
	numeric values may be of form -n, n, +n, or missing (zero default)
	all parameters reset to default at every begin statement
	Mandatory: file
	    give file name as <basename>.s
	    stills develops .s to get .i, if needed
	Text sizes: small medium big bigbig
	    ``small -2'' does a .ps -2 for small text
	Line widths: solid fat fatfat
	    ``fat +4'' does a .ps +4 for fat lines
	Directions: across down
	    ``across 5'' gives 5 time snapshots across the page; views go
		top to bottom; across 0 is default
	    ``down'' or ``down 0'' gives as many snapshots as will fit down
		an 8-inch page; views go left to right
	Frame: frameht framewid margin
	    height and width in inches, default 1.5
	    margin is white space around data, default 0.05 = 5%
	Optional parts: frames times
	    values are ``vis'' and ``invis''; default ``vis''
	    frames surround pictures; times are from print statements

New Parameter Settings
    Spread between frames	
Frame control like GRAP ``graph with'', both for layout within
    time snapshots and positioning of new snapshot w.r.t. previous