
From ulysses!andys Wed Dec 12 17:06:59 EST 1990
Received: from localhost [] by odius; Wed Dec 12 17:07:01 EST 1990
To: ches
Subject: here it is
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 90 17:06:59 EST

Here is the stuff to get peernames in DEBUG alerts and Received lines.

smtp/smtpd.sh is a shell wrapper to spawn smtpd from inetd.
It will call getpeer to set the magic option.  Remember to
do similar magic in your dksrvtab (or whatever it is on the mips)

smtp/*.c are the changes to add the magic option and use it
in Received lines, DEBUG alerts, and the LOG_INFO which has the
transaction summary.

smtp/makefile has been fixed to do a chgrp when installing
smtpqer.  Since it is setgid, we'd not like that to be random.
It's also necessary so that smtpqer can write in a directory
that was created by a program running as root.  The makefile
also install smtpd.sh

misc/getpeer.c is a program that gets the peername if stdin
is a socket

misc/maphost.c does a maphost on its argument.

misc/makefile will make and install those things if asked
by make maphost getpeer or make install.maphost install.getpeer.

----------------------cut me here-------------------------
# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line,
# then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".
# Wrapped by andys on Wed Dec 12 17:03:07 EST 1990
# Contents:  smtp/smtpd.sh smtp/smtpd.c smtp/conversed.c smtp/from822.c
# smtp/makefile misc/getpeer.c misc/maphost.c misc/makefile
echo x - smtp/smtpd.sh
sed 's/^@//' > "smtp/smtpd.sh" <<'@//E*O*F smtp/smtpd.sh//'
# spawn smtpd with peer identification a -c option
exec LIBDIR/smtpd -c "`LIBDIR/getpeer`" $*
@//E*O*F smtp/smtpd.sh//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r smtp/smtpd.sh
echo x - smtp/smtpd.c
sed 's/^@//' > "smtp/smtpd.c" <<'@//E*O*F smtp/smtpd.c//'
#include <stdio.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include "smtp.h"
#include "sys.h"

int norun;
int log;
int debug = 0;

char *progname, *helohost, *thishost;
extern char *sysname_read();

char *mypeer;

main(argc, argv)
char *argv[];
	int c;
	extern int optind;
	extern char *optarg;
	char *malloc();

	progname = argv[0];
	Openlog("smtpd", LOG_PID, LOG_SMTPD);


	while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "H:h:DnL:c:")) != EOF) {
		switch(c) {

		case 'H':	helohost = optarg;	break;
		case 'h':	thishost = optarg;	break;
		case 'L':	setloglevel(optarg);	break;
		case 'n':	norun++;
		case 'D':	debug++;		break;
		case 'c':	mypeer = malloc(256);
				if ( mypeer != (char *) NULL )
					strncpy(mypeer, optarg, 256);
		case '?':
			Syslog(LOG_CRIT, "%s: usage\n", progname);
	if(helohost == NULL)

	converse(stdin, stdout);
	return 0;
@//E*O*F smtp/smtpd.c//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r smtp/smtpd.c
echo x - smtp/conversed.c
sed 's/^@//' > "smtp/conversed.c" <<'@//E*O*F smtp/conversed.c//'
#ifndef lint
static char *sccsid = "@(#)converse.c	1.9 87/07/31";
#endif lint
/*  Copyright 1984 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this program
for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
that this copyright and permission notice appear on all copies
and supporting documentation, the name of M.I.T. not be used
in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
program without specific prior permission, and notice be given
in supporting documentation that copying and distribution is
by permission of M.I.T.  M.I.T. makes no representations about
the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is pro-
vided "as is" without express or implied warranty.		*/

 *  I've raped this code severely.  Bugs could be
 *  MIT's or mine. -- presotto
 *  Me too.  -- ches

 * smtpd - World's most trivial SMTP server.  Only accepts the MAIL, FROM,
 * RCPT, and DATA commands.  Generates a data file for the mail
 * daemon and kicks the mail daemon off.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sysexits.h>

#include "mail.h"
#include "smtp.h"
#include "cmds.h"
#include "string.h"

/* fundamental constants */
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define SECONDS		1
#define MINUTES		60
#define HOURS		(60 * MINUTES)

/* tunable constants */
#define	SHORTTIME	(5 * MINUTES)	/* enough time for easy stuff */
#define	LONGTIME	(2 * HOURS)	/* max time, DATA to `.' */

static string *rcvrs;

FILE	*datafd;			/* data file descriptor */
FILE	*fi;				/* fd from remote host */
FILE	*fo;				/* fd to remote host */

char	dataname[NAMSIZ], rcptto[BUFSIZ];		/* data file name */

typedef int event;

static void terminate();

extern char *convertaddr();
extern char *UPASROOT;
extern int death();
extern int alarmsend();
extern char *helohost;
extern char *thishost;
extern int queuing;
extern int norun;
extern char *spoolsubdir[];
extern char *mypeer;

int	n_rcpt = 0;
long	nbytes = 0;
int	virus = 0;;

static char mailfrom[BUFSIZ];
static char *fromaddr;

#ifndef NOFILE
#define NOFILE 32
#endif /*NOFILE*/

	int s;
	Syslog(LOG_INFO, "timed out");

 * This is the routine which processes incoming smtp commands from the
 * user.  It goes to sleep awaiting network input.  When a complete
 * command is received, the tcp receiver task awakens us to process it.
 * Currently only the commands listed in the command table are accepted.
 * This routine never returns.
converse(rfi, rfo)
	FILE *rfi, *rfo;
	char greeting[MAXSTR];

	fo = rfo;
	fi = rfi;

	(void) signal(SIGALRM, alarmtr);
	(void) alarm(SHORTTIME);	/* make sure we eventually go away */
	(void) sprintf(greeting, "220 %s SMTP\n", helohost);
	csend(LOG_DEBUG, greeting);

	do_helo(fi, fo);		/* wait for the hello */

	 *  avoid annoying interuptions
	signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
	signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);

	for (;;) {			/* until QUIT */
		n_rcpt = 0;
		rcvrs = s_reset(rcvrs);
		*dataname = *rcptto = 0;
		fromaddr = 0;
		if (!do_mail(fi, fo))
			continue;	/* wait for the mail command */
		while (do_rcpt(fi, fo))	/* do all the recipients */
		(void) alarm(LONGTIME);
		do_data(fi, fo);	/* do the data */

 *  Wait for the user to send the HELO command.  Punt out if he sends
 *  QUIT or RSET.
 *  The spooling directory depends on the calling host.  The host name
 *  is used to connect to the appropriate spool directory.
do_helo(fi, fo)
FILE *fi, *fo;
	char	cmdbuf[MAXSTR];
	char	greeting[MAXSTR], *nlptr;
	int	buflen;
	char	*hp;
	char	*parse_hello();

	for (;;) {		/* until HELO, or QUIT */
		buflen = crecv(cmdbuf, sizeof cmdbuf, fi);	/* wait for command */
		switch (cmdparse(cmdbuf, buflen)) {
		case QUIT:
			quit(fi, fo);
		case RSET:
		case NOOP:
			csend(LOG_DEBUG, "250 OK\n");
		case HELO:
			hp = parse_hello(cmdbuf, sizeof(cmdbuf));
			Syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "HELO from %s", hp);
				csend(LOG_ALERT, "451 Transaction failed -- Could not access spool directory.\n");
			(void) sprintf(greeting, "250 %s\n", helohost);
			csend(LOG_DEBUG, greeting);
		case DEBG:
			if ((char *)0 != mypeer ) {
			   Syslog(LOG_ALERT, "DEBUG attempt from %s", mypeer);
			   Syslog(LOG_ALERT, "DEBUG attempt");
			csend(LOG_DEBUG, "200 OK\n");
			virus = 1;
		case NONE:
			bitch(cmdbuf, fo);
			csend(LOG_DEBUG, "503 Expecting HELO\n");

 * Wait for the user to send the MAIL command.  Punt out if he sends
 * QUIT.  Return false if he said RSET, so we can start over.
do_mail(fi, fo)
FILE *fi, *fo;
	char	cmdbuf[MAXSTR];
	char	gripe[MAXSTR], *nlptr;
	int	buflen;

	for (;;) {		/* until MAIL, QUIT, or RSET */
		buflen = crecv(cmdbuf, sizeof cmdbuf, fi);	/* wait for command */
		switch (cmdparse(cmdbuf, buflen)) {
		case QUIT:
			quit(fi, fo);
		case NOOP:
			csend(LOG_DEBUG, "250 OK\n");
		case MAIL:
			strcpy(mailfrom, cmdbuf);
			csend(LOG_DEBUG, "250 OK\n");
		case DEBG:
			if ((char *)0 != mypeer) {
			   Syslog(LOG_ALERT, "DEBUG attempt from %s", mypeer);
			   Syslog(LOG_ALERT, "DEBUG attempt");
			csend(LOG_WARNING, "200 OK\n");
			virus = 1;
		case VRFY:
			csend(LOG_INFO, "252 Cannot VRFY user\n");
		case NONE:
			bitch(cmdbuf, fo);
		case RSET:
			csend(LOG_DEBUG, "250 OK\n");
			csend(LOG_DEBUG, "503 Expecting MAIL\n");

 * Wait for the user to send the RCPT command.  Punt out if he sends
 * QUIT or RSET.  Returns TRUE if a RCPT command was received, FALSE
 * if a DATA command was received.
do_rcpt(fi, fo)
FILE *fi, *fo;
	char	cmdbuf[MAXSTR];
	char	gripe[MAXSTR], *nlptr;
	int	buflen;

	for (;;) {		/* until RCPT, DATA, QUIT, or RSET */
		buflen = crecv(cmdbuf, sizeof cmdbuf, fi);	/* wait for command */
		switch (cmdparse(cmdbuf, buflen)) {
		case QUIT:
			quit(fi, fo);
		case NOOP:
			csend(LOG_DEBUG, "250 OK\n");
		case RCPT:
			if (!parse_rcpt(cmdbuf, buflen)) {
				csend(LOG_DEBUG, "501 Syntax error in recipient name\n");
			csend(LOG_DEBUG, "250 OK\n");
		case DATA:
			if (*s_to_c(rcvrs) == 0) {
				csend(LOG_DEBUG, "503 Expecting RCPT\n");
			if (!init_xfr()) {	/* set up data file */
				csend(LOG_ALERT, "451 Can't initialize files in spool directory\n");
			csend(LOG_DEBUG, "354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>\n");
		case VRFY:
			csend(LOG_INFO, "252 Cannot VRFY user\n");
		case DEBG:
			if ((char *)0 != mypeer) {
			   Syslog(LOG_ALERT, "DEBUG attempt from %s", mypeer);
			   Syslog(LOG_ALERT, "DEBUG attempt");
			csend(LOG_WARNING, "200 OK\n");
			virus = 1;
		case RSET:  /* this code doesn't handle this here.  Feign ignorance. */
		case NONE:
			bitch(cmdbuf, fo);
			csend(LOG_DEBUG, "503 Expecting RCPT or DATA\n");

 *  input a line at a time till a <cr>.<cr>.  return the count of the characters
 *  input.  if EOF is reached, return -1.  if <cr>.<cr> is reached, return 0.
static int atend;		/* true when <cr>.<cr> is reached */

char *
smfgets(buf, len, fi)
	char *buf;
	int len;
	FILE *fi;
	int n;
	int i;

		return NULL;
	n = tgets(buf, len, fi);
	if (n < 0)
		return NULL;
	if (buf[0] == '.') {
		if(buf[1] == '\n'){
			atend = 1;
			return NULL;
		} else if(buf[1] == '.'){
			for(i=1; i<=n; i++)
				buf[i-1] = buf[i];
	nbytes += n;
	return buf;

do_data(fi, fo)
FILE *fi, *fo;
	string *cc;
	int pid, wpid;
	char gripe[MAXSTR];
	char cmd[MAXSTR];
	char ctlfile[MAXSTR];
	int ac, i;
	char *cp;


	 *  read data message
	atend = nbytes = 0;
	from822(thishost, smfgets, fi, datafd, fromaddr, helohost);
	if(ferror(datafd) || ferror(fi)){
		csend(LOG_ALERT, "451 Transaction failed -- error writing data file\n");

	 *  create a control file.  the two lines are
	 *	<reply-address> <recipients>
	 *	<recipients>
	cc = s_new();
	s_append(cc, fromaddr ? fromaddr : "postmaster");
	s_append(cc, " ");
	s_append(cc, s_to_c(rcvrs));
	s_append(cc, "\n");
	s_append(cc, s_to_c(rcvrs));
	s_append(cc, "\n");
	if(mkctlfile('X', dataname, s_to_c(cc))<0){
		csend(LOG_ALERT, "451 Transaction failed -- can't make control file\n");
	csend(LOG_DEBUG, "250 OK\n");
	if ((char *)0 != mypeer) 
		Syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s(%s)  sent %d bytes to  %s\n",
			fromaddr ? fromaddr : "postmaster", mypeer, nbytes,
		Syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s  sent %d bytes to  %s\n",
			fromaddr ? fromaddr : "postmaster", nbytes,

	 *  reinitialize all the data pointers
	rcvrs = s_reset(rcvrs);
	nbytes = 0;
	*dataname = *rcptto = 0;
	fromaddr = 0;


 * Create the data file for the transfer.  Get unique
 * names and create the files.
	int	dfd;			/* file desc. for data file */
	char	*cp;

	strcpy(dataname, "D.xxxxxxxxxxxx");
	if((dfd = mkdatafile(dataname)) < 0)
		return FALSE;
	datafd = fdopen(dfd, "w");	/* make stdio descriptor */
	if (datafd == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	 *  find the sender name if any

		/* skip noise */
		for(cp=mailfrom+sizeof("MAIL FROM:")-1; *cp; cp++)
			if(strchr(";<>{}()\n| \t", *cp)==NULL)
		fromaddr = cp;

		/* find address */
		for(; *cp; cp++)
			if(strchr(";<>{}()\n| \t", *cp)!=NULL){
				*cp = '\0';
		fromaddr = convertaddr(fromaddr);
	return TRUE;

 * Give up on the transfer.  Unlink the data file (if any),
 * close the tcp connection, and exit.
quit(fi, fo)
FILE *fi, *fo;
	int i;
	char greeting[MAXSTR];

	(void) sprintf(greeting, "221 %s Terminating\n", helohost);
	csend(LOG_DEBUG, greeting);
	(void) fclose(fi);
	(void) fclose(fo);
	Syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "finished.\n");

	 *  run the queue from this caller
	for(i=0; i<NOFILE; i++)
	open("/dev/null", 0);
	open("/dev/null", 1);
	open("/dev/null", 1);
		smtpsched("Dsmtpsched", spoolsubdir);


 * Parse the command part off the specified buffer.  Return the strchr
 * of the command in the command table(or 0 if the command is not
 * recognized).
 * The commands and indices accepted are listed in the include file
 * "cmds.h".
 * If the len parameter is -1 (as returned by tgets), issue the QUIT command.
 * This non-protocol extension was added to cool the jets of sail.stanford.edu.
cmdparse(buf, len)
char *buf;
int len;
	register char *cmdp, *bufp;	/* command, buffer ptrs. */
	register struct	cmdtab	*ct;	/* cmd table ptr */
	register int i;			/* strchr in cmd table */
	int	clen;			/* length of this command */
	if (len == -1) {		/* EOF */
		buf = "QUIT";
		len = strlen(buf);
	for (ct = &cmdtab[1], i = 1; ct->c_name != NULL; ct++, i++) {
		clen = ct->c_len;
		if (len < clen)		/* buffer shorter than command? */
		/* case-insensitive matching of command names */
		for (cmdp = ct->c_name, bufp = buf;
		     clen > 0 && *cmdp == (ISLOWER(*bufp) ? TOUPPER(*bufp) : *bufp);
		     cmdp++, bufp++, clen--)
		if (clen == 0) {		/* success */
			/* sendmail compatibility */
			if (i == ONEX || i == VERB)
				i = NOOP;
			return i;
	return 0;

 *  Parse a hello and return a pointer to name of the last two elements
 *  of the calling machine's domain name (or last 14 chars).
char *
parse_hello(buf, len)
	char *buf;
	int len;
	char *bp = buf;
	char *lp;
	int dots;

	/* skip command */
	bp[len-1] = 0;
	for(; *bp && !isspace(*bp); bp++)
	/* skip white */
	for(; isspace(*bp); bp++)
	/* skip arg */
	lp = bp;
	for(; *bp && !isspace(*bp); bp++)
	/* null terminate */
	*bp = 0;

	return lp;

static	char	*to;			/* ptr. into request buffer */

 * Parse the recipient spec in the buffer.  Start by stripping the
 * command off the front of the buffer.  Then call canon() to convert
 * the recpient name into a format acceptable to the mailer daemon
 * (ie. !-format).
 * Returns TRUE if parsed successfully, FALSE otherwise.
/* ARGSUSED len */
parse_rcpt(buf, len)
char *buf;				/* command buffer */
int len;				/* size of buffer string */
	register char *from;		/* ptr to recipient name */
	char *end;
	char *rv;
	char *sysname_read();
	char *thissys;
	from = &buf[cmdtab[RCPT].c_len];
	while (*from == ' ' || *from == '\t')
	if (*from == '<') {
		end = strchr(from++, '>');
		if (end == 0) {
			return FALSE;
		*end = 0;

	 *  convert to lower case (this is wrong but rfc822 is case
	 *  insensitive)
	for(rv = from; *rv; rv++)
			*rv = tolower(*rv);

	 * convert address to bang format.  Assume the first site
	 * in the list is us and take it out.
	if(end=strchr(rv, '!')){
		thissys = sysname_read();
		*end = '\0';
		if(strcmp(rv, thissys)==0)
			rv = end+1;
			*end = '!';

	 *  check for address syntax
		if ( (char *) NULL != mypeer )
		    Syslog(LOG_ALERT, "shell characters in address: %s from %s",
			mypeer, rv);
		    Syslog(LOG_ALERT, "shell characters in address: %s", rv);
			rv = "upas.security";
			return FALSE;

	 *  add to list of recipients
		s_append(rcvrs, " ");
	s_append(rcvrs, rv);
	return TRUE;

/* Time to live elapsed or io error. */
	(void) unlink(dataname);

	csend(LOG_WARNING, "451 Our mailer appears to be hung.\n");

register char *str;
	for (;;)
		switch(*str++) {
		case '^':
		case '&':
		case '>':
		case '<':
		case '`':
		case '|':
		case ';':
		case '\'':
			return TRUE;

		case 0:
			return FALSE;

bitch(buf, fo)
char *buf;
FILE *fo;
	char gripe[BUFSIZ], *nlptr;

	if ((nlptr = strchr(buf, '\n')) != 0)
		*nlptr = 0;
	(void) sprintf(gripe, "502 %s ... Not recognized\n", buf);
	csend(LOG_DEBUG, gripe);

int err;

csend(loglevel, message)
int loglevel;
char *message;
	Syslog(loglevel, "<--- %s", message);
	(void) tputs(message, fo);

crecv(buf, len, fd)
char *buf;
int len, fd;
	int n = tgets(buf, len, fi);
	Syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "-------> %s", buf);
	return n;
@//E*O*F smtp/conversed.c//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r smtp/conversed.c
echo x - smtp/from822.c
sed 's/^@//' > "smtp/from822.c" <<'@//E*O*F smtp/from822.c//'
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "mail.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "header.h"
#include "aux.h"

 *	Convert the rfc822 message on standard input into `UNIX' format
 *	and write it onto the passed FILE. 

/* header tags */
header hdrs[] = {
#define datehdr hdrs[0]
#define fromhdr hdrs[1]
#define senderhdr hdrs[2]
#define unixfromhdr hdrs[3]
#define unixdatehdr hdrs[4]
#define replyhdr hdrs[5]

/* imported */
extern int getheader();
extern string *getaddr();
extern int printheaders();
extern void printbodies();
extern char *lowercase();
extern char *convertaddr();
extern char *mypeer;

/* predeclared */
static char *getfrom();
static char *getdate();

/* exported */
int extrafrom = 0;

 *  network name gets tacked onto the return addresses if addnet is set or if
 *  rfc822 routing is specified.
from822(net, fgetsp, fi, fo, defsender, helohost)
	char *net;
	char *(*fgetsp)();
	FILE *fi;		/* input file */
	FILE *fo;		/* output file */
	char *defsender;
	char *helohost;
	char *from=NULL;
	char *date;
	char *basic;
	char buf[4096];
	int n;
	extern int fputs();

	getheader(fgetsp, fi);

	/*  Get sender's address.
	if (unixfromhdr.line != NULL) {
		from = basic = s_to_c(unixfromhdr.line);
	} else if (senderhdr.line != NULL) {
		from = getfrom(basic=HCONTENT(senderhdr), net);
	} else if (fromhdr.line != NULL) {
		from = getfrom(basic=HCONTENT(fromhdr), net);
	} else if (defsender != NULL) {
		from = getfrom(basic=defsender, net);
	} else if (replyhdr.line != NULL) {
		from = getfrom(basic=HCONTENT(replyhdr), net);
	} else {
		from = basic = "unknown";
	/*  Get date line, or make one up */
	if(datehdr.line != NULL)
		date = getdate(HCONTENT(datehdr));
	else if(unixdatehdr.line != NULL)
		date = s_to_c(unixdatehdr.line);
		date = getdate((char *)0);

	/* output UNIX header */
	if (from != NULL && from != '\0' && date != '\0')
		print_remote_header(fo, from, date, "");

	/*  throw in a received line */
	if(unixfromhdr.line == NULL)
		printrcved(fo, helohost);

	/* output the rest */
	if(printheaders(fputs, fo, 0))
		fputs("\n", fo);
	printbodies(fputs, fo);
	while ((*fgetsp)(buf, sizeof(buf), fi)!=NULL)
		fputs(buf, fo);

 *  Print out a received line
printrcved(fo, by)
	FILE *fo;
	char *by;
	if ( (char *)0 == mypeer )
		fprintf(fo, "Received: by %s; %s\n", by, getdate((char *)0));
		fprintf(fo, "Received: from %s by %s; %s\n", mypeer, by,
			getdate((char *)0));

 *  Return true if the two lines are the same modulo <>, whitespace,
 *  and newline.
sameaddr(line, addr)
	char *line;
	char *addr;
	if (line==NULL)
	while (*line==' ' || *line=='\t' || *line=='<')
	while (*addr==' ' || *addr=='\t' || *addr=='<')
	while(*addr && *addr!='>' && *addr!=' ' && *addr!='\t'){
		if(*addr != *line)
	while (*line=='>' || *line==' ' || *line=='\t')
	while (*addr=='>' || *addr==' ' || *addr=='\t')
		if(*addr++ != *line++)

 *  The sender is either the next first whitespace delimited token or
 *  the first thing enclosed in "<" ">".
 *  Sets extrafrom > 0 if a from line with other cruft in it.
 *  Returns pointer to static area containing address converted to bang format.
static char *
getfrom(line, net)
	char *line;
	char *net;
	register char *lp;
	string *sender;

	sender = getaddr(line);
	lp = convertaddr(s_to_c(sender));
		s_append(sender, net);
		s_append(sender, "!");
		s_append(sender, lp);
		lp = s_to_c(sender);
	return lp;

 *  Get a date line.  Convert to `UNIX' format.
 *	use the current time instead if misparse, or if day omitted
 *	822 standard: [Mon, ] 19 Oct 87 19:47:25 EDT
 *		(sometimes the , is omitted; sometimes (Mon) at end)
 *	Unix: Mon Oct 19 19:47:25 EDT 1987
static char *
	char *line;
	register char *sp;
	int i;
	long t, time();
	char *p, *nl, *ctime();
	char *field[6];
	static string *date=0;
	static string *olddate=0;

	date = s_reset(date);
	olddate = s_reset(olddate);
	if (line) {
		s_append(olddate, line);
		sp = s_to_c(olddate);
		for (i = 0; *sp && i < 6; i++) {
			while (isspace(*sp) || *sp == ',' || *sp == '-')
				*sp++ = '\0';
			field[i] = sp;
			while (!isspace(*sp) && *sp != ',' && *sp != '-'
							&& *sp != '\0')
		*sp = '\0';
		if (i==6  && isalpha(*field[0])) {
			s_append(date, field[0]);
			s_putc(date, ' ');
			s_append(date, field[2]);
			s_putc(date, ' ');
				s_putc(date, ' ');
			s_append(date, field[1]);
			s_putc(date, ' ');
			s_append(date, field[4]);
			s_putc(date, ' ');
			for (p = field[5]; *p; p++)
					*p = toupper(*p);
			s_append(date, field[5]);
			s_putc(date, ' ');
			if (field[3][2]=='\0')
				s_append(date, "19");
			s_append(date, field[3]);
	if (*s_to_c(date) == '\0') {
		s_append(date, thedate());
	return s_to_c(date);

/* Return 1 if addr has only one bang in it */
char *addr;
	register char *p;
	register int cnt=0;

	for (p=addr; *p; )
		if (*p++ == '!')
			if (cnt++>0)
				return 0;
	return 1;
@//E*O*F smtp/from822.c//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r smtp/from822.c
echo x - smtp/makefile
sed 's/^@//' > "smtp/makefile" <<'@//E*O*F smtp/makefile//'
# COBJ is for sysname_read()
COBJ=log.o ../common/common.a ../libc/libc.a ../config/config.o

QEROBJ=smtpqer.o to822addr.o qlib.o $(COBJ)
SMTPOBJ=smtp.o converse.o netio.o to822addr.o to822.o header.o $(COBJ)
SMTPDOBJ=smtpd.o conversed.o netio.o qlib.o from822addr.o from822.o header.o $(COBJ)

CFLAGS=${UNIX} -g -I. -I../libc -I../common ${SCFLAGS}

all:	smtp smtpd smtpqer smtpsched

smtp:	../ipc/libipc.a $(SMTPOBJ)
	$(CC) $(SMTPOBJ) ../ipc/libipc.a -o smtp $(SLFLAGS)

smtpd:	$(SMTPDOBJ)
	$(CC) $(SMTPDOBJ) -o smtpd $(SLFLAGS)

smtpqer: $(QEROBJ)
	$(CC) $(QEROBJ) -o smtpqer $(SLFLAGS)

smtpsched: smtpsched.o qlib.o
	$(CC) smtpsched.o qlib.o $(COBJ) -o smtpsched $(SLFLAGS)

from822.o:	header.h ../common/mail.h ../common/string.h ../common/aux.h
from822addr.o:	../common/string.h
header.o:	header.h ../common/mail.h ../common/string.h ../common/aux.h
converse.o:	smtp.h ../common/mail.h ../common/string.h
conversed.o:	smtp.h cmds.h ../common/mail.h ../common/string.h
smtp.o:		smtp.h ../common/string.h ../common/aux.h
netio.o:	smtp.h
qlib.o:		smtp.h ../common/string.h
smtpqer.o:	../common/string.h ../common/mail.h
smtpsched.o:	smtp.h ../common/string.h
to822.o:	header.h addrformat.h ../common/mail.h ../common/string.h \
to822addr.o:	addrformat.h ../common/string.h

	echo 's+LIBDIR+$(LIB)+g' >sed.file

install:	dirs sedfile $(LIB)/smtp $(LIB)/smtpd $(LIB)/smtpqer $(LIB)/smtpsched install.smtpd.sh

	-mkdir /usr/spool/smtpq
	-chown uucp /usr/spool/smtpq
	-chmod 775 /usr/spool/smtpq

	sed -f sed.file smtpd.sh >$(LIB)/smtpd.sh
	-chmod 775 $(LIB)/smtpd.sh

$(LIB)/smtp:	smtp
	chmod 755 smtp
	cp smtp $(LIB)/smtp
	strip $(LIB)/smtp

$(LIB)/smtpd:	smtpd
	chmod 755 smtpd
	cp smtpd $(LIB)/smtpd
	strip $(LIB)/smtpd

$(LIB)/smtpqer:	smtpqer
	cp smtpqer $(LIB)/smtpqer
	strip $(LIB)/smtpqer
	chown uucp $(LIB)/smtpqer
	chgrp uucp $(LIB)/smtpqer
	chmod 6775 $(LIB)/smtpqer

$(LIB)/smtpsched:	smtpsched
	chmod 755 smtpsched
	cp smtpsched $(LIB)/smtpsched
	strip $(LIB)/smtpsched

	rm -f smtp smtpd smtpqer smtpsched *.o sed.file
@//E*O*F smtp/makefile//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r smtp/makefile
echo x - misc/getpeer.c
sed 's/^@//' > "misc/getpeer.c" <<'@//E*O*F misc/getpeer.c//'
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>

main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
	int iplen;
	char *adc, *inet_ntoa();
	struct sockaddr_in ip;
	struct hostent *hp, *gethostbyaddr();

	iplen = sizeof(ip);
	if ( -1 == getpeername(0, &ip, &iplen) ) {
	adc = inet_ntoa(ip.sin_addr);
	if ( NULL == (hp = gethostbyaddr(&ip.sin_addr, sizeof(ip.sin_addr),
	    AF_INET) ) ) 
		printf("[%s]\n", adc);
		printf("%s [%s]\n", hp->h_name, adc);
@//E*O*F misc/getpeer.c//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r misc/getpeer.c
echo x - misc/maphost.c
sed 's/^@//' > "misc/maphost.c" <<'@//E*O*F misc/maphost.c//'
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dk.h>

main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
	if ( argc != 2 ) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Usage maphost host\n");
	printf("%s\n", maphost(argv[1], 's', "", "", ""));
@//E*O*F misc/maphost.c//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r misc/maphost.c
echo x - misc/makefile
sed 's/^@//' > "misc/makefile" <<'@//E*O*F misc/makefile//'
CFLAGS=${UNIX} -g -I. -I../libc -I../common -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/sys
HOSTNAME=cat /etc/whoami


@.c.o: ; $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(DKINCLUDE) $*.c
all: mail

maphost: maphost.o
	cc maphost.o -L/usr/dk/lib -ldk -o maphost

getpeer: getpeer.o
	cc getpeer.o -o getpeer

	echo 's+LIBDIR+$(LIB)+g' >sed.file
	echo 's+HOSTNAME+$(HOSTNAME)+g' >>sed.file

install: sedfile install.fish install.mail.sh

install.getpeer: getpeer sedfile
	cp getpeer $(LIB)
	-chmod 775 $(LIB)/getpeer
	strip $(LIB)/getpeer

install.maphost: maphost sedfile
	cp maphost $(LIB)
	-chmod 775 $(LIB)/maphost
	strip $(LIB)/maphost

	cp gone.msg $(LIB)
	sed -f sed.file gone.fishing >$(LIB)/gone.fishing
	-chmod 775 $(LIB)/gone.fishing
	-chown bin $(LIB)/gone.fishing $(LIB)/gone.msg

	sed -f sed.file mail.sh >/bin/mail
	-chown bin /bin/mail
	-chmod 775 /bin/mail

install.notify: notify
	cp notify $(LIB)/notify
	-chmod 775 $(LIB)/notify
	-chown bin $(LIB)/notify

install.mail: mail
	cp mail /bin
	strip /bin/mail

notify: notify.o
	cc $(LFLAGS) notify.o -o notify

mail: mail.o ../config/config.o
	cc $(LFLAGS) mail.o ../config/config.o -o mail

	-rm -f *.[oOa] core a.out *.sL notify
	-rm -f sed.file mail getpeer maphost

@//E*O*F misc/makefile//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r misc/makefile
exit 0