
dist [-d destnames] [-[fF] destfiles] [-n] [-v] [mkdist options] files
	queue a distribution
	-n don't notify systems -- wait until they call
	-v show log messages on standard output as well
dist -q [-v] system
	query the dist queue on the named system
	-v verbose format listing
dist -r [-v] [insdist options ???] system [jobs]
	download & install stuff from the named system; if no specific thing is
	named try to download everything
	-v show log messages on standard output as well

idea: make the notifier very simple.  remote system simply calls
local system, executes the notifier, notifier reads name of the
incoming package, calls back remote system and installs the package.
careful use of the /usr/ipc/lib/serv.local and ...auth.local files
can allow any number of creative configurations concerning who is
allowed to install as who, etc.

need to write a man page on all the stuff that happens behind the


can't use test -e
deal with pwd and funny characters in file names
write qargs and uargs and use them
incorporate getopt, seq into sources
privilidged mkspool command?