
Compare this file to the similar file:
Show the results in this format:

/*	Copyright (c) 1988 AT&T	*/
/*	  All Rights Reserved  	*/

/*	The copyright notice above does not evidence any   	*/
/*	actual or intended publication of such source code.	*/

/*	@(#)picasso:plps.c	1.0	*/

#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "font.h"
#include "picasso.h"
#include "y.tab.h"

#define	max(x,y)	((x)>(y) ? (x) : (y))
#define	min(x,y)	((x)<(y) ? (x) : (y))

#define PROLOGUE	"picasso.ps"
#define	FONTDEFS	"fonts.ps"

extern	char	*gwblib;	/* defined by installer, or set by -I flag */
extern	int	margin;
extern	float	magnification;
extern	float	*miters;
extern	FILE	*textfp;
extern  int	batch;
extern	int	pic_compat;

FILE	*outfp	 = stdout;
int	pages	 = 0;
int	pictures = 0;
int	started	 = 0;
int	bboxllx  = 32767;
int	bboxlly  = 32767;
int	bboxurx  = -32767;
int	bboxury  = -32767;
int	psfont	 = -1;
double	pssize	 =  0;
int	last_cap    = -1;
int	last_join   = -1;
float	last_miter  = -1;
float	last_weight = -1;
float	last_color  = -1;
float	*last_dash  = NULL;

static	int	extra_chars = 0;

resetps()	/* these must be reset for each page of a multipage file */
{		/* (so that -mpictures inclusions will work correctly.)  */

	psfont = last_miter = last_cap = last_join = -1;
	last_weight = last_color = -1;
	last_dash = NULL;
	pssize  = 0;

static char *nopro = "can't read prologue file ";

findfile(path, name)
	char	*path, *name;
	char	*msgbuf;

	if (access(strcat(strcat(strcpy(path,gwblib),"/"),name),4) != 0) {
		if (batch)
			fprintf(stderr, "%s%s\n", nopro, path);
		else {
			msgbuf = (char *) malloc(strlen(path)+strlen(nopro)+2);
			if (msgbuf != NULL) {
				sprintf(msgbuf, "%s%s", nopro, path);
				writemessage(msgbuf, 15, 1);

	char	filename[100];

	fputs("%!PS-Adobe-2.0\n", outfp);
	fputs("%%Creator: picasso\n", outfp);
	fputs("%%BoundingBox: (atend)\n", outfp);
	fputs("%%Pages: (atend)\n", outfp);
	fputs("%%EndComments\n", outfp);
	if (!pass_thru) {
		findfile(filename, FONTDEFS);
	findfile(filename, PROLOGUE);
	fputs("%%EndProlog\n", outfp);
	fputs("%%BeginSetup\n", outfp);
	if (magnification != 1.0)
		fprintf(outfp, "/magnification %f def\n", magnification);
	fputs("%%EndSetup\n", outfp);
	pages = 0;
	bboxllx = 32767;
	bboxlly = 32767;
	bboxurx = -32767;
	bboxury = -32767;
	started = 1;

	if (started) {
		fputs("%%Trailer\n", outfp);
		fprintf(outfp, "%%%%BoundingBox: %d %d %d %d\n",
		    (int)(bboxllx*magnification), (int)(bboxlly*magnification),
		    (int)(bboxurx*magnification), (int)(bboxury*magnification));
		fprintf(outfp, "%%%%Pages: %d\n", pages);

int	open_done = 0;
double	tx, ty, pgscale = 72;
static double	px, py, sx, sy;
static int	pbnd[4];

openpl(s)		/* initialize page */
	char	*s;
extern	FILE *tmpfile();
extern	double	pght, pgwid;
	double	deltx, delty, r;

	if (open_done)
	pgscale = 72;		/* reset for every picture */
	while (isspace(*s))
	if (*s == '\0') {
		px = pgwid;
		py = pght;
	else {
		px = py = 0;
		sscanf(s, "%lf %lf", &py, &px);
		if (pic_compat) {
			r = px;
			px = py;
			py = r;
		if (px <= 0)	px = pgwid;
		if (py <= 0)	py = pght;
	if (pass_thru) {
		if ((outfp = tmpfile()) == NULL)
			fatal("can't open internal temporary file");
		started = 0;
	if (!started)
	if (nosqueeze) {
		sx = sy = 72;
		tx = ty = 0;
	else {
		deltx = (Gbox[2]-Gbox[0]);
		delty = (Gbox[3]-Gbox[1]);
		if (cur_xform[0].f != 1) {	/* implicit scaling */
			deltx *= cur_xform[0].f;
			delty *= cur_xform[0].f;
		r = max(deltx/px, delty/py);
		if (r <= 1)
			r = 1;
		else if (verbose || px == pgwid && py == pght) {
			fprintf(stderr, "%s: %g X %g picture shrunk to",
					cmdname, deltx, delty);
			deltx /= r;
			delty /= r;
			fprintf(stderr, " %g X %g\n", deltx, delty);
/*	NOTE: Setting pgscale affects the subsequent ouput of text, so
	that text will come out the same size regardless of the scaling
	of the rest of the drawing.  This is only appropriate when we
	are in pic emulation mode, since pic couldn't scale text.--DBK */
		if (pic_compat)
			pgscale = 72/r;
		sx = sy = 72/r;
		tx = -(Gbox[0]+Gbox[2])/2;
		ty = -(Gbox[1]+Gbox[3])/2;
	fprintf(outfp, "%%%%Page: ? %d\n", pages);
	fprintf(outfp, "%%%%PageBoundingBox: (atend)\n");
	fputs("%%BeginPageSetup\n", outfp);
	fprintf(outfp, "%.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g PIC\n", tx, ty, sx, sy);
	fputs("%%EndPageSetup\n", outfp);
	setattrdefaults ();
	open_done = 1;

closepl(s)		/* clean up after finished with one picture */
	char	*s;	/* residue of .PS invocation line */
extern	long	ftell();
extern	int	flyback;
	long	filesize;

	if (open_done) {
		fputs("showpage\n", outfp);
		if (nosqueeze) {
			pbnd[0] = Gbox[0]*72 + px * 72 / 2;
			pbnd[3] = (11+Gbox[3])*72 - py  * 72 / 2;
		else {
			pbnd[0] = pgwid * 72 / 2 + (Gbox[0] - Gbox[2]) * sx / 2;
			pbnd[3] = pght  * 72 / 2 + (Gbox[3] - Gbox[1]) * sy / 2;
		pbnd[1] = pbnd[3] - (Gbox[3] - Gbox[1]) * sy;
		pbnd[2] = pbnd[0] + (Gbox[2] - Gbox[0]) * sx;
		pbnd[0] -= margin;		pbnd[1] -= margin;
		pbnd[2] += margin;		pbnd[3] += margin;
		if (pbnd[0] < 0)		pbnd[0] = margin;
		if (pbnd[1] < 0)		pbnd[1] = margin;
		if (pbnd[2] > pgwid * 72)	pbnd[2] = pgwid * 72 - margin;
		if (pbnd[3] > pght  * 72)	pbnd[3] = pght * 72  - margin;
		fprintf(outfp, "%%%%PageBoundingBox: %d %d %d %d\n",
		    (int)(pbnd[0]*magnification), (int)(pbnd[1]*magnification),
		    (int)(pbnd[2]*magnification), (int)(pbnd[3]*magnification));
		if (bboxllx > pbnd[0])	bboxllx = pbnd[0];
		if (bboxlly > pbnd[1])	bboxlly = pbnd[1];
		if (bboxurx < pbnd[2])	bboxurx = pbnd[2];
		if (bboxury < pbnd[3])	bboxury = pbnd[3];
		if (pass_thru) {
			filesize = ftell(outfp) - extra_chars;
			printf("\\!x X InlinePicture picture%d %ld\n",
				pictures, filesize);
			fprintf(textfp, ".BP picture%d ", pictures);
			while (isspace(*s))
			if (*s != '\0')
				if (pic_compat) {   /* interchange x and y */
					double	x, y;
					int	i;
					char	r[120];

					i = sscanf(s, "%lf %lf %[^\n]",
								&x, &y, r);
					if (i <= 0)
						x = (bboxurx - bboxllx)/72.0;
					if (i == 1)
						y = x * (bboxury - bboxlly) /
							(bboxurx - bboxllx);
					if (i < 3)
						strcpy(r, "c");
					fprintf(textfp, "%g %g %s\n", y, x, r);
					fputs(s, textfp);
				fprintf(textfp, "%g %g%s\n",
						(bboxury - bboxlly)/72.0,
						(bboxurx - bboxllx)/72.0,
						pic_compat ? " c" : "");
			if (!flyback)
				fputs(".EP\n", textfp);
		extra_chars = 0;
		open_done = 0;

/* If not specified with the object, any geometrical primitve is stroked   */
/* in the default linecolor (and at default lineweight) and is not filled. */
/* The most recent settings of color and weight are preserved and used to  */
/* compare with values requested for this object.			   */

	if (cur_xform[0].f != 1 || cur_xform[1].f != 0 || cur_xform[2].f != 0
	||  cur_xform[3].f != 1 || cur_xform[4].f != 0 || cur_xform[5].f != 0) {

		fprintf (outfp, "[%.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g] concat\n",
			cur_xform[0].f, cur_xform[1].f, cur_xform[2].f,
			cur_xform[3].f, cur_xform[4].f, cur_xform[5].f);

		cur_xform[0].f = cur_xform[3].f = 1;
		cur_xform[1].f = cur_xform[2].f =
		cur_xform[4].f = cur_xform[5].f = 0;

short	have_temp = 0;
extern	double	T[];

tmp_xform (p)		/* used only for text */
	obj	*p;
#if 0
	if (p->o_mxx != 1 || p->o_myx != 0 || p->o_mxy != 0 || p->o_myy != 1
	||  p->o_mxt != 0 || p->o_myt != 0) {
		have_temp = 1;
		fprintf (outfp, "\ngs [%.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g] concat\n",
					p->o_mxx, p->o_myx, p->o_mxy, p->o_myy,
					p->o_mxt, p->o_myt);
	if (T[0] != 1 || T[1] != 0 || T[2] != 0 ||
	    T[3] != 1 || T[4] != 0 || T[5] != 0) {
		have_temp = 1;
		fprintf (outfp, "\ngs [%.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g] concat\n",
			T[0], T[1], T[2], T[3], T[4], T[5]);

undo_tmpx ()
	if (have_temp) {
		fputs("gr\n", outfp);
	have_temp = 0;

new_weight (val)
	float	val;
	if (val < 0.)
		yyerror ("bad value for lineweight");
	else if (val != last_weight)
		fprintf (outfp, " %.5g w\n", last_weight = val);

new_color (val)
	float	val;
	if (val != last_color) {
		if (val <= 1.0)
			fprintf (outfp, " %.5g g\n", val);
		else {
			register int	n = val;

			fprintf (outfp, " %.5g %.5g %.5g rgb\n",
				rgbtable[n].r, rgbtable[n].g, rgbtable[n].b);
		if (!have_temp)
			last_color = val;

int	attr_flags;
float	fill_color;
float	line_color;
float	line_weight;
float	*line_dash;

setattrdefaults ()
	float	x;

	if ((x = getfval("flatness")) > 0)
		fprintf(outfp,"%.5g setflat\n", x);
	attr_flags = EDGED;
	new_color (getfval("linecolor"));

float	solid = 0;

new_style()	/* corners, ends, dash pattern */
	int	i, n;

	if ((n = attr_flags & (3*LINECAP)) > 0) {
		n /= LINECAP;
		if (--n != last_cap)
			fprintf(outfp,"%d setlinecap\n",last_cap = n);
	if ((n = attr_flags & (3*JOIN)) > 0) {
		n /= JOIN;
		if (--n != last_join)
			fprintf(outfp,"%d setlinecap\n",last_join = n);
		if (n == 0 && (i = attr_flags/MITER) > 0)
			if (miters[i] != last_miter)
				fprintf(outfp,"%.5g setmiterlimit\n",
						last_miter = miters[i]);
	if (attr_flags & DOTDASH) {
		n = *line_dash;
		for (i = 0; i <= n; i++)
			if (line_dash[i] != last_dash[i])
		if (i < n+1) {
			fprintf(outfp," [%.5g",line_dash[1]);
			for (i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
				fprintf(outfp, " %.5g", line_dash[i]);
			fprintf(outfp, "] 0 d\n");
			last_dash = line_dash;
	else {
		if (last_dash != &solid)
			fprintf(outfp, " [] 0 d\n");
		last_dash = &solid;

chk_attrs (p)
	obj	*p;
	line_weight = p->o_weight;
	/*	It seems as though this should scale with the associated
	 *	object.  I have made it so, 9/20/90.  DBK
	line_weight *= sqrt(fabs(T[0] * T[3] - T[1] * T[2]));
	attr_flags  = p->o_attr;
	line_color  = p->o_color;
	fill_color  = p->o_fill;
	line_dash   = p->o_ddpat.a;

fill_or_stroke ()	/* If fill/edge colors differ, need save/restore */
{			/* In any case, filled paths must be closed, so  */
			/* a possibly redundant (but harmless) closepath */
			/* is issued whenever a fillpath is to be done.  */
	switch (attr_flags & (EDGED | FILLED)) {

	case EDGED:	new_color (line_color);		/* simple stroke */
			fprintf(outfp, " s\n");
	case FILLED:	new_color(fill_color);		/* simple fill	*/
			fprintf(outfp, " c f\n");
	default:	new_color (line_color);
			if (fill_color <= 1.0)
				fprintf(outfp, " c gs %.5g g f gr s\n",
			else {
				register int	n = fill_color;

				fprintf(outfp," gs %.5g %.5g %.5g rgb f gr s\n",

line(x0, y0, x1, y1)	/* draw line from x0,y0 to x1,y1 */
	double x0, y0, x1, y1;
	fprintf(outfp, "%.5g %.5g 1 %.5g %.5g L", x1, y1, x0, y0);
	fill_or_stroke ();

box(x0, y0, x1, y1, r)
	double x0, y0, x1, y1, r;
	if (r < MINRAD)
		fprintf(outfp, "%.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g Q", x0,y0, x1,y1);
		fprintf(outfp, "%.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g rQ", x0,y0, x1,y1, r);
	fill_or_stroke ();

arrow(x0, y0, x1, y1, w, h, ang, attr) 		/* draw arrowhead (w/o shaft) */
	double x0, y0, x1, y1, w, h, ang;	/* wid w, len h, rotated ang  */
	int attr;				/* and drawn filled or open.  */
	double alpha, rot, hyp;
	float dx0, dy0, dx1, dy1;

	rot = atan2(w/2, h);
	hyp = hypot(w/2, h);
	alpha = atan2(y1-y0, x1-x0) + ang;
	dx0 = hyp * cos(alpha + M_PI - rot);
	dy0 = hyp * sin(alpha + M_PI - rot);
	dx1 = hyp * cos(alpha + M_PI + rot);
	dy1 = hyp * sin(alpha + M_PI + rot);
	new_weight (line_weight);
	fprintf(outfp, "%.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g 2 %.5g %.5g L ",
			x1+dx1, y1+dy1, x1, y1, x1+dx0, y1+dy0);
	if (attr & HEADFILL)
		fprintf(outfp, "c gs s gr f\n");
		fprintf(outfp, "s\n");
spline(n, close, p)
	int	n, close;
	valtype	*p;
	int i;

	for (i = 2*n; i > 2; i -= 2)
		fprintf(outfp,"%.5g %.5g%c",p[i].f,p[i+1].f,i%10==9 ?'\n':' ');
	fprintf(outfp, "%d   %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g Sp %c",
			n-1, p[2].f,p[3].f,p[0].f,p[1].f, close? 'c' : ' ');
	fill_or_stroke ();

pline(n, close, p, r)
	int	n;
	valtype	*p;
	double	r;	/* "corner" radius */
	int	i;
	float	x, y;

	if (close && r > MINRAD) {
		fprintf(outfp, "%.5g %.5g\n",
				x=(p[0].f+p[2].f)/2, y=(p[1].f+p[3].f)/2);
		for (i = 2*n; i > 0; i -= 2)
			fprintf(outfp, "%.5g %.5g%c",
					p[i].f, p[i+1].f, i%8==7 ?'\n':' ');
		fprintf(outfp, "%.5g %d %.5g %.5g rL", r, n+1, x, y);
	else {
		n -= close;
		for (i = 2*n; i > 0; i -= 2)
			fprintf(outfp, "%.5g %.5g%c",
					p[i].f, p[i+1].f, i%8==7 ?'\n':' ');
		if (r > MINRAD)
			fprintf(outfp, "%.5g %d %.5g %.5g rL",
					r, n, p[0].f, p[1].f);
			fprintf(outfp, "%d %.5g %.5g L", n, p[0].f, p[1].f);
		if (close)
			fprintf(outfp, " c");
	fill_or_stroke ();
ellipse(xc, yc, x0, y0, x1, y1, ang1, ang2, type)	/* general elliptical */
	double	xc, yc, x0, y0, x1, y1, ang1, ang2;	/* arc/sector routine */
	int	type;
	double	c, s, phi, r1, r2;
	int	iang1, iang2;

	iang1 = (int)(180 * (ang1 * M_1_PI) + 0.5);
	iang2 = (int)(180 * (ang2 * M_1_PI) + 0.5);

/* This finds the angle at which the ellipse is inclined to the axes; the */
/* most common case will have phi==0 or pi/2, and it seems worthwhile to  */
/* check for that case without doing all the trigonometric stuff below.   */

	if (y0 == 0 && x1 == 0 || x0 == 0 && y1 == 0) {
		phi = 0;
		r1 = fabs(x0);
		r2 = fabs(y1);
	else {
		phi = atan2(x0*x0 + y0*y0 - x1*x1 - y1*y1, 2*(x0*x1 + y0*y1))/2;
		c = cos(phi);
		s = sin(phi);
		r1 = hypot(c*x0 + s*x1, c*y0 + s*y1);
		r2 = hypot(c*x1 - s*x0, c*y1 - s*y0);
	if (fabs(r1-r2) < MINRAD)
		fprintf(outfp, "n %.5g %.5g %.5g %d %d arc",
				xc, yc, (r1+r2)/2, iang1, iang2);
	else {
		/* note: if phi != 0, non-postScript displays need to call a */
		/*	 special elliptical arc generation routine here:     */
		/*							     */
		/*	 	gen_ellipse(xc,yc,x0,y0,x1,y1,ang1,ang2)     */

		fprintf(outfp,"0 0 1 %d %d [%.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g] E",
				  iang1, iang2, x0, y0, x1, y1,   xc, yc);
	if (type == SECTOR)
		fprintf(outfp, " %.5g %.5g l c", xc, yc);

	fputc('\\', outfp);

	char	c;
	if (pass_thru)
	fprintf(outfp,"\\%o", c);

char	escapes[] = "()\\";	/* chars needing to be escaped in PostScript */

	char	*s;
	char	*ptr;

	fputc('(', outfp);
	while ((ptr = strpbrk(s,escapes)) != NULL) {
		while (s < ptr)
			if (*s >= ' ' && *s <= '~')
				fputc(*s++, outfp);
		if (pass_thru) {	/* troff changes \\ to \ */
			if (*s == '\\')		/* for a total of 3 extras! */
		fputc('\\', outfp);
		fputc(*s++, outfp);
	while (*s)
		if (*s >= ' ' && *s <= '~')
			fputc(*s++, outfp);
	fputc(')', outfp);

	char	*s;
	int	count = 0;

	while (*s)
		if (*s++ == ' ') count++;

double	lastx, lasty;

newlabel(type, str, font, x, y, size, w)
	char	*str;
	int	type, font;
	double	x, y, size, w;
	if (type & EQNTXT)
		puteqn(x, y, type, atoi(str));
	else {
		resetfont(font, size);
		fprintf(outfp," %d %.5g %.5g %.5g T\n",spacecount(str),w,x,y);
	lastx = x+w;
	lasty = y;

addlabel(type, str, font, size, w)
	char	*str;
	int	type, font;
	double	size, w;
	if (type & EQNTXT)
		puteqn(lastx, lasty, type, atoi(str));
	else {
		resetfont(font, size);
		fprintf(outfp, " %d %.5g AT\n", spacecount(str), w);
	lastx += w;

resetfont (font, size)
	int	font;
	double	size;
	if (font < 0) font = -font;
	if (size < 0) size = -size;
	if (font != psfont || size != pssize) {
		fprintf(outfp, "%s findfont %.5g scalefont setfont\n",
					mount[font]->name, size);
		if (!have_temp) {
			psfont = font; pssize = size;

	char *s;
	FILE *fp, *fopen();
	char buf[BUFSIZ];
	int count;

	if ((fp = fopen(s, "r")) == NULL) return(0);
	while ((count = fread(buf, sizeof(*buf), BUFSIZ, fp)) > 0)
		fwrite(buf, sizeof(*buf), count, outfp);

	FILE *fp;
	char buf[BUFSIZ];

	while (fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, fp) != NULL) {
		putchar('\\'); putchar('!');
		fputs(buf, stdout);
 *	include an encapsulated postscript file.  Apply any scaling and
 *	transformation specified by p.
	obj	*o;
	FILE	*fp;

	if ((fp = fopen(o->o_val[N_VAL-1].p, "r")) == NULL) {
		yyerror("can't open EPS file %s", o->o_val[N_VAL-1].p);
	pic_include(fp, outfp, 1, o);